THE OlARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUME V. CHAHLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 13,1891. NUMBER 744 I DAMAGED BY WATER DUR.NU Last Night's Storm.- -:o: -:: T.LScijrle&Co. As soon Astho losses can Ix- adjusted 1U out for the greatest lrwiis 'et II-rol. T. I. SK.Kil.K A CO. Fifty cents on tin- dollar i- tin- way we pro" ..,' to sell a large lino ..f I'unisol. that we dosed out from .1 nuiii'ifai lur-r. All nrencw ami the latest "tvle- m. two are alike M.(i buys a 'l no purinol. tl.M Lays a f t one. It's "worse than thai, we inoiin to soil the- 81 fio'lory i we mean what we nay ami we .toil loo- K " , vnree on tin s.iv this ill tin o-'V "I :mV.ih. T. L. Seiglo & Co No. II vV. Trad- h-. Is'.. S. Tryon st. CHAlihi . I'l'l'.. N. '. jfKvory article IxiunUl of us that '"" m.l prove to I ex iiv n reir, nlcd n'u-l U' relumed n " ' once. "' " ,lr lfl l! will I i-i-hed "ii 1 ' prefer ! U- reliable lo aiivllmii! Iiv order "f I I.. s l li . I I'. A " BurwcII Soon. HKTiiS AT K! 1 A I I.. it (,(.. ; I ,. r i i . I i - i V I'm, -a m. k ..I IV: in-, ry -"..p-. hri"1, ' .,. : :.:, I v . ' A ,,,, j,.t,., - . t . -1 . ; ! . -u nil. leUiev I f - - ' " 1 iicuratiy -i ' i t Lor,- .n- :.,: ICED DRINKS. S,ta Water Milk shakes, l-cnn .na lo. Mali" l'lin-IHa--'i' rliTl. Minora. .id r-, Ll. , .hi I. Ditu; stoki:. ih.t.iil Store opposih Central 1 1 t-. Wholesale, opp. l'.I'.i'. Wittkowsky Thai's w lint von do .mil what you lnu't do w hen you leiy :i pair of our line shoe. It isn't an easy mutter to put your fi-el into some sIi.m'- ami. w hen tliflt luipK'iis to Ih' the case, it's a nii'iil n lief t" take them out uguin. When you time mar the natural outlines of a foot, it's slmii'liiiess lias gone forever, to say nothing of the tortures yon in Ihct Usin it. You well have nothing to ho norry for if vu try our stylish, dnnihle uml Mrfn'Hy titling shoes now in and being ro ccivoil. A BUKrh assort incut of ladies Ox ford Ties just in, A. E. RANKIN A BRO., Borwell & Dooo, Colgates Turkish Bath SOAP AM) Colfales Palm Soap A re only .'m cents a dozen, ami art' I it Ii good JSuth and Toilet Sriapn, Kill i.r. ky A. B. REESE & la.rl.1 Kililen. -Mhj-s 1!. I!r an iumI Daisy Hlooni ioft for Col u in ill ii hint nitfht. Kill II .Iiv. (lin-i. liland mo I CliMMe Hr.-tiUer 1. ft for Colunihi . to day. The 4 C ent Willi" ami John Irav to Col ii in I ih toda y t advi-rtis- the gr-at land sale on May J. ill and i IS- Concord's town comni oner- met yesterday and re-elected Janie C. Kink clerk, and .eo. W. Means, chief of Police. . In the (supreme court, yesterday the decision "no error," was handed down in the ruse of Mate v.- Austin, from Mecklenburg. The signal office report"! show that there is a steady rain all ovu the "cotton b. It'' to-day. This is good news for the w hole country. M r. Conrad I.i pn-oni b, chief clerk at the liuford Hotel, l as returned from his old home at Manchester, Va .greatly improved in health. Yesterday's storm was narticu- i larly severe at 1 rita. A negro was ! blown from a mule, hiuI the mule locity was 3n miles an hour. A ve- as blow n into a rullroad cut. j h icity of Zi in lies a n hour is known The II. .-net- N, -t Kilieinan wi'l as a gu!e. The rainfall was reinark eHe to hum, f ..: Coliniihia to pal- . ,illl,- " heaviest rainfallson r.