i nn 'i fX. - VOLUME V. CHARLOTTE, N. C, BATUKDAY EVENING, APIUL. 18,1891. NUMBER 723 1 ; i. : IE ABLO CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS. T. L. Seigle ft Co, We take pleasure In announcing that our HpriiiKHtock of Oaipetinjrs, Mattinjrs and Kuk is now complete. An Immense line from which to s loct Oood Styles and the very Kent of Qualities. We know that our goods will stand the test. No shod dy stuff Ouiy the very le8tof qual ity Mods room with us. Our line of Cane Matting is now In and open. Htylen new and quality choice. Prices from $n per roll to $20. Kvery roll in iruaranteod to measure forty yards. Also by the yard. Our Carpet House is literally filled with choice tlc)or covering. We make Carpets hy inachii ery at short notice. Wo have the exclusive sale of lirusells Wold Medal Carpet Sxvec er. Kvery housekeeper sho uld have one. No dust and no wear mi ( 'r pets. A child can work it. Have none hut t lie ( !! M ed.tl. tjV All Clothing and Shoes at font lor cash. T. L Seigle & Co ciiaui.oiti:, N. c. Now is tlit Time to PAINT. We have a lar-e stock ..r 1 1 1 . host HKADV MIX Kit TAINTS on this market, in all -i.ed packages and all eolors. lin ) STOIilv Ketail Store opposite Central Hotel. Wholesale, opp. IV I'. J. Wittkowsky. If lift eoilld (ill a stoiy of I heir w roni gome of lliem would sie:ik ptvily plainly. Sinn's were not tl-u;nel n instruments uf torture; they a"' mink' fur the purisc of pro tecting the feet ami not with I lie idea of in juring them. If you feel a sense of relief when ynu tire taking oft uslioeyoii may know that a mistake has lMen Hindu somewhere. Comfort as well as shapeliness Is what you re after, and this you are certain to ohlain from our store. A. K. RANKIN A H1U)., Delicious, refreshing, exhilarating, invig orating, Coca Cola, ut A. B. REESE & CO. luteal Hlpplm. The widow of the late H. W. Alexander, keepor of the roiinty home, has moved to the city with her two daughters to reside. llishop (ial lo way's proposed vis it to Charlotte to-mono has been potpnned to some cither date, on ac count of uiiuvonlildo circumstances. The Suuday School choir of I lie Tryon street M K. Sunday will meet to-niht at S:3H o. m. In, the Mitniny School room. Kvery member is re ijueted to he present. In the I'liniinal Court to-day a iiejro naineil Kd M , '.nn lis (net Dr. M c( omh'i driver ; who was under indictment for burglary, submitted to larceny. Judr Si .-ares sentenced I him to i years in the chain jraiiff. Two picnic parties, the lirst .if i lie season, went out from the city today. One went to t-lewtirl's pom! a-rxi the other to Steel Creek. 1 1 cer i.ilnly has been a flue day for pir n 1 -s, fish i in and lunching on t-p r i i i onions. The State encampment will he held at Wrikthtsville tins year, seine lime bet ween the 17th and lUKh ( July. The Kirt Virginia Ketfiment ill rt i ii to camp with the N.C S. (i at the same time It will be the highest military event in the history of the State since the dark day. The bir auditorium is rapidly neariiiK completion and will he ready on contract tini". The ir. n soles have been put up, and rapid work Is being done on the root! up. The nearer it grew to coin; h ton, t h" larger it appears to lie. 1 1 is cr I -tainly a tremendous structure. Kohert Linton, an old Cnited Stales soldier, died in the poor house of Mecklenburg county, yesterday. He had been nn inmate of the coun ty homo for a long ti me. An etf .i t had been made to gei a pension for him, hut he'sgone now where slow moving Uncle Sam can't do him any good. A meeting of the Scotch Irish Society ot North Carolina is to be held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms in this city Monday night. A lllong the business will he the elec tion of otllcers and the appointment of a committee to attend the Naiioi -al Scotch-Irish Congress at Louis ville. -Mr Count. I I.ip-comh. chief clerk of the Hnford Hotel nnive.l home lo-day from I li-v. i.in I Springs He spent a week or t o t here and w as much benefitted Mr. Lipscomb s s that there is iiite it party of people at the Springs already, and M r. W ilkinsou i- treating l he in in I. is usual satisfactory style. ItrnlitiHiii'it Trlnl. The trial of Henry Hr.ibham. for the murder of the Italian, will be called before Jiotvre Meares, in the 'riminal court Monday niornini: at 1(1 o'clock Some ditliciilty in secur ing a Jury Is anticipated and it is al together probable that the first special venire of KM men w ill be ex hallsled before the"twelve men good and true" are secured. -o In lieim: s.