i THE UHARLQTTB NEWS; VOLUMK VII. OIIAULOTTE. N. 0. BATUHDAV EVKKIKO..I AKUA11Y 10,1802 xumiu:u loi Scieles JAN. 10 isoa. ? twra4e u . - JUST RECEIVED A leeattfal Ilia of CtierkeJ Mirlp4 aad DIMITIES I forked aod Striped NAINSOOKS Plaid Muslins in all Qualities. Ak l i.irj) In II ainliurg C, yard for Vio. J dilferent pattern T. L Seiglo & CO. rd Wai.rryi ! MMui,tui elf hi HUJlfU da j ehaae l rary aai railroad ae Mf lel ltmoi l mm ewt4eat lhal ltH (im XWV fatal la ala Nt a laa 111! a cap ffwan luUii data a Ia4e4 antrecalwaa. II flrtag fo a fralf tit ttilM, of lb Jf naa?4 id luhllM la W hleh tfa Aram a a iMti do fcalov aat lfe itift( lu I Lu pith on la tup of lh boll. A lit Male rd lf elan K I Modtltlt. Ilia UU dropped imjI. latUef he dowa lain la faraeo. Tba t I i aaped Ifttoagh Ih doof of In fir bo i and blew Ih flrwaa elaer off ( (la. Th trala wa g"lf rtl of JO ealU aa lioar al lb Uric. backed lo lha aratie of the ar rl1nl, Bad Oa 0rmaa waa f.-abl ou Hi eld of lh fod III ll"ol dr wa lro aod ha wa ealdr.t 1 a'il Ih f n anl arm. II carried lo King' M.Hinlala, and m brought uo lo Charlotte al S o'clock Ihla moraine. Ir (ill.l-in, hi la Heading him, aaya !'! h will re- mrer. N II V. rr.l - Is', .J Tr yon at CHAllMVPrK, N. C Recamipr Cream, Balm, Soap Freckle Latiao. The finest Toilet articles known. Made l.y MUM. HAKUIKT Hl'H BARDAVKR New York. Borwe 1 Ilium Mr Har Hend"n returned j Ihla fuorolnr from a vlalt l Meliua . and Mootg-'inery, Ala. Mlaa I'altl Morrla. daughter of Ih laU II. C Mrru. returned . l'ere Inatitula thl morning, i - Thr ill h dllnr ervlc with . Holy Comniaolon al M Mark H aoa-vllral l.ulhran liurrli oil Hunda nirnlnif. brl nnlii al 1 1 a ni. i'hlrf of jllc iHrk Via on now waara a alrllah xllr rai. of lha regulation pattern. It rnl l lo him by III ntriulvra of lha forrv Maiiulri I. Maxwrll io Uv r rlvx1 a chr-k from Ifi Hi. I auill lor fr ii, payahla to J K. Hlarna and I. D. Johuatou. tt.rlr reward for th rapljrfi of John WlUon, tha niurilrr. Tha flra alarm wna turned In al S o'clock Ihla tnnrnlnr for a hlai I h coal acini la of tha Klrhimtiitl A Danville. A lire kludlad by the band i.'iilt! tha tlmln-r of tha aiructnr. liul llllla damage u dona. Mr. J. A. Ingram, of llen.leraon, Texaa, wa married In thl rily to day, lo Ml Katie MH'ormirk, of Richmond comity. Th ceremony wa performed by Kajirle DJ J. Mix- well, at tha realdenca of . I. Har mon. l. r.aat l raa eireei. TlIK Nkw.i i Indebted to llev J M. 'arpenter, ptr of the t liurch treat Method!! church, for a am- phlet roiitnlnlng lha proreedlnu of the Wettern North Carolina Annual I'onference, held at Ahavilla. laat Niivrmlwr. The pamphlet la edited byl'.U. Mi)nt(rmery. the aecretary, and l very ably prepared. Tha Kiur' Mou nlala Newa aa a : Tha old Lincoln puper Inlll were old on lat M oihI ii v to aati'y a mortifaife of the Klrat National llitnk of Charlolto, N. I The property wa bought by Mr. liobt. 0un, of 'harlotte, N. I' . for tha anui of SIl.C'O. A nea- company I to le formal and tho pronrty much im proved In varlon way. kka Ma. twti IU Ua y aaf tavaa)1 4a ia t'liuUu AIUmimmI f Ita dataliaaial cnaBllk-a f Lba otf Maw'a iartauaa Awialia j ita aatwri af lha ail will p(taxh laJ Maoki la oa a g , liia ( la balaf aa fellow i 'It lha yo,a aaaa Abaalaaa aafa, T XI p au. 1U. W IV AaaUa. al lba TrwJ ! HafUl rharcb. Tba yaaag nut wboaa Jaaa to' aj. II a. aa , al Via A. It. f. ebafeb Koaih Trraa ia-ai. by lUv ('. K. Todl 'A ftai optKtrlaally." II a tn,IU IL t". KaJ. t. !. IW.tJ fraabyi rlaa abarcb. .Nofih Tryoe Uat "Wliil liira waakladT : p. m . lUv J It. t'arpaU, 1'harrh laal U K efiureh. "A pawlal r mo a ulld to lha yoaa anaa of ihla mailing, baatllog ag. T Bi p. ni , IUt. W. K Crcaay, I. I . of Tryoa alfoal M. M church, al V M V. A Hall Th 1 1 glow of lha body," II am. lUr. raok I llaol. lirahaiu irl I'rrabyiarlaa cbareh. Traa maabid." 