THE UHARLOTTEl iNEWJS. VOIeL'MK VII. CIIAKLOTTK, N. Cm TIIUUSDAY EVKXIN(3..!ANUAUV 14. 181).! t NUM1IKU 1011 Sep s JAN H 1802. JUST RECEIVED A traotlful 1 1 Mr lf Checked tf lM.l aad DIMITIES Checked and Mtilp. NAINSOOKS Plaid Muslins in all Qual ities. Ak to our Jol In Hamburg 4, yard. I..r W- Ji dilT-rcut petlerna. T. L Soiglo & CO. N i II vV. I'rad si. Ih' K.fTryon t CHAKMITTK, N. C lit Soap Freckle Laliao. The finest Toilet articles known. Made by MRS II AIUU KT Hl'll IUKDAVKR Now York. Harwell d Donn, WAOLK8ALK AN I) KFTAIL Druggists. Ia4aeaa Mr. llmtj ttblia, l CeUrrrk cueeiy.keaeeattatae CUy Wasaam, of Cberlvit, a buwxle ade bora, cartoeely wroa)fbt.aaJ fall af p aoaal, aalliuy m4 hUIUc1 aafiea- lie l ti00t4 k hi Tea4fiher.Vll. Ilea Merrtau. aad taa feifc el Dr. lUkt Hell Mo(fioa lUxkr RJver, a eoldUr Is It IU vol alio and, llii hit falber, tUU Xlerfleuj, im Ilia Ural tieoich Irish r4Miear lo Ibl Mlll. Il Is allka lHastreUve ot lf email (kill of lha Koclrh Irleh eoldlaf uf thai liar aal of It., mill- lary utiu la which b f artlripaiad. Ttiandixa IUuarl, Id hi rhaiin- lncV Inainf of it. Weal' tell bow theslyle waa for ll . early rolonlal eoldl.r, Indian Ojt'.ur, and pioneer, to cjalp liloaarlf in a fab al onr ufgMll va of lha life ha led anil of Ilia hlli litipalar. Uiai luapWed hltn IU 'l lu U tmtsol grralforr. tn ol IdIoom iril ttid aalf reliance. often of rlif loa enthusiasm. The French wara uf ITM CM all partook of a great etrufgle lriaNti I'roleetaullam aud Roman Catholic- lani . Tbl horn Ulla the alory of ibe long aa't deadly conflict for suprem acy la lha waal In II numerous car- ad JhIiiii of Fori Niagara. Fort On- llflo, Kort Itoiroll and lutujr of Ilia aolojel and olh.r attraction of lha great Indian wlldrriir.a Mr. Kooee Vsll I though a man frank ly admit, that ll Southern valor that finally a-cured ihe Kentucky ud Ohio roii.ju'.l 111 177 H. . ad Col Waddrll lu hi "colonial offi cer," l w lhal North Carolina tro4Mi playl an active part In all of lha French and I ndlali truggle'. . ltalo liMt Indication, of lha It volution ery IrugK ! and likewise of the wniaky iu.urrerlioii in Penn sylvania in !' " and of the threat an ad Krauch war In I7W-M. Kor pclal family reaon, Mr. While I unwilling to part wltli the ow nenlilp of ih la heirloom ; hut he leave It In Ui. Muiouni for Ihe In spection of Ilia curliu A nd I'll, wa laka oocalon to ay. would lw a ITimhI Idra for oth.r bavinif .uch r.l loa, and t 1 1 ti which th.y prefer iiot partniK l (I. Maxwell wa y..tT.Iy ra- niiiiiiaKloiM-d notar v puhllo. Iy (v- rrnor Molt. latiia anM aa4 Vaia af twa piMai m a t .im ua. Ja A. IUaH, Iba aliUaa yaar Id ao a Mr. J J. lUaaoau, of Han In.Tllla, waa Urrlbly lajarad by aridlla a aoiloa glalhla tuornlaf ai 10 'cloak. Tba boy waa and.av arlag a) Ibrow on Iba ball for Iba eolhHl rwa pallay, whan Ma l.fl arm a ea bl aod aa ran b Iwaas Iba p allay and Iba boll. Th arm waahraaaa la Ibrva p I acaa and lha ahallafad bonaa prulndad Ihrouf b lha Haab. Tha irtu waa am putad by Dra, C'haa. Walkar, Hunur and ! Armond. Aa I - - - - WnMt, Mr. Tbomaa II MclKioaJd aad Mr. W. II. I'aiuraoa Daad la a frlaud- lwraatiala Him A Hhyna'a ura Ibla moral Dr. lhal raaullaxJ tjulU painfully for Mr. MrlK.aa)d. Ha waa Uirown and bla right Ug waa broken bwlwaan lha aakla and knaa. , rata rnAto mr. it. -TheH K fliolr of Tryon Ht, M. Church will ploa.. meet proinpily at 7: a) at Mr. V. It Jone. for practice. All pleaa coma. -Mm. Jn. Ho. and chlMren left thl iiiorning; ou the return to their home. In Klireveport, after a plf:maut v 1 1 1 1 to relative and frleDds here. -A. It. Wlllinan, lock.imth and pluinbtT. haa moved Into th tand formerly occupied ''y lwle'a aalion, onadoor ftoulh of hi old place, and i oiwnlng out a bltf line of goHl. Mr. J.J. Adam will lead the half hour rvica lu ths parlor of tha Youug Mhii' ChrMlinn Aawoclatlon toniirht