motte news. UJIK VII CHARLOTTE, T. CM SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1892 NUMBER 1031 S - 1 1 JAN. '2 i n A TT)T?mC! OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, ART SQUARES, All must C"l iniki' nM)i firniir nrw spring stock; Wo will have a .cinl sale in this dewrtnicnt for the comiur week, ifyoo -teed al'jinrt you will iniw a lrgain if you fail to xivr uh a rail T. L Seigle & CO. N.. 1 1 vV. Trade m. 1S H. Tryon at CHAUI.OTTE. N. C. IF 11 SMOKE CIGARS Of courne you want In xiuokethr lwnt you cn ft for tli moti-y. Our THK RKO I)KA(K)N 1 Oool THKI'KTIT BOIlulTKT ynBr THK HOWAIU) O Oooil an the Ifll wit WKr. And our Iadort for ten cnta tire Go.l Uip HiRANOKH venuw lTxvnt ) I'KINt'K AI.HKKT Cipir. K!.OKdeXjMMOIORK Burwell & Dune, Draggists. 1 VXXJIWJL. - HOLIDAY BAEGA11S Men's Pants. We have a very large stock of mens Pant: No trouble about slr.n and none whatever about price. We are fro I up: to close out many linen less than first cost. If vou need Trousers now Is the lime to buy. Y lain Jeau ranis (c.. All wool Kentucdv Joan Pants 1,2T. Moleskin Pantx 75c. Kiir lot of 1'snH assorted stvlen nt at reduced from ,00 and All wool Cassimer sdd Kersev Pants 2.(10 and 2 Mi. Kver tiling in trousers ffoes at re duced prices, Rogers & Co. Holiday Novelties. Mme. Dupont's Almond Meal, For The Skin. An efficient softener and beantilier. A specific for Rough neas of the 8kin. Prevents and Heals Redneaa and Kmptions. 25c a Can. A. B. REESE & CO. Nw AtrllmnmtTo-lay. tVxik wanted. On a run V C Moore. rft! T I, Heinle To. Reirinfr John Kiurior, Remuants T I. Alexander. Con A Co. Oonimiwiotier'i rule Heriot tlarkson, Local Ittpplrt. The Clover Club will positively give Its next entertainment on Mon day evening at the 15 u ford Hotel from S 30 to 12. Ed Wilson and Frank White sides, of Gaslonla, passed through the city today for Huntersvile, to enter the High School there. Rev. Mr. Reed will preach to the JolDt congregations of the 1st and 2d churches at the 2d church in the morning and at tho 1st church at night. -Preaching In Y. M. C. A. hall both morning and evening tomorrow, by Uov. W. H, Creasy. At ,the morning service the year's assessment's will be rea,d to the congregation, Col. Frank Coxe and his sons, Messrs. F. H., and Tench, were at the Oentral to-nay. They have ben sur veying the Okefenokeo swamp, in Oeorgla, the biggest1 part of which they own. Orr gave a tea her young 'tqIdjnO. Orr gave a tea t3 q. H ""Wof her young H -T -u, Till so g Win Remala ta Columbia It Lad been reported that Capt, John A. Dodson, superintendent of the Ulchmond & Danville, was to be transferred from Colombia to an other point, yesterday was the day for the transfer to be made. The State nays: "Yesterday when It was seen that Mr. Oabbett did not arrive In Columbia it was ascertained that be was not coming. It was pretty well understood by the railroad au thorities in a position to known that Superintendent Dodson would not leave Columbia for the present, but would remain in the same position here. After diligent inquiry it was positively ascertained that Superin tendent Dodson, had received orders to hold over. Superintendent Dodson himself was approached on the snblect and stated that he bad no desire to leave Columbia and was very glad that htf had received sueh an order from headquarters. He was closely ques tioned but refused to say anything further en the subject. It is not thought that be himself even knows what the meaning of this Indefinite order Is. The true "situation" of affair- can not be ascertained here, but there is a general belief that Mr. Cecil Oab bett may be made general manager of the Richmond and Danville. A few evening? ago he passed through the city en route to Atlanta and has been there ever since. . The Ml. Air) Fire. Mr.Cy Long, who was here spend ing'the Christmas holidays, last night received a telegram from Mt Airy stating that his