It Orlgl -i-i. rvtod.! I; "5T..J n a m A 1TSICTLV VfOVa4l ' AlUIS f AMIU MtetCISL DACOtf, 8A. PHILADELPHIA. Prior. ONE Dollar fWFlllPP There Is no other gemvint UCIUGmUCl Simmons Liver Regulator. Be Hot Imposed TJoon. Examiue to see that you get the enuine, uistinguisiiea iron an fiatids aud Imitation by our red Z Trade-Mark ou front of wrapper, and on the side the seal and signature of J. H. Kellln l5o. A.R.WILUAN Sanitary Plumber and Steam Fitter. Bath Tulw. Wnter (Ixwln. vV.i-lnl.vubi. Trim t'ntla l'i. Ah: "Cahiiriiia'' Sprink lers, liardeii llix; everything in the pin in liti line. AWNING WORK A SPECIALTY Eitim t!r on all Work. THE ORTON. Wilmington hi the gateway to the (treat sea il mtttrtH of North tYinilina, and iiinuiw rini on. should not fail to stop iU TH K OK TON, Wilminirtons elegant hotel. The Or ton in a inaKudinent structure, finely tilted villi mixfc-rn improvements, elevators, elec tric light hikI al I n veil iences. SlTial low rates to eicuntion parties dur- lug the summer season, transient rates Inan 11 to It -r tiny. Ample :ti-r..mml:ttiiis. excellent fare ami polite treatment characterise I he orbm. J. K. MONTAUCK, May I tf Maimer SMITH & WATTS, IIROKKIIH, 10 8. (Vtllee Street, ('mmrrrr, N. C. Representing liunson Itrns A Co., inera hep rhii'jujo Hoard of Trade: Iohman Bros., members Rew York I'otton Kichaiiie; Hub bard, Price A I Jo., mom bora New York Ominn Kliian Oabn Co., members Sew York Hunk Kn-hanire; M. It. Mnndham, member New York Petroleum Kxclimige. I4f Order xecuted in froiu three to Ave minutes over our private wires. The Wasbiogton Post. A National Paper. Itcine printed at the seat of Government, 1HK VYKKKI.Y 1MST contains Scriai feat uiea not founil in any other publication. Kvcry man should "hrst subscrilie for his home par." To it you owe your first all glance. After that to done, if able to take another per, the best one printed at the of the country is the one that will prove mot prolilahle ami entertaining. The prion of THE WKKKhY 11XT la 7ft oenta per anniini in advance. Kamplr copies sent Ore. Add rem. The Weekly Post, WASHINGTON, 1. ( Central Park Is another candidate for the omisidetation of th we seeking desirable homes near the prosperous growing city of Charlotte. CENTRALLY lxmted between Charlotte and Sharon", Dilwnrth and Highlands, Its name is at o;ice recognised as appropriiltc. BEAUTIFUL Uiidiilnting field and fawns liitersjwrsed with magnificent groves of oaks, hickories, tc and the imtural lioautioaol tliesituntion ni'roiwed by the ahjrof man-igCwitml I'ark. .' . ttOXD Wilt ItK UOfSMSCH. The tapreme Crt Bahl to Dave Deoldei '' h MebfMka C Ja III rarer. There la a Beamingly well aatheo tieated rumor in circulation to in effect that the Saprerae Court of the United Btatet bae decided favora bly to Boyd In tbe ease f Jioyd a; This decision, If e6 annoonced.wlll make rooi uoya's claim to the We braaka rubernatorial chair, now oc oopled by ex-Oovernor Thayer. ' The decision will, It is read today iy vnieunsuce n er. it isnnaor stood that the rote of the court on the decision was six to three. The hlstoryof the case Is Interest in ir. vne election for governor was held In 1888, the candidates being Thomas J. Majors, republican; James E. Boyd. denioot tt. ni J . h rt Powers. alliance. At :hat tinm Thayer was frovernor. When the votes i,am to be canvassed by the leiritUtnre tliere was toasldernhle controversy, bnt Hoytt was finally declared to have been elec tod ml was doly inducted into otuc . While nervlnir as irov ernor the ntiariro was niide that Boyd was not I v qualified. udou the ground that he aad not been fully naturalised His father, Joseph uova. a native or ireiana, was oitisen of Ohio and took out his first papers in that state. The records do not show, though he makes the claim otherwise, that he took out his second papers nntll 1MX), but he continued to act and was treated as a citlxen of the UnlM-d Htates, voted for every officer, state and national, nod was himself elected to several offices In Ohio The son entered the army and erved in camp.tiirn against the In dians. Later, he became a leading business man in Omaha, ana accu moisted considerable money. When the territory was admitted to the Union of states he was a member of the constitutional convention He twice held the office of mayor of Omaha. In all these rears his clti senshlp was never questioned. Knit wn brnmrht bv Oov. Thaver to oust Gov. Hoyd upon the ground that tho 1 itter was Ineligible at the time he was voted for. and under the con stitution of Nebraska, which declares that the erov.-rnor shall hold until his nuccesror is legally chosen and ijuali- fled. Thaver claimed that ne was en tied to continue In the office of governor. This claim was simaiiien y the state courts. Hoyi was Misted and Thayer placed again In he office. ' Hrtvd appealed to the Knprenie Court of the United States and the decision, if the premature announce ment is correct, make Hoyd gov' rnor and removes Thuyer. taas QRAL PARK odel Sovfhern lrot;rM In 1801. ''"his week's lue of the Baltimore Mannfacturer-' Itocord contains an interesting and elalorate review of the Kouth's progress last year in commerce, Industry and agriculture, from which we glean the following, The review embraces fourteen HUtes: Maryland Virginia, North Carolina, Houth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. Texas. Arkansas, Teunewsee, West Virginia, and Kentucky. The as SHBsed value of propriety in these was ill IHlsl, t4,493,5Wi:5e, In IH'.ll It was $t,Kl,3!) The exports irom iweniy-ionr rlouthern ports for theeleven months ending Nov. 30, 1871, aggregated Ur7.S10 as eomnsrwd with faiH,- 21.24.1 for the corresponding period f 100. The production of pig Iron was I.- 2I2AHO tons, as compared with 1,9-VV 4 VI for I KOO, a slight falling oil. hut ot to compare with the decline In ome or the oiner tron-prouucing seclonsof the country. Thedeclfne for the country at large for the firet six months of 1881 was 1,422,!)7 net on. But there as a revival of ac- vltv in th latter half of the year, earlv recovering the decline, so hat the estimated output will not he more thau 10 per cent, less than that ' 1890. The coal product was 21.27fl.OO0 gross tons, as compared with 15.H40, 4V4 gross tons in IS80, as reported by the census The product of wheat in 1891 was VM77,000 bushels, as compared with 43,24.',nno bushels in isw Of corn 343,000 husiieis. as against 4"0,5i00l bushels in 18H0. Kice product i34.ww,utiu as againsi 1.12,000 for the previous year. There was a decrease In the num ber of cattle for some unexplained reaon, the total for 1891 as reported by the U. 8. Department of Agricul ture being 1,4,377, as compared ith 17,041,187 for 1S00. Hot the in crease for tne wnoie couniry was only 93.232 head, whereaa the in- reae in lsuuover ib.s was -,in,rK head. The cotton crop according to the figures of the New Orleans Cotton Kxchange was K,rKz,; naies, an in crease of 1,811,275 bales over the rop ' 