f a MltfOM t Ja it.lM lri aaJM : fca4 t-W4 ; MM . Ml IM ! awtp aa-t arta.v.-a a ii ti mi in . ta..."k-ra a-K4 twt fe4p I.-. , m4 mh M I , V -.-, . j w. i -a. -a t-- mI fca.e -a-4 m a- -a- mm .- t. I I feaM a wi " Mwl' i k.-aaf lm I fcmi l n W 1 a4 ,, ti I i ma. e-A M ) a m i rf ii ia t--- ae l erf im aat (infc A as awl pa f 4 Till tuuti lint hpu'jat -a BgractxA. rcmq rav, Bi'iifc aVei f 1 1 ililie.. n a riPKun crmw. W I i lal I M l. - I ! U f ea-ae-r a4 'l .Le at aaaxi, Ml MM Ma m i-aa i, M, Mat, . Vaa0Bak AA. air Mum ill Mia ft cHn42ihlU.P Baltld DM. K.at u tht yw n U vetila. dirflsraUbed frees a'i tiaadaead ImiUitoM by ear Ml Trade-Mart mi froel of fiMf, aad ik ul IV seal aad alga at r Jlf.rrtll ACv OilLLMAN Sanitary Plumber and Steam Fitter. tmth To ha alr teaa. Terra CMla I")!. Aa. ' rtiak- km. Oar-Jet) rjril.U la la ftumUn Una, AWNING WORK A SPECIALTY. fc'Wi nil War. THE ORTON. ' Walvi t ,ewT ir aWW r rai of Nortk (aiuiiu. and wrnaa W jot btrnM aot fail to np at TH K OK- lon ki a MuMtnldaval mntctarm. inWjr bOkI arMa xWa InmiawiM, Tam. trie UKhWB4 all anavMikwMM. Htinial tow rataa to aartfaa dn- InV U ummar aan. Traiwirnt ratea fM 5SAntiaroniinoatinna. nUm fcra UmJ l-if Maaa VSMITH & WATTS, " " nilOKKItH, 10 SOultact Btiwt, Ouaurr, N. C . , B iiii ntinn UmM Broa A Co.. mn bmatbtnaw UnaH of Trad: Uliman Krna.. iM.nn Krv York Cottoa Kirtianit Hub hard. Vtim A Co mrabm New Yok Un t I A f V mamlwfl KW lOTI Hiork Kxi4ianii If. H. f antliani. member New York hlnkum KichanR. Onln exrull In from three to Bra raTuutea orar our private wlraa. The WiDgtoo Post. A National Paper. IWn prlntod at tha arat of Government, XUK VVICKKLY 1T oonUim ial feal ntea sol llwiid In an other jmbliton. Krery no atiouM "llrat miberrilie f. hit Ktanra. After that h done. If ahlctoUke aiKXner iwper, in mm "iiw itihi-m r 4UU of the country lathe one that will nrore nioat proQtahle anil enUrteinlna. The prk of THK WKKKtY rOST li 7Soeuts tt annum In atlvano. Manrple oopiea aent free. Adilraaa, The Weekly Post, WASHINGTON, I). C Central Pari Is another oamlMate for the eonnMnntlon of those seeking derirahhi homej iir the prosperous growing city of Chariolto. CENTRALLY tAHmVTHM trnwew" Pilworth and Higlilaoda. Its name ia at o.or reCngn.Mil as appropnaw. BEAUTIFUL Ondulatinff fleWsand lawns lnUwprrI iritli niagnliloent (trow of wiks, hiiktrii'S. tc andihe natural beantiesol tlienilnnthiji nomatied by the aid of man-l Oetitral lVrk. AT CENTRAL PARK Yon can select ,4to8cns for i model conntrr h vine; 10. SO to 40 acres f a model truck farm; 10, 90 to 40 acres ft a model Rra (nrin; 20, 40 to 80 acres for model dairy. IP YOU WISH t To bnv Roncra! pnrrx IHrin. ora large U WIJ "I. . . ' , - will Ji lvHI U ' Oliarlotu, N.O DIt, GEO. W. GRA1IAM. ; PraoUo limited to dwease" of rK EYE, BAR AND THROA i tut M i imiti ItM Hi k, IiIh C -am OK m t r VaUl rir -: f laa . It l - 1 al IM t4laM 4ailr ! M way V 1 1 ltf. Ill l ' - f tiUlef4(af ' U 4laM,fW aft !. AIm II Ml to !" w4i !). lw fl