-1 v, y J ft- . t T CHARLOTTE NEWS. .V w VOLUME V. CHABliOTTE, N. O., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1891. NUMBER GOG 5 - T1IT ifl" Reading, Money In Your POCKET. Umbrellas are once more in de mand and we can supply yonr wants. The supply 18 here, rnces are low er thau heretofore. Large line of (I I N O H A M Umbrellas in all wades aud sizes. Next comes the "Twill Carola" of which we heve a fsw dozen. This in probably the gradest Umbrella bar gain ever shown Id the city. 2i inch Sttcts, 20 inch 98c ts, 28 inch $ 1.10. Finer (Jrado and handsomer handles. 21 Ineh 1 25,24 iuch 1.35, 28 inzh 1.60 Next comes (5 L () R I A in Silk and Wool with solid cane heads at 1.60. Better grade at 1.75, 2.00,25. 2.60. 2.75 and 8.00. Large line at 8.00 and 3.60. Bilk UMBRELLAS at 3, $3.50, $4, $5, 6. Close rolling Umbrellas with nlcele plated rod running through are new price f'1.75, 11, $4.50, $5, and 15.60, U LOTH IN O. All clothing to ho closed out at ouoo. We mean to go out of the Clothing business at cure and In or der to do so we have determined to close out every suit of clotheeat cost for cash. We mean business. When we say cost we menu It No ten per cent added but just w hat it cost in Now York without the freight We do H hoes the same way. All Sho." are being closed out. I t fc delay hut coiiip at once as tlip( good are flyinjr. It's cash. Rubier l. coda and Overshoes for all. T. L Seigle & Co. rilAliUtlTKN.C. KING'S Royal geruetceR S1.00 MOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for $5.00. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices. Burwell & Dunn, DRUG STOKK. Retail Store opposite Central Hotel. Wholesale, op p. P. P. 1'. Wittkowsky. Call Sklu in a sort of a luxury in leather. It is most admirably adapt ed to the purposes for which it is used, but a good many purchasers who have supposed they were wear Ing it have been mistaken. Von can know Just wnat you are purchasing only when vou place your faith in n dealer who'wlll tell you nothing but the exact truth. Wo do not claim that all of our shoos are of a superior grade. What we do claim, is, that they are what we represout them to be. You make no purchases iu the dark when you buy from us, and will make no mistake if you try our shoos. A. E. IiANKLN A BRO., LADIES Who have not tried The Mather Glove Cleaner will find it to their advantage to try it at once, as they save money ana time by using It. A. B. REESE & CO. .oral Hlppif. Mrs. J. C. Springs, of Kuoxville Tenn., is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Policeman Rlgler today moved into his new home on Oak street, near the graded school, and hard hy the boulevard. Mrs. John Springs,of Harrisburg, is visiting relatives aud friends in Charlotte, the guest of Mr. E, C. Springs. The Concord Standard says that Mr. W. R. OdeM, hus been elected an honorary member of the Academy of Political aud Social Science, Phila delphia, l'a. Sergeant ltrouon. uf the signal ofllce, does not think that the present rain will he one of very serious ex tent, but he is caution enough not to commit himself on the character of the weather we are to have to-morrow. Jennie Evans, wife of Oeorge Evans, colored, former cook at the Central Hotel, died iu Philadelphia lait Saturday. Her Uuly arrived here to-day and wax met at the de pot by a large party of colored peo- pie. Gaston county court is in prog res at Pallns, and the Charlotte bar in well represented there. Auother section of the Old King's Mountain gold mining suit iu the court, and Sones A Tillett and George F. Bason have a hand iu it. The Cabarrus county f..ir associ ation has taken on new life, and will gire a big fair in Concord on September 15 17th. Mr. John P. Al lison has been elected president of the association, and he Is a solid nian,oneof the kind that always suc ceed iu whatever i undertaken. The Charlotte stores were never prettier thau they are at present, and the goods embrace novelties in all the latest things, both for ladies and mens wear. There is no occa sion for Charlotte people to order goods from the North, with stores like we have here. -The wink of laying rails for Char lotto's new electric railway Is pro rrssiug rapidly. The new track on F.:it Trade street is completed to a noiut near the Carolina Central freight depot and if the weather per mit", I dependence Square will be reached by Saturday. c ii a x ; i x (i -o- I ii n.l.lilion to our laree stock o Ladies and Misses Corsets, we have added Ladies Corset W aists a form retainer, and includes comfort, dur nliilitv and irood sense: will wash. Throughout the north it has been driving out tbe corset, ami now uh friends are numbe.ed by thousands, Advocated