at h o'clock Youiiff men cor dinlly invltHl. -Mr. J. M. He a and Mi Therena Down, were married in I'rovlJence l)wnhlp thi afternoon, at the rel- detica of the bride father, Mr. V II. lown. Hev. Ro)rr Martin pfr formetl the crenony. New AdvertlamenU T-If . Morv IxiihIk -ll (' Mi Hire. laiiciiiK rlxts I'nif Allinitn. Irecripti - A M ii "! .V To. Itackel Slon- W J !!. .V fo- Wur tiniRi .Iilh H.rrion .V i'. Just nsviveil T I. Soic'e 't '. litli S'ri"t ( 'lirlitle IS an.l I. A i.ilion. Ta Maw Tba hallabury Herald baa bawo ahowa tba plana for Iba new bulld og of Uia I'reaby Urlan Orphan Home, al Harlow Mprloga. Tba I lb wra drawn by t'apc John A Hautay,of halubary. Tha Herald ay: rne main oauuiug u ui i of brick, nearly a handrad teal long, with central irllou three alorlee high. 1M will give ll au linpoalng aiiaaranca to traveler on lha rail road. while front lu npper wlndowi can be aern Ih peak of dlalanl iiiounlalha Ttie plan of lha build ing I Intentionally plain and almple, -i a to av. ld all neadlea alpenaaa, and secure the grealeat auiounl of comfort, convenience and elegance for the leal amount of ni'uer. Il la a cliarKal.le Uill t utlou. for deatitata orphan, to lr supported by the aim of alnd-hrartad people, many of w liom are Ihetuat-Ivea In atrallaned rl rcum.tanrr, aud It would te inaii lfetly Improper to expend the hard earned gift of the benevolent. In building - .ilr tructure almply to gratify Hi- for beautiful. The plau of the rrind and building present a ket h of railroad, sweep ing along In a grand curve around Ilia park like grounds In front of the lloinr. Nr it come th county road leading from Hlale.vllle Ui ( liar lotte. From tin rowd a semi circular drive rlae to Hie ll4i of the main building. which l in the centra of lh drive. Oil each iila of the main building, and fronting the circular drive, there are to be cottage of rarlou tyle and capacltiea. Their plan 1 Intend eil for development In future year, and a the necessities of the Home may require. Te i (11am u lrf. m HmXth tel. Tba National Hotel lUporler, of lltleacn, aayai The lluford llul.l, of Cbarlotio, N. (' . o(W suprlor ao eoiniuodatioba for inter luurlsia al loe-edlngly raasooahlo rale, lha ellntaieof the iluford la dry aud h.allhful. Tbe place I Inierratlng, oleaa aad attractive, aud a winter can be spent Ihere moal ploaaantly. (nali. Miss Wadaworlh and Mr. Cha. Wadsworth will receive their frlrnda till aveulug from h to 12 o'clock. Mr. and Mr Kd. K. llryan w III en- Wrlalu the Marrid Ladies Club llii avanlug The annual banuel of the Knlghta of Pythias la to be given at the llu ford Hotel tonight, aud It promise lo he a very brllllaul aflalr. There will also be an installation of o (Il ea re. Tie WaaAbar. ollolllg la a of weather prevailing at a m., today: I'he high barometer and cold ami clear weather coulluue to advance east ward. Temperature of from to It) degreea lelow freeilng prevail a. far outh as the I iulf aud a far eal a lieorgla. Temierature will far over tlil section to alxiut trrniug i. 1 by tomorrow morning ll-vv rain i art rrported from llir .onth, Allnnla i leallug with 2 Inc li. , 1 . 7 J at i Montgomery; I. at Klioivllle. A very high barometer I central in the extreme uorthw est. where l-m ira lurr are degrees In-low rt-r'o. iim ia rMWiii if 0.4 I sa aaika. ILev lr Y. KCreaay, pastor of lha Tryon irei Malbudlsl churrb, I la lUlelgh all.ndlng tbe liraod lJge of Masons 1 Mml alfbl be delivered an addrres lo lha Uraad ldg. One of the liilxreatlng Uilng of the eoe sloa was the rirt of lr. Illarkap- arlnlendenl at the Otford itrpbaa Asylum. When be took charge uierliiieudeal, on Janaary 1. I. there were SIB children OO the ft There were ejiu lled daring the y VI ; there werk place In home 41 turned to their bomea S3; diirul ran away X died f; and Inere are now u the asylum 213. Ttir plan of kisTiUoo have l-ean