I 1 I V, i CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUME V. CHARLOTTE, N. C., MOM DAY EVENING, MAY 11.1801. NUMBER 742 THE THE LATEST AND -Most Fashionable-- Thing$ to be Scon at Sep s. STILL COMIAO iJV. JUST AK REPRPSEN '. ED (HI MOSEY KKKl'MiKD. The interest increase-. 'I'i i con utant addition of new- t hinus i ink iiitf the public eye. EacIiii v, s leu are what the people vtmit an i S. il i where y on see tln-m. Cobweb veiling 1 the latest ihuu' in fice draperies Hiid i more In omnium thine, could not have been (rotten out. Chllfon Laces for neck and j ibots are very mnch in dein and. Demi Lac Mom ohes art- the cra.e. Our line just receid many handsome additions. All other Korts of Laces loo lire hi re in pl-ntt . Embroidered Sklrt'nj: in w hue mid black in seemingly Mid'ess viirb-tj. No two of them are tilifcn mi l then- j Is not an old pattern in the 1 "t All are uew and handsome. Dr. Hebra's Viola Cream For Beautifying the Complexion. Positively removes Freckles, I.ivcr Moles, I'ini j.Ii.m, .sunburn, Tan, etc. .If so I'ru t at ll rinhtea. ll iKiinlilhi s mid purities the skin and pne Unci-s results which no other remedy lias or ran. I'lMi K .iUCI-INTS A I'AI'KAliK. Aki iota Soup 2a cent; ti caL c. Kni: s u; by The Cheek Forger Heard from Again-The lautt Check waa Fixed up I.lkttthe other, and tailed for 7.". The check former is spreading con sternation among the Florida banks. Up to date, bo far an la known, he has got $2,335 of their good and lawful currency, and the end, so far as any one knows, is not yet. The News of last Thursday told of how two bogus checks were recei ved here. One came to the First National Rank and the other to the Merchants and Farmers Hank. They had been cashed bv the Merchants National Hank of Jack sonville, Kin., and from that bank were sent to the National Park Hank of New York. From that bank they came to Charlotte, for collection. The checks were made out on the blank cheek paper of the Merchants and Charlotte, tin I'ROOREHSISU HACK WARD. any Farmers l!;tnk of The Northbound Mall Car Sidetracked at Charlotte Three Iloura The Southbound Mail Car Sidetracked at Lynchburg Five ' Hours. j In this age of progress, when great institution takes a re c urge, it is bound to excite interest. What then, is to be thought of the statement pimple, but terribly trnth ful, that the railway postal service along this portion of Uncle Ham's domains, is now relegated to about the same proficiency that character ized it shortly after the close of the wai on the very era of Hying machine and all that sort of thing, when time between Charlotte and New York has been lesseued from two davs. to The N.'w Arrangement on the Richmond and lluuville. I The Nkws has heretofore men tioned the uew arrangement by which the Richmond & Danville rues its trains into the Jersey City tr ifje i depot, but we get these additional .,! point4 from the New York (Sun of yesterday: The Richmond and Dan ville Railroad will to-day inauguraie a uew policy which is an era in the history ol the Southern railroad. Jt will put ou several through vesli bulod train In tween Jersey City anil Atlanta, which w ill cover a distance a"OUt the same as from Sew York to i 'I. I wi i i. I..