bo liiiarlotto Nujvb ee? Alt MmM IUU1KIMT. i k 1 1 n. I iiiul'u i hr' ................ H 1 kjn ijta feaaaa.. ......... k X fWMl SS aa at fcial t eJaal I fMrlirrrMifA.H (awa e w Lm1 raaet. a4 raN Leaei .U?i a i rt r . n r.i 1j v n Otnftif WeUaf ttres WHS Vareeawee Te M U awe a U saaair 4 aaaaaewaafa ea-Manal I ii n ti- at t ca-a . ... ... II .44 .44 . 43 . .44 I urn. ftfOtOAY. JAXIAKY V iUprMMUiiT Oaw, ef Alabama, Uskiaf ud Cerreaey last Friday. Mpfwt bt MU to eatbomeaa UMtl bakl.f uiocIiUmi to loan sm reel nuu rliy end u impA Ibe 10 par eeat Ui oa the tlniUUif ioU f HUU banking a 'inllllnai la sepporl ol lb Aral fcltl fee eoetsedad that if banks were eileved to awake loans oa r4vJ aetata Ui v lass a of elrenlaUoa would be r MnM4, velea of p-a party enheooe, ' aad Kor people employed. 11 did ,ot, be eld,favor"wlld-eal"achemea, bet he thoafht this plan ult and pmilMl r The eeeoed WH preeticelly a-eks : prlthaeldBle!ebenks, wilh the , eieeptlee taslaaejruardiare thrown .". eroead tbem. The circulation la re trietod d ard by Huu bead equl to7tper eenL of theeuiount of BMMJ to be Isssed and the reuialn- lag B pf mbI of Uwfol United BtaUenoney. Both bills Mr. Gates claimed would bcnsfll ths farnmr aad lbs work log msn of ths Houth MdWssL ' Tbs aJIsgod attempt of Mr. Mills to ortulM a revolt atrslnst the imltewto kw adopted by the Wy ao4 Means Coiniiilttoe in reporting . bills to place speclflo articles on the ilnM not attract much attention aithaCapitoL Membe-s sogenefal 1ballswwtbat Mr. Mills eannot de " witlixrlitraasrth enoairh to make his frfr1 a WS MililllMIII SS arw aln-a. Mil IteiWM (Witaaai toMM Easy ktavk H fcartkaU 1H T l --V-in fTwtlA tbat the will AotdlsonM the probabilities of such ' actios. Some time will elapse before tha freo-woo1 bill Is reported to the Hooss tbns glvlna; Hpeaker Crisp pportnnlty to folly recover . and rsjaam the chair and in ' tbemean tim the Ways and Means Committee will make Inquiries along ' ' ' thaUoeof the effect of the present Ullff apon the revennes, Ihe nrst - , of these InTestigatlons will b held riO o'clock this morning, when ; Acting Secretary Bpanlding will ap ; poar before the committee. He will b askftd to gie the reeelpU aod ex- pendltoresof theGoyernmentfor the first six months of the current fiscal year, and will be asked particularly as to the receipts from duties on woolen goods. Mr. Springer has not - - m yet made any estimate of the ef - fact olbU bill upon the revenues, a i a . s kA a r i but wIlU of course, incorporate thjs Information when the bill!9 Tf V ed. AeoordlDg to the ged-wfo- ' ' anbsltutefor the free-wool bill his - general torlfl bill 4 of the Fiftieth . v- CoBgress. CaptWalUn Appleton and Thom- ' MlLCommlngs, of Boston, are In r " "Washington to confer with the de- partments relative to the conetraO f' tlftnof a monument l'j Hanto Domin go to commemorate the rieof. Chris tian civilization in the new woria. The proposed monument will be erected by the Sacred Heart Review, of Boston, Rev. John O'Brien, editor, oa'tbe site of the old town of Isabel la, where Columbus made his first settlement The Dominion govern ment has made a generous concession of land, and the monument now in process of construction fn Boston will soon be ready for transportation to the mint of Old Isabella. a thm PmaMantlal election of 100 . years ago 136 fetes were cast Vir ginia