NUMBER G77 SOMETHING Wo hav8jii8t oponod our complete lino of Spring Glnjghains which in the niost attractlvo wo have over shown. Beauty of cloth elegance of design, pattorn and coloring all com bine in making these fabrios so do- sirablojoar variety is very largo. Prico9 8 1-8 10 12 1-2cU. Our new drees goods are going and some of the greatest novelties aro being sold right now. Buy now and have made up before the rush sets in. (let the new Knstor Frock now and then you have the pick. White Goods are sellint vory freo ly as many people are making them up now in advance and its a vry rood nlan too: our prlcos at 8 1 3 10 12 1-2 are of particular important' to you. Embroideries and Laces In myri ads of new and attraotivo designs; all widths and a finer assortment of those goods is not in tho State. You hear much about complete stocks of laces and embroideries but if you want to soo a stock that is complete enmo in and tako a look through ours. Black Is quite a rage. Black tuck ing, black revering, black nil over and black embroidered skirting's are among tlio late novelties. We are selling many of thsso goods right now as th?y aro choice Gtslgns ami no two patterns aro alike. Ysu had bent tako a look through o'lrciiew Broods which arc arriving orery dny. It cot no more to buy nm than latr and you get th.i "rremodt lacnme" by buying now. Theglnghams ami chumlii ivs art all here and aro vry handsome, Hirjnjr dress goods I u went window to-uBy,Myrio!i fast black Charlotte made hoso In cast window to-day price 25cts. Our brag "Twill coro'a umbrellas with fancy gold and silver plate handles 24 inh HScts, 2l Inch '.Wets, 28 inch f 1.10. All shoes go at cost to close. All mens' clothing for cash at and less than cost. We close out shoes and clothing. We have Special Combina tions showing lovely contrast between body and trimming lu HEADY MIXED PAINT. If it Is hnrd for you to decide how to paint your house, call on A. B. Reese fc (!). and we will show you how to paint it. T. L Seiglo & Co. CIIARLOTTK N. C. 150,000 PAPERS Laodreth's Fresh Garden Seed JUST 1 1ST. OROWKRM PRICKS. W1IOLK SALl'. AND RKTAIL. Borwell & Dunn, Esjsi. :imr(i 8TouK.jas" Retail Storo opposite Central Hotel. Wholesale, orr. P. P.P. Wittkowsky. Loral Illpploo. Col. L. L. Polk is at the Central. Mr. J. L. Ramsey, editor of the Kalislury Watchman, is lu the city to-day. Judge vV. J . Montgomery of Con cord, is In the city, attending the Su perior court. Sergeant Bronnon, of the signal oftleo, says he will give us a little rain to-night, just for a change. Ben Bryan, .Charlie Adams and Harvey Bryan are attending the "Crab Festival" in .New Heme. Mr. Bell, father of Mr. V.M.Bell, baggage matter on the A. T. & O. road, died at his home in Htatesville last night. The receipts of cotton by wagon at the platfprm today nniountod to 25 bales. The quotations were from Mr. and Mr. Walker, of Now York, are expected In a few days, to visit Mrs. Walker's sister, Mrs John W. Miller. W. M. Zimmerman, the skipping Houth Carolina Alliance storekeeper, was at the Central yesterday, lie skipped froiu hero Norlh. Communion services will bo held lu the First Presbyterian church of j Concord on next Sunday. Prelimi nary services win be he'd on Wed- I nesilay ami t naay nights ana on j Saturday morning, j F.vangelist Fife lias not given up the Idea of locating In Charlotte. I Humor has It that he Is vory much in love with the residence J list complet I ed on College stieot, hy Mr. I. M. Andrews . LAST MIGHT'S MEETING. A Big Crowd at (lie Optra Houne and Ihc Amendment Men Have It Their Own Way. ' The meeting at the opera houso last night, called for the purposo of niomoralizlng the Legislature to amend tho charter of tho city was attended, by actual count, by 869 mon. Of this number, a groat ma jority were either opposed to the ameudiuene or were indifferent. But tho pros had tho meeting and the antls had the grins. And pretty dry grins some of them were. Col. H. C. Jones was called to the chair, and Messrs. Jerome Dowd and Carey Dowd were secretaries. Mayor Mc Dowell made a long speech, dsvoted in the main to a defence of the city govermont. He was followed by Dr. Joseph Graham, who spoks strongly in favor of tho proposed amendments and gate his reasons at length. Capt. Arinlstead Burwell, city attoruoy, also spoko in favor of the amend ments and reviewed them from a le gal standpoint Mr. S. Wittkowsky made the best speech of the ovenlng, but his proposition to uso the fWO,- 000 bonds solely for railroads was in continently sat down upon. Col. J. T.Anthouy combatted the idea of any speciCc disposition of the money and Mr. Wittkowsky'u amendment did not