UI1ARL0TTE NEWS. 3 7 1; .1 I J VOMJMK Vlf. UIIAHLOrm K. Cm WKDKKHDAY KVKNINO..IAXUAHY 27.1802 r v .- - . JAN. 37 1803. kiiuuiy in limu aso miu iIe ItUAlA, Sciflcs Tt t w ww, w. eei- k rn ar Tw (mm a I iji n II ) ' a aha e aa 1 .17 II. I Ml ZA Waiiiavertstrthmsta te Mm m4 Uf fa; OM - d UWMt hMrMHUvtflU Itoartisjl A IHM e SS A 4eJ 4f U lb tU alB&elt, f ; r eajstortosta 4sara4alfc.es l4 M) Bkt4 aa ll swaliry ftJ aboet Ibal to a. e4 iwUU tali lata e4 tarter (UuH. Je MtUlMMtiMllllUl t4 t far el, Ik kiyatory m eg UI4l A stii at? b!fc was B4WUeg te, hWt-t lavwetlglto. HtHfflMlt'V)M vkWkkaU twee ? 1 1 j IK 4g a. tlwMJ wbUk,lb 4o,l a 4Utoaswr bar I eg fatow!. II k4 i as 4 lawk 14 Ibe var. MHTr. 1 1 pee4 u k gaaete ftrvahy taoeeUie welt TTe toil af the wall vm baleg hed4 WI ik toes ystordy a a grael rtoty. ICOT SATISFACTORf, vt ja reeviri mt a t4vA4to 4 Ike lark t rtiytb r CtUU. Tiu la e9ea reUe) Ckllt tfcat. U Ik lTMM f-M4lU k 4iM Ua amaUaf Wa eball44 to tke aWlato el tw V. H. lla CVari. twfUUtli m 4 thl m 4ik m I a4 ! al Cbtli MVa IfUNM al tk law ft UU aaai f a aiaa aa Brt hi WiJHiaurxMi, Jaaary T?iv- WdiUmMti U Uaik a4 Ulawiltato4awa to la aaafUw 4Ujp a4 if.. SwUut UtnUlM traaMallfitiaa, A MtaWrt ar mi kia(fMJ atfAla arrMtiitiai tal aa 4Ja to IM ! I -M u Ua I'aluJHuu Mlt to a ,wa7Ww fi toiiijr .. . . .t . a MlaiaiVUa4UagUaal-rJ TVaittiafUlMl aaaklac rrparviUaa lot On tXk Hif al- toaiio ltl a rJti4 a run u UMtlM Ktalr U. U. Maiwll, Ih4 f lia' in'j ifaal oa Maiaa. !! aJraadr baa a daaaa t Mr larya4 baaaUfal aaat. A lfltaalailf pUf apa4aa) ! Itta arrblwiaral III f Ut faaUf alacalaaftarg Mi4a a aa4bnt la laa braaahaa a( a pwlar 1 1 vaa a ihot- agbl lakarvafta Um tlwto a4 lvlaf U4ar,'Ul lha la eoalJ 4 ba aaaaraud at) lo aarara Lha aaaUl aa aa aaaary to aal do a lha aadaf. I ra Maivall faj fro as 10 lo ;0 cvala for lb aaaU. ta v Mi4kUa ofla aali A4WWtoaM aaJ 4ua U4- an iw ara pt)j J la tra( Wrafa ami ( hlMna Wni aia Im-tad arflalhta rkn tt aiW, AH K oar Wrapa mbM a ral aul al anra ana our anraa a til aa nt h o H, Inq aruMW la 4 mrnn rata aarymia, HAMBl'KtM. 4 aiwal Daal atto Bai lot of RaitootitMU. Ogm ar aU of uoa ana baaattfaJ fta Wn, Tka wart ki wit Auaaoa irrf aha ci4k; TW ara IvanlT rflfta-aat urtl aa la Uta lut, aa roar rKo'ra ran la rraat. aV T ban a. TbaTarrbtal lla Ibadiv. fWiaote 0toTa tbal wa. Ibal aia all lb rMr. ara aotna quirk at 11 par ilr. Mail aaitari bar pnan(j auantloa. L Ma Ihim Tba-Ullla Nafjral.". which I lo appear al lhaopara huaaa to-morrow ffbt, la aal lo ba anutalhlog all a la lha way of a ones le how. ll ha b m) a vary ateefai raa al lha 14 lug Ihraalraa, III aol a wlanlDg or bawond. drama, but a faae bona aoanody, with a plot fall of ! gaol aaaale, alrgfag aad daaclac.aad UUlly raflaad lo avary partlcalar. T. L Seigle & CO. .. II V. Trada ai. I H. Trroo ( CHABU)TTK. N. Kecamier Cream, " Balm, " Soap " Freckle Latiao. The finest Toilet articles known. MadabyMRS. HARRtKT HUIi BARD AVER Nw York. Burwell & Dunn, WA0LE8AL'? AND RETAIL Druggists. Tbal raally vary aieal i iow al lha opora houa laal alght, oaa of lh baal lodad, lha haa r aDoaarad bar. Mlaa Lilian ltu U a uprb arlraaa, aod ba I up- portad by aganaloaly good oooipaay, Huoh IrtHipa aa thl aboald ba gaa good boaaca all through tha Kotith. Hlxiy-aight baltof c tlon war broagbt to the rity by wagon to-day, Mr. W.J. IUtI ha boaght th Nfwoomb raaldaoc ou Wrt fHh lrt, and haa moved Into It Thar will ha a matting of th PhllbarmFDle Society to-nlgbt, at 8:.10 o'clock., al th aaual place of maatlog. IUv. C. K. Todd will bo prvot ad from praaohlng at th Klrat I'ra- bytariaa eharcli to-night, by alrk-naaa. Work hasbeon aetlvaly rem mad on th new city hall, and tha front walla are now nearly completed. The entire building will be under roof In two or three day. The tralna were all out of gear