Ujo Ltioriotto Nowb III IB-II uilu 4 hfr.tU r wVitjvi fa ; Mr liri It I Si firm, i i i I M j I IM I W tO-'OAHMSKii.' OkMMf Waail.sf Hara a&iassu s taa. a Tfc rfiaia It ta mi x ifc fm-if Luj, l t Umn inn n al riatl ik arB u iW M atirf 1 r t II W ! n li f ltil)l r aaaofv w U.Kft .( u I II M J tl P wiiuti rmara ? Tb mmI Ut pr(rUoo fr a 4moauiiMi aalni Cbila ' yiutrssa l U rtoua rajr yard a.daf rfl rdara from tha dspart Mil it U Ihtl tha rWrsiary hu ItBimr tberoughly oonlDrJ that ill. L. - n vtoar of hi tidlaf that tbara will b no fhaur In th fitat ttllll-l- Chile A factor la this balUt k Iboacril to l ln" bmttioi eblad north ly Admiral WalkM MMmUtIiIm to tha aftacl that 100 aorpadoaa bae Just u hipped Ibroafb thai port from Ka ron for Cblla. If till ba Uu II voald Mam a though ChlU wara al ImiI prapaj-lof for war haraalf. and thU rlaw di to tha theory that ba baa decided upon her course of ftctioo. Chile has by llili lima had aoffleUnt waxnlof of tlm temper ot b Unlid State to uudersuiut thai fjja eM bu rorue down to a rholra batwn ao npolojry r flK't nd If ba b making raady for war It can hardly b a a precautionary miaa- Bra wd an iot hb w a m . . own haudi U fling down or to put way. OthV nnroUUkabl preparallona antob dlacarned. It I nald, auch at tha dltpateblngof a f)et of thra - A-nlA Iwiat from ClUlMil auiu a l'" Valparalao under aeld ordr, vhlch waa raporUd from Chile from prlTaU ooroytrday. It U the ..liu.iinlnlnn at tha NaVT I- V 1 " - partment that thin fleet in bound for th Straight of Magnellan, which will b, ton cerUln extent, the Ley to the aouthern half of the aituatlon. A eomparlTly email number of Wall-armed vessels advantageously placed In the straits could iu the opinion of naval experts, bold that Important passage against a large fleet TbU would not necessarily prevent the ultimate rounding of Cap Horn by an American quad ron bound for Chile, as two days steaming at most would carry th ahlpa Into the Pacific by an out ald root. Th theory la, however, that It I the desire of the Chilean government to affrd ample protec tion to it important coal and supply Station at Porto Cabello. in the trait. The capture of this station would be a serious blow to the ene my, and might ultimately be made an object of a campaign In the south ern water in case of hostilities. As it Is supposing the straits to be their destinations can easily reach that point before Admiral Walker, who is now at Montevideo with the Chicago, Atlanta, and Bennington. The Concord is also on her way to Montevideo. Other vessels are stationed on the Pacific as follows: The Yorktown is at Valparlso; the Hoston is at Callao, Pern; the Charleston, Ban Francisco and Baltimore are at Ban Francisco. Besides these new ships there are the Essex and Yantlc at Montevideo. Mr. Newberry, has introduced in the House a bill having as its object . an Improvement in spelling by the people of the country. The bill au thorises the establishment of spell- ing schools at the World's Fair, for which $100,00018 appropriated, and of similar schools at New York, Washington, and Chicago, for which $160,000 is appropriated. A preamble to;the bill recites the lack of uni formity In th matter of spelling ; and the little attention paid to this branch of education generally. It is proposed to ' correct this as far as possible by the estab lishment of these' large schools, 1 with Ihe addition of 100 similar t no 9 j in Yarlous parts of th country, and, aCCOrdlug W VUG ULll, Oil. VU Story, of Chicago, is to have general direction of the proposed reform. rw Tm , . 