; THE -!0H AML.OTTE VOLUME VII. CHABLOTTE, N. 0 MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 4,1892 '-"NUMBER 103! NEWS. H 1 1 JAN. 2 1892. -:0:-:0".- CAEPETS. Ingrain, Body Brussels, Cotton Chain, Velvet, Moqnnlte nod Tapes- try Carpets. RUGS. Smyrna, Velvet, Moquette, Da gestan and Fur Ruga. Oil Cloths Linoleums Id all grade. COCOA MA M INUS, CHIN A MATTINGS, ART80.IT A II J-X, ." I H I H HI : K. CO OA. and WIRK DOOU MATH, I In fact everything in our Carpet Department mu-tgo to make room for new pood. Special gales In this department for this week. If you need a Carpet you will mist a bar gain If you do Dot examine our stock T. L Seigle & CO. No. 1 1 V. Trade Hf. 18 K. Tryou at CIIARIjOTTK, N.C. IP Of coarse you want to smoke the best you can get for tlie money. Our Leader at 60 are TICK RKI OltAOON TIIK l-KflT IJOUviU TIIK HOVVAKI) (Jood as the average ten cent Cigar. And our Leaders for ten cents are floral a the IORANIMOS average 13ocnl I'llini r. Ai.imit 1 Cigar. ( r M.u ae v.v.mmiu MO DORK Druggists. Borwell &.Dann, HOLIDAY BAEGA1NS Men's Pants. We have a very large stock of mens rants; Notroubleabmitsir.es aDd none whatever about price. We are going to close out many lines lees than first cost. If you need Trousers now is the time to buy. Plain Jean t'auts ifc. All wool Kentiu-dy Jean Pants Moleskin I'auts 76c. Rig lot of Pants assorted styles at sixes at 1,50, reduced from 2,00 and. 2M. All wool Casslmer add Kersey Pauts 2,00. and 2,50, Everything In trousers goes at re duced prices, Rogers & Co, Holiday Novelties. B E S T Chewing Tobacco, AT A. B. REESE & CO. New AdTert'emenM To- Day. Parents Piof Allman. tUrpets T 1. Heinle-A Co. Hosiery Jas Harrison A Co. I.ger beer C Valer, Manager. Kullivana 1 Vest A B Reev Co. Tliis is a sh A K Rankin 11m. Attorney at I.aw Harris Utile. A special January sale H llanicliit Ilro. 1-ocal Itlpplrt. Battery A, of the Naval Battalion will be given a dinner at Oresham's tliis evening, by Capt. D. E. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilke9 have rpnted Dr. Brevard's new cottage on Church street, aud will soon move into It. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Turk have rented the Liddell residence, on East Trade street, and are now comforta bly installed in their new home. Mrs. Wallace Carrulohael,nf this city, was one of the participants in the Bal Pond re, at the Orton, in Wil mington, New Year's night Master Tom Pegram has return ed from Greensboro, where he had a New Year's hunt Ills party killed six wild turkeys and 160 patridges. TiikNkwsIs thinking of securing Tom's services as pilot for a hunt, soon. John Hart, a negro man" of Sharon towtuhip, was committed to Jail today by Esquire 8. W. Davis, upon the charge of attempting to as sault the little daughter of Mr, FauctsOatet. The stand formerly occupied by trie, In Granite Row, opposite now being ro ll be f m CBABtOTtK'g T. M. ft A. Election ( Officer Held Yesterday After noon Association IUni. At the annual election at the Young Men's Christian Association yesterday afternoon the following gentlemen were chosen to fill the of flees Indicated: president, Geo. B Hanna; first vice, E. M. Andrews seoond vioe,)L W. Durham ; record lngsecretary, J. S. Drakeford ; treas nrer, Jno, A. McMillan; assistant treasurer, B. W. Barnett ; director for one year, J. J. Adams, directors for three years, Walter Brem, Jno. B, Hoes, Her lot uiarkson. The popu larity of President Hanna was ex pressed in a lielng unanimous vote reflecting him to the presidency. A vote of thanks was returned the La diesAuxllliary for their kindness in giving the young men such enjoyable receptions onThanksglvlngand New Year's days, aud to J. A. Elliott for a blackboard frame, wardrobe hooks, game board and other favors. The report of the Devotional Committee shows more actual results than for any prevlousjyear in the history of the Association and is a .matter of gratification to the officers. Five new members were elected. Charlotte' Cotton. The receipts of cotton by wagon, at Charlotte on