-on lied with Ihc hot un - r.i -whi ii yon can aoi, u soea-ily h ;-! 1 r I u-- a nice ' nilirella ii h such a iiohl.y h.o.d'i on the tit-lit panieon Inline :il the low pre c ol H.IMI. Pain J:ip I nn-- were never bet'.nv e,-n ;n sinHl odd suih's. -ueh piH llllal liamlles .11 such prelly celoi-- a-, thof-e we .ire -i lhti:- .r diH'oralive tiiiri-os,-.. Ibis (lie TUIUTEEH 1MI TMKNTH. The Grand Jury Make u lieport nn It luviitl8tlun Into Suiitliiy MkIiI'h Mob. Thirteen men, all colored except two, aro under indictment hy the grand- jury of the Mecklenburg Criminal Court for inciting, or lead ing In, tho mobbing affair at the coun ty jail lat Sunday night As was stated in The N kws a few days ago, tho matter wus dropped in the city court and the grand jury was al lowed to take charge of tho whole affair. For two days the jury has been examining witnesses, and the re sult is that today true hills were re turned to the Criminal Court against eleven negroes and two white men. As there are a number of capiases to serve, Clerk Hohiusou thought it proper not to give out the names of : any of the indicted parties for I publication. j 1 1 is understood that these cases w ill he taken up before J udge Meares immediately after the trial uf I'.rah hnin for the mu'der of the Italian is concluded. The Ulclimoiicl nml Int lilt- ., u Another Colonel A. 15. Andrews, the presi dent of the Western North Carolina : railway, one of the vice-presidents of i the Richmond and Danville system i and president of the Danville and Western road, sl(,.,,t y.-sterday in ; Danville.- He was accompanied by ; Mr Mtishee. his leg,,! adviser, and ! their busiii, vva.s to takeaclual pos- session of the Danville and Western roiul in the nameofthe Richmond and Dtnvillo The Register says that President Andrews has been .tacitly in possession of the prop erty for two months, but while the ' financial part of the program and the swapping of bonds w as going on m Ni ' York between the Wilcox l!rm n party urd the Richmond and Danville people. Ceci iver Wreiislull remained in chaige. All the details now having oeeu arrranged, Receiver WrriisiKill has step ped down and on', President A n tlrew r- iias t. ; ped in and the Rich mond and Danville is the owner of the natr-'W gauge. Colonel (J. K. tii iggs tins i icon m.ole general super intendant and has complete charge o all the business of the road and ill continue to manage it w ith that energy, sagacity and foresight he ha- heretofore displayed What is to come nut in the history of ttiis ro.-ul no one know. - - -9e- - - -Inst M Smiii1' lli'tii. 1 hat's All. Thk Nkus tun much r. s.,., t ftirthe inleillgell. e of the people of ( liar ! .t:.- to e e,i intimate that the Atlanta Journal's Munchausen sketch id regard to Mon. i having slain nine I taiian bandit.s, one aft.r the other, w ah a stiletto, would he believed. 1 1 w a- publish, d as u sam ple of the prolicitncy of the average newspaper correspondent of today, ami to show to what extent tto-'y will go when given plenty of hue. The Journal's eon . spoiident had evidently I-en leading up on Rliie beard, and I. ad made an effort to surpass him. If n dog were ti get Ins tail nipped off in a feed cutter, the proper thing would !,. for r-onie eiiterpi isiiig correspondent to write him up as having gone through a s ttisage mi II aini b en duly put on the market ni approved fashion, and some if tlie ceii.stioiial journal would put live or ten hea.U on it. double 1. nd ir and g: e it a phtce on the lirst page top of the column. .. mmI h : Lull. J. C. 1,-t t. . f Mr. ( h.,s. li i teiati t on the far in ml. rs,iii,wasgou-d in a ft mhtlul manner I a Jersey bull t '.f thi entered Ml. to the id i : i through. Hie est. rdav afternoon. 