' i ' . J 1 - ... t beitiliarlotto Nmste V kBT .A Kl KkNtMiX tfXCKPT CSHT. . - ay, - 1 X ADEH-Hialt, EJ. sd ProprUtcr. V.' ' " 81 "wrtiok Ratm : . ; On Year,. Thw Month,. lw Om Week ." IOomhi". By umuI to any pari of the lnlled 8ul. Jjui. , iwi. A. Jl. Foraoait From Waiting ton far twentj fonr Honrs From 8 A. M. Vor Korth Osrolina: Geriendiv tmr, warmer. Local Forecast. For Charlotte. nit vicinity: Fa r ntnl warmer. Lorn! Report. fi I a I rr: A. i7 3ue7 0 00 OiJ ! Cloudy " Clear I.U. GARDINER, Observer Weather Korean. Ikimil ASP TEM rKRATl'PK . Tb fullowiiiK is tin1 nvurtl ol the pnvipi tation and teni njlupe nl rintiiitl mnnli rn portlls, frlhe 1M huupiemliiiiciil So'd.ck this morning: Km n full. Tlienm under Charlotte W t: Chailmtnn (i ;tj Wilmington ( 3i Kitty Hawk a: Hattaru r 2- Korfolk U a i Savannah ' . Auffiuu ( n Tjmirw.... .uo as MONDAY, JANUARY 4. MR. MCMILLINMAY I'KKIIOK. It Is not probable that Mr. Crisp will be able to open the House to morrow. The House will have to elect a Speaker pro tern, and it is likely that Mr. McMillin will he chosen to preside until the Speaker recovers. It is expected that there will be little or no business trans acted. They may adopt the resolu tion, previously delayed by objection providing for the appointment of committee clerks. This will proba bly be the only business done, and an adjournment will be taken for thrci days, unless the Chilean correspond ence should not b received and there should b nme reason for being in session on Wednesday to receive it. The committees ni l probably organ Its and get ready for work. Those in authority a to such mat ters in Conerea have he n given to understand that the i'resklent ha? prepare ni ssnge to both house? of CongresM ou the Chili an affair, transmuting the entire correspon dence between this count iv and Chill There has been cnUlerabli speculation a to the probability of the President's sending in such a message, but it seems now to be set tled beyond question that tie ill do o. This does not necessarily mem war, but it points that way. If tin firm standjtaken ' by thin country makes such an Impression as to pro dace an apology from Chili, thp n:ut tot jIJl,.of otirte, be then settled without a resort to arms. The belief that there be a peaceable settlement of the difficulty is based mainly upon . aonvlcttou that tho Chilian govern ment will not, when ii comes to the pinch, be willing. to risk war with a nation "o much her superior ia force as Isftke United States. The course of the United Htates, however, will be such, it Is said, as to mako an apol ogy necessary on the part of Chili to avoid hostilities. Gov. Humphrey said to-day of his appoiDtmeut of Mr. PerkinB as Sena tor: "Having in view the long ser vice of Judge Perkins on tho bench and in the lower House of Congress, where he was by common consent ontofthe acknowledged leaders of theKaosasdeleifatioii.it seemed to me thathisappointruent would prove satisfactory to the people of the 6late. It might be said that my motive in appointing Judge Perkins was selfish in this, that It would re move bim as a possible candidate for Congress In the Third district In the Interest of myself for the office. On this account I heBitated somewhat in ' the matter, but the fact is that Judge - Perkins was not in my way for Con gress,' having pnbllcly Jdeclared as well as privately to me and to other , friends that he would not be in that - race. ProWhis honorable career on - the bench and in Congress I have ', the utmost confidence in his ability, and am confident that he will serve , - the State with great dignity and honor to the United State Rejiate." ', The Association for the Preserva ' tlon of .Virginia Antiquities, who gave the great colonial ball in Rich I mond two years ago, and the asaem- Uly ball last January, will give their ' annual ball on the 27th of the month, V and it will, be brilliant