1 , 1 , - . .-.,..':."";.; ' "f . ' .1': ' , THE UHARLOT VOLUME V. CHARLOTTE, K. C, SATURDAY EVENING, J Ei iil AllY 28, NUMBER 681 1 NEWS. T. L Seigle & Co. CHAULOTTKN. C. DR. KING'S Cough Syrup : or is the thing to use this bad weather, when your Cough troubles you. A dnaeatbed time stops the uough Ing end prnduco eloep. SOLD HY Bupvell & Dunn, JDRUOBTOBK. Retail Btore opposite Central Hotel. Wholesale, opp. P. P. P. Wlttkowsky. Valenti ne's IHcnger. .St. It was a happy thought on the part of St. Valentine to sendby lit i da nty little messenger such a dainU little burden. The truth of the matterla that the Balnt wan especla lyldoslr oui of selecting a pleasing gtftandne could think of nothing more appro priate than pair of our Fine Shoe. Of course the moseenger will Uo promptly admitted, and of course the young lady, every time she looks at the shoes, will with the day cam once A month instead of onoe a year. A. E. RANKIN A BRO., Lublns Imported Soap, assorted odors, and Coudrays Imported Let tuce Y lower noap, lost reoelred by A. B.BEESE&CO. Faarl !Vlee. The funeral services of the late Capt T. L. Selgle will be conducted from Bt Mark's Lutheran church, at S o'clock, tomorrow.'Bunday, after noon. The friends and acquaintan ces are Invited to attend. 1,-I Ki pplr. Postmaster Brady arrived home yesterday from a t1U to Washing ton City. Mr. Jim Hudson has returned to the city after a few week's stay In the eastern part of the State. Railroad traTsl between Char lotte and Raleigh Is pretty brisk at the present writing. -Rev. R. A. Bowman will preach at( iraham streetPresby terian church at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Mr. Walter H. Page.awell known Journalist, formerly of this State ,but now of New York, Is at the Buford IIotoL ---Only 20 balos of cotton reaohed the market by wagop today, but th sellers found a firm market at from 8 to 8 3-4. -No service will lx held at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow fght. Th pastor, Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, will conduct service at tho ietor Mill chapel, at 7:80 p.m. Tho sportsmen are now having tlg time among the robins. There are more robins this spring than have len known in many seasons, and It is not unusual to soo strings of from 40tof0 being carried about town. Thr Hallroad Question. The railroad meeting at the Cham ber of Commerce rooms last night wss quite largely attended. Col. Win. Johnston presided. The mat ter of securing tho Roanoke A. South ern for Charlotte was fully and free ly discussed. Col. Jones, Col. An thony, MaJ. K. F. Young, Mr. Walter Brem, Mr. K. D. Latta, Mr. J. II. Weddlngton and Col. Wm Johnston made speeches. The autcome of the meeting was that the chairman ap point a committee to confer with the railroad men and see what can be done for Charlotte's Interests. Tho committee appointed consists of Messrs. J. L. Chambers, E F. Young, P.M. Brown, U. M. Oates, B. Wltt kowsky, J. 8. Myers, D. A. Tompkins, M.C. Mayer, T L. Vail, R A. Dunn, K. W. Latta and Geo. E. Wilson. Col. Brown Is chairman of the com mittee. JK AUK HF.APINOOUB V COUNTKUS KVKBY lay now wlih ' (loiuln. Fine In Quality, Pretty In Pattern, and at prices doubly at tractive. IH 11. KOMSSOWS 111(1 ltKAI.. Dome Addltlonul Point About tlar Seaboard Alrl.ine'i, New Parrbntc. Tiik Nkws made mention a day or two ago, of the lease of the Georgia Boutbern & Florida road, running from Macon, Oa., to Palatka, Fla., by the Seaboard Air Line. Mr. Robin son, of the Beaboard Air Line, is Kir en $2,176,000 stock to guarantee G pur oent Interest on $2,000,000 stock, and 6 per cent on the mortgage bonds of the road. The Georgia Southern is 28o mi lot In length, and will connect with a' new road to bo built by Robinson of the Beaboard and Roanoke to Klber ton.Ga., where it will connect with his road to Norfolk, Va., thus giving the system two hours advantage over the Richmond and Danville between New York and Central Florida. The deed by which the Beaboard Air Line obtained control of tho Southern Georgia and Florida road yielded to the Macon Construction Company an enormous profit, consid ering the money invested. The Ma con Construction lias a capital of foOO.OOO, divided into fifty shares of f 10,000 each. It built the Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, 25 miles, taking all the stock and bends. It Bold the bonds and from the pro ceeds built the road at $15,000 a mile. As the bonds were sufficient to build, and equip the road the Macon Con struction Company had all che stock, 42,760 shares, aud $1,000,000 they made off the bonds. The Seahoard and Koaneae and tne Jiateign ana ua - ton Railroad bought the Georgia Southern and Florida by endorsing i the bonds ef the latter company at 0 ; percent, and they reoivcd 0 shares of tho Georgia Southern and . Florida to secure control of tliarlmo i aud then guaranteed 6 per cent n , 12,000,000 stock In tho Georgia South- j Tut; Nkws' steam engine exporl ern and Florida. The profit which nieut pro ed a failur--, but our pn-s-Spark and bis colleagues in the M 3- is now run by a trick that 'iocs light eon Construction Company divide is ning work. Itisa.'iew otto engine, the $2,000,0i0 preferred stock at 6 per and it drlv s our big Cornell pr. ss at cent, equal to 400 percent on each the rate of 2,'JOO papers per hour, share in the Construction Company, Should we get pushed, this rate and each share in the Const ructou Company gets $40,000 In the stock of the Georgia, Toledo and Florida Railroad. The largest single stock- holder Is H. J. Lamar, Jr., of Macon who owns sovet: and a half !i,r -s which, in 1SS7, w!: n th Macon C ii' Btructiou Company m formed, T'-; resented $75,nul. For this be t' 3,000 nhares in th ( ieorgia Soot' 1 1 and Florida, wbi h i- xn'rili to ., i $300,000. Tkl Alexander TIui. i Anolhi r Srraoe. Thursday afternoon tbeSt.it - 1 11- bound train was broiigh up abruj . ly ata road crowing, and tie- j -.--: i -gers looking out saw a wagoner wrestling with a pair of mule. '!'!,, tongue of tils wag oi lia.l ben br.k h oir by the (ngiii ' ami it - vrpi close to the head of the mules da" thry were tnrnlngaroue.il a:id tear ing up the ground 1 .1. o a ! i : n a Is " I ' ! tlie bllml stag rs. It turned out t!'e man a ! r.en of Alexander county, wagon was sinie-bc,) y a fall at IWItv He r i a 1 got a new was on his way leone. "Her busted me all to nieces a ilav Ii" 1 In .-e Ilg tree rig and '.a tl ee or t wo ago," he explained to the conductor, "nml now your deimned niachiue come mighty nigh taking my mules heads oil." The conductor advised him to get back te Alexander county and stay there. ' If I ever gwt back home," was his reply, "you'll not l likely to see me in these parts soon again." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 'i: a iti". iii:.i'iMioi u coi'NTKKs i ri; dy now with rtr HoihIs. Kins in (Quality, Pretty in Pattern, and at prices doubly attractive. THEY HAVE PASSED IT. rii.tr is. Tin; nn.i. to i..om I'll A ui.otte to issri: iioxns. To-day's I.i-y ivlti I i ve l'i''rilliu. ttpeclul Order, tor IMomlny - To Ad journ Hunli Dili. Special to ThkNkws. Ralkioh.N. C.Feb. 28. A bill wan Introduced to incorporate Kouth At lantic University. Tho joint .seleot commltteoon tho charterof tho Pe tersburg railway, reports favoring granting of charter (10 years and not in perpetuity. Special orders for uoxt Monday announced as follows: Atlantic & North Carolina railway oxtentlon bill; bill to ereato county courts of audit and finance for or phans ;blll to make six percent legal rate of intorrst; forTuesday, bill to requite stenographers in Supreme courts Rills passed third reading: Trans ferring Greene county from thetbird to the sixth Judicial district ; to re quire all physicians from other States practicing in this Htate to make oath that they are licensed or else stand examination before th. State Medical Board ; to require dat to b put on all packages of seeds; to Incorporate Norwood and Rocking ham rail way; to regulate amount of auctioneers bonds. Bills were tabled to release registers of deeds from lia bility as regards marriage licenses after oath Is filed. Bills were intro duced in the Senate to amend con- . nitutlon so as to elect Legislators every four years. Bills passed I supplitnontal to tho bill rearrauir- inj Senatorial districts; to allow Charlotte to issue bonds. The House resolution to adjourn March tub was adopted. iit Prr Work. could be considerably Increased, The engine is a perfect beauty and takes up scarcely ns much space as a parlor stove, yet its