January 1, 1808, show a shortage of 7,636 bales,eouipared with the receipts on January 1, 1891. The receipts at that date were 19,245: re ceipts January 1, 1892, 11,669 bales. Sadden Death of John Cathey. Mr. John Cathey died very sudden ly at his borne in Paw Creek town ship, at 11 o'clock this morning. His death was caused by heart disease. Mr. Cathey was about 64 years o d, and leaves a family. All Heap toe Bene.!. By special order of a city adver. tiser, Thk Nkws last Friday printed and mailed 1,000 extra copies. It now has an order for 500 extra copies dai ly, for SO days from date. All our advertisers get the benefit of this ex tra lare circulation. New I Jaw Flin. In Thk News' advertising columns to-day will be seen the law card of Messrs. Harris A Little. Mr. Hugh Harris, who has practiced law in Charlotte for some years past, has formed a partnership with Mr. Wm. M. Little, of Richmond county. Mr. Little is a brother of Mr. Julian Lit tle, of Charlotte, and is a first honor graduate of the State University. Tbe Weather. Following Is a synopsis of weather prevailing at 8 A. M., to-day: Tie lowest temperatures of the seas c prevail over this section. 3S degree.' to reported.from Tampa, Fiaand the first light frost of the season occur red there last night. To the west however, warmer weather obtains, and its influences will be lightly f It to-day, and more noticeably to-morrow. A low pressure extends from Maine to the Dakotas.and more than half wy to the gulf. A high barom eter is central in Florida. A Good Weekly Paper. The Henderson of Gold Leaf, one of Thk Nkws' most valued exchanges has entered its 11th year, and looks healthy and prosperous. Its editor, Mr. Thad K. Manning is a hard work er and Intelligent writer, and has riven the people of Henderson one of the best things a town could de sire, vis: a good weekly paper. Thk Nkws hopes that the color of the Gold Leaf will never fade. j 0) 10 g R .S a i D P U 2 O 0 3 2 O g 2 M o g S - A a 2 1 2 1 1 H rj O O g a & a w ny co I s is. ALDERMEN GO WET. TBB CITY U HANTS LICENSES BALOCNS. TO Six to Konr for Valor's Application Six to rive for the Others. and The historio board of commission ers of Mecklenburg county convened in regular monthly session this morning, but eat h member of the board seemed to be cool, calm and collected, for they understood that for today, at least, they would not be called upon by anybody wanting; 11 cense to sell liquors In Charlotte. They breathed easier and wentabout the regular county business. They want to ret everything out of the way though, before 1 o'clock tomor row, for it is understood that the pea tiferoua bar keeper will again bow down before their feet at that lime. Everything now awaits the action of tbe board of aldermen. The board meets this afternoon, when applica tions for license will be passed upon Thk News learns that tbe advocates of license claim seven votes, certain, and in that event, and provided there is a quorum this afternoon, the 11 censes jvill be granted. Alderman Asbury is pat down on the dry side. Alderman Hi (lord is claimed as a license voter. Alderman Ward, one of the drys, is sick at home and can not attend the meeting. The board of aldermen met at 4 o'clock this afternoon and a good deal of discussion vas indulgedin be. fore tho business was proceeded with Then the applications for license were brought up. The Portner Brew ing Co.. was granted a license by a vote of 6 to 4. Joe Lindy and Ru dolph Arndt and others were grant ed I ice use by a vote of 6 to 5. The Richmond Terminal. At a meeting of the Richmond Terminal held iu New York Hatur- day afternoon, action was taken in the matter of the directors of the Central Railroad company of Geor gia. It was decided to leave off John C. Calhoun of New York, and Patrick Calhoun of Atlanta. The latter was the attorney of the road and he had already resigned that position. No one as yet has been selected to fill tbe vacancies, but the probabilities are that two men from Savannah, Ga will be selected. Sermon to tbe Battalion. The