H. B A R U C H. J. BAR U C H. H. BMRUCH Et B lH Will continue "the UJearanco Ule wbicti was inaugurated to reduce tlie Stock of H. BAEUCH. After manv inoiunes. whether this Reduction Sate would would continue after January 1st, 1892, we tako pleasure in stating that additional attractions are placed on our Counters in order to give the new firm a good Send Off. UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES IN OUE SILK DEPARTMENT MOIREE SILKS at 29c per yd VALUE 65 MOLREE SILKS at 63c per yd VALUE $1 25 CHINA SIKS at 25c per yd VALUE 44 ONE ril I A SURRAH SILKS at 35c per yd VALUE 60c FAILLE SILKS at 75c per yd VALUE $1-1 26 COLORED SATINS 29c per yd VALUE 45c REMNANTS FAR BELOW VALUE. READ THIS HCHKDI' I.K OK PKICEH, Remnants worth ft M marked down to 2 15 Remnants worth IW marked down to 1 (50 Remnants worth 8 tfO marked down to 1 US Remnants worth 2 40 marked down to !' H, HARuCH BHD, INSURE YOUR PEOPERTY KAILJOAI IN FORMATION. WITH R. I. Cochrane INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE AGENT. 12 Boath Tryon Street Telephone No. 6a i886. 85cVorth , via el Racket Store GOODS TO BS CLOSED. Japanned Dost Pans 3c or 2 for 5c; One t Ladies and Hisses all wool skirts 80c to fl to 11,50; Childs Underwear Jrge line of Ladies goods cut to cot t end law; Will open a large line of Lacea and Embroidery next week bought at half price; Our entire stock of Mem Underwear will be t clased without regard to cost; Our great Hat Cap end Umbrella purcb&ae put these goods ' at less than half the regular price; One lot I of 16 rib.Umbrellas. good ones, at 65c; One r , .v - - - - lot of Cue and 75c Cape at 20c: One lot men Derbr Rata at 75c worth $1.60 to $3: Mens . Crusher Hata 50c and 75c worth 1,25 to 2,50; All the latest things of the season ia Hats .' and we shall close tlie entire purchase on the ' above basis. If yon can get sizes to suit you can boy ' . good 12 and 13 Shoes from our 75 ceiit 8hoe : counter The sizes in a line of Shoes get djo ken and ell the balance go on the job counter and go oat at 75c; Now if you find Shoes on that counter you paid two or three times the price for, buy of these to make it up for if ; ' you bought the Shoes' from us it was as low j as we could sell it at a profit; The Shoe on ! the bargain counter is just as good, Too can find many good books in our book stock yet and to close the line of cloth ' bound 12 znos. we cut the price now to 15c, Paper covers 5c I '.' All through the house bargains to suit the times are in abundance. ' i Few lines of White Goods and Prints l J. DAVIS i CO. IICIIMnsD KD DtSYlU.I Man. Trmltin leave CharhsUe (or Washington New York Richmond, at 7 00 a.m., andlim p. in. Arrive faun New York, Washington Richmond at 21IU a. in., 1 :. p. m. Traini lmrra fo.- Atlanta at 2 S a. ui., l:5n p. ni. Arrive from Atlanta at tt:40 a. m., :. li. ni. TriiiWvefbrColun.biaat2l0a. m., I .VI p.m. Arrive from Columbia at 3:U6a.m., H.( l. m. Washington and Southwestern Vestibule 1J noted, operated lielween Wellington and Atlanta, leaves lor Atlanta at v 45a in; Ar rives from Atlanta I 10 p m leaves for rVaidiington VJU p m, arnva from Wash gtiiu M 35 a in. IIAKUin All LI R K LIKES. Traim leave for Wilmington at 1 15 p. m. and 7:45 p. m Arrive from WilmiiigU' at (i.35a. in., and 3:15 p. ni. Train leaves for Raleigh at 5 a. in. Arrives tmni Raleigh at 10:15 p. ni. Train leaves lor RutherfordUm at 4:15 p pi Arrives from Rutherford Urn at l:Ui p. m. Uvrit NoU-h In the HUlorr of Cotton. The farmers have very good cause to be sick of cotton. Yesterday' New York Hud says: The cotton speculation yesterday ran up to 214,000 bales, the largest in a long time. The early figures for March, the