by physicians. Once worn, never discarded. Ask our salesladies to see it. Newest shades in Snedo Cloves. llalnit. Button and Foster Pal. Hosiery slock complete. A stain- Insa auniiilivss- ilolllilo liHel mid toe full length, for 25cts. An unequalled boys ribbed, at JO and 23 cents. T. X-j. -AJLo BXB BROVLDXB BBOXMK. An Ola War Veteran Meet With Paint t! Accident Yesterday After HMD. Mr. Daniel Dulln, a well known citisenof Meoklenburg, was serious ly hart as he was leaving town for bis horn In Crab Orchard township, yesterday afternoon. The accident occurred on D street, at the Carolina Central crossing. Mr. Duliu was seated on a wagon load of guano when an unexpected lurch threw him off and a bag of guano fell on him. He was carried to a neighbor ing house, and a messenger returned to the scene with Dr. Register, who found that the bones of one of Mr. Dulln's shoulders were broken. Dr. Register set the broken bones and Mr. Dulln was taken to his home In a buggy. He is well advanced in years and the accident is a serious one to him. Mr. Dulln was a brave soldier and served through the war in Co. A Eleventh North Carolina Regiment. At tbe battle of Gettysburg he re eeivtd a wound which made him a cripple for life. Itwasatthis same crossing that his brother, William Dulln was run over aud killed by a train, iu 1875. The ground hog prophets, tbe goosebone devotees, the believers in the changes of the moon where are they, and who is there to mourn for them? The goosebene said yester day would be a rainy day. It was the prettiest day we have had this year.The groundhog said today would tho very sort for ladles to come out and look at spring millinery, and there was a drizzle that made the services of the street spioklers un necessary. Then again, an old eiti- ren who could always tail when it was going to rain by the laxity or se verity of his rheumatic pains, was prancing about yesterday as happy as a sohool boy, with never a sign of an ache In his bones, and be would have been willing to have staked all his possessions on the prediction that today would be a glorious sunshiny day. Baker, loo, is floundering Ir the mire. Thb News has come to the conclusion that all these old w eather predicting paraphernalia are frauds, and the only way to predict the weather aright is to wait for to morrow and tell what sort of weather there was the day before. Kranirllat Pearaen In "lekile. Rev. R. G. Pearson is now holding services In Mobile, Ala. The Mobile Register says of his preaching: "Dr. Pearson has a peculiar but magnetic presence, standing erect, dark, frail in face, much like A. H. Stevens. His clear analysis, entirely unemo tional but convincing, holds one in close attention, and his striking ana logies srom nature and experience recall Henry Drumraond and Bishop Butler. It is already evident that his mission will be productive of much good here.'' Bn Trrrell. In a letter to Thk Nkws, dated Rockingham, March 17, Mr. John Springs Davidson says: "The Ham Jones of the Fanners' Alliance (Ben Terrell) held a revival at this place yesterday and to-day, and will be in Charlotte on next Friday. I hope the lukewarm and opponents to the great cause will turn out and hear it explained in Its true light, so they may be able to comment. It will be a great treat to the citlsens of Old Mecklenburg, and I think of vast benefit to many," V II A N G 1 N G :o: o- BUSINESS DAILY INCREASING EXTRA FORCE NEXT WEEK. Our Dress Goods are passiag rapid ly into other hands, and the way that counter is dally beseiged with pur chasers speak volumes. All novelties. You will never meet a twin dress from our house. Then the elegant Jewelled Trim mlng to set them off is here. New est and as cheap as the cheap est. THX LBTTEB CABM1BH8. Chances in the City Delivery Carps. Postmaster Brady has been reor gaaizlng the corps of city delivery olerks,and several changes have been made. Mr. George Farrlngton, who was superintendent of tbe carriers, is succeeded by M. L . Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins' old place is filled by J. F. Correll, and Oddie Bradley, colored, succeeds to the place made vacant by CorreJl's promotion. Mr. Hawkins has been in the post- office service here for some time past and is thoroughly familiar with the duties of the position he now fills. He has filed his bond for $1,000 and has taken charge of the carrier corps. Mr. Brady has made all arrange ments for the removal of tbe office to the new Government building and will make the first delivery of mail from the new quarters on April 1st Mare Railroad Stw. A rumor exists in Atlanta for the last few days to the effect that a lajge movement was on foot as to the disposition of the Central Railroad of Georgia. It is said that the Ter minal Company will lease the Cen tral for 09 years. Pat Calhovn will go to Savannah this w eek aud will discuss the matter w ith the officers and directors of the Central Rail road there and with Uen. Alexander On the rumor that the road would be leased for 99 years, the stock, which has heretofore been selling from 110 to 112, has advanced to 118 ami 119. There is no doubt that the subject of the lease is now under discussion, nd the terms proposed guarantee 7 per cent, net on the stock of the Cen tral payable semi-annually. It Is understood that the lease win ie made under the name of the Georgia Pacific road Instead of the Terminal Company. This will make a contin- ous line from Savanuah to the Mis sissippi River at Greenville where here the road will connect w ith the Gould system and with their roads running direct to the Pacific Ocean, It is not Improbable that solid trains will run from Savannah to the Pa cific coaat within six months. It is understood that Mr. Gould is very much in favor of the lease, and says It will be a creat move toward tbe development of Savanuah aa a great port. This will also give a short line from Savanuah to Washington via Augusta. The "laterally. The mayoralty question manages toketpontop, and when you see a street group talking, two to one its about toe msyor s office. Mr. W, C. Maxwell, a former mayor, and the one who gave Charlotte her first brick pavements, seems to have the run of the town to-day. He is not a candidate, but his friends say that he cannot rsslst the pressure that will be brought to bear upon him. It Is understood that a call for ward conventions has been decided upon by tbe city executive committee and that the call will be Issued iua few davs. No one seems to be particu larly anxious foreign as mayor of Charlotte for the next two years, but modesty Is a characteristic of our people. The names Thk Nkws has heard mentioned In connection with the efflce are: MessrsF B McDowell, Harrison Watts, Fred Oliver, W I Maxwell, B R Smith, J 8 Spencer. Geo K Wilson, Geo S Hall, R B Al exander, J L Chambers. - - - - Ladies clean your kid gloves with Maher's Glove Cleaner. For sale by Reese & Co., druggists. o ii a x ; i x (i -O o- Prouounced superb by inspectors. Velvet if you choose it can also be had to suit any dress we have. Even to Gilt or Steel Buttous. So you see you'll have no trouble shopping; we had that. All is provided and no lonesome customer ; plenty of your lady friends center here. White Goods Center. oxx cft Co- The Delay In Fertiliser Analyse. Commissioner of Agriculture John Robinson states that the analyse of fertilizers this year will be delayed later than usual. This Is caused by the fact that the whole machinery of the license system hitherto In vogue has been changed, and the new tonnage system was put In oper ation in the midst of the season. The inauguration of the system has in volved much labor and delay, and to avoid mistakes, and at the same time keep up with the immense val- nrae of correspondence coming daily into tbe office, have constituted the chief causes of this enforced delay in getting the analyses out. The force of inspectors has been increased to four, and they are now traveling over the State and sending tbe sam pies in at a rapid rate. The force of skilled chemists in tbe Fertilizer Control Station has also been in creased to meet the extraordinary emergency caused by the increase of the number of brands offered for sale in the State, under tbe new order of things. Vaye It Cancentrated Lye. Durham Sun: Ella Thompson, a colored girl of about 15 years old, was arraigned before 'Squires McMannen and Barbee, this morning on the charge of giving Mr. Leon Kirk land's youngest child concentrated lye in coffee, or coffee in concen trated lye. She was refused bail and put in jail until next term of conrt Tbe child is very much injured and very sick. Tbe cause for this rash act is unexplained. This girl talks bat little. A Barrel af Hernets' ileili. Dr. Walter Mullen is known to fame as the proprietor of the Hor net's Nest Liniment, and some fel fow, who had an idea that hornets' nests formed an important compo nent part in the manufacture of the liniment shipped Dr. Mullen a barrel containing IS nests. Esquire Max well bought the lot for nse in the next 20th May shindig. Mr. Claude McLaughlin who has been connected with R. A. Lee A Co, of this city, for sometime past, has accepted a position as clerk of the Orton House, in Wilmington. Mr, Montague made a good selection that time, as experience will show, and if such a thing is possible, tbe Orton will hereafter be still more popular with the Charlote people. We Are Now Eeady To show you our Pprlng Stock of CLOTHING, HATS & FURNISHING GOODS. 