VOLUME V. NUMBER COS BPRINO DRKRH GOODS BPRINO DUKHB GOODH SPUING DRESS UOODH FRKNCH HOMES FRENCH ROUES FRKNCH ROHKS CHINA SIf.KS CHINA SII.KS CHINA HI I, KH Viola Cream and Violu Soap, Ayer's Recaniier Cream, Ayer's Reeamler Face Powder, Oriental Cream, Oarboluted Vaseline, Camphorated Vaseline, Vaseline Cold Cream, Vaseline Camphor Ice. A. B. REESE & CO. WASH HI I KS W ASH HI I, ICS WASH HI l,KS GLORIOSA A LA III' U N'l'MH GIOKIOHO A LA III 'HM'Mrt G LOR I OHO A LA III' UN I'MS T. U HF.IGLF. A CO. T. L. SKMJI.K A ". T. I HKHiLK A CO. KING'S Royal germetueR -:0:- $1.00 IPTTLK. Or Six Bottles lor $5.00. Trade prices. supplied at manufactureis Bine fi. Donn Dltl'G STOWK Retail Store njit'O!' ('. lit nil lint' i. Wholesale, opp. IM' I'. W ntkowsi . 6afJ$oota?e&r I, oral Kipiiim. Forty-five bales of cotton were brought to the city by wagon to-day. The'prlces ranged from 7 to 8 75. Mr. C. M. Query has returned froinNew York.where be purchased a flue stock of millinery good. Mr. K. T. Avery, governmout in spector, is here to eiamiuo the new public building. He is at the lluford Hotel. M r. Ramsey, the agricultural and good all-around-aboul editor of the Salisbury Watchman, is in the city to-day. The meeting at the Y. M. C A. to-night will be led by Mr. M. V. Trotter, as alternate foi Mr. J. J. Adams. The subject will bo "Hie Suocorcr and the Tempted." One hundred and eighty-oue graduates were turned out from the Medical College in New York this week. AmoiiK the number were lir. I Koht Reese, formerly of Charlotte, ! und Dr. W. II. Wild, r, a brot'ier of i Dr. II M. Wilder. j The roads are evidently getting j letter, judging from the long string of wagoiif on the Wood market to- ilay. 'I here were double row s on i Prude and 'hurch for a block fivm Ithecouit bouse, :tnd mic colilil u t I any sort of :i load from a Z c nti i tc I one coaling $2. j Rev. Mr. Ilowman holds his lust 1 ev.ingelif tic meeting at Tryon Street i Methodist church thU afternoon and at R Street Chapel to-nig'it. ! The meetings havs been well atlcnd ! ed and much interest has been mani ' fested. Mr. Bowman w ill leave t- morrow for (ireenville, S. ('., to con- i j duct a meeting, and then will go to i Waco, Texas. i ! Thr l.rlnloil Smnll pal ( ar, ! 'I he supposed small px patient at .Lexington has been isolated, and ' every pr caution taken to prevent the Spread of tht disease. Tlio vie- i j tun was employed in the cotton ! j mills there, and while it may prove ' ! that the alarm ih false, grave upprc- , ; heiiHiouii are felt, j liilnl IMBnmllr l'tplolon. I A pr. mature explosion of dyna- I nnu occurred at the city sewerage i works in Greensboro, at 11 o'clock1 ; thin morning. One colored man whs i killed and two white men were bail Iy wounded, one ot whom is likely to die. i One of the w hite men is David A. Ilamsay of Charlotte, and he is the one reported fatallv hurt. juo jtoyos a jvt smalm, ta y. How It Will be When the New Tax Law liofta lulo Kit cl Sonic i'l urea for lDiomllng- t'uiidldut to Digest. Thk News learns that from one to a dozen men in each township are setting their pegs for a strong pull for the oillce of tax collector under the uew law, and The News Is sur prised, for it can seo no causo for a scramble for these offices. The con ditions surrounding the office of township tax collector under the new law are u n i.j uo, to say the least. The collector will havetogivea tre mendous bond and he responsible