i l, B A R U Hj- J. B A R UiC H. .V. '.) " .' .- ' T -V. r K JL . j - ARE READY FO-R i - 1 SPECIAL J AIUlEX S A L E. BHRUCH A To Buy a Good HOME : in Charlotte. A LA EOF -ROOM DWELLING ON WC8T 8th ST. No i 19. LOT 89x198 FEET. WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN. APPLY TO ;R'3S Ooohrane. ' INSURAfCOE And REAL ESTATE i - AGKNT. , B2 South Try on fltreet ' Telephone No. 60. Store. " 'Another" irreat purchase by the Racket; Another elegant stock ' fcoaffht for spot cash at less than half it time value: , .. 'This time It ltho stock of a Whole sale Hat, Cap and Trunk house dofng business rxclusiveljr at wholesale in one of the old Dominions leudifip cities. No broken stock; all new ana In .original cases. AU bought from the manufacturers direct and bought it the Jebhers dlsoounts, and ccst for this stock Is about 25 per cent less than retailer can buy such goods; and when we cut the cost price of this stock to the middle it makes the goods very -cheap s W.OOO worth of Hato, Caps, Trunk s. Valises and Um brellas for 13.00-3 puts our stook away bevond the line of competition: ' Over 100 cases of straw goods bougt for the Spring trade ; The bouse was a new one and the great bulk of the stook was bought for this Spring's trade : kto use In merchants going to Nrw York tdj bay Hats, eome to us attd we will save yo lots or money ; We- shall retail iiaw tor less inao yui can bay them nt wholesale and we guarantee to make it pay you in an v kind of Hats yon want. We shall sell this entire stock at a tmall profit over' cost to us; - We must move it opt to make room for heavy purcbasts.J n all the lines and to nmko room for other stocks whicb we expect to gather in from the dis asters of credit, falling everywhere, ana we snail gainer tne sept ana pro tect the interests of the public by giv ing out to you tb very best values dollars wtu enable us to gatner. By jteaeon of stock taking we can not opa this stook for some'davs. Have no more Hobday poods to of fr j sold what we bad ana tut j now C keeping . our stock" fall ofaHtbe axaaonable goods In alt the lines. " The hundreds of protests whicb cone back to us from; the public has Induced ns to change the plan of go ing into wholesale exclusively, and the business will continue as hereto fore under the working nianajt meut of a number of Our very efficient em ployees; I Eball ffive the business pch general supervisee as my health V :'I permit.,: v ' ' , M7. j: DAVTIS CO. CARPETS Under CARPETS cpet! Manufacturers CARPETS CARPETS PRICE. RAILKOAD IMrORMATION. IOHMOHD AMD PAH VI LLC UIB. Trains leave Charlotte tor Wellington, New York Richmond, at 7:00 a.m., aii10:0 p. ra. Arrive from New York, Wanliington Richmond at 2:00 a. ni., 1:90 p. in. Traius larea fu.- Atlanta at 2:V a. m., I:fl0 p. m. Arrive from Atlantaat (1:40a. m., 8:60 p. m. Trains leave for Colmiibia at 2.10a. m., 1:60 p.m. Arrive trom Columbia al 3:0Aa.tu., (1.00 p. m. Wiwliington and Southwestern Vestibule l.imitnl, eratei between WaahiiiKton and Atlanta, Icavea for Atlanta at 9:46a m; Ar rives from Atlanta 0:10 j m liPaves for iV!hiii;l.)ti 9:20 p m; arrives from Wasli K'toii U.'X) a ni. SEABOARD AIR MM LIKI8. Trains live for Wilmington at 1:15 p. m., and 7:40 p. in. Arrive from Wilmington at ji:S6a. m., and 3:15 p. m. Train leaves for Raleigh at 5 a. m. Arrives Irorn lUilfinh at 10:15 p. in. Train liaves for Rutherfonlton at 4:15 p. ni Arrives from Rutuerfordton at 1:00 p. in. OLD TIIHK TOAHTS. Wbat lhI'Tiqnet Or.or Kpoke AtMut In tb Old Iy. One of The Nbwb friends in Char lotte has in his poswsslon the origi nal draft of a list of toasts for a 20th, May celebration, held in Charlotte lu the long ago. The list was pre pared by Dr. D. R. Dunlap, but the date is not given. The list of toasts at that celebration was as follows: 1st The signers of the Declaration of Independence. Their memoriei will ba revered while wisdom has admirers.fSd patriotism is regarded with veneration. 