CHARLOTTE. ' NEWS.. VOLUME VII. CHARLOTTE. N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12.1802 NUMRER 1012 THE a ? Scifflo's JAN. 13 1802. rwnroiti amatim clot. On sale for ta-morrcw at greatly roducad prioia: mm iililinr Coats, Rubber Shoes, UMBRELLAS in Silk, Wool, Alapac, Uf CiH4t rtM etar.a. Mam vUi aa Mara M an ! MtUaVt V ma-sal A rapraeeutaUv af Tmk Na-wa called os aumUr of th- tuerehaitU of lb ally to-day o flad oat their riwi ob the tag fMlioa for total saspaaaioa ol bitalBeae during the funeral ai vlca of th Imt Dr. A. W. Miller, from II in 13 o'clock to mor row. In every luatanee. lbs uggev Uoa tu heartily eudoraed, and eavcb tuarchaut Interviewed eapreed ami oaly a wtlogns, hut a ilclr, to Iom til door durluf Ih hour of service Oo merchant want o far as U urge Til Ni we In us every endeavor to bring about tliU end. "Our people," ha ald, "hardly raalli the loea they have uslalnd, and It would not only I proper, but raally flltlujf that the merchant should clone thalr doors a a tribute of re spect to lha greatest mlulstcr Char loll aver knew." I formation received to-day Is to lha effect that a gfat many people) from nrlghlmrlng point will I here IWIxu Maw f raa a. A oorroaMDdMt of yesterday's Ralalgb NewsaObearver.aey: -Vvt early two years, Father Francis baa adtnlBleurwd lb affair of lha ehureh of Baerad Heart in thl city. Tli a sadden and unexpected aa boaooomoBf u wad a by hltu at lha II o'clock aervioae on Huoday last, that ha waa ordered by Rt. Rev. 1m Hald, Bishop of North Carolina, to go to Charlotte. Hla devoted flock r nest I v ad thlt announcement with ruocb aadne, manifested lu many raae by lha shedding of tears. Prleata aod taymao allka have aver cheerfully acquiesced In all matter which, In the opinion of lha ruling factor, tha 11 shop, la moat conducive to lha promotion of rallflon. In lb dlacharga of hit dull aa paator of lUlelg h ; and Id vlaltlog tha mission dependent upon lha Raleigh prlea Katha Francis ha aver bean Inatan Inaaaaonand out of aaaaoo, In alien lloa to tha Deeds of hi flock. I humble Imitation of film wbo een lilni. hi chief conoern has aver been earnest solicitude for the moat aban mart ya-ait or dm. milium. Ta aa .M Imsn Inn riret artea t-nrfc, m 1 1 ITO a tMn Maa. to attrlid the funeral Gloria and Henriotta. T. L Ssigle & CO. No. II vV. Trade el. 1S RJTryou at CHARLOTTE. N. C. IF YOU SMOKE CIGARS Of course you waut to smoke tha liest you can get for tha money, our Leaders at 5c am Tn UrmArnt naal will Claea. Tha city grided school will becloaed morr w, to allow tha teacher and pbpll to attend tha funeral service f tha lata Ir A. W. Miller. Tmt if rmll Wtr-as ka. Laal ol(hl' alral ilnrm pUya.l aroc with tha txlf-Kraph "irr la- twaan Charlotte and aMnrt.ui. Tha railroad wlraa Utwwo thaa tolnte want town by the nilln laal I nlfhi. and train ara ruuuln ln-day from atatlon tu utation. Tha repair er fairly line tha road tn-tlay, and by ruornlur the wire will l-aln good I ahap aicaiu. IraJ K I !- Itev. Kd ward Mack, of I i.ildnnoro, arrived In the city lat night. Autlo' har, opposite the Tf-ni-ple J uUce, la Iwloir dimaiitlel to day, and the place formrely occupied hy that aalnou I for rent M laae Jennie and Matrtrie Free man are viaitlua; friend In Atlanta, thepueiUnf Mr. Kobertt'obh. The Haliabury Herald eayn that a diatlller there ahippcd n (ration of liltkev to a alnjrla man lu Char lotte. -Mr. David C. HunUr, and wife of Crofuville, Indiana, who hava txon vlnltlng pollcemau I. P. Hunter for a few week past, are now vltlt nif their kinsman, countv treasurer MrCllntock. TU K KKH tRA(XN THK I'KTIT IMII'yi'KT THK HOWAKII ) (IoinI an the veniiTt" ten ivnt J CiKr. And our lenders for ten cent are (Jood a the average IS rent 'Kr- IliKANniOS J I'KINTK AI.IIKRT KUK detXi.MMolKIRK Harwell Dunn, Druggists. Mr. W. W. Ward, who ha l en confined to hla home or evera weaka pant, t( now very much Im provexl and expecta to be h tie to be at hla place of bunine within a day or two. Mr. C.I' Wheeler will conduct the half hour gathering of men in the parlors of the Young Me l's Chris tian Association to-night at eight o' clock. Men cordially Invited. The reception committee will meet and organ Ir.e. -('apt Thomas V. Prlrliett and wife.of Charlotte have gone Kortlon, H.