-, ..rd tlclp.ite III the li. . ! I tar V feMU'ltles ' t here to- ill. -I row. , Kr iday mom i ng. llu'V will return At ( "roiis.. "s stithm. four tnih West of I.incolnioi, , steiday aft. r. ; noon, the hail was -o ubiindant that ju-t :if h r the st on n. it lay bur I nc I n -de. ; oh tl.o ground. Mr.C I". Muxcy, of ltoo'oii, is jn I tin' city, taking pictures of the bu-i- lo -s i,.,u-,s, ci nn !o s, and publ c Itui Id i ii for an 1 1 lu-t ral ed directory of Churl, tt... His work promise in be of great interest and merit. The Chariot 'e Juniors will meet to-niglil. and I e-,.rg,i ii i.. for the ri'lill ' -"ioii. Th.-v "ill be.', practicing at once and will I"- in lir-. class trilll for t he IT.HIH s ih'aI wek Columbia orCharl. st.ui. Niver w ist i .ir'.'f.- n, taste f u i iy and prof ii -el y dm orated wn ll Hfs and I'U lit I hi! than she :i m . h.- "'o; h of i.,-t M ;. :,:il the 1 ii-i :e ll'ills, s .,.,1 -evidence- - ' '..'d .1-- -n 111- III -line p. it r i tic a - t i : i his e:ir. Till N I s has received a copy l the address ..ii th. life, and char A 'tor of Maj Stephen P. Ihilli-eur, deliveti d by Hon Win K. Cm, i" tore t he I .ad - Melnoi :il As-ocl.l lorn i,i i. ,i. on M:iy luth. I i- a i exceedingly mt.-rc-t irn: paper. I'he Kaleiifb Chroiiicle and tin Charloite CLr uiicle are pretty ad roit, but (or all, we cannot gi. away toe . i . i ol on r 'pos-n in f a r in I h it u 1 1 1 a mat h-r of di ; ioiua l ic ' , ir re-poinb o i o betwe. n .s.-cretarv I . ! ii hit a ii ,1 liit- N I . 'I he t . e 11 ! i Mm III ! 1 llle. I I !,g o 1'n 1 .:'.d I s , I . I i I .- 'Clr I V, W 1 i . he ; mil at the Y. V f. A . I. ill !o- . nioriow i l'I'ui'-dav aft.'Ilui"ii at . o'c lock . V i. :e ;i I re-s wiil he del i ver I by the K, s. IC. (' lb . ,1. All tie ladles in the cry in'cii-tid in tin work are c.ird I a l ly m 1 1 - i to at te nil. A Grand Success. New good ccry day. 'I'lil- i- a ne so .TV good l .lit ii lie 1 1 1 rn i ahnoM s-u w ; h ii-.. I r.i.le I r...le is d we ir- .lei. i mined I" h.i tl :.;.ls 'III I II-." ' 'lie ll. III. lllll .'. tin- hii: As certain a- vo.i i 1 - or sir, -il Ham Wei on the hen. h this -1 n n iit n - VOI1 Iccl 11 e lie ! ol .1 n r ip I ne :- I. T- '. .1 US ll feW Ac ..".I." ... l'e.l.t,-4 .II..1 lll. In- t aHs. .secure 3?. Xj. Ale r t:sTEKiA r evksiswh stohm. A Cyolunn ra-. Over the City A (.rout AVI ml, Kail of Kaln null a Terrific I'liller of lltiil-Omi Utimired Chicken- Killed on b hinglii Farm. Hail fellow well met! HailColuin bia IJIiiil to th. chief ! and all other sol tof huil. 1 low it diil hail on dar lotto lal . . dirfctly ui ning! A cyclone passed r city, not very high, hug to signal oflioor clthi-r, ! liroiiMou's c. illation, uud hud it dipped flown ii would have nilxd our hoii-c ..ij.. Furtuuately for Ch:i: loi i , it di i not take a down ward course, i.i't went roaring over head a iove t'-iwn. The storm come up at ; vm o'clock. Chid hankrt had been gutherinx for sonn;, hut at that hour, there iciiimUKiut of wind from the west and inj;, t.!ack clouds came failing .ip ov.-rln ad. They had ncareely spread themselves over the city, hen up under them, much nearer t..e earth, rolled a bai.K of irr.iv ' cloud-, looking like smoke lion n . iiui'iiiiii; Imiliting. Theiiagr..y ,.( I, ; -, re. d iM-lf over the town. H:. . piA jai.d w v-'oni rattled uvt r the t., -V-vi .ii oi'e.ikiu ck peed for places ol in-i-i ter.w iuilow s weredraw n dowij,l'lin; floseil and doors fastened, and indi- viduais who happened to he caught I on the streets.wereseeu making then , legs do leinarkably irood service. I- ir.-t there come a great wave of w in l w Lie. i picked up the eupertlu-oi..