' - . v - , m. ' : '. ; .': " -. .. ,, : ' ' OTTE VOLUME V. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, J ANUAltY 13. 18iTl. NUMBEK G42 .::? THE CHARL ! I 1 SHOES ! :o: NOT much Is left of that large tock of Lading, Misses and Chil dren' Bhoes that we were wont to carry. Our determination to go out of theihoe business bat thrown what took is now left on the market at manufacturers' prices. E. P. Reed's Shoes for Ladies are unexcelled, and what we have Mt goes at first cost price. We mean to close oat all of our Shoe stock, and low prces will do It The onl trouble now is to get your size. Tfe lines are broken. Come at oncenf you want a good pair of Shoes for one-third less than you can buy the same anywhere else. We mean to close out this stook in - the next few weeks, and all who are interested in buying good Shoes for little money should come at once. Our stock is already small. This sale has been doiug the work, and now you had better be in a hurry if; you want to get a fit. Remember that for the remainder ot January, 1891, our Shoe sale con tinues. T. L Seigle & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C GOOD NEWS FOR THE BOYS! :o: :o: OUR sales of Boy's and Children Clothtug prove beyond question that we carry the bst selected Stock of these Good kept in the city. Realis ing that a great many School Suits for Boys will be needed this winter, we have replenished our stock and now have a complete stock at all prices. Knee-pant Suit, 4 to 14 years, fl.lM: Knee-paut Suits warm and serviceable, $2.00; Cassiruere, Knee-pant Suits. $3 00; Flue Cassi mere Knee-pant Sult, 13.50, worth 6.00; Fine Hults at 4.00, 4 .SO, 6.00, 6.00, and 7 60 A fine line of Long- Jant Suits, ages 13 to 1R years at 13 60, 00, 6.00 ami 7.60. A few BOY'S OVERCOATS left and thay are oifered at very low prices. ROGERS & OO. Fine Clothiers ami Furnishers. 21 West Trad St. DE. KING'S IS.THE BEST. 25 Cents A Bottle. : o:- -AT- Brail & Durd, DRUG STORE. 8TANLY FINDS HIS SHOES. The oTPt African explorer Is for tunate as well as courairious. He not only discovered Emln Pasha and hi lost rear guard, but he also dis covered the lost pair of shoes which he bouirht from A. E. Raukln & Hro This pair had all the good quailltW of the shoes that are sold at A, I'l Rankin & Rro. They were cheap, durable, and perfect as to tit. A. . RANKJLN ft BRO., MB SIP TRY A. B. Reese&Cos 5C CIGARS. :e:- The Best in tie City. L 6. REESE & CO. Local Bipplas. Mr. Trenholm will preach at the Second Presbyterian church to night President John F. Crowell, of Trinity college, i at the Buford Hotel today. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Durham will move to Mrs. Archer's residence on North Tryon street, in a few days. Mr. W. B. Nesbit leares today for Palatka, Florida, whsre he will re main for a few days. Mrs. Will Stuart, of Coucord, is ! visiting friends it the city. She is ' th rrnotr rvf K r nttfltAr f rm T ti a E. Harris, on North Graham street. The first entertainment of the!tlm oung Married People's Club will be : given this evening at the residence of Dr. S. B. Jones, on South Tryon street. Mr. O. M. Sadler, division super intendent of the Southern Express Company, attended the funeral of the late Wm. H. Claytoo, in Atlanta today. Tho. MeAuley and Jennie Johnston, gentleman and lady of color, were married at the Temple of Justice today, by Esquire D G. Max well. Thomas is a cititen of .Csbar rus county. An address will be delivered be fore the Randolph Missionary Soci ety at 4 :30 o'clock next Monday after noon, by Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller. All the yonng ladies are invited to at tend. Latest reports from Capt. s. W Smlt , who was stricken with paral ysis at Pinevillo, ars a little more fa vorable. His condition remains crit ical, but there are hopes of his recov ery. -Mr. Joe Lindy