iMta4. O ' 4 U welitl, wfcUW tlvsttJUS U aww ! Ik w a4 tMr44lUlSlolM .lU lev dalaaf elilf aM IM latar J," hU t I- ry J. ik.ilrIJa.litr. lValMtlt Ul4la ilf IX tHll l ' twM-aliy t4 a) Nr la ak ! a"U II iliiifrilllM.N imjU pnl t4 rtil I Mwrw frawhlfdeaJiaea 4lfa sf U avail cjaaatiO M ay m dlrd. TMMVanM ar vrmioi ,w . ri.Ual.lpH aUI. UJf arw ail anaaa, l mam " Mb rvw Mki Ui tin h. lby Wllr4 ly L'illeiH4K KlKMS al m Ury. aa4 ara aale4 ' krHtiUUitMiliifm.. Iinl hp irtmtal n ywwB .ft ik. ukiM atllh atackt f BiHWr- lagallver la frl fl Uau. Taey a d l( b4lil al a Uaa. aaUkly pre4 IH a1f al plea lba an imkh py tara ,waaa ary to ail the roalaaaa Woffahlaf Wm rnaUaai. MMf ItbM at prep ad by Ua awa.fra an '--" - . whla tbyarBllw4 in Uy are H" la draaar-llka bota, t . ..i..UiiiMn m.. .MiNtalf ara IfvaV Bade to hold litat tbalamiMial thai lbahw-oea ol a aliicl ! ww-aU likely to make thaabarUMrw Ubl. Kry ' P- . .ii i .ii la walvhad af lr l- lof filled, la lha umttij nlhU Tl la laUrUa l Ua4 Uhlad it..nhMMiBir iioiAin la the eaab room aod how lha bulla la rarrlad oa Tba uOleial ia eoarra . i i .ni.i. a vrt ef wire ear. .Irroatdedoa eary aid b alack . k. t 1 A a.n I anoeay ia twtj lha floor ara the bait ol atlrar aad iMiiaanilad wun tuiM, J k.. ..hMB broukhl up by the levator froaa tba ewaa'tatr tvna b-- naatb. lUaldaa lha smaller come thara ara b of allrer dollar, each a - I - I a. a. U nW i III I miltlllll hU I d teswiii w - - . . og Ua silver dollar each, nickels la maslla baf oi io ana pw' l - i nd 1.. and MDolfl In uioallo baff of $6 and paper ba of $1 At tn Uftof khapaylnf aalUr Is a drawer divided lata coajipartmeBto eiactrv . a k .m 4 fill aal aw 1 1 la tbaalieoi iwovac. -u- -- k.nk aad Ireaaurv Dote SUI1 IIVr erUAcats of every deaomloailoB. Tha amtraitaU sum at hand seams enormous, but people com In such rapid succession io ow wiuuuw ..... presently the supply small bills raas low. la response to an order conveyed by a mesn(rer two pack aas ar broach: aach a foot cob and neatly aoue sp in uruwu i rr with a lab L TueofTiclal lit charge of the )haot;e cuts them open with his penknife. In one of them are found 4,000 f I not, and in the other aa inmi ft! nola. Whenever the taller needs more cah of aliy kind h sloiDlr flllls out a Diana aim ikii hi Initial. The vault clerk deliver to him lbs money and charts anal us t Dim. All lha fractional pap' currency that come In for redemption Is handed directly over the chan;e counter, new money beknx K'Teu for IU Ona day last week a pack a (re of It coutalnlnir 171.7.1 waa received in il.la war tha lilrirest sluil Conlril. mant that has reached the treasury for a year. The little notes, neatij ona up in a uunuie, w m um suu rorn that the engraving on them waa hardly dlstinRnisnanie. nuia lurioui story aiight have ien toia ik.m lniiKtlaaa. Perchance they formed a portion of soma miser's noaru, niuuen iwij ti " . . k. - . . k i . . . . Ar ar. Any one woo naa a i.in . n H I,. a In.t tlM mat can iret a fresh and whola one for