Thd Charlotte Newk SVKRY AFTKRfOOSf KJCCKPT UDAT ;. i by WADE H- BABBIB, TU. m& faprigtor, k , : v eCBSCBIPTIOH RATES: OhTmt, - - 14.00 Thre Moatha. - 100 On Week, - 10 cents By mail to any part of the United SUUa. ""FjtfDAY", MARCH 20,18fll. THE JEW. Hon Simon Wolf, a lecturer who Is ' well known in Charlotte, spoke b -fere the Classic Society's meeting, lu Washington City, on the persecu tion of th Jews: "Only during the last ten years," Mr. Wolf said, "have ' Oerman,.French sad Arabic works upon the Jews been translated into other languages, aad better mean been given for dispelling a great deal of ignorance which has been dis played in this ooanM about the nbject. Who are these Jews this people so maligned, so mlsuader stood, so hated, so hounded, so per secuted, banished, expatriatod,;con flned in narrow circles, almost con fined in their narrowness who are they? Are they not the people who have conferred the greatest blessings upon humanity, apart and paroel of the brain and body to which be longed the Saviour and the apostles, wAo carried to the nations ef the earth Christianity and elviliiation? Are they not the people of the law and of the Book, who in the dark ages of Europe, when gloom gener ally prevailed, founded colleges and schools and kept ablaze the flame of knowlege and intellettual life, who ' treated commerce, whloh frater nltei and brings about the unity and harmony of all sections? Their vir tue In demestic life is wonderful ; they are temperate in conduct, Id their lives, and in their dealiDgs.and notwithstanding all the scorching they have received, have stood in the forefront in ereij country where op portunity has been given them. Have they not been patriots in every part ef the world? Have they not In Asia, Africa, and Europe been distin guished bylntegrity, whioh showed that they were part and parcel ef the land on which they lived. Where ODDortunitr has not been Riven to them to rise they have degenrated on the same scale as their surround ings, never, however, falling as low as their persecutors. For they had the law and the traditions of the fathers, who never pvnelyted. Their - strength baa consisted in their op position to proselytism. They have not created smnity among other faiths by desiring to strengthen thoir own at their expense. This condi Hon, though created a feeling of bit terness, of envy and of jealousy. For 1,8000 years precedlug the dawn of modern civilization, when monarch! were fighting menarchs and the nobility considered it de-- grading to work, when the money - 'was among the Jews and when the security for loans was insecure, the system of nsnry was created, a sys tem forced upon the Jews. They clung to the only means by which they could bribe their would be per secutors. Then If the Jew because an outcast, a pari a, whose fauH was It? From agriculturists they became "merchants and traders, and from traders they were driven to a position which has been handed down in Bhylock. How unjust! Think of it, that Christian seople should so far forget the lessons of their own Bible UJU V W U A l 1. V f ., , . , the founders of their religion and to ' poison the fonndatlon head of mod ern civilation. "Millions of my race have been tortured, slaaghtered, poisoned, and stretched upon me rack until their cries must have risen to Him on high. It was : Jewish money, wrung from the Jews by Ferdinand and Isabella, that fit ted out the vessel for Christopher Columbus, and it was a Jew, so it is said, who first stepped on Ainerioa's shores. The first to land in this glor Ioom country, the Jerusalem of the prophets, the Jerusalem to which thinking men cling, and for which the Jew is ready to shed his blood. We asked for no tolerance because we are Jews. We are part and par cel of this country, have contributed to Its success and prosperity as