1880-90. The exports of cotton were 5,778,822 kales as compared with 4,900,440 the previous season. The acreage in cotton was I!l,4fi9,fll7 acres as compared wltU 10,080,275 acres the previous year. The Southern mius consumea up to August31st6t4.6til bales as compar ed with 646,875 for the previous year. I n 1 800 there we re JCUimllls.of which seven have been sinoe burned. Twen ty new mills have beeu built, and several consolidated, making the to tal number at the end of August 840. Of thes 277 old and 10 new mills were in operation. Tlie number of spindles In .opera tion was l,tS74,fl!)0 as" compared with 1.423,827 in IBM. There were 51 new nntional banks established, with a capital of $1,610,-000." were 8,24l,new manuractur- rlses estubllshed, as com- 7fortl890, showing a ater proportion the conn try, on PUTTS BMIKFL T XOtKD. ; ' John'Dletel, of Cincinnati, weight tos pounds, died or toe grip. In a steamboat accident in Colum bus forty rers ns were killed. George Ken nan, the traveler and author, Is In New York with bis wife. ire at uardin, mo., aesiroyoa twenty-two business bouses Hd dwellings. Loss, 75.000; 111 tie or no insurance. George W. Hastings. M. P.. was formally arraigned in London on charge of embexBllng trust funds. Police of Baltimore were summon ed to protect tbe sugar refinery at Curtis Bay against former work men. Jiaiiroad employes at Little llock, Aftt drove a carload of "scabs" Into the swamps and destroyed their baggage. Thenar Association of Hloux Falls. 8. IX, oondemned tbe action of the ministers of the place In denouncing juage Aiaen. . George is, Clark, one of the well- known Cambridge, Mass4 telescope makers, died at .Bedford riprings, aged ho years. Tbe axe factory of Emery A Wa- terhouse, at North Mountain, Me , was burned with all its contents Loss about t50.000.abou t three-fourths insured. . Arrasts for Mall Bobbery. A postoffloe official says In tbe Washington Star: During the) last year fifty-eight postmasters, twenty three assistant postmasters, forty Ave clerks In postofflees and sixty- six mail carriers were arrested on charges of dishonesty. Every dishonest postofflce employe Imagines that his method of stealing Is a nw one, that he does It better than any one ever did It before, and that he can erode detection. But such offenders are invariably caught They can never tell when they are being watched or how. All new post- office buildings are constructed with peep holes expressly for this pur pose. The rifling or letters is the most una1 form of theft. A clerk was emight In the act the other day at Wilmington, N. C. who had achieved such expertness In distin guishing paper money by smell that after his capture he selected with unerring accuracy seven letters con taining bank notes out of 400 placod tafre him, though blindfolded, in nrdT to satisfy the curiosity of the nepectors. Not merely old bills can be thus smelled out, but new ones likewise. Himply a keen sense, well rained, is required. Men in the biir.aii of engraving and printing say that they can smell out new notes in envelopes every time. The method of detecting paper currency by feel is familiarenough, as Is also that of drawing a thread with a knot on the end of it, by the help of a needle. h rough a letter, the knot fetching with It some of the fiber from the in closed bill Two years ago a mall clerk at Lynchburg, Va., was suspected of ri fling leters. A post office Inspector hired a room oVir the one which was occupied bv the sSppoaed