(' to visit relative and friend there, ('apt Pritchett' father, Kev Claude I'ritchett, who waa a boy hood friend of the late Dr Miller, Uvea at Korestnn. New AriTertUinetitJi To-Iy. Kmalvptine Jelly A W lieesr A Co. On sale for to-morrow T 1. SM;le A Co. Waiton.s, liutes J V Wsti" worth .V Sin. EDCA L Y PT INE JELLY. An invaluable prepara tion for Mlet use. A Speciftc fa -jod Hands andii?V EucalvpliliJLcontains no 1 aaaw dourd slnnar, feeling that tha "nine ! ty and nine" Beaded leas watching. With aad heart wa part with thl ' good priest and at tha came time congratulate tne people oi i nariotte upon their good fortune. "At tha 4 :.K)o'clork service Father Krancl preached hla farewell aer inon. He feelingly alluded to hli pleataut Intercourse with tha cltl- len of Kalelgh, and moat eapaclally with thoae of hi own faith. He an nounced a tils text the well-known ordsspo eu by oar Iord himself: "If you love me, keep my command nienu." Fattier F'rancls preachea with force and effect, and tils re marks on this occasion will doubt less Ihb long remrmtered by those who heard him. "Thl good priest will be accom panied to Charlotte by his slater. Miss Kate Meyer, who carrie with her the best wlahe of her many ac quaintances and friend among the ladies of Raleigh." . - Thallacmrt af th Itallrnad ('mlHlH The report at the Railroad Com mission to the (iovernor haa been completed by the Commission and the znanuseript haa been in tha hands of the printers for sometime. It would have appeared before but for the delay In the printing. It la now expected that the report will Iss out aUiut Febuary first, AH the arrangements for the fu naral aervlcaa over th lody of the lata Dr. A. W. Miller hava ba'i com pleted. Tha foneral will be held from tha First Presbyterian church, at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. IUv. Kdward Mack, who supplied the pulpit of the First church during Dr. Miller's abeeaoe In Kurope, aev- era! yaar ago, will coiiddct tha sr vlca, and will probably ! alled by Dr. Olrardeau, of Colombia. Aa staled In yesterday' N th min isters of tha city will act as pall bear era. Dr. Miller's body will he car ried Into the church at U o'clock to morrow morning to remain until the fuuaral services are over. The Interior of the church ha been dec-orated In a most appropriate man ner. Tha pillars supporting the gsl lerlea are shrouded In black and the raillog around the galllerle Is drap ed In sombre oolota, gracefully loop ed. The pulpit Is almost hidden by a maaa of palms, ferns and other stately plants, and I u the ceutre of the arch behind the pulpit Is an ex quisite design of a cross, surmounted by a crown. Several ministers from the surrounding towns have an nounced their intentlou of telng here to pay the last tribute of respect to toe memory of the beloved pator. e tan asvS fa To freight car aad a cabooae ear wars burned on ibsAULlae rod,iMr LsjwbII l night. The laal awcllon of No. 4u waa oomlof down grade to ward Charloite.wbea the cars broke i loose. The dauo'iad aectioa over took and crashed Into tha forward a trmiti BcmtiK Now b Have a J mil t Uaa (alt a apaoiai uala oai which war Hn perln Undent V. F. MdUa aad 3adge David Hcbeack, waa wrecked sli 01 fimi to But oats; irom naiiaoary, en the Wmi- aecllou with nch fores thai a butubsf I ,fn North Carolina road, last night 1 SB. ... of car were derailed. The stove la I 1 oonalaled of an anglne.coal the calouae waa overturned, and the caboose and two box oar were burn ed. None of th crew w.shurt Wa Ms Iit ml U alaa ! Ik MnMa, Th frame work of a vary eilensi va structure Is tfultiu up near tha Rlcb moud Dauvil.a freight depot It la a feed aUble, and It la being erect eibyMr. John W Wadsworth, for th especial purpo of taking car of mules that ara an route by ralL In stead of bringing lha droves from the car through tha teu to Wada worth's atablea, they will Us driven direct from the cars to the new sta ble la tha freight yard, and tha Ur ror of loose anlnial In the streets will be dons away with. Tba new troclure Is two stories blghnd will accommodate ft0 rg u le at one lima. cat auu npu MClkra a p r I V s la car Tl.