2nd, The Heroes ef the Revolution. Thnir noble acts are registered in history as a guide to posterity. 3rd, The Constitution of the United States. 4th. Washington the patron of the country and a pattern for the world 6th, The memory of Capt James Jack, the bearer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence to the Congress of 1775. 6th, The Old North Blate the brightest star in the constitution of American liberty. 7th, Our Fathers-they declared themseves independent, and our mothers sustained them. -w 8tb, Charlottethe birth spot of liberty may It ever prove a hornet's nest to the enemees of freedom. 9th, The 4th of July may its.annu al celebration ever cherish in us, and In the rising generation, a love for our country, a reveranoe ir our homes and institutions, and that -a- trloticzeal that will always support and defend them. 10th, Mrs. Susan Bmart-a '.heroine in the Revolution a witness of the Decaration of Independence In Char lotte 1775. We rejoice to see her par ticipating with the daughters of Mecklenburg in celebrating the In dependence then declare; and af terwards achieved by our fathers. nth, Mrs. Susan Alexander dis tinguished alike for her patriotism, and her attention and care bestowed on Gen. Joseph Graham when wounded and left for dead by the British. May she long live to enjoy the reward of virtue She merits an annuity. 12tb, The mother of Washington and the matrons of the Revolution. 13th, Our next President May he fear God and govern himself, then we have no fear but be will govern our nation to honor and happiness. Excitement In Pitt County. ' News and , Observer: A report reached here yesterday that tiiere has been mora Incendiarism in Pitt county, and it is rumored that some trouble has grown out of it It is said that a few nights ago a barn was burned, and on the following moraine a white man, woo uvea in that section, made, the remark, that the Incendiaries snooia oe jyncnea. That nlgbt a barn belonging to blm was bnr'oed. Day before yesterday theSLeriffof Pitt arrested two ne groes on suspicion, and while he ws carrying them to Greenville he was met by a band of negroes, who forcibly took the two prisoners from him and released them. , To promptly and permanently curs rheumatism or neuralgia use Salva tion OIL Price 25cts. .4 FirMthU Morning. Special to Tin Nicks. Chicago, Illinois, January 4. Fire broke out at two o'olock this morning In the restaurant of the Waverly hotel. John Mere dith and Paul Woods, guests were suffocated. Mrs. Woods had a leg broken In the elevator, aud was fatally Injured. Five othere were seriously Injured. Wkstfi Eht, N. J, Jan. 4 Fire this morning destroyed live build ings, three stores, several shops, the Western Union Telegraph offloe and twe newspaper offices. L us $50,000. II narnch & ilro. Mr. Joseph Karuch has been ad mitted into partnership with Mr. H. Haruch, and the Ann is now II. Ra ruoh & Bro. This house has beon known for a long time as the largest retail bouse in the Htateand has al ways been a popular trading centre. The new firm starts out light and gives evidence of liberal business policy and Us determination to catch trade, by buying a right good slice of Tub News' advertising space. The Messrs Baruch are not only popularly known to the retail trade of Charlotte, hut