affair. It will be given Intbe' Academy of . Manic. The prdeeeds, as lo the case of the iotlie? balls, will be Deed to preserve oi ot the relics of Vlr v ginlaVcoloolal tiroes,- ' - Gov, Il'j sjll has iued an appeal - to Abe people of Massachusetts ask- fngthem -t ome" gwerontly to the 'aid of the lira 1 tie eu fferers J a Ilassla, and has applf-Ud a cotrin-lti, with IMshop PhllPp Brooks at lu iiead, to receive oaatriijutl'jn"." Coiilsmpl llrigsuoh possibilities as t.tve ln kff irded within twrlv uioull) It w;nld seeni that every ex Is'lt'ff dbabl Itjr of x-oonff derate of fio r f in ervlceln the arniy nod n.iVy ahuld b removed. If there harl lf n ar with Italy lnit year or ir (here should bear with Chill this year a confident reliance on the val or, skill, patriotism and experience of the younger of these survivors of the 1 t w.ir would uot have been or would not be In vain. Senator Dan iel's repeal the statue prohibiting such services Is timely and should not l overlooked In the work of l he session. Tho penalties of the war period have had suoh effect aa was desired for twenty-six years. Neith- er public safety nor national feclinfr lonfhr requires the enforcement of these penalties, which, In view of the removal of the other war disabilities, ham tmcome illogical and inconsis tent. The Director of tho Mint will In Aiigurate'the new year by Issuing the new silver coins half-dollar, quart- ur-dollnr, and dlmo bonrlng the new deaiK'ii The Mint at Philadelphia started Saturday, ou the col u aire of the pieces, and tho mlnte at Han Krunclsco and New Orleans will start as soon as the dies reach them The silver used in this coinage will coiiRist of the uncurrent silver coins now in the Treasury awaiting re- coinage, and the coinage will he con ducted until the balance of thes ap propriation available for the recoiu age, now about $20,000, has been ex hausted. The Director hopos to re coin at least a million dollars of tlie uncurrent coins In the Treasury into the new coins undor the existing ap propriation, and when it is exhaust ed Congress will te urged to make a deficiency appropriation to continue this coinage. Feraonal and Otherwise. I.iirien Johnston, of Italtimnio, him receiv ed the di-nree of lioentiuto in theology from tin- nrliools of 1 1 in ProiiairmiilH. ill Uninc 1 f ia ,i etBiiont or tin a niMt-ii-nti iHmi in tiwu - - .Tyi city, ami a son of Col. Itirhanl M. Johnston the well known writer. Judge itnrve, of Seattle, ten ont lis aRo lost his voioe and has Ihmii traveling over the co in try sinking relief. After . .iK) anil receiving no lienefit he pnve n in le gpair. One niornint; recenfy he woke up with his voic3a9 pHl asever. Iord Lytton iH the Hixteenth enrl w!io has died dnrinir the la.tt eleven months. Kiin'anil lent 10 out of a totnl of l!c Ireland 4 out of (12, Saitlai.d 2 out of-12.- Capt. Alexander Rogers, I'liihil Htates Army, the World's Fair Commissioner to Brazil, says that Brazil will have an imor tant exhibit at the Fair. Gov. Hill Is believed to have saved 30,0(Ki put of the $70,(KIO he has received for wrftrin inK the functions of bin otllee, and this is all ho has in the world. Dr. Orlssom Now a I'nftent. Raleigh Visitor: The painful in tellifronoe has reached heo..that Dr, Engene Grlssom, late of this city but now of Deuver t;olorauo, is an inmate under treatment in the Tn nanw-sYsylum In the latter city. This i Indeed sad news tip tho many friends f Dr. Orlssom in North (Carolina who most sincerely hope that h a miction may be of a temporary character. Fifty-two for Sherman. Comtmbus, Ohio, Jan. 1. Presi dent Alva Agee, of the'Farmers' AT- llance and Industrial Union, arrived here tonlirht and beRan the fight against the re-election of Hon. John Sherman to the Henate. His efforts are without results so far as can be seen. The (state committee or the Alliance will meet here on Monday to take a hand in