- I . . uw umj pervuna aiwara iria latter ware Judge Hcbeack, 1'apL Mcll. lb conductor and brake wan. Thnr iiiai-iinHMiiMi IOI CHUiabury raw minulea ahead of the regular passenger train. Aa a rocky out waa approached, sli miles from Kali nary, me eogineer saw a big roci naeaownon the track Just ahead of him. Tha rock had not become settled on tba track when his engine truea It Tba engine wa ihruwn directly acroea tba track and It fall ou Its aids, and lha tender and car were jammed on It Tba moat won darful part of tha whole thing I that no on was hurt, beyond a fei vere uruiitea ma wreck was not cleared away until 3 o'clock tbl morolng. Price Is cut on eTery Orercoit wo hare In stock. W K lH)lt T HTOP AT COHT, WE HIMPI.Y MAKE A PRICE . THAT WILL MOVE TH KM, A few of (bear nottf KViwlMh MWtoa Ooata A N lreg Star. Carpenters) are at work today fit ting McCorkle'a old saloon, corner of Trade and Church streets, with shelving. Tha saloon gives way to a drug store, of which Mr. J. M, Ken drick Is one of the proprietor. He is already getting Id his stock of goods. "Prescription goods" will b a specialty at this stand. No Wonder Cotton Is l-ow. A N kwn reporter went among the cotton men this morning, to see what they had to say about the cotton sit uation They all talked one way and agreed that they had never before known cotton to te no low. The New York February cotton is" cents. Cot Is lower now thau it has been since 1M!, and there Is no prospect of bet ter prices in the Immediate future1 The low price is caused by over pro- (In tlon, the hiit season's crop being estimated at K,.V)O,O0O bales. Moating el lha Nactl rntas. The magistrates of Charlotte town ship held a meeting yesterday after niMiu to consider the matter of the disbursement of the towpahip road fund. There had been dissatisfac tion in the matter lecause the trus tees had no power to place the fund aa they thought necessary. The com. mlesioners gave the trustees sole barge of the (township road fund, nd a more satisfactory condition of (fairs is expected In the future. F.s uire Hilton was asked several ques tions In regard to matters conuccted with his administration of tvc con vict system, all of which were an swered satisfactorily and the meet ing adjourned In g-od humor. Th Wanthor. Following Is a synopsis of weather prevailing at N a. in , to-day : Htormy condition. still hang around the gulf, but are apt to be replaced to-day by clear and cold-wavs weather, which will reach this section by to-morrow morning. This cold weather promises to be the coldest of the seasou. Tem peratures In Texas are aa low aa 14 degrees, and snow is falling at Pales tine. A high barometer Is at Dodge City, Kansas, and temperaluree In it vlclulty are as low a 2B degri below tero. Light to heavy r: have occurred at nearly every p lu this section. Hf. jthtraaiki'i Htcmit, III elated that IUv. W. K. Ed- niuudson, a graduate of Ibe Hlate University, but wbo has lately been stalloued lu California, haa been at pointed paator of the Methodist church at Know Hill, lately in charge of IUv. Abernsthy, ths kissing par son. -The Charlotte correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch seems to draw inspiration if not life, from the columns of Thk News. This psper, with theoriginal printed matterets there, though, about the time the Dispatch is coming from the