- itJ-l on the streets and sent it i-wei ping along In blinding volumes ' luM. r n,un a train ever traveled, j and along Leii i ml the dust came the i.jj,- spattering drops at I Ii l .. thi n a delate. Kor the lirst t ve nuiiules of the storm, the lain swept I ryou street from South to North, then tl.e wind whirled around ai.d itie ram come la k from North to South. Looking ou l on thestonn from any window along this street, the ruin had the appearance of being sLot liy from the spray no.le t some immense line of hose. 1 1 came down in the traditional "blinding sheets." Kor every drop of rain, there sei ined to have been a lump of hail, and this, driven by a wind that scur i it A by at the rate of 40 miles an hour, mad things lively for a time. 1 'lie reci id of the signal olllce slums that the amount of rainfall w as 2 'Mi inches. Of this, 1.32 inches f'-ll in id minutes. Kor live minutes. the wind blew at the rate of 40 mi an hour, and for ten minutes its ve- '"'I'' r. -us inclie- m o:i.. iiuur.J.llie Ih. ls;.; n an In- in Lour and thirty m.iiutes on ug 1, 1- ni; i t i in In s from 4 a. hi. to II p. ni , July Ho 1 -T i : :;. - J inches i r.uu 1 4o a. in ., to .. p. n In, Ins.: and , At V. . - -.4 i. At A lexahd i la, 4 inches 'iiii.iiin i 1 1 , o i fell in ..: ,1 .ol! .1 ; of I ..ill fe June L'T. i ss m i nut. -. .-ste. ,ia', the We-t i s-torn. ca'i.e up from ' w :- -. i , resi III tt e . i "l i city, it wa-ii'i.- a i., I not in in ii lull! ! lo.'ai d 111 i of i; n - II h 11 1 . : l . : i A ' . ;1,.. 2 Hi I b l.el.. ' I h I :.- . h oi. outside of an area . 1 ! t he c : v. (Some of t lie .11 f.i w --re l ull y dHinaired. . . ; c i v u i r i -- .mi' -tori i i . i A Hr. w ho farm i . ity, got the ful: .'n His y i ne va rd 'i"ll l" .ll. II lull I, : c t rei .-, ami i. ' i i d op li young . ' . II k ll led I'V t le the lurrows in -' ,1 e In ;iped IcVe. I 1. I i i I .llll -! I . i , i lotle w - re lit 'i d fragments ,.f low, on t h ii i c 1 1 1 1 -h -pai ro - ro-'-1. ' i" -I up o . r a - that had been -la u-hi- r iin.oiu; l h I e .1 - ',.'111 i from i : i e ; i . - i"- 1 1 ni. I "iipr Ihl hull t ill" .lit i acro-s in e-i ; W M - Ih'. . half ale II, ii'. t l'l'" l a- I: 1.1.1 ly d.C 1o : i. riot te hi' per in i lo i has picked ut a lot .. oi street. Mr. Sain A i w . ng dans for his res i Silk Waists. of ll,se lem 'ice littcl'li' me ga ri i o i I cn.v ctl'c, an. i " A KKESH LI NE OK Sliaim tons; Ponp:ee ..h.l .1 i red . 'iie.. and the grand O "I eelloii l;,..s. Is aliewisl in W l,:V Lite I ... ...ih of every .1, rinMon m i,,. d ll,,:,-,. In ' lot el the I'r ttv Pearl lir l.lmcs. i h,' v. n l itest .,., ), . , ,, i le in . i . "ii, . .1, e. xander, S l.U( IS .V. Itl KK. II U Ileal h ill the f rntral Hotel Hi in ALiiriiiiuc Mr. IiOuis N. Duke, oueofCl iir lotte's best residents, died at the Central Hotel this morning, after an illne.-s of less than a week. The cause of his death was an abscess iu his side, the effect of a cold. It was only within a day or two past that hi condition was considered serious, and the news of his death was a painful surprise to his friends, many of whom did not eveu know that he was sick. Mr. Duke was in his 38th year, He washornin Hanover county, three miles from Richmond, Va., hut hud been a resident of North Carolina for 15 years past. He was married to Miss Barbara Klstler, In Lincoln ton, in lbTtt, and his wife survives hi in. They had three children who died in infancy. Mr. Duke had been a conductor on the Carolina Central, Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta and other