THE GHARLOTT NEWS VOLUME VII. charlotte, n. a, wkokksday evening, jaxuauy ia.i892 J Seiric's JAN. 13 1802. .-:- On sale for to-morrcw at greatly radneed priora: uvoomiu mo llclilier Coats, UMBRELLAS in Silk, Wool, Alapic.,, Gloria and Henrietta. T. L Seigle & CO. I Ifc aaaasl atewtla 4 14 Uiiar THrM. Tbaaanual mUBfof the uxh older of tha threw national baaaa of Charlotu, was bald yurday, and otOoer re eUUd for the en suing year. All the old offien were ra-elacwd without an ipiloB. and lha stockholder of aach bank found lu afiV.ra In id at UU of solidity baJtblBiDM and prosperity eo haracUrietle of th Charlotu baaka. The rnaetlng of lb stockholders of the Klrl National Rank wa .rl dad over by H M. Hooalou, chair man, and George F Wllaon m arc ratary. The officer art: President, R M Oat; vie, president W It Myers; eaahUr, M I' Pegram; taller, John K Orr; bookkeepers, I llnoter and C (' Adam; collector, A Graham. Director. It M OiUi, W.H Myre, Knfu. Harrloger, J I. Brown, H A Cohen, It W Oate aud M P Pegram. Officer of th Merchant aud Far inrra National Hank: I'reeldenl. John H.McAdnn; vlcw-preeldetii, II (I Hprluga; attorney, Geo F. Wlleou , cashier, J R Holland; aealalaut cashier, CN G Mutt; bookkeepers, Tbia Griffith ami W C Wilkinson,' runner, T F Wither. Director: J II MeAd-n, H O H;rlnga, Geo K Wilson J R Holland. H M Hon. ton Tha officers of (he Commercial National Hank are : President, J H enrer; caahier A O Hreulier; tel- arid Auderaon; look.eeeps"r. W I Cow Us : clerks. Chase' Kreulier and Clarence Wearn. Directors, J H Mfmwr. Win K Holt, II M Whit, Wm Johnston, Jo VcLangh lln, Lawrence S Holt. J no I, Murr head, Ja H Holt, Frank Coir, M (' Kcclea, It M Miller. rat raotinrr u via aiaaoa r. wa rU Ovswwwwta) ullni fw Twewa ter riifU reared f taw H Mr. Maw. Da. Hrwr 4 taa RMMIIll ! ii 4 4 Mr. THE BURIAL OF DR. MILLER. MUU,'uo"u. - j -r r.i, -y f Priad hop. wo tea I 1 I alUU JIMT, W TBM tt IIMft I OUlfM rit-. tk Of ! iiMUr taaporlaaoa la U Will lUc touMtll MM That I kWI U; y unwii Irf AkJ JaWl ! lane l Ujic' IUv U1 ward Mark prvarliad ll-a f a im raj d ueou raw. Mr. Uwl akl Tuday liiaaaddaal of all llfa'a aad dutiea haa bratifbl u bar. I faal aiy luaufflelaorjr fur llila doljr. If I bava uu. alufla SloaM fur I, II Italtnpty llila I lovad Mru. Wa mourn a friend, jjr lha laal hon or of tar It) Uion ilellntiUtl to call our I'lrllual fattier, a buar with wawpliif ajrea and rr"wltn liaarta 0er ttie earlhlT alirine, wliereln dwell In the furever D paat the baaatlfal aptrlt of a hero uf faith. A wa brlnf lha ruee and the violet to wreath tha tier and Unnh, aa loving hearla Mod the forj et-me-note of fraleful lovluf tuetuorlea Into a fade leea wreath ; llila we lay at till foet, tuulatetied With tear, tear that flow from the (oonliln of ear heart'a drrp l-rief Ir. Miller waa raal In a unlur ruouM llewaanoaof the world' Treie Rerie4 aa4 flrew At. The paaoerjfrer train on th North Carolina Railroad, which If ft ItrlHgh at 7 o'clock laxt ulnlit, v n rocked ami Mrd at, two nillea i-t of iUI (fh. Two of the window in the tlrat claaa car were ahattereit. One wa broken by a rock which etruck a paa iii(frr ou the bream, and the other waa perforated by two plxtol hall.. The paeeenffem were very (fratly excited over tha afTalr. Sn. II V. Trtde at. Is1, X'Tryon at I'll AHMiTl K. N. '. Kecaraier Cream, Soap Freckle Latiao. i The finest Toilet articles known. MadabyMltH HAKKIKT HIHI HAHI AVER New York. Bnrwell & Dunn, WAOLKHALK AND UKTAIL Druggists. lreJ Kleptoe. A big log nettled down over the city today. Mr. H. K. Ko(er',of t'oncord, la here to-day. The decoration of the Kint Prea byterian church were photographed thi. morning by Van Nesa. The cotton market wan very ac tive today, cloa;n(f at an advance of 21 point from yexterday'a cloee. The