press. Infants Hosiery and Bootees. Full stock of Woolen and Cotton Hosiery of every Riw; ttoys best scluxil hose from 10c tipwuni; (i loves anil Mittens deserve men tion and wii hsveooillcs of them to show. Mavis you would line to xnow our great took of Flannel I'mlerwear is also marked down way dei down, fancy suitinira. nam dress si mis in leading materials, as Han ne K Ia0s cloths, homespun, hedronl conls, ect.. on the cut prii list. January is the ladies favorite month for fretting black dress's; we dont know why this month more than others; anyway itaa fact and we are awake to the demand and ready to show an unsurpassed line in silk warp Henriettas. Melange, Serge, all wool Henriettas, Hedforils, etc. Ti. ALE Oalrsil lletel Arrival- DO Hall, city; W M Francis, At lanta, Ua; Mr and Mrs Oliver H King, Marietta, Ua; H Mack, Fort Mill. 8 C; HC Htovatt, Atlanu, (ia; E Mack, O.ldsboro, N C; J W Thackston, Raleigh, N C; T F Brown, T H Law, Y; H P John son, N C ; R T White, Ixwiis Bowley, NY; 8 A Htrauss, Richmond, Va; R P Pelt, Fayettcville, N C; W A Eliason, W W Allen, N C; H M Fau. cett, Raleigh, N C; H V Jones, At lanta,(ia; J T Alderman, Win K Worth, Wilmington, N C; A E Biedler, NY; O R Hchult., Wash ington, DC; Z FiUpatrick.Kalto; D C Schilling, Phila; 8 J Woodbridge, Columbia, HC; N P Cannon, Atlan ta, (la; R B Miller, Hhelby, NC; J H Hloan.HC; J as H Holt, Burlington, NC; Chas H Martin, A L Htrauss, Mrs K Taylor, Richmond, Va; Wal ter H Neal, Laurenburg, NC; Jno H Cook. Trinity College. N C; H K Hturdlvant. Wadesboro. N C; J E Hasfcll, Charleston, H C; S B Hmlth, liockingham.N C; M W Crawford, Davidson, N C ; H C Warlick, Mat thews, N C; Jno McFaddcu, Cald well, NC; R A Duncan, R H Field, city; J A Higgs. Hlierwood Higgs, Baltimore, Md; L L Little, Wades boro, NC; P P Peaae, Chicago, Illi nois; H A Bowers, Montpeiier, Vt; Abe Cohen, Va; F A Ragland, Iouis vllle, Ky; LD Handy, H K Jones, Baltimore, Md; 8 Shelton, Rich mond, Va; A W Burnett, N Y; C L Hopkins, NC. BETTER NEWS -o- Oria la IhaSaMlar' Haaaa. drip Is prevailing with deadly ef fect In the Koldr' Home at IUI elgh. Ko far, four deaths have oc curred In the past few weeks. Tha dead are John Prince, O. II. Thomas, J. H. Handlford and B. M. Coleman. The last-named diedesterday. He was in the Forty-thtrJ xsortii C aro lina regiment and a native of Cabar rus county. He was buried today in the Confederate cemetery, very near the Home, and oue of the saddest things waa that not oue of the in mates of tha Home waa able to at tend the funeral, which was conduct ed by the Confederate veterans. The general sitting room of the Home baa been converted into a temporary hospital. In this and the regular hospital the thirty sick are receiving most careful attention. Kalcau of Pythias RuqMt. The second aunual banquet and in stallation of officers of Hath bone Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will take place at the Buford hotel, Thursday! night, the Htn. All rememner wun much pleasure the last banquet and anticipate a good time at this one. The Knights in charge say that no one will be disappointed who at tends. A brilliant list of speakers has been engaged, and the toasts will be short, sharp and spicy. Itoalh of Mrs. RuMl. ire. W. M. Barnett died at her home in this city yesterday after noon. Tba funeral aer vice will be conducted from the Tryon street Baptist church at 9 30 o'clock to morrow morning, by Rev. Dr. A. O MeManaway. The deacons of the chujeh will betas pall bearera. WheHaa Leaf a TraaaT A few days ago, some one drove up to Dr. (leorge W. Graham's resi dence, corner of Keventh and Church streets, and left a trunk there. The trunk does not belong to anyone In Dr. Graham's househould and waa evidently left there by mistake. The owner can get it by calling at Dr. Graham's residence and paying for this notice, anion. don't want to carry them. I Uiu cut Those that were 13,00 art now tl ami the t'XM one arll&; fern skoal black double breaatej Coat are bare, sisal 38, T7 and 38. that were cheap at I3X They go now at f liSo, 113,75, aod Hi. Vary long hmry weight l isten that sold far llSara now 110; Hurdy it will Dot raquiiw a cold ware to move them at this prica. A few sine left Id (.ape Overcoats, soma ilh woolen and aaro with watsi UfOuf lln ings; Reduced aa lullows: r rata fiuo to . 