' ' ... NEWS. THE CHARLOTTE VOLUME VII. OIIAHLOTTE, N. C HATUnDAY EVENING, JANUAKY l. 181)2 NUMUEU 101O It'-. Seiglo s JAN. 0 1892. r DRK'H GOOD ', 8ILKH, Till M MINOS, TAIII K I.IXJ-'.N-'. III. A N K KTS, RAP". IMK( K (KH)1H, NOTIONS. Kvry tlilnjf must be old. Never In the lilntory of our etaldlsbuieut have we made such Fueej.iog reductions" Come and be convinced. "arpeta of . II i :id, Rugs f all decr Iptions, j Art Fiiuir?H. 1 Clntlis and Linoleum. Matting In Cocoa and Straw, We will cell at :ilnniti your own price. No l tlir a cepled lime to furn'tdi your house. Now is the Tto to Buy OVEECOATS, Price is cut on every Overcoat we have in stock WE DONT HTOP AT COST, WK HIM PLY MAKK A PKK'K THAT WILL MOVE THEM. A few ul I bene nobby Kngliah Melton Coal T. L. Seigle & CO. N.. II vV Tril t. IH H. Try on t ril Ul.oTTK, N.I'. IF YOU SMOKE CMJAKS Of course you want to Hinoi;e i le best wnn r.Mii Vet for the money. Our J r- Leaders at fie aro a Irfl. Wr l.,u't wnt tncarry them, rmcv (his ml TImm lliat were I r,0( are now IIS; ml l)i 1-i.VI one are 111. Some elegant black double breasted CoaU are here, siacs , 37 nulls, that were cheap at !.) They g now at 112.. 1, I3.7.S. anil IIS. Very Ion Iimvt weight listers that oll for ll.tare dow HO. Kurely it will not require a cold wave to move them at lliii price. A few siiea left In Tape Overcoat, w witli woolen and noine with waterproof hn iiikii: Reduced an follows: Knmi ll'.fti lo Il3 7f; from 116.50 Ui I13.JO. from 115 to fin. All cheaper roati are reduced in mine propor tion, Rogers & Co. TUB ALLMAKCB OMOAX. BO TH1MU fABTT. Ike Tk lalUkf rr Wataaiaaa 4aaM by MMkawlnff Onl AUlaaee. The matter of an crgan for the Meklenbarj-ouuty alliance h bean settled at last. The alliance will publish mo paper In Charlotte, but baa adopted the Salisbury Watch mau 114 organ, ana win nave a "local reporter" In Charlotte. The deal wai made at the meeting of the Meckleuburg Alliance, held at Sha- ron yesterday and the day before President T. L. Vail presided, and after the uaual preliminaries of roll oall, minute reading, etc., the aresl dent called for the report of the oom mlttee appointed to secure an organ for the county alliance. A number of propositions were offered and none were accepted. Then Mr. J. P. Sossamon presented a proposition lUMlattoai 4ol4 at Ta Caahmm ef Tha FmldMli mt tba Farmer Allium H pedal to Ths Niwi. W-hhinuton, D. C, January 9. At the seation today of the nations conference of the Htate presidents o the Farmers' Alliance, held at the Illllraau House, the following reso lutions declaring against a third par ty movement was unanimously adopted "Resolved, That it Is the snntlmen and desire of this conference nf the presidents of the Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union that the del gates for the F. A. and I. U. who at tend the Industrial conference to be held In St. Louis February 122, 189. use their influence and vote to estab llah and perfect fraternal relations Ith all the labor organizations re- from the Salisbury Watchman, and presented In said meeting, with the It was unanimously adopted. It was to the effect that the Watchman be record I ted 'be Mecklenburg coun ty organ, that it be enlarged to an H page paper, Its place of publication to r-inaiu a' fallsb iry, and the Mecklenburg Alliance to have a lo- citl reixirter stat oned at Charlotte Friday, an address was delivered yOtho Wilson, the traveling bus nest agent, on the "General (food of the Order." n a THK UKI DUAOOV THK l'KIMT ItOl'yUKT THK HOWAKI) ii a the verap' ten fa Cigar. And our leaders for ten cents are Jood an the average tScenl Cigar. I IIKAKPKH 1 TKISCK AI.BKKT ( K!.Olt ' rO.MMOlORK Burwell k Dun n Druggists. IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD x PRESCRIPTION ITT UP AT A. R'TtEErtKACO'S, WE WOULD LI KE FOR Y U TO TRY IS ONCE WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU HOW IJUICKLY AND PROMPTLY WE DO Rl'SINEHH. A. B. REESE & CO. The K. A It. J (Una. The Richinouil A Danville jug ontinues and lh latest Is that Mr iiriiiu in again on top. A SMcial rom .ew i ort yesterday says oiieral Hamuel Thomas, T. M. Mor al) and Calvin 8 lirlce. the noml- atinK coininittee for the board and ftlcers of the Richmond and Dau- ille liailroad Company, rettort to day to the Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway aud Ware house Compauy. Tht annual meet Ing w ill be he Id In Richmond Va. next Tuesday. The re-election of the present loard is prohable, w ith the following changes: M. W. E Htronir. may be elected to fill the vacancp caused by the death of Johh H. Hall; (leneral T. M. 