as any other people. All tnat we ask is that you investigate the why and the wherefore of these things Religion has nothing to do with it as a lauy or a gentleman or Dorn sucn. "For 1,600 years Europe was envel oped In absolute darkness except in Bpaln, where the Moors and the Jews were the custodians of the light which survived hatred and fanati cism, and at last broke forth in the broad sunlight of the present day." Referring then to his stay In Egypt, Mr. Wolf called attention to the fact that as Babylon, Damascus, Italbec, Rome, and Greece, where the Jews had suffer d, waned In the scale of humanity, the Jews rose, and recalled the words of Dis raeli that the race had "the proud distinction of a great race, exempli, fying the fact that there is a Uod In Israel and that truth mnst and will prevail. So of England, in Warsaw, Frankfort, Nayeuoe.and other places eonid be told stories so revolting, so barbarous, that they would curdle tne blood. Continalnir, tie saia : "Is there any reason, after this re cital oi norrert and sunering, tnat in this day of civilisation such conduct towards the Jews should continue in power with which we are on a peaceful footing? Mighty in many i things, It is yet so poor in others that 4 ,000,000 of my people art persecuted. It It necessary that laws should exist to cruel and p&rbarlc tb at their men tion even would bring the blush of shsnSM to the cheek of the humblest? When Jews revolt against them they are sent to Siberia, their homes are destroyed, and theli wives and daughters are violated. This state Is brought about by the gov ernment and by ihe church, princi pally ry the church. hih! and affects Protestants as well as Jews. What can you expect of a government whose ruler in in, onstant dread for his own life ami cannot learu the real Htate of affairs'.' I f pr J udice has been euirondon-.d it is entirely due to the condition to which the Jew has been forced. When man has been forced to the lowest condition he is nothing but an animal flirhting for his wife and child ren. "I tell the emigrants when tlioy come to this country they must come wltn tiie purpose of becomliiir Amer ican citizens. Ii is not surrlsinR that Jews are found aim ng the Ni hilists of Russia or the HoclalUtrf of Germany, but for anarchy and com munism, wo, in this sou n try have the trallows, or lynch law when lustice fails. After recounting the services to the orld of such Jews as Hoyon Holo- mons, Montenore, and others, the speaker said: "I ask you to ponder, to study, to investigate. We must investigate to be just : we must be just because justice is an attribute of (tod. Men and women are not to be Judged by their creed, but by their Individual merits." Toledo comes to the front with the distinction of haviug the largont cask in use In this .or any other country It Is of oak, weighs 40,000 pounds, and holds 36,000 gallonx of wine, that amount of Catawba being today con tained within Its oaken staves. It is 20 fast high, 21 feet long, and rests in a massive cradle of oak, which raises it about three feet from the floor. underneath this giant is a stone foundation seven feet in thickness The cask was built in 1883 and placed In its present position, the building containing it having been erected around it afterward. A flight of2 steps lead to the top of the cask, where there Is a platform, on which party so inclined could dance a quadrille with comfort, perhaps all the better for the reason of the hila rious element over which they tip ped. A New York doctor says: "Every body ought to keep in mind the fact that nearly half of all the ailments that end in death come from catch ing cold. A list of these ail men tH would bo melancholy reading, yet I may make It up some day to frighten people, and it will show how, by catching cold, the internal organs may be affected, and