guilty par ty, in an omen building, and over- ooked him dav and dlght through a hole bored in the celling. The offl- ial spy had an opportunity of watching the progress of a very In teresting love affair and of securing damning evidence at the same time. In another case of similar character at Charlotte, N. C an Inspector gaz ed upon an employe who was sUal- Ingfrom registered letters, through chinks In theceiling. Over the post office was an 'opera house, and the etective crawled benath the stso so as to get his eye at a suitable crack. From this point of vantage e saw the guilty party open the missives Intrusted to his charge b J oatine them on a bowl of .water, placing them afterward under a ress for the purpose or sealing them Ith the old mucilage. Thus the let ters would arrive safely enough, and pparently Intact, but without the a) uable contents. Bo engrossed was he critninafwlth his little game hen caught at it that the Inspector was able to walk quietly In and peep over his shoulder, saying, " hat sve von got thete, mv boy?" The guilty one's reply, as his knees gave way onder him, was simply, '-Good Lord ! Ypu've got me." , ruaisal, Elca-aat, Helkakle. , For Bllllousness, Constipation and Malaria, take Lemon Elixir. '--: For Indigestion, Blok and Nervous Headache, take Lemon JUixir. r Sleeplessness, Nervousness and Haartfallare, take Lemon Kliair. Ladles, for natural ana thorough orgsnte regulation, take Lemon Kllxlr. - ' Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir will not rail yon In any of tne atwve named dJeoases, all of which arise from a tor- Did or diseased liver, atomacn, kid neys or bowels. 60o and f 1 bottles at druggUts. Prepared oniy by vt. flioziey, At lanta,Ga. ' I.EMOM HOT HOrS, Cures all Coughs .Colds, Hoarse ness. Bore Throat. Bronchitis. Hem orrhage and all throat and luDg di seases. JMegant reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. 11. Mosley, Atlanta, Ga. Bucklen's Arnioa Salve. , The best Halve In the world for outs, bruises, sores, salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satif action, or money refun ded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Burwell at Dunn's, wholesale and retail, and at Jordan A Boott's, whole sale drug stores. Attention to the dally habits of tbe young prevents suffering. Take Sim mons Liver Kegulator. All miserable sufferers with dys pepsia are cured by Himmona Liver Kegulator. " Facts forth Thinking about "tint iixm l'Tiik Lira" FIIWT Learn that all di.ooases are the result of fer mentation and decay cauwd by living mi crobes in the human system, and whatever remnlv will remove the catiw ami build up the health and utrength of the uttient is the one to uae. riF.COM). Don't forget that Win. Kadam's Oreat Dis covery is the original ami old rctialde Mierolie Killer (of which other Mimuar no-called renie- lieB are out leehle imiLHtionsl hascurel more (tiaraaca than all other proprietary medicines put uigetner. C"THIRD. If you are sick or diseased don't trifle with our health, but "hold fast" and iitsfct on laving Wra. Itadam's Ul.D KKLIAIil.K MICHOKE KII.LKR. which has cureti thou sands of all manner of diseases, such as tbn sumption, futurrh, Indigestion, Hheumatism, i t : j lii ii i 1 1 t nuwvi, iviuiiejr, xiuiicier ami an manner u bloKl and akin disease. Ac. cmii klv. perma nently and at a small cost. y When you hare thought over these facta send stamp for full particulars and certiticstes of wonderful cures anil investigate the virtues