favorite speculative option were fully '4c. a pound below the closing figures of Wedneseuy. There were proportionate declines In the other options. At the clone there was a partial recovery and possibly a steadier tone. The decline for forty-eight hours amounted to f 1 Ho a bale. Cotton has dropped to the lowest prices in its history. For months, It Is said, current prices have been he low the cost of production. The crop estimates have been pushed up to between 8,000,000 and 8,500,000 hales, the largest on record. The receipts at Southern seaboard cities have been unusually heavy for a long time. The speculation at the South has been extensive and, to some extent. wreckless, and many of the specula tors have left their brokers to bear tbe losses. The banks have found it necessary to call in their loans. JThe total decline for a week Is $250 a bale. The lower figures, though, have stimulated larger export orders To I'rovlit for the tlradixt School. The city authorities are now look Ing out for the best plan of provid ing the necessary funds to keep the city graded schools running for the remainder of the session, and a meet Ingof the city finance committee will lie held Monday. The funds must come from some source, as the dos sing of the graded schools would he such a blow at Charlotte has not yet had. Lehman ltro Cation Editor. New York, Jan. 9. Liverpool nller ed considerable encouragement this morning and following the advance reported from that side, pr e on the call here were from s to 10 points better. The Improvement however was not of long duration from the same iolluence as has brought about thedecline on so many'prevlous days. The ex ecttlon that New By Associated Press to the Niws. Nw Yoax, Jan. 9, 1H92. Futures steady Orleans . January WHO lit nil Mrlllltlll' rninln l,nj f I a TtrA f. euriinrjr A Fine Line of Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, PURE DRUG S. A T J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 7 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. SEW I'Oit COTTOS. receipts, our own people wiring us that the Hmn will he lti.000 to 17,000, While the room in general here had it that UO.OtiO would arrive there. Un der this inllut'iice, prices began to sag and on some little aggressive selling by a few of the prominent bears, vulues fell to Inst nights clos ing, when good buying set In and served totlnmlate the market a lit tle. Just near the finish, prices clos exactly where they did last night. We have gone over the ground so often thntitls unnecessary to repent our sentiments on the article. It seems as if there could be no other view than that cotton is reasonable. We may have some liquidation but in the end, we think a recovery is In prospect. TIIR TAKIh'P l-KOt l.A M I TfO.V. 7 u-ici : 7 21 22 I 7 M X2 7 43-44 ' 7 .'rfi-57 ' 7 ti7-(i 7 77-7H ' 7 Kt-H.r 7 SM-Wi ' Central Hotel Arrivals. HE Walter, New York; Ado ph Cone, Baltimore; Eugene Eckel, Greensboro, NC; T A Hogerty, Bos ton, Massachusetts; Mosses H Cone, New York ; Geo E Weber, F M Kib- bold, Cincinnati, Ohio; Al Vogel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; HC Btovall, Atlanta, Georgia; John K Morris, Baltimore, Maryland; H Otho Wilson, Kalelgh, North Caroli na; DG Hall, Tennessee; DP Chandler, Atlanta, Georgia; C It Covington, Baltimore, Maryland; Ham B Mooro, New York; H M Faucett, North Carolina; L H Cur ry Augusta, Georgia; J L Hitch, New York ; J C McCurry, Marion, North Carolina: JT Taylor. At lanta, Georgia; J A Smith, Beshe mer City, North Carolina; W L Beeny, Wilmington, North Carolina; 8 C Raukin, Moresvllle, North Caro lina; FW Horrcock.NC; GW Queener, Knoxvllle, Tenn ; A J Peed Baltimore: N