ME CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUME V. CHAKLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1891. NUMBEIV7G2 r Cane Mattings. A Jtnn of selected choice patterns China Mattiugs and exrelle -t tial i If 8 and Inserted Matting. Choice styled and oily best ualitiet. Our pricea are very reasonable. They start at f. per roll and go up to $20. Each roll in gauranted to measure forty yards. We also sell bv the yard We are receiving orders for Mattiugs from many many distant points and we will deliver them free at the nearest railroad station when as much as u roll is ordered aud the order is accompanied with the cash. We show something new in the Mat ting Hue and ask all our patrons to call and let us show It. II Is the in serted figures and is very new sty lish and peculiarly Chinese. Our line of Carpets is complete and all who wish auythlug In the way of floor covering should not buy with out pettliiu- our figures and O-U-K B-T-Y-l -K-H. We don't show ante helium sty lee but new and haudsome effeeto. Kugs, Art Hquares, Carpet Hweepers, ioorjia's, larpei i.m Inua Wlulr Piirfa Linoleum. Oil cloths and everything In the Carpel line can ie luiinu nere. T. L Seigle & Co. No. 1 1 vV. Trade s'. 1H, Tryon st CHARLOTTK, N. C. o :o: o I .f Every article bought of us that does not prove to In- exactly as rei.renenled niut W returned to us al one, ami nice nnui, 11 will le calied mi inlit. We prefer t Ur reliaVlr to anything rlw. Hy order l flfc 'i. l. ,. ti fl r. . . k ?;WfT 1. I.. PCitll l.r. Barwell & Dudd. nilUOS AT RFTAII Opposite Central Hot r I. Kinest Stork or I'eifumerv. Ssim, Itrimlieo, Toilet ami Fancy Artirlm in the City. A omteteut ror of l'liaruiacil always in attendance. l'nnTiil:"ii. .rvwrwl aouralcly and delivered ppunpely. ICED DRINKS. Hnda Water. Milk Shakes, lemonade, Mnlto, PneuppielShcrliert, Mineral Walirw, Ktc, Pniught. Barwell & Uunn, imVil KTOIIK. Ketail Store opposite Central Hot. 1. Wholesale, opp. r.T. P. Wittkowsky ... . I." 4 &t---rbiS ' We don't sell gaiters of Hie Florida' swamp variety, hut wo do sell suiters of nil oilier de scriptions and we sell tnein nt prices wliirh account for their popularity. Some cover a multitude of sin, and such ahoeti an not only clear nt any price, hut would wnivc y le worth atxvpting iw K'fl. The plain t'ritth of the matter IhIIiiiI the interesls of the hnyer and seller are identiml the nnwl thorough protection wc can give our own in tttr i to have a scrupulous rtganl for yours. We can especially reeoininend our ami V shoe an Ih'imi; superior to anything on the market at the price. In stock a line assortment nf Patent 1 ah I her llals and t'uii gross, 3.fl0 to ".oo. ; A.E. RANKIN 4 BRO., LEADEES H : o : o- Our Imported Stock of 5 Cent Cigars, and our Ik k Teller 10 Ct. Cuban Hand-Made are our Leaders. A. B. REESE & CO. laical Itlpil. It was hot enough today for Juno bugs. Rev. Dr. Rumple, of Sulphury, is at the Central. Mr. W. J. Yates atid Mr. Sam Keesler left this attertio tn for Clevt -laud Springs. Mr. A. A. Gates, proprietor of the Charlotte Steam Laundry, was nt lite liuford Hotel to-day. The attention of the farmers ii directed to the advertisement of the Smith Hons gin, in thi Usue of Tun Nkwr. Rev. TIiob. Iixon i on a South ern lecturing tour. His subject is, "Backbone." He will be in Concord Friday night. Davidson College commence ment begins one week from to-day. Hon. J. t). Vernervtill deliver trie annual oratlou. Judge Bond and receiver Cham berlain, of the H utli Carolina road, passed through the city in a special car today, for Charleston. The Raleigh State Chronicle comes out to-day in lis new eight page form. It Is printed on new type aud hasa special telegraphic service., but on very rare oc casions, the mercurv gets up to l(o degrees in this section. It came within 4 degrees or reaching that k1 nt this afternoon. There is another new doctor in town. Dr. McMullen, a physician of high standing, has moved here from Klizaheth City, and is no on the lookout for a house aud lot. btr. Sinclair 'Blackwelder, on