X JEXJOJ JI2JXXX1JU llJDj 1 JQi vv o. VOLUMK VII. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TUESDAY KVKNINU . .! AXIJAHY 10.1802 NU3I1IEU lOIS Seicr c s JAN. lu 1802. wrr tutiiau HiiuntntK K V V m km Sm tairul, ll.e day It Itubta UU l.ak w tilled lo utrffloaMUg .lib ( tubn-IlM II.. I i lnn TV In 17 mn I sail till lit tmui t o,ef li Imit .ii t mlrvll. but tmy Ui lii.rilin I'rvn l .ii.l l " T ll lit Hi f.rtuedl 111 ill icnxkra in il trr llirnliiai .1 l. il' alial tl.ri nil Kai I trl.) bul i lh- il-r ImiiiI theiug IWU4I Ha, wUr4. b be4 ba alf4 m aiwr al U C.aial Haul fr ! ! tears, df.fip4 d. J J.i m be i.eh 4 lb. 4oorvay ! bis bou, la l elskl. II. hl U in ptrUr go4 b.alih itiroitboui it day. tilt ' dMlh v. du. fco baS 1 iHmm. 1U bet bolotig4 la Ilia ll..fo family, of Alb.ui.rl., and . rarally rsld l' Ilia whlla pvupls of Char loll.. II. leaf "If. aad In children. II aill I Jflen burial' llli hooi'f. by Hi. color. d Odd j low., .f N Ih Hlal tialr-o. Niv 1ST, al lli r. u'rl.x-i Utiuofloa . L A. A. ruocll ill pr.erh Id fuo.rat Mr. Keel.., la tiu. .ruplu Itoberl h ad bt fur hi I a. liiu. .aa. rfJT highly of thn drreaed rolofe.1 man. V 1 ' . -J'! TA I r f MIIU mm tmmmm J t'rJ Mill.. t.ilr, autl J.m Jamot. Color l. hair. Iri oivr.lllit tloaii lh Cliarl 'll, ('iiluitidla A Auca-ta rtai. ami afl.r riunmlUliif M.r.l Hi. ft. Ihry r.luriiml ( ( liarloll- Krrtl rrr.ll. ami rMf of mi-. Mixiu a. ut al-ml . Uy liainl- n Jmm-, lin J ! irl nfT 1 In i hl.f laril lu 1'iir.ull ami lli.T lxaullful fiMil iiir, I'Ul Jhm final y .r. pf1 Into a I'K-k lo ami not mii ar.n .lurt- Krrr.nl r f la.t r.olliK r- ftl trrral aril rlr. IhaC w.r. Un lir Mill from CaL HMii,of IN" 4 liar lot i. "In mi hla A Au(iiii rua.l. ain niif lli.m lln( th. romlurtor. unrli ami tollrl ra.. Mill. ! ill to Koutli Carolina fr (rial I a It. lltl.l tmt rMt Kof MVat daja faj rari.aUr txmtm b. gaa4 I r.tuoJ.llBf lb lourto ol lb aaloo futatafly a. pi t Met'of kl. A (' , oa lb. eora.r ul I'barcb and Tfa4..Uu Tb. rvwru . (rUUoB4laUloawlloia. Tba frval Ntll.l la buj flltod up aa drtf ur A lung lb wall lu iti I fuaf clioe, 1. lln of bol, aarb ta kvinii.iN anJ luck.u and lu f foal of Hi row ot toi I. a MvUf. If aar ot la curloua lo mow what larp l tie. Uii.i a uimbi u .rva, Ii 'war 111 only bar lo wall aroand a .horl tlm. la Hi. club rmm II. tuajr m aoat.lblng llkelbl.: A mad will walk up lu Id. rounur aoj baud ov.r bl. k.jf, r.UM(ltg lbal loud.ul Ui oirti lil. parllralar but II I iloor, auJ lo.U. I. dlrluil a Juk or a b(ll.. Tli.owu.r of ihm k) I, rip. lilniMlf wb.n hi. truck la a(ln lor k J up lu a w all aunlti.r call llul liow la lh wbl.k.y auiill.d 'I ti. in .ii w ho r.nl. tir of tb.ao Un - .Imi Ijr uril.n II from HlalMVlll. iM.I ha. It plarrtl In M. Ui lo.Uad ..f MttdiiiK ll fiom. or hiding II Ih ii nd 1 - r Tn- Imiia. ha, alr.ady I -or II rnilxl aud lh tiullir. It In opralloii A. lh. ropr i-tor of lh IliiUMi dor. not rll Ifio liquor. Iul Imply fur il.li. .urK room, hr t-lalin. Hut hp ! no .ty violaliutr ll. law Mr. (la. Totnlia, a proiula.al r It I m of Utlll. dl4 'T .udd.U It al bl boat, la thai I'Lro la.i aigliL 111 UJy will bw bariJ w lib MaaobU boaor. Ihl. afUfttooO. a t iM. Hal I road uu r.purt lr.ui. od..u rata, along lb line.. Iiolh aorlh and oulb of Charloll. Th .Ifr.ini am graally taoll.u ami hlh wal-r prr vail, .v.ry wh.r. Tb.r )u.i audi a flood a. Ihl. on. y.ar !. iilHU) Is mi ar A SWEEPING SALE O F a r tmm mmmil Abw I; an, lh. nrjtro iivliii i f robbing lh .lof. if W r A ( o and anlUrMt lo T vrar. In llir ! chain gaog, bul who ra-d l ortly afterward., ha. b.u rapturr.l In Hpartauhurg. Hti.rif! hinlth wr-ui lo hparlauburg Unlay I" I'Mnr I un honjo. Th. ikryhaB.' Hb. Tb. Hoard of llrgonl. of tin- I'rc-- byWrlan Orphan' Horn. I. In loo al lh. I'.ulral Hotel lhl aflT nixm. Th. main bu.lnr.. of th. mooting I. In grl preparation for th nw liullilliir uiuli-r way. Th pi n a. draw ti iy ( 'apL llain.cy, of n.tli bury, wrr. adopted and propo.al froin oonlractiir w ill he tilvnilml for al once. 1 1 I the r l perlallon of Ihe Krgenl. U hare the nn I. (ill. I Ing. cnmpl.tml ami ix-cupl-'d hv mmi Ortolr. CLOTHES. NV .n,t..,t. (it. I t., Jan. U In. Navy lialaai bootal aiui. acllr la IW frp.ralo f of I loul.U with t'hlla T.ry day. Tb I rWcr.iary ba. frtaaal r-uuul LaUoOl I llh lh rbl.f ot wJluaec. lb I chl.f of navigation aad lh rM.f of I construction, w hi I. h ocajloaall call, for lh chl.f mrltMi IMh.f tur.au chief, flu bar k and forth Ihruugh hi. !- r. and a tvnn.Laal Mri of tuov.u.ui. I k.pt ap, aatil I l!i. oftlre I. luorr aril IhaQ II haj I Iwvu for v.ara. Th.. ar bai lb I outward aud vl.lhl. .If n. of tb. loaj work that I. going on. I n lb. lurau. iliriiirlre. cl.rk. are working al thrir ip pvd nh lyiwrllra and klnimlug through ledg.ra, tu.kleg culrulallou. aud Iranaacllag a great ly lncreard volume of bu.lneaa, Hal I u Iheomceoflh.rhl.foflh burawa of nav u-.tlou. Comroodor. ICamaay , the htialle I. greatest llul atxire all lh gr.ale.l arllrlly fi s. tire val led for anm Urn In lh hiir.au of uaval Intelligence, thi a If e ii la of which have beau al work .ui a plan of a poulble campaign, le- i.lc. .ollecllng all liiiaarlnabl. In-I f ... I. . . . - .1 la 1 ft. I. Tlio entire Stock of the McDowell Cloth ing Company was sold to ns by tlio Receiver T. L Seigle & CO, So. II V. Trade al. Is', H.Tryoii at rn a it i. rr k, n r Recamier Cream, Soap (.lid The finest Toilet articles known. Mud., hy M Itrt H A It It I KT Hill BAUD AYKR Now York. Barwell ft liinn WAOI.KSAI K AN I,) RK TA I U Druggists, 4 rellr liair lllekUfM A day or two aj? i, po'h-ein.n Mor ri. ml a rough iniuik to lady on III .treel I 'otllplullll llisilr aaln.l the ofTlrer, ami a rnxelliiKof the Milce coin nil lon w a held terday afteruixm to In vctii;le the matter. The ofllcer clalnieil that he wa ml. taken In the Identity of the lady. The coiiiml..lon r i'mld-rrd hi ofTntiw one of PUllli lelll r.Nlly In warrant hi Uiarliarce ami li- a dropped from the force l.4 &1 l(lpl - Mle. Klla and M I- Wrl-t ui will It-ava in a day or lo for N w ork lo .peml .everal inontln -Mem. Ilerloi and Will I'lurk- aon hare boufrht a large iron work., at ( 'or.ii'aiia, Texan. Mr. Will rlark.on will he the re.ldent manager of the work. W. It. Hale ill jfive a tulk to men at the Young Men. ( hrntimi A ..oclatioii tonight at s o i l.x-k. Men cordially invited. -A Charlotte drti miner w ho c.iine in from K.ili'lj;ii iat nlgtit. lirmiirlit new of the algiiment of NorrU A Mrnther. The- liahilitle. are IhuI 9 Hi.imii. Three huiulr.d convert, l.ui for the evaii(fellt and fl.LM) fur a tnlx-rnacle, were Koine of tlm riMiilt of Mr. Kifr' iiii- iiuKat M .rtin v ille, Ya. A ll t lie it il I cm w no uosi re to a l.t In placing the mural tadlet in the FlrHt I're.hy tcian church are re itie.Ud lo leave their contrlhtitinli al theetore of M. IV Peirrnm, Jr. New AilTertl.ioenl. T.lv. Watch A IUW A K ami A M l-c.ilil. (IversliiMW ilrvnih A I o I iruiTKiAl.i A H Idiw ,V o Ti-I-iIioiik (' K M.