clothing store was destroyed in the fire there men tioned in yesterday's Nkws. Mr. Long at once left for Mt Airy. The following are the principal sufferers by the fire: Blue Ridge Inn, loss $70,000, insured for $JT,000; ML Airy Hot -I, loss $10,000, insurance $7,C00; W. F. Bynum, merchant; J. F. Arm fie'd A Co , cigar manufacturer; Rob bluH&Cp, merchants; J. V. Mitch ell, grocer; W. E. Merrltt, merchant ; J.O. Hmlth, merchant; Wallace A Co, merchants. All the merchants were more or less I nsu red. The com bined los will not fall far short of flCO.CX with less than half covered by Insurance. Mew Tsirt Night In Chwrltt. The New Year caller were out in full force last night The list of open door was very large and the num ber of callers exceeded that of any previous occasion in Charlotte. "All roads lead to Rome," but last night the motto was "all streets lead to Dr. McAden's." Dr. and Mrs. McAdeu received more guests than any hon he boid in the city, though (he call-rs as a rule were inpartial and were equally well received at all homes. The reception at the Y. M. C. A., hall was an unbounded success and a credit to all concerned. ItcAlh of an old Cold Mine i. Capt. William Ijewis, who was for a long time superintendent of tho Ruillmll gold mine in this city, but who had Ix'on superintendent of the Ray mine for several years past, died at his home, at the Ray J mine, near Matthews station, at 5 o'clock this morning. Capt Lewis was 60 years of ao. His death was due to hemorrhage of the lungs Messrs. Eugene Oraham, Cullen Hoffman, Hyd Alexander, and Ralph Vanlandinghatu. who have been spending the holidays at home, will leave on the return to Horner Hchool, Monday night. 09 m d .0 a a o 4 1. O t D 1 a o o a J4 cS 8 & a i D O 3 is 0 2 a o e 0) U CO M Pi o o n o to o H Pt CO JIM OSBOSffS'S BVCCEBB. A Charlotte Boy Gta an Important Posi tion in Nw York. Since Mr. Jim Osborne, brother of solicitor Frank Osborne, left Char lotte for New York some years ago, The News has occasion lly given good reports' from him. Only a few weeks ago we noted that he was go ing up head, and now comes news that be has roceived ai important appointment The New York Times says: "James W. Osborne, of the law firm of Lamb, Osborne & Petty, was appointed an Assistant Distriot At torney by Mr.Nicoll yesterday. His salary will be $4,000 a year. Mr. Os borne is a native of Charlotte, N. C, where be was born In 1859. He was graduated from Davidson College in 1879 and from Colombia Law School In 1885. Hincehehas practiced bis profession in this city. For four years he was a member of the firm of Shephard, Osborne & Prentiss; he became a member of the firm of Limb.Osborne A, Petty in March. He is a member of the Southern Society, the Democratic Club.aud of Tamma ny Hall. His father was au eminent Judge in North Carolina. Mr.Osborne will succeed Wauhope Lynn, who was promoted to fill the vacancy caused by the death of McKenzie Semple. Mr. Lynn will receive $7VW0 a year. A rom pi I meat from Ike West. Mr. Elliott A. Rurke, of Chicago, who spent Christmas with his father Major L. A Burke in this city.writea thus from Nashville, which oint he Jias now reached in his tour of the South, of his impressions in Charlotte and her people: "What I ha9seen on this trip has fully verified all the claims theHonth makes In regard to her possibilities. It is a wonderful countryr A kind hearted, noble people and in Char lotte I was so forcibly struck by the hospitable manners of her citizens. All you claimed for them is justly theirs. I wish that eastern and west ern capitalists would travel through your section and see what opportu nities are presented there for capital and energy." Thus are . all strangers favorable impressed with Charlotte. Mo Ionkl Cka-ret, Now. There has bee- another adjustment of the Western Union lelegrspb rates. There was at first a misunder standing in regard to the new sched ule of rates, and overcharges