led In the number cf electors, haYlngtl, and Masaacbnsetta follow ed with 1, while Pennsylvania had 12; New York and North Carolina jaett and Maryland 10. The ... m . m a etors this year is io e TVs awast Mttv la4MaJts) el a u vtta Ctie ta4 bee aWl la rw4UWlr4U MUM Mai las la. toaetUaJ XefWa-e rwh ataab4lp mUi al U lrt 4 as a UaasaKt tM U )L Mr. I)inat, tae ffil f s ei(aual hst4Ua (Var7 eaa Wa4a4ay al- a areas reffaweuMte di Tte faat taal aea4aaa sr la ta;4 at tr. afra ue aa leg aaaia t a war all iWa diaile mm a rtly 4aeto4 U taaraay. Il will lrf- lara be arafaaUlad taal Utaaw ea- aesW wHbtave tekla e4 UvtOfchM a iraaeeawt ae la a vary eValiraie fe4lta. will aa be keae wbatbe the OfcU wlU be tajl aUl afvar We4aMday.a Al ibe asUooal IWawratJs vaal Va a bald la CbUsa tm Jaaa Il.aah rUata la .aUUad to a raraUlUai Ibaa4a sajaal to doatla lhaaeaabac ef Ihe rpraat. alios to whleh Ills aaliliad la Uto aatl alaeural eolUfe, aad ah Taf rllory aadihe IHaiHet a t'aleybla shall bava dalafato. Cbelrasae Hrtea la kU J4raa ara: ""All Dass atrtUt aoaaarvallve elUseaa of Ibe t'aluU Kuua, IrreepceUve of paal political aaaorlaUwas a ad dlOereeee. who eaa oalla with as la the effort for para, ecoeaesteal, aad eooallla lineal rvaremaal. are eordlally la vllad la )ola as la seeding dalafstoe to lha roaveaUoB." Il is Uarsed oa good authority thai IMeOeveremeet endaavoring to arraura for an laurnatlooal silver eoaveatioa, aad tbat aagotlalioaa to Ibat ead are aow la progress with (treat Britain and Kreopa. 4 M Mra. fklrlo 8 Hrtc haa aarMf! If trrtkr ut Hn Mar? Tltltnchaat. th artwl. U W mfn d riaraU a aUinail KaM wlittiua fcir irtvOTnUUKMi to tba ctJUwa at Oimi. O'-to ,km Mr HrW waa arto4J. Tb H"', M aat.1. wtll raartnUa tbat 4 Mra. Brka (1.W Jiulkv IRan K. i(lrk W7. of th Uaorgta Huama roorl, tiaa wllbtlrawn ihr MWrr or mtKnaltan wbk-h I ami lotiov Nufth arvarai dara ao. Tba U him to Main bia anltoo t tiw titi to ba mialod. Mlai Mary CuIWn. wbuar anc4mut to Kir John Pwlnboma haajtwt bam announ ni in Nrw Yot k. ai tha daujttitrr of Dr. Dor m OnlUn ol Rirhmtrnd. Va.. and M Mia of Uia moM popolar Krla In tba Hoothwn Hk tf of New Vara". Oot. Riiavl!. of MaaMM-boaHta. haaalarr ot tS,(V and tbr mayor of Ronton rrttirrm I10.0UO a yfr. There If a morement to rem edy thta inequality by IncrrasitiR tba aalary of the cb anijriatrate. ('toTelaM4 mm Ali 'leral4. Wahlngton HUr: The play be tween the Cleveland and the antl Cleveland folks to outdo each other by so oonductlng things In their re spective strongholds as to make an Impression upon the democrats in neutral territory is exciting consider able comment among politician. The Cleveland folks, finding things not entirely satisfactory In New York, made a demonstration In i'enn sylvanla In the contest over the state chairmanship, electing their m.n nr Mr. Kerr and thus adver tising to the country that Mr. C'leve land can depend en the Pennsylvania delegation at the national oonven- A similar move will probably be made in Massachusetts, tne purpose lulnff mnnnrlHno- to the BODUlar theO' ry, to Impress the rest of the country before the several state conventions are held with an Idea of the strength Kt w iMavaUnil iilll have in the na tional convention independent of New York. On the other hand, this move will probably be met by tne hiii ioiks Dy a similar play. It Is expected that tinn of New York will be held about the 22d or 23d of r.hmtrr which will be some time before the conventions of most of the ft la elalmnd that Mr. Mill Will have all the counties except Kin t r i k . -j rjjre bave Bolld New Yorkdelegt- . . . i HAti tr. hn ntltlnnAl COnVAtltiOD. A HIUU iV aa - aann rivan for holiilnir the conven tion early Is that as two candidates from that state are onerea ior me ae nf the demoerats of the other states It Is but proper that it ... . 