7 :aO p. tti , lUv. (I A. )'. al HairoaiM. K. church. A ! I al araooa V young man " T JO p m.lUr A l McMaonaway, () H . Tr oo alroot HaplJal rhorch. Oa account of tha lllnea of Dr. Ilowman. of lb Lutheran church cininiunlou aarvlra ha leaD poal pooad aral weeka ; It will ba ob rvad tomorrow morning al II clock and the loclr will praarh a MtDioo t- young man at a later datrv Mr. W. It dale, of Vlolon.aaalat- anl Htate Secretary, will five a ipa clal talk to man at tha Rally at lha ' oqng Mrn'i Cli'llln A aaaxvclatlnn al 4 :.HJ p in , to which man ar pot ' illally ln ited. Mr. (ialaa give a I good talk and tboaa who hervrd him TALKS ABOUT DEAD FAIRS. Hlo turn (jatarrn turn kM raaa V rao waa a Maa Im ka a ir -aar-arf al a kvl I ria IH4 .A lif WaM taata we la ! 4 -wa ava raa aiantaa run tmi.ii tifore a III wlh lo haar him again. The litlly ara Interesting and en )oyabla and tha parlor wa crowded laal Sunday at Dr Craaar'a talk. Hot t -m Mnr I rmtm Ola Ntrk. Nearly averybody In Charlotta ra eel red circular throogh tha mall to-dav. pral Ing a certain hranu of vhlkey Tha circular glvaa Ilia prlca of tha truck ami contain a lot of testimonial. m i The latter are unique. Hera I a aa tuple : A croml.ient lawyer and editor write. . N. C, Feb. 3t, NO. I ieiitlemen ; I ntlnta rata of ad verting Old Nick waa an old frle id of the writer yearn and year ago when a atudant at "IOgTow n." Judge IVaraon'a Law Hehool. Would like to aarnpla aorue of the aarue old atofl. I will take pleaaure In giving promi nence to ad. by local ref"enca and peraonat apieala to peroul friend and dealer. I lre(u nlly tell my wife a little of the "crebr" help my throat I ahall expnet the ad and a aauiple. 'oura Truly, Weeklir (lank Hlalcmenl. WADLKSA LK AND RKTA I L Druggists. SHOK8 FOR THE MILLION. We have them tomj bottom I aiterand and at pneea. wiy -we am i or- V New ArtrerlUinetiU To )y. 'of age for rent. Norton vain J Kil t an-- For rent -I tail -r liavnUm, A Ka cpinn aalc H(jnn V t'o. Toolh powder--A M hie,t lo. it lanlcm wanteil-Win Wedlock. Wi for Hie I ir.m,ii A kl Kaiikiu A Hni A thalxilii-al inlrigm Ja' Hnrripon A o. Reserved Increase .S.KI4,i00. Ioana Increase l4'V0. Hpecle lncro.io 6,M9,J0O. Lapal Tender increaae .ISWL Depoaita Increaxe 9,010,0X10 Circulation increase 27,700. Mr. Hallie H augtiton 'and Miaa Prttti Htlnson. two Mecklenburg ladle who recently settled in Colo rado, write home that for the pant few week, the snow on their ranch ha been f feet deep on a level Tliev re in jrood health, though, and aeeni to enjoy life out there. s TOOTH POWDER AT B. REESE & CO. 25 Cents a Box. CZ2 02 E Tla pari aroaod lha alar lo U drag alora laal algt.i, aoau way or aavlhr gal lo Ulklug about r.-unly 1 falra. "I woodr If w wl l r ha I aaolbr ooa la I'barloit oua of lba payMT maad "No, air, prompt ly pel up aaoihar, "for il laal fair dlad lha death. I oaver aw a thing dla la wore earal. Tha beat thing about lha whola bualaaaa waa lha ae- lloaof ih board of dlrcurln award lug a allvar plthr lo ih riricr who bad boomed and bolalartd lha fair la lha local dally. Thepllchar waa awarded hltu on lha ground lhal ha waa a capable and mrrllurlou trait-bar of tha blankaL The nvwepapar ti) a o hapauad lo ba ooa of lba gToup, and ha auggealed thai tha blalory or lha I'oplar lent fair ought lo h gotten up In pamph ll form aud praaerved lo poalerlly. "Tall ua aboul II," Came aavrral voict a al one. Tha nwaper man had Dot long t tarry, but ha contented to letch In outline, a few facta In the hlalury of a fair whoae origin and carr ware unique "About J, Dr. Coluinhu Mill aud a nuiulwr of the ueighttoring farmer of tha then proaperou lo lar Tent action had an eihlblllou of bliMtdad cattle. It w a tha flueat how of th chracter ever known In the H Late, and after It waa all ovrr.tha euggaallon f r an annual