and Mr. Henry Nathan were arraigned before the Mayor this morning for yesterday's affray. Mr. Lindy was fined 7..M). No fine was imposed upon Mr. Nathan. While Mr. E. K. Bryan, Joint agent of the Associated Railways, at Charlotte, was enjoying his honey moon at Newberue, some oue visited his office here and made off with hi llOOtype writer. It is a Hammond machine, and was enclosed in a ma hogany case. NOTICE! THE HUME AKD HOSPITAL. Report of the Work Ione During-(lie Pant Year. The Board of Managers of St. Pe ter's Home and Hospital, of Char lotte has furnished the News the following report of that institution : During the year 1890 the Hospital has cared for 48 patients and inmates for a total number of 1,310 days. Thirty were males, 18 females, 40 were adults, 8 children ; 4 of the k uaates came toatt n I relatives who were patients. Besides the r'egulai employees f the Hospital, 4 colored nurses were iu attendance on patients for 170 days. Nine of the inmates were Episco-! palians, 10 Baptists. 7 Presby teriaui , ' 7 Methodists, 3 Lutherans. 2 Jews, L Koman Catholics, and 8 hod u) church ties; 4 patients died tturinr the year. The financial report is as follows: Cash receipts Balance from 1869 Expenses Balance carried to 1891 fS47.12 55.46 S4L5 60.73 $902.58 The list of contributors is smaller than usual, and the citizens are earn estly asked to aid the hospital wit'i liberal subscriptions. Some expen sensive are absolutely necessary .and t he managers wi.sh toadd some much needed improvement and comfort to tho house. The managers gratefully acknow ledge the constant assistance an 1 support received from the citizens of Charlotte, and ask for a continuance ( and increase of this help, as th' growth of the work demands increas ed expenditure. Tby look bac't with thankfulness on the 15 years work of the hospital, on the 532 per sons cared f irami nur-.-il within its walls. And wu close t!ie record of ls-o. and looking .back on t!u- way h which we liave 1 ( n !-(!. thank ( Jod. and take for fu- Mrs. Jitifa Fox. Mrs. John 'iik.s, Miss II. Mooiv. Mrs. II. C.Jon. Mr-, K. A. Osborne, M i. T. K. ICoImtKoi , Mrs. i. J. Urevanl. M ; T. S. Chirk son, Mrs. W. H. Taliaferro ; liiann.Tf. The Audltorluin. I't)fi com in i it' 'meii who were fo- ! licitlng subscriptions for the Audi ; torium just before Christmas hare resumed their work, aim they pro pose to call on all persons who have not already btui watted on. Tin necessity of having a l.iro buibiiiu of this character Is kno n to all am. we hope all will f ubncrilie. Remem ber that it is not a gift hut that every subscriber (rets stock in the coru pauy. The building will be rnteu out to public a.$eml!ies, aad it l believcti that a good dividend can hi- . realized in this wn; I. el every out uiscribe. Already ver tS.l.Hxl ha , been subscribed. - - (ot . I oil !- Hard l urk. Our (iovimor l-'vwle fares lud! at the hands of the New York pres. When he took that carriage ride ii. the hijj procession up Broadway. ome time ago, the New York Work referred to him s (),v. Scales. Now the Herald, iu giving a li-t of the Governors invited to attend tlie celebratian of tho Young Men's Democratic Club In that city, says that Gov. N. 1!. Furchcsa, of North Carolina, was among the invited guests. Gov. Fowle ought to gt Col. Olds to straighten out those Ncv York editors. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria r.vi.ni7i The firm of T. L. Alexander A Co. has been dissolved by mutual cousei.t and T. 1,. Alexander, Son A Co. til I succeed them in the business. i The new linn will start out with almost an entire new and fresh stock il onus, winch tias just been pur chased by our Mr. I'. D. Alexander, and which is now being opened. In a very few days our stock will bo complete. It is the determination of the new tirm to put nil the energy, enterprise and money into the business to make it a sucoesn, aud they hope to bo able to retain tho old customers and many new ones to the list. They will give full notice of rhe arrival of new good as they come In Everybody invited to maVo them selves at home in our house. NOTICE! THJS CHARLOTTE BANKS. Ttae Stockholder !Ucet To-day and Klect Officers The merchants Sc I'armcriJIakeia Spread. This was the annual meeting day of the stockholders of tho banks of Charlotte. It was, moreover, a day of more than usual interest to the stockholders of the Merchants & Farmers bank, as that Institution cel ebrated its 20th anniversary, along with its entension of charter for 20 years more. Col. Win. Johnston pre sided as chairman of tho meeting of this bunk, and Mr. J. R. Holland was secretary. The old board of direc tors was re-elected, consisting-of II. 1. Houston. Geo. E. Wilson, II. G. 8prings,J. R, Holland and Juo. H. s elected .ho H Mcden - "v " ' V v McAden. Tho directors elected , 0a officers, viz: John president; H. G. Spring dent; J. R. Holland, casiiier; cashier - C. N. O. Butt, teller; Thos. (Iriffith and Willi Wilkin son, bookkeepers ; Ceo. E. Wil.on, at torney. Mr. A. B. Davidsvn presided at the meeting of the First National Bauk stockholders, and Mr. J. C. Bur roughs was secretary. All the mem bers of the old board were re-elected, consisting of R. M. Oates, W, R. Myers, S.A.Cohen, Juo. L. Brown. David W. Oates.M. P. ivraru aid R. Harringer. The old officers were re-elected: R. M. Oates, president ; M. P. Pegram, eashier; J. o. F. Orr, teller; A. Graham, collector; C. Hunttr and C. F. Jones, bookkeepers At the meeting of the stockholders of the Commercial National Bank,! there was no ehauge in sillier direc- j tory er officers. The directorsjare J. j S. Spencer, Wm. E. Holt, R.M.White, i Wru. Johnston, Jos. McLaughlin,' Lawrence S. Holt. John L. ! Merehead, James ii. Holt, I Frank Cos, II. C. Eccles, and R. M. Miller. Tho officers arc: J. Speii- ' ctj r, President ; A. G. Rrenizer, Cash- j ier: Livm n. Anderson, Teller; . I), t'owles, Bookkeeper; Chase liren ner, Clerk. The Merchants' A Farmers' had a lare layout of cake, champagne and cigars, and many of the city hankers at re present to enjoy ihe :;ood cheer. THE LEO IS J. ATI K E. tlilW Introduced To-day ... To crfiic Ike School Tax, l ie. Rai.kigh N. C, Jan. 1.1 Special. In the Senate to-day bills passed to create the office of timber inspector, Mini to incorporate the Ilaleigh l'hos phat'1 Works and Cotton Mills. Anions the bills introduced in tho House were the following': I ncreasing school tax to 1G C-3 cts on property and fifty cents on poll tax and to incorporate Bethel Acade ! my, Mecklenburg county; to prevsnt preferences in case of assignment ; t glvs county commissioners mere .power iu the irsueiug of liiju-r Ii ' cense; to prevent enticing minors ! from States; to makscouuty officers inellifc-itde for more than two terms. Crier was appointed chairman of committee on Propositions and (iricvanees. The report of the trustees of the State University was transmitted bv I t the (Jovcrnor. There was a discussion over the oyster depredations. The date of affairs Is very serious and bloodshed is probable. The bill was made spe cial erder for Friday. ! Tho bill passed allowing: Trinity College to ii ed to Durham. - - - - Without adoubt this medicine wil cure vou. It has cured tnousauds. TalOpSimmons Liver Regulator. NOTICE ji: ith or int. i;i shey. I An ICiulin nl tteorgain Dead-IIc wa tho f'uthcr of IWrs.Jno. F. Orr ot ; Churlottc. The Atlauta Constitution received last night brought news of the Jdeath I at the Lithia Springs, of Georgia, of j Dr. Nathan J.Bussey, of Columbus, j Ga. Dr. Bussey was the most prom inent n: :n in Columbus. For seventeen yeara he was presi dent of the Easrle and l'henix mills; for the the last fivo years, pre vious to 