-i lucr Oit Siipt t'inilii! xooli. hv gih "Si i'liiiiLsnl. " WiH weHllier mi i.ilhr-. T I Siiflc ,V o, i luliln'ii tr- .hIuk-i iJrsv .V hnriitiardt. l liiMllit l . kwallra aireaei. Mr. W. T HIii,ioii, of Crab Or. I i hard lowiiahlp nrrled a lltll. moo ryliMlay. Hid although Ihe road, wrr .11 l.inrrged and the CTerka woll.ii !i put a hale of collou on hi wagon ami Uir(d lolowu. He pro ceeded all right until he gol to th. ford of Towncreek, jlll below I'hl fer'i pond nd there h met with a lively e 1 erleiice. lie drove Into the awollru utrrani, and the two niul. th. wagon, the man aud the bale of cotton weut floating down the o.n curr.nl. Mr. Hlmpwnn niaimtreil ! reecue hi. mule, and af ter a ginxl ileal of work , gut nut the bale of cotton. Hl wagon waa lol leneath t lie w.lei. if. txirrowel B wagon from Mr. W. W Phlf.r and hroughl lii hnle on to town. After ho aold It, it wan docketl 4) pound for water. 4 UmmIm .laea. Cabarru. couuly w a i-on.lder hy atirred up ye. terday over the .up poaeil drow nlog of I 'ha S.nppenh Id ami llih Ikove, two young men of Concord. They left that town on horehck Huudav going In the di recth, n of Ml. I'leaatit. They never reached that place, hut ye.ferday morning their liore were found lu a creek leittom wandering around with bridle and aaddle on It w oatarally uppoeii that in- young men had leen d row ned in attempt ing lo ford th stream, w hich wa greatly awollen. A .enrclniig nrty waa at one organired, hut the young men were found at : nelgh iMirillg holle. l: Kallnwd Huilmt Mat. Hince th. flr.t of lh year, th rail road lmne. ha beeu exceedingly dull. There I acarcely auy freight hiMtneai u talk about, and pai-enger traffic ii. light. The efTecl i being felt In- the railroad companies and they are cutting down expeuiwi le cordnig. Yeterdy'n C.iluuhla Nt.tte aay: The Kichinoml and Pitnville policy of meeting the l:u k l of hiiaiue. by reilucing expeuae. is 1 Ix-iiiir rigidly enforced. In addition I to the varioui reduction already I mentioned the mixed traiu h. tweeu Statevllle ami Charlotte, N. C, was yo.lerday onler.-d to le run I ri-weekly Instead of daily, a heretofore. A prominent oillcial of th road yenter- dny aid thitt in all hla eighteen year of service on rallro-l lie had never eeen huinea no dull a at present time. There I alwolutely nothing being done In either the pas senger or the freight department and they lire not now running i xinglo train which para lu own ex pene. Last year this time it took tl ve xection of freight trains, of six teen r.'ir each to move the fruight Thiyenr Ihev are sending out abso lutely nothing. rf SAaft AAA ln y "lit I k -'Wr-.i'-.