'Loiran in place of John H. Rarhour, declined. Joh ti H. I uman had beeu retjuost d by the committee to accept the prfsiency for the coming year, In a letter to General Thomas, dated to- dsy. Mr lumah said that he would accept on condition that arrange ments l made whereby he could be relieved of the position at an early date. He referred to the Olcott com mittee on reorganisation. Speaking further, Mr. Inman nays: I fuel that I should frankly state to you th it I do not desije to contlnne the burden of responslbtlty which I have carried during past years as t!:e executive head of this corimraiioi . I na&mach, however as variou com panies connected with our system are undergoing n-org-anlzation, the ohjct of which is to place the pro; ertlenin a more suhHtaiitial fiuancl l asis, and as I am in full accord witl the elforts of t!ie security holder ami their committee to wecure this result I regard it mv duty to comply w ilh your request ine uoara or director held a meeting to-day and resolved to cast he proxy of the company for Inman as president, with the understanding hat the resignation of all these of fleers may be demanded by the board at any time. New Advert iiun la To- Pay- rVleot board. Cottage for rent. For rent V McNelis. Notice A Hnrwell. Tnistee. It was dry Jas llarriin Co; Insure your propertr R K Corhrane. Bette- nws T I. A'enander, Hon A Co. 1.001 ttlpple. A meeting of the magistrates of Charlotte township Is to be held next Wednesday. Rev. C. E. Todd will conduct ser vice at the A. R. . Church to-morrow morning and evening. Th Randolph Mission Society will niept at the parlor of tho Young Mns Christian Association Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A full atten dance i defiled. There is no chancre to-day In the oond'tlon of Dr. A. W. Miller. Upon ai O itnt of his sickness, tjie hell of the First Presbyterian church will rrnvi 1 ' . if Pythias will hold iditv iiii;tit in jinfii to Ocala demands as a basis for a plat form of principles, and that such platform be presented to the national conventions of the democratic party the repulllcan party and the people's party this year, with an earnest re uest that the principles involved he engrafted into their platforms for the coming national election of lb! 12. Rut that they carefully refraiu from committing; our orders as such to af ullallon witn any political party or parties." 1 he conference was presided over by President Polk, with W. F. (iwyn net secretary. A memorial to Con gress has been adopted, which de plores the agricultural depression aud asserts that It is due mainly to partial aad unfriendly legislation. It Is claimed that the financial sys tem Is defective; that all money should be Issued directly by the gov ernment to the people at a low rato of Interest and in sufficient volumo to meet the legitimate dominds, and that silver should have all the right in coinage and the qualities of legal tender that gold poseeses. Mliaw OallMk rr Sarraairiil. Deacon Dick Fox of the Ebenezer Raptist church, (colored) of thiscity. was up town today with a jug. Ho wanted to get a gallon of wioe fo communion service at his church to morrow, nut found, muc to his as tonishment, that such a thing could not be done. He tried the drug stores and they called for his prescription Then he tried the doctors, and they told him they could not give a pre scription lor any such purpose, as there was no law to authorize them to do so. Jim was going around quite disconsolate) v with his empty ug wheu last seeu. He declared to Nkws reporter that he nevordid hear of such a thing in all bis born davs The KlalMtllle Vrattbule to Chain Srhedal. The people alon the line of the A T. A O. railroad have been clamor Ing for an earlier aternoon train out of Charlotte, and a schedule liiale to meet their wishes, will go into effect on the 17th inst. The ar riving time of the train at Charlotte will be the same, but on aud after that date it will leave Charlotte for Htatesville and Taylorsville, at 4:30 p.m. Thk Nkws will be taken di rect from the press to the mail car, and will go to all Its subscribers along that Hue promptly each after noon. BUM AVAMM ABMMUM. 