1 I L . . 1. . Bhouia oe mown eariy which ui mwr candidates has tne indorsement oi his own state. Cleveland people say tbat Hill will probably bave tne soua aeiegawxj tmm Von, VnrW tinker the nneratiOS of the unit rule, which no one witl oppose, but the Cleveland men in ne delegation will declare to the conven tion that they believe that MrOleve lanri la trnlv the choice of the state and that they vote for Hill merely because or tne uni; ruie. A Learned Uoctor. Ara.ltaal Nhws: One of our nhvsl- cians recently received tbefollowing - . i i r fni. W . ' Ui... A nnw T hiiva m. nan hunt whnfl utfAr rrnin a sounirv uiivhiciuu i 1 1. nhlslool sines shoes that te wlnd- . 1 A J n t A 1.1- lam Dim WHBlseraiou , auu uio iuuj hava irnniMO iniow nis biuiiiick,' iiw is unable to ewoller and I feer his stumlck tube is gon. I hav g, v hy m evry thing witnout eneuaw um ia thr ta wait.hw Onarsible and Influen ahiai. he ia in active member off the M. E.Chlreeh and gcd nos I dont want to loose hym. wnat snail i due. ans. buy return male, yours in neede." Bmd Aileep In Jail K I area Days. Virotnia. Ill Jan. 21 After an eleven day nap Jqrlfl Roberts, thej sleeper confined in the county Jail, Is beginning to wake np. Yesterday be was able to sit np, and by signs made known that he understood what was going on about him. He Is very week, ana reiuses to tain. rsaetiss rsurtH. A f4ai I" Kel4 U lit vYaatagtoa sati Cbairaaae CkaaaWfS B bee laaa4 sail far a saeeUeg ' ile laaaerM luu 0.tseaUveeaaalla to be tV14 la UU slty aa Mt'k t, at bUJ Usm a AsiewlUaelta4 fr lbs baMiag f Ibeaeil faaaaU Ktole aeavaa ttoa. TbalswavaeUaaa wlUbeaaear Ibe aaawt Isssaartoal aad Ibe aai targwly atltali I as evar kvaU la Herta Car4lei Is Uae4 far w are to with gtwal seal af lalaTaal a4 aallUMaasteay. I'aUl raeeaUy ta ladlaaitoM ail l4aial I Ibe org salaalteM of a rerseere AUiaaaw UUd aarif la ibis HUM, bat Ibe faar' AUlaar pmm aia bave eeiasiadad. far aa niau r ellUe are aaaaartia.1, la aul UieM gttl laaede lbs Iwaxxraiie orgeat Aiioa. I aatiaS of avaaiaallag a aaparato lickat tbay will rary all the eoaaly eaa veaiioae iliy raa aa 4f Ibe leeoerelle rail. mJ I heir atrgatoa to lb rafalar keuucralir HUto aoavalla aal emlea" Io eoaual thai body aad twrnliiit raa dldala to aell iktaiMltM. la Ihla aflarl lhay alafc.l a fair ahew of aa)aa. il Ihey are aa loiia MU as Ibay war a Iwo year aet la aptorlag eoaaly eoavaailoba. for la f0 I .a Paimara' Alliance d. la the dlalrirl eoavaiillona dliala4l lbs auaalaaime of fle of the eiae preMDI ColrMaiB. liraoeb, of lha Klral dlalrlrl; tlrady, ol tba Tblrd; Williams, af ibe Klflb; Alas- aedef , uf tba Hlitb, and I rawlord. of lha Nlalh. aod eaiue vafv near defeating ibe -.pulr Col. (!, of Ida Kigblb dUtrlrl. for taoIM- I loo. It la aod ha ben for mmi llane a mailer of common report thai I'reel deal folk Is anllou to eemre the f alteraatorlal ooinloalion, but It la eltremely doubtful