- SHOKS FOR THE MII.I.ION. We have them to suit eveiylnily andnt bottom prices. Quick rnilesi are what wear after anil we 1 '"ny ceremo nv wlietwiL' i't inisun- din Jroken We are Paying Hl'KCIAL ATTENTION TO TI1K I'KKS(?R1 PTION ItHSI N KSS. V K HAVK A 1-AltUK Tit A DK IN THIS I. IN K AN l HAVK ALI.T1IK CONVKN1KNCK KOU ACCU RATKIjY AND til'ICKI.Y 1IH PENH1NH PHKSPltlTTIONS C2 02 A. B. REESE & CO. O a Owlral llelel rrltal C K Chlnnock, New York; V UmUay, North Carolina; W H Butt, lialtimore, Maryland; A Uuy, Petersburg, Virginia; I Wise, Heuna Vl-ta, Virgiuia; J farmer. New York; J J Karrix, North Carolina; W J Orr. Itich mond, Virginia ; K V Iavis, New Orleans, ioulwlana; J C Horton. King'. Mountaiu. North Carolina; J W Thomas, I.aurinhurg. North Carolina; CH Preston. Itich mond, Vlrglnlr; W TiJaston, Chattanooga. Tennessee; C H Cardo.a.N'-w York ; W P (irootn, New York ; C K Mar ahall, Atlanta. t eorgia ; II Heller. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; J II Kloan Houth Carelina ; I. H Currv. A Dgusta, Jeorgla ; A lie Cohen. Pe tersburg, Virginia ; M W Murkhesrd. Baltimore, Maryland ; II M Paiicett. Italelgh, North Carolina; l I Chan dler, Atlanta, tJeorgia ; ' eo (J San borIle Phlla; ltd Powell, tiolds boro; H C Mayo, Hoton; J A Smith, Hesaemer city ; I. K Orillilh. C Ii Hopkins, N C! C W Wm bury, Va; 1 M Pierson, S C; H Otho Wilson, Raleigh ; J C. Hanes. Winston; 0 (1 Hall, Teiin, JT Ross, Atlanta; H (I Wright, Au gusta; H L Moaserman, Philadel phia; I-eo B EschlMH-k, , Wiii atock.AC Young, W H Latham, N Y. ilaren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Special Prices kept film. elf throughly potei on Ihe mov.meiita of th agent of I I . I I - M ... It I. Al,l I, 1.1, V . .. .acklug r urow for war tuaYarlal for oine time Thl bureau I. lu a c.r lain axleiil an everla.llnv naval cyclopedia, bul II ha be. I dr. i function that entitle II to the deaig nation of "bureau of .trategy." It ill le a mot Important adjunct In cae of w ar. The cauipalk'ii that I belug con j duclrd hy Ihe department 1 largely for the purHie of ascertaining ut w hat the naval "tein can accom. ilmli lu the event of hostilities, le- ide ilmulating evrrylMHly to their he.t ellorl A sorlou cotnpllcalloii ha enter ed into the Chilean trouble that may avert the xttllty of a Hacful lutlou of the problem. 'The 'hllean minister of foreign af oul rt has notified Commander Kvan of the Yorktown, now In Valparaiso harlMr, that the I hllean govern ment ha changed Its mind concern ing the refugee on Ixiard that veael, and that If they should bo put on Uiard a merchant vessel for transfer to a neutral territory they are liable to le t.iken out by the local authori ties of any Chilean prt at which th vesel may touch It had been ar ranged, o ( dm mai.d -r Kt.ii report ed Ui the Navy I e:-ar t .lien t by cable, for all of the refugees to sail on the I.Vh, but the change :nade it neresaa ry to keep them on hoard the York town TI ere were no sUainers frnni alparaiso direct to neutral terrrlto ry and Coinni.iiider Kvana asked to he tiiMtriii'ted as to the d I -position of the refugees, who are crowding his quarter. I Hi cablegram read thus: " This unexpected act of the Chll- '.iii minister of foreigi. affairs is due, n - tat s. In part to my sal'itmg the Spanish inini-ur when he came aiio.inl to deliver two rfuga. I have n ijuested the American niln-i-.i.