1 MS - f tiaa.. aa as af l'sarf fto (Mm ! rtM .. at as a aw. Pa. wttl N 7 tawlw a UU rswvUl, M la WsMi 4 rWvr f I Ma TVss Ua ei4iaJ fatfU lia U IhasW, K a rUaat la laaiw.y. l kulf i iiiaiialaitrlt- l-t t'aIH- s ia. "al 1 VM y atas a4a aa fe a an' pa Ute t'(fMM m4 wWatbsf laa Sun wsl4 aip4 l iaa4afcBl I ll pessiBl UtM I arstMslali lfJJi Mil iaurtareue ay a4 will a44rs Iba fUaiaa ( las k)aC Jt whs It is will ba I J aalkasv, Wat I ata keuly la fao I lha I4a. a4 Uwsl Ual II asay la Ubm Wa4opw4 A frelaay Nils aava Wmb lairlac4 with 11 a.l U,Ull ktT, Ml tt.ssu trial eoa-iJs'aUou thai wo Id teM ma vo aay wtalhat I favr Ihsm or a." Tfc I k.mcx-raUf majority lo ti loM S BOW Otl r4M4 With Irftxi ha aaluldlea a4 olbaf elpaedllarr. Wbsa Ua Hssh ansl yralr1ay ao Blag ll Uaraed thai Mr tlul Mtsliss ehaaged Ma Baled rrftani- . . r ill. - - rnlaikB and prtrsl T MtS Is Btllrsl,w. J bad dlovrd thai lha opltVrej lha rt-'lalloa as not as pnwarfal as ha bad si first bsea led lo ballava, aad ISe result showed thai bl later loformatloti waa porfert Tha Brat eolation agalaal suUldls was adopted by a vole of ZT. lo 41, whlls or lha eefiind alioa ralaling U) monrlatluns lha ?oU was IM to W I Relocate Hiullh, of Arlsona, Hataf dy InUoduoed a bill providing fr th adrulaaloa of lha Territory of Ariiona Into the I' n Ion Id a-MHirdanee with the constitution harelofora rat Ifled and adopted by the people of tha Territory. Tha act I to take ef frl on Jauoary I, le The people of the Territory are authorlrrd at the general election Id ovetnher toeleyl rtate nf!crs and inenibera of the UirUlalur and. Vina lUprraonlallv In Congraaa, jaMioaa trma, airept U tha rrpreanUtlva, shall begl at the liaie Itie act take afTct- At the meeting of the legislature two t'nlt- mI Htatea Henalors are to he rhoaeii. linger, the acalptor of thermnple tlon of the Washington monument at Hlchmond and of tin. Coliitnliud figures on the Capitol's hronxa drxirs and ao many other notable thing likely to live In tha hUtory of Ameri can art. Is dead, with the Illustrious who have gone to their long home this January. Mr. llogers died of pneumonia In the mild winter cli mate of 1 tome. It would seem that that type of disease Is unusually prevalent everywhere. The twelve-inch gun recently com pleted at the navy yard for the Mnn- .rr Mit 4ft mo. according to the final report received at the Navy Department. The labor on It cost hut ifl 000. The run weighs 104,000 pounds, and thus cost about 40 cents a pound, or nearly half tha average cost of irons of the same size abroad This is regarded as an excellent showing for the foundry. The reduction of the cotton acreage by 20 per cent , as recommended by the Memphis convention. Is general ly approved by the cotton-state news papers and seems to be a wlte propo sition. It Is estimated that It would reduce the crop fully a million bales below the excessive production of the past year. It would probably re duce it more than that figure. It is said that a sleeping car which costs $10,000 pays a profit of $.1,000 per nnnm. Thirtv oer cent on an in vestment is a pretty heavy dividend, hut. as is the case with numerous other things, there is noth ing for the public to do but to grin and bear It. Cleopatra has been rivaled In her pearl achievement by the Cincin nati