It by apply- . ... ...... TK raak I tiff vne aaiuo cuuuim. llfths of a ten-dollar note Is worth HO. Two-flfihs Is worth - nut a i . . m..i Ka aw(in nan Ia(1 by an affidavit tetllmr how the bal- kk.kkm Hoatrnveil. AmOllff the coins sent In from Mnks are a froit many mutilated and foreijrn ones. They are thrown out lu the countinfr roam. AH old copper cents are kept and sent to the mint for recoininn;. r.llratatlaa It a with the ulckle H-CHDt and bronce 2-cent pieces. in mmm Tn Thoaaand AwalU lllm. 1r. . nvi . Tun Tltrnnivh A niuiuniti i a , . "k " reading a newspaper article Julius . 1 I a k. J lir 1 i I 1 . 1 1 ll.nt.a n ., ai nmiiii anu y mmm v. hi u. im j , o- I u .1 ll.n U.a.k ir.vi...nl. k.mll rha fmnrhtfiir lha inHanendtincn of Texas, met here yesterday. The re sult establishes Smith's claim to i aAIn f rm ltiL'tlt a imaii n f.i not q (lie V ! II I ttiJ i.n wxjo wi vctaui j mvwmiv- veteran, who I eighty-one yearsd, a I 1-? - . r. A I. I ak . I A has Deeu iooriuk - "uw ,u comrades to Identify blm and Is at last successful. Hoth men recognised each other as companions In arms' at San Jacinto, where rjmlth was wounded in the left arm. leir and hip. After the reunion Smith re- . 1 I A K la anna lirvinn at Moore 6 station and his paper will be for- a . tit.. .LK.l.t. kivi aAaalr . waraeu to wasiuuK1"" ri m.. Au IaterenUns; Performance. OoldsboroHeadUirht: Just as' we iro to, press, wa learn of a nana to hand fljtha which took place at Heven 8prlnirs yesterday between Prof. W. R. Skinner, principal of Vance Col legiate: Institute aud bia entire faculty ..Our Informant tells us that thProfessor cond noted himself like regular prise fighter by knocking hia assallanta down and out. There la no doubt that this unfortunate af fair will be rentllated In th,e courts. . a. ) , .-, u . .ua t , , i I . I ell- .1 lha 1 i.i-.lt ! '' '' , .'jiHIIII ai at II '' t t4 ia -cnrM (. . , ii, tatM lia -.el4 WU ,., ..( wLi.e Ih I'' Uatl4 a u.;mUisriJ aa4 - "l La ClSilis C 'a ar h 4 faaaa ti;.. I 'a, '; 4 ! "J tvlf eSi " J a . II. I a-.. I '.td.al f lha Juhakja4eM lat Ula Lmtl . ., . that ika iia fa .3.aa4lhlMlatVaUal wU a ' i..-..-a.a. fait arw la Iba t'alted liiahasdartac U as T w i k f tw. It U aal4, U stdariacal t kUsfaa la f fwor- a- a. laaaa war UlV la SS a(axwat wivb rUawawta la IA rvaacfe rwwdaav Tai triUWa.itf4lu4 for ! 411 ar. will wa4 fr -afaa r- Yk aasy. (laaaraJfVa els will b al- Uw4 aalaaullssbiwuaa b saay a eila la We Id's rJr. Upward C IJBBapao Miin nav a aoairat4 tot ay 'aa(U tlrolhara al'a,! Hltarf , Pa Tli BrlUah aaar Hlr VYllllasa Arm tr af t abir aa ti Vlrjla la Hw salt fraaa CebVa I- .New Yoffa ila laaaiaaa d Pnmal report thai lha Kw Yerfc Ufa laseraao Cosapaay Is advent ; Palttaaa a rapplat (la Jaha A. Wtlay oommeed oi U rWond Ilrtirad, Peaylvaata Wa tinasl tlas'd. Tt sail f Cart Araastraag sralast tb lak of tHleaas for iUaalkMi al al wife's sitae tkoes I likely U cosna l a speed tr'L .. . . IlMloa cemmoa eoaarll Is Irea- hU4 aboal m prpoltla la