were made that have vine been rectified. There are now no double charges but the aver.igs rates are cheaper than before. Present from (be Old Cooat' J. ttfr. H. C. Mensing, of this city, and his brother, of Charleston, each re ceived a handsome Christmas pres ent from their aged father. In the Fatherland. The present for each of the brothers was a check for 3,013 marks. Annual Eled'on. The annual election of officers and directors of the Young Men's Chris tian Association will be held with a prayer and praise service, at the Ral ly at 4 :"0 to-morrow afternoon. Any man interested Is cordially invited to be present. Tho Old Cor. t Crier lw-au). Mr. W K., who was for a long time crier for the Superior court of Mecklenburg county, died last Dight at his home In Paw Creek township. His death was Hidden, and was due to an attack of the grip. Evangelist Kif begins a meotiog at Martinville, Va, to-morrow, to last ten days. Rents! Remnants! Found in every department at stock taking; Useful lengths of all kinds of good fine dress materials; Black silks in faille, prose Arminc etc., best of goods and at such prices that you ponitively cannot n them; Ribbon, Chif fon and oilier new liwes on this great coun ter. The prices will drive thorn from our room; they are irresislable. Come to the great Rruiiiant Sale. Cold Win llmL The cold wave flag was hoisted this morning-. The indications are that the meroory will fall -from 20 to 80 degrees by Sunday night. Doath of a FromliMnt Cabarrna Mao. Mr, John H.Morrison, a member of the board of connty commissioners of Cabarrus and one of Ihe moat prominent men of that county, died suddenly last nigbt at his home In Rocky River township. Heart die ease is supposed to have been the cause. Death ol Mrs Lewi. Mrs. W. H. Lewis, wife of Mr. Lewis, of Gaston county, who went to Ashevllle a few weeks ago to go into the law business with Mr. Sum mers, formerly of Davidson College, diqd in Ashevllle last week. Her body was brought to Clover, Gaston county, her old home, for inter ment. A Column Leased. The lawyers employed on the 11 cense side of the liquor quettion are desirous of giving their views to the public, and have contracted for a column of space in The News, in which to give theireide of the matter, To prevent misconstruction, which we find that many are so willing to fall npon, we will state that this is a simple business transaction made upon the same basis as the trade we made with th6 prohibitionists in 1WK), and does not affect the policy of The Nkws. Acrltfrntty Cat With an Axe. Conrad Reld, a son of Mr. H. K Reid, who is home from Davidson College spending vacation, was acci dentally cut with an axe yesterday, and badly hurt. Conran's sister, Miss Jesse, was splitting kindling and Conrad went up to relieve her. Be fore surrendering the axe, she thought she would give one more lick, and she did so. The axe glanced and struck Conrad on the leg, Inflict ing a very painful wonnd. His return to Davidson will be delayed In eon sequence. A Good Krcord. The record made by the Victor Cot ton mills, for the past twelve months Is a very gratifying one and reflects credit upon the management of Mr. George E. Wilson, the president Thecapitol stock of the mills is $150, 000, and tn the past twelve months, the stockholders were paid $12,000 In dividends, the greater part of which was distributed In Charlotte. Besides this, the Victor has a hand-' some surplus. The stockholders are arranging to increase the machinery in the mills to the full capacity of the building which is .TOO looms. The Snperintondenta. The meeting of the school superin tendents association adjourned yes terday afternoon. The session was not only a very profitable one, but was exceedingly pleasant Prof. Chas. C. Hook, of the manual train ing department of the Charlotte graded school, delivered an address of great merit upon the specialties of bis department Addresses were al-o made by Prof. J. T. Alderman, Prof. E. W. Kennedy, Prof. Graham and others. At the afternoon session the elec tion of officers and selection of time and place of next meeting came up. Supt (Graham, of Charlotte, was elected President; G. A. Grimslsy, of Greensboro, Vice-President ; E. I Hughes, of Reidsville, Secretary. Greensboro was chosen as next place of meeting and Tuesday evening, Dec 27. 