Southern roads, and at the ! time of hisdeath was connected with the Uichino id and Danville freight depot in Charlotte. He was a mem ber of the Knights of Honor, in Liu colntoii. and of the Knights and La dies of Honor, in Lauriuhurg, carry ing the usual insurance in each or der. Mr. Duke w as a quiet, uuobtru- , sive man, and was greatly liked by ' all w ho knew him. Mrs. Duke has , been housekeeper at the Central for several years past, and is a lady of a most noble character. Her many ; friends deeply sympathize with her in her deep afHictiou. Mr. Duke's body will he buried at i Liocolnton at 5 o'clock to-morrow ; afternoon. ; The rvinuins were taken to Lin colton this afternoon, and in the e- ort were Mr. H, C. Kccies, Mrs. V. H. Howz and Miss Kheu Conrad. lirad.'.l School Alfairs. Lat night storm did not inter-j fere with the meeting of the newlv elect"'! board of school Com in IS-lon- j ers. All w ere there except M r. (siler, j w ho w .is out of the city. 1'rol. A (iiahaui was unanimous-: iy reelected superintendent of the! city graded school. The election of; teachers will take place in June. j The committees appointed were: i.. 1 mance Messrs. Bason, Tillettl :i d iler. On examination, cours ; if study, etc., Mallory, Hirshinger and Smith. On school buildings. Stokes, Smith a,.d Kirby. Visiting committee, Basou, Stokes and 'Iil- I. it. The commissioners passed tlm fol low ing recoinmendatioin to ; V hoard of aldermen : 1 hat a sidewalk on each 1 1 and Sei ml st ret t he gr.i I ed and put in g..,,,l condition their enure iciigth, and that a side wr, I k he made on 1! street wide enough the passage ofchildrn. of both rac. th.- n-w -mew ilk in front of tin grided school and the approaches to the footw ay of the new bridge be pi, in gcod condition : that the bank i ' earth in front of ih- unite grade, school building he graded and turfed. ,inl n hand ran erected from !:: en trance of the huiidirg to fhe footway of the bridge L kee p the chl Idl cil oil the street car t: ack ; that the grade. ; school building Im- "pointed up." an. generally repaired and and painted. Kail, i ,ms. a l ir-. The m "f t. , a- 1 1, nil in tin o'clock Li-: nig .t from the box at the corner of i ryon and Mor ll.'.ld "in el-. i, lid t! e reels and truck- Ol tie t'ife liej. . I t Ulelll clattered oil in a driving re, lor t he seen... Th lire :i- located a, ihe power Inui-, of tin 4 - i- hip iiiv. between tin g ad.-d -ci ""I and th- oj, f.m g'oii lo!-. and w as c iiised by rain s t tingtiret" imi hariels of lllll". No dam ige was done to the buildings of the company. Chief Bixby and hi- men w ere not in t he usual doubb H'.i ic , 1 1 ::ii', a ml Wi ii t so f ist that 11 e crowds ;!i. t fit. I M follow th. in w ( re I "ft hi hiii '. i ii the rain. IU1. ,o,.l iltiiin.s. C. W. Kib.y ami C C. Williams, th. voung men c' urged w ith, robbing tin Niuloii pos (.li,-,, were arraigneh ..efnre I ii i ifil Stat Com m I ssu iiier Maxwell thi-afternoon. '1 be charge w as dismissed. They are still hel.i .:i jail. howe. r, for couu forfeiting. I .ml ies c lee n your I. id gloves with M itln r's ilove Cleaner. Kor sale by lleesfi iV Co.. druggists. iBIack Goods Don't overlook the fact that we ; :o: I carry a very large stock of Men's Furnishing goods. Collars, Cutis, : Neckwear, Oloues, Hosiery, Suspen ders, Shirts, Underwear, and many other things in the Furnishing Line Have not U ieuiio,,.sif..f some tune. h.,t We direct your attention especially ih. trade den t l,.rgot wo have a a-t a.s,ri- to our Shirts and 1'nderwear for the llil'llt. ' i summer. : A Fine Silk Wrap Ritisle: i: name will VutT Rosolll Shirts good quality jl ' give you an idea ot li e texture hut ,1-m.l ', T ,.