KValk, E ri Robin- sou, JN V The Weather. . Fallowing is a synopsis of the weather prevailing at 8 a. m to-day. The relative positions of the high and low areas remain nearly the same as yesterday morning ;each has however, moved slightly eastwardly. I The cold-wave over the southern portion of the country is slowly yielding to milder weather tempera tures having risen over that section 5 to 20 degrees during the past 24 hours, From the middle to the northern limits, though, the cold has intensified 5 to 20 degrees and snow its falling at many points. The cold area will move southeastwardly and will produce colder weather over this section by Sunday night Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorisL President Jlnrrlmn (;lv- Not loo Hint It Will hti lmiel on March 15. Wasiiiniiton, Jan. 7. In view of the provision in the reciprocity sec tion of the Tariff law of Oct. 1. 1S90, ma ing It the duty of the President after Jan I, 1802, to suspend by proc lanistion the free admiasioi. of sug ars molasses, coffee, tea, and hils against suoli countries producing these articles ns after that date, maintain tarilT duties upon any agri cultural and other products which he may deem unequal and unreason able, the Preside t submitted to the Attorney-General the question whether law authorized Mini to issu. a proclamation fixing a future day when the duties imposed by virtue of the proclamation would take ef fect. The Attorney-tJeneral has giv en an opinion that th duties must attach and he collected on and after the date of the proclamation, an that a future day cannot be named by the President. Owing to this decision, and to the fact to that justice to importers of the articles named in section H of the Tariff law requires that a reasonable notice should be given of the President's intended action Secretary Blaine t o-d a y sent notes to the diplomatic rep resentatives of Austria-Huoirary. Columbia, 'Havti, Nicaragua, Hon duras, Spain, Phillippinn Island, and and Venezuela, informing them that on the 15th of March next the Presi dent would Ifsue his proclamation unless in the mean tim- some satis factory reciprocity arrangement should be made wi;.h the countries named, declaring I hat, in view of the free admission of the arti les named in section 3 of the tariff, the product of those countries, he deemed their tariffs on agricultural and other products of tho United Htates to he unequal and unreasonable, and that, as against the countries named, he would Issue his proclamation on Marcn io uext, siispenning the pro visions of the Tariff law relating- to the free Introduction into the Uni ted Htates of sugar, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides exported from uch countries, and on and after that date the duties fixed in section 3 would lie imposed. The notice to Kpaiu, how ever, only applies to the Phlllippiue lsianas. Negotiations with France and some other countries have reach ed such a stage as, in the opinion of the President, to warrant the Secre tary of State in withholding notice to them of a proclamation affecting their products. j March . April May June , July ; August I Hepteinlier ' (k'totier 8 0Hi.' I November O 00- ! December 8 UHll Hale to-dav 102,fis Net Keceipts 177.HS2 Ki)Hirts to(i. It H0.2!l Kxjiort to France 2ft. 107 Kxports to the continent 22,0H!I Stock atall U.S. iorta l,ol5.f75 ltt low we give the Stock Market, (tton Market, and Grain and Produce Markets as received over the private wires of Smith it Watts. CwumiBHion Brokers. Charlotte, N C. COTTON MIDDLING: High- Low est. January 7.K February March April Mav June July August HepU'iiilx-r October Novenilier Decern bcr 7 40 7 .r 2 7C) 7 7.r 7.KT 7 !'4 7.00 H.lfl (UK) (I.IKJ est. 7.14 7 20 7 LI 7.42 7..VI 7.