rtra a ('oafederai flsf eap4a-d al Haa- oar t'eart Ho. Va , la la. Oaorge V. Myara waa IneUally killed aad Kdward Nooaaa. (Iworr Kowlar, aad llworf I wr la larad by the fall la HalUaaor af . chlmoey, where tby war work- '"aUi. I -awls, for th saarder of Uo Travers In Jaea. and Kheppard llosby. for kllllar Ipaty Marshal Harney Coeawlly la Aagast. ) bae leeB aeateaced at Port Mml'lli. Ark, by I'nIVed Htale Judp Parker, to b baeged April 27 mil Ha LIU4 A party of Chicago. Barllagtoa and Qalacy offlelal war oat on a tour of In apex Unn mixed with plaa ur la the general managar'a car, and a Oe moaeallooga, wblcb one of the party bad raptarad. was tn be It leading attraction of th dinner, ao jv th locomotive Kag1ar. Th eoek davoud special attention to making th fish a trlamph of bis eulllnary art, and, and tb most ap petlsttg mum known to ook was prepared to glv th moms alio tig a gnmd "aeod off " When dinner was called (I eral u.. n.rlni.n.nl Raalar aat down and continued the story he was lelllag. . k Jl-k aaal The waiter earneo in a uia ..i it 4n twMlda Mr. Healer, who took op a spoon and began to eal a ... .k I. V. I . without letting to i o mi i talk. Prntly Mr. Harris rang for the waiter and said t "Why don't you bring tb oup for thereat of OS?" "Why, Maas'r Harris," said th waiter, "dar's no soup today." No aoop? Why, Mr. Heeler I eating soup!" The startled darkey gsied st Mr. Healer, and when he could fl:id breath exclaimed: Ko' de l.awd sake. If Mr. IWs.er slu t eat all the fish sauce!" Nlartr-twa laaraOia. Washington Htar, 22nd: Rev. Dr. Koolt, the President's father-in-law, celebrated his ninety-second birth day today. He Is a remarkably vig orous old gentleman and received man conirratulations today on his continued good health. He demon strated his sound condition oy waia-ino- nmnil thu est room at a rapid gait without apparent effort A Little Girl's Experience in a Light and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of the Got. Lighthouse at Hand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter four years old. Last April she waa taken down with meaeles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning Into a fever. Doe tors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew wore rap idly, until ahe was a mere "handfal of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the ase of two and a half bottles, was complete ly cured. The say Dr. Klnga New Discovery is worth Its weight in gold, vet you mav get a trial bottle free at Hurwell & f)unn's, wholesale and re tail, and at Jordan & Hcott'e, whole sale drug stores. ... S, Finest fresh roasted in the city, at BONNKY VAN NKSt. GENUINE Apple Cider WR II A VK TAKEN AN AGENCY FOB THK CIDER MILLS OF OLIVER BROS., laOckport, N. Y., and are ready to take Orders. vv W t f til nvjiaa vm ino .