N v E UHARLOTT NEW CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY EVJENINti, JANUARY 8.1892 NUMBER 103U r Seigle s JAN. 8 1892. -:0i-:O:- DRE-B GOODS, BILKS, TRIMMINOS, TAHI.K LINEN, BLANKETS, WRAPri. PIECE goods, NOTIONS. Everything must be old. Never In the history of oar establishment have we made uoh sweeping reductions Come and be convinced. Carpets of i ll Kinds, ,, Rugs of all descriptions. Art Squares. OUCIotha Mild Linoleums, Matting lu Cocoa niul Straw, We will sell at utmost youro price. Now is the aooepted time to furn'sh jour house. Now is the Time to Buy OYEECOATS, Price is cut on every Overcoat we have in stock. WE DONT HTOP AT COST, WE SIMPLY MAKE A PRICE THAT WILL MOVETHEM. A few of them nobby Eagliih Melton Oosti A MBWTBItlBiM WflMKmr. A WheletaU Hewa. Oaa. mm AMer Here rollewlaf the CImIb of Ihm Its loos. Thing do not start oat very en couraglngly for those who ex pec ted to see Charlotte become a dry town up on the closing of the saloons. In the Aral place, the Portlier Brewing Co goes along with Its regular business the same as If prohibition had never been heard of, and now P. H. Key A Co, wholesale whiskey dealers Btatesville have established an agen oy here, Tbey have leased the room next to MoCorkle's saloon, corner Charch and Trade streets and have plaoed Mr. John Alexander in charg of It, at a stated salary. The room 1 nuea witn samples or track, a cus tomer can leave his order with the manager for whatever be wants and have it dell ved. In this way the pro hibition law Is sorroanded and with two big leaks of the kind named it Is not yet time to claim Charlotte "dry" town. as a '-9 T. L Seigle & CO. No. II V. Trde at. 18l 8. Tryon st CHARLOTTE, N. C. air left. We don't want to carry them, hence thia cut: Thun. that were aS.OO are now IIS, and the .1S0 ones are $15; Bome elegant black double breasted Coats are here, sites 3G, 37 and 38. that were cheap at $r. Tbey fro now at 1I2.S0, IS,7S, and IIS. Very Ion Iwavy weiKbt listers tbat sold for $15 are now $10; Hurely it will not require a cold wave to more them at thia price. A few sixes le.t In Cape Overcoats, tome with woolen end some with waterproof lin inn Keilucetl as follows: mm vw.au to $13.75; from $l,50 to $13,60; from $15 to $10. All cheaper coats are reduced in same propor tion. Rogers & Co. On or the Hart. The next attraction on the Y. M C. A Stir Course Is the Lotus (Hoe Club which will be here Jan. 15. The male quartette Is said to be one of the finest In the country, and the readings by Miss Marshall difficult to surpass. The Boston Times says of them: The Lotus Glee Club presented their usual order of fine work. Their sing ing is always a great pleasure, for tnere Is manifest such a perfection of individual training, supplemented by their perfect co-operation into true harmony as to make it seem as one voloe, expressing the thoughts of a single mind. Their shading Is deli cate and appreciative, exquisitely blending from one lone to another All their selections were beautifully rendered with true artistic ease and power. From the Baltimore American: The way their voices blend Is a revel ation even to condolsseur. to I IF YOU SMOKE CIG ARS Of course you want to siuoke the best vou can iret for the money. Our Leaders at 6c are THR RED !RAQN THK 1'KTIT ROUQURT THE HOWARD ) Oood as the avenge ten cent ) Oigar. IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD A PRESCRIPTION PUT UP AT R REESE ACO'8, WE WOULD LI K E FOR YOU TO TRY U8 ONCE WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU HOW QUICKLY AND PROMPTLY WE DO BUSINESS. A. B. REESE & CO. And our Leaders for ten cents are Oood as the avenue 15 cent Cigar. URANIHOS KINC.K AIJ1ERT KLOK de COMMODORE Birwell fan Druggists. New AdTirtkmttaT-Day. "ity Hakerv-J Fasnacht. ror rent D H Anderson. Drumtisto A B Kerne t Co. Slipper soles liilreatb A Co. Dress (roods T I, Heinle A Co, Kwket Ktore V J Davis A Co. I'heaton and harness lor sale. Will ontiiuir H Karoch A Bro. Indies $'.' shom-Oray it Barnhardt Ixtns Ulee Club (V V MCA Mar Course. Local Rlppla. Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell, of the Btatesville Landmark, spent yester day and today In the city. The trial of the parties under in dictment for selling liquors to mi nors, will be held before Esquire D. h. Maxwell, tomorrow. Mr. Wilkes and Mrs. Jones will entertain the Married Ladles Club, tfrts evening. This Is the el'ib's first entertainment this season. There is no fraud about the pres ent cold sjiap. Everything about town has been frozen up hard and solid, for the past two days. -Mr. W. C. Maxwell, left this niornlngror Montgomery, Ala, to to join Mrs. Maxwell, who has been visiting at her old home there. ion Rawls, wbo spent T&ndsofc, W. B CD - ' r r a U -5 8 g g g J H J7 I mornlngror Montgomery, Ala to a a JA- to Join Mrs. Maxwell, who has been S "d O O Iivisiting at tier old home there. I tJ M o S McUloii Rawls, who spent pj JJ" Kraudsoii, W. B D g Sj)ed yes- t fc. 5 - -AJLo CsdtcbUob ! RaltroMl Mra. There la to be a great convention of railroad men at the Academy of Music, In New York City, on Jan uary .81st Grand Chief Conductor Clark, Chief Arthur of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers. Grand Master Brakeman Wilkinson and Grand Master Fireman Bargen ill all attend and speak for th various organizations they repreet n invitations to attend will be sent all organizations of railroad men the Middle, Eastern and Southern States and Canada. Charlotte wil be represented In tbe convention. On l.y"a Werk ml tk VaatllMle. Since the saloons of Charlotte were closed, the business of the Btates ville vestibule has picked up won derfully. There la a Urge wholesal whiskey house In Btatesville and th uauy couaiuon oi (lie ezpiess ce attached to the vestibule, la so crowd ed that the messenger scarcely h room to torn 'round In. The vesti bale yesterday unloaded here by ac tual count thlrty.two 2 gallon jugs and fifteen S gallons kegs. Death of Mra. Will RatH M1VAL fMTITMOKKKB. Iara Mac Clreala4 la th Coaaty Tawaahlpa Thrf ara fratly Hoi Ka la te Coaatry. The war is surely being "carried Into A fries," People from the differ ent townships who were lu Charlotte today, aay that they are btlng pes tered to death by petition carriers. There are two petitions out, one look log to theoustlugof the present board of commissioners, and the other look ing to the reteutlon of the board. Both petitions are belug largely signed. A cittieu of Crab Orchard township, who was here this morning ays that both chaps called ou him yesterday. They went all ovor Crab Orchard, and this morning they are going the rounds in Clear Creek township. The feeling In the coun ty Is said to be fully as inteuse as it is in town and growlng"more so" all the time. Mrs. Will Roblnson.of Poplar Tent, Cabarrus county died yesterday a the residence of her father-in-law Col. Thoe. H. Robinson, after a few days sickness with pneumonia. She leaves a husband and three little children. The funeral rervicea were conducted at Poplar Teut to-day, by Rev. H.U. Gillaud. All miserable safferera with dys- m-peui Hre oureoDy ttluimou Liver regulator. jPj ' Pi a) n o t 0 m a a o Q Pi f-4 n a u 0 o o to n o 6 - Kt. rraak I. IIudU In releasing Rev. Frank D. Hnnt, the new pas to' of the Uraharu street Presbyterian church in this city, the congregation of Mills River church passed a series of very complimenta ry resolutions. These resolutions show the esteem In which he was held by the Mills River congrega tion: "This eeparatton, which is deemed providential, has caused pain amidst the congregation with hlch he has so falthlully labored and formal consent to his resigna tion and acceptance has Ipaii ren dered against the veto of theentlre membership. For in a most remark able way he has won the love, confi dence aud rspect of the entire com munity and his pastoral lalxtrs prov d wonderfully, effective. "Language is insufficient scribe the devotion and attac formed here for the outgoing pastor. And it is not merely sentlmenU which