ostrich who, on po't-mortem ex amination, was found to have swal lowed an $800 diamond. The Democratic National commit tee meets in Washington on Thurs day 21 8 1. Personal and Otherwise. rH Kniniprson. son of the late Ralph wiitn Rmemnn. lectured in Bt. l-ouis Tues day evening on ' The lessons of the soldier, rii an eTtiinl from the late war ." The example chosen was Urig. (Jen. Charles Rus- ui I stroll h nenhew ot James Kussul ixwen. The governors of the Manhattan Club, of wm vrt- nu Tlmnulav nlir lit and resoiveii i' . T. . V. n, " ' - ' to tender a public reception to Senator David U. Hill on the evening of January 26. The date was seleoted by the ex-governor. Archbishop Ireland, ort. ram, is on ins way to Liege. Belgium, to attend the Inter national Catholic Confeience, and will be ab sent about four months. Many of the Illinois Prohibitionist are in favor of Rev. Joseph Cook, the Boston lec turer, as a Presidential candidate. Him Preaeace Neeeasarr. George "Whew! What can be the matter? Telegram says. 'Come home immediately.' " George (rushing into his surburban home one f hour later) "Tell nie quick my dear. What is it?" Young Wife "The baby said 'Mama.'" The celebrated 'Pin Money Picklee," and 11 other fine brands, at BONNBY & VAN NE88. tas risifll t'earol Ha'ael A fuel, kit t Use 4.1 ! fbllaieiy t'la, haalmb glvla cI.-m iuilkB ! lha rilt f lbs was lisillus al Iwsis, sa J ymn,it4f lhal l"l"U OH tlx frwatls4 t CsUss.i .. tar sst n- i resllf ef sefBrlcbl li ftar lu i rll4 by Ui kiwi nt i.iuii.)i. l etil aw." oilael. "ti i Ille.U f lb - f I 'evltlunli has tmmm Ibsl ' oullaarv l.i.r ('is lilBae' t unUosii In II. Mtllraa llir. ills impu'tnir r ubs la lb same dr s thai of I tut rla Mailla . rr ulu n-uisi t y i r m,I, iIki ss stlU.t al 11 . sUtal a -sf "Ilarta Is r veil kimau, . ever. I Ibe rll of rl U ls rap 1 1 si of lite stale of '..fiafm I ! wtirfi- llf (udlrlar ran five a full irf.unl of hlaa aad bis .oudurl. f l.i. '. I.r waa enpl:rl lu dy I" fris !- es rape the vsnifTaiir- -I ulr(i'-.l lea Thar lis slsfled In u"""!"!"' r" lerprlM lii psrtiirf si.ij, aiu. Msrtl iei Itull Kaiil.rsl a drirr ff.uu Ihe Mrilran army, in hlc-N lie s aeeanl llooleusiil sn.l ino ..llirt Milllli-sl lslerad' "f ni' slaiup the paper K lll.li'in heel lull InJo.-rin n.l In-nll. rtefwl ! the got r r iiiiivn I al fx inr "J4silri. If ar I" l-llr.- Ilir i-roeills of evrtl Hi' eriil.p ! n fr.mi llil. cviiun ir m !. IHiflfil lhrt.h(tli Ihe sister rr u' ll.-. m-l II. r newIaers of i"uiilii i f' greesliiK dally 1'h I --, l'- ' ' romlns tuore etlui-atrd. nrrj i. Mr there wants t. pr--r uu.l't tin tvoefirsol ahad.ia i.f Ihr. -.- f Latillshed liV I'rrslilrlit 1I. slid there not a liitrU polith-al parly In opposition i" the iivrrmi.. ni with the eirrpll.in ft Ihr t all. "lie priesls aud s.inii. frw a(rltsl..r alio deslr ti hrliiK al-ul tli old union betanttn the stale and thr i liurrl "The storlesoffrrmiriilrrvoliitioiin are due chlffly Uipeulallors. I 'dry Invent the revolution. send rnsatioii al telp(rains to lnidoii ami llrtlln. aad thru follow, tlir drpri-lntlon of the Mrllrail values, of ahirh td" sperulaUirs takn ad v n n t I.uxlin; al low prlcrfianil reaping c-oii.i.l. r.tMi proflU at the rx-ne "f trie nMlon.l aell-heliiK and Un nnllool name, Irumrdlately aftr the r.