whether he eoald obUln It even If the Alli ance element controlled Ihe couveo lion. (iov. Ttionia M. Moll, lha preaenl eiecntl ve, dralrea to aurreed blmaelf, and alanda a fair chance of dolor. o though III n l likely tlial be will ba the Alliance candidate In the con veolion. lie l not a mnnler of thai ortanliallon, though one of the larg est farmers ami maoufaclurea In the Hist. A man onre elected l the governahlp In Ihla Hule cannot uc ceed blmaelf, but Ihla ttoee not apply to (iov. Holt, he having aocceelrd l the ofllra laal aprlng on the death of (iov. Kowla. Col. Julian H. Carr, Ibe president and chief owner of the big tobacco works at Hurbaiu, a millionaire, au extremely popular ami very able gsntlemsn, and the greateel pbilan throplst In ihe Htale, Is prominently mentioned In connection with Ihla offlo,though he baa made and I making so efforia to secu s it He may get Ihe nomination, however, if be wants It State Auditor Handelln Is very anxious fer tba place and has many admirers. He will rely chiefly on the Alliance delagsUs for whatever strength be may dev-I p Ip the con vention. There are several lsrr lights In view. Hew the l-oafrn Ortftaated Collao Courier: In the begin nln Ing all (lod created heaven and earth things therein. Hh then created man and woman six) left the loafers on the corners, and In due time they multiplied and up rend into the depot pout ofllce and stores. In the latter nlace tliv sit and explain state and national problems that bave vexed urest mludH, and exlxt partially by nam nlinir a-ood. While he Is thus engaged his wife Is out washing for her nelghlnirsnd the poor hel less children are left at the home to care for themselves as host they cau. There Is nothing more noticeable than the loafer. Strength and Health. If you are iot feeling strong and healthy, try Eleclrlc Hitters. If 'L.a Grippe" lias left you weak and weary, use Eleotrlo Bitters. This remedy sots directly on liver, stomach auu kidneya, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent re lief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will couvince you that this is the remedv vou need. Large bottles only 60c, V at Burwell & Dunn's, wholesale and retail, and at Jordan A Soott's, wholesale drug stores. Mr aora ran in the night, and my aonl refused to be comforted." "Poor fellow! of course it did." Pity, he couldn't get Salvation Oil. 25 cents. To feel bright and cheerful attend to vour stomach. Take Hlmmons - - - Liver Begulatoi. Handy for travellers is Hlmmons Liver Kes-ulator In powder. It can be carried in the pocket. Canned Tomatoes, new brand, very fine, at l. iv. v . J : LAGER BEER :o: EXP0RTBEER -jo:- We will deliver in quan tities of one dozen or more to any part of the town. Business hours from 7 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p. m. H Portlier Brewing Cc, C. VALER, Agent. : I YJSU ft M. P. PEG R AM, JR. 40 SOUTH TUV0N 8TIIKKT. ; . Call aod pay your Mil which is Aod make me happy for '92. C E N T R AL C if A M I. u i EOCLES & BRYAN, Ijniintii; l?ltjrwr XJ belle and rooms earpetod la BrasaaU aad Velvets; ttator oa jaab flr. The mo.1 eon.ldar.tVaii.aUoB glvea to all gaaeu aad thalr eoinfori eera folly looked afwr. Opera. House. Thursday, January 28th. H MHt Til AN KVKK OiNTINI i't H I.A l'iMTKK. Hiwlol t-y t!rimi IrWi ilin, Herbert Cawthorn, ami )ni niMKKY i IIKKl llS