of the veteran policeman of Charlotte, has gone to the Long Branch Hotel, at Kast Rockaway, to accept the po sition of chief engineer of that hotel. Amos Call well Is a happy negro At the April 1SSS term of the Crimi nal court, he was sentenced to eight years on the county chain gang for lareeney. Yesterday. Mieritf Smith handed Amos a pardon signed l (lov. Holt. Very rapid progress U bein made on Charlotte's new city hall The timbers for the llrst tloor are all in place. Capt. Ahretis will have the spleudid building ready for ac ceptance by the city, at the end of the present year. Ktrrtlnn of llri. At a meeting of Fxcelsior l.odtri ail. A. !'. A; A. M., last night. The following oltlcera wiTe elected foi the present term. R. J. Si Iford Wor. M aster. C. S. Donaldson Sr. Warden. W.M. Thomas Jr. Warden. J. II. Win Ness Irons. C. W. Bradshaw Secty. W. H. Austin sr. Deacon. J. II. Thore Jr. Deacon. R. S. Wilson Tvler. -:o:- HOMBTHISO TO TALK ABOUT It MS RE The Proposition Now is to Buy the Char lotte Female Institute Property and Have Court House and Lawyer' Offlcea and Jail all on the Mock. The new court house question took a very interesting turn yesterday af ternoon at the meeting of the magis trates and commissioners. The pro position that is now being very seri ously considered is for the cotyity to buy the property ef the Charlotte Female Institute, the idea being to convert the Institute building into a court house, with rooms for juries, and court officials, and offices for the lawyers all under one roof, and also to build a modern jail on the lot The plan uppermost in the minds of the advocates of this project is to re model the Institute building, so as to have one or more court rooms on the upper floors, flanked by rows of of fices for the lawyers, each lawyer's olllce to be connected with the clerk's desk In the court room by an electric call wire, so that when a case comes up, the clerk can summon the attor nies interested by simply pressing a tuition. On the ground floor, it is proposed to have the offices of clerk, register of deeds, tax collector, sheriff, jury rooms, etc. On a corner of the lot, it is proposed to build a jail. I here is something lu all this to think about. The only objection to the plan is that the location would he too far awuy from the business portion of the city, but the advocates I of the project cite the fact that in I cities, court houses are never located In the business sctions. Only the backwoods counties keep up the pio neer style of having the court houses in the middle of the public square or I a neur to it as possible. They say ! that a court house should Ih in a ' j u i.'t free from iuterupting noises, as possible, aud past expert- I ence here in Charlotte gives force to : this argument. Then it is said that' iy making tins aeai, it win oe possi ble to securean elegant county prop erty for almost nothing, for the Insti tute can be bought for fa),C?9, and more than that sum can be realized from the sale of the court house and fail. In nosing about to-day, Thk News li mis that the lawyers and courthouse 1 otllcials do not take kindly to the j proposed new location, but among ; the commissioners and magistrates! there is a decided ditterence of opin- I ion, and what was at first considered ; an improbable proposition, is fast taking shape ana form and gaining advocates the more it is discussed. 1 .Marriagr nr.Ur.tVnminil MlMVarr. ! Mr Will H. Wearn and Miss Louis : Scarr were married in this city last' night. The ceremony wa performed by Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, pastor of the First l'resby terian church, at the residence of Mr9. Scarr, ou West Fifth stre t, at 9 o'clock, and waswit uessed by a select circle of the friends mid relatives of the contrac ting parties. Mr. Wearu is a well know ii young uiaii of Charlotte and has been identified with the drag business here for some years past. The bride Is a daughter of the late Dr. Scarr. The newly wedded have many fi ieinls here whose good wish es are extended