of the adjoining towns, and they have won their pop ularity by the exercise of the right port of business methods. They car ry complete stocks In nil departments and whether posted in their line or not, a child can buy at the same prices that can be procured by grown peo ple. They are always improving the establishment, adopting modern plans, especially the plan of selling goods closely in order to sell quanti ties. Central Hotel Arrivals. F Lander South Norwalk Conn; A BalmonB and wife Norwalk Conn; J E Shepherd Havannah Ga; H E Gal lant Savannah Ga; J L DeLorme 8 C; J McAlexander Balto; L Hherfesu Rock Hill; D L Carlisle Anderson 8 C; R G Hill Richmond Va; J H Set. tlesJJr Boston; LC Obrin Winston NC; JE Haggart N Y; WT Raskin Pineville N C; J P Ardrey Pineville NC;H MFaucett Ralegh; Alston Grimes Raleigh; HCHtovall (la; D P Chandlqr Ga; H B Johnson Ham let; T B Beck 8 C ; W C Carrlngton Rlohmond Va;W L Berry Wilming ton; J H Rnsh Lorrell N C; J R HoltGastonia; R G Brlce Wood wards. S C; C W Westbury Rich mond; 8 Fllarrell Richmond; Thos N Kendall Richmond; A H Wash burn Providence RI; Eugene John son N C ; W M Francis Ga; C F Mar shall Ga; Geo F Steinback Balto; A SMalIoryNC;CWHanksN C; T A Montgomery N C; E 8 Fayssanx N C; John J Seibels Columbia; I) G Hall Tenn; Julius Schift Balto ;G L Walker AshevllIe;EC Lav ton Mc Adensville; 8 B Lumpkin 3 C's R R; E W Thompson Mebanes; N P Can non Atlanta Ga; Capt J A Dodson Columbia; W E Cnsou Chester H C; F LPearaall Wilmington; J C Kuv kendal NC;CW Johnston David son; C F Lawrence Brooklyn. Lchmin Bros. Cotton Let ter. New York, Jan. 4. Liverpool this morning was 3 to 4 poln.ts lower and easier, our people telling us that the netvs from this side continued disappointing. Here the day's" do ings may be briefly summed up .again as the result of heavy receipts both for the day and In prospect which have anecteq holders and brought Into play an immense quantity of stop orders resulting In a loss of near ly 20 to 22 points from Thursday's closing. We expected better things with the new year but In the face of all anticipations the movement con tinues stupendously large and the natural pressure Is too great to be re sisted. It Is little use arguing, everything aepenas entirely upon the dally fao n. . m tors. . We bad believed even large crop many expect, ar falling off. Wbi CHEAPhR THAN COTTON It is saying a great deal to assert that wool is cheap er than cotton. Bnt a Receiver's sale knows no laws nor does it regard any tariff. All wool Suits, heavy Overcoats, felt Hats, warm Underwear and Furnishings, Bilk arid Satin, at tho McDowell Clothing Co's make up in.a measure for the disgraceful price of cot ton, The court has ordered one of the finest stocks of Clothing ever selected in the State, to be cl(ed out at and below cost Come and select while the shelves are full and before the cest things am picked over. F,B. McDOWELL, Receiver of the Mcdowell clothing company. 15 East Trade street. A Fine Line of Perfumeies and Toilet Articles, PURE I) E II G S. AT A J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 7 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. are now absolutely unable to say. Of course if the price was reasonable cents higher, it is just so much more so to-day but it may require a great deal of patience before we see better things again. Leh man Bkoh. n'is IV fOltK COITO.V. By Associated Press to the News. Nw Yobk, Jun. 4, 182. Futures weak January 0 00-00 February 7 3H0 March 7 .":4-55 April 7 (M-70 May 7 84- June 8 95-96 July H t;0-07 AUL'llSt lli-17 September 8 26-27 October 0 00-00 November 0 00- Dec ruber 8 CJ-00 Sales to-day, 108,10(1 Net Receipts m.Wi Exports to U. It 68, m KxporUto France 14.0X0 Exports to the continent,.... 