for every cent of taxes iu his town ship, to earn, in many instances, less than $ 100. The collection of taxes in Charlotte township alone, w ill bo profitable, but the law provides that the sheriff Khali collect taxes in this township. The law gives the tax collectors three per cent on collect ions. They have to give a bond just louble the amountt of the taxes of their respective townships, and the way Thk Nkws has figured it out ih this: 'I he basis upon which the collections are to b made and bonds given, Is the tax l. port of Is!K), Mate, county, road snd school. Phis tola, tax for Charlotte township in !Mi, was I f no losses are sustain ed (and there is more or less of n yearly lo-s In each towushipi the collector will (et ?! ,('K.ri,4'. The taxes of Steel Creek are $.-I.Kl The collector will have to give a bond of It),!), and hi- pay w ill be f 104 -10. Hharon's.iaxo in- &.'l,fs0; colloct ir bond T,3'.o; pay lln 10. Providence tow nship rays $4,217 in taxes. The collectors bond will he N,4.'U, ami his pay tl2..'d. The Clear Creek collector will tive I a bond of $4.JCS on fl'.li.J 111 taxes, , The flailr 1 culivnl at C harlotlr barring loss,., ill pocket $T.'i U2. Crab Orchard's taxes are $4,Si?, 1 bond doublu. collector's pay $i4.r.'lj. j l!errlu 1, taxes $3, (il l ; bond dou- i i hie; pay $b s. lo. Mallarrl t -r. ek, taxes $3,5.R ; bend I double, i un $H (4. ! Dowcts . laV ?:.Kti2, bond double, i pay fs"xi. Lemley township, tMXf6f'2,3.V.hctid ! double, pay $7u.i..,. I Long Crv-k township, taxes IhukI double, pay $s7.W. Paw ( reek tov uii.. taxes ; I ;4 boot ill v.s ,S,V.I. I !i,l A ood Time In More for th Old Veterans. Col. K. D. Hall, of Wilmington, has been appointed Adjutaut General of the Old North Htate Holdiers' Home and Conlederate Encampment. Two years ago a convention of the disabled veterans and pensioners of North Carolina was held at Raleigh, I for the purpose or petitioning trie Legislature, then in session, to In crease the amount of the pension fund, the sum at that time being to tally inadequate to alford the disa bled aud destitute veterans anything like adequate relief. In this effort they were parti illy successf u', as Hie amount was increased from about 35,(KK) to between $S0,(K) and $100,000. There are now l,.Wt disabled and des titute soldiers reported and 1!,530 widows and the average per capita is very small. At the con volition al luded to an assoc iation of the Con federate veterans of the htate was or ganized. Mr. Julian h. Carr, of Dur ham, was- made president and under his able and munificent administra tion much pood has been done, par ticularly the getting into shape the pr qiosilion to establish a Soulier's Home in Raleigh, where a limited '. uumher may be cared for. At the j s.m; time aid place an association of tlm pensioners of the htate was i formed and Mr. V H Hamilton, of ake county, was made chairman of the executive committee. The ob- jectof this committee is to carry out : the plaiiH of the association, allot which ls to have an annual reunion aud encampnieut of the Htaij pen sioners. It lias been decided, says the ilmii.gtou Rbview, to have the reunion on the coast and Col Hall thinks it will he held some time in J uly or August on the Hound. Trolley Mire. One of the things that will have to be borne In mind In the construction of tho electric street car line in this city is the importance of an abso lutely perfect adjustment of the trolly