ladies or the First Prenoyte rlan church are taking step to or ganise a Hen Oliel society , a ft tes timonial to Dr. Miller'a memory. The committee on the alliance organ will meet in Charlotte tomor row, with Mr. J. L. Ramsay, to er fect arrangements for the new paper deal. An editor will be aelectod. Among the colored people at tending Dr. Miller's funeral to-day, was an old darkey named I'M-T 8. Craw ford, from Chester, H. C. "Dr. Miller baptized my .'children." he said, "and 1 was hound to see him burled." New Adverttamenla To-ler. Furniture-It. Nichols. Thn k soles Uilrtwtti .1 V. PniRxists Ilnrwell .t Dutin. Th,- Kl IHiro-A B Kepse .t (. Ketliicliona Jus liarrison AtX. The H-Pin tii rri.fir iiok atio.n. Tha tn.dy of tha late Dr. A. V. Miller waa laid away U Its final rest In beautiful Klmwood today, tender ly, reverently.aud with all tha honor that could Im ahown by a mournloir mmmutilly. The funeral ervlce were of the most Inipreaalve charac ter lliat trila writer ha ever eeen Id Charlotte Indeed, we douht. If Ha like was ever known here lefore At nine o'clock thia morning, the casket containing the Ix.dy of the beloved pielor was home from the roause Into the church, and placed upon the cat.ifalqne at the head of the main aisle and Immediately in front of the pulpit Tha door were then thrown oen to the public, and from that hour until the time set for the funeral, there waa a continuous lln- of people filing through the church to get a last look at the fa a of the dead. They were of oil classes and conditions, from tha wealthiest to the poorest ; and of all creeds and de nominations; the Catholic side by side with the protestant. The col ored people were there too. In great Dumlers. For three hours the stream of people was uninterrupted, the church In tha meantime Iming pack ed with people awaiting the open ing of the servleo. Folly five thou sand people paaaed In Hue by the casket. The decorations of the pulpit were plain, appropriate, beautiful, rivaled only by the decorations of one former occasion, when Dr. Miller preached the funeral of Stonewall Jackson's only daughter, Mrs. Julia J season Christian. The posej Mlitles of the stately arch In rear of the pulpit were taken advantage of, and the decorations were strikingly 1huU ful. Over the pulpit was a white cross surmounted by a crown, and across it the words "I have kept the rami." Just under tlie Hihle on the pylplt was the single word "Het." The decorations were made up of palms, ferns and flowers, among the striking designs being "The tiates Ajar," a sheaf of wheat, a star and wreath, doves, lloral pillows, et. At the strokes of the bell announc ing the hour for the funeral, all the banks of the city, and nearly all the stores closed their doors. The mass of Hope standing about the doors of the church Indicated even then that all the available space of the church was filled. Such a tax was never before put upon the building, and the hundreds who could uot get in remained outside until the services were concluded. The services were opened with the presentation of De Profundi hy the choir, Mrs, B. L. Dewey at the organ. After the singing of hymn (STS. Dr. few who are truly great, and hla dla tlnctlon ralsesl him to the scrutiny of men ; lliua It happooel that pwu llar trail were found In that broad character. In this age men n ach elevatioii hy that astute cunulug which la politely called policy or ly ayoophancy. or In ministerial life ea imrlally ly loud and vulgar sensa tionalism. Karely do men coaouer self and the world ami In eplte of men and clrcumataDcea kaimr great m the square meritorious, e i al tnl char acter. Huch greatnres waa his Our droarted friend sought no new and ! . . . I Jangerous paths to usetulne or fame ; no sensational eccentricity