in Die KI'NNIKT KAHCK IX)VKHY a Little Nugget. Tryoti-vi Hwlw Warhlin. H0SUS, PANCKH, MV' Senic and Merbanical EMerU, KAMOI'8 MiOtJKT qlUKTKTTH. Prices 3.V, 60c, T.V and $1 . Reserved aeaU at A B IteeaeA (ViidniK "tore. Opera House. Tuesday, January 26th. MIS LILLIAN LEWIS Supported by a Btar Cant Inrluding U ol- lowlng Ulftinguisliwl flayers: EDMUND COLLIER, LOUIHTC POMKROY. ARTHUR ELLIOT. WALTER KYTISQF, MILDRED HA fX, RALPH BELL, FRED MONLE, And other Notables, Carefully Presenting Lawrence Mar stouV Romantic Parisian Drama CREDIT LORRAINE. Paris Costumes. Appropriate Effects Admission 25c, 60c and $1. Beats on sale at A H Reese's drug store. Brilliant Pictures liy the Steroptician. Brilliant Description By the Man, Brilliant Scenes . from Nature. Herbert Stanley ReltoDs' i ' ILLUSTRATED LKCTUKE ON "A Day and Night in a Volcano." j . Y. M. C. A. 8TAR '00K8E January 28th. ADMISSION 60c, with seat reserved. Fri mon-wed-thur YOU ILL A i y k a i) D 1) doe, HOTEL X. Ca Propriotora. r K , (a af Ibe ax I lavlt lag, aapafbly aalrpavl a J tsaiuaa4y eoadaet- d Itotala la ibe Koalh. located la ibe eaaueaf Ibe Clly. eoavaalaalta Ibe beaieeM baasea. baaka, pablte balls' lags aadsbsrebe. Tba tea- lri Is one of Ibe largael y Hotel bal weea Haiu aaoreaad AUaala,aad Is elaTaaUv furaUbvd and quipped la all iu da- yparlmeau. Keb room la twaaactod with Ibe J Nu k rta4tlrla Ralara lietL Eiacule UfhU; Hot aad Cold It a ihe; Tb. Reese & Co. Guaiaciim Lozenges, (Ir. Uorrell Markrmk-'a tonaula ) AHPKCIHC KOU INFLAMATION OF TflK TONHILH. and PERFECT CCRK FOR BORK THROAT. Hold In any quantity. IVistor's COUOH LOZENGES Kohl In bulk. REESE'S SYR. WILD CHERRY and TAR. An efficient remedy Jfor obstinate Couabs and Colds. 2ftc large bottlea Reese's Emollient Softens the Hklo, PrevenU Chaps 1 CenU. THOS. REESE & 00 Druergists. CtorT Trmle ami College Strerl PHILHARMONIC N SOCIETY, HEASON OK IWl-'O-.'. JOSEPH MACLEAN, Director. A8SIHTKD BY Miss Helen Fay Jenkins, Soprano. And MISS ROSE WARD, Violin. FIRST CONCERT Tuesday. January 26th, IN Y. M. C. A. HALIi, Admission 60c. Children 25c, 22 No reserved seals. 4t HE Mlrl hl..Oportallyl M' Your. Header. Tin mnl"i r ""B10"' "P" IKirtnni(l. ni from Unit cnn llo hi""t ibMurily ! IItioln(T doplr ! Ui ll ol mjuiT, uii-t look back on Im. foror oppoi imllir. I .lie U a- .1 in Mtrh Mrun At f1l nori wubriice Uia cliane. ' PO I"" '? ? 1 Mnd leprn, imr Is remrn." Il..wlmll J" ana llM DOLBKIf opportlinltjr lnrtlpile cn?rj rli:uir tht ppmra woitlir. nd of flr promi.a: Hint la wlm all an eesaf ul maliita. llerelao opporlilnil;. aiirlma lawil olWB wltliln thoronsbol Uliorlnit paopla. Improved, Ullll. I lemt. a riui1 lrt In Ufa. Th SOI.MKK apportamlir M motir it lima. Moiwjr m"l raplillr and bmlraW bj any f nilintrloiia parson of ellbor ao. AU aisa. " V do Iho work ami llio a liomo. lioreor ro r f j! Clanara are an-lly oaniiii om H can do aa weH if yon will work, not o OMR) 7 ; and row tan inroaeo yonriireouwaayowa Eaay eanirivaapara to laavrn. Capital not roanlrrt. trauma on it. or.ii j.n r...w - . ,, a) ilwv y tr tie aurwwa all Assorimcnt. Ja-aa: Mm P. Query Jc Ca Are fce iAr U at U.i lafaal at 4 Ual aaWtlaa f l aabiaaaUe al i IU a ary U t-a Kniad la lt MUlav Oar UlaaMf,Ual'me lloa eba Ke im evr ati la ibe aarUitr -! v reil Mylaa, U raa ly Ij Lw tba f ra4aeUoa af bf arrb t the Ubal aeval Ua la Ue MlUlaey Ue. A