i NEWS, VOLUME VII. CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, 1892 NUMBER 1038 Seiko's JAN. 7 1892. -Kk-:0:- January Fair It will I our test lietween iniiiii mer chandise movement, Notliing like it tiefore; It will make the limbic fur Ihe Iradeni&n-h of the year -doulile iiiirk step. Hare Mil liefor , must nay today, will re i often, the (f axl-, oll'ered in tbe January Kair will not tie drawn frmn olj tork the tmle nweeiii of a l ! Iraile year. invita- inimoi i xr inl lol i ever imply want pr viaionn hi re; Ifjou roine from noine distant dixtrirt or remote country plnne the supply of good wont disappoint you. (Voperaiion for et-oitomy. The btwt Mirt cooperation for you We lake all tl rUks lor small miin. Yon larpr sauia withoiil rink. Now is the to Buy OVEECOATS Price is cut on every Overcoat we have in stock, WE DON'T STOP AT COST, WE HIM PLY MAKE A PRICE THAT WJLL MO VKTHEM. A few ol these nobby English Melton Coats A Wreck m he W. M. C, A terrlbuwreck occurred on the Murphy branch of Western North Carolina railroad about 1 o'clock, Tuesday. The scene of the wreck waa near Halsom station 40- miles west of Asbevllle. A freight train was going west, and on reaohlng a heavy grade beyond Balsam, the en fflneer bad to "double" to get his train over. In doing this be lost control of the engine, and It dashed down the grade. When it reached the Dark Ridge trestle It left the rails and fell to t he-bottom of the gorge, and into HoAt'f creek. toe engineer, nam Francis, of Ashevllle, the fireman, Bam Arthur, and RufuB Hemphill, a oolored train hand, were Instantly killed 1 be fall was a terrible one, the trestle being 103 feet high. Dr. W. D HIMiard, the surgeon of the railroad company, has gone to the scene on a special train. fUfl VAUDOMiKO fOWMM. Uoverwev Hell Kaereleea Hie Power the Oailowa la One Mere Che T. L Seigle & CO. So. II V. Triidrt hi. IS', M. Tryon st CHARLOTTE. N. ' IF r leO. We iloti't want torarry them, hence this rut TIium that were , are now SIN, unit tlie iJiSl) ones are lift; Home elegant hlark ilouble hreaftted Coats are here, sizes SO, .7 tnd 38, that were cheap at $3r. Tley go n.. at $I2,!. 113.75, ami 113. Very long l.vy wright 1' Intern Ilia I sold for $ 15 are now lift HurHv it will not reciuire a cold ware to more them at thii pnoe. A few aim left in Cape Overcoats, aorne with woolen and mme with waterproof lin in Reduced aa follows: From 117.40 to $13.75; from f 10.50 to I13..r, from 115 to 10. All cheaper roata are reduced in same propor tion, Rogers & Co, All ae TeryUaiet. The cold wind of a January day in whistling around the old Mecklen borg court bouse as on yesterday, but the scenes transDlrlnir Inside are ulte.difterent to-day as compared with yesterday's doings. Yesterday everyuirug was commotion and ex citement whlN to-day the general routine of county and city business Is only going on. The county com misslooers have dispersed and wan dered, and have left the whiskey men ilone in their sorrow and tnaduess. The reporter wandering aronnd to- day, not could nee no signs of a public outbreak, everything was quiet save inoee who are free to express their opVulons on the street corner alike as in the court house. No new develop menu have come to the surface and win hardly be looked for until the county commissioners again resume their seats on Monday mora log. the Of course you want to mnoke the best vou can iret for the money. Our Leader at 6c are THR RKD OR AGON THK I'KTIT JtOUyl'KT TUB HOWARD I tiood an the havi'rage ten cent I l?igar. And our leaders for ten cents are (food as the average 15 cent Cigar. (iRANDIOS 1'RI NCR Al.RKRT Kl-OR de COM MOlMlRR Harwell & Duon. Druggists. Roaooke Cologne, Roanake Cologne isourown product A (leonine Old Fashion Cologne Water. Very po ular in Charlotte. Refreshing and beneficial in the sled room and de lightful for the Toilet and Handkerchief. Oxford mm Hendei-eoa Both Dry. The Oxford Day says that V. . . .2 m . , "" oi town commissioners re fused to grant renewals of license to saloon keepers at the first of the year, but reconsidered their action upon finding that the licenses really ran to July first and that