'ZtZfLrill Iff. Kanffudn & Co. stationers of this city, made an as- signment to-day. Poor collections forced them to ibis course to protect their creditors, The principal creditors of this firm are the First National ltauk of Char lotte, which holds eight notes ag gregatlng l.t.ooO, A. R Rarnes A Co., New York, and Ieach,Hewell A Han birn.of Philadelphia The First National Rank comes In under the preferred list. A. H. Raroee A Co., I each. He well A Sanborn, aud all other firms the said firm of Ross A Adams are Indebted to for good bought, oome under the second head, as do also the two dally papers of Charlotte. Sensible Holiday Presents, Deal la ! "Ira. Priaa. Mrs. Maigaret Prim, wife of Mr. Jim Prim, died at her home in Long Creek township today, at the sue of 74 years. Consumption was the cause of her death. oa Th Kdltor at. Clair Offered a l'oIUB llarmld. It la reported about town that Mr. Ht. Clair, editor of the Chronicle, has accepted a position on the New York Herajd, and that he expects to go there next month. Papera Received. Sheriff Knitth yesterday received official papers from the Governor, commuting the sentence of the bur glar Dawns from death to life Im prisonment in the penitentiary The sheriff will take Dawns to Raleigh next Wednesday. M arr I mgm Te-Morrow Afternoon. Miss Haldah Levy, of New York, sister-in-law ef Mr. Louis Leon, is to I married in this city, at 5 o'clock to morrow afternoon, to Mr. Eph Ta- kunsky, of New York. The cere mony will be performed at Mr. Lean's reeidenct, by Esquire D. (J. Maxwell. The marriage will be prl-. vate, on account of a recent death in the family of Miss Levy. e i j lot De rung to-nvi At Ihe Hally Dr. N . H. Creasy will speak to men at the Rally at the Young Mens Christian Association tomorrow at :30 p. m., his general subject being Christian Service." Men cordially invited. Assistant Secretary Olover will talk to the boys at 10 a. ni., any boy Is welcome at this gathering of boys only. Joint Berrlre. The congregations of th First Presbyterian church, and the Tryon street Methodist church, will wotship together at the First church to-morrow, morning and evening. Rev. Dr, W. K Creasy will conduct the ser vices. The collection will he general and will be divided between the two churches. BETTER NEWS Infants Hos e y and Bootees. Full stock of Woolen and Cotton Hosiery of every size; Hoys best school liose from 10c iipwarti; (i loves and Mitlens deserve men tion anil we hnve oodles of tbem to show. Maybe you would like to knQW our great stock ol Flannel I'mlerwear is also ntarkeil down way d"cp ilown. Fancy stiitingR, Plain il rests stuffs in Iculing materials, as llHiinels, InCfies cloths, homnsnun. IxNifoni ixrnls, ect., on the cut price list. January is the Indies favorite month for getting tilack dresses; we dont know whv this month more than others; anyway its a fact and we are awake to the demand ami ready to show an unsurpassed line in silk warp Henriettas. Melange, Serge, all wool Henriettas, Redforils, etc. -o- ChiUlren and Misses Cloak c from 4 to IS yrs. " ' Jackets " tttolSvrs. Now ofTera,! at very mmh-st priivs to close the lot ami make room for the urandeM line of embroideries ever opened in this house; Everv imlv not vet uroviiteil with a N rap can get a real nice or oxtremely ha idsiime one at about half price; net manv left hul we dont waat any stall; (Xime and get the new and positively the lowest price yet put on such goods. The Remnant counter proves a success and all are amazed at the wonderful price found on its goods. Carpets ant also being sacrificed to make room for other goods. Our line of Moouette Rugs at 12 are ex tra value. The Laat Battle. At the meeting nf the commission ers Mondaythe case of Joe Lindy applicant for a certificate of good moral character, will bo resumed. Counsel for Mr Badger will also file an application for a reconsidera- of his cas. This will end the matter so far as the board of couuty com missioners is (concerned, for Joe, figuratively speaking, is the "last rose of summer." WIJAT ARE YOU OOINO TO BUY? WHERE ARE YOU OOINO TO BUY? What are you going to buy as a Christmas present? And where ar you going to buy It? What will you select for Mama, lor Papa, for Brother, for H'.ster, Niece, Nephew aud for v self