tlaaee JJ eeevtaaa aay La4y of Uaa a4 JaJr" sl Utai abe rUVIjr dararvae ti reft&Ue fov SI lit aadinUla Ul at of Trlaaaaiar )lauaa4 He, Oar etaca a CaaUetdefv aad Ml Uu fAUka. T-aphrr. Waal Vaxaa, Ka- Um aad MevelUee I ot art vevii te ao voaaelal lllae be vllt favtr es with a 11 111 lad every UJd near, fieeb. aad novel, e4 ai im f""' Us tf teaa. Mrs P. Ouory & Co FOR RENT. I akir nun oa V-mM TraiW atrart. I nnn hnma oa K Mbeirert Uim I4uik fhMa rwjaarv. . lrnu Iwataa nw. Mb at. and railna.1. : S nmicu bui on Kaal Slli alraK. 1 3na booaa on rVmth Mini tf4. Two thraa-rncn boura on North fine atnri. Brrvra) (tnafl trsentent boraaa ia itlnVrvol parla of lha aij. C. MoNELIS. Offloa No. 10, Kaet Trade at. UUU Music House. MUSICAL GOODS. We will nftVr tbis wrrk a lantiful Ilrhr I'nrlirlit (Iraixl niaivo for S-ll.V aniHlier lirlir I prinlil piano frr tVKlft, Ibe innal ricra of (time inatmiiidttaj exontl Uia irtrt qnoll hv more llian 9M. l?r inatniiurlil. We ofler a 110, nuiaic boi for $A. $4 nmnirnl dolli al f3 earb tlie prirra qiuitealon theirond namel will cliaii( Io regular chargi after Ihe boli ilayn. Aiitoliaqia, banjoH, Ki'-ra, violmu, liari. Kmivi tmnl liiMlriimenU rnil NtriiiK Urt'limlra anil in.i(riiiiicnl. rianoa anil Orjninn, slie-l numlr, ninaic hooka and niusical inrcbaiiiliM of rvery ile scriUoii. Piano anil orsan tiiiiine ami rfpairiiiK of mimical limtninientt a 8eciulty. BAKER'S MUSIC HOUSE, Y. M. C. A. Iluililing. C-H A-R-L-O-T-T-E N. C. rtMOKE HOME iM ADE rjIGAuH AMOKE nUMK OllOKK llOME ADK 1 ,1(1 AliU niAKf IGAIifj ADE V :o:- MARTINS BOUQUET FOR INSTANCE. It Is made of the best material tbat can be put In a cigar for 6c. Manufa. lureil especially iot rviMu trade by . . T ifi. li. MAlHUir Charlotte, N. O. Next to Buford House. AGENTS TOR WHOLESALE ONLY. JORDAK & SCOTT, V lVholesal Druggists. : Na 10, Forth Tryon Street AM Seeds. Good People. n aa W-al rtia la tbs aM U CfctaloWa; a-auaUaaakev. Usy saasiJ eiaal taa est eaUoaj l leauaao If a u as bara ef laJaV, llaesxwalail la aaiu, e alraaU rt be 49 ta ta, e llfe mmtm Uakaaa,aiai vaaae aalrvaah . avay koaaa, Uae a.4eala lb aaaae fo4 fefie aa fa aa eld to Ilk amaa. Xw f t-f al U aaaalea rea4 kaaaof. all ibeawxaialiaf wia v I ve ee si aeJ aaUef ae I sua4. We tw Aalag r tao a M rvfaLa; m at) veal aIU aa4 aal aaeasy. Iet4 Ue wreetbefasu a4 Uta sua aake, Ibeae are Ue lai ! b iffeUl ya. a tl MOOEE, Double 0&ka Dairy. . A Choice SefectioD O F NEW YEAR MUDS AT Eddins' Book Store. tna. a. trrnvn. ' jfo. w. wwitb -AT- THE CITY QBOCERT RKTHUNE A WHITK. :0: A KULL8T0CK, ((X)DGOOD8, IX)W PRICRH, FAIR DEALINGS, FULL GUARANTEE, RF.HT QUALITIES NO FANCY PRICE!, ANXIOUS TO PLKABE QUICK 8ALEH-AND HMALL PROFITR NO MISREPRESENTATION. We mean what we say. Come to dc see us. ve are never anaersoia. Try ns, BETHUNE as WHITE. 21 R. Trade St Telephone 81. CELERY CELERY CELERY CELERY for CHRISTMAS, for CHRISTMAS, for CHRISTMAS, fer CHCISTMAS. at TATJRORA FARM. -VAZ.W.Fliifeir. 712 North College Street, DE. H. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Bnrwell A Dnnn'e Drng Store. Telephone 18a Hvan W.IIakeis Wu. M. Ijmt.s HARRIS & LITTLE. Attorneys atLa-w. . No. 36 W. Trade st, Charlotte, NO DR. CHAS..G. McMANAWAY, . . PHTsioiAir Ann Sorobon. ,.,-r,'j:, Calls lef t at Jordan's drug store o " 1 1006 S. Tryon street, promptly an-"v j rwered day or night. . F25-l;j- 4 i -a n