-voln lion Is killed, that Is all. -Werr hr a Iniii fide r vol ul Ion lt actuated by hlgb prlnrlpUs of h.M ral rrfnrin of soclnl or govrriim-nUl evils eilstliur In the State, lie would not at the very outset of hl I'liixmle aiitagonlrn a great nation like the I lilted HUitee. Ill at he will In- shot or hung Is merely a matter of time. Me has only shown one murk of goixl sense anil that was In choo'lni! trie most ungodly portion of Mexlinn and American territory to operate In. A sandy, desolate, shirk ly-sh rubbed i-ounlry, In which It Is ditlirull to find anything or anybody. "The irreat outside world ha pretty well learned that the Mrxiro of to- is not the Mexicoof twenty yenr and that with auood rutlnunl yst. in. a well equipped army and a feiirle executive, revolutions are things of the past." Intense I olil In Ihe NorthweM. Thursday night wan probably the coldest of the season in lh north west, and It Is doubtful whether there will he a night e.inl to it for some years. The mercury went down un til It froze In many localities, in fact, all through the northern purl of Min nesota, In Manitoba. North Dakota and in (he Canadian northwest the temperature ranged from :l to Mi bo low .ero on spirit thermometers. In Ht Paul it recorded J below at the weather bureau, and In various parts ofthe city thermometers recorded from 5 to 10 degrees lower. At 11 o'clock yesterday it was is below nt Pembina, In the northern part of North Dakota. Fergus Falls reports SO below yesterday lnn-nlng, this be ing the sixteenth consecutive morn ing With the mercury below zero. Kismarck reports temperature nt L'l below, Ht. Vincent 4(1 below. Moor head 2K below and Winnipeg 4- he low. In HL Paul last night the tem perature down town was HI below, whlla In the more exposed purts of the city, In the residence portion, it ran down 6 to 10 degrees lower. A heavy snow storm is reporxen m iik Point, H. D .bututHt. Paul it is clear and cold. Home favor a tarilT for revenue only some a tariil with incidental protec tion, and some a tariil for protection, per so: but a large majority favor tho free use of Halvation Oil for bruises, elc. Pills often leave a person consti pated. Himmons Liver Itegulator never does. Many Persons arc broken Sown from overwork or houst ljolil mn Urown's Iron Bitters rtrimiMs the system, aid digestion, rcmovi xcxn sso! bile. Slid cures uiulurio. lict tin- i uuii.e- LAGER BEER. o : o: o EXPORT BEER -o:- We will deliver in quan tities of one dozen or more to any part of the town. Business hours from 7 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p. m. R. Fortoer Brewing Cc, C. VALER, Agent. for Infanto ihtiku ttaa. at U. l;l a& iMt ss. . lukAV T ml TMMS H SI l Kill 1 t.. v. m, eUe "-" ?A . m. t n i r . n iMiira mmi i -- TM I WISH YOU ALL A n n .1 M. P. PEGRAH, JR. Hi SOI TH Tit VON STltKKT. Call and pay your Mil which is due, And make me happy for "!I2. CENTRAL HOTEL C II A li I. 7 EfJCLES & BRYAN, mm ju 1 1 1 1 hit i jps i l ' r! .'.'t,oee..WvtTr .Jl "L.Sl'Uf' .T..iMtJ Hot and Cold Hatha ; fully looked aftrr. TlifOltl Orlulmil llrrolic 1 rdlrl nr. "Cuilnm's MirroU' K illi-r" is I In- M orijri Iinl Imsliciiie, w In. li leiicN nml -tainl- in ml-viiiiii- "I :iH l 1 1-r "re'i'i." ' IM'' r" '" "I""' term." A'', rvi 1 1- 1 1.. Him isllir iiriL'iiiiil others uri' imitations im li try to catc li llie piililir hv linipiwim; iKiiin- I r. 1 1 1 tin- nH onriii'il ri'incly 'li' ovrnsl lv Win. Ihul nn Vriirx n. i, lin-s' fill i lias sire:nl hvit ihe world. Iluy the original nm1 if'l ht P'liuiui'. I r i v-t ii'' its