-. - - galUni.8, 23 gallobs or 48 gallons. Cider guaranteed to keen and its nuality is better TIT .wll 11 M KawmaYsj MAnlalnina AihV 14 II1H" HllJ vnm 1.4 um wwiin. We will also bottle the same Cider inqnari and pints, tiotties nicely laoiea ana un- loiltd. " A trial order will convince the customer of of what we cl.iim oi ims uoer, . aVALER&CO. rt-aet. , -!. p-af htlitk.aais tWMf ia aJ MelU,a lM klllif rf t4lktUe.ta 4 Herveee t4ca,uae Lmm fciitti. r at ! hj aad t(ailaila4,Uk Iaa aUutf Law., (- atlai aad UwJk egaai if aUUa. lake la Klltu. I. MUyw Ushm Cllilr will al fall tea la ear 4U aaova aasaad dtusti. all l wkka artae frM a fid MlitMM.) ll. iwatab, in. araar Wt.lt to aad II UtUa al rwgrtata. . . . w . a a M . a I . A i . rrepa'waaaiy ay v. l7 lala,(ia L . Hr s -, Parwaall t'txtcb Cvld. llarv tut. T1.m1 Hfaattlllt. llt rvaag aad ail lar-ai aad taf dl- , MHttlltlllvia a a.s La al at r a r La I a. lTwnrwd aly ay lr. II Meaiey. A Us la, Ua Basklea'a Iraiaa laiv. n.aW.1 Kilta la Lha world for atkroUeoa,eeJt rb-,fvr rwa, ltt-r, Shapp-Ml naAoa, anu bUlaa, aoraa. ajtd all ski a erepUoa. aad I BwalUVaiy ear ptia-s, o mm pa alrwd. It U gwaraatawd U five akkllfait laa o aioaif r reiaa- AA rrta M eeala Da-r bet. w aai al sarwll A Ua-a. woo a)o ralall, aad al Jordaa A iPa, wbol aala drag store I'aeertalaty aaay aUad txili. vatar aad atrprtw: bm II rathead tb prerapladatlaUuatlon f Ir. Hall' I'wagh Hyrap. VxsU. .a . mm- mmi - JuatiwlTad New Vwa fisaisry HotVrf, CtUe.Wa.al WOMKEV A VAW NbeT CURES ALL WKKmrnoM ci rki. I believa II lo be ana of th bra nm.lrlt.ra autd The parWrtana. two yrart arn u mi wifer bail nulKlOa hulh lunir affa-lail I klT had loaMlWrWiU.wraI -nip u kartp bar aim. bulsma rta hai larti Uk liwt KaOaiu'l Mtrfuba Klllrr ba haa bem rlrhl al bom airndin to Ixr buaiivr. and Is lo brtlrr bealih than ttx- naa ri. in J jaan. "U T POOUC, t Vdartuwn, ia 8BVCKAL DWES tTHEl' I ul saiflirir Iflifr tn ,;" wer of your kkudlrln. Ilavlna lm wirlMrr w- Mk Imui twnnrhtaJ arTerlWm and In- dtf-stKMi, afW taktn Min-olw killer all of lite abov synplonM bare iua.HTri Yew. ec. TIHW. U IA VIH, J an It Howard Memorial I jlirarT. Nrw Or Irani, I-a.' AKTHMA AND CATARRH CURED. "I hare breo a anfterer from aatbtna and raurrh foe mora than two yrari paal, gwun . . I ... aillln. 1 1 n in ha-.l tW Nvlin- ln in a chair I kara uar.1 on ju at lUd am's Microhe Killer, and Ibr the last three k a k,kkM li..fi aUknna natiirallv amndlv 1 - .. . a-l.iL.1 I akffnKll ti i v n4ia to the remedy, and heartily munimf. d It to any onesunmnn mmi auiuiau-. i.i kiik. trouble Iteair-rlftilljr. EDWIN K. MlHJKr Canhier in lUnk of Ailairille " fKVKR ANT) Fl t'Y (TREK. ... .1 ' 1 1 a a . f. 1 1. , .Aa.. l.lrina W i . erohe Killer for Hflern .Urn lam entirely ruml. aftrr U-uir ak-k two years with mala 4kki faak.r anil rinrinr whit-h lime 1 contract- a -. 