carry. Tho result of tho meeting was the adoption of a motion to re o,uost Mecklenburg's members in the Legislature to use their lnlluence in having tho charter amendments pass- cu anu moy v ere i nrornieU oi tins ity telegraph. A UELT1MI TIll'IWKAY NKJIIT, The fullowlhg card was handed the Nkwh this evening for publica tion: I n vlejy of the influence brought to boar by tho public meeting held in tho opera house, Feb. 23, upon tho Legislature. In favor of tho proposed amendment to the charter of tho city of Charlotto, we, tho undersigned, be lieving that the proposed amend ments aro not for the best interest of the city of Charlotte, request those who are opposed to said amendments to meet at the court house otiTliurs- : day morning at H o'clock, for the pur- j pose of expressing their views upon ! the question at issue. BE MVRB IT IS A nXritOLAll liefore Yom Kboul-lii Incident tbal Sbould impreni Imelf upon the XHndaaZAll. The newspapers havo recently re ported several incidents of Innocent people being shot in mistake for bur glars. In Philadelphia, Sunday night, a boy shot his sister, and now comos a case nearer home. Mr. W. H. Lewis, a prominent lawyer of Gastonia, shot at his wlfo one night last week, mistaking her for a bur glar. Fortunately his 6hot went wide of Ita mark. News of this occurrence reaches Charlotte through a letter, which, however, gives but few details. It teems that Mra. Lewis had got up during the night aDd was going about tho house when some noise she made aroused her husband. His first thought was of burglars aud seeing a moving figure in the indistinct light, ho fired at it. A scream instantly followed the shot and Mr. Lewis w.-u almost parnlizcd with terroraahe recognized the voice an that of his wife and roali.ed that he had shotut her. Tho bullet did uot touch Mrs. Lewis, but tho incident was sufficient to unstring the nerves of both hus band and wife. Mr. Lewis even now shudders when he thinks what tho rosult might have been. - - j t ratral Hotel Arrivals. ; John W Taylor Atlanta; Geo W Chester 8 C; J L Ramsay 1 Salisbury. "Watchman"; W J Mont gomery Concord; Col L L Polk Washington 1) C; J Schwartz J H Hoffman N Y ; W P Cousins Va ; X P Cannon Ga; J Y Rein (reensloro NC: W GCartor Carters Mills; H HFinlaySC; II M Faueett N C; S P Smith Fred Nash city: 11 V Jones Atlanta; Prof C D Molver and wife, Hev It A Miller Mecklenburg; F Y Clvverius New Vork ; Rev A P Tyer Monroo N C; Col W S Nash Dayton Ohio; John I- Love Gas tonia NC; B G Chambers N C; KJ Winter NY; FH Taylor Va; J B Wilkinson Cleveland Springs; L FOthorne NC; O J Theis Concord ; Q A W Council London Kugland; J A Sanders Raleigh N C ; F H Bur ton Danville Va. Til U It A I L R( A f) COHMISSIOSBBS To be Elected Jlarth 5tb.To-Iar'a Legislative Prorccdinjo, Spvclal to The News. Raleioh. N. C. Feb.. at A TriOTr- Mlla !n f rnrtllpAri in t.ho I ' V .1 U J . . . L . u ... V. M V w - -" . - House to-day were the following: To prohibit the sale of tobacco, ci gars and soda water on Sunday ; To remove colored Normal school from Frank llnton to Warren ton ; To givo Union county alternative road law; To exempt from jury duty foremen la manufacturing plants; To pre vent the spread of hog cholera. Tho Houso decided to elect rail way commissioners March 5th. The Revenue bill was takon np as special order, and the House went into committee of the whole, Button in tbe chair. The bill was takon up by sections and considered. An earnest effort was made to securo a repoal of tho section impos ing a purchaso tax on merchants. There was a long debate.but the sub stitute was lost. Sections of tho li cense tax of 160 on insurance com panies was made 100, the increase to bo applied to tho fund for disabled volunteer firemen. Karnest offorts wore made to reduce the tax on mar riago license but it failed. Bills were also introduced in the Senate to pay traveling expenses of Supreme and Superior court judges. Bills passed incorporating Hot Springs railway allowing compensation of tho Sheriff of Mecklenburg ;incorporatingSouth Carolina fe Seaboard railway: to trivo Shelby a graded school ; to in- corporateNorth Carolina Charity as sociation. Bill to amend homostead was taken u p ns special order. The amendment was adopted that it shall not be waived unless the wife signs. YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK OF 500 FINE SUITS 500 FOR :o: NnlTPgrt orp to bp Organizrd. At tho meeting of the Hornets Nest Concert in Concord. The concert givon iast right at the Concord Female Academy was most RilUmen tonight, au inspection will i . bU ad yery larf,0y attemled. be made by Capt. T. li. HoUrtson. i j Th ram COC8;Bled of ' Ye