f v THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUME V. CHARLOTTE, -1ST. C MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12,1891. NUMBER G41 Dress Goods. :o: Our great stock is now teeming with special values and extra fine ' qualities. Heuriettas, serges, mo hairs and habit cloths all bid for your favor, tor the uext sixty days we shall make quick sales of these pop ular goucu lu order to inaae roomior spring goods. If you waut a Mohair we cau please you o three qualities audin auy shade. Trices are very low. So vou hear that 7 We mean it too. Hootch Dlaids and Bnglish flue check. Habit cloths atfl and $1.60 pr yard Quality is unexcelled auvwhere for these prices. Short lengths in bress Goods are marked out in plain figures at hair thvir original prices. Dress Kobe are very haudsome. Only about half dozen to timw you and these go at one-third l 'ss than former prices. Silks iu black and colors In 'Faille' and Armure at one, .dollar per yard. Get samples from anywhere aoo ev erywhere and put them along side these dollar silks. We know the re sult. Our pricos and qualities will stand agaiust them alL Our prices are lower. Order from a distance are filled carefully the same day as received. T. L Seigle & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Prescriptions CLOIWD WITBABAMQVMT. Aeurately and quickly dispensed at all hours, nigbt or day, at a. is Reese fc Co.'s Prescription Store. A. B. EEESE & CO, GOOD NEWS FOR THE BOYS! :o: rot or 11 "-ales of Hoy's and Chlldrens Clothing iri.vc beyond question that Wf'C.irry tin- In fet Helcclfd Stock of t in the rlty. Realts-iu;- tt.i.i :i r.-nt ui.uiy School Hults for 15, vh will ln needed this winter, wehavt- r-i!ijiiisl)fd our stock and iimv h.-vc n complete stock at all pi !. Kni'"-pant Huits, 4 to 14 yr.nrr, $:2' Kuee-iant Units warm and m-rvl.M-Hltlf, $2 00; CasMmere, Knce-! -uit Suits. $3i; Fine Cassl iniTP K ri.T-p:nt Huit. 13.60, worth $V0; Ft' f Suits at 100, 4 50, 6.00, 6, ihmI7.V A fin line of Iong pant Suli, 13 to 1H years at 5 60, 1 00, .". mil 7 .. A IIOV'S OVKRCOATH left and fiay an- t!I rmi at vt-ry low price. ROGERS & CO, Fiue Clothier and Furnishers. 21 West Trade 8t im. KING'S SYRUP IS THE BEST. 25 Cents A Bottle. Local Ripples. Mr. M. Melchor and Mr. J as. P. Cook, of Cabarrus, are at tbe Con- ral today. Twenty -seven bales of cotton were brought to the city by wagon to-day. The best grades brought 8.25 cents. The Boaeon Lights Is to be pre sented at the opera house, next Sat nrday night. Tbis is said to be one of tbe best plays on tbe road, and It is te be presented by a geod oompa J. The eonnty finance commute te- day settled with tax eellector Tor ranee for Mecklenburg's state taxes for 1880. Mecklenburg pays the State $26,64.18, tax tribute for 1890. Tbe Richmond A Danville Rail road Company will sell round trip tickets for the Charleston Poultry and Pit Stock Show for one firet elass fare. Tbe tickets will be on sale January II to 14, and good to January 20th. Mr. H. J. Reins, the great pUkle man of Pittsburg, Pa., will arrive In the city to-morrow night en tbe ves tibule train. He will spend a few days In Charlotte and at Cleveland Springs, aid will then goto Atlanta, where Mr. Bains will establish a branch house for supplying the Southern trade, Mr. Jim Ross will be in charge of ths Atlanta house. Dr. J. T. Westmoreland, proprie tor of the Westmoreland Calisaya Tonic, was in the city to-day, and re ports that the Calisaya is becoming the popular tonic throughout the United States. The sales are contin ually Increasing, and to meet the de mands, the capacity of the factory has had to be Increased. The Cali saya advertisement is familiar to the rsaders of Tni Niwb. Mm ef the Ceaveatlea el the km Hetaa Ceamwaar aleeanea. Reported for the Naws: The third annual Convention of the sales men of the H, J. Helns company, which has been in progress this week clossd last