strives in vain for expression bate calm and considerate judg ment in appreciation of bis consecra ted life and continual pastoral ser- ices rendered in all needed forms, that causes this congregation to pub lish to the world his merit and com mend him to the favorable reception of his new charge. He goes from this church bearing the hearts of ev ery member and leaves a memory that will grow greener amidst the frosts of coming winter." to je-cbment lr. Millar's Slckaaaa. A bulletin displayed at the door of the manse of the Frrst Presbyterian church this morning, says that Rev. Dr. Wilier last nljht spent a wakeful night, and his condition today is un changed. IV. Kaufmdn & Co. Marrlad Last Mlcat. Dr. I). O'Donoghae and Mrs. B. A. Duke were quietly inarrlnd iu this city last night. The ceremony was performed at St. Peter's Catholic church, by Bishop Leo llaid. ThkI Nkws extends Its most oordlal geod wishes. Sensible Holiday Presents, Btraac Appaaraaea at llaiabows. A sight at nnoe Interesting and strange, was witnessed In Charlotte! at 2 o'clock today. The skies were dear and the sun was shining bright ly, but for five or ten minutes two very distinct rainbows, one very de cided in coloring, were seen in the western skies. There was not even no lgu of rain anywhere, Dut not a I cloud was visible. People stood about on the streets looking at the strange sights. The Weather. Following is a synopsis of weather prevailing at 8 a. in., to-day: One of the severest general cold waves is prevailing over the entire country, which bids fair to be of short dura tion. Warmer weather by 10 to 20 degrees is Immediately west of the Blue Ridge mountalus. A low baro meter Ik developing in Texas, which will pursne a northeasterly coarse, bringing milder weather. Snow is railing at Detroit, Cleveland, Pitts burg, North Patte. General fair con ditions, however, prevail. Centre! Ileiel Arrlvala. J P Caldwell Btatesville NC; OJ Thels, M N Hamrick Shelby N C ; C A Carlton N C ; Walter Jones, R S Walter, Jno H Oray Washington DC; J W Pierson Augusta Ga; F W Carter Cinci O; Win I Schlors NY; 8 Brayaut Randleman N C; Lawrence B Holt, L Banks Holt N C A Hunt, W E Holt Lexington NC; H E Martin Danville Va; Z V Walser Lexington N C; Paul Moore, C T Connors. W P Crawford Lancaster LL Little Wades- boro N C ; H M Brown Monroe N C ; J M Ford City; "HCWarlickN C; E W BiitlCity; Geo W Hart and wife Phtlat -A T UezIa Ralto; J N Lewis Jr; Book Hill S C; J Lewis J B Field. E A Aiken, J ti McCoy, Greensboro N C ; RH Fudge Fort Lawn BC; D O Hall Tenn; J H Sloan B C; WD Martin. J M Rioh ardsN Y; W M Francis Atlanta Ga; F L Hoflaia Lincolton N C; J MC Alexander Balto; W B Mills N Y ; Jno D Arnold Bparta Ga ; W RCarrington Balto; F Taylor Va; JMStewartVa; E B Howard, J C Anderson NC; JnoR Morris Balto; H P Johnson N C. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' The HanllBK Along the fee I tea Is Al tight. Yesterday was not a very good day for hunting, especially in the moun tainous section of Anson along the Pee Dee, but Bob Gray and the field i editor of Th k Nkws braved the wind and weather in an attempt to de populate the fields and woods that lay in their path. It is a beautiful I hunting country down there, and they killed one wild turkey, three pheasants, one blue tali hawk, one sparrow hawk, seven rabbits and forty-six partridges. The only rea son why they didn't get two deer and one bear is because they didn't see them. Mr. Allen, the depot agent at Lilesville, can verify this recapi tulation, by telegraph, if necessary. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BUY? WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BUYT What are you going to buy as a Christmas present? And where are you going to buy it? What will you select for Mama, lor Papa, for Brother, for Sister, Niece, Nephew and for yourself and friends? It ia eaay to ask this question. It Is not easy to answer It You want to give something; voa want to buy it where you can do the best. Perhaps we are better able to serve you than any house In the city. We have goods that make useful and sensible presents. Are not they better than something trlval? For instance we have, Meni Suits, Boys Suits, Childrens Suits Chlldrens Kilt and Jersey Suits, Mens Overcoats, Children! Cape Over coats. We have irood tblnirs in Underwear, in Huiarr In IIIatm In Neckwear, in Handkerchiefs. We have ood things in Hats. Umbrellas. etc , You will do as well by making your selection here as you will do any where: perhaps you will do better. We have the rls-ht roods, thev araraaa. onable in price, and In buying from us you are .buying from a responsible This is much to consider in Christmas shopping. " W. KAUFMAN&CO (LEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNI8HER8 AND HATTERS' CHARLOTTE, N. C "MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION, LADIES $2 SHOES RemQaDts! KemnaDts! Found in every department nt itock taking 'send lengths of all kimlof good finedrvst materials; Black silks in faille, gross Arminc to., best of goods and at such prices that you KiwiUvely cannot pars them; Kibbons, Chif fon and other new laces on Ibis great coun- The prices will drive them from our rooru; thev are irresislable. Come to the great Remnant Sale. At the I nlranlty. The State University, opened yes terday with law students, a very large number for the opening day. Among them, as we see by the Ral eigh Chronicle, is Alex M.Winston from the new State of Washington, has lust crossed the continent to enter the University, He is the old est aonof Patrick H. Winston (Pat) who was valedictorian of his class at the University in 1867. On that oc casion were present President An drew Johnson, Hon. Wm. H. Seward and othero, Mr. Seward was so well pleased with Pat Winston's speech that he presented him with a hand some irold watch chain which he had wornjhlmself for , thirty years. Pat still loves the Btatei .and wishes his boy to be a genuine North Caro- liuiau. i, ... There wae i meeting of the Plaid Mill Association at the Central Hotel, last night. The meeting was secret, as u?ual,and was called for the purjo9e of discussing matters re- j lating to th9 affairs of the Association. :-: :-: WE have just received another shipmet of oar Ladies $2 Shoe. We arc now bnying these Shoes from the factories. We cant Bay they are running full time on our orders ; but we keep orders there all the time, and keep the Shoes coming, so that we are atle to fit any foot. Come in and free what a handsome Shoe we are handing out for a two dollar bill or two dollar In silver. Every pair warranted. GRAY & BARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, K. C 'Prompt attention given to all Hail Orders. SLIPPEE SOLES. o O a 09 I 4 CO - - a CO e- a CD P a o o p o i a CD M a p. 03 o I 3 0 r-f f P. CD O CD 03 H o o B p in a CD i O O 0 H P. o B CO p. CD 00 O K a P Q p B a 3. o B p 2. B" B a p- a CO a CD a to fl o B ts O Large new stock Slipper Boles just received. The finest goods we have ever offered. Bound Lambs Wool Soles for Ladies and Gents 25o a pair. . postage 4o, bound Boles. Ladies sites lac, postage 8c; Child sizes 10c, po8top2c!S,ork Soles, all sixes, 0c, postage free. Ladies blk over gaitenr$i25. Ladies gray over gaiters $10. Gents black overjgalters $15 postage 5c These are the handsomest and best fitting fops made. Will be. pleased to have your orders for them. Order same size as shoe worn. QILREATH & QO. Open every evening tillg :00 ; Saturday till 11 .-oa CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ordered Especially for this SEASON'S TRADE BEAUTIFUL 13th CFNTURY PLUSH ROCKERS. SIXTEKNTH CENTURY RAl-rAN ROCKERS. HI X TEE NTH CENTURY TABLES. ALL ARE OF EX CEEDINGLY HANDSOME PATTERNS, THE VERY LATESTTHINGSOUT, AND THERE ARE NO MOltE TASTY PRESENTS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. CALL AND BEE - - -Foroitflre Dealer. R. S Sloan UNDERTAKER. Night call. Boom ) No. 6, Bryan building, over Rogers ACo, OZ3. c3 CO.

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