wire. One of tho most exas perating accidents that happen in connection with the trolly system of propel 1 1 ng electric cars is tho killing of horses by the braking of the trol ley wire. The frequonce of this cas ualty ih somewhat surprising. In the city of Newark, N. J., it has hap pened at least twice miice New Years, in one instance, however, the animal being merely thrown sonseloss to the ground by contract with thepondent wire. Iu Cleveland, Ohio, says a cor respondent of the New York Times, there have been within two years four horses killed in just this waj The experiment, as a whole, in Cleve land is far from being satisfactory, it appears. The list of persons run over by these cars included t le presl dentof the street railroad himself. We recently referred to ths presta tion of the entire overhead wire s tern in Albany by reason of a fill o' four inches of snow ami the attend ing paralysis of t he elect no car .ys-tern. EASTER IS :V : - -it;--:. .iv.'.-.- - AND IK YOU HAVE AS YF.T NOT BOUGHT YOUR BOYS ' CON FIRM VTION OUTFIT TAKE HIM WITH YOU TO TUB ' IEADINO C LOT HIER AND ENTS F HO U 8 171 O U 8 H WHERE CAN BE BOUGHT Blue or Black Cheviot AND I The I, nn on llnilroad Tickets. The Ir.w passed by the late Lg!s lature in regard to railroad iici-cM. I revuires that it shall be unlawfi.l f. r any person to sell or deel In tljke used by any railroad company nn less he is a duly aui horized ageu t o! said rai Iroad company, and It shau be the duty of said agent to exhio i his authority to sell or deal In siiu tickets, and tho conip-my w 'i-i agent he is shall he responsible f..i his acts as such agent. That j,;;- v olatioii of this law ihall be a misde meanor. 'I hat w hen any roundtrip tike!j i' . The Hecond annual Music Festival of the North Carolina Choral Asso- I ltrP H"'1 nn-v ''road company elation w ill b h'.dd at Charlotte on May ,'ith a ml iith. There will be a festival chorus of oik) voices from Salem, aiibury, (ireensboro, Liu coluton, Davidson College, Tarboro, Monroe, I- ayetteville and Charlotte I hree grand concerts will lie given Among those who will take pan n. the concerts arc Mis Kliiabetn I I amlm. of Rostuii. and Miss Kate t. :cl. shail be the duty of said ompa redeem the unused portion of ticket by allowing to the legal h'-ider thereof the difference between ;h 1 cottt thereof, and the price of a out ay ticket between the stations fori .nil round trip ticket w as I rhi Mori: i llolll'le. . .V I'niev 1 1 le, pay "1 Huntei -double, p e. pa; M.ir. 1 oft taxe- lie. N .-rk. mil dou i !. taxea (.(i,1.', bond h. f It velar. d, O.,sopora nos ; an oi H. We. d. of , w ork, to ; M r. . .1 Lavin, of New noi ; Mr. (Sustav llcrnelke.of l O'V, I.iLui, t)hio, bas.io. I'lie arrantreiiieiits already m ide are sudi as to insure one of the most delightful and succssful musical events v. t known. wince th sold 1 hat when any one way or Tr: I icket is sold by any railroad io: j'toyanil when unused by 1 1 1 a j u cha ;er the ' eof. I : shall be the out WOBSTED SUIT AT THE VARVELOCS LOW FIGURE OF 85.00 85.00 $5.00 AND A LARGE AR80RTHENT OF FINE ONESAT ; PflOFDFTIONATDLY LOW FIGURES. ' Don't Forget the Pijo. W. KVUMAJN & CO.. LEADING CIOTIIIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. CHAHLOTTE, N. C. ar-ilAIL RSCEIVE OUR PR03PTAND CAREFUL ATTENTION. if I ivmpsuv selling th. ct to redeem saui ticket at the nc pal for H. We Are Now Seady MENS FINE i ! ceived a I i lev. In wh