the fight. The situation today has been mark ed by the vicious attacks of (iov Koraker ana his lieutenants upon tne Cuyahoga delegation. Tbe governor made a speech to the gentlemen, in which he rererrea in sarcastic terms to the efforts being made by the army of Federal office-holders In behalf of Hherman. A desperate etrort was made to tret Hen ator Oreeh, colored and Representatives Doty and Pink ney to sign a paper pledging their votes for Koraker, but was unsuccess ful. Representative Axline, of Perry who has been classed in the doubtful list, with a probable leaning toward Foraker, has declared for Sherman. Representative Allen, of Greene, has reached the city, an I confirms the report that he will vote far Gov. For aker. Thus the day's declarations show no relative change in the sit uation, the eight or nine doubtful men still holding the key to the sit uation. The estimates given out by the Sherman managers tonight give him fifty-two votes, or seven more than sufficient to elect, and accord Fora ker but thirty-nine The ex-govern or said tonight he ivould be elected as sure aa the cauoas met unless "unque influence" was exerted upon some or his etrengto. Mt. Alry'a I'lnckV Mr. Aiby, N. (i, Jan. 2.-Hardly had the great fire ceased which on yesterday swept over a hundred thousand dellars' worth of property Into ashes the itiae Kiage inn, Ml Airy Hotel and a block of stores. when the citirens of this progressive young city held a meeting to organ !ze a company for rebuilding. To- night great enthusiasm prevails and stock is being subscribed for an ele gant summer and . winter resort hotel, la tes style, and like onto the Bat'ery Park of Asheville, to be built Immediately. & Jacob H. Wright, one of the best known tobacco merchants In Balti more, bat committed suicide, rttKK TitiKarottrATiy. A Important Dcalalna fit ran by th ta I oral ate Oumutore Oeromlaalitn. The interstate oommerce commls- slnu has -endcred an opinion lu the case of the Huston and Maine rail road, involving the question of the right of the company to Issue passes lo certain classes of persons specllled 111 the answer niea by the company, as follows: Hick, Indigent andolher charitable cases, men long eminent In public service, proprietors of sum mer hotels and large boarding houses, wives of employe) and other immediate members of their famil ies, agents of ice companies and milk contractors," the higher officers of Htate in the Htat.es of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachu setts and certain prominent officers of the United States, like collector of customs, members of the railroad committees of the legislatures of the Htates above named, trustees under mortgage on the property of the cor poration, persons whose good will is important to-the corporation. The commission has In this case construed the act to regulate com merce in respect to tno right or a railroad company to give Interstate passes to suoh chisses of persons. The commission met the question squarely, and In a convincing opin ion discussed the statue and cited authorities at sc me lonirth, and con cluded that branch of tho case in theso words: "Without further citation authori ty the construction wo Rive to section 2 of the act to regulate commerce Is that where the service of the carrier subject to theact is 'like and con tern portneous ror iiiiierent passengers the charge to one of a greater ur less compensation than to another con stitutes unjust discrimination and if) unlawful unless the charge of such greater or less compensation is allow ed under the exceptions provided iu section 22, and that where tho traffic is'under subtautiaMy similar circum stances and conditions' in other re spects it is not rendered dissimilar within the meaning of the statute by the fact that such passniiKers hold unlike or, as sametimes termed, un- niual official, social or business po sitlnns, or