fair wa made. All were In for It at once. Orounda ware bought and fenced In, building erected, aud the Poplar Tent fair wa uhered Into hllnry. For Ave atnmer. ' he fair had a great run, but on the alxth year, It lagged oat- I wa there al lu death, and I think lhal if ever a thing did die In good tyle, that fair did." "The farmer didn't bring a thing, nol even o much a a tick ; hut they juat itood around chewing tobacco and laughirTg at the but The ladle congregated In Moral hall, admired the ijuliu, helped each other to eat the preaarvea and pickle, and talked all the time about what a ahame it waa thai the men were ao mean. The agent of an agricultural houe who had a patent plow in Agricultural Hall ( tha hall "ti a ahady patch of ground under au oak tree finally drove oft in high dudgeon leaving the plow on the hand of the association. The secretary and treasurer and the commit tee on resolution met a few days afterward and fixed up papers by which the Poplar Tent and St. John' falrf were consolidated at Concord, and they now have there an annual fair that is worth going to aee." "About the time the Poplar Tent fair started," cont'uued the newspa per man, "I had just come to Char lotte as local editor of a daily, ami I took every advantage, to show my loyalty to Cabarrus. To help out the fair, I got up a story of a bull fight that was to take plac. 1 w rote it up in grarahie style and the article was eoplef In the papers from Maine to the Rio Grande. Incidentally, I bad mentioned that if any one didn't be lieve the hull flfrht would take place as described, they could write to Hhake Harris. Shake wa postmaster at Poplai Tent. It was an unnsual thlngfor the weekly mail bag to come .a half g 114, bat I a faW 4y ai la !! alicia a boat I lba fcwll 4l luni. i&e tpLavr Teal poalwfBaa waa faa) yaed A mmtk drwv ap, lla priaf ban l iu;albe ky ihm waifkl of ih aiall bag. TVa bag olaJaa4 leiwr. cirralara aad papara frwaa hattiaua aurlallaal all evf lha Ualla4 Hlale, all aJJf aa J lo lha poliaa Ur and pfolawliag agalail lha ball flgbl. Miai wa la a harry aad a wa niad. Tti poaaolIW, bleb rupUil a eoraa of lha W.fa.eowld aol bagln lu bold lb tafj. bal b pc k k4 II away uiuir coaalar, 6tta4 ap tha TKtut aparoa lu lba ehslvlag aad ihrvw a fw aack up lalo the garret. From that day u ihla, Ibal tra baa ( navr ran anori oa wrapplag a "Tha big I'oplar Teal draak a-j baa ovf val boao plaloed In (flol II ralaad I maadoualy all day loag aad tody ou lba hill wa draak. Tl waa tl.e day ol ld high, A f low waa ua the ground with a wage load of oal. Yihj paid AO caol far a bundl aad found a u,uart (of llUor down lo lha oale. Tbare wa r vou agol on Iti grouada tliat day. but h tughl a many oat aa anybody alaa." -It waa lha Poplar Tant lair Ibal originated Ilia Uea of public mar rlaga. CapL Chaa. Mc IVonald gol up tha achema, and furolahad lha brld nd groom. Col. Tho. Koblnaoo married tha couple. County fair vcrrwhere caught up tha Idea aod no fair waa coualdared complete without a wedding ine :o la en the head of ( baa. McDonald " An lalaMaal Maal. The big building of the I). A. Tomkln Company, corner of Fourth and College (treat, I lo be lighted by an Individual electric plant, which 1 now being placed. Tha plant will conaUl of oOeleclrle light. A SWEEPING SALE O F CLOTHES. Marrlaca Mail f . Card have been laaaad for lha marriage of Mr. John W. Powell to Ml Mesa I e I'egram, daughter of the lale V. W. I'egram. Tha ceremony la to te performed next Wadneaday afternoon at th residence of Mr. M. hi I'egram, on HoulhTryon a tree U CO 1 o GO Special Prices On a rack chock full of Ladies and Misses full, regular made, hrench toes, ribbed and plain Hose FLANNEL HUIT8, ALL SIKS. This ia fine weather to say IUan keta and Elkin at f 4, $. $H lead. Wraps at aimost half price. Henmants way down. As fine aline of