1 ori.s ,'.f the null Wl Igl I s , ft leg close a'.d p. n. trat. d i I-ar horn taking an upwar course and the pol nt cuini iij. 'Ut oil the opposite - de. l'he in jury is vrrv m-rioii-. Mr. Henderson has. decided to have the animal kill, d The wounded man w .-ts at tended by Dr J oh u 1 i ii. - - - The meeting of the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 5 o'c'ock will be (oii ducte.l ,y Walter Rreiii. Subject: I he s.,., r. t Of Success HI ,fe .,ih. I . -!- Ill' hoys niettiig will be at 1! :.5U. A 1 1 box s i n v ited. CHINA FALM LEAF l In a v.-;n. f , l:l!l' y : o, c. I ' l l.'e U lo!,' ill. 'r:,;, '.1 ep.lo-.i fr i, A II. p, .j We leoe ' i -r. Ii h.;hi I - .'i-s white -.,.,. I lans li n !. I v . . !. ' nen ;,, , . ., t -1 r N ll,o,.., '1 wear : -ls is IM ,., S,,l, I. II w 1 1 M . I ..,-,e i .1 th, 11 11 E.tn ( ii in 11 t:i to vieves. The Dreii.lfiil Fate of Jek Oennany' fireniHiu The Columbia Htate received last evening brings news of a terrible ac cident on the Charlotte Columbia A Augusta road. The Btate's ac couiit reads: The regular fast pas senger train for Augusta left yester day afternoon at 0:10 for Augusta. Kngineer Jack Germany wa9 In charge, and Mr. Boiling, a young white man from North Carolina, was fireman. All went well until a point between Summit and Leesvillo, about twenty-nine miles from Co lumbia, wus reached. The train was running at the ruteof forty-live miles an hour, when suddenly tho drivlug rod of the engine on the right side snapped, ami began to tear up the track, ties and the engineer's cab as it whirled around. The engine was terribly shaken tin. As soon as the j accident happened, and before engi ! neer Oermauy could pull his lover, 1 Fireman Roiling sprang out into the 1 darkness. When the train w as stop ped the crew wont back in search of 1 1111. He was found lying in a gully m 11 fearful cotull'iou. Lioin the light oi the lantern it was scni that j the whole rear portion of toe right 1 s do of his skull w as crushed in He j w as tenderly raised and Dr. Stew art, of Marietta, Oa , w ho was uboald the ( tta u, attended him. A messenger' w as sent to l.ewiedale and Dr. sios- ' n, of that city, came il-wn. A, Height engiue was secured and the. track cleared, this tram, No. 11. con- j Miming its way to Augusta. No. , t:,e morning train, met No II al j i . wiedale and Sui-criiiteiijioiit Dod- x i.i. who was on board, instructed! s ;,e men to plate Mr. Roiling on the ii. a in t ii K train. A special, with I Master ol Trains Heniy Williamson i ard. was sent out from this city to ; 1 ing the w recked engine hack to I i hnnbia. 1 1 is not k now u w hether ! 1 unloi tun ate man w as k hocked In '. ,e lo ad l.y the broken rod ur had i s u u 1 1 broken by falling on a cross t He was blought in on tin in coming tram la.st night, and taken arouud to the Charlotte depot, w here t c was met by Dr. Taylor. The, ' a .ling man wa a horrible looking; s :tit.and to all appearances dead.: '1 .i- hole in hi? ok u ii wus of the sie ! I a inaii'.- Ii-'. ai.d his brains could ! seeu. He was removed to Nel-j sou'r- boarding house, near the depot. and al last accounts wus j-tlll alive, but no hopes are entertained of hi r. covery. Mr. Roiling is a very: highly ' respected and en rgetie o;ni man. He lived at "Merty Oah.-.'N.C. I.ti'nl llfimrl. Irnm Ihc I .iriiin.. There were not many larnier- in : tie city today and those who were! lo re did not tarry long. Mr. J. R j illiamsou, of "Matthew s, told ai N i w .s reporter that more farm w ork ; w as done last week than ever tit lore known in the same space of time. l'. ry fanner was on the go unc-as-in ly and all avail. ib e help has In-en p sed into service. The farmers as a general thing have been able to -. nie all the help they could lltlli.e I Ley are in cousidetably brighter spirits than for sometime past, and a i in: in ua i',c- of the good w eat her will et them oti rieht. I hey ;.re now be hind on ly on early corn, but that clop lasfyear w as a failure Then. I in. they have a