-.. L. Here in this day of fast train., Iilllit7, trains .... the Pennsylvania an 'I Sew York i 'eutral make the tri j between the la'l.T cities. Tlln time of I he fastest Richmond and Dan ville train is twenty three hours ami five luinuti s ? i i in Nijn York to A'- A FACT less than a day, we have a mail '- lauta, leaving t' l terminius via tin called for K:i. and the other called ! vlce t,lat 19 "lore piovoKlng by far I (. oni es-iima. oilmen, on me i enn f,r "t.il 'I'll.. ia-ara HrQWII lit fti- than the old davs. because then 1 1 1 sy I van i.i, a ; "- ll'-p in. of TC KelloeL' weresiL'iied " w ,t t. i took advantage of every facility it I 1 he v-ft 1 1 ii i . limited trains, w I ' i , poor as iney w cie w n lie uuMjuir iiii "m' i i i ihiuhiim'ii' A. B. REESE & CO. I.o.ril lliile. ''tit v. r r , i.il- EM RKOHl F. R 1 K S by the heap. If stretched out in n line they wi uld belt in the whole i.r the country, (iretiadinsr the top Joftbst thing f"r drei of the s. a- son are here In t he uren 'i -1 of t Every s'ylei ut u it'. ih i thing. Frie s a v i .. : n m.d ItV wav (I". Vlgure.i I-nli.t si'k. .i Wi.i Hilk in lh" latent IU 'I in f ion able cnlo. ilU'-'. i'lei.'V o.ithlfC cooler for summer. Jewels and Jen-. ' t n n, n inr 1 Cleoptra iir.!l- ..Id and Hlv.-r bells. Com m 1 1. in- e i - ti e late-t. You mii't h i e oin if v 1 1 want in tie In it" Join the p-o i !'iat ilailv throngs to .ei(f, T. L. Seiglo & Co No. II V. Trade I' .. l'rv. CHARLOTTE. S. C kowsky ," and uiie the certified stain n and forged Mh'iiat u re of J . R Holland, cashier of tin- Merchants and Far mers Ran k of Charlotte. The bogus charact-i of these checks was de tecte i tin moment they were re ceived lure. It wa thought that the festive for ger bad done pretcy well to get $ 1,..V out of the Jacksonville bank at one pull, and w Lib y pathiing with the Mini i. Iilt AT I F I'AI I. Mi Josie Hitchelor, of the Or phans' Fi lend, is at t he Central. Several letter are it the Central Hotel for Dan McDou.-ild, who is Kiispectnl as the murderer of old man Coindy. The d.-votlonal committee f..r the File iii'C!ing is r.-iii. st. d to lioet t the Y M I' A. parlors, at " o'clock tomorrow afternoon. That as very prt tty and ap propriate design in Ratucl.'s slo w w indow tn ' iy a t-y in tin t ri.-al mon ument ded ica red to the Confederate dead. '1 he arr.i ngi ineo t w as art 1st ic and attl acted a gi i a t deal of atten tion. The excursion trains to he run from Cliurlot te t" 1 he Columbia Ce u tennial on tin- 13, I I atid loth, will leave Charlotte ut ;" a. m. each day arriving at Coluinlii.t ) a. m., re turning, leave Columbia at 10:.'Xl p. m., aniviug at Charlotte at 2:50 a. m. At a meet in g of the I i rand Coun cil of theR.iyal Arcanum-a' Tarboro Mr. A. M. l'.iwell.of K.ileigh, was re elected treasurer; Mr. J. (I. Wright, of Wilmington. grand regent; Mr. S. ; Jacob), of imi:igtii:i. vice regent. an J Mr. NY. It. ltoyd, of Si w hern. I secretary . ' The east Ten ncs-ee, Yirgtnis. ami (eorgia Kailroail has withdrawn from the pas-eiigi-r department of I the Southern R.iilway and St-am-! ship A-1 1 i it io:i en a ceo mi t of a spat I with the Wi-stct u a ml A t lant ic o e ' ! d i tte-ent i.i ' -. 