Okie I j -Mrs. Brevard Springs and children ! will leave In ti few days for Colum j bla, where Mr.Sprlngs will have bis headquarter during the progress of the railroad huibliug upon which lie is engaged The superior court to-day got ahead of the calendar and took n re cess until o p.m., when argument was Ivejcun on the land suit of R Itar rlnger vs. W. G. M axwell. A great many cases have been continued. Mr. M. H. Cone, of Baltimore, president of the plaid manufactur ers associations, and Messrs J. 11 Schofield and F. Burtou, of Danville, ami T. C Worth, of Greensboro, members of the association, aro at tho Central today. Tho inurement to organize a salvaire corps, to proteel property at firos, which has been proposed, will iilso takoslie. An organization of this character is nrwded, as was eviden ced at the Belmont fire. The propo sition Is t have a r.-i;illar detail of Rifleman to uard goods and prop erty In process of removal. The idea Is very generally endorsed by our poojile, and the UitUme:i will have no diMU-nhy i:i s-euring tho necessary permit from t.e iiovernor. ! llHltllit l tl c, i. Sig. "J. M. Overton ifo.M t.diloail, .-. ., was un mseripuoti on ir.e ! Central Hotel i L-ister to-d.iv. Mi Overton is a mei eiumt of M t. (iilesil, and was m id return homo with his bride. She lived ut l.aktdund, Fla., ' ami advertised for a husband. Mr. Overton answered the advertisement anil af er a course of correspondence, i went to Lakeland aud married her.! The program Folkcs Tunes" and the audience were charmed by the sweetness and anili ty with which"Ye Youuge Scholars" played and sung these familiar air which have been rendered so dear by the halo of happy assoeiatior.s. MUsM, K. Young deserves great credit for the very successful manner in which she conducts thio Import ant department of the Academy. This institution under the manage ment of Mi-ses Krgs.Mit and Fetzeris receiving a largo, patronage aud is one of the best sehon!- In the State of North Carolina. St. ralentinrf MesenQr. It was a happy thonghton tho part of Ht Valentine to send by his dainty little messenger suoh a dainty little burden. The truth of tho matter is that tho Saint was especially desir ous of selecting a pleasing gift and he could think of nothing more appro priate than a pair of our Flue Shoes. Of coursa the messenger will be promptly admitted, and of course the young lady, every time sho looks at tho shoos, will wish tho day came onoe month Instead of onoe a year. A. E. RANKIN A DRO., UMBRELL Several of our elty subscribers have made complaint to us in the past two days about paper borrowers and want its to have it stopped. Bless, you ; we can't. The only way t stop that kind of work is for tho paylngsubseriber to refuse to lend It There's lots of ways of getting rid of the borrower. AS AND G TbrJif w I ri'ichi Urpoi The surveys for the now freight dejiot of the Richmond A Danville railroad company in this city, have been completed, and the architect is now at work on the design. As lias been stated in the Nkws the cow depot will occupy the t u;;re block bounded by A, Third College and Second street- It will completely 111 I up baseball park. There will he tracks on its interior, and it will have delivery platforms on three streets. It will be one of the finest freight depots in the w hole country Ladies clean your kid gloves with Mather's ( Move Cleaner. For sale by Reese A Co., druggists. Our Telegraphic market Bepor la. To test the value of our telegraphic market service aud also to discom mode a few particular newspaper sponges, The News a few days ago omitted the usual markets. The result was such as to prove beyond a doubt that oar markets aro not only valuable, but almost indispen sable , so they will remain a regular feature of the Nkws. There ia no other paper that allords telegraphic market reports daily for only $4 k year, your subscription. A Mew Plant. The machine shops of Asbury A Fin ire r have just been supplied with a new steam plant, and it H one of the finest in the city, Tho plant is equipped with a 10 horse power en giuo. Tho engine Is oue of Talbott's best make and runs as noiselessly as it is possible for au engine to run . It was furnished by G. S. Johnston, the aent here. It io a fine plant, aud in keepiugwith tho progress of this cuterprising lirm. The liidHorium. The plans of the Charlotte audito riuiu, as drawn by Mr. I'osey. archi tect, shows a i Iain, but very substan tia', building. Without putting any chair or benches in tho aisles, the building will seat easily 5,000 people. By utilizing the reserve floor and aisle space it will take 6,000 people to crowd the building. That's the sort