changed. HaraUvforr. some of Ui children would ba lu school I month, and out of aobMil and some of the Industrial dapeMn iwoniontha. Now every child school every day. the Industrial department tielug open n the morn ing, and the educational In the after noon, study boar closing al s :M p. ru. Mil plan baa worked admirably .and l heal Illy approved by all the teach er, while the Improvement uf the children haa been marked Modern aud Improved method of leaching are followed at both building, and physical cultur- and callitheolc have proer attention. The atale meiit of the receipt and dlbiires inrnle for I 'Vl ,how that the anioual received were: From Slate treasurer, tin.nia.) from (irand Ixdge, I'.KI; tnirro wed ly Ixiard of director, MrfH) ; from contribution, Ac, $!i,:TM74; a total of ri,7'.M 71; aud tviat lha a- I tnout paid out were : Kor current ex pense. J l,l.)7.:i0; nu old accounts, M.l'iiua; lotal a,7tH.74. There has' ieen paid on the uote of IJVX) tnaile mi I a A 1-UatsM a !. tm aaiaM1! rriMM4 rsna. Tbe aaaoad aaaaal kaaas af lUlhboa IxMlg. ?, Kaighie of I'ylhlaa will bm glv.a Iblaavaalag. al I'ja Hi ford Hotel. I'revl.iwe U tba baa owe I, there will be a pabl la in llatiea al ofQeera al lha liall A ral lavlUUea la attended the It la attead tba elercleaa r. IL K. Hlnaiaa will preJd al bauqusl aa toast maeler. Mr. . I1IU It. Iowd Will deliver the Vealtig ode, aad following blau, Mr. Vtalstead Mkraell will reepoad to toaal "Why w are here." Mr. Vy Dwd will reepood lo tbe ua and be one of aa." Mr. I bornet eel for Ui lai Now is Uu Tiai lo Baj OVEECOATS, Pric it cut on eTery OTerccit wo hATo in stock. WK IxJSTBTOr ATCOltT, WK H IMPLY MAKK X flUCK THAT WILL MOVr.TIIEM. A Ire lt. r6ay EMftaA M. CM Kreok peb title U "Cotue aaala." "ir will be Iba menu VilaUoa Half Hh. II maw t'bow Mpanlah Ollvee Pick lea Krvree Medo Clarel a Ham Tonga riardlnee olambla Halaton Haled Chicken Halad, Mayonnaise Iloaal Turkey Hrolled PaUld on Toaal Harabig Chip Celery P.raartin Ural Hherry Vanilla Ice Creaaa Madeira Wine Jelly Kcoppernong Korlrt Pound Cake KrullCak Cocoa mil Mtrtmnni Iidy Klnger Hcney J umble H re noli ( onfecllon Champagne Punch Orange Klg lUlsln Date Halted Almond Aaaorted Cracker Cream Cheeae French Co flee Ciooa Oolong Tea' : r aalaeaaj. The Charlotte member of the Cu ban party are expected home Satur day, letter were received yester day elating that they were off for a trip up Indian river, In Florida, and We would like to fill a Prescrip tion for yon; we have so many con veniences for dis pensing Pr:scrip tion We would you tQ see and OMiral lleiel arrival. A J Stark, N Y ; Harry A Ioche, Hallo It H Miller, Hhelby ; H I John-ton, N ('; DO Hall, Tenn II M r.urnley, Itolrt Johnson, V D Wairer, Howard Falrbrothcr, C M Hr.Mik.. N Y ; H H lioger, Ya; H K ( 'artimch. Phi la ; J a A Saunders Cha Carroll, Halto; Ed (iain. , Va Vm S Smith, N C; J M Kruce, Cincinnati; J I. Kanmey, Salll)iiry NC; H F Toole, Va; W M Francis Atlanta; J F. Kendall. N Y ; J 11 Hoge, lUllo; A Wllllnguam, At Unta. (ioorgla; H L Ttoun, Itel ui out. North Carolina; K igene Johnson, Salisbury, North Carolina M F Koera, Concord, North Carolina TN Haale. Georgia; T T Hmlth Charlotte, Norlli Carolina; J J Howe Plueville, North Carolina; LK Ful- lr, Lunibertoii North Carolina; () 1. Ilroora, Monroe, North Carolina; Miss Mamie Murphy, Monro?, NC; J H Clark ton, Jr Clarkton, N C; C L. Hopkins, North Carolina; P. K. K.