splendid w heat and o i ts crop this season, so they are not in such a hail h x aft r all. ie l'res of the s;,te. " I h l'ress of North Catolina in e l l- tet lith Celltoty," Willi bio aphical sketchesof the pri n ter-.a u count of the manufacture of paper, d a bibliography of the i-m s, is a w work by St. ph. n H. Weeks, Ph., that w ilfshorily be i-ued from , , pressoftlie Historical Club, of k!yii, N. Y. This is a really al ible addition to our knowledge of : th the history ot literature and inting in tl,e hitheito much iii'g ' ted South. Ill C. doilies. It in-' ii.les a bibliography of the is:i, s the jTefis. s from IT'd to Dini. being leciallv full on the laws of thei Suite, and on theearly newspapers. A large party from NcwIh th w ill a't.nd theSlax mu-ic festival in I 'l-.arlotte. Uih.l lot I I Ih. - !es a-e 1"- lit I' -'I .In-. ,nie 11 I V:l!i al .1 cry tisvlul ; the ness lai : .. th. s are ,ii!le mil m o-'l , -I a tew ol t! . wll Ill frill lnh.s remain n, em i: li.r liitlr I'lnsnr nun -traw hat or caput Grenadines. TIIK TICKET MADE If, The Oeneriil erillet la That It Is a iontl On.- The Work of the Ward HeeUiK I.HHt Mghl. The ticket to he voted on at the city election in May, will be found at the mast head of The Nkws, where it will stay uutil voting day is pass ed. It is a fine ticket, one of the best thai the Charlotte people have ever been prlvilegd to vote,and it is just as good as elected right now. The ward meetings last night were well attended, and tlmrewas a good deal of interest and spirited voting especially in Wards 1 and 4. The best of feeling prevailed, and the de feated candidates took things in the right way by shaking hands and plighting faith with the successful ones. In Ward l.OeoS Hall, Sam J As bury and C Scott were elected on llrst ballot for aldermen, Mr Hall receiv ing 170 votes, Mr. Asbury lit!) and Mr. Scott 13o. Mr. W t? Mallory and Mr. Robert K Stokes were nominated for school commissioners. In Ward 2, the vote for aldermen was K R Spiings 84, P H Phelan tw, W II Justice VI Mr. W M Wilson and Mr. Ceo V Bason were elected school commissioners. As a great many colored people reside in this w ard, it is customary to allow them to name the third aldermeu and this they w ill do this year. Dr Williams, the incumbent w ill le opposed by J. K. K ing w hose friends are anxious to honor him. K ing is a colored man of unusual intelligence, calm, sober judgement. and is very popular. Ward .'i got an aldermanic ticket ou the trt ballot, the successful can didates, with their votes being V V Ward 119; RJ SitTord 90 and W F Rui'hanan s. The school commis sioners from this ward are J Hir shi tiger and .) Sih-r. In Ward 4, there was protracted (allotting and unusual interest. Mr Chas W Tillett and Mr M K Kirhy weie elected school commissioners. Tillet on first ballot, and Kirhy on second. Hi-riot (l.irkson got 170 votes tor alderman, on lirst ballot, and Dr Jo Crahrtm in:?. ClarksonV vote was applauded loudly and en thusiar-tioally. Mr. Jerome Dowd.of the Meek leu lung Times came mighty near getting in, and so did the Hab erdasher, and M r. Ronney, hut the honor was finally giveu to Mr. Mc (inn, who is a man eminently sat is factory to the people of the fourth. Tiie members of the old executive committee in each w ard were return ed by acclamation. Very general satisfaction has bt-eti expressed to day on the streets w ith the ticket, ll is a good one and will w in. Spring stirs up the bile. You los, your appetite, feel weak, too hot, and Ohlsotired. lake Simmons Liver Regulator. A DIFFERENCE! Y s, there is a , !h reiiee in good in prices, in people, and WHAT A DIFI'KKKNCK In the wants of people. Some want a heap for their money; others want very little, but they want that little good. We have studied the pecu liarities of trade and are prepared to and do please most of all who give us an opportunity to please them in Clothts. Hats or Trimming. Our line of Nobby Sui's- for young men is especially attractive this season. A beautiful Serge Suit, hand aoiiwlv made and trimmed fur $10: plain Cheviout Suits, square cut. patch