Hlanlry t aiiuoi mir. Mr. L. ""amb r vesterdav re- t ( r 'r io 1 1 enry M. Mnii ch M I . -1 a ii lev reiri et !ed that he could not g've ( harlotte h date. M r ."Stanley lect iir.'s in Atlan ta on March 31. and Mr. Hand, rs thought there uilL'ht be apossibili'v of indueiliir him to stop at Clinrlotte and dvliver a lecture and so at once w role him a lctt, r urniiiir lum to ta vor the t harlotte people. Mr. tstanley's reply is made m a cordial spirit. He says that it would really alford him pYa-utv to stop at ( harlotte. hut all Ins dates were made sometime nince and he could not break the programme. - 1r. liohlKKnn U.liiriieU. Rev. ( 'has.Itobiusoii, To show you our Spring Stock of C L 0 T II I X (i pator ot ( ,ra- hain st reel 1 ' r s turned yesici.l Florid Mrs U. has not beei i io da trip, ha- she will M.iv a ay ro nan ( iiurch, afternoon li son, whose hei ved by tile l-'l 1 Kent ncky.w Ii r t w 1 i I le. rc- olll Mh n rc 1 he 4fiiltorfl Hall li1 O round. The (.inlford Hattle Association has been reorganized for a hrik i':inilHik'ii tins year, and arramre metits had hern et goim: fr a big celebration on .1 u iy 4. ('onirics has! Keen petitioned fo'r an appropriation , HATS FURNISHING GOODS. otSKi.ii.iO for a monument to the memory of (..cu.tireene the hero of ( the famous battle. For celebration i day, July 4 it has been resolved that pronuio nt puolic speakers at tmme and abroad be invited to address the people, and that every facility at the disposal of Ihe company be usd to make the occasion memorable in th aim. ils of the Mali ; and also that t In' ceremonies in connection will) the removal of the remains of o'ner al Jethro Milliner irom their resting place in arren conntv, N. ('., to the la 1 1 le of i uilford ( out! House take :q:- 1891 SITO! l.u n t h dav. I.adn He same . ... clean von r k id r s ilovct lc o., drutri; a in i- t- r. gloves wit! For siilc lo II A X (i I X (i .'(, II A X ; ! X ( . V II A X (i I X (i t 1 i Our stock of Meps Fine Shoes is now complete and we are showing Boma of the handsomest SU o. this aeasan we hav ever had in alt th dlfiernt styles. Our Cordowan s-ho are the nicest you can fril for a fine, soft shoe. Our Patent Leather Shoes are beauties. Kverv one that has seen them agree that they are the ban J s.-ntest they havo seen. Ba sura to se then) before you buy. w-..,.:.t, ,-,,,. i A new lot of Childrens' Shoes in all styles. Our Stonewall Tip la StlHIn the lead for a goo i, srvioeable Stioo for children and misses. Also a fall hue of Fine Shoes, with and without patent leather tips. Be antra to sea OBX childrens, misses aud b-ys stios and Oxford, all new, fresh goda. ' '' '--i Our ispriugstock is now rtacyfor your inspection. Corns and Bee Oni ! shoes aud we will saveyo'.: money. .,,!;.,.:;. (WW & 15AIINHARD1V 13 ast Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. a Trorrpt sttsntion gii. 'n H S ail Onlers. "".'3" ; ("alf Skin is a sort, of a luxury in leather. It is mostadmirably ad'ipt ed to the purposes for wh'lch it is used, but a good many purchasers who have supposed they were wear. Ingit have boen mistaken. You can know Just wiuit you are purchasing only when you place your faith In a dealer who'will tell you nothing hut the exact truth. We do not clana that all of our shoes are of a superior grade. What we do claim, Is, that they are what we represent them to be. Yon make no purchase's in the dark when you buy from us, and. will make no