1 '.II a .. w aWa. I -.aa altkMwta.1 during this time by three of tne beat docsnra or tbe city witooai oeneni ..... tkAk. WUTV ri xa i-n-ri 10 OeWst at. New Orleans, 1. MR. RA DAM'S MICROBE KII.I.KK CURKS ALL D18KA8K8 BY RK MOV 1 Nil THK OAfSE. . O I a k . M a. I naa. k.l-wk.,1.. ..Aai neiiti a urn. ika 111 (i n.i iv-aKr - the MMtobe War sliowt what diaeaar i ami what th remedy mnat he, and d- lo mrv it. KwCt; drcnlale it and you will blcrw lb diacoverer lor saving voor me. smirw RADAM'8 MICKOKK KILLER. Nashville , Ten i)., or R. II. JORDAN t CO, Agent Charlotte, .V. C. WATCHES Cheaper than ever. CLOCKS Away down. GOLD PENS Very Cheap. POCKET KNIVES Go the same way, and all other goods in the Jewelry line at your own price. A TTALE8, Practical A. HkAliES, Watchmaker, No. 9, Trade stieet. FonmorM YOUNG MJBNwOLD MElf U.I M Hit IWM W " IWrlBli mr wMsa Aa tMFtMa aBsjnp w ai mm a7lMtaa kaawtac mt t amllllf AHAKK OFFTHt HOrWID SNAKrt Cwm. WkiaaEBaa.tar.bat.l OUR NEW BOOK Araaat a Waa, aa4 WwJ f hr alalTlr Mf lalV Taiuaa aa- ktlttr. Watm ai aaay aatal aa 1 aaMi. ar tnaui, . aa4 IM. taalfciai - ...a serakaWtA.wa pTaar tins MSOICALCO, buff aLo.n.y, 5 ft l II af.1N e ii i iv j yNf m mm.- . t : . ' TV evohdey taaki Utaf , I aw ready gtva ftal auU. U any i-iflac aWaaitiMal af WtuU, los aa4 Jewairy. A ale u-k C WaUk-s. CteaAa, lH.mo.dt. a4 all ale af Jawalrj ba4, s (live a a ealL. JOHN FAUUIOE.. Insotxtorof C. C iid A. L WtUhes. Cheap Paper. W have taiieww W o4 TT4 (Alatwaaaal ln td af at . w d lWatttrl llaak TVr- ara l inriM. aad WW kw aad t r pttnllna oa co. etda. Ta- k aaa. al "liw KIWtFAFE r01l. wa Q rf ISB. Oollaga Owa Office IS Houth Tttoo Street, ovr First NaUonal Bank, m! oppoalw CenUal MoteL CHAH. C. HOOK. AKCHITfiOT. BUFOHD HOTEL. J. l Wadsworlh 4 Son. BU0CBW0K8 T A 0 Hutchison & Co, We have just received our new styles for 1892. HITUOIEM, WAOONfl, ttURRYH, PHAETONS, CARTH and All kinds of vehicles for sale cheap. Call to see us ind buy a Studebaker Wagon. Jan IS QAROLIN A . CENTRAL DIVISION . Wiumterov. Nov, 29th 1891. Change of so bed til on Seahoard Air Line, C. C. Division. WE8TB0UND TRAINfi No. aa. No. S3. No 41. pailyex Nov.29 1891. Daily ex. uauy ex.i iii j Sunday.) Sunday i A W t H aM .Daily ex. ' I a . Sunday LvWilm'gl 8.80 am 1.43'rm 7.15 pm 9.30 am Lv Hamlet....: 7.40pm 8.30pm 10.15pm Lt Wadesb'rol 2,33 pm 4.90 pm 4.30 pm 5.&5 Dm S.63am 7.25 am Ar Charlotte . Lv Charlotte. LvLinoolnt'n Lv Shelby Ar Ruthrfdtn 6.63 pm 7.55 pm EA8TB0UND TRAINS. No. 38. Daily ex. Sunday. No. 84. Daily ex Sunday Nov. 29 1891. No. 88 LvRutherft'r ISM LvShelhy 9.04 am LvLincomt n. ArCharlotte 10.03 am 11.23 pm U.. pm LrChariotte 7.45 pm 5.00 am LvWadesbord 1.18 pm 1068 pm 6.49 a m LvHamiet 2.88 pd 18.45 am 800 am ArWilmingtn 6.22 pm 7,40 ara w, i Tk.Tj ii anil Ktt make nnnneo- tion at Hamlet to and from Raleigh and North Nos, 43 and 88 at Monroe lor ureenwow . "uv . wi hi. a n w.ihertrai and Athens Ga-nd all polnta on G.Cdt N. road. Throagn steepera oa " ' tweea ilmingt n andtarlotte. f. W. ClRK, O. P. A- Telplione8. PBIVATB LINK PORFOSKS. write to tb Southern Bell Telepnone ina TflRtrniih CoraDny. CL E. McOLUEB. l)latrlct Burt, i laaWtf Richmond, Va. i'lih 15blUltl iiui,... CAPACITY LOfBtrik Tlla. LAY1 IMrjaiVl.kk.M ts.r iii'itii IHLLV I'lnt m TTlUt fieo. flidfvoopf lr Special