pockets, at $10. A very Hue blue Cheviout Suit for Ili.iO; a great many handsome pattern front $1:2 50 to Young man, don't buy without lookiug at theso suits. I i SPRIM CAMPAIGN. W K A It K K K A I) Y You are now look in r :"t a new Spring Buit. We are going to nam prices for iiaiities t,-s se tsoi . it must attract you. Oar Styles are th uteat, our ( iooiis are the hi -it, our Prices are the lowest. Buy from us, mid you are hound to he pleased, and if, after hom examin ation, you w ish for any reason to exchange what you have boufrbt, bring it back and we will willingly give you another selection. v 810.00 will buy a good All-Wool Stylish Business Suit, iu Hack or Frock oChe viot, Cassimese, Tweed, or Serge. $1? will buy one still better. For $15 and $IH you can take your pick of hundreds of handsome Business, Profes sional or Dross Suits that are worth a third more money elsewhere. ?- 8-0. will buy you an elegant Suit, such as only the sweilest Custoni Tailor can make. Wo promise you a good deal, but our promises will be kept. . ' - BUSINESS IS NOW BHOMINll IN nl'li . Boys' aDd Children's Deparuneot All of the latest Novelties in stock. Every coDceit for the season that the most artistic designers can invent, down to the "Rough and Ready" school boy Suits which cant e ripped. Mothers, call aud see our Bt)les and. Prices. W. KAUFMAiN & CO LEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTER8. !w CHARLOTTE, N. C. f i MAIL ORDFXS KKCKIVE OUR PROMPT AND CARKKUL ATTKNTICCN.: LADIES sow SHOES. -:0 -WK ARE NOW OFKEKINO A LINE OF- Old Ladies To thoM' '' sntVer with ter.iler feet or bunions that are soft and lloxihle to the Soot and do not re., ii". c i. iiillire-.ilriii in of a :i..v shoe, but will wear eay am nice when lint put ..ii. I In re the iinvst si,m.s tor comfort that have ever lieen olTereil (Hi this markat. VV'e I, .lie tl.. i; ii ii u 1 o:nro!ii and ( dove k id. care selling tlies' shovsat the low prka of t2.25 .in.i i: I 'on I f..il Ui -ei- them it you want LOW ( fli-.l are : iiv for ttioM- who do t wish a high shoe. ' u"' Ui he- i otigress Hi es al .. m slock. A new stuck of Trunks just RCttived. i .,, Be S?ure to Get Our Prices Before You Buy. GRAY $. liAUNIIAKDT. 19 Easi Tra-le Street, CnAIlLOTTE, N. a Prompt atteiition piven to all Zkail Orders. 11 STYLISH SHOES. We have the tinest ami m.t iiiiiileU' line of Patent Leather Hhees for l&diea and gents ever -h-u in this market. All the fine tope and new lasts can ( seui here, and all St pot ul.-ir priei-. We ban. lie only the Ist Kn in h Calf SUx k, which is showing Ktuajrkably w earnij: .pialities. We have just ns iveil our t hint HKk for tin mmduu, and Quf salS l,,r tins s i!il kind of goods far surnisses ourexpM'tatioii. . Isidies Patent l.ea It.sits with Krem li t 'loth l ops at U)0; Oentsl'at La Cong With Jaftvy !',,: at $4 ' warrant the Ust Kremli Call" stin k. .- : ;,.. .sv our shots il you want to be m it this season, Everything iu th shoe lino. - Open every evening till 8:30; Saturday till 11:00. Parlor Suits. I have a larcre stock of the latest style Parlor Rults to le found anl at prices that will unit everybody. ." f -v.- 1 have a haiulsonio line of Plush Buits from 2H,00 to!W,00L Also Wilton liujr tstiits. ,,i i f jo?, The Prettiest aud Noateut 8ult out at the very lowest prioss. ,.'-" Bedroom suito. I ;'s.) call your attention to my handsome line of Bedroom 8 tilts. Prices u id iptalitv can't he beat. Please call and exsmlue my etook wbethsr you wish to buy or uot, as I will take pleasure shnvvi.ijr you through. ' I have numerou other articles that will add beauly and ooujfort to your home, w hich I will mention auother time. ,,,, B. NICHOLS - FMarniture Doalor B. Nichols. n sWJWLHJtVO. UNDERTAKERS. All work In that line promptly attsndsd nlhl and day. ' NlRhl !, 412 North Poplar street. B. NICHOLS A VK u worm ro, ta 17 West Trads it, Ctoarlott. y V. FOR THE F R A Y 825, 28, . Soft Shoes. a shoe for comfort. e have a nica tine of SENSE OXFORD, QILRBATH 3c OO. ' E. I Cobb, Fossral Director xander, S on &j Oo.

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