them.J The ('alMlogue of the dilvertlty of North Carolina. Shows an excellent intellectual bill of fare tie red to the young men of the country. The I'niversity is well equipped in books and appara tus for instruction, aud has a full corps of professors. The Law School and the Medical School are flourish ing. There were 197 matriculates. We note tnat President Battle has re signed in order to accept the Chair of H islory, recently established. His successor ts shortly to be re-elected. Prof. Holme's department is also t- be provied for, a he has accepted the office of State Ideologist. Marriaeriit MerklrnuurK. Mr. J. F. Henderlite, of Linwood, N.C., was married today, to Miss l.ula Caldwell, daughter of Mr. J. M . Caldwell, w ho lives in Mecklenburg, but near Kocky Biver church. The ( reinony was performed by Bev. Mr. McLaughlin. THE SALE -:o: The inense ureal t the n tremendous reductions on mir iin !tix k ef fancy Flouncing! ms ru. ustoiuiTs could not nl first believe rt. but they have survived the Miock m.l liiul lo their satisfaction that it is just a-, we staled a rvat sacrilicc of The week's sales closed well. Killing I'mi-M'xtreincly low, but all must Real some kindof a price. Feathered and plain Fans in ureal variety. New White I,)mls, Cliallirs, Ijkvs and Itlack i rpmdies. Tremendous slock ,f fancy and Plain Inpaii Minting. About forty Uim-s left of a drive at ti 00 andJi Silk tirenaditu-s continue increasinf; in ,,v. maml, we show a choice .line from :K up. Sv I linn. The Muslin Underwear sale proved a Rnat hcnelil to many, Ilie low price will continue one week longer. Madras Cloths in all evening shades, also li;ht shades of Wool Fabric. Samples mailed; none given in city. xander. S THUFIFB MBXT1SQB. Three Thousand People Oreeted Him In the Auditorium Last Night. The Fife meetings are now well under way in Charlotte, and even now It can be seen that much good is in store. There are not many visitors In the city, Evangelist Fife having preached at former occasions at nearly all the towns around Char lotte, but the interest of the city peo gle is very great, and was amply demonstrated last night, when Mr, Fife made hisopenlng address here. There were fully 3,000 Charlotte peo ple in the auditorim, and the indica tions are that tonight, when the real work of Mr. Fife will begiu, there will be a still greater crowd. At the meeting last night Mr. Fife defined his ptogramme and then conducted a Bible exercise. He preached this morning at 11 c'clock to a very large crowd that had gathered despite the heat. Bo far, the impression made upon our people by the evangelist is a most favorable one. Hs Is earn est lu his work and is a most euter talning talker. The programme for the week will be choir exercise from 10. .'to to 11 a. ra., preaching to begin at the laUer hour, and choir practice from 8 to s. 30 p. in., preaching to beirin at the latter hour. The Charlotte Female Institute. The honors of the town wore di vided last night between the Fife meeting and the closing concert of the Charlotte Female Institute. The concert was attended by a brilliant assemblage, and th programme, as published lu yester day's Nkws was carried out in an ex ceedingly fine manner. This is . tile loaf ..f Ka L,u....lA l,.aii,,,t.. .....J. Mr. Atkinson's management. Tl, t .i....: ... I. ... volved in much doubt. It may be purchased by the county for a court house; it may be transformed into a music school by Prof. Maclean; u may be converted into an art school with a fine corps of teachers ; it may be couducted as a high grade school for young ladies, or it may be possi bly continued as the Charlotte Fe male institute. What better luck could our town waut than by some fortuuate turn of circumstances Rev. Wm. R. Atkinson might be brought back here, where he belongs? .... .u.uivj' a.iiaoiutlltlliv, 11 in 111- A Hot Ware Iemonetrate the ltaulie of Dllworth- Hot weather has come dowu on the towu in good style, in the past two days, and the beauties of a sub urban retreat are beginning to be fully realized by our