services at 8t, Peter's Episco pal church, Buuday night, were of quite an interesting nature, the oc casion being the first annual sermon to the Charlotte Naval Battalion, by the chaplain, Rev. Joseph B. Ches hire. The members of the battalion atteuded in full uniform and there was a large congregation. Dr. Cheshire's remarks were appropriate and well chosen and were listened to with deep attention and interest. Superior to the OiiT-iaiy lint. A "Social Session," which is to be presented at the opera house on the eveniog of the 6th , Is said to be a really good an J wholesome play. One of our exchanges says of it : The Social Session Company appeared to a good house at the Metropolitan Theatre last night It is farce comedy, character acting, burlesque and musical excellencies that are brought to the fore by "A Social Session." This Is to be said, It is per fectly clean. There is not the slight est leaning toward the broad sug gestive or vulgar. The company ap pear to be correct people, and the spectator at once classes them as su perior to the "ordinary run." -Frank Stafford aud Sam Wilson, students at the Agricultural College at Ralbigh, returned to their boo s today, after having spent the holi days at home. luiiiiKinls! Remnants! Found in every department at stock taking; Cseful lengths of all kinds of good fine dress materials; Mark silks In faille, jrross Armine etc., best of goods and at such prices that you positively cannot rs them; Ribbons, Chif fon and other new laoes on this gnat coun ter. The prices will drive them from our room; tltey are irresistahle. Come to the great Remnant Sale. . p- A GOOD MAM VBAD. Mr. William T. Shlpn Dies at HI Home Hear ML Holly Mr. William T.Bhipp. one of the most prominent men of Gaston oonn tyanda man well known throughout this section of the 8tate, died at his home near Mt Holly, yesterday morning. His body was buried at Goshen Methodist church this after noon. Mr. Shipp was about 74 years of age, He was the father of Mr. Robert Shipp, of Newton, N. C, and of Mrs- Henry Wysor, of Dublin. Va-,5 was first cousin to the late Judge William Shipp, and brother in-law of Col. William Johnston, of Charlotte, and was tbe brother of Rev. Dr. Alvin Shipp, former president of Wofford College, and professor In Vsnderbilt College. He has two snrvlving sons, Mr. Will Shipp, who lives in Gaston county, and Mr. A. E. Shipp, who lives in Virginia. The deceased was a good man in all the walks of life, and was justly regarded. as one of the most influen tial men of this section of the State He was a kind father, useful to his fellow men, and a pure and good christian gentleman. An Oyater Supper To-Morrow Mich. The Charlotte Odd Fellows will have a merry good time to-morrow night Officers for the ensuing year, of Mecklenburg Declaration Lodge, ill be Installed and speeches will be made by prominent visiting brethren, after which all will par take of an elaborate oyster supper. All Odd Fellows cordially invited. Nothing Suggestive of Spring Today. The cold wave, for which signals were displayed last Saturday, came along on Schedule time, and since Saturday night, the town has been frozen up tight. The mercury last night dropped to 18 degrees, and it stood at 20 degrees at 8 o'clock this morning. Regular old winter weath er ha? prevailed today, and if the sun made any efforts to thaw things out, the result has not yet been ap parent. The Central's New Annex. The Hotel Gasette, of New York, of January 2, has this in reference to Charlotte Hotels that may be inter esting to Charlotte people: "Messrs. EeclesA Bryan, proprietors of the Central Hotel, will have their new annex, the Belmont, ready to receive guests in a few days. It is furnlshe-dJ n tbe very best style, with solid walnut and cherry furniture, velvet carpets, ete. The Belmont replaces the structure which was destroyed by fire last February, and is owned by Mr. H. C. Eccles, who will reside In it, and will give it the full benefit of his managerial ability. A Good Idea. When it comes to business, Char lottes