was used to catch the ear of men ; but up on the broad, plain, old fashioned foundation of truth, which the fathers te lieved, taught and lived, tie hullt the noble atrucllve of a life, rich in power and gid over the hearts of men. llismlDlstry was the spontan eous and conscientious expression of the principles aud feelings of his heart; ad because the heart was great the man became great- Iu his life as In the theology ha was Paulina. Like the apostle, after an arduous struggle, a faithful and fear less witneaa, be weut home gladly. Paul'a glad words of w I cues: "I have fought a good flu lit, etc.'" burdened the last low murmurs of Dr. Miller. One sentence especially might be takeu as the grand epitaph of our de parted friend: I have kept the faith, written not on perishable marble nor ou fames fickle leaflet; the imperish able volume of their record is his life of unwavering devotion: they are chiselled on the tablets of loving hearts. "1 have kept the fai th." I n a rest less and conceited age, such it we now have bold men have despised and sought to demolish the old theo logical strongholds. With an Invi tation craving for the new and odd some would even eliace the very foot-priuts of the fathers. Already a recoil Is setting in and even the boldest are coming back to the broad and grand truths framed from Ood's word bv the wisdom of aires, bathed in martyr blood, proved in the Chris tian faith and hope ot centuries. Dr M liter waa one of Ood's fearless ser vants who never forsook the atrife for the old faith nor weut back from the defence of our treaaured truths. He delighted in the doctrines of Christ, ever making the Headship of Christ the oentre of all truth and doctrine. Upon this subject he preached his first swrmon, often this glorious truth of the Saviour as the all aud in all; and at our last long conversation his word9 repeated again and again were : "preach the Headship of Christ." Often the messenger of Christ is allured by the Delilnh's of vanity and wordly ser vice Into the deceit and sensation of the age. In such temptation we turn to Thee, O Rock of Ages, strength of (Wax Ural faith, aa ohurrb Ufa U taHMrw thaacbarcb IhoagfaL ihtt Iheolo gteal aagregalioaa and cxyUllav lluoa w tl-hi awrraadar, bat ov godiltoo oever. Thai pillar of fir which ha aitaadssd ar la haralak ighi. bar pur Ufa aad holy charity ha refleaUd a mora radlaal aad bwn lfic-snl light apoa tha won twaally Ibaa all of bar InWlUc a and Iheolk-tcal apleodur. Wit. tan' of Theology "rfclo;y, aba! cb draw the I' al boauat a Iay have ira fajae wo log In, prof I know not ebarch 11 tha daveli Ihropolog lha early of men to bafora or are and aha) par and d form of god power thervof. rV Va v v a ABHjr lfyoij' IS A PURK HAVANA AND TRA CIGAR FOR 5c. iR DE HELLER IS A LT)EC1UATK0R Infants Hosiery and Bootees. Full stock of Woolen and Cotton Hosiery of ever)' siw Boys hest school hose from Hc tipwaro- Olovin and Mittens deserve nwn tion and we have oodles of them to show. Mavhe you would like to know our great stock or Flannel I'nderwoar is also market! down way dsi ilown. Fancy suitings, Plain dress stuns in leading materials, as flannels, laches cloths, luitnespun, heiifi)nl cords, ect., on the cit price list. January is the Indies favorite month for getting black dresses; we dont know why thi month mere than others; anywav itsa fact and w are awake to the demand and ready tOyrahnar an unsurjiassed line in silk warp HenrletJ Melanp", Serge, all wool Henrietta, IflfcjVja, etc. BETTER NEWS -O- Children and Misses Cloak from 4 to IS yrs. " Jackets siolSvrs. Now olferad at very modest prin to close the lot and make room for the grandest line of embroiderieiever opened in this house; Kvery (ady not yet provided with a Wrap can get a real nice or axtremcly