the muscular and nervous system, the head and brain and the blood. By catching cold you may take the grip, and this is a dangerous time of the year for it as my daily practice shows. I be lieve there must be 20,000cases of the grip In New York at this time, and many of its victims will have their lives shortened by it. Take warning in the month of March, and if you catch a cold make haste to get rid of it!" jricirs URiicrLT xoted. The Savings bank of Toneka,Kan closed doors yesterday. Its capital stock Is $115 000 and its assets ft is said will meet its liabilities. A blast was fired on the side of Lookout Mountain yesterday which destroyed 100,000 tons of rock. The railroad track was destroyed for 200 yards. The Elizabethport (N. J.) Steam Cordage Works were destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss is probably $1,000,000. Six hundred work peo ple are thrown out of empolyment The report that travel is interrupt ed m the Atlantic Coast Line on ac count of high water in the Savannah river is without foundation, All trains are running regularly and on time. Mai. E. L. Tyler, general manager of the Atlanta and West Point K. K., was vesterdav elected President of Atlanta and Florida R. it., in place of President Robert Maddox, re signed. Savannah's cotton receipts for this season reached one million bales yesterday the largest receipts for one season In the histors of Havan nah ss a cotton port. The Cotton Exchange estimates future receipts before the close of the season at 160,- uuu oaies. Saturday last 97 men laid oil in the repair, yard machine and other de partments of the Rock Island R. H Co., at Chicago, yesterday it was announced that 60 per cent, of men in the blacksmitbing department and 60 per cent, from tho locomotive machine working force, will he dis charged. Ublect, reduction of ex. pensea. Got Him Itiglit Now, Joe V Statesville Landmark : Mr. Hhoe maker, the eentlemaa who met with no many misfortunes while hauling a load of camphor through Mecklen burg two weeKs ago Is still having hard 'lines. He brought a load of whiskey to Statesville last week and the night be arrived was takeu sick with pneumonia and has not been aoie to get away. Jt might De said iu this connection that Mr. (Shoema ker does not belong either to Alex ander or Wllkss, but is a citizen of Iredell. Buoklea's Arnica Salve. The best (Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil- umiuoi l;ui ud, auu an Bain vruptiuuB, aud positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to irive perfect satlf action, or money refun ded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Barwell & Dunn. jff arixg NO TARX8. An an Old Naval Officer Telia the lluakan Wlif He Oon'i. New York Times: "How N it IA n tenaut," aski d a ywintr man "f m gray-niiiMtach"d naval ofliiv t. "that with your in ;i i iv year i,r . , 'if,-, volvlnir n. doubt liianv -t - . .! velilui'Hi, olio never hivirn mi rl'il your i X perieliceS of the h : r.' ' "Well," was the answer, ' I will re late to you a littlo Iuk'.-im c of mi--placed confidence Some y nr- ajfo 1 whs attached to a whip oii'tho China station. One night it was my turn to take the nnd watch. I sottl"d my se ( on the starboard bridge rail. "Ilia lew inoiiiioit.-t I noticed a commotion In the water im t tin "flip. There appeared not, mor,. 1 1 1 -i a half-cable length from where I was MandiiiK a mni igantn; st.-,i serpen i I had often reatl of such thini?, bin hud nevr l lieved in Hum, hut I could not doubt the evident f m own eyes. In a moment it vuniwn-d. to reappear thtt next instant iilnmm under our bow. The moon , ehin ing brightly und I got a k"-! I'k ' it. The monster's head was fully as largo as an ordinary Hour biirtvl.aiul it was at least twelve feet above the water. "It disappeared in a few moments. The next morning at hrctikfattt 1 re lated my experience to my brother dllcers, antl soon after turned into my bunk. Just before lunch I felt like drinking a tflasn of beer, and, ringing for the boy, ordered him to tiring mo a bottle. The rascal didn't appear in a reasonable time, and 1 rang for him ngain. 