-tker, King's Mouutalo, N C ; A l'ripi, South Carolina ; HH Lump kin, HUkeidiurg.Houth Carolina; J H Sloan, SC; KP Duer, Hallo; J H Kaufman, H C; JH Hoatwright, Staunton; LM Woodhuru, Marven ; Alex Iternheimer, N Y; J C Mo Kee. Chicago; H It Hatty, Raleigh, North Carolina; A H Hampllu, ashlngton. I J e"e- kk m -a Infants Hosiery and Bootees. Full stock of Woolen and Cotton Hosiery of every size; lloyj best wiiooljiose from l(k' upwarn; Olove ami Mittens deserve men tion and we hveoHllcs of tlieni to show. Mavbe you would like U know our (Peat stock ol Klannel I'mlerwear is also marked down way deep down. Fancy suitings. Inm drass stulls in leading materials, as liunnel.H, Mii-a cloths, homespun, ledfiird conls, eot., on the out price list. January is the ladies favorite month for ni lilack rfretwes; we clonl snow whv this month more than others; anyway its a fact and we are awake lo the demand and ready to show an unsurpassed line in silk warp Henriettas. Melange, Serge, all wool Henriettas, Bedford, etc. Keclaaer Imr W kUk.y Halm. ll I reported that at the next meeting of the hoard of aldermen, au effort will Iw made to pull down on the whiskey prescription business al the drug store. As The Nkw hear it. the board will pass au ordi nance requiring the druggist to keep a register allowing the name of very party to whom they soli w hin- key, how much the prescription called for, by what doctor pre.crilwd, and for what purpose It was pre scribed. This register shall e open to public Inspection, the same at the "poison register." A CM eve. The cold wave Mag waa displayed this morning, and the Indications are that lha snap I to be tha hardest freeze of the season. The tempera ture will probably fall about 40 de grees by k o'clock to-morrow morning.; Tell.. Trinity college at Durham isgoing to be an honor to the State. The main building la nearly completed at a ioet of $70,(JO, and Is substantial ly built. Dr. Ciowell's gift, in honor of his wife, the Technological build ing, la nearly completed, and work is progressing on the $:0,0U) Inn. Dr. Crowell, J. K Carr add B. N. Duke were appointed a committee, says the Advocate, to devise ways means for the completion of the Inn. Col. J. W. Alspaugh has been elected president of the board of trustees; Prof. YV. H. Pegrani suc ceed O. W. Carr, resigned, a secre tary, and B. N. Duke was re -elected treasurer. by the board, leaving balance j Ih it when that trip waa concluded, due of l,lO At the -fliiumg of the they would tlart for home year there were outstanding accounts to the amount ol t-'OloUi. There has been paid on these accouuts l.4i(r3, as above, leaving still due on these account 7il :T. The superintendent says : "Having ween the evils resulting from throw ing out into the world, upon their I ow n resources, girls at the critical period of sixteen years of age, and having visiled a number of similar leading institutions in northern cities, under the control of Protest ants, Catholics ajd Hebrews, and rindsug that without a single excep tion, they having also noticed the evils results, had extended the time for dismissal to not less thau Ih years, the suggestion is respectfully made that the Hoard recommend to the irand Iodge that our time for dis missal be placed at eighteen instead of sixteen yeaM of age." (XT a IrTI W ikm'l want looarry thraa, I lb unit nn that were I JS.OD aet aew 11 and ll t.'l.:) onm sr. 1&. Honw siagaal black JutiUc breaad fbati ara bare, staa M T7 in. I W. that wvr rtMapallJO! Tbay ga no l lli.i. IIX7. and 11V Vry baac iry wttghl t lMen lhal oU km lit aiW now tlO. Purely it will not require a aoU wave Uiuuve tbetn al thai pnn. A lew im UA In Cap. Ovrrooala, aataa ith woolen and aont with wsiarproof Ha- ins. lu-ilimeii as hsiowa I ma iiiju to 113 ;:. from IIC.M)toll3Ju; uvea 115 lo lift, A II rheaper costs are reduced la saa propor- tiofi, Rogers & Co. A HI a Ieel Ih Clathlaa. liogers A Co., this, moruinc itought out the entire stock of goods of the McDowell (Hothiug Company. The stock Is valued at from fin 030 to $12,000, and will ba at once transfer red to ilogtrsdt Co'a store in the Bry an building. They bought the stock cheap and they intend to sell it olT at cheap prices. Their special sale is now being arranged, and will he an nounced In Thb Nkws shortly. BETTER