velocity and strength are wonderful. The engine was -s. t" by Mr. A. R. WiUinan. who is a genius In bis line :tml w hose work is correct. T t lo se -- a sw i ft res- s ' tty t n: t worl-. and that 'S ri. - '!1 e , p . an tie see;: ev -;:nd;!vs. a; Til1 N Tnn Hill.. The bill to prohibit the sab' of cigarettes to minors i- now a law, Mini dealers had better keep a arp lock out fr the kuNin :ke f:it::re. The bill to preNent I'.abitu.il drunk enesswill probable bri-.'nie a law. It authorizes the wife, pari nt. ic, to serve notices nn seller f orlidi ng the selling of -au. n pain ef puni-h-nient, Mr. A cock, thought the bill n lose one ; t In b 1 1 - !io:i hi b.- ! : a'. ton bill to can-' snit-. H move. I its reference t. ii,,- ju.lici.i:y o.cn- 1 1 1 1 1 lee and t' ed. In'tl :i- ui- dcr A lla nit crons I'liin-. Since tiio in w c t:i. cut throiiLrh M r. I. i' laud, the old cros.-ing w for the A. T. ,v (V, tr.a.-U y road wa llutcl:ionV hitle bean! las been un - changed, and sev ral narrow escapes from serious accidents have occur red. Yesterday, Mr. Joe Hutchin son who was coming into town with a four horse wagon, barely escaped being run down at the crossing by an A. T. AO. train. The whistle boar.! should be moved back to the dis tance proper for the new crossimr. i AVE AKK HF. APINti OCR T COI'MKIIS I'VKKV day now with .Yrr (,'ums. Fine in vMia!ity, Pretty in Pattern, and at pi ices doubly attractive. on cfi? Oo. i I t t ei"rl iomiinit. I The new S-natorial upportion i in- nt bill pass ,1 i,y the Legislature j "f this State, provides for thu follow j ing apportionment: 1st District ('urritucl:, Camden, Pasquotank. Hertford, tiatcs, Chowan, and Per quiimms shall eb-ct two Senators; 2nd Disirlct-Tj-rrell, W'asliingtou, Martin. Dare. Beaufort, Hyde, and I'umlico ehatl elect two Senators; iltd District Northampton and Ber tio shall eloct ono Senator; 4th Dis trict Halifax shall eloct one Sena tor; 5th District Kdgecombo shall elect one Senator; (itli District I'itt shall elect one Senator; 7 tli District Wilson, Nash and Franklin elect two Senators; Sth District Craven, Jones, Cartoret, Lenoir, Onslow and Greene 9hall elect two Senators ; 9th District Duplin, Wayne and Pen der shall elect two Senators; 10th District Xew Hanover and Bruns wick shall elect one Senate; 11th District Warren and Vaneo shall elect one Senator; 12th District Wake shall eleet one Senator, Senator. 13th District Johnston shall elect one Sanator. 11th Dis trict Sampson, Harnett and Bladen shall eleet two Senators. loth Dis trict Columbus and Robeson shall elect two Senators. 16th District Cumberland shall elect one Senator. 17th District Granville and Porson shall elect one Senator. ISth District Caswell, Alamance, Orange and Durham shall tieot two Senators, l'.uh District-Chatham shall elect one Senator. 20th District Rock ingham shall elect one Senator. 21st District Guilford shall oloct one Senator. 2"Jnd District Randolph and Moore shall elect one Senator. ,'id District Richmond, Montgom ery. Anson and Union shall elect two Senators. Ulth district Cabarrus and Stanly shall elect one Senator; 25!h dis trictMecklenburg shall eltitt one Senator; 2.1th district Rowan, I Davie and Davidson s-hall elect two Senator-; 27th disirict Forsy tli and . Yadkin ha'.l elect one Senator; 2Sth iistrtct Stakes ami Surry shall; .bet one S, nater. 2;itli district j . I; A ;i,Al xander and Wilks shall: ; we Senators. Suth District, i'ny, t e:ie Ashe r.nd Watauga shall! -i C . Senator. 31st district i'ur'.e.McDowell, Mitchell ' shall elect tw o Snator. I hv, 11. VMM i ; .!-:; ; -- ' ita li.i and Lincoln: :)-.nator. 33rd u:trict ' e lai d, Ktither.f.-d and .1 two S-'iiators. 3!ih 1 -: ' ; ncnni''1, M.vlisor: and ...'.1' U-ct two Se:iators. , ; : i .i :t r: Hendt rson, Transylva-' :ia. .he 'k -on and Swain shall elect' lie ;et!st.r. .;lth district Macon , hi 'k e f'lay and Grnb.am shall j fleet cine Senator. . i lir.Nt' losl(rf ice. ' !Vii:.a-o- r Brady expects t de-I i , i -tie hi.,;! to ;!.e j pie of Char-' ! l,":i: ; . iu-w i iovernment .. .;i .', .! The new post- . . w . ! ! :-;u'hb' CoKnill'.S and . ; i : ;. r, . ..- ' : . -s.ii; ad.'.ition te . . ; ' -lix ry pig.-on liole I ...'! ; . i! Ii'."! lielff. The r.n;.- t '!. i - -. I with vaults ;.;ci.ieMit is ona of ; : r '. ei i i.r:c- . I Mice in t ho naw j p: trt (: .