'What's the matter with the beer, .1 nnV I asked 'ft uthin tie matter wid tie beer, Mr. liobstay.' "'Tbon why thn t you bring it?' "'Can't do it, Mr. IJobslav. De doctor done stopped yore beer. Haiti tlat a puHson dat hoc such snakes as you wuz talking about tlis morning orn't to hab no more beer.' ': And that is the reason that I don't like to tell remarkable stories." A KKT PAUTt hOK II K,l I II. The Iowa Klalewmaii CrnniitiiiK the Alliance oin I ii l ion. for Des Moines Dispatch in Chicago irniune: The Storm Center is Moving Eastward," was the motto displayed at a political meeting held Oere to-night, which is understood ti be the beginning of a movement to place an industrial third party ticket in the Held in Iowa in the coming campaign. The speakers were ex rienator Van Wvck, of Nebraska; J K. Willetts, of Kansas; ex-Congressman A. R. Anderson, of Iowa, and Uon. J. li. Weaver. The remarks were all pretty much in the same line, expressing tho radical views made familiar by the last cam paign in Kansas and Nebraska. Itoth the old parties were attacked with equal virulence and independent po litical action urged. The gentlemen who spoke at the meeting have been in consultation all day with politi cians from different parts of the .State in tho offlco of Gen J. IS. Wea ver, who Is engagetl in engineering the eifort to form a third party. Uen. Weaver intends to be the nom inee for governor, and his ambition leads Mm to believe lie can be elect ed and be ieady for a presidential nomination. In conversation to-day lie expressed the belief that the third party would carry Iowa this year, When reminded that he was equally confident that the Greenback craze would sweep the country he replied: "That movement was not destined to succeed. It was educational, but now tho people are with us." F.lemcnlN I lie .ol Ititl of. Philatielphia Iiniuirer: We have ('timniunist antl Anarchists hv the thousantls always ready to overrun govern nient antl i nsl i u t.e a reign of terror antl riot. These are the ele ments that are uot welcome to th.f.(. horeH, and they are elements that must be grot rid ef or, at Hast, tro- hiliited from increasing in numbers by Immigration. The problem of the near futuro Is restriction. Our laws ure not yet severe enough. No one would think of repelling an honest Italian or an honest tiennan or an honest and hard-working foreigner from anywhere, but this county can not go on forever as an asylum for ill tin: bandits and assassins antl murderers and Anarchists and out casts generally who li 11 tl their own nativns too hot for them. Kvery adopted citizen must be taught that his duty is to obey the laws. Nothing more is asked of him. !M-u York Two .Million Iticlirr. Ai.iiany, N. Y., March 18. (it n. Jehn ( i. Fai nsworth returned from Washington today, where he has ac ting as the agent of the Now York State in tho prosecution of war claims, aed handed to (iovernorll ill a check for $2,21. i,.o..'!0.H(i which is the amount due to the Htate of New York in pursuanco of the provisions f the direct tax bill. (Jov. Hill in dorsed on tho back of the check, Pay to tho order of Klliot Danforth, treasurer of the State of New i oi k. David li. Hill, (inventor;' mid tin n ed it over to Hie State treasurer, in whoso hands the ,ney will remain as a special dep. sit subject to the disposition of the legislalure. rnaglit and Ilel Iis; ii iseil hh ii ifl il ll . GosHKN, Intl., Match IS A pecu liar pension case is that of Mary Dewey, of this place, who nerved throughout the civil war disguised as a male private iu (he Twcnty- sixth regiment, Ohio volunteers, un der the alias of Charles Dew. y. She now applies for a pension. A gun shot wound iu the leg, received .lur ing her service, forms the basis of her claim for original pension. hen Baby was n!rk, tre gTO hor Castoria. Wlu.n she wan n ClilM, she cried for Omtorla. Whfin she became Mim, she clung to ('aHtoris. When slic Usd Cluldreu, she gave tbem Castoria Pimples, blotches and sores antl their cause is removed bv Hiniraous L'verltegulator. for Infanto "Castor I a Ib no well adapted to children that I recommmd It a superior to any prescription h known to me " II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Th use of 'Oastorla' Is so untwirsft! nnd Its mi'rltaso well known that It eeomiia work of 8iiierwocatlon to endorse it Kuw are the Intelligent families who do not keop Canton within uaity reach." Cabxos MiRTTK, D. P., New York City. I .ate Pastor Bloomingdale Betonued Church. Tns Curratrm ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY. 1B&23&g?M3?&$f2 The Display of Neckwear in My Window FAKSITKPAHHKH ANY KYKit HHOWN IN TH K CITY. If You Have Not Seen it Come Down, the Prices are 50, 75 & $1 KLKUANT QUALITY KOU THE MONKY. HVL. F. PEQRAM, JR. I. catlcr of Stifle and (tudUhj. CENTRAL c n a n l o r r i: ECCLES & BRYAN, ft is at5ri?viMirr.Tf . re. a. jt MMS.f ftii4 he twee., Halti- gjtfflrffi'j and Atlanta, ami U il'1TOWS-f elegantly ft.rnish, ,1 ami halls and rooniH carpeted in Krussels ami 'el vet.t ; Water on each lloor The nioht consitleratt attention jtiven to all quests and tin ir coin Im L cart -fully looked after. S - V j) rS, ' fefiw . a r r inn nn i ncim $ t 'i ft! I i.t?i. .I"' iLir" the lVl!t'Sf;'- the alw 'ami IS L'-lf 1 coiners. Mvcollas!il lines of Soring (foods ors are respectfully invited to its iupt 1 i m I S. THE :-: WASHINGTON Life Insarance Company, OK NKW YORK. tSSICTTS, . io,r,oo,ooo.oo I'he policies written by the ASll- INO'l'ON are described in these general terms : IMIKY AUK Non forfeitable. I I'nrestrictt il as to res idence anil travel after two years. I neon testable al ter 2 years. Secured by an invest ed reserve. So.idly backed by bonds antl mortga ges, hrst liens on real estate. Safer than railroad I'll KY AUK securities. Not, e flee ted by the stock market. Better paying invest ments than United States bonds. Less expensive than assessment certifi cates. More liberal than the law retiuires. I'll KY A UK I Melinite contracts. T. 1j, . ih '; ;.', Maiiiiifer. Kit IIMONII, A. Sam'i.. L. Akams, Special District Agent, roiimli, Wright builtling, Dur ham, N. C. March (-ly DR. L M. WILDER, PHYHICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Rurwell A Dunn's Drug Store. Telephone 13. DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM. Practice limited to diseases of THE EYE, EAR AND THROAT and Children. Caatorla Oollc, Oonsflprt- Sour Htomnch, Diarrhoea. knu Uiiion, Kills Wormfl, gK'J, hwp, and pr. .motes d portion. Without Injurious , indication. FVr seToral ymrs I hav renomniendert your ' Oas ton a, ' and shall alwnyit co.iimK do so an it has luvarlably prodticod bi'iiolloiai. results. " EnwiN V. PAniirs, M. P., "The Wtnthrop," IJSUi Street and 7th Ave, New York Citji Oostfahy. TT Murray flnur, N w York. HOTEL Proprietors ( ne of the most in vit itijr, superbly etiiippet anil fHiiltlesslv conduct ed I lotcl in the South Located in the centre ol tllM ('iff, i i II v,li ie tl I t the linsiness houses J J ' - 1 .l.nxLu I.i, i I.I I ,,.r pai'lmeiitA. I'jirh is t'onnected witli I he of fice liy Klectric Heturn Hell. Klectric Lights; Hot and Ctld Kaths: ASK iii SA LKS Muring the year IMHI. And $!t,(NN increas,. i I uri ng the month ' INK) ju I-. lit v. tt lb ant nee ami ( i I.,.,... , ..v. .i ' ' I -'."-"... , - I'll I, I I I I " II ll W I barriers of prejudice and c.uivinct d "trade" Unit C harlot le is a.