'I he East Tennessee de ma nils I nu-r r.ili-, The Southern Asssociuiioii I considered i he must I harmonious m ttic country, and never yet b s it had a rate war. ; The a tlon of the Eat Tennessee has excited some comment, but it is ! t hoiUfh t t ha I mailers will beadju , ad soon. J llCkS-ill Viiie lotte banket-. W illi id hi t III- lio r'i I , i Checks l , cci and Farn.ei w as aict !j . ; chi k, w i : ! . red ink, aid tlgur. s c:il : 1 : d ra w n in t .i as -i'in d. I h.id bu ll c i A ng-u -; 1 1 ie. - thence Vi lli K no i , ; . and mi.: i, i s nds jt l.a -k with r iii-titiition, the Char l:.id hoped that that nd .if it. These hopi , v-it ii, for uniting tii9 d .i ; the Merchant- k this morning' ii ieely filled hlan k 1 1 ol land's uame in I a d h rittt n - 7 Mi. It w as hI-o T. C. Kellogg and Witt km sky. It toe hank of St. 1. 1 Jack sons ille, . i ! ie. and from ther. V - lo-vi lie got l! Ii'-t, - I, f t M r ot ( .irlotl, '. Ch same rlott. route 1 Mi II.--rtty yard Hi and w r at!, gra ves of t In ti ial day was h elav, without an v day, bat rev erentially A procession of old is uf the! 'oufederate i ition, was formed Presbyterian church k. I ti the prtcession , I Hartranft Post, (i. nspicuous place. Minrinl Mil t ..uf. tb la: serv.-d i ! if.. very gn it dt-j and ten.ii r . Soldier-, m... i i Survivor's -. in the I ii-t t I o cl-.C nic m I " r i A. R . Ii .d a Tin-re w as M l.i'ire alien lance of la dies and children, bearing Mowers an 1 once more the Id.- dead in Elmwood wen- made oi ib; :uk beautiful with th" mi a u 1 1 ott.-t tugs of aw eel flowers Irointhe hands n those whose mis sion it is to Imtinr and cherish tb iikiiioi v of the brave fellows who went il'in ii i.i bittle. For over a 4 uurter ot a century have they slum bered in the soil for which they died, and t- I iy tln-ir graves are more be.-nit.f ii : I he.-iped with flower than they were when y et the turf hat) laid its first green carpeting upon them Long may be the day incom ing that this annual floral baptism of in loin w nod will Cease. in j with facilities a huudieil per cent. ' better, the service seems to make a deliberate effort to avoid taking ad vantage, of them. ' To make the point clearer: The i northbound traiu on the Air Lin. i road cuiiies in from Atlanta at t 4 i. p in. It bring the postal car tl.i far and lieie the car is sidetracked. This train leaves at 7 o'clock p. u . and goes on Sort h without the post 1 1 ! car. The postal car stays here on t he sidt track until the northbound ! vestibule comes in ut !l:2l) o'clock. That train picks it up ami carries ii on north. th ree hours later than there is any excuse for. This car, instead 'of tuing sbifte oil hire, jnuld In taken oi. to (ireetisb iro, or even to Danville, thus s, i i eg the people b. -t w ecu Charlotte and (ire. nsl orti at least, wuh the mail 1- hours earliei. for the nil the pot ollii-i-s along th I i no are closed before tin- ves'.ibul come along. I h n again, the mail w hich leav.--Sew nl k a' 4 : tn in , .mill, I e, here n.