(i." 7.7(5 7.H4 7.04 x.ol 0.00 0.00 Clos ing. 7.1-i 10 7.21-22 7.31 -.'52 7.4.5 41 7..'i-.,)7 7.r7-OH 7 77 78 7.!(4-!H5 t,r nn character, or whether it is simply a question of irresponsible men over riding, the law in tlie nanieof morality H.ni-o:5 (UKMm 1 u.OO-oo CHICAGO GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Chicago, Jan. , High- Low eat, est. (Ml WHEAT- Kebruary ear May v COKN February May OATH January May POKK May 11. HO January 11.3.ri LAKD- Februiiry 0.00 May 6.(55 RIKH May 5.S7 January f.r7 00 1KM. INI !1 021 !'!! 30S 411 3ii 35 41 2J 3ia i.:to n.;tft o.no (5.42 4H ay 31 i li. so 1 1 .36 0.00 .ar) 5.77 5.H7 5.57 6,57 Nkw Yoric, Jan. STOCKS. High- bow- Clos est, est. mg. New Jersev Centrnl 112- (.'bicago (iiLS 75J 72J 74ft- Kichtiiond Terminal ldi 154 Kii- Atchison 454 4 i 411- St. Paul 824 81 i 821- Ijike Shore nun IMS) (XKI - Missouri Pacitic (i4 (1 fi.Sl- Iouisville and Nashville 82j 2 82 - Texas I'ncilic Western Cuion'IVI. Co 83 j 8:ij K3i- HurliiiL-ton and Quincv limj losj liisjr- Chieago and North West... 11( 4 1K1 ll'il- t'.C.Al 7.,S 731 734- Pacilic Mail 37J 371 371- Delaware and Uickawana.. 14(1 13!ij Mo -Reading 416 40 418- New Kngland 521 4!iS 511- Rix:k Island 'J3j 924 031- CH A KI.OTTE ( 'OTTON M A RKET, TO DA Y (notations represent actual buying pri( in oen market. Middling fair Strict gixxl middling 71 Good middling 71 Strict middling "j Middling.... 7 .Strict low middling , (ij I,ow middling Tinges and stains ,.5 C Tone of (he market, steady. Hales to-day 511 bales. NOTICE, The firm of Ross A Adams have made an assignment of their stock of giods, etc., to nie for the benefit of their creditors. The stock, consisting of a good assort nient of Stationery, Itooks, etc., will lie disjiosexl of I at greatly reduced prices tor cash, A. I5U It WELL, Trustee, Novelty Presents. CnH'MN RENTED. This rnlmnn is rented for the piirneo informing the public of the nature of the controversy with regard to the issueing of li cense to sell liquor in this city. Whether it is ' H filleHliiitl nf Httiritii ,ir nn inii ril fltaru! r Sealskin card cases, lined with Russia leather, and edged with re pousse solid silver two inch deep, roses and rose leaves, for 15.00. tlentlemans card case or flat nockM book, bound in solid silver rope, trot). Heal silver pure with solid silver top at 5,00. Heal card case memorandum book w ith money pocket, solid silver cor ners, I2..V). Heartsease with diamond In centre scurf piu 12 54). Another scarf pin Is twisted with a ruby and a diamond, for 14.00. And yet another has asapprlre and i diamond in coiled gold, 14 00. Ladies broach, enameled dogwood (lower, with so.ltaire diamond In cen ter for 30.00. F.uameied heartsease lady's broach diamond in center, for 30,00 Heartsease pendant with dia Jiond net iu a large heart of emerald forget me nots, for 2H 00. Carbuncle surrounded by pearls in heart snate inside a! large heart of enameled forget menots, for 2.YO0. Onyx clocks at 6 50; keep good time. This Is our ' hristmas leader. Solid silver bonbou boxes from.'! (Ml to 15,50, Solid silver bangle bracelets from 50c to 2.00. Silver ball purses with silk tops, novelty, 6 00 to 9.00. Glove buitoners, oxydized and bright silver, 1.50 to 2. 00 Book marks, nxydlied and bright sevnral designs. 