evening with a magoifi cent banquet, which was participa ted In, by about 126 salesmea aid la vited guests. The tables, which were set in the large o Ice of the aew building, presented beautiful ap pearance, adorned a they were with bottles and Jars of varloas sites and colors containing the pickles and pre serves of the celebrated firm.The sup per was served byMr. Lather ef Alle ghany, and was complete In its every detail. After the guests had parta ken of samptaeas repast and sigare had been passed, a number of toaais were responded to as follows: fit. Louis and Helns Pickles,G. D. Camp bell of St. Louis Pickle philosopher, D. J. Edwards of Columbus Ohio The Pacific slope, E. Bverett Ban FranclsooCal: Tbe Windy city, 8. Smelts Chicago 111 ; Tbe ebeek of salesmen. H. D. Blackburn of Alia. ghany; Perseverance, HJW. Wood Phila; Western Cylooe, W. Floyd of Omaho Neb: The New South; Mr. James. T. Ross of Atlanta Oa. The programme was interspersed with ehotce musical selections by the Keystone Glee Club. After thetoasta had been exhausted, addreeses were made by members of the firm, con gratulating the salesmsn upon their faithfaloesn to the Arm they repre sent in different parts of the country, and ths success that baa erowned their efforts to sell their goods. Among the guests present were ex- Gov. Plerrepont, of West Virginia, and B.C. Christy, W. K. Gillespie, Percy F. Smith, Drs. Barclay, Wood and Surens, of Pittsburgh. Ths oc casion was ons of unusual interest and enjoyment to those present, and was a fitting finale to the most inter esting convention of the salesman that has yet been held. IS TUX LXQI3ZATVBX, The CakoTreaearr Bill raaeee tke aate-Sfcerlf f Smith PT Raleigh N. C, Jan. 12,-Speclnl. In the Senate to-day a resolution of instruction to Senators as te tbe Sub treary bill and other Alliance measures was adopted by a unani mous vote just as it earns from the House. The session of tbe House occupied only one hour. Among the principal bills was one by Mr. Greer, to allow an additional conpensation to the Sheriff of Meck lenburg county. Other bills were as fellows: To prohibit tbe sale of .li quor in Maoon county ; to amend the law as to the time of closing the registration books; to impose a five hundred dollar lisense tax on dealers In deadly weapons; to rt I eve mort gaged property from taxation, to amount of such mortgage; to pro vide for tbe prompt payment of all money collected by law; to incor porate a farmers law and trust com pany. A message waa read from the Governor with an urgent petition from Hyde county citizens, saying Virginia oyster pirates wsre play ing havoc there, and are defying tbe people and plundering the oys tor beds. The Governor ugea that an armed foree be authorized. A resolution was adopted instructing the commute on Education to carefully investi gate the public school system with a view to greater economy. A resolution was adopted request ing the Attorney General to report on the bonds of Western North Car-1 ollna in the State treasury and whether such bonds should not be retained to pay for convict labor. AT- Burwell k Dunn, db::g store. Fereeaal Meatlea. Geo. Smithdeal returned from a visit to Salisbury thia morning. Chas. Wadsworth of Concord, N. C, spent yesterday and to-day in the city. Misses Rerta and Bonnie Oates leave this week for Raleigh. A musical elubhaa been organized by a few young men of the city, and will meet at Mrs. W. E. Holt's resi dence enee every week. Simmons Liver Regulator hat nev er been known to fall to euro all liver diseases. STANLY FINDS HIS SHOES. The great African explorer is for tunniM us wtill ns oouragious. He not. only discovered Kmln Pashaand his lot rear fruard, hut he also dis covered thelou pair of shoes which he lioiiuhtfroiu A. E. Rankin & Bro, ThW 1'iiir luul till the good quailllles of tlx- shoes that tire sold at A, E. Rankin & Itro. They were cheap, durable, und