-xt morning, hut the postal en is -jdet racked it L n -lihu r g and r -mains unt il t he 'oi low ing t rain comes along live hour lad raid picksit up. iSy Ihisarrangen.i iit hu-i ih-ss men of Charlotte hse the half cf a, commer cial day, and when the train is hit and arrives after hanking hours, a i freiiietly the case, ti e loss atnoiint to a hole da . Thi sort of business on the part of the postal a tit horit ii s, js really be yond comprehension. Is a crazy man in charge of the railway postal affair, or is the new order of thing i the result of a deliberate detennina- ' tion to luniperand cripple thesoiith- 1 em service. We feel perfectly sure i that when this matter is brought to the attention of the autlmri t ies it wi 1 1 be speedily remedied. lire ela'i York at Washin Ki.-hn.o bj tlleil I' . I I I I I - 1 ' . I. I. It -! I ;-. in : ti It : i .V Darr. 'oil CI o:, Mil 11 . t trail Km, M mi lea-.- p. 1.1 1 1 1 V"t k a: -Wii-liii-u' tllett- is n It ii A ii simi ' i f VICl. to used t i r Hot ,.!!, 1 1 g i a i -telo into road s I he v . :i, i hll-ll cor - a tel.;. Kali.'. T n h d i, rated, leave .New w itln ut change at e a ro s. pa rate r. tin- tty;n-,iiianiit d w -,. 1 1 1 1 1 tin y have no til'- p, iniSV IV.ltll ( rpnrg ears t i Hot Spun.--. !,ll Sew O' .. n t a at h1 : " i .1. e , O.lVt A .-!..-idle. v , Mo- in-, :, . i.a.-h A , ; o.id day. -1 1 1 a. Ii lea VI p g S -v p. M., has one change ut ', out li'tim that pom'. hi THAT TliERE WAS A GREAT DEMAND FOR OUR BEROK f-UITS. E . S E E G E ( , G E They are all the go this season, and are attracting agreat amount ot attta-' tion. T e most severe critics pronounce them in the highest praise. TaoM :' beautiful Huddertieid 151 ue Serges are all the rage. We put them up in tb best manner, longor short role, for $7.75 - New l"i! if.- I . II-II K CI I il p l:i in ,ik ;his si.leot Atlant Oi leans in forty hums of this i the ex'eii t gh see; i ng car s r lie. The Da II l lilc r-.a -i iiii; nir-i ii :i I v l - tofo.e i. -et.t sh- ... .. S .rf...:. in -I H - i i lc, in - w the t v. . ' id .i n d Da vtl le is ' -, , a extensive lleig : New I i tk. ill c ' ! : ne v p; i i lees i .; -i - e I'eii n - i v an : We aleosold agreat many of those neat, attractive, Black Cheviot Suits at $8.50 s- W hn linr.n'i V on i.i In- ii l'.il The 11 I Hi I- "t II i e Mi w ho thi i. k ' . t i l in- a i - right to w ear a bed and is said to be rather There a re n-'t i en a' I alii tin..- foi po-tt Ions on tl I the a hlernieii v 1 1 ( t he ret pretty big .tia.l fr. -in which to , . 'ect a sin ail one. at Hair meeting to morrow. Will Meel lu ll .H I..H. 'Vjie bond of aldelliien will me. t t i-Inorrow for the election of stlei-t com ill issioiiers policemen, etc. ('apt. ' Strickland, who ha served a -treel commissioner for some years past. resigned ts accept a position wttl I l - c mpany. There ale hail a If you aro in need of a cheap and dressy Suit, don't fall to purchase one of the above. Other goods In Iar;e varieties. Come and give us a call. Wo endeavor to please. We are untiring in our efforts to give the best goods for the least m iuev. We are the Old Reliable. W. KAUMAJN & CO -tli.;lll. Iiarli.f- built jii-, it ry a cinn. -ton is! ill..;, nil applica tote.-, 1 ie have a t he lll.'llnd- t'PI"" I'ollei nml iitn ial oin ucurnli l lte i'i- ii of Pel fillle Kaoi v A ri i. cor'ot Ph.. Pnn an. I ilelo I II I in r.ni-:.. I It V i :o v a i . I -a 'el 4 leNltlns tail lln Muii.l The water l o ii r work - company w a c leaned ou t t Ii i in a brigiit as a new s: w a a tu n t I I i in li s I ICED DRINKS. ttnln Water, Milk M.ak.