cautious and energetio whole sale merchant, Mr. S. AVittkowsky, is found solid on all points. The lat est instance has just come to light Across the face of all his bill paper Mr. Wittkowsky has printed in bold letters: "Are You Insured?" The country merchant sees the signifi cance of that at once. Thk Nkws last week recorded a destructive fire in Lenoir, among the firms burned out being Deal & Deal. A day or two ago, Mr. Wittkowsky received a let ter from Deal A Deal telling of their loss, and thanking him for tbe sug gestion they found on his bill paper. It was hat which had saved them, This idea of Mr. Wittkowsky's has doubtless been the salvation of many another merchant. O rr a o P 3 2 o s p o 0. CD CO - r CO CD O rl P- CD O CO O tr ot -1 M " d 3 I CD O CD O S f I! & e 5 - M 3 go" ct 2 p 0 i o 5 d 3 p. . IV. Kaufman & Co. Sensible Holiday Presents, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUYf WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? What are you going to buy as a Christmas present? And where are you going to buy it? What will you select for Mama, lor Papa, for Brother, for Sister, Niece, Nephew and for yourself and friends? It is easy to ask thisquestion. It is not easy to answer it You want to give something; you want to buy it where you can do the best, Perhaps we are better able to serve you than any house in the city. We have goods that make useful and sensible presents. Are not they better than something trival? For Instance Un. Unit. U.iitu I . . Childrens Suits, Cbildrens Kilt and Jersey Suits, Mens Overcoats, Childrens Cap Over coats. We have good things in Underwear, in Hosiery, In Gloves, in Neckwear, in Handkerchiefs. We have good things in Hats, Umbrellas, etc. You will do as well by making your selection here as you will d any where : Derhans vou will do better. We have tbe right goods, they are reas onable in price, and in buying from bouse. This is much to consider in Christmas shopping. V W. KAUFMAN &CO ILEADING CIOTHIER8, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS CHARLOTTE, pm MAIL ORDERS RBCK1VE OUR Rubber Boots and Shoes. "'' :...' Our stock of Rubber Goods is cotnplete the year round bat more especially so just now; We always buy the best to be had, they ate always the cheapest, as every TJ&lT is guaranty ' For men we have all the styles and different weights; Imitation Sandals, sell acting, light or heavy, and extra low cnt A 1 ask as, Arctics, or Foot Holds. For the Ladies we call especial attention to our light weight, glove fitting Rubbers both in medium and extra low cuts; The Storm Protector b a great protection against rain or cold; Ladic and M isses spring heel in ail sixes. We also have some thai will fit the baby that can just walk; all at popular prices. . - 'w GRAY 19 Eart Trade Street, CHARLOTIJEl k C Prompt attention giren to all Mail Orders. . t c- BOYS' SHOES. In the regular course of our business we make a special study of the boys needs. Pa rents will find the Boys' Foot Ball Shoes, aa sold by us, the best and nicest Shoe at $1,50 ever offered. We will guarantee that for double the money you cannot et a better. Will not wear through on the toes as do all others; Of more than four hundred pairs' wt have sold the past season not one complaint has bten entered against them. We do squally as well for the girls as we do for the boys, and every Shoe in our shelves will be found to rep-. resent a value equal to the price, and often more. QILREATH & OCX Open every evening; tLUJ8:00; Saturday till II rft CHEISTMAS Ordered Especially for thi SEASON'S TRADE BEAUTIFUL 13th CFNTURY PLU8IT ROCKERS SIXTEENTH CENTURY RATTAN ROCKERS. SIX TEENTH CENTURY TABLES. ALL ARK OF EX CEEDINULY HAND8OME PATTERNS, THK VERY LATESTTHINGSOUT, AND THERE ARK NO MOItfi ' TASTY PKESKNTH TO BK CALL AND BEE R. S. Sloan, us you are .buy log from a responsible N. C. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTKXTTO, & BAHNHARDT. PEESENTS; FOUND AN Y WUERK. Dealer. FnmitQid UNDERTAKER. Nigh call. H i No, 6, Bryan building, over Rogers i (.'. ,'