(lS()m Shirts at $2.2". U'liuly is known only hv tluist' who will have " " gei'iuine -in, iiner dre-s v light vet so , Ha f Uvtldried Negligee Shirts at Ktroug. ' j $ .25, l 75 ami 2. Negligee Shirts j - Ik Wrap ll.iiri.Uat, Ml W.k.1 Henrietta, in ill most end ies vari t y of material! lac burning Wool (.reua.hi.c. Krciicji . n (uting goods at 20 and 25e toj Si'rge. aiifi i I air. Mclinue. I issi.g,., P.rd- 1 u" k h I li.intiiie. Alhatrois, I'anci bla ks. etc 1 the tl nest Si I k at $1. each. . I .,r ... UV.m ... tA I TKIMMlNti FOR EVERY DRESS.; i (WXK MATTlXliS 1 (illKAT YAlilin'Y. iipai - iiiinl. nigt : edur oenings on dte Co- Ilrablinm Will he HanireU. Iii the Supreme court yesterday ufteriiooti.thi lougexpected flecision in the lira' li nn case was rendered. The decision sustained the rulirjg of Judg Mear. ' court, and Brabham Will be hang. I. When Krai'hain was last night in formed of the decision rf the court, he is said lo have remarked to a fel low prisoner: "I don't care a There'll be ou less nigger on earth and one more si ranger in hell." The Lite for J '.rahham's execution is to be Set by ( ,,,v. H lt. A Little lilM's Terrible 1 X.rlnice with m Dog. The little In ighter of Mr. Jerome Dowd wit- s . v v r- Iy bitten by a dog belonging to Mr. I. art SLipp, in Lin colutoli, iits' .,i'uri! iy. J-! e attempt ed to Caress t lie .big. he!: it FUjdfll ly attacked li. r and sillik lis te.-th ill her face. I h. lac lation w is sin se vere that the htti- child hal to be put under the j 1 1 ii u e n . of chloro form, While the doctor SeWell up the gash. 'Iheli't'c child was brought to her home here, and the wound ,s gradually In-uling. The dog sunk his teeth in her face just below the eye and tore iho Itesh downward, the eye very narrowly escaping destruc tion. The dog was shot and killed by Mr. Khipp. The Grand Lodge. The Urand Lodge of I. O. O. F. is in session at Oxford. It will establish an aaylum for orphans. This would have been founded last year save for some trouble as to the choice of loca tion. The order is rapidly growing having in the last two years past doubled its membership. Its gain during the past twelve months was 752, and it now has 2 850, There are 74 subordinate lodges. The receipts of the lodges were $20,000 for the year; the disbursements for relief, sick benefits, burials, A-e., $4, (UK). T he re is $ 2, 500 in hand for the or I phanage, to which $1,1100 will be ad ded. llealh of a I iroiMlnent Farmer. Mr. It. J. Hummer vi He. one of Mecklenburg's oldest and most i prominent citizens, died at his borne : in 1'aw Creek township yesterday,! from paralysis. He was 73 years of j age. j His body was buried this afternoon at l'aw Creek church yard. j The people of Concord are hop- j ing and anticipating great gooif to result from the meeetings of Pr. O. j i .. Smith of (.eorgia, wh ich are being ; held in the Methodiit church and are well at u led and full of inter est. Dr. Si. ,ith is one of tile most, g.fted men in the Metrwdit denomi nation a(jd. hv l ie way, is a brother of th" note, I I ; 1 1 a rp. ' , v ,- niroislio' Goods SlIlllllllT V IIUCIWCO. Cit v in u V- a suit. Our Kallrigan at SI. a suit i being spi. n lnl value mr uie uioury . ROGERS&OO. Clothiers and Furnishers. 