of this great wonderful remedy, which for yean has stood abreast and in advance of all ner remeutee ever iiacei neiore the pumic. It never fails when proix-rly useil, Try it and lie convinced that it is the greatest reme- ly ever given to the world, It. Ii. JOB DA AT,P CO, Agents. Charlotte, X. C. The holiday rnsh being oyer, I am now ready to give special attention to my. repairing; department of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. A nice stock of Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, and all classes of Jewelry on hand. Give as a call. JOHN FAKRIOR. Insoeetor of C. C. add A. L. Watches. CTONEWALL 0 JACKSON. LIFE AND LETTERS OF GEN ERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. By his wife, Mary Anna Jackson Edited by Rev. H. M. Field, D. D, Illustrated. For sale at Ross & Adams' B-O-O-K S-T-O-K-E. Dec 14 tf THE BUEOEI) HOTEL, v oiaariotte; isr;o.: ; CAPACITY DOUBLED. THE RATEHT IMPROVEMENT INTIiff DCCED INCLUDING A FINE HYDRAULIC. PAKBKliOUt - AND BAGGAGE ELEVATOR. - Klectrie all and amomwlcoaii belh. I.lgni ed by gas and elertriritv. Kaths aad clo-wts on every door. Twelve elegantly nimiiOawl sample and ruga's room on office floor. Heading, room rupecially for guests. Kiexantand beautifully decoraicd dining room on 4th floor, which is Kenned by pas senger elevator. ..,... The hotel is furnished throughout In the best manner with velvet and Brussels eirpeta. solid Antique Oak Kuroitnre, the very bast beds and every appliance for the enufort of b is Ruenta. 1 able nrisurpaased tor exoellenca, The patrunaKe of visitors totbecityaodeonr. meroal ineu especially solicited. TERMS: $2.00, $2.50 aid $3.00 per diy. Special rates to permarient guests on application. GEORGE W. KITTELLE, Proprietor, ; OFFICE OF a W n Win CHARLOTTE -lm II II l.'lUII UUlj "Win. olesale On V AW V A V flMOKE MOKE MOKt home 1iade ome Made OME lllADE Cigahh KlAliH KlARfj -:o:- MARTINS BOUQUET FOR INSTANCE. It is made of the best material that can be put in a cigar for 6c. Manufactured eeiiecially for retail trade by E. L. MARTIN, Charlotte, N. C. Next to Buford House. Salem Almanacs -FOR 1892- -MABOLINA CENTRAL DIVISION. WasiKOTOK. Nov, 29th 1891 Change of schedule on Seaboard Air Line, C. C. Division. WESTBOUND TRAINS. IVMth of m Wen-Known firms Man. Piiii.adki.piiia, January 1. Mr. a mes Cooper, the well-known cir ess man who bought the rorpaugh circus and who was formerly a part ner of Barnum A Bailey, died this morning at 7 o'clock. He had been ill for several weeks from inflamma tion of the bowels. A friend Induced me to trv Salva tion Oil for my foot, I uxed it and the rheumatism is entire! v gone. J. II. Anderson, Baltimore, Md. - Opera. House. JUST ONK NIGHT. j, Wednesday, January 6, Sprape's Comedians 'resenting their latest Comedy Success, A SOCIAL SESSION. i One of the funniest plnys ever written. 15e- letc with singi g, dancing and sjecialtics; SKllinti menuiug 01 ieiioioun numor, srkliug scenes, melodious songs. 1'oMilar music, bristling with the liveliest sort of funny situations. A continu ous stream of laughter, from beKinnlngtoend. WRITl'KN FOU LAUtlHIU rilKIXXSKS ONLY. Acconiianiod by the Famous Black Hussar Band Msgnillcently I'nifornied and Elegantly Kquiil IteiMlering hi an exquisite manner las ot music never net ore. nitcmpUM oy any simtlar oigiuniaUon. lEI'KKSTRNTATI VR TUAVEUNQ IAN I) OF AMtCKlUA, 'Icsrlershln f the talented yonng EDWAli0.BL K1CKK0N. laocr f : very ooiois Vie eeiy NrfV- 1 V I No. 43. No. 23. I No 41. Nov.29 1891. liaily ex. Daily ex.'nailyex I Sunday.! Sunday. Sunday Lv Wilm'gt'n 9.IW am 7.15 m Lv Hamlet.... 