and friends? It is easy to uk this question. It Is not easy to anew n it. You want to give something: 700 want to buy it where you cau do the best. Perhaps we are better able to serve you than any house In the city. We have goods that make usefal ana sensible presents. Are not they better than something trival? For Instanc we have, Meus Suits, Roys Suits, Childrens Suits Childrens Kilt and Jersey Suits, Mens Overcoats, Cbildrecs Cape Over coats. We have good things (u Underwear, in Hosiery, In Gloves, la Neckwear, in Handkerchiefs. We have good things In Hats, Umbreliaa, etc. i ou will do as well by making your selection here as you will do any where: perhaps you will do better. We have the right goods, they are reas onable in price, aud lu buy log from us you ire buying from a responsible house. This Is much to consider In Christmas shopping. W.KAUFMAN&CO LEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS' CHARLOTTE. N. .MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OtTLTriiOMPT AND CAREFUL ATTEXTIOH; LADIES $2 SHOES. Fife at Martlnvllle. The news from Martinville, Vsk, is to the effect that the whole town is feeling the spirit of the Fife meeting. The crowds in attendance are in creasing at each meeting and servi ces will be held in Brown's ware house, the present tabernacle being declared too small. People afe ar riving from all the surrounding country. Stores and saloons art closed during services. There have been many conversions and wide spread interest prevails. The Guilford Battle Ground. The Nkws learns through a pri vate s mrce from Washington City, that Senator Vance's bill for the erection of a monument to Gen. Na thaniel Greeue. on the battle ground of Guilford Court House, near Greensboro, will very probably pass through Congress without any diffi culty. Tho bill provides for a mono mentoffair size and propositions. The people of Greensboro owe a great deal to Judge Schenck, for had it not been for his enthusiasm, energy and enterprise, the Guilford Battle Grounds would have been to-day In the woods. WE have just received another ahipmet of our Ladies f 2 Shoe. We are now buying these Shoes from the factories. We cant say they are running full time on our orders; but we keep orders there all the time, and keeptbe Shoes coining, so that we are at le to fit any foot. Come in and see what a handsome Shoe we are handing out for a two dollar bill or two dollars la silver. Every pair warranted. GRAY & BAKNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARL0T1EL N. 0 'Prompt attention given to all kail Orders. Blankets! Blan kets! Blankets! The Klkin Blankets mighty near sell and wrap themselves; They are pure N, C, wool and go at (4. Id and " a pair; weigh extra heavv and show extra size. Comforts II up. The sum total of the whole matter is we llcr entire lines of new and seasonable goods t very reasonable prices; Just such tilings as vou daily need; A look through the line of Furs, Muffs, etc, woven (seamless) skirts. Muslin Underwear and many other such ar ticles will indelibly impress the fact upon a doabting one. The favorite corset waist for ladies is in our stock Uiat club is growing right along. Kernem her Cloaks at about lial r price. Klkin Blankets at 14. Ftu sets had a tumble, at SLIPPEE SOLES. Large new stock Slipper Soles just received. The finest goods we bare ever offered. Bound Lambs Wool Soles for Ladles and Gents 25o a pair postage 4c. Plain bound Soles, Ladies sizes 15c, postage So ; Childa sixes 10cpostage 2c Cork Soles, all sizes, 'Oo, postage free. Ladies blk over -gaiters $1,25. Ladies gray over gaiters f 1,60. Gents' black overjgaitera $1,25 postage 5c. These are the handsomest and best fitting tops made. Will be pleased to have your orders for them. Oi ier same size as shoe worn. ? Open every evening UU8:00; Saturday till 11 :0G ' u s C r CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Ordered Especially for this SEASON'S TRADE. BEAUTIFUL lafti CFNTURY PLUSH ROCKERH. t SIXTEENTH CENTURY RATTAN ROCKERS. SIX TEENTH CENTURY TABLE8. ALLAREOFKX CEEDINGLY HANDSOME PATTERNS, THE VERY LATESTTHINGH OUT, AND THERE ARE NO MORE TASTY PRESENTS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. CALL AND SEE - - - Fornilore Dealer; Room K TTll fl51 rl UNDERTAKER. rNiirh eall. on dti Co. i -

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