handsome one at about half price; net many left but we dont want any atall; Come and iset the new and positively tiie. lowest price yet put on such goods. The Remnant counter proves a success and all are amazed at tle wonderful plices found on its goods. Carpets ara also being sacrificed to make room for other goods. Our line or Momiette Rugs at t'J are ex tra value. N. T. Ideal, can wlr b r w Ithoal glad and ahatolutw at' of th world and a If. Tha law of tiod place Upon the C evera and uocompromlaln r menu, aud lha ( ipl miniaUr faila k erect thla alandard M Mark 8 Matt. 6, '1 Cor. a. V high aod holy standard Dr. Millar con ten dad with uever-falllog cour age, and though hi deareat had bean allenaUHl, he would Mil have alter ed the whole oracle of Ood. Thus he wa faithful to th great King and Head of the church of hla love. Uk Knorh th seventh from Adam h ph rophesled again! ungodly meu and deed, and now like F.uoch lu the midst of hi labor (iod has trans latent him and he I noL iir thren let u receive thla example of hero ism, let n stand firmly ahd forever. Thi brave defensa of principle, while characteristic, wa rl uot the leadlug trait of hi aoul. The brave stern warrior had heart t ver warm and lender. Thoae knew this who were hla friends and had been com forted by him. He la uot louely now, nor doe ha need consolation, for he Is In the company of thoae who were comforted by him; for more thau a score of years they have been gathering home, aud on Han day, the day ou which they loved to hear him on earth, a congregation, blessed and holy, gathered to meet him above. Night must creep over as, hut hi suu shall never go down ; sickness shall weaken our mortal frrme; but forever he is free from disease and pain; sorrows that we know not now shall pierce our al ready bleedlug hearts; there sorrow and sighing have pasand away. We do no uot grudge him hla happiness, no matter how our hearts miss him; we rejoice most iu the fact that though he cannot come to us, we may go to him. His energies were exercised In a wide and ever widening sphere. The poor red-skin, uow an a.len n his own native land, received his sym pathy; the desolate house of Israel was cheered by hi prayers and la- lers. O, earthly Jerusalem! sadly shall the wurkmeu upon thy walls miss him who strove to build up thy breeches! He has gone now to that heaveulyJerusaleiu whose walls of jasper shall never be loru down, h.r gates are open day and night, and her King reignelh forever and ever. The poor man's friend is good; widow's aud orphans, poor and strug gling shall miss the loving heart and opeu purse. Where shall suoh toru! inter now rests over nature .as over our hearts. Fitting time that Ood should call him, for the inevita ble winter snows of life were legin ning to deepen upon his brow. We must wait long aud weary mouth's for natureV spring and sunshine shall break the cold of winter. Al ready his spring time has come; that all-healing, all-gladdeniug sum mer of bliss has burst upon bis glo rified vision. Four "months since over the re mains of a dear friend he uttered these words: "She was a precious jewel, polished and beautiful, and uow adorns the Master's royal dia dem." wu may we pay thia trib ute to him, for he was a gem of the first magnitude, now adorning the Saviour's radiant brow, set iu the royal diadem cf the Enthroned Je sus, whose effulgent glory is the truth and faithfulnesssof his saints. When Luther's monuments crum ble, (Jermanv's language, faith and power will be his monument; no marble shaft lifts it chaste form to the memory of Calvin ; he needs none, Switzerland's truth and free dom, truth aud liberty throughout the -orld are his undying memorial. So our Dr. Miller ueeds not monu ment!! of stoue nor words of eulogy to record his life. The life of this church, the morality of Charlotte, f l.adlW V lata al J aai7 or w I latf aba of If i r i a-N r Y i r i Woo. we Jrrf.k Vdoor I Ll or add od V ufllV eli 14rtd Vy i .. rv a w"w f7 sea; l im mflTNw"i avuad, I nt T Ch bat toac fered praar. ung. A tha the church, lb hymn With tearful eyea II Ijfe seen is a dark Yet. 