the renewal at the first of January was only a mat ter of form. The county commis sioners met the following day. They hud previously expressed their de termination to do whatever the town commissioners did In the matter. and acted accordiugly, but some of them gave notice that they Would upon no account vote to renew the licenses after their expiration In July. At Henderson the commis sioners have also refused to grant license and the saloons are closed. The news from Raleigh brings a reported exercise of execution clem ency on the part of Governor Holt, In the case of ths necro Alfred Dawns under sentence of death for burglar izingths house of Mr. J. W. Wads worth In this city on the night of Oc tober the 8, 1891. While the govern or has confined himself to the pre rogative of his ofnee In thus com muting the death penalty to impris onment for life, he has no justlflc tion for his act other than a sickly sentimentality which can be aroused at any and all times when the law is to be vindicated. It seems to The News that the only moving pell tlonersbould have been the victim of this night maruda for Mr. Wads- worth's life was simply saved him because of the position in which the burglar was captured and of the nt tor inability of the latter to show the fight his murderous nature would have resorted to. Aside from this the little 12 year old child of Mr. Wadsworth, who was nearly fright ened to death on the night of the bur glary has ever since suffered with nervous prostration and cannot be induced to lie in peace in any other than her father's arm. If the reort before us of the Ciovernor's endorse ment on the official document be true, Tiik Nkws is at a loss to see how his Excellency finds any justl fl cation for setting aside the verdict as rendered at the trial because as he alleges Dawns is "a cowardly thief rather than a brutal villian with murderous Intention." A reading oi the statue will show that the crime consists in breaking into a residence after nightfall, and is not qualified as to whether or not the Intruder is "a snea. thief" or "a cowardly thief." For several days before Dawns was captured three or four burglaries in this city were reported in Th R News. After Dawns was jailed these out rages ceased. There is little doubt but that Dawns the "weak minded" recipient of his Excellency clemen cy was the perpetrator of all. Other towns were ready to seize the negro if he had been cleared here, to try him for burglary. Either change the law on the subject of this form of home protection or take away the pardoning power of the Governor. Reward ef S'JOO Offered. Gov. Holt has offered a reward of and I 'HUi for fit nnmhanainn rtf lAhn Lynch, of Polk county, who stands charged with the murder of Guy Petty. Lynch has it is thought tied theHtate. AMlfnineat at Kotherfordtoa. Mr. J. L. Taylor, a prominent mer chant of Rutherford ton, has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Taylor's liabilities are 10,000, assets about half, consist ing of a $2,000 stock and small ac counts. A Rim Deal. Tuesday the property of the Hpouts Bptlogs Lumber Company, In Har nett county, with 13,000 acres of pine timber lands, was sold to John Y. I Gossler, of Philadelphia, and R. W.I Hicks, of Wilmington, who become the Consolidated Lumber Company, with $40,000 capital. The Racket Makee a Big Purebaee. Mv Charles Williams, manager of the Racket Store In this city, has just retnrned from a visit to Lynch burg. While In that city, Mr. Wil Hants bought the entire stock of Houthall Clark A Co., wholesale hat Arm of that city, at a very low price. This is a big purchase, and the Rack et as Is customary will give the pat rons of their store the benefit of this purchase. Itoalh of Mlae Mary A mm drier. Miss Mary Ann Grier,aged 74 years died at the home of Mr. T. P. drier in Steel Creek township yesterday evening at fi o'clock. Miss Grier was a lady of noble traits of character and all who had the pleasure of claiming friendship with her, were impressed with her many Christian graces that shown out in her daily walk in life. I tie funeral services win re con-i ducted to-day from Hteel creek church . IV. Kaufman & Co. Sensible Holiday Presents. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? What are yon going to buy as a Christmas present? And whers ara you going to buy It? What will you select for Mama, lor Papa, for Brother. for Hlster, Niece, Nephew aud for yourself and friends? It is easy to ask this question. It is not easy to ana wer it. You want to give something :yoa waut to buy It where you can do the best. Perhaps we are better able In. serve you than any house In the city. We have goods that make useful ana, sensible presents. Are not they better than something trival? Forlnstano we have, Mens Hults, Hoys (suits, CMldrens Suits, Cbildrens Kilt and Jersey Suits, Mens Overcoats, Cblldrens Cape Over coats. We have Rood thlnirs In Underwear. In Hosiery. In Gloves, in ' Neckwear, In Handkerchiefs. We have rood things In Hats. Umbrellas. etc. You will do as well by making your selection here as vou will do nnr - where; perhaps you will do better. We have the right roods. they ara reas onable in price, and In buying from us you are4buylng from a responsible) house. . . This Is much to consider In Christmas shopping. A Child Badly Harmed A little child, Thk N ews was nn. able to learn her name, was severely burned at the Thompson Orphannire this morning. She wan standing In frout of the Are and iu turulntr to get a drink of water her clothintr I '0,nd the people What Judge U elver Sara. It has been a current rumor, in con nection with the resolutions adopted by the mass-meeting at Red Springs, Itobeson county, regarding the ac quittal of McDougal at Fayetteville. that Judge Mclver would have the signers of the resolutions before him for contempt of court. Judge Mclver was In Raleigh ''yesterday and was asked if he would take that course. He said that he would not; that he had been advised to do so by a num ber of people, In order to uphold the dignity of the bench, but that he had ho held the Caahler Rowden Been Seen. It is stated upon what seems to be good authority that H. M, Rowden, the long missing cashier of the wrecked First National Bank of I Wilmington, has been seen quite frequently recently. Bowden's place of refuge is not in close proximity to Wilmington. Once in the past three days Bowden has been seen aimless ly walking up and down the princi ple streets of Baltimore and on an other occasion he has been seen taking in the sights that surround the National Capitol. W. KAUFMAN&CO ILEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS' CHARLOTTE, N. 0. er MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION, Rubber Boots and Shoes. Y caught on fire and before 'assistance arrived the flames had badly burned her neck and arms and a portion of her body. Medical aid was sum moned at once and she Is uew rest ing easy. A. B. REESE & CO. New AdvortlementeTo-Dav. For sale J M MofWkle. l-ager beer V, Valer, Agt. Scial sale Jan llarriso-i A Qfi. January KairT L Helgle A Co. Knoke Cologne A R Rente A Oct. Mineral water in siphons C Valer A V. Udies Charlotte Steam L&undry A HI Ijinddlde. A landslide occurred yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, one hundred yards to the east of the Swannanoa tunael, at the summit of the Blue Ridge, on the Western North Caroli na railroad. It will require two days to clear away the great mass of earth Passengers are being transfered. meeting and adopted the resolutions had done so under a misapprehen sion as far as he was concerned. rarellna Nhlep Will Hang. Gov. Holt has written a letter to Sheriff M. H. Shuford, of Gaston county, Informing him that after a thorough and careful consideration of the petitions asking fora commu tation of the death sentence of Caro lina Bhipp he has concluded that he has no moral right to further Interfere In the case and the condemned woman will ac cordingly be executed on the day set rj t; 3 x o rQ b Z 5? d rv "t, O . Loci Klpple.. j rH R xq O" The condition of Rev. Dr. A. W. o rj g J Miller is much Improved to-day. 2 0 Pi &'-m:rrrs- Signal Ofnser Gardner promises 0 j & M. JF J to give os warmer weather In a few S. i HQa i d-Mr.H.,K,0,.Jr,.aM,..K.. i i h KenioaDts! Remnants! I) VjIf' 1 sle McQuay both of Long Creek, will "2 O O g I- Hail S. ff-tSW 'te marr'e(' n' vlp'nK' a) 4 Found in every department at stock taking; V' mC? M. 3t fTlTTV Rob Gray and the field editor of ,0 ed p" g rseful 'lengths of all kinds of good fine dress -T V P(h'U THK NKWS, Uft at 6 o'clock this material Black silks In Wile. gro Anume Nr C7J fwlTN. : Iht morning for Mr. Henry Spender's, in O 2 0Swft V''trW AnMn C0Unt-V- T,,"-V re V,,r' O p, g ; etc., l.t of gowis and at such prices that you V5fcli. - ' -aiMt' heavily loaded for luc?l, deer, b'ar D b positively cannot pars them; Ribbons, I'liif- ?