perfect ns to fit. ' A. E. RANKIN & BRO., MICE! T- Xju Akat Ike Ea.rthe,ake Check. Ever since that big shake-op Char lotte got one .August night several years sgo, earthquake news has been eagerly sought by our people. They will probably be interested to know that there has been tremors all around us lately, and the moat so rious among ths many earthquake hocks that have recently occurred is reported from Texas. It was in the first hour ef Thursday last, and was more alarming than any of the other shocks of the past month. It was accompanied by a loud and long etonatlon that resembled a roll of thunder, and it shook some of the uildingsof the town of Rush in a dangerous way. The earthquake shocks beard of inoe November have extended along the two Amei 'as, in a line running north und sol h, fer a dis tance of over 2,000 milts, and in this country have struck eastwardly from the Pacific coast to the Alegha- ny Mountains. It is evident that the subterranean forces have been unusually active during the past few weeks. -- - nr. Ban neetlage. Considerable interest hae been manifested in the meetings now be ing conducted by Rev. J. F. Butt, at the B street chapel. There were 11 conversions last night At 4:80 in the afternoon, Mr. Butt gave a Sun day school lecture aided by a 10 foot square painting oalled the "River of Death," executed by Mr. Arthur Butt The meetings will continue through this week. I0TICE! The firm of T. L. Alexander 4 Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent and T. L Alexander, Son A Co. will succeed them in the business. The new firm will start out with almost au entlro new and fresh stock of goods, which has just been pur chased by our Mr. F. D. Alexander, and which ia now being opened. In every few days our stock will be complete. It Is the determination of tho new firm to put all the energy, enterprise and money into the business to make it a success, and they hope to be able to retain the old customers and many new on, to the list They will give full notice of rhe arrival of new goods as they come In Everybody Invited to make them selves at home In our house. Aaether aleae Skattvre. Although Jim Reeves has been working like a little man on the ebain gang, hois becoming tired or tbis daily drndrery and has sxpreaaed a aesire to enter tne united states Arsny and fight Injuns In preference. He said that if he could betaken from the chain gang he would join tho army and never eome back. Es quire D. G. Maxwell made applica tion for Reevee to the recruiting offl eer here, but tbe application was re jected for two reasons, one being Reeves is a married man and the other that ho baa been a member of the chain gang. Thus his snlistment ia the army is barred, and there is no escape ia that direction. A Dtetlaniehea Crewel at Grit. kaa. At Gresham's railroad eating house Sunday at noon, there was quite a distinguished party of sports. Jake Rilrain was the chief, and along with Jake were Jack Dempssy, Tim Muldoon and a let of men of the sporting fraternity. Thoy wore oa the way te New Orleano. At a table near by, was Mr. Geergs Vanderbilt, who was on his way to Aehevllle, to look after his reserva tion there. At other tables wore a number of ordinary passengers who got just ths same bill ef faro that was set before the sports and ths millionaire. Barae vat la Saraasah. Mr. W. J.Correll, a former Char lotte boy, who has been living in 8a ranaah.Ga for a year or snore past, lost all his household goods by Ire one day last week. Fire destroyed bis bearding house, and ho and his wife barely had time to escape with their lives. All their property was lest by fire. Mr. Correll Is a printer andia well remembered in Charlotte. NOTICE! on, 2? Co. A aaale Laaea aae Heal ea the Veettaale. Two meale are served on the Rich mond A Danville vestibule trains. Tbe luncheon ia nerved at 1 o'clock, and dinner at 6 o'clock. Back meal oosts 11.00 The bill