inerils liel'iire m'I ing Willi voiir n rv. lirinl llieir inlverlier , incut t ls wliere ami ml wisely. Electric Bitters This rpiiiedy is h. . oming so well known and pojiuliir hH to need no special mention. All whnhavHiisnd Eloctric liitter.s sing the n:uno song of praise. A purer mniiciiiH does not exist and it is guaranteed to !o all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of tho liver aud kidneys, will remove pimples, noils, salt rheum and other ,IIection caused by Impure blood. Will drive malaria from 'lie Bystem nnd prevent as well nrs curu all malarial fi vets. For cure of headache, constipation nnd indi gestion try Electric Hitters, entire aatltdactlon giiHrantoi d, or money refunded. Price i -1 h miii! fl per bot tle at Hurwell "i iunn, wholesale aud retail, and at Jot Jai: &, Bcott'a, wholesale drug stores. The hoalthy people you meet have healthy livers. They take Siininona Eiver Regulator. A fine collection of NEW O00DS FOR X M A S. A Baautiful 'Lot of DIAMONDS and other nice presents. The cheapest you have seen. Call and see them. A' TJALER, Practical . 1aLES, Watfch maker, ;No. 9, Trade stieet. 3f and Children. Z2 r r ri. tv. tiasa s.i i n mi m". Irs I l-wmrfl. ft -aast tnuf. t. T K , Proprietors. ( n of thr most Invlt ing, siiprrhly P'iilip-l ami fanlth'HKiy coiiilucl r.l Howls in th Hotlth. loratfd In thr cintr of tlm t'ltv. convonlt'iit to the l)Ulii" h ousrs, anks, pul'llr hullilliig- nmi rhu rrln'S. I hi" ( rii tral Is on of the lur'-st (iuaiacum Lozenges, (Dr. Mnrrell Mackenzie's formula.) ASI'ECIKIC FOK I N FLAM ATION OFTHETONMll.S. and I'KKKECT CI'ltK FOR HORE THROAT. Sold in any Uiintity. Wor's locShEs Sold in hulk. REESE'S SYR. WILD CHERRY and TAR. An ofllcient remedy Jfor obstinate Coughs and Colds. '2.rc large bottles. Reese's Emollient Softens the Skin, Prevents Chaps, 2o Cents. TK0S. KEESE & CO. Druerffists. Corner Trade ami Colleye Streets UC MUimmI him Oprmrtonity ! mm lit lours. It t-a iiV r. Tno in.i'-iiiy ni-.-t thoirt.p prtniiilu-fi ami ir.-tri Una r;ms livn m ...V(Miy nnJ iio Id f.b-ruriiv ! Ihtruiwin K--i.Hir in iho l.n .f tn-it.y. iib ihoy l..cit hfirk on li-Bl. f.triv.r Inpt. op-i t miii t y I.I If luit. IlilT ! lifaih cm lie tip nn! !mhe. I mi pi nvn ymr opporlip nit J sii'l iire proprtritT. pniuim'Mcrt. pt'Bcrt 1 1 w h Bind by B philoanpluT, thnt "llm (.cdao- t K-rlniirt .(Itrs Colsleit (tppiirlnnilr t nrU praint nt aottin n'i f 1 1 f ; einl. rc thtM hanre, annl slm pours out lir ri. l., f ill (ili so nnii she dcpurta. wrer tn return." ll"w flcill -u lind tho r.l.ltN ...imrtMiiitvT lno.liC-to even Iiihk-o that ppfttrs worihT. nnrt of1 fair pronii . th il i- w hut nil mc ra)iil men iio" Here in an (ipporiiinilr. ;m i- m-t often within lheiarhot labormc pooplo. Inipn.m.1. it will Rive, t h'Wtt. n ri ami mart in Th goi Hi- n ...por liiiiitjf for man m iK'i e Monry to he mmie rnpi'llf mul honorably; by nny iiiMSlri"iip,r-nn of eithf r All ai;e. Yon do Die wmlt nml liro at horn), whatever ton r. V.fnb pitm.TH nrp p.viH' farnitipr from to 41 lO pr ly. ran iL if von will work, not too lird, bn liiMtri- oiiilr itml ion an mcroaa your ifn-oinfl aa yon ' fan L'liopire lime only, or all jonrtimelo tha t" h'-n n t-ipiul not required W tart yon. pral.TelT n-w nt.d really wonderfnl. W ltt,t'VwoVk ho. V.H. how free. Kaihirn unknown if rt So, on,,,,., plain her. Writ, and laara by return n I nwi.e to delay Addrj Jt Omi irSa Va, O mm as