belong to different classes as they ordinarily exists in a com munity or are arbitrarily created bv I the carrier." There were other classes of pass holders named in the answer, whose passes, though in form free, were free only in name,because in reality there was some consideration for them, such as those Issued to newspaper men in exchange for advertising, to hotel proprietors, ice dealers anil milk dealers, and to some other per sons who are claimed to stand on spe cial ground of right. As to these classes of persons tbe commission said tuat the investiga tion would have to bo extended to enable it to pass a satisfactory judg ment thereon, and that to avoid the delay which a proper and full inves tigation of these classes would occa sion, and in view of their minor im portance and yet perhaps greater dinlcsulty of decision, and of the ur gency that the defaiuisjnt should be informed at this time fif the decl-ion upon the leading (ti(Htioii involved namely, the construction of the stat- 'ie upon the subject of free transpor tation, the commission concluded to hold the case as to such special clas ses of persons for stuili further inves tigation as might be neccessary to put It in full posHession of all tho facts before finally passing upon them, and in the meantime to issue an order applicable to the classes fi rst named in accordance with tbe construction of the law as set fort this being pursuant to the practice in other cases. (!nv, IIolts Kmaiiclpatton Day Hpeech. Raleigh News and Observer: Dur ing the administration of Governor Holt, he has been called upon to de liver addresses in diirerent Hoctions of tho Htate, and whenever he has spoken, his political friends and foes alike have recognized the emi nent practical ability and sound judgment whirh have enabled him to discharge his official duties with so much success and credit. His speech in this city on Emancipation day, is no exception. It should be carefully explained to the colored people of the Htate iu order that there may no longer be any doubt of the intention of the whites to' gov ern North Carolina, but at the same time their purpose to see that equal and just laws are made, construed and executed without regard to color or condition. 1 lie Uovernor's speech is based on broad lines, and is free from partizanehip. It is the speech of a man who always speaks out noiaiy wnat no tiuiiKs or public questions, and entertains no views, necessary for him to express, which he hesitates to make known to his fellow-citizens. Wte have heard Governor Holt's speech, delivered in Metropolitan Hall on the 1st, very highly commended by botli white and black. The addresses by the colored speakers on the occasion were conservative. D. W Parker's speech was considered by a fewl of his colored friends as rather political. but as the advancement of the color ed poople greatly depends upon their political course this speech in many respects very appropriate, and. if the advice given he followed, likely to be attended with good results. The speaker told the members of his race present that they must devote their energy and ability more to industrial fiursuits, if they wished to be success ul, and this is good counsel. Tno much politics has been' the bane of the colored people, and want of at tention to other pursuits has kept many from prospering. Parker un derstands that alt the advantage In contest . Detween the white and black races for supremacy would be on the side of tbe former, and he is wise tn leu his colored friends the whole troth. . A merchant named Hamboeek at Gratz, Germat vfecently shot and killed tais twr ged respectively six and sever Vyl then com mitted sulcp Vf.barti itb bllndn-V come affect? able to Si for Infants "Caaterla b so wen adapted to ehtMroo that I mcommend It aa superior to any praacaiptloo tiiown to ma." II. A. Abchzb, X. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Tho I of' Caatorta'ta so nnlntraal ami lln imtrlta ao well known ihaX it aenms a work of aup MiwmmUiin toendone It. Kew ara Ion to (indorse It Kew an the iiiMllfrent amlllea who do not keep Cantoria within aaay reach " K Casuw HArrm. u. I)., Ne York City. Ijite Paator Bloomlncdale Boformed Cburen. Tea Cmtadb I WISH HAPPY M. -P. PEGRA M; JR. 10 SOUTH TRY0N STREET. Call and pay pr till which is due, And make m happy for '92. CENTRAL HOTEL CHARLOTTE, . C. E0CLES & BRYAN, to' r j r ii (a.hls u m jol m a. jfc , jl - - -j mliJ3Mr-X'' Hot' and Cold Baths halls and rooms carneted in Brussels Thp most considerate attention given fully looked after. The Old Original Microbe Medicine. "Kailam's Microbe Killer" in the old origi nal medicine, which leads anil stands in ad vance of all other "nenn,'r "niicrobi," "Imc Uria," &c, rcmediiw. 'this is the oriTinal others are imitations which try to catch the public by borrowing names from the old original remedy discovered by Win. Kiuhiin years ago, and whose fume has spread over the world, liuy the original and get hl gennine. Investigate its merits before (et ing with your money. Head their advertiser ment elsewhere andjact wisely. Guaranteed Cure. V authorize our advertised dru. gists t sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, coughs and colds, upon this condition. If you are nlnicted with a cough, cold orauy lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giv ing it a fair trial, and experience no beniflt, you you may return the bot tle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oftYr did we not know that Dr. King's Now Dis covery could bo relied on. Jt never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Hurweli t Dunn', wholesale and re tail, and at Jordan & KcotUs, w hole sale drug stores. Largo size 60c. rfnd 1. Nothing like it for dyspepsia and indigestion. Hlmmnns Ijiver Regu lator is a safe, sure cure. Facts speaker louder than words. Himmons Liver Regulator has cured bowel disorders. A fine collection of NEW GOODS FOR HAS. A Baautifol Lot of DIAMONDS pud other nice -presents. The cheapest yon have se6n. and see them. Call HAtEfl, ALES, , Practical Watchmaker, 'rade stieet. .a . : and Children. Oawtorla enrol Oolla, OnetrpaxkMV 8o.ir Bbmiacn, Plarrnnsa, Krurtatlon, Killa Worms, gtvi ateep, aad firaaiotea dk WlJtorturlonai avllcatloa. for aereral yean I bav reeornmeiKlev Sotir ' Oaatorla,' and ahall aiways oonUnua to o no as it lias Invariably produced baDaflotal result Kowia F. Piion, K. IX, "The Wlnthrop," loth Street and Ttn Ava, Kew Tort Cit Oomvajit. T7 Mdesat Brmaurr, Kew Toal. YOU ALL A NEW YEAR. Proprietors. One of the most invlt ing, superbly equipped and faultlessly conduc ed Hotels in the South Located iu the centre of the City,' convenient to the business house banks, public buildings and churches. TheCeu jfoktral is one of the largest V' II t.l . 1 1 - 1 1 xiuiriis iiutwuiiu nniu more and Atlanta, and ! , ' i)" elegantly furnished an N;Jr equipped in all its de- partments. Each room r a flee bv Electrio Retur and Velvets; Water on each iioor. to all guests and their comfort care rill n P dos. iteese wjuo Are offering the liest obtainable of the fol lowing whole and ground split at prats paid for 'nferior stun: GINOKR, ALLSPICK. MACK, CLOVER, CINNAMON NUTMEGS, HAGE, THYME, MUSTARD, and CELERY HEED, FREHH HOPS-guaranteed. EXTRACT OK VANILLA made from the bean, representing the delicate-aroma and flavor of the bean no Tonka no Bophls tication. Pure and reliable 8ALEM ALMANACS for 1802. Wholesale and Retail. Prices Guaranteed. THOS. REESE & CO. Druggists. Cottier Trade and College Streets UC Mined hit Opportnnlly ! DON'T MIm Ilk lfHr, Kcader. Tlio mMrlty ncKlert thtlr op KirtDnitlt, ami Inim tlmt ewise livu tn poverty mud di fa obcnrHy I llnrrowinff tlatptir ! l)i lot uf ninny, u thJ look bark on lolt, rnrevar