1.43 pm 2.30 am 7.40pm LvWadesb'ro 2.M pm 3.53 am 8.30pm A r Charlotte. 4.20 pru 7. am 10.15pm Lv Charlotte . 4.30 pm LvLincolnt'n 6.55 pm Lv Shelby.... fi.53 pmj Ar Ruthrfdtn 7.55 pnr EA8TBOUND TRAINS. Nov.29 1891. LvRutberrt'r LvShelbv LvLincolnt'n. ArCharlotte LvCharlotte LvWadesboro Lv Hamlet ArWilmingtn No. 3fl. i No. 24.j Pnily ei. Iaily ei Sunday . Sunday 8'0V am 9.04 am 10.03 am I1J3 pra 11.. '5 pm No. 38 7.45 pm ....... , ..... LIS pm 1068 pml 2.3S pmiTS.46 am! 6.2J pml 7.40 am! 5.00 a m ii. -ID a m S00 a m Trains Nos. 41 and 38 make connec tion at Hamlet to and from Raleigh and North Kos. 43 and 38 at Monroe for Greenwood and Abbeville B.C., Elberton and Athens Ga.,and all points on G. C. A N. road. Through sleepers on 23 and 24 be tween Wilmington and Charlotte. Win. MONCURE, Supt. F. W. Clark, G. P. A. CELERY CELERY CELERY CELERY for CHRISTMAS, for CHRISTMAS, for CHRISTMAS. for CHCISTMAS. at TATJRORA FARM. W. "W. Fiiirr. 712 North College fjtreet, a4 awy for s I X ZZ" CAVIATS. ' ii-- t . .WttICN PATtSjTSl B InMnnatKWi sa ftx Bner wHt e : 't. mdnn a (xjl. aa hh.Uuwat. niw Voasr. ,OKH bapMui f.irwurlin patent la Airton.' 'Krery piMwk lkMt wit hf a la brought keea Wm pttklla lr a nonce uiTa Iras ot dHtqsi at tae W at Publisher's Prices. FOR SALE BY JORDAN fe SCOTT, nholrml ltruggint. No. 10, North Tiyon Street. TO MY MANY CUS TOMERS. Ieaves your orders with me for OYSTERS and FISfi for Sunday morning breakfast and they will be promptly filled. Thanking you for pest favors, I an still very truly yours, J H WILLIS, Oct! 3m 37 West Trade street. .Cheap Paper. 9 We hkve an immense lot of old newspapers (files) we want to get rid of at once. Will sell them it 00c per 1,000 copies. They are 24x35 inches, and useful for packing and to go un der carpets. Also a lot of clean white newspaper, with out printing on one side. These tor sale at 20 cents per 100. SOTJTHERN NEWSPAPER UNION, Oct 23 tf. are 8. College street Office 18 South Ttyon Street, over First National Bank, and opposite Central Hotel. CIU8. C, HOOK, ARCHITECT. BUFORD HOTEL. CLARKS0N & DULS Counsellors' and Attorneys-at-Law. a Office In Law Building;. Prompt attention to all businea. Claims collected. Practice in State and Federal Courts. . .. DR. H. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND BU-ROEON. Aug. 1st, 1891 OPENING OF FALL SEASON, 1891 : 31)1 ( PUSH, Ft PLUCK, and I lJ ( PERSEVERANCE, I am enabled to lay before a kind public, which is ever ready to applaud "success," a comparative statement of cases and bales of goods sola and shipped by me during the months of June and July, for the three years re- epeciiveiy oi ioo, itsw, ana ibwi : 1889, June, 813 cases and bales; July 680. - 1890, " 41 " u 5 101T ,""! 1891, " 619 " , M " ; " 1450 . : , " , ' An increase in 8 years of over 100 per cent: and as these figures speaK more eloquently than anything I could say, I simply point to them and say, " These are my jewels." And now a word to those merchants who bave Do not gc North to buy the time will not warrant Itbut boy nearer home and often. I offer you ms good a selection of goods as, and warrant priced with, any market. : ., My lines are all ready for inspection. Send for quotations, or come lQ person, or let me send one of my salesmen to you. Respectfully, THE OLIVER 1 CIPIf, MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON SEED OIL, CAKE, MEAL AND RE-GINS. CASH PAID FOR COTTON Tiios. lt. Bells.,- 2A. a. n a. g e r.;.' 