people. Last i night large crowds took the electric cars for Dilworth, and spent several refreshing hours among the flower beds, in the groves and by the lake. One enthusiastic lady declares that breef.e out there last night was al most equal to a sea breeze. The electric cars run swiftly and make quick trips, an J that is another de light. The people of Charlotte are already beginning to bless the name of K. I). Latta, whose brains, money and nerve have secured for them these heretofore unheard of privi leges. Itealh of J. Morfhesil (irmj. The Greensboro Workman of yes terday, says that "death has again invaded the broken ranks of the j family of the late Mr. Julius A Gray, and renoved from among the living the youngest of the children, j. Morehead Grav. who died last uieht I at 10:30 o'clock, in his 19th year af er an illness of mime threennda hVf months. The funeral was held from the family hotn at Blandwond this afternoon at 4:30o'clock, Rev, Dr. J. Henry Smith, officiating, ami the re mains were laid to rest in Greene Hill Cemetery. The sympathies of the community are extended freely to the afflicted friends and relatives upon whom now comes the bur "en of a new sorrow." lclh of Mr. Cat hey. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Cathey died at her home iu Berryhil) township, last Monday, aud her body was bur led yesterday at Steel Creek church yard. Mrs. Cathey was 79 years if age. - : o : - on c3 Oo. The County and the O. ft C. Road. I Considerable interest has been I manifested in regard to the nation of ( the county commissioners in the matter of the county bonds and the Georgetown & Charlotte road. The following Is a true copy of the reso lution passed yesterday afternoon : Rksoi.vkd, That it is the sense of this Board that when the George town & Charlotte Railroad Com pany isorgauized and aboard of di rectors are appointed by the couuty commissioners, that no hasty steps shall be taken whereby the stock and bonds subscribed shall be put in jeopardy or used or expended with out adequate returns, and hence the county stock in the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio railroad, and the township lands which may be voted should not be delivered or used until after investigation by correspond ences with connecting roads and otherwise It shall be made and ap pear remarkably certain that the said Georgetown A Charlotte RaiU road can bo operated or leased for a sum sufficient to pay the annual in terest on the township bonds and to pay to the county of Mecklenburg at least as much annually on its stock in that road us is now paid for its stock iu the A. T. O. Railroad. Art In liutctier'n lUoeli. The butcher's block has undergone a remarkable evolution. Not only are large and perfect tree stumps of hard wood more and more dilheult to obtain, but even the bent of them crack and split most unaccountably. The modern tirst-elabS chopping block has therefore become a square uiass made up of cubes of carefully selected wood bolted and theu cross bolted together, after being so ar ranged that the chopping upon them ! will he done on top instead of with , . . . ry, I 1 .... 1. or against the grain. These blocks . ar.ry cosy, but they last a long ! W illie. w . M I 1 Mtll. 1. Hall has recently re reived two of these artistic blocks aud has them mounted iu his mar ket. TolarryOff Hie llirrtlim. Mr. D. I'. Hutchison, superintend ent of the city water w orks company, is now eugaged in equipping the city water tower with a line of overflow jdpe. The piping is the same that is used iu the mains. A line is be ing constructed outside the tower from top to bottom, and the pur; osr of this piping will be to drain oil the surplus water from the top of the towerand conduct it to tliestreet,thiiH doing away with the diagreeable ot-erfiows. It is a pretty expensive piece of work. Ladies clrf.n your kid glove sw ith M atherV I ilove Cleaner. For sale by Ite.'Se A ( o., dmirins r a I '771 .v , Matchless Bargains. :o: :o: :0: W" inaugurate t vlay a reduction sale of mens and boys line