-s. D i-.i.-mi-ie. Malt I'ne.ippll' .slierLt lt. Mimr.il W ut. -, lite, OH liraul.t 1 1 M- - if t he city w ate; drained otf ami nil -ii: and mad aii"epaii. There f m ml i n t t.e Xlolll of tile h'L' ITotl ta 1 1 d pi pe. As the wan r tlowe.l mil into the church si ti i I dram, ill" boys rolled up the r sleeves and lishcd for perch They got a ih'.vii nr more small llh. Coii-t i II-- 1 rv. i ii ir-d a bucket and Marl d an a . j ;ia , i a in of ti-h caught in th" sircets of Charlotte. - - . The 4 I i-l n On-Ill-nil H. I'oli. III PollC bv Fn 1iday ll OOII Ml t iiu iU.ni li.-ii.f. man WiU.ni, who wan shot I i 1 n 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . in Chester, last niuht, died Saturday after o'clock, liuchanan ha not te-.ed. It i- ii nderstood that holing, and will remain so e ci leiii.-a t attending t he ha- - a 'i-oleif. and will then 1 1 1 1 1 !-, .( to t ii e othceri of t In- 'ell ai he is I Ii until 1 1 killit'i: d-HM-r law. i liis in t , i- kr c! sou ti l l iv. 1 j te Cllll f of polio ot ( him to arrest M inn iief of police M a egraui from the ..-sti r, reiuetiug ie M addot, a m-- ccssorv to the II f) l The engagement of the Sanford negro n 1 II 1111" All lT I I linn ' Oirl-' Orchestra begins at the opei.-i occulted 11 Hi Wl.ll l I I llll II bons. tonight. Of the sh.w giv, n (hatit; UUl II vll VV V II II II by this iio,ip,.. the I ireeiiv iPe Sew s ti air ma ii but DRFtl .STORE. Retail Store opposite ( en Wholesale, opp. P P. P. Wi ll; nil Hotel. -wskv says: I in- aiull-nce npiyeil thei n tne program and ery leu numbers pa-sed without encores. 1 he per-fi'piii-rn i-b' geut roii in their te -pone to t he eito in s.a ml by the ai -tlstiewavef reiideiing each number 1 1 id t lit ir w i I i in goes - to pleas their hearer, soon won the audiance. Th" art ex l b turns of the J a pant se were v iew id by many will interest and prnlit. tin 't ii I n and under ai ti -t. here. I'o ti , she left worry and killing ol be ---nt t, Lad, i -Math, t'- Uee-e , m nrtler. She is th" t-r w hom the killing had been living in w elit to lle-ter soiii.. at 1 1 veil here thi promptly placed ha two children - she stated tha i ; st to esc.i pe t be n t attend i ng t in- w a s -1 1 1 "tli.-t t I a man. to- lltKilt- bc will .1.1 r. . I o v Foi : W I 1 1 1 lie bv - Cri'i In .North Carolina. The w eat her during the week end -ing Friday, May Mb, isyi, was decid edly unfavorable fur the growth of crops and for farm wmk, nud the prospects are not good. The ear'y pint of the week was warm, with light showers on the -dli, w hich wa followed b severe cold n eat her w i h heavy frost. The protracted dry ness "has prevented planting and cul tivating and maki-s the growth i f crop very slow. Frosts oo-urri d on the ,ilh, tub ami 7th. that mi the nth being the heavie-t Tin- mily por-' lions of the State which escaped are i the counties along the cmi-t and the southern portion of the l a-torn li trict. The total damage reported i cons iderable. Truck crops, potatoes, beans, pea, etc., were killed, cotton was injured in an irregular way, mostly on low iimi-t irrouml or fie'tjs slot-i ng tow arils the N orth In some places cotton is being replanted Orapes weie considerably damaged, but on the wholo it is believed that other fruit escaped Wheat ando.it- ' generally all right and looking well. ; though greatly In need of rain ' Transplanting of tobacco plants pre vented by dry and cool weather. - liil.