1891 SPRING! Our line is unusually large and at tractive this season. It was manu factured expressly for our trade, and cannot be excelled by any stock in the city. These garments are unique, possessing the most sensible features of American and English designs for the Spring and Summer. The styles are those that the well dressed and stylish public will de mand, aud are identical with those c shown by fashionable tailors. It will give us pleasure to show you wheth er you wish to buy or not We do not press you to buy. Our prices do that When you come be sure you bring your head along, and we will fit It with a new hat EOQBES & OO. W. KAUFMAN 1 CO. Cor. Central Hotel. Opporlunii ies Like These are Cnildren Knee Pants at Boys Long Pants at WORTH DOUBLE THE M O N E "JT. v -ma , .: s .v.. . x SBeginning Monday morning we will offer to the public an attraction 10 extraordinary in value, so unusual In price, so seasonable in material, that 'twill serve as a reminder of what we can do when we try. You Should know that in this line of BOYS AND CHILDREN PANTS ' are the newest and best styles of the season, tbe best material and work mansblp. All these goods has been for Cash, which enables us to give than yon will get from other houses at their command. You can always ing for in the way of Men's, Boys- and IWe have the nobbiest styles iu Children ever shown at $25, $2.50, $2.75 and Pleated Skirts from tl ud. We are drens Clothing and it is bewildering ties which we have just received. We can also show you a full line of Boys Long Black Hose at 25c, 35c and 40c, the best qualities and every pair worth 50c. Buy your Clothing from us, we assume all risk in fit, workman ship, material, style to be the latest and prices the lowest. v , W. KAUMAJN & CO.. LEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Z.MJUX O&DBBS RECRIVB OUR men's um mm :0 Our stock of Mens'.Fine Shoes is now complete and we are showing som of the handsomest Shoes this season we have ever had in all the different styles. Our Cordowan Shoes are the nicest vou can get for a fine, soft shoe. Our Patent Leather Shoes are beauties. Everv one that has Seen them agree that they are the handsomest they have seen. Be sure to sea them before you buy. jx 1, Children's Shoes. A new lot of Childrens' Shoes in all styles. Our Stonewall Tip Is Still la the lead for a good, serviceable Shoe for children and misses. Alto a full ; line of Fine Shoes, with and without patent leather tips. Be sure to see OUT childrens, misses and boys Shoes and Oxfords, all new, fresh goods. Our spring stock is now ready for your inspection. Come and see OUI shoes and we will save you money. GIUA & BARNHARDT, 19 Eaat Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. a "Prompt attention given to all At ail Orders. ' ' NEW SHOES! NEW SHOES! Our Spring Stock of FINE SHOES is now complete. All the leading styles. Best makes for Ladles and Gents, Misses, Hoys and Children's. Ox ford and Slippers a specialty. T , Elegant line of Valises and Club Bags. Some handsome Trunks Just " Ladies, we have a New Shoe Polish, the best ever produced. The Perfect Polish. Small sample bottles without charge. Call and try it Full stock stock beet makes Rubbers. 7 ' ' : . Open every evening till 8:30; Saturday till 11 :0a Parlor I have a large stock of the latest style Parlor Suits to be foimd and at prices that will suit everybody. I have a handsome line of Plush fctuits from 2S,00 to tDO.OO. Also Wilton Rug Suits. The Prettiest and Neatest Suit out at the very lowest prices. Bedroom suits. I also call your attention to my handsome line of Bedroom Suit. ' Trices and qaality can't be beat. Please call aud examine my stock Whether vou wisn 10 ouy or not, as I w ill take pleasure showing you through. T I have numerous other .iUioles that will add beauty and comfort to your home, which I will mention another time. , B. xTIOHOLS - Furniture Doalot -:o: B. Nichols. B. Alt HOLS Ji CO. : UNDERTAKERS, All work in that line prompt) North Poplar street. . 19c, 25c, 50c and 76c 75c, 85c, 99c and 11.15. bought far under the regular price, and more and better value for Tour monev which haven't the facilities and capital find with us what ever 700 are look , , Children's ClothinG. 'y. y Kilt Suits $3.00. We can show you a fall line of ruakinc a soecial'tv of Rov's and Phil. , to see our New Stock of Snrinir Novel PROMPTiASD CAREFUL ATTENTION, -:o:- Suits. K. L. Cobb, ; jJonsral Director attended aightancl day. NlgMealJ, JU, NICHOLS to,, 1? West Trad it., Charlotte, r, C. a. r 4VV.