21 West Trade St ..opposite Andrews Furniture i-tore. i . i vnv t v, i i ! A FiCH THAT THKltK WAS A GREAT DEMAND FOR OUR "T7WH. ' E . ' : SERGE :; E i . . They are all the go this siisu, and are attracting a great amount ;V lMn tion. Tl e mont s v re critics firouounce thm in the highest praise. ' Trt beautiful HiubUrlie: I I'd ue Serges are all the rg-. W put them c ia ill best manner, longor short role, for ; 87.75 We also sold a great many of those $8.50 If you are in need of a cheap and dressy Suit, dont fall to puroha e on of the above. Other goods in large varieties. Come and giv ut 011 ; We endeavor to please. We an' untiring in our efforts to give th bes ooita for the least money. ' We are the Old Reliable. V. W. KAUFMAjM & CO LEADINd ClOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTHrK. CHARLOTTE, N. C. -MAIL ORDERS RECEIVB OCR mwnm Lawbs. WE are now showing the handsomest aud best selected stock o' jadiea, M isses aud Childrens tixferd and Low Shoes we have ever rahlt piaee before the public. They have been selected with the greatest care and embrace all ladv i,g stylesof the season. Come and see them. We are sure wee . Iea you. -- (see those w e are selling for $3 and $4, and you will see the finest tl mi k. t affords iu i ew and handsome styles. We have a tine hue iu all the styles, we are offering at the modera Trlc ' of J2.'M and 2 50 These are rlue Oxfords and cannot be equaled bf - y,taf style, price or quality. Those are nice styles we are selling at $1.00 and $1 .25, with Patent L thMf Tip. Every pair wajranted aud iu uo way iuferior. We have alread ' ha4.,: a good sale on them, aud truly there is none equal to them. A tine line of Opera Slippers for 75c. Be sure to see thero. Erar pate r warranted. f (ill AY 19 East Trade s?rroiiiji. :tr u n ,hi. t all X.ail Orders. OXFORD WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST AND BEST SELECTION OF TOB f POPULAR OXFORD TIES IT HAS EVER BERN 4" OUR PLEASURE TO SHOW. M " i , , See th.vse we show at 2.50. they aie rtvoned the liiiMt and bmt. OlW 1100 Oxftfd V 1 1 b a great leader tins -is.iii and is certainly the greatest luo ever had tt this price C U Uf ' mous ! .' Oxfoni, Improved and warranteil lieat-all o( lien. Thw hod an irumen tale . ast season We expect to sell two thousand pair of them this season. Mail in aU tit. k9 pig styles, every pair wamuilnl, , QILREATH asOC. Open every evening till 8:30; Saturday till 11 :Qp. , . ; 1 f .mi .... j.j 1 n ju.u.j . ji.i. ..Jin wes a , ROOKING CHAIRS. I have just reoeive.1 a niiv line of Rix-king Chairs of all description. Beautiful .. n t'l Carjvt flatform R.K'kersof the very lieat grade at $3.50 and $3.75. I hare also baa ii ! : lino of Kattan and l'hish Kockorsju-t rweived. at pric thai will pttwaa vrr on, lfrua noed anytliing iu the chair lino it will be an advantage to you to tee ruy nlouk Mdm buylu) Hat Raolcs. , , 1 lake svial care in selecting Hat Racks. I hare something in that Una that I kBr ' woui.i sun vim. and at priees that can't 1 la-at. Would be pleased to hart yes call and . amine my sttx k. 1 will not begin to mention the many uoveltiaa I have, to J0 Will Y ' to call ami see them. ' . (( v "B iSTlOHOLS - Furniture Doxloi . B. Nichols. B. Mt'IIOLS if COt UNDERTAKERS. 11 work in that line promptly rth Poplar tret 1 ;':'::W' .r '-;'- c neat, attractive, Black Cheviot tilt M 4 1 ' t PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTKNTI0. -:o:- & BARNHAKD':?. Street, CEARIX)TTE, N. 1. AND AND f or slofl LOW " E.L.Cob, Funeral Plractoi; attended nleht and day. NIrhleaU I UOw 17 WMt Trad it, Ukarlotte, V. (X .