-r-l ollrgiate Uraturia! Contest. The Inter t'olIegite oratorial con test of the State took plice Friday night at (irci nsboro. Female College. Davidson Collegii was represented by Messrs. A M. Mclienchy and b.' H . Coriiellson. Otitlford Colltge bv C. L. Yan Soppiu and J. H. Pet-K,. and Trinity College by W . R. 1,,-e and J. R. McCrarv. The medal, v. il . nl at JJ".. was' won by Mr. J. 11. Ptele, of O.iilford College! LEADISO CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERJ. CHARLOTTE, N. V. MAIL UEDSHS RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAKEKUL ATTE.":0N. has thi ll 1 lit f- r his place. ATTEjVTM Lames. -:o -:o: WE are now showing the handsomest and best selected stock of Li liw, M isses ami ( hildrens Oxferd and Iow Shoes we have ever been le to place before the public. They h ive heu selected w ith the greatest care and embrace aU the fad ing styleof the season. Come and see them. We are sure we cat. ; ease you. See those w o are selling for $3 and $4, and you will see the finest the "ar; kit afb rds in i ew and handsome styles. We have a tine line in all the styles, we are offering at the moderate', -jCe of $2.00 and 12 50 These aro tine Oxfords and cannot be equaled bv ",ln style, prieeor quality. Those are nice style we are selling at $1 00 and fl.25, with Patent L . ther Tip. Every pair waaranted and in uo way inferior. We have already had a good sal. on them, and truly there is none eijual to them. A fine lit. of Opera elippers for 7,Sc. Be sure to see them. Every pair warranted. GRAY BAItNIIAItDT. 19 Eaai Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ."Prompt attention given to all ai ail Orders. lll'ilisilillL' lilllllls OXFORD AND AND LOW SHOES. -:o:- A Graii'l Success. Silk Waists. Black Goods ,i p, ' Ii. 'II', !l ' 1 10 I f -- "' ' ' Ipe rl)',- I I III - II I.I E OF Hall linl I.i", li ! I lor Seine t inn- I'll ilie l-adc il. n't forget e hai- a vast :ivi-ii to i ll : , i ; -in-lit. WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST AND BEST SELECTION OF THE POPULAR OXFORD TIE8 IT HAS EVER BEEN 1 OUR PLEASURE TO SHOW. - Don i -- i'.-ie 'In- f :e' that we s,h- tie nt. show it ?j 50, they aie reconed the finest and best. Our $2,00 Oxford wiTi ba art-v . o it.-e tock of Men- -i great leadi r t.:s ou and is certaiidy the great value ever had at Uda wiea. Ourfa ,.,i..- ,r . ul Oii-r-1. lm.nvM and warranted beats all othera. These bad an immense lala o- -,ou c . w i io sen ivio tnousami pair ot theru tins season. Made hi all thalmk ug styles, every pair warranted. QILREATH Sc OO. Open every eveniug till 8:30; Saturday till HHJOt That's what joa do : i " t - "ha1 on don't do when on bu a p"i "I "in lu.c sIukv It isn't li" '.e- leal', r in put your feet into sonic shoe ami. nl.