1.50 to 8,0(1. Vlntlgrettes with and without chains, from 3.50 to &.00. Hllver court plaster case S-50. Hilver envelope opener IJ). Hllver match boxes SJjO. Hllver stamp caae for pocket, UA Hllver handle paper cutter 1.60 to $3 Hllver chatelalue 4.00 Hilver top purse with silk bottom, at o.oo Garters buckle solid silver and gold plated, 2,00 to 8 00, Very odd designs In canes, from l.tOti 15.00. Umbrellas for ladies aad gentlemen 3,50 to 14,00. Entirely new odd de signs In handles. No duplicate. Cut glass tumblers 00 for six. Cutglass decanter, finest ever aeen hsre, 2Ml Cntglrsa ice tub at 8,50 that every body charges 1000. Berry bowls, finest cut glass on earth, from 12,50 to 15 00. Gold pens, peu'cUs, toothpicks, glove buttoners, whistles and pend ants for watch chains, 50c to 12JJ0. Fish dish, German plate, with shad engraved in dish, for 12.00. No du plicates. Beautiful Imported German lea sets, frosted, four pieces, coffee ot, tea pot, sugar bowl, and ceeam pitch er. for 30,00. This is oui own Impor tation, and 10,00 cheaper than larger cities can get easily for the like. IMPORTED GERMAN PLATED WARE Cracker iar of that imitation tile china, solid nlato ton rim and handle for 950. This Is far cheaper than the iraudv fancv presents made for Xruat German castor, miadrtmle nlate. antiniio desliru. exuuisite bottles, hand- painted ill gold, tlve bottles 10.00. Cutglass bottles castor. In filigree plaited holder for 12,00 This Is a rare piece and we direct housekeepers' attention to it. Sugar bowl of colored irlass in II lain pe basket of plated ware, on stand, for only 5.00. Handsome pair oxldi.ed candlesticks, old deslmis. finest flu tires wrouirht In high art, for only 10,00. BOYJNE & L BADGEE. i I e r eading Jewe Charlotte, 3ST C s, It Was Dry. HOLIDAY GOODS. We have opened our Holiday Goods and can show you one of the most complete lines ever brought to the city. We invite vou all to come and in spect our stock before you buy, as we are sure we can save you money. Riiler Laird's B-A-K-E-R-Y. Select Board with nice room for gentleman I and wife or two gentlemen. Apply at i) .it iiH JUist 1 ra.le street, , i.llst Wll),k , wenl ,(, p (.0,rt ,,0,so aMl, j( LVunti'MT pnn.fortMble cnttm-e mn I was Hiem(full). I said Hhaw! and opening slrL I were out. Itut it was I)ull(s) until Clarkson . " " , , , . ,,, . iaparel, and looking Ihrough the Vail 1 1' OK KKN T Good dwelling house , Maw that it was llill's-turii that made everv on Kat Ninth St., with four good thingsodry. We are selling the bi st mans roonw, hull and front porch, good 3 shoe we ever sii It has a patented so'e iranl li and irood water. Applv (, , wiucn gives it ad v, cages over any otner j 1 w Ribbons Dyed. lays, A. B. DAVIDSON. Shoe on the mnrke and will wear ns longiis a shoe that cost five and six dollars; It conns LADIES Dresses and (Moves cleaned at " four styles and all sizes; See our Corsets ( 'liarlotte Htea... Lam.dry; Also Dresses and iiJfJTlwtJrJi Work done in inmi l m; " Thur-Fri-Sat 1 (5f5i!, 50c, 40c; Dress Oooils and Uuimps ! at big reductions; Mens fine iinen collars 10 pop IH'NT-A ,mn,l fi mnni house on and 15c worth 20c: Mens culfs Z50 aki 16c; East Otli st. tf R. A, BEAT TIE. i "en nine water proof collars aijdcu iiieiionar; vircm. uaimiii FOR CASH We will sell our .50 Hewing Machines' at 130, C W BRADSHAW, Sepi tetf Menager. Fruits, ('and v. Nuts, Raisins, Dates Pigs and anything to please the little ones, at and children. SPECIA lot of Hems F-A-N-C-Y FOR RENT Nine ne, j Bryan building. Cb hts. (decl7 lm) uieuonar: vircm. umttniiiq-jp and children.! wool and, SPECTAIAWiP j lot of Hemse tor r r EVERYBODY COME IV K ARE PKEPAItKD FOR YOU, OUR STOCK 1H COMPLETE. OCR GOODS ARK BEHT QUAL ITY. OCR PRICES ARE RIGHT DOWN TO THE BGTTOM. Yon iret from us the fluest Coffees, Teas, Hams, Flour, Cheese, Canned (.oouh, ncKies, yrups,-i,;andi' s. rvuts. Kjjisius, v igj I coayj-ift V"C0- V Mrs. .lane 0. Ijitbam desires tn Iernianent boarders at the old K lenimrg nniuiing, now bciui Dec 22 tf (Chronicle copy, l