clothing, aud are deter iiiimsj to rsln, our stts k of tine pls be fore our seniiannunl inventory, July 1st. We are going to "put the knife into" our ti test sack and cutaway suits that were made up for nobby trade, and w ill olfer some lar gains that will lie appreciated l.y the best trade. ur fu-wt elwtric blue worstcl suit silk lined am! silk faced throughout, blue binding aud itch inn lu ls, the tinest in our stock, reduced from 35.00 to $.:(i.. (ur tnest light colored worstetl and ris-iinerc suits nslm-ol from IS.. to 1.Y"'. Ithie licviot and Serge suits at reduced prict s If yon have waited until now for a spring suit our prices will give you a nice profit for waiting. This reduction sale will continue from now until July llli and some jsvu le are going to get bargains. ROGERS & OO. Clothiers and Furuishers. 21 West Trade 8t., opposite Andrews i 1 i i 5w f Furniture 8 to re. W. KAUMM & GO, MOTHER r Ladies will find it a pleasure to examine our many inducement -v offer i V in Boys Clothing. Our medium grade of Boys and Chlldrens ClotMng has K had such swaths cut into it that we are throwing Fine Huits on or r coon u rs at a sacrifice. Such values were never before given in this c'ty. At $t. T" and $4, some thirty styles to select from ; $r is what competitors get for no better goods. SAILOE SUITS At$l, l.2r. $1..V), $2, $2.50 and Straw Hats 25c, Straw Hats 50c, See our Window Display for fine Fancy Vests, all Styles GREAT M F.NS' and BOYS' Seersucker Coats and Vests at 50c KNS' ami BOYH Boys' Single Coats 25c. W. XAUFMAJN & CO.. LEADING CI0THIER8, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL 0KDER3 RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. C SCHOOL BOYS' PEIDB. THIS BOY WEARS CEO. B. KEITH'S SCHOOL BOYS' PRIDE SHOES. Gil AY 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. a "Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. PEliMIUM BOOTS. Price S2.25 a Pair, By Mail 20c Ma. -y. These elegant Shoes for ladies wear are made of the finest French (Inn f dola Kid, and have all that softness of finish aud touch peculiar to lha lm ' ported Hhoes, selling at A to H dollars. J We call them the premium because theycarry the day. Mads with point. ed Patent Leather Tip and plain Opera Toes. As small a lis as lax aa 9s. C I and K widths. f Some wonder how we can furnish such a Shoe at this price. Oor study la i not how much we cau get for an article, but rather how low wa can a;frd ' to sell. , f We 11 nd the larger our business the better prioea we can give. By buying of a live house you cau always get the best, aid all consumer say w art - ' the people. . Open every evening till 8:30; Saturday till 11:00. Bedroom Su.ites. I wish to chII your attention to my handsome llnsof Bedroom Saltea I have them at any price you might desire from $28 up. Just think of ttU a beautiful Antique Oak tSulte, ten pieces, with 18x20 Inch Uerman plate glass on Dresser, for $28. And I can sell you a beautiful leth Century Oak Suite, ten pieces, with Marb e top, and 24-30 French plate glass on Dratser, -and I8x--U French plate on Wash-stand, for 150. I hay tbem at any price you desire either above or below this, but only give tblt to that you may have some idea of what I am doing. , .. . t NIOHOLS R. Nichols. B. Xlt'IIOLSACa UNDERTAKERS All work In that Una promptly attended night and day. Klghl Ball 412 North Poplar street. B. NICHOLS "'- 17 Wert Trade ifc, Charlotte, W O, k AND BOY. up, worth double the mony. regular 50c regular. $1. Fancy Vests at II, Doable Breast and Qualities, at $1.50, A BARGAIN. r :o:- These Shoes are known in every house In the city and are truly tbe pride of every boy that ewns a piir. We have only to say what ha already been proven that they '' are the best line of Boys' Shoes ever sold on this market. We hare them in all Grades, and all -Widths, and all Sixes. Try a pair of our Cal&kin Boys' Show, there is nothing nieer for summer, notbiug tliat will wear so well and so comfortable. & BARNHARDT. Fumituro IDoaiot K.UCobb, Fnnaial Director 4 A W '''' ,4) iS," ) V