-n that h:ipfti to lie the case, it s a ,:i,- i' i In I to take thcai out again. hen von om i urn tin-mil m il outlines of a loot, it's s: ain-litn-- hit gone forever, to any tiolliiiiinf tin tornires you in flict upon it. Veil well liae nothing to bo snrty for if von try our styli-.li durable ami perfectly lilting shoes now in an. I being re eel veal A suin'rl) assortment of Uidiesi ford Tic just in, A. E. RANKIN & PRO., New pooh iiii -in luniai m .-i'iih every tiny 'I'll is is n in ri t v nth n. :i- 'rado t r.-nlc so very Kmul iind mi-hh- licl.-i niinr.l to Inn c t he gt loll our i -1 . s , . i a , 1 r dein.ii.d As eertniii ii- von . I , 1 1 1 the hill-ior-lri.il on the hcat-li Ilo- -imo'u r pi.-l -o . ettain w id yoll feel the l-.is-. f ot a u r., . Tin- v i- tors Ii ll ns a lew Aivonlron Ua.l.d and lliicln ( 'apes. Sci ure. T. X-.. jf3Llo liaiiia:un)p Ponaeo i In del- i ll- !:, I , :., gr , i, Whin .-.-. White l -'- ll ,- , Ano her !.. --i ' t;i i,s. 1 hi- l, -iv I.,:, I a-, in u ill I h oi. hi I a. i I- l led at.. I t :;..l,, ' - - i- II, I a'delMd o A Fine Silk Wrap D it 1 its mum' will itive on an idea ot llu- t.-xtiin-. but it ixiit In auty I- know n only In 1 1 o-i- n h. w ill la e a O'li'iiae -uti-. in.-r dress -a liirht vet - slr.nn;. l-'ll'lii-1 in : d Collars, Cutr. Neckwear. I.ioi,. ! I o-S-ry . Su-pen-tb rs, Slur: -. Ui.d i wear, and many oth.r t'; in- ii the Furnish ing Line. We dir. i t or, r att.-nt'on I'special'y i '. lei w ear for the sin, I, lie' . ln lT Ibis, ou whir's food ipiality f I Silk 1'iitT Ro-oui Shii ts at JrLOOK:i3rC3- CHAIRS. 1 have ni-t r.snive.1 niiv line of Rockine Chain of alt iWrlnt' m. RmiiiIAi T..i. - Silk I hit le.-oui Miiits at f...... p.trt.., patter,,, K.,kers..f the very beet grade at i.50 and I3.7S. I have also a Widanme ' II i f !.-'id-i.nl Ni n'.ig.-e Shirts at ! t K.itt.m n i Plush Kockir just receivevl, at prices that will please every one. Ifyoa " fl'ii $1 7". aid Secligee Shitt- iii anything m t!.e cl.airhne it will bean advantage k you tommy stock bsfota btqrbl, -'- in almost cini.t- varity of materials "pTfl.t. R.nnlCH. de-. Sdk ran llctitii tt-i. Ml Wool I IcnricUa line i.iiiniiK. oo-'i t . reininiiie, rrt'iuli, . . . ,.,.io ,,..,1 -, . ,,, ,, ."-ce. ,ii,i- ua.r. Melange, issage. I'.rd- " ' " .... I I take nvi:d care ill selecting Hat Racks. I haw something In that line that I know "l '" at lh. h iiinnc. .H,.it,o-s, l ain y Pla k-. etc ! the lin-st S.Ik a 4. t ileh. , would smt v.m. and at nriees thalran't h ln W.mkl ha iiImJLi k... ZL?!?,l i-"iTr il l J I - ' 1 U' 1 aim ss-v llicill. a Mill. (Mir iv 1 1 i ! nt a oui i iHii I'iMr! t,u Siic.Ii 1 -"Ml-llilHl; :il,iK'.'t,T I ... 1 ,.. i r ti t Ml,.tj fv ti m i 111 V Ht.si'lt I Will IK it rtrfilk .a iuuhHal nisnw nonalliua 1 a..H. !l i a . p) I M M I i : KOIi KV h'KY iUV imim-i i . . . , ....... ..... ... .. . - w .u.iii H u joa wiu oT (WXK MATTIN(JS beings, I. ndid value lor the money. IV i M I T " a l I l"rv ' i . . IROQKRS&OO. 0(t ll iJtlUIti;i IliMI OUHT t'VCIUU IIII Ik 111 ' . , a. i lothtora ana ruruisners. xander, S t$3 21 West Trade St., opposite Andrews Furniture Store. b niohols - TTimitire X3ol or B. Nichols. E.laC(r. " ' B. SIt'JIOLS C CO. Funeral Dl - etor ' UNDERTAKERS. H All work lu that line promptly attended Bight and day. NlirTv eall U2 North Poplar street. B. NICHOL8 C J ' 17 Wtat Trd Charlotte, Jf , Q. t v..