'nod tbe (lor A heavenly whi?f, "Com Th body waa eecortod t tha grave by a very large couecorae. The pall bearers wrre : Rev. Dr. t. C Reed, Rv. Dr. J. a Cheehlre, Ivev Dr. A. (1. McManaway, Rev. C. E Todd, Rev. Dr. Bowman, Rev. J B. Carpenter, Rev. T. N. Jettreys and liev. E. A. Osborne. Rev. Dr. Creasy and Rev. Dr. Parks were prevented from attend ing by sickness. At the grave the usual services of the Presbyterian Church were con ducted, and the body of the lament ed pastor was left to rest In glorious shine or sombre shadow, uutil tbe resurrection morn. I aa elegant ar,aujaaM 37 and M, that wre cheap at ID! Tby go now at 111.50, 111,75, sad IU. Vary long heary weight I' later that sold far tl5art now f 10) Barely II will not requir a sold wave to niova tbem at this pnoa, A few aisea left in Ckpe Oeerooats, aona with wot4en aod aonta with watarproof Ila- ing Itnltiotsl aa follows: rroaa 9UJO to IIS. 7i; from ltS.SO to 113,50; fruca 115 10 1(L All cheaper coats ar reduced in aam propor tion, Rogers & Co, LAMES $2 SHOES. I : : I WE have just received another shipmet of our Ladies 12 Boo. Wa arav now bnylug these Shoes from three factories. We cant say they ars rannln full time on our orders; but we keep orders there all tha time, and keep tha Shoes coining, so that we are alle to fit any foot. Come In and so what handsome Shoe we are hauding out for a two dollar bill or two dollar In silver. Every pair warranted. '- ' V i'"- 1 ...r GRAY & BAKNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C ' T" Prompt attention given to all kail Order. . ' - THICK SOLES. The best investment any one can make la a pair of our thick sola thoaa Mens qest calf Doable Sole Lace or Congress, plain or box toe, price $7,50; These are tbe best that can be built A full line at (5, f 4 and 13: each Una represents a value superior to anything Mi tbe market. - . ' Ladies Cork Sole Button, best Kangaroo Kid, price $3,60. Thisahoola perfectly waterproof, the best stock ever pat kn a shoe, and will wear aa long ' as two pair of ordinary shoe. We have all kind of footwear, to suit njl kind of people. Give us a calL GHXiR.EIA.TII aa OO. Operf every evening tlll8 :00 ; Saturday till 11:00. 1 Vi Blankets! Blan kets! Blankets! The Klkin Blartkets mighty near sell and wrap themselves; They are pure N, C, wool ami go at It, ts and Vtiapair; weigh extra heavv anu snow extra sue. uomions i up. The sum total of the whole matter is we otler entire lines of new and seasonable itoods at very reasonable prices; Just such thiiiKS as von daily need; A look through the line of Furs, M litis, etc, woven (seamless) skirts. Muslin Cnderwear and many other such ar ticles will indelibly impress the (act upon a donbting one. The favorite corset wiust for ladies is in our stock that club is growing rurhl along. Remember t'loaks at about half price. Klkin Blankets at 1. Ftu sets had a tumble, at A Beautiful Line ,;; FU R N I TUR E Continues to be Offered the Public by , BURGESS 1ST I O K OXj THE HOLIDAYS HAVE OONE BUT PRTCEB STILL RE... MAIN CHEAP. ELEQ NT PARLOR SUITS, CHAMFER SUITS, ABINETS, HALL CHAIKH AND RACK8, DII'(i 1 TABLK8 AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH HOCK- , ER RATTAN R0CKKR8, Ac, Call and sae a - - - ForoilDre Dealer. RS S I O? fa ' UNDERTAKER. Nlgh'l BajJ.11001" V w I lj No.,BrTabBjldinff('overRogeriACota haw F jf ' . Mai !. i, a: AN DEE, SION & GO. LlKIX

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