of fare varies, but Sunday's layout cn the dining car "Domitius," is a fair aample of tbe regular order. For luuchoon.the passengers had chicken gumbo, roast fillet of beef with French peas, cold roast beef, ham sausage, boneless sardines, piokled lamb's tongues, Spanish olives, piokled, aniens, pickles, chow-chew, Chili sanco, eld Virginia stuffed mangoes, Boston baked beans, shrimp salad, celery salad, baked potatoes, .boiled rice, string beans, asparagus en toast, fruit, ice cream, assorted cake, mar malade, preserved fruits, English, Graham and oatmeal wafers, Re aoefort and Xdam cheese. Bent's crackers, coffee, tea. The dinner bill consisted of smock turtle, eelery, boiled Rock cod, Hel- landaise sauce, Dneheose potatoes, boiled tongue, tomato saaoe, prime roast beef, green goose, apple sauce, rib ends of beef, with browned po tatoes, mashed potatoes, sugar corn, boiled potatoes, baked eweet pota toes, Lima beans, salvnl of domestic duck, macaroni with cheese, peach fritters, wine sauoo, ehickoa salad, lettuce salad. Old Virginia sweet pickles, stuffed mangoes, gherkins, Spanish olives, chow-chow, pickled onions, Tapioca pudding, fruit sauce, minso pie, frnlts, flgs la cordial, ice cream, preserved frnlts, raisins, marmalade, English, Graham and oatmeal wafers,Roquefort and Edam cheese, Bent's crackars, eafe;Noir The table la aupplied with water fresa the Llthla spring. Wolf Trap, Va. A leaaaeTetaaatM Betweea S L.lay aai Br, Katfeaau A pretty lively scrimmage occur red on Bast Trade street this mora ing, between Mr. Joe Lindy and Mr. Henry Nathan. It all grew eat of a dispute over the possession ef a store room that Mr. Lindy eoonpiee. Mr. Natbaa had rented it, hie lease te commence on January 1, and In the meantime, Mr. Lindy has been try ing to sell est his stock of goods so as to give up the store heaec. Thta morning Mr, Nathan called and had a talk with Mr. Liady. The result was a misunderstanding, and a red hot fight. They were parted before either had been disfigured beyond recognition, bat behind the claw prints, scratches and bites, each showd up serenely after thebleod waa washed off. Mr. Nathan has a bad scalp wound, a badly scratched face, and two severely bitten fingers. Mr Llndy's face is profusely scarred, Mr. Liady says that Mr. Nathan ac cused him ef dealing ungentlomaaly and ho could stand no such lnrtrit as that. Tbe mayor will Investigate tbe ease to-morrow. VERY FINE SUITS AT $11;50 I Baaaaa AtVetee meaaiaaeas. The many admirers in this section, of Miss Emma Abbott will be inter ested to learn that work ea a monu ment to her memory has already be gun. The monument will be erected in Gloucester. It will cost 185400, is to be composed of Quinsy and West erly granite and ia of the Gothio style of architecture. The base, which is to be of Quincy granite, will be finished ia a fsw weeks. Its de menslons are 15x18.8 feet. Above the base supported by eolamna, is a cap of Westerly granite, and above thia is to bo another cap of the came ma terial, suyperted by pillars of the same. In the centre of the base le a ledger with a roptaele I foot 6 Inches by 8 feet 7 inches, in which the ashec of the famous singer will be depoeit ed. This ledger will be over tke grave ef her husband. It ia estimat ed that it will require a year to make the caps and columns, as they afe to be most elaborately carved. A ntaakev Blttea ay a Beer. ANbwc subscriber at Raids vllle writes us that Mr. C. N.Evans, cash ier of the Bank oflReidsvllle, was badly bitten through the left band last Saturday, while trying to sepa rate two dogs. Mr. Bvane owac a large Nowfoandlaad dog, that from all appearances wan fast patting an end to the life of an Irish cotter, when Mr. Bvans supped in and caught his dog by the collar and as he drew him back the setter jumped at him and caught him by the hand, biting his hand through three tinaea, Inflicting ory painial wound. Mr. Evans