rataa lo ,-lt,M udom. C0ACC W. KiTTCLLI. m()rWcar, m . S. W1TIXDWSKY, omen or Wti olooalo Only. OPENING OF FALL SEASON, 1891 1 aa aaaiUd U Uy Vfo a klad paWlia. ready la applaad aoraaa. isoeatatUrs aut saaai at lasts aad ai f gwoda aa4d aad .IppldVy tdarlar tk bmUi af Jaaa aad Jaly, forth three years ra- r T . a .. . a - . - A I Mt a .aaJinlt sl lm laisX aad lawtt - r Ism, Jaa. HI I-ao, mi - issi. - l At laarw ia 9 yeare ad aver 100 a Iareaia9yavra 4vr iuopr r aiwieaaUy Uaa aeylhtag 1 eoald xw mj jtwela." Aad so a IO -Tb a a . ...kl Io rr North t bay-ih Usa-a will aol warraal la-bal bay artr bama aad oftaa. I flr yaa a good a eleeUo of goods a, aad warraal prSomm with, aay market. .... My 11a are ail ready far laspecUoa. Keod for quotations, af aoaa la perwoa, or 11 as aad aa of say aalma W yoa. 1U peelally, O. WlttJcowaky. TUB OLIVER OIL MUM MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON SEED OIL, CAKE, MEAL AND UFi-GINS. CASH PAID FOR COTTON HKED. Ttios. IwX. Belle, Manage r."7" 606 WEST NINTH STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C WHAT DOES IT MEAN? You can get your Bread. Cakes, Rolls and IVa, fmen Fasnacbt th Baker. It will pay you to ret Breed tickets, which will be cheaper than to bake your bread. (Try some of his Rolls; Give him your order lot Bread.) J. FASNACHT, City Bakery. A aroirA-erortf swrA a ne'er aAU aiitft w Mle threan echlefltoair- THESWASHINGTON Life Insarance Company, OF NEW YORK. Assetts over $10,500,000.00. Isaglgantlo monument to the truth of the prophecy. Its bond and mortgage 1 nvestmento Ia nuia than ftS rer cent 01 aiuuiiBi v-w the total asset to. These mortgages are first liena on real estate valued t$17O(X0Oa D.I IK. ilranfth of the WaSDlng- ton la In its conservative manage- ment. in times ui concern la felt by the holdera of It ..llalu 9UU-lvoa HOWELL A HACKETT, Agenta, CHARLOTTE, N.C. T. L, ALFmwrn9 MmHr0r Richmond, Va. 8am1 L. Adams, Speolal Dlatrle Agent, room 6, Wright building ,ax bam, N.O.' Marehw-ly MUMS - - - .. tWfWal 1 14 lanaaMitaiU!. 1jM- a f"w W 'w-eaaalaik QUA KLOTTX, n. U, Ilk W aad bale; Jaly am , 1017 . per aal " 5 1 44, 1 . . ai: aaa a wgwrw epwo aay. I siwply pots I k thaat aad aay, word so Uteew BMrcbaass wb bar Great bargains in Ribbon atlSd ' worth 25o to 40c Elegant line of Domets Just in. '. Best Prints 5c . " ' iAk-.ka hiIk ranldlw at he fornaner covers and 15o for cloth bo una. . ; a iwvk-l fJ TUrhw TTat75aa. Crush- er Hats 50c and 75c, worth three times tne price. . tinfrti hnntrht at one time entitles tha nnrehaaar to OHO of tb Small paintings by Prof. Cartier. And S15 atone time a large rain- ; ing i. r. ' - - . i ' We are cloalng 100 doen pockst Knives at 25a: a big bargain: take your choice. zi 1 New roods next week, and stack' .1 of them In all linea. . t f ' t..n. kiinliu. this Vfttk of a bankrupt stock ; ona of the newest, L8t BtOCKS OI general luercuiuuiov tn th SUte, r , ; ' I Fall particulars and th Stock next. wee a. .. j. Dim i co. Racket Store!