- irood H lJG.CA7-i Wholesale Market ,,s any anil thai Id. in -1,1. prices ration I i .-1 1 i t w i 1 1 1 ail ays taken ititocun are open, and th 'Whdesale'' liny ct f..n.. ivrjirt iillio, Wittkowsky. China, Glassware, AND ITS A W i:i.L KNOWN I 'ACT CAIIIIV II IK CLKANi;sr STOCK. HA VI-". Till-: LAUOKST ASSOUTM KN'T. X K WK W K X K 1IAVI-: TDK kih i :s. MOST NO'- 11 v i-: si'YLi:s. in-: LATI-'.ST SKLL AT TIIK LdWKST I'KICKS, AND SI'Alil-: No pains to oci: CI'STOMKKS. G. S. READ and CO A Stylish Suit ol Clothes IHTO IlKCOVKTRI) HY AI-L. I have a splendid stock of Cloths for Spring and Summer Suitings. Call and Examine Goods and go Trices. JOHN VOOEL, The Tallo r. C. S. READ A CO IF YOU WANT THE BEST . ' ' 1 ' :,' ' ' . Carriage or Buggy" on the market, buy the Ooluuibus UuirKy Co's. or Tyson & Jones. IK YOU WANT THE BEST lltiad Cart. Four or Six Passenger Platform Spring Wagon, or Delivery Wagon, buy the Cortland. IK YOU WANT Till'- I'.KST 1 irav or Fai m Y:ij II V theSlUtle baker. IK YOr WANT TIM". I'.KST Medium Priced Carriage, Phaeton or P.uggy, Iniy the or Haydock. Kiucrson V I' lnlior WK AUK SOI-K ACKN'l'S In this city lor the above named fac tories any several otners oi gooti standing. Harness, Lap Hobes anil Whips ns heap as can be bought anywhere. A. U V 11 VI Next to "Vailswordi's Slabh. 1,000 BUSHELS CHOK K'SI.I.D risli Potatoes. Karly Kose and ISiirbank (iuar intei tl fin it that have ever been on this market. 1.IHHI Oats. Is White Seed Spring E. F. llHMi & CO., No. ::oi, ai:i. F. Trade sti.-. t. Will make n mUfake in l. ri'ioL- i..i- present- if lb. f.iil in ht ' ' 1 ' I'll! t 1 ie k I he prettiest line . Xnuts presents iu tl , i. I I I le- 1. I city ill-l re ei etl ul Mrs P. Ouery & Co BTj IST'S Garden Seed J TJ RECEIVED A T J. II. IWIII A LA R i K ASSOUTM KNT OK Til K S K WHICH WE Ol I- KKTOTII ": RE TAIL TRADK WITH ROTH RUIHT'H AND OCR (H'AR ANTKE Til AT TH KY ARK Fit EH II AND U KN II INK at '7 LADIES! RELIABLE SEED Price .List; CHARLOTTE - 1 Steam Laundry, 18 East 4th Street. Whirls, plain, 10 cts each Shirts, new unlaundrled 16 -Collars, Culls, per pair, j Handkerchiefs, 2 Undershirts, q Drawers, Socks, 3 Nightshirts, g u Ties, 8 Window Curtains, 20 to 60o per pair Lace " 75 to 200 No charge made for collecting or delivering goods to any part of the city. OKO. K. NKWCOMK. Manager. J No. V. WIIITK. INK. II. IIKTHI'NK. JUST II' T1IE- CITY CIJU)CEHY TODD I'M i II A MS, KKKIIIS I'KJ HAMS, K. C. VA. HAMS," and ( HKAl'KU HAMS. Kat Itloater Mackerel. Itoin li'Ms Co Fish, Itloater Herring, ami Itoe Herring. We respectfully ask everylMKly to examine ..111 stock ami prices. Respectfully, IWTIIUXK k WHITE. 21 K. Trail,. Ht. Tidepholie SI. MAKE Others Try lo loiiiaie! Novelties in Cakes. NO OLD S I YLK ('AUKS, ALL NKW AND KltfiSH. I 0-0 j - ,AF, V NUT CANDY I'HKSII KOU SDN DAY. 'AUAXDINSI'ECT. RIGLER & LAIRD. 'IVCI 11AKKUY. 2f South Tryou Street. M AKK KiKKS (JI ICK itl All t-ommuuicatloiiN mciiI in nuf. Dross Kinillintr in biirreU mil : Norlhem Win I'otattH's Bliall have prompt attention. KI"IK CARTE It, D. O'DONOGUUE. M. I). PHYHICIAN AND HlfROEON. llei'S tt announce that h ho. sumed practice, and that all calls I both day and niKht,wlll recelv. prompt attention. Oillce 2h E. Trade Ht, over Ham mond A Justice' Hardware Htor-e. - L. J. WALKER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, t'OKNER FOITKTH AND TRVON bto CHARLOTTE, N O Telephone 15 Out Again!" Two more fellows froite off tho milk Wilson and (rone. There are no rocklnir chair bertha fit thin dairy, hut two more who can iret up a move and bIbikI a little cold wenther. con find itendv work un.l jrootl wntfCH vr I th me. Do not stop nin when I am on the milk wnjron. I have no time to talk l liur. . i..V the dairy any time from 8 a. in, to . Hi. H C. C. MOORE. Orahani Street Dairy. WE