85,905 Stock atall U.S. ports 1,303.826 Below -we eive the Htock Market., Cotton Market, aud Grain and Produce Markets as received over the private wires ofHmith A watts, cemmission tsroitera. unarioue. It U. COTTON MIDDLING: ' Hirh- Low- Clos est, est, ing. January 0X3 0.C3 0.004)0 February 7.58 7.3S) 7.30-40 March 7.72 7.C4 7.64-55 April , 7.81 7.09 7.09-70 Mav 8.00 7.84 7.84- Jnne 8.1 1 7.5 8.05-96 July 8.22 8.(3 8 06 07 August 8.31 8.10 8.16-17 September, 8.S9 8.20 8.20-27 October...! 0.00 0.00 O.OO-OO November 0.00 0.00 O.OO-OO December 7.32 7.30 7.32-34 Nw York, Dec. STOCKS. High- how- Clos est, est. ing. New Jersev Centra' 112- Chicago Gas flOJ 60S 608- RichmondTerniiiial 143 14 141- Atchison 458 44i 446- St. Paul 81 i 80J 8U- iAke Shore 000 000 000 - Missouri Pacific 64J 63 63 - Louisville and Nashville 821 821 828- Texas Pacific Western Union Tel. Co mi 838 83J- BurlinKton and Quincv.... 1001108 108 - Ciicago and North West... 116) 115J 115J- O. C.C.&I 71 708 708- Pacific Mail 371 37 87J- Delaware and Lackawana. . 141 13PI 1'3!H- Reading 39 38 38J- New England 40 30a 302- Rock Island...... 89 88 88 - CHARLOTTECOTTON MARKET, TODAY Quotations Jepresent actual buying price - vmopeii market. M iddlihg fob, i rt .'h . Strict good middling... i . . 7) Good middling. 7i Strict middling ,....:.,... 7J Middling. ...4 ............ . . J. .7 68 Under H 11(111 W. HABBI8 WH. M. I.ITTLI HARRIS & LITTLE, Attorneys at Law. No. 36 W. Trade st, Charlotte, N C WANTED A good cook; middle aged 1 at single woman preferred; Apply at 2 2t 4UO Houtn ri ryon street, FOR CASH We will sell our $50 Sewing Machines at sao, C W UKADSHAW, Sept8tf Manager. Fruits, Candy, Nuts, Raisins, Pates Figs ana anytning to please the little ones, t RIGLER& LAIRD'S. Mrs. Jane C. Latham desires transient and permanent boarders at Uie old Rank of Meck lenburg building, No 34 South Tryon street. Dec 22 tf (Chronicle copy, lot) FOK RENT Nine newly finished rooms in Bryan building. Cheap to desirable ten ants. (decl71in) GEO W BRYAN. FOR RENT Store on North Church st; 4 rooms above. Convenient to foundry and depot. Apply at 216 W. 10th st. jan 1 tf PARENTS Don't forget to send your childien to Prof. Allinan's dancing academy, Dauidson Hall, tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3:30 p. m. This is a rare opportunity. Gentlemen's class will meet for initiation at 8:30. FOR RENT. Five room cottage, with kitchen, water nd all necessaiy ' fittings. Two blocks of street car line and live minutes walk to the Square. Apply to Janl-lw 0. 8, JOHNSON. La I e r Beer. THE PORTNER BREWING COM PANY, AT CHARLOTTE, Will sell and deliver Beer in quan tities of one dozen bottles and up ward. C. VALER, , . Manager. Jan4 HOLIDAY GOODS. We have opened our Holiday Goods and can show you one of the most comolete lines ever brou the city. We invite you al speot our stock be-' are sure we can e , ..Www .- tor O., 1 A $10,1)0 stock of CARPET S To be disposed of Manufacturer's Prices, Novelty Seal skin card cases, lined with Russia leather, and edired with re pousse solid silver two Inch deep, roses aud rose leaves, for 15.00. Gentlemans card case-or flat pocket book, bound in solid silver rope, SrOO. Seal silver purse with solid silver top at 5,00. HqAl card case memorandum book withnoney pocket, solid silver cor nets, 12,50. Heartsease with diamond in centre soarf pin 12 50. Another scarf pin Is twisted with a ruby aud adiainond, for 14.00. And yet another has a sapprlre and a diamond in