-:.-:!':ce forco w ill lc ' t'-io to handle the mails with much -at' i f.iciii.y. There will bo spa cal departue nts for money order clerk, tamp I'lerk. receivors and dis- :i ihnter-. ami city delivery clerks. ' I.adi'-s clan y.ear kid glove with : M .n hor's ilove Cleaner. Fr sal by K -' & Co., drlILl:its. r:ieaiest and best.--Or Bull's j c ne-h syrup, 2-V. ALL SIZES. N.. tionble .about sues, and none wliathver al'eiit ptic-s of our boja suits. Mie of e,r "leader-" for tlm com i: '-: 'O "lll beau All Wool Moys K n. e Pant Suit. a::es I to 14 years, nt f.'.oo. t)f e.ui-e they are riot th I ope: it just no . but w e i-rj ;!!.' o:i ;i "hint" of w:.at joa 1 a ".p-t ' ' Iter oil. ;:. v- .-....)! 'Mir.s a: ;;.50aud f 1 00 i i incest s Hers now, and w eippiy line tie' town with Knee :;!:. :i'.:t 1 to 11, .5, i oO aud 75 a pair. Attothe; thine; worthy of moution N a ue i.)t of Children's Kilt Suits op' t ed th. i- morning. We will wait for you to ?ay they are beautiful. ROQERSSc OO. MABCH AUD FEBRUARY WINTER a necessity. Tour next winter's wants eaa be anticipated st aboat half cost at our present closiug prices. $10.00 now buys eur regular IS and $15 grades. 91150 seourei choice among everal hundred eiaaat 20.0IJ, lS.OOaud J10.00 Top Garments. The Reign Need not b feared by our patrons. Water-proif and Storm-proof gar ments of every qualitr, texture, aud shape. Handsome Imperial Oreraackt 2.50. Imports 1 English Mackintoshes at 5.09 and upwards. UMBRELLAS!- Gloria Silk, beautiful metal and natural wood handle 1.49. Fine Silk Umbrellas, parajou frames and novelty bandies, aTry attractive prioea, W. KAUFMAlN & CO., IJCAJIIXa CIOTniEF.S, rCRXLSHKR A5D flATTHBS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. "MAITj OEDEBS KBCKTVB 00B TEUMS AID YALISES! We carry an excellent line of Trunks In all the different style and tbapea Fine Flat Top Trunks with Patent Boiler Trays are the beat and nicest. The trunk is easily packed without the labor of handling tho traja. Our stock of Valises, Traveling Hags aDd Club should be examined when lu need of ou. We carry the bent to be had, at ' PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. FINE SLIPPERS: We have Just opened a new lot of Slippers and Oxford Ties. Thar are the handsomest Shoes we have ever shown; Just the thing for evening dree. Fine Ooze Tops with Patent Leather Vamps and Flue Dougolla Kid with Diamond Tips, Square Tips r Plain Opera Toe. All th very latest atyle Be sure to call and se us, we will show you something nice and naw. , THE LATEST STYLES AND LOWU8T PRICES. GllW & BARNHARDT. 19 Kasi Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, K, a "Prompt attention giren to a',1 Mail Onlera. CHILDEEN SHOES. :o :o: o: We have received an entire new stock of the Genulu Solar Tip ho, best boys and girls shoes tver produced, and moat comfortable. - Also the clegaut Pansey Kid Spring Heel Shoes with Patent Latht Tips. These are the nicest aud best shoes for the money Id th market See the little monitor Inf.iuts SIhh-s, Soft French Goat, only Mo. New Spr.ugGoeds arriving every day. Call and se or writ for prlo. OIL,R,TJ3THC & OO. Open every evening till 8:3); Saturday till 11:90. y-'-'- f'H 'V- BABY (JAEEIAGES. MY new stock a Baby Carriages an ived a few day a ago and r all fit V tep nr for your iuspec."'U Undoubtedly they are th handsomest and i and cheapest lot ef Carriages 1 have over handled. Thl 1 tb Um yo ... should turn your minds toward tho healtnfulness and plasur of U babv" and certainly the mmt importaut thing la a carriage. IhYthm at prices that will suite everybody. Every carriage you boy from m tbla season 1 new stock and not one f theui was carried over from last 00. My stock is perfectly now. lk not buy a Carriage till yon se mf atock aud get pries, as I w ill stve you money and at th sain tini Uav th consolation tf knowing that you hav a new style and new food. 13 inTTOkolb - :o:- B. Nichols. V.. SWlWLSJtCO. UNDERTAKERS, All work In that ltn promptly 411 North Poplar atreet. STORMS NOW MAKE OVEECOATS of Rains UMBRELLAS I PROilPTi.VMD CAREFUL ATTBHTIOH. HEW FltESH GOODS. Tr-urniturei TJos.lor to:- E. L. Cobb, FnDral Dlrtor. attended nlgbt and day. Klght !!, B. NICIiOLS CO 17 WmI Trad li Cbarlott. W, C.