1175; from lia.Su to f 13,50; front US to tlO. All cheeper coats are reduced In SBmpropt - lion, Rogers & Co. LADIES S2 SHOES.- :-: 1 :-: We ara WE have just received another sbipmet of our Ladies 2 Hhoe. now bnying these 8 hoes from the factories. We cant say tfiey ara runalnf; full time on our orders ; but we keep orders there all the time, and keep tha Shoes coming, so that we are alle to fit any foot. Come in and see what a handsome Shoe we are handing out for a two dollar bill or two dollar la silver. Every pair warranted. . , y GRAY fc 1AKNIIA1U)T. 19 East Trade Street. CHARL0T1E. N. C "Prompt attention given to all Jdail Order. Km Excellent Thing. The The Lotus The Lotus Glee The Lotus Glee Club The Cotos Glee Club Co. at Y. M. C.A.Hall Friday night. Beats can be reserved tomorrow. A male quar tette and soloists, and a charming lady reader that are leldom equalled. 'You will miss it if you miss it," VOf HAfti A.CUFS, Ox you are alt -m out, really roimI Ibrnotb. tuif. it is tnD-raidrtility. Try nmtwx's ikon hittems. It will cur you. cleanse your liver, and gtva a sjuod aptlta. Blankets! Blan kets! Blankets! Children and Misses Cloake from 4 to IS yrs. Jackets " S to is yrs. Now offered at very nuxii-st prices to clot the lot and make room lor the iframlest line of embroideries ever opened in this house; Kverv ladv not vet provided Willi a ran can get a real nice or axtremely handsome one at about hall price; net many leu out we dont want any atall; Dome and pt the new and poeitively the lowest price yet put on such goods. The Kemnant counter pmves a sinxxw and all are amazed at the woiuierlul puces found on its gootto. r lartiets ar also oemc sai-rinceii 10 mase room for oilier poods. Our lineof Mouuette Kuw at I J are ex tra value. The Klkin Blankets mighty near sell and wraiithemsulvea; They are pure K , C, wool and pi at 4. 6 and t a pair; weigh extra heavv and show extra site. Unmlorta f 1 up. The sum total of the whole matter is we otter entire lines of new and seasonable goods at very reasonable prices; Just such things as von daily need; A look tltrough the line of Furs, Mulls, etc, woven Isenmless.) skirls. Muslin Vnderwear and many other such ar ticles will indelibly impress the fact upon a doubting one. The favorite corset waist for ladies is in our stuck that club is growing ricbt aloug. Kememher Cloaks at about half price, Klkin Blankets at 14. Fiu sets bad a tumble, at SLIPPER SOLES. Large new stock Slipper Soles just received. The finest goods wahava ever offered. Bound Lambs Wool Soles for Ladies and Gents 25c a pair, postage 4c. Plain bound Soles. Ladies slies 15c, postage 3o ; Childsslsas 10c, postage 2c Cork Soles, all sizes, 10c, postage free. Ladies blk orer gaiters Ladies gray over gaiters $1,50. Gents black overgalters fl,25 postage 5c. Tbeae are the handsomest and best fitting tops lyade. Will b pleased to have your orders for them. Order same Sie a shoe worn. Open every evening Ull8:00; Saturday till 11. -oa . , :V' - CHRISTMAS PRESENTS; "ft Ordered Especially for thfis SEASON'S TRADE : ii . .' .- -. .... . BEAITTIFUL loth CFNTURY PLUSH RO(?KERH RIXTEENTH CENTURY RATTAN ROCKERS. SIX. ' TEENTH CENTURY TABLES. ALL ARK OF EX CEEDINGLY HANDSOME PATTERNK, THE VERY -LATE8TTHINGHOITT, AND THE RE A RE NO MORS . . : TASTY PRESENTS TO BE FOUN D ANYWHERE. CALL AND SEE - -- faitore. Dealer. Room Cd n UNDERTAKER. Night ealf. w wiwmii, no. , Bryan buUdlng, ot Rogers kCofl V Y IAN DEE, S ON & CO.

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