1S92, the time. 3 3 o 1 P p a i a ci O o p o u o CO p p I -T CD P a o a o 09 . El O P rj -1 3 g B n P a o s K o a s - M 0 Spa i tn tf tf p. ii cr o " 1 r tf" W. Ka uf man & Go Sensible Holiday Presents," WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? What are you going to buy as a Christmas present? And where are ; you going to buy it? What will you select for Mama, lor Papa, for Brother, - -for Hister, Niece, Nephew and for yourself and friends? It is easy to ask this question. It is not easy to answer it You want to give something: yen waut to buy it where you can do the best. Perhaps we are better able to' serve you than any house in the city. We have goods that make useful and sensible presents. Are not they better than something trival? For Instance ' we have, Meut Suits, Boys Suits, , CMldrens Suits , j. Cbildrens Kilt and Jersey Suits, Mens Overcoats, Cbildrens Cape Over-'::- coats. We have good things in Underwear, in Hosiery, in Gloves, in - Neckwear, in Handkerchiefs, We have good things in Hats, Umbrellas, -etc You will do as well by making your selection here as you will do any . where; perhaps you will do better. We have the right goods, they are Teas-' onable in price, and in buying from us you are .Laying from a responsible -house. This is much to consider in Christmas shopping. t , , . W. KAUFMAN &CO LEADING CI0THIER8, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. CHARLOTTE. N. C. V 1. t P MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OUU PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATT1tNTIOV Rubber Boots Our stock of Rubber Goods is complete the year ro&nd t)8t-M0i Vjyy so Just sow; We always buy the best to be had, they are always the cheapest, as erety pajHiaranteed For men we have all the styles and different weights; Imitation Sandals, salt acting, libu. or heavy, and extra low cut Alaskas, Arctics, or Foot Holds. " , L . . For the Ladies we call especial attention to our light weight, glove fitting Rubbers both in medium and extra low cuts; The Storm Protector is a great protection against rain or cold; Ijulitia aud M isses spring heel in ail sixes. We abo have some that will fit the baby that can just walk; all at popular prices. -- , We carry a line of cheap robbers that we sell as low as the lowest . , GRAY fc BARNHABIXiy 19 East Trade Street, CHAKIXXTtE, N. C Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. ; , BOYS' SHOEki In the regular course of our business wmakeaspecklMudyofUisboyineBus. P rents wiU find the Boys' ' Foot Ball Shoo, as sold by us. the best and nicest Shot at $1,50 err oflered. We will guarantee that for double the money yon cannot gel A better Will not wear through on the toes as do all others; Of more than four hundred pairs WC bare sold the past season not one complaint has bten entered against them. Wadotqnally as well for the girls as we do for the boys, and every Shoe tt our shelves will be lb una to rep. . resent a value equal to the price, and often more. r .: .. . : f v ' QILRKATH s OO. Open every evening tiU(8:00; Saturday till 11 :00t CHEISTMAS Ordered Especially for thi . SEASON'S TRADE . . BEAUTIFUL 13th CFNTURY PLITSH ROCKERS. ' ' SIXTEENTH CENTURY RATTAN ROCKERS. H!X . I TEE NTH CENTURY TABLES. ALL A RE OF KX CEEDINGLY HANDSOME PATTERNS.THK VERY I.ATKSTTHINGHOUT, ANDTHEREARENOafOUE ' . TASTY PRESENTS TO BE FOUND AN YWilKKE. CALL AND BEE , ; . R. S. Sloan, and Sloes. 1 PEESENTS. . - - Furniture Dealer.' UNDERTAKER. Nlghl call. 1 . rt No., Bryan building, over Rogers "-V '