18C0, nianagiDK director which position lie then resigned to enter a syndicate for tha develop ment of southern mineral and tim ber land. With his wide acquaintance and in- I f n"nce"w,j: ,ort rn Dfa8teru caP" ! i Italistshedid much the past year ti p-rfect this work, to which liu best ; : r Tr I tMlljrts "er unene.i. u i elTorts were directe l- Ho c 11 tere(1 l.il'l li Willi Blllll iCHI liiai 1.19 strengt: was overtaxed aud hisi health seriously impaired, but notpense of suits, hence this desperate drive to unload. before his endeavors had awakened who buyg nQW tg double Vlue. much interest among capitalists and en impetus given to perfect his plans for tho development of large tracts of Alabama mineral lands. Dr.1 iiussey was also one of the project- j ors and largest shareholders of th i Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad, was for many years associated with the late Benjamin May in banking and coi.iruission husiness iu Colum- bns. and was a member of the board of eduction of the public si.oois there. He loved Columbus, and en- tered heartily in any project to ad- vance her interests. Since early manhood Dr. lius'ey hus been a consistent member of the I'.aptist church ; was charitablo.syin-. .. pathized with thesuuVring.aud tried 1 is 3.9 b that catches them. For two weeks it has kept MM to live up to his standard of right as busy, and the increasing demand encourages us to continue it ho concieved it laid down bv the ii- ri- , r A .i -,i viuomcst,,-. The last four'. months for thls week- But this will positively be the last To strength were fun of pain and physical suffer- en the value and intensify the interest, we will add to last week's in;.r, which ho Isire with heroic forti tude and uiii;x.iuii!oi1 patleu?c. Three years ao Dr. I5u-sey iiiar ried a Miss S,s 1 McKinlev, j ii.HU','!,t- r of t!ie Lite Klx ncr.or D. Mc Kinley, of N"ev, i;an, tia., whom w ith ' six children by his former marriage fie le-jv -s to niouru the loss of a lov- uiu' husband aud devoted father. His children are, Ilev. B. W. liussey.jias- tor of a Baptist church iu New Or ' I a 1 1 , La ; N. J. Busey, of IJounor, ,u-! Texas; II. ( '. and W. V. Busiey, of Columbus, (ia. ; Mr--. John K. Orr, of Charlotte, X. ('., and Mr?. Thomas Dixon, Jr., New York. Vniur Ifcl'IrrKd. To-dayV p.al.-igh Chronicle says editorially: During; tiiestirring and conflicting days of July, August, September and October when the people were trreatly stirred up in re- i jrard to t !-.ci I". S. Ser.Mojship. the ed senator Va:i, e would be re-elect- ed hy accla'.iati-n. Iu tho face of the storm v di that agitated and irr.ted the people, many re-; Rarded .hi a, r. ioh.h prediction and ; the prophecy of eue who indulged in irridese.iu: dreams. At times, we j must conft s-3, now that the conflict is passed, our faith in tho realization of this dream wavered ; but we have always rud an abiding faith in the wisdom and conservatism aud justice i of what we, in North Carolina, call the average man. Whatever he may i havo or may lack, he is at least hon-. est and conservative. 'We '; looked beyond the warring ele-' meats and trusted In the sober second thought of the peoplei of the Suite. In Senator Vance they bad an able, up-ight an I conspicu- ous champion u;o,i every measure' which they favored except, perhaps! one, and wo never seriously doubted , that they would continue to give; j him their lov and confidence. On ) his part, Senator Vance will contin-! 1 u to represent North Carolina ably J land faithfully. He is the greatest; ! North Carolinian, living or dead. Uodbhes, and spare him loug to servo the State ho has served aud! honored: Aud Cod bless tho State j aud its people, aud giv to us all I concord and amity ! Ardrry n Vmirf. In the caucus last night. Senator Ardrcv. of Mei-kleubunr, saiil "that this wm one f tho proudest mo lii.'iits in his life, lie had twice bo fovo voted for Vance in a Democratic caucus, and now he was proud to do itugaii'. 