-r to ay to the minister of foreign atrairstli.il lam responsible to my own government and not to (hat of hile in such matters and that I con Mderhis criticism offensive and I will not accept IL His action seems unworthy of the representative of a serious government." We otler this $16,000 stock of Fine Clothing, lUts, and Furnishings at less than half value. It is a new clein stock, as the firm was In business only a few months, and it wiU be sold cheaper than any Clothing was ever sold in Charlotte. This is iCash sale. ROGERS & CO. Open till 11:30 this p. m. 21 West Trade street. Childrens Dress Shoes. Wl" Imv the finest lireen 'irlee. and roast i: every week. lb SNKY VAN NKSS. - To-day Is the NSth anniversary of the hirth if lien. Itoliert R. Lee, aid is generally observed through the Southern States. In Charlotte the graded schools closed in honor of the event. Our sale o Children Nbotw uabur.ri denca of the merit, of the Htioe w ar giving our cu3lniier. Our WILLIAMS A H0YTK linr are the best and nxwt prilrct fitting shoe lo he had, heing made hy th. nnetf ihneiuak- ers in the land, they have all the style and artistic h(W to be hsind in hoe leather Their wearing ijualitie arc u.ual to the btnt. If yisj want a nice ilrrrw shoe for your child, with all the wearing qualities nomible. itiinf and see ua, Wf hare them in all grades, Hpring heels' with or without palrut tips, (iood thick soles for winter. if -". : r ACHK. tojon k: .1 ,.. i i n nil) gtaul fornottv liik. il , i ro ,. Iiiliiv Trv KM.V. IKO.S HITTSKM. It will curv yoik i'ienn.r tisu liver, ami gta . .(ipeiile. On a rack chock full of Ladies ami Misses full, regular made, Frcuch toes, ribbed and pUiu Hose. FLANNEL SUIT8, ALLSI.KS. i This is fine weather to say Blan kets and Elkin at ft, $5, $ lead. Wraps at annost half price. Hem uants way down. As flue a line of Embroideries as was ever opened in t'.is town -V up ward, from l deep to S itices. Htripes sold very close, all n w. New Naiusooks andLiwns. Soniething entirely new in Nain sook. Grand assortment of Torchen Laces. Ph o W CD Ph T. L. ALElXANDER, S ON & CO. so W- " 1 co ''e,t. !! J. ivl Git AY & IJAltNHAHDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTiR N. C 'Prompt attention given to all Mail Ordarm. OVEK SHOES. W have a full assortment of Rubber Overshoes and Sandals, and Drver allow our atock to run short. W. always show the bent makes, sell at the lowest prices consistent wiA bast goods. Ladies reto foot-holds, and light sandals: Misses and ladies spring hasl sandals, light and heavy weight; Ladies anil Misses fleece lined gum boots; Mens, boys, and youths . gum boots: Mens extra long sporting boots; When needing such goods gire us a trial. ' , GILREATH & CO. Open every evening iill(8H)0; Saturday till 11 :0a A Beautiful Line FUR nTt U R E Continues to he Offered the Public by BURGESS NIOHOLS, THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES STILL RE ' MAIN CHEAP. ELKO-NT PARLOR SUITS, CHAMFER HUITS. i ABINETH, HALL CHAIRS AND RACKS, DIMJ ' , TABLK8 AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ItOCK- . ER9, RATTAN BOOKERS, Ac Call and tee . , , . - - - Foroitnre Dealer. r- r fM Room K 7n nan undertaker. .Nigbi ew, lit mJ W Wdl I , jio.e, Bryiui bulldin j, pver Roger ACot V

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