$r and birds. O 4 fou and otlier new laces on this great cmn- e . . CO C3 ri - 1 1 "etJns; f the Hallway ComoUlin. S O O tnr e prices will drive them from our '-"ivoomrnlssiou met In ec 0 Q UlT w lrmiisUbte. It look np and g WJ g CiSideairalnst r-J Oome to the great Remnant Sale. ., a X 0 g -S A Change in the Weather Rarean. In order to extend the usefulness of the weather bureau in connection vlth the preparation and distribu tion of the official forecasts, on and after January 1st, 1892, the period of time covered by the forecasts pre pared upon the S a, m., observations, (which have heretofore been for 24 hours,) shall be for 36 hours ending on the following day at 8 p. m. At display stations receiving the fore casts by telegraph, the flags will be hoisted in the afternoon and will In dicate the weather to be expected nextday. The Weather. Following is a synopsis of weather prevailing at 8 A. M., to-day: An area of high barometer has deve!oed along the middle gulf coast which has produced clear and cold weather over this section Temperatures generally over the entire country have fallen from 5 to 20 degrees, ex cept in the Dakotas where they have risen as much as 30 degrees. A storm area remains on the flew England coast, but will likely soon give way to the high advancing from the gulf. f:: I:: I Our stock of Rubber Goods ieomplete tbe year round but more especially so just Bow We always buy the best to be bad, they are always tbe cheapest, as enry pair b'gttaranteed. For men we have airjthe styles and different weights; Imitation (WUls, sell acting, ligh or heavy, and extra low cut Alaskas. Arctics, or Foot Holds. For.tbe Ladies we call eB,cial attention to our light weight, glove fitting Rubbers both in medium and extra low cuts; Tbe Storm Protector is a great protection against rain or cold; Ladies and M uses spring beel in ail sixes. We also bare some that will tit the baby ' that can just walk; all at popular prices. ' v-' We carry a line of cheap rubbers that we sell as low as the lowest. GRAY & EARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOT1E. X. "Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. if.. - BOYS' SHOES. 3 - -t Q CO p. 0 CD P O o o CD CD -I CD P 00 o P i -.. P O - CD 00 r t CD 3 o o. , -f p CD i CD est O I i CO r O O rT CD P o 0 P o B r-f a P. CD p u CD t c P. CO CO o p B a 3. o B 0 CO r? m CD CO CO U CD O B CD fc M-O :o:- In the regular course of our business we make a special study of the boys nerfai ' IV rents will find the Roys' Foot Ball Shoes, ax sold by Da, the beat and nicest Shot at tl.SO ever ollered. We will guarantee that for double tbe money you cannot get a better. "Vtl" uot wear through on the toes aa do all others; Of more than four hundred pairs we bare sold tbe past season not one complaint has bten enteml against theoi. Wsaocqoallyas well for the girls as we do for tbe boys, and every Shoe ya our shelves will be Iband to rep-' " resent a value equal to tbe price, and often more. " C3-ILRE3-A.TII cSs OO, Open every evening U1H8:00; Saturday tlllllKML CHEISTMAS PEESENTS. Ordered Especially for this SEASON'S TRADE r BEAFTIFUIi 16th CFNTURY PLUSH ROCKER", m.XTEKNTH CENTURY RATTAN ROCK BRA 7jtj ' TKENTH CENTURY TABLE8. ALL AREOFEX Z CKKDINULY HANDSOME PATTERNS, THE VERY LATESTTHINOHOUT, AND THERE ARE NO MORE TASTY PRFKNTO TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. . vAIaX. AiN JL oI . , - - Fofiore Dealer, R. S Sloan UNDERTAKER. Night call. Room No. 8, Bryan building', over Rogers a Cos' o Co.

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