605 WEST NINTH STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C GO TO FASNACHT, THE BAKER For your Bread, Cakes, and Rolls. 28 Bread tick ets for $1. Buy his Bread, you will save money. l J. FASNACHT, City Bakery. "A watrh-M'ortl surh as ne'er fhall sink while there an echo left to air" THE WASHINGTON Life Insurance Coipaoy, OF NEW YORK. Assetts over $10,500,000.00. Is a gigantic monument to the truth oi tne propnecy. Its bond and mortgage in vestments amount to more than S3 per cent of the total assetts. These mortgages are first liens on real estate valued at ,17,500,000. , . Bat the strength of the Washing ton Is in its conservative manage ment. In times of depreciation no concern is ieit by tne noiaere ot its policies. - ' Agents wanted in ever j county in the State where we are not now rep resented. An active man can get a good contract for Charlotte and vi cinity. " . McMANAWAY. 4 r: 0: t3fhce over Burwell A Dunn's Drag gtora. Telephone ISO. fDLCHAS, G. n t tnrftni ilmvitnrt or KTyon "trees, promptly b- - 8ahCL. Adams, Bpecial Diatrie Agent, rooms, WrtghVbulldlu g,a ham,N.C ' Maroh-ly ; . KICHMONBrA DANVILLE f RAILROAD CO. ' 1. ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. - - In effect November 15th, 188L' EiiiyT r SOUTHBOUND Lv Richmond " Burkeville w Keysviile . Ar Danville " Greensboro Lv Goldsboro Ar Raleigh lv Raleigh " Durham Ar Greensboro " Winst'n-Sal'm Lv Greensboro Ar Salisbury Ar Stateaville " Asheville ' Hot Springs Lv Salisbury Ar Charlotte ' Spartanburg Greenville " Atlanta Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta NORTHBOUND Lv Augusta Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Lv Atlanta Ar Chanotte Lv Augusta Lv Hot Springs Asheville u Statesville Ar Salisbury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro "Winst'n-Sal'm Lv Greensboro . Ar Durham - Raleigh Lv Raleigh . Ar Goldsboro '"" Lv Greensboro A r Danville . " Keysville ' Burkeville Richmond t Dally except No.0- 3.00pm 6 10pm . &5Spm 8 lopm 10,30pm 3 45pm 630pm 40pm 7 45pm 1015pm t4)pm 1040pm 1232am No.11. V JL20aiu 511am 1012am , t745pm 1105pm 05am i 607am : 40am 850am 1020am 1167am 102am f 109pm 6 55am f659pm 8 56am' 744pm is warn I "izuopm - 600am f 4 27pm i 610am 684pm 1220pm 1145am 210am 150pm 667am 669pm 9 90am 1 1 15pm Daily. . No. 10 700pm 1050pm 8 05am 850pm 640am 827am 620pm 240am 707am 800am .837am 1020am 1140am 1030am )X32pm 125pm 130pm 8 05pm 1030am 1210pm 252pm 6 87pm & 80pm Sunday. No, 13 ,200pia 60rpui - BOt'pm lOJopm ; 850pm UOOpm 1289pn 42.5pm 917pm 10 12pm lfOHpm 1242am f22um t 00am : 507am 7 2 " nn tH4-.:i' I' laser 135tu, i a:i-"ai.i 602am 6 43am 740um D,Ulv. BLEEPING1 CAR WERVIl'E. WTrtvln and 10 Pullman hn IT.-t 8Ieeer between Atlanta aud New York; between Danville, aad Au gusta, and ltalelgb, via Asheville) andKnoxvllle.Teun. ; " On 11 and 12. Pullman BuGVt Sleeper between Ittchmemland Dan ville, Raleigh and Greensboro, aud Pallman Buffet rtleepera Iwlweeti New York, Wasnlngtonand Kuox vllle via Danville. Salisbury, and Asheville, and Pullman Sleepwrs I - tween Washington and Kuiim t C; via Atlanta, Birmingham and Mi i EL BtRKMT, J"'. A. Ii Supt, AsstGen. r,i.A , Rich oiond, , , ' . . Ch a r 1 1 1 1 o. . . . I W.H.GKKBN, JA5. Ii. T AY l.i Hi., Gent Mgr Gon. I f ' t .Atlanta, Gx- Ml' ' - i - SoL 1UA , i Trt!ic m.h' ' r. I day or night. 4 '- Z5-ly

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