wafsw w I"- .1 II ios. Keesc & Co rJ I - if If Fa Assot (nicnl. Mra P. Query & Co. Ala lo fcli U- ha ll.e Isff t atd tal aclcKtlori of ul l..tiali MllllbafJT I- l I -wtij III It. hlil oar unun. Mist t'artu ltuu4io, who h as I evara.t e-sk lu Ids B. fU.afw I ' Kail Mjl. Is r- 1 . i.. lha i-o-h1ucUuu ,.f hsf aar. f. ' f ttta lall bovrllies Il lha Mlllluny Una. A ft-labe lil robOAM u ladjr tf last abd JuJ mod I thai le rtrhly derra hsf r'UlMit f-r skill and 1slc lu ihs art f Trioiinioif Mau and MutiusU. Our ux -d KmUoidofv and Ml ling Mila, i hjrr. Vid S'afua, N lions an.l .irliiM fr arl vurk la (14 is . .itl) Ic'e t.tlrs alio arlll farr us llha rail III find rr y lli I u a; fiali, and iiorl, aud al Ids I j stl xsal tU i rlis. Mrs P. Ouory & Co FOK HUNT. -4i :o: t - I (rr rtii . n r -t I kr lrrvt i air 1 '. li"tiv tin Kal I'll) 4rr-l l'.f---,i h tir o r t tv'. riln.l 1 lr'iii iiiiw tm aii' at rr I room h i- ..n Nurili Mrf l fw4 '. Jl riHini t4'ti on KaM tli atrrri 1 ! Motn him-" n N'Uth Mini alrrwH Two thrw r m Imu' Soflli I'n.r atmr. Srrrrnl amall (ruirn. Iiimiw Iu tliflrrriit x C. McNELIS. OfflcoN'o. 10, KJt Trade st. BAKER'S Music House. ) MUSICAL GOODS. We will lV. r lint wifk iH-niltiriil lU'lir I ......i.i i : I i..l..ftlli Kinitlifr Itftir I ' lrij:lil .iiiin) f.ir Dm- nsunl riis of l ll lllMrilllirillS fliT.ll UU' I-IU1-" Iiy muiT limn t '. r insl runiflit. r .'lli r a 'Hi). iiuiMic k l..rfJ" ft iinii-:il d.ilNal W.-m-li tin' orn i .iiioNil mi lln--ils iiiiiiikI . . A . I . I... I. will clmiiKf In nvuuir t inirft :uu r in i lays. Autili:irii. I:inj-, ;iilap. violins luirps. llniv. Ihiii.I inxlrniiu-iits nstl Klrmi; ( Iri lii-stra n 1 iii-.lriiin. nlx. I'inniw nnd Orirans, "tiol i-iiih.-. tnti'ii iHHikt mill imiif-al iinT. fuiinliw "I -v-ry in sTilioii. riiiiin ami orvnii liiniiiK ".l n-mirinK of lmiMi ftl in-l rirnriil' n x- ily. BAKER'S MUSIC HOUSE, Y. M. V.. A. Ituil.lilig. C-H A-K-L-O-T-T-K N. C. SMOKK MOK K MOKK ADK nl(JAjH ADK I.IHAICM ADK 1IOAKh :o:- MARTINS IJOIJOIIET FOIt INHTANCR. It is miido of (lie Iioxt niafprlul that cun lm put in n ciiir forfto. Maniifft. l.iirnl "HiK'i!ially for retail trade by E. L. MARTIN, Charlotte, N. C. Next to Km fori! limine. Salem Almanacs -FOK 1S02 at Publisher's Prices. FOR HALE BY JOIIDANT & SCOTT, Wholesale Drtttfists. Ho. 10, North Tryon Street. More Bonds. l a. t to u aVi asw ml ar aUk i a tr bt Imltm 4; tM U a a4 Us brl ' - " T lifaiasaa sii m - -- -- aifi 11-M tt la ss nt af ftxiMMX w , A-..I j amsV4 laa akUi n k itt imhi mI iim as4 as t lai Mau uolll riff SIMM la tas .! WUtISM) T rW Tij IU M w.lk will ai a S t 1 Mt IIIM C. 0. MOORE, Double Oaks Dairy. HI ' O F NEW YEAR CARDS AT Eddins' Book Store. JNO. H. HKTMttHE. JNO. W. WHITE AT THE CITY GROCERY" MKTHI'NK A WHITK. A FT LL HTOt'K, (i(H)l) (HMIDH, 1-)V PRICKS, FA IK DKAMNdH, Fl'LI. (ll'ARANTKE, I! F.ST Q 1 1 A LIT I EH NO FANCY PRICEH, ANXIOUS TO I'LEAHE, QUICK HALEH AND SMALL PROFITS. NO MISREPRESENTATION. W'm mean wiiat we say. Come to nee nt. We are never undersold. Try us, RET HUNK A WHITE. 21 E. Trade St. Telephone 81. 1 . .. . . CELERY for CHRISTMAS. CELERY for CHRIHTMAS. CELERY for CHRISTMAS. CELERY for CHCLSTMAS. at TAURORA FARM. 71'J North College Street, DR. H. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Rnrwell A Dunn's Drag Rtoro. Telephone 18a Hi-oil W. Harris Wm. M. LmLi HARR No. Choice Selection

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