will be unable to ice his hand for some time. Death ef Caprlateaat Clayl The office of the Booth era Expreee Company in this city is draped In mourning to-day in respect to the memory of Mr. W. R. Clayton, the superintendent ef the eeaapany at Atlanta, who died there yesterday afternoon. Mr. Clayton waa one of the most popclar man connected with lb express aompany in the Both. Elegant Suits that have sold frequently for $13, (15, $16, and even as high as $18.00, all put in for k - Eleven Fifty This Weok, This is a rare and extraordinary reduction on First Class goo&w Sacks and Cutaways in all sizes and correct styles; We Voter ribly "long" on them, or we never would have cut them so far below their regular value. The continued cold for the past two weeeka strengthened the demand for Overcoats at the ex pense of suits, hence this desperate drive to unload. The rata who buys now gets double value. V . .."4 ..i : - Overcoats also Reduced. No letting up now. Well do some cutting' on : Overcoat. Extra Heavy Overcoats cut 20 per cent; cutting in zaeiiun Overcoats too; but not as much as the heavy ones. , 'twill in terest swell dressers to know that well make a special offer thia week of FIFTY EXTRA FINE OVERCOATS, at a reduction of tweaty-five per cent. S - THE BOYS ARE IN IT. Tis $3.98 that catches them. For two weeks it has kept ns busy, and the increasing demand encourages us to continue it for this week. But this will positively be the last' To strength en the value and intensify the interest, we will add to last week's offer One Hundred Suits that were 54, $160, $5 and 5.50. . W. KAUMAJN & CO, , ULaDINO CLOTHEEBS, GENTS FUB20SHZB8 AND BATTSS9 - ' V v COKNKB CSNTBAL HOTBI , , V . . CHABLOTTK, H. C - - " ' . J-TM12X. tSDKtS EKKTfS OUS FSOMPTAXD CABXTUL ATXZ3TX33. BUY THEM! TEY Ti HEM! Our Men's $3.00 Calfskin Shoe has been told on this market until they are so well known that we can scarcely say anytiirj more for them. You should try a pair and be connneed Iti&t we are selling the best shoe on the market for the meaty. "k XT guarantee every pair; stock always new and fresh, .Ask t9 K9 then. 4 , 1 EAILEOAD SHOES We are still handling the celebrated shoe which has rai&ei such a reputation with railroad men, mechanic; and people who wear heavy shoes, These shoes have been unproved this teasca which placet them way on top so far as wear and durability ii concerned. " j We wish yon one and all a happy and prosperous Xfew Ytsx GRA1 & BARNHARDT. 19 East Trade 8treet, CIIARIXXTTB, If . a hMepetteatiea&ventoan kail Orders. . .'. OVEE SHOES. : i :e :e: e: . Complete line Best Grade ; v OYll 8H0K& No Shody. Iverr Bobber wa aain la smaraataad at be worth the money. We can fit every kind of shape, treat the narrowest to wideet coles. Extra light weight, mediant and heavy weight Spring Heels a specialty. Oar Rubbers coot no more than ethers, and being cape rlor ia style and qaaUty, yea will And yen will find it to year Interest to try " RUBBER BOOTS .. ?"U i1" aB fr Oentc, Lediee, Misses, Boys and Teathc, feeoe lined aad warns. Leweot prioeo and Beet Goods always. . GrXXaZtlDATZX .53 OO. Open every evening till 8:80; Saturday till lltOa, '" A CHEISTMAS PBESENT. I have just received the largest stock of Christmas goods In the history of my baelBcea, comprising Tablee, Plush. Rattan and Carpet Keekers, Uit Racks. Parlor Bnita, Eaaleo aad Engravings, aad In facteverythingsttliaUa for a Caristmaa present for a lady, gentleman, or child. Da not decide ea present till yea see my stock, as you may regret It after yea eee my haa: eome line :v7T-. Chriatmaa la a few days off yet and you have ample time to leek areas . Remember It will pay yoa to call on me, aa I have a anmbar of GJLnri t elect front, and at prloee that le In reach of everyone. , . 33. rTlOHOLS JTiixturclDcalcr a mcztoiMs ca ; , raMi t ; v UNDBRTAKBBsV All vera ta that Una promptly attended, to nJft t" M r , t