Embroideries as was ever opened In t' if town " up ward, from deep to S luces. Stripes sold very close, all ut w. New Nainsooks andL.wtis. Something entirely new in Nain sook, i Grand Laces. assortment of Torchen The ladle of th First Presbyterian church have started a movement for a mural tablet to the late Dr. A. W Miller, to be placed in the veallbnl of the First Presbyterian church Already ulte a handsome sum baa been ubscrltmd. All the ladlea who desire to aid in the movement, can leave their subscription at the atore of M. P. Pegram, Jr. The Hunday school will pay a trib ute to Dr. Miller' memorv in the contribution of a baptismal font. Their lu Oolag Abroad. Cnder the head of Trade Items, the Iron Age of New York, haa thl to say of one of Charlotte's hard ware firms: Rrown Weddlngton A Co , Charlotte, N. C, have recently t.tken possession of their building on College street, which has been fitted up exclusively for their wholesale department The building is 60x10 feet, three stories and a basement; and will lie in charge of Col. John L ltrown and P. M. Brown. The retail business will lie continued at the old stand, under the management of J. H. Weddlngton. The firm employ four traveling men, and do au exten sive business North and Kouth Carc lina. The increase In their business nessitates larger accommodations. The congregations of the First Presbyterian church and Ass-iciite Reformed church, will worship to gether to-morrow morning at the Associate Keformed church, and at night at the First Presbyterian church. The services will be conduct ed by Rev. C. H Todd. The collec tions, morning and night, will be divided between the two churches. Tho entire Stock of tho McDowell Cloth ing Company was sold to us by tho Roceivor at a GREAT SaCRIFIuE FOR SPOT CASH, We oiler this $15,000 aUxk of Fine Clothing, Htta, and Furnishings at less than half value. It is a new clean stock, as the firm was in business only a few months, and it will be sold cheaper than any Clothing was ever sold in Charlotte. This is a Cash sale. ROGERS & CO. Open till 11:30 this p. m. 21 West Trade street. LADIES S2 SHOES. I 2 I WE havejuct received another shlpmet of oar Ladle ft Hhoe. Wear now buying these Hhoe from three factorle.We cant say they.axe man! full time on our orders; but we keep order there all the time, aod keep lb Hhoes coming, ao that we are at le to fit any foot. Coiue In aod ae what a handsome Hhoe we are hauding out for a two dollar bill or two dollars la silver. Every pair warranted. GRAY & 1. AKNIIAKDT. 19 East Trade Street, CITARIXT1R. N. C - Prompt attention giveo to all Mailorder. THICK SOLES. ""1 P3 The best investment any one can make Is a pair of oar thtck iole ghoet Mens qest calf Doable Sole Lace or Congress, plain or box toe, price 17,50;. These are the best that can be built A full line at 15, 4 and S3: each Una a repreaenta a value superior to anything in the market , (' -,- Ladies Cork Bole Button, best Kangaroo Kid, price $30. Thlashoala perfectly waterproof, the best stock ever pat in a shoe, and will wear aa long aa two pair of ordinary shoe. We have all kind of footwear, to salt all kind of people. Give ns a call. " ' , QILREATH & OO. Open every evening tillI8:00; Baturday till 11 KM. ' ' " ' ' A Beautiful Line v-O-F- FURNITURE Continues to be Offered the Public by B URGES S NICHOLS. THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES STILL RK- ' MAIN CHEAP. ELRG NT PARLOR 8U1TS, CHAMFER SUITS, CABINETS, HALL CHAIK8 AND RACKS, DIMKU , TABLK8 AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ERS, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ac. Call and see . BURGESS NICHOLS R. S Sloan, - - - Fraito' Dealer. Room UNDERTAKER. Nigh I call, No, Brran bulldlog, over Roger ACot T. L. AMI AN DEE, SION & CO.

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