of an auditorium evangelist Fife is to open his April meetings in. A Mrwgboy l.ot. When the Charlotte bound train ou the Carolina Central road stop ped at Liiicolnton to-day, tho news boy got oil" to play with tbe narrow- gauge, .ifd so absorbed was tie that be did not notice his train as it mov ed otT. He ran to catch it and f.ill from a eix foot platform. He was Ic't. This ealo embraces Five Hundred or more of Fine Tailor-made Salts, out in the latost styles, trimmed in tlrst-class manner, suitable for drese or ' busluess. They Include Bilk or Fancy Cheviots, C&aalmeres or Worsteds, made up In Hacks or Cutaways. They sold readily this season tor $10, $12.60 aDd $15.00, And wre good values at ths figure. An inspection will convince the most skeptical Gentlemen, now is vour ODnortunitv to mmI suit for a little money. o A large lot of Boys Pants lout received, aires 14 to 18. thntwa will aIl tbta week for 75c, tl and 81.25, worth double the money. W. KAUMAlN & CO., LEAPING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. CHARLOTTE. N. C. -MAIL OROKRS REOK1VK OUB PROMPTiAJlD CARKFUL ATTENTION. TBUMS AND VALISES! of Trunks in all the different styles and shapes i Patent Roller Trays are the best and nicest. We carry an xeeUent lino i-ineriat l op Trunks with Patent Roller Trays are the best and nicest. Tho trunk is easily packed without the labor of handling the trays. Our stock of Valise. Traveling Bags and Clubs should be examined when In need of one. We carry the best to be had, at PRICES AH LOW AS THE LOWEST. NEW FRESH GOODS. FINE SLIPPEES. We have nst opened a new lot or Flippers and Oxford Ties. They are the handsomest Shoes we have ever shown; Jnst the thing for evening dress. Fina Ooie Tops with Patent Leather Vamps and Fine Dongolia Kid With Diamond Tips, Square Tips or Plaiu Opera Toe. All tbe very lateatstyles. Be sure to call and eo us, we will show you something nice and new. THE LATEST STYLES AND LOWKST PRICES. GKA1 & 13ARNHARDT. 19 East Trado Street. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. fist-Prompt aXteorJoujtfron to all Mail orders. OSSAMERS. - :.:-:0: How they do k these badi'iiin j from next Moml.iy to next days. i 'lay' We can lit anybody from the smallest girl to the ltirgost woman. If you liavn't got an I'inbrolltieoine buy and keep dry, WOO I. UN U N I) K R W V. A R will be slaughtered in every branch T- ;VU r I Don't fall to come early If you wish t) get the best bargain. :t: TIU'NKS DRESS (iOOpS Hying dully at prices tha open the eye of everybody. Why? Because of the superiority of the gooiU and tho humble price. Trunks. Trunks CHILDREN SHOES. :o 1 :o : o: We have ractdved an entire new stock of the Genuine Solar Tip hoes. best boys and girls shoes ever produced, and most comfortable. Also the elegant I'ausey Kid Spring Heel Shoes with Patent Tips. These are the ulcoet and best shoes for the money in the market. See the little monitor Infant Shoes, Soft French Goat, only 60c New Spring Goods arriving every day. Call and see or write for priest. QILREATH & OO. Open every evening Mil 8:80; Saturday till 11 :0a , Leather Trunks. i Trunks- Trunks. Trunks. Trunks. Trunks. Trunks. Trunks. THINKS TIU'NKS. Trunks, Trunks, Tf unks, Truuks. on Co- WE ARE SHOWING All the New Shapes Stiff and Silk Hats That are out for the Spring Soa.sou. Tho Dunlap Block is not out yet. Wo ask the wearers of Good Stiff Hats to look at the two stylos wo of fer this season at $2.50. The shapes aro correct aud the finality is the same you usually pay $3.50 for. Tho imported Neckwear we offered last week at 25 ents made quite a "hit." Of the 60 doien we had ouly about 15 donon are left. ROGERS Sa OO. BABY CARRIAGES. t - MY now stock a Baby Carriages arrived a few days stro and are all At- A aud cheapest lot of Carriages I have ever handled. This Is the tlm Ton top up for your tnepeetiou. Undoubtedly tbey are the handsomest and should turn your minds toward the healthfulneaa and plasure of tha "baby" and certainly the most Important thins is a car rl aire. I hare them at prices that will suite everybody. Every carriage you boy from me this season Is new stock and not one of theai was carried over from last season My stock is perfectly new. Jo not buy a Carriage till yon see my stock; , i and get prices, as I will save you monsy and at the tame time bars th consolation of knowing that you have a new style and new foods. B iSTiOKCOiLiS - Furniture 2Doxlor , :o: - :o: . B. Nichols. KLCobb, ' Fvnersl Pirn tor. All work In that line 411 North Poplar street. . ft NICHOLS & CO. UNDERTAKERS. . vti'Mv promptly attended night and day. Night ealL B. NICHOLS A CO., IT West Trade t Charlotte, V. C.