mistake if you try our shoes. A. E. RANKIN A BRO., In addition to our large stock of Ladles and Misses Corsets, wo have added Ladies Corset Waists a foiin retainer, and includes comfort, dut ahility and irood sense; will wash. Throughout the north It has been driving out the corset, and now its friends are numbe cd by thousands Advocated by physicians. Once worn, never discarded. Aik our salesladies to sec it. Newest shades In Snedc dlovos. Itiiimt. Hutton and l'oster Pal. Hosiery stock complete. A stain lews, seamless, double heel and toe, full length, for l!octs. An unequalled boys ribbed, at 'JO and Uo cents. r.i'-i n rs- i ( K.. ri: a I'bia : .IM, T. L. Ale Om Press ( Iy into ot I counter i chasers s All nov, " Oil W I I from on r i Then t! ming to s. est. Hiiib er Ii:. lids -ailv b. n i' i i : i-: k 'I.' lilt d I- cd vet. 1 f yon ( to sit i t an v d ven to ill or ii-rh by inspectors, hoiwe 1 1 can also b ress we have. Steel Muttons. d 11 HM : iik v. ties. lo ver meet a twin ilr1" s t tb -t hmI l ant .Irwellc.l Ti b in .'If Is here. is c''eap as t' e che.i s-o you "oppti'k.' ; All is i i' - tonic : nter hoi White t ;oe you'll have no trouble we hud that. r. ruled and no i n iu v oi our iin o mds Center. Our lln '. j ilfnlvimll tractive t h i fuel ureil v cannot ho tiieeity. 1 hi se garment po.- ses-o iuj tot most sells (if A lite !' It the 'l'b lonesome H friends xander, Sloxx db Oo. iiniisiiatl v large sue a; i season. It w ss ni : n . M-es- ly for on r t rao and c. ! I -d b v h:i v st ! 1 ire u;. jii'. le fea.urtv in and l-.mrlish design- U prmg and s-iiinmer. , i- .tvles aie llosti tlmt tl'.O W " dressed and stvlish public 111 d - loand find are identical with ti t -e show o i'V fashionable tlors. It wi ! give i.s pleasure to show you wh.-'. !i er von ish to buy or nut. e do not press you to buy. Our prices do that. hen you come be sure you ..'unir your head along, and wo will iu K with a new hat. ROaERS&CO JTEW SHOES! :o :o o: Our Ppring Stock of FINE FKOSS is now complete. All the leading -tyUs. Lest makes for Ladles aud Gents, Misses, Boys and Childaan'a, Ox-!-d and Slippers a ipocialty Klt gant line of Valises and Club Bags. Some handsome Trunks Just fv ."I ved. i 'ii'i:v:i;: Ladies, we have a New Shoj Polish, the beat ever produced. The Perfect P. lisfi. Small sample bottles wi'hout charge. Call and try It, Fall stock stock beet makes i'.n bbers. , QILREATH 8c OO, Open every eveulmr till 8. 3); Saturday till 11 :9(V " "l- a." r i o r & x its . ', I have lrre ro, k o' t latest style Parlor 8ulu to be found and pneej thai nl t-itii ev. rj jodv. ;.... . 1 hiOf aL .J.uic. ! ..e of l'.u-ih Uulta from $28,00 to 490,00. Also Wlltoo t.tl Su'ti. ,.i;'Wii-'j!:,f.,:;.ii-. l be V ettit.t ad 2'o itrst Suit out at the very lowest prices. Bedroom suits. 'Vffi:sis3'te.. T a'to call vcur attention to my handsome line of Bedroom Salts. Prices a u. q lalPy cunt be beiit. Pin:' call aud exaniioe my stook whether you v, io 1 a ..r n.t, as I will u.ke oleasure showing you through. I h ivs iiiiirnir .us othor urtiiks mat will add beauty aud comfort to jour l-.o.n-, wtfch I w ill met.' j: .no.ber time. . , , B in'IOb:ols - Furniture DocUor C. Slcho. Ii. XICHOLSit CO. UNDERTAKERS. K. L. Cobb, Faneral Dlreetor Al' work la 112 North Poplar strstt that line promptly attended night and day. Night call B. KlCIiOLBJtCOu 17 West Trade at, Charlylte, V. C,

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