1 am prouder than over. We have htd aside all ourdillerenoes and are hero together to unite upon the greatest man in North Carolina. The Senator has inado every conces sion that has been asked, and Cod j bless him." i Mrs. Wyun Smith, mother of Mr. ltaxter Moore, is very sick at Mr. Moore's residence near the city. It is not expeoted that she can live. Simmons Liver Regulator has nev er been known to fall to cur all Uvm dlMMtl, VERY FINE Elegant Suits that have sold frequently for $13, $15, $1 an4 even as high as 18.00, all put in for Eleven Fifty This Week. This is a rare and extraordinary Sacks and Cutaways in all sizes and correct styles We're ter- J oijru.a. vereier- nbly ' long on them, or we never would have cut them s6 far 1 a 1 . 1 i mi . , uutuw uieir regular vaiue. ine ' below their regular value. i i I , , , "vaj oucuguicucu uic Overcoats also Reduced. o letting up now: We'll do Extra Heavy Overcoats cut 20 Overcoats too; but not as much as the heavy ones. .Twill in terest swell dressers to know that we'll make a special offer this week of FIFTY EXTRA FIXE Qf twec tvfive per'cent. THE BOYS oiler One Hundred Suits that W. EAUFMAJN & CO., LEADING CLOTHIERS, QENT 8 FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, CORNER CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Boy's and Children Sloes. Our stock of Children Shoes made this department quite a 011 the market, every chad should have a pair of our STONEWALL TIPS. We still maintain our reputation on our Boy's Shoes, in fact we are winni n customers all the time, our c ' SCHOOL BOYS' PRIDE is without an equal for style, wear rarents, 6ee to it that your Try them, and see that we are had. GRA1 & BAItNHARDT, 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Prompt tt?uUon"given to all iisil Orders. OVER SHOES! :o I :o: 1 o:W Complete Line Best Grade OVER SHOES. NoShody. Every Rubber we seltl Is guaranteed to bo worth the money. We can fit every kind of shape, from tne narrowest to widest soles. Extra light weight, medium and heavy weight. Spring Heelsa specialty. Our Rubbers cost uo morethtn others, and being supe rior In style and quality, you will Mud you will rind it to your interest to try RUBBER BOOTS Kull line Gum Boots for Gents, Ladles, Misses, Boys and Youths, fleece lined, aud warm. Lowest prices and Best Goods always. GILREATH 3c OO. Open every eveniug till 8:30; Saturday till 11:00. I A CHBISTMAS PRESENT. I have just received the largest stock of Christmas goods In thoTilstorT tit my business, comprising Tables, Plush, Rattan and Carpet Koekera, Ilat -Racks, Parlor Suits, Easles and Engravings, and iu fact every tiling suitable for a Christinas present for a lady, gentleman, or child. Io uot decide on present till you seo my stock, as you may regret It after yon see my handa :,ome line ; , i , Christmas Is a few days oil' yet and you have ample time to look around. .. Remember It will pay you to call on me, as I have a number ot thing to soievv iroui, nuu ai prices mai is in TB. NIOHOLS B. Nichols. B. NICHOLS Jb CO. UNDERTAKERS. All work In that line promptly attended to nlgbt and day. Kfghteali, iUlKorth PopUr etreet. , B. mcHOLS & VK , lTWef t Trade it-, Cbarlof.9, 1.". SUITS AT reduction on First Class food. contmuea cold for the past J - ... ucmouu iui j etcuauj Ut uie eX The man some cutting on Overcoat. per cent.; J cutting in medium OVERCOATS, at a reduction " ' ARE IN IT. were $4, $4.50, go and $5.50. -:0: is excelled by none. We have study and feel that we have been or comfort. boys try a pair, that is all we ask. selling the best Boys' Shoes to be reucxi 01 everyone. t Furniture 3Doxlot KL.Cobb. Funeral Plrec tor, KCm Xj. A To on cr Oo.

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