lost, oporlnliliy. l.lie Ifl paMa Iuk! Kachitii. Be np and doloff. Improve your opportu nity, and tecum prosperity, pronilnottc. peace. It waeMtte ty a tibiloioplier, tlial ouitei 01 ruriuue on ere ToldrR opnontitaity lo eaen pereon at embrace tuecbanee,ua sue mo aua etie aeparle, fr the ooldiih opfiorttrolt; appoarawmtity. ceteiei menuo. within U at lea. t, many la byanvlr do the wi Rlnnerl I can doi onaly; an lo learn paraliff liow I' r & UaU aouia TierlnaqLei" KM UAIdHaaaeaa wroanr r :05 :o:to: Mrs. P. Query & Ob; Are now ready to show the largest and hesfselectlou of Fashionable Millinery to be found in the Htata. Oar trimmer, Miss Carrie Houston, who has spent several weeks In the northern cities for Fall Styles, is now ready toehowthe:productlons of her search for the lattst novelties in tbe Millinery line. A glance will convince any lady of taste and Judg ment that she richly dererves her reputhtlon for skill and trste in the art of Trimming Hats and Bonnets. Our stock of Embroidery and Nit ting Bilks, Zephyr, Wool Yarns, No tions and Novelties for art work is now complete. Ladies who will favor us with a call will find everything new, flesh, and novel, and at the lowest possi ble prices. Mrs P. Query & Co FOE BENT. :o: 1 1 1 3-ronni lionwon Kast lot Ii street. 1 (Vroom limine ror. !Hli it. and railronil. 1 .l-room ImnM1 on Kiist 4tli strwt. 1 Jmoiii House on llast Vantv street. 1 3-nioni bouse on Kail Vance street. 1 ti nxni liniiKCoti North Myers street. 1 J-n Mini house on Kast Morebead street. I fl rooin bouse corner D and 7lh Htreets. I 3-room bouse an East Nth street. 1 3-room bouse on South Mint street. Two three-mom linusni on North Tine street. Several small teiement housea in diRerent parts of tho city. C. McNELIS. v Office No. 10, East Trade st, Music House -UN MUSICAL GOOPS. We will offer this week ft beautiful IUh I pnuht (f runil piano for $ lift, another Hell I'priftlit piano for 'M'i, the usual prices of inee uistruments exceetl Ilia prices quoted bv more than .Ml. ner iiiHtriiiiielit. We otter a in, music box fur 'Jl. 4 musical dulls nt fli each the prices quoted on tbecoiMis nniiiei win ciinnp lo regular rtmrRes alter the lion i lavs. Autohsnn.' Imnios. uuitam. violins bariis. Krass hand instriiiuenla recti strinc tircueslra and instrunients. I'inniH nniKOrcans. sheet rnnsic mnsic boiks and mnsinal mercliHiiiliHeof every de scription. Piano and oiynn tuning ntnl repniriiiR of liiusiial iiistriitiienu1 a sieciaity. BAKER'S MUSIC HOUSE, Y. M. C. A. rtuililing. C-H A-R-L-O-T-T-E N. C. NEW AND iennlation 0. S. Army TACTIC, BAKEII) Infantry Drill On a,;Run. 'V- Yoa city folks put ns on a lively run) daring December, did not gtre ns tlmA know there was aCbriatmM or New Tear. dr,- But that Is all right, we are here to get a more on ns lor your benefit and can trot for you from 8 am to 9 pro, k In December w sent Into CharlotU 10,- 230 quarts sweet milk, beside Urge amount of cream, "and still yon cry for Moore's nifln." C. ti'MOORH J Double Oaks Dairy. A Choice Selection O F NEW YEAR CAKDS AT Eddins' Book Store. ir- JNO, B. KKTHUNB. JNO. W. WHIT at (jH AT , THl CITY GB0CER7. HKTHITNE A WHITE. r A FULL 8T0CK, noODOOODH, LOWPRICKH, FAIR DEALINGS, FULL GUARANTEE. BEST QUALITIES NO FANCY TRICKS, , ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, QUICK SALK8 AND KM ALL PROFITS. NO MISREPRESENTATION. -We mean what we say... Coma to see us. We are' never undersold. Try us, BETH UN E & WHITE. 21 E. Trade St Telephone 81. SPECS That yon can see through and Spec mar. win nt your nose, am the special authorised agent for DIAMANTA SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES,.: The Best ttenses Known, also have the neatthinfr In adjust able nose glasses. They cm be flttdd to any nose. Also, I have a line line of Watches,' Clocks,; and the . Iry. IVIlAa.l ft X. f Ii.

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