coiled gold, 1400. Ladies broach, enameled dogwood flower, with soltairo diamond in cen ter for 30.00. Enameled heartsease lady's broach diamond in center, for 80,00 Heartsease pendant with dlaxiond set in a large heart of emerald forget me nots, for 28 00. Carbuncle surrounded by pearls In heart snane inside aj large heart of enameled rorgetmeuots, for 25.00. Onyx clocks at 650; keep good time. This Is our bristmas leader. Solid silver bonbon boxes from 3 00 to 6,50, Solid silver bangle bracelets from 50c to 2.00. . Silver ball purses with slljf tops, novelty, 6 00 to 8.00. Glove Luitoners, oxydized and bright silver, 1.50 to 2.00 IMPORTED GERMAN PLATED WARE Cracker jar of that Imitation tile china, solid plate top, rim and handle for 950, This is far cheaper than the gaudy fancy presents made for Xmas German castor, quadruple i plate, antique design, exquisite bottles, hand" painted in gold, five bottles 10,00. Cntglass bottles castor, in filigree plaited holder for 12,00. This Is a rare ' piece and wedirect. housekeepers' attention to It. - ' . Sugar bowl of colored glass in filagree basket of plated ware, on stand, for only 6.00. Handsome pair oxidized candlesticks, old designs, fluent figures wrought. In high art, for only 10,00. V BOYJNE & BADGEE. L e a d ing Jewelers,. Otia.rlot.te, 2ST O. HOSIERY. in We are better fixed to offer bargains in ho siery than ever before; Boys and girls heavy ribbed extra long sizes at 10c; Fast black 2 pair for 25c; Indies seamless grey heavy 2 pr for 25c; ladies fast black, strictly seamless and stainless, full fashioned, 25c; Iftheyfiide fetch em back and git your money; Mens socks warranted seamless and fast black 20c. other grades 15o. 10c, 5c; Childrene wool hose 10c, 15c, 25c; Ladles wool 25c, 40c; Mens wool 20c,29, 85c; Children wool vests very low; I ifants wool vtstsalso; Linon window shades at half price; Curtain poles In all col ors; The above goods are all Kuaranteed first ; class; we nave resoiveo not to Keep an: siiouuy bochu in inua; e.vej teea as represemea ryrin or r" Presents. Book marks, oxydlsed and bright ' aAVnral rlnalrrna I Rl In R CU '' :' Vlntbrrettes with and without "Ci chains, from 3.50 to 5.00. Hilver court plaster case SJiO.i Silver envelope openers 1.50. ;' Silver match boxes 3a " Silver stamp case for pocket, 2.50. Silver handle paper cutter 1.50 to $3 Silver chatelaine 4.00 Silver top purse with silk bottom. . M ft nn 'I. . Garters buckle solid silver and gold plated, 2,00 to 6 00, Very odd designs in canes, from ' i.ootji5.oa Umbrellas for ladles and gentlemen . - " 3,50 to 14,00. Entirely new odd de- V signs In handles. No duplicates. . ' v Cut glass turn biers 8 00 for six. Cutglaas decanter, flnesteverseeu - ' here, VZfiO. -I Cutglrss ioe tub at 8,50 that every- oouy cnarges iu.w. Berry bowls, finest cut glass om earth, from 1 2,50 to 1 5 oh. . v ., . :,' i uom pens, pencils, loompiCKB, v , Kiuve uuiiuuns, wiuniifH auu psnU' anrs ior watch chains, 6O0 to 12,00. Fish dish, German plate, with shad engraved In dish, for 12.00. No du plicates. Beautiful imported German tea sets, frosted, four pieces, coffeepot, tea pot, sugar bowl, and ceeam pitch er. for 80,00. This is our ownlmpor tation, and 10,00 cheaper than larger cities can get easily for the like. EVERYBODY COME WE ARE PREPARED FOR YOU, OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE. OUR GOODS ARE BEST QUAL ITY. OUB PltfCES ARE RIGHT DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. far us the finest Coffees. You iret Teas, Hams Goods, t;audi a. Vtom jriour, vneesi ni iL Vonae-..' w ; Yjraae stiee. ".., ijik-:':' V:1- .;. ''.'....