NEWS -o- Chililren ami Misses Cloak from I to IS yrs. Jackets " .stoisvrs. Now offered at very modest prices to close the lot ami mke room for the erandosv line of embroideries ever opened in this' house; Kvexv lady not vet provided wit li rnp can get a real nice or axtremely liandsome one at alnut half price: not many left but we dont want any stall; Come and tot the new and positively the lowest price yet put on such goods. The Remnant counter proves a sikwss and all are amar.oil at the wonderful pi ices found on its goods. (riHts ar also oenig saennceu 10 make nwn for other gods. Our line of Motitiette Kugs al f J are ex tra value. The strike of tha Kxpreae Messenger. The Koulhern Express Company seems to be moving Its business along with considerable regularity, despite the strike of tba messengers. There were no messengers on the train froai Atlauta yesterday morn ing, but the messengers in Atlanta struck just before that train went out and the company did not have time to fill their places. A representative of the company told a Nkws reporter that the only result of the strike would be a temporary I jcouvetiieuoe to the company as there is a perfect flood of applicants for the place of the strikers. In the course of a few days, these new men will be thor oughly broken into their work and the business of the company will be conducted as If there had been no such a thing as a strike. The ex press cars today were filled with new men. LADIES $2 SHOES; I :-: I WE have Just received another shipmet of onr Ladies 2 Bhoe. Wa ara now buying these Shoes from three factories. We cant say tbey ara runnlDf full time on our orders ; but we keep orders there all tbe time, and keep tba Hhoes coming, so that we are at le to fit any foot. Come in and see wbat a handsome Shoe we are handing out for a two dollar bill or two dollars In silver. Kvery pair warranted. GRAY fc BA11NIIARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIE. N. 0 Prompt attention given to all If ail Orders." THICK SOLES. The best investment any one can make is a pair of our thfck sola ihoea Mens qest calf Double Bole Lace or Congress, plain or box toe, price $7,50 These are the best that can be built. A full line at $5, 4 and $3; each Una represents a value superior to anything in tbe market Ladles Cork Hole Button, best Kangaroo Kid, price $3,50. This shoe la perfectly waterproof, the best stock ever pat in a shoe, and will wear aa long , as two pair of ordinary shoes. We have all kind of footwear, to suit $11 kind of people. Give us a call. QILREATH 8c OO, Open every evening till8:00; Saturday till 11:00. Blankets! Blan kets! Blankets! The Klkin Blankets mighty near sell and wrap themselves; Thev are pure X. C wool and go at H. and tapatr; weish extra lioavv and show extra sine. Comforts $1 up. The sum total of the whole matter is we offer entire linos of new and seasonable goods at verv leasonable prices; Just such things as von dailv need; A look rhrough the line if Knrs. M ofts. etc. woven (seemlesel skirts. Muslin I'mlerwear ami many other such ar ticles will indelibly impress the fact upon a doubting one. The favorite corset waist for ladies is in our stock that club is growing nghfalong. Kemeiii her Cloaks at about half price. Klkin Blankets at 4. Kiu sets had a tumble, at A Beautiful Line F U R nTt U R E Continues to be Offered the Publie by 33 URGE S S NICHOLS THR HOLIDAYS' HAVE O0NE BUT PRICKS STILL RK MAIN CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOR 8UIT8, CHAMFER 8UIT8, ABINET8, HALL CHAIK8 AND RACK8, DIMM) TABLK8 AND DININO ROOM FURNITURE, PLlHH ROCK ERS, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ac Call and see , - s . R. S Sloan : - - Fornitnre Dealer. Room UXDERTAKER. Night call, No. 6, Bryan building, over Rogers ACo, . L. ALE XIN DEE, S ON & CO.

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