again to-day, runnlog two honra be hind achedole time. A apeclal train vm run from Orarnaboro to Char lotte to take the place of the delayed mall train due here at 1 :tt o'clock. Hew Aavertlawaata T-D.r. Fair lo aw Hoyn lUdr. Attorney at law Hm A Little. Th Riyal Dauber (Jilrrath .t Vo. Kucaly4ina Jelly A B KeweAt o. A drummer talks J M Harriaon V. i atch on while you can Rocera Co. Ituiat'i garden areila Tboa Keese (i, Hhoabruahai and blackiiif Oray A Ham huniU Indies and children cloaks T L eisle 4 Company. Wi'sons Crvstal Wafctrs. fresh and crisp, at ' 1IONNKY A VAN NK8S . Trvwrv 7 EUCALYPTI! JELLY, An Invslnalilo Preparation Tor Toilet Vm A siwillo for Chapped Hands and Lipa, Strati Iipm, fills, Hiirna, Insect Bites, A POWTER IN 8UOE3. We are selling Oenla Fin Calf Bala and OouKrees for 13, II, and IA, that are tbebnst valuw ta b had aoywqera for the prices aak- ad ftw them. That'a a pointer that's to the point. Call and K a pair. We have cheaper and Intermediate grade of good value, which we ar aelling at price to tuittb time. Our ladies Shoes at 12,50 and or offplendid quality, fit and finish. Our goods are all mad to our own order by th best manufacturers in th country, and are guaranteed to giva satisfaction. A. K, RANKIN ABRO. Channg, etc. Fu alyptin con tains no grease. 25 cts a Bottle A. B. REESE & CO. aJUag (Mataaraa4 lha 4frv awili thk aaralag tw thai thlU U aeaaalf laar la b advaaiaa. KaeaJ fflaata are eieaaUa!y 4Waaa4to4 aver la r af paaaafal allaaat, ad IK aw l- lta4 to 4M Ik ga)laa tha lefafmalto Ita aigaftaaa, OtW efeaarvara, aa we41, wb ar Ua peaajalll latov U4. ax ajaJia aa cwaldaal la lha thai lrr U IlllUa araaoa) fa dlaaaatlaalag lis mu pfepAraitoax her to W faa4 la tba4UpU la lha trat a I era lha prop Itiaei I alatoel aal varaally aelU4 aa aia a aaaUary. aa wkv It U aa offer la aaodify Ua aaaaaa far aw flia far a the MalU oto la oa- ear ad, aa4 yet. It I agra4, Uta offaf I laaoaaplaU, la thai It aaaraiy pr aela aa aaa for lla delivery to Heior MotU aad tha alhef Cblllaa acaal oa tha groaad of aa error af JudgmeaL A dlploaval a attache of this ffovefaeBeoi gave II aa hi opl loa ihl aaralag thai au4b a propo altia eondlliooad by aeh a eieaae doaanolnioal th reajalretneaU at tha I'raaldeat'adafiaaad for a fall aad eoutplet dlaavowal af lha aol la aec b Dablicilv a II was riven oa IU proeaatalioD. Thooad Urea af the 'apology" la a withdrawal t-t Iba reaaei for Mr. Kgao'a racal 1, ba I la lha opinion of a great maay obaerver who have atadied toe eaaacloaaly thl ba lit tie or do brerlogoa the iasea, loa tnach as th Prealdeal baa already declined to recall tb minister, and the rv-qeest of the Chilian go vera- manl o that affect ha lharafor not affected the attllnde of the adminl Uallo) la the leaat. Th third propoeltloo to submit the HaltimoreafTatr to arbitration I not regarded aa having any weight view of the fact that Ch II haa placed heraelf BDueUrnatly on record before the Pan-Amerirau con gress a being oppoaed to th artdlra llon of all questions Invoh lug a point of national honar. Tb fact that the Chilian delegate to that body were from th ifoveroment of which Hal maceda wa head may eff-ft1 alight ground for a disavowal by tha present government of the platform then laid down. In case such a diaa vowal is not made, lioweuer, com e tent authorities here ccnvlder hat It would be altogether Improper forth United Htatea lo consider any prop osition looking to arbitration coming from Chili. The point In 'asue is one f national honor and la so regarded by the President, who, In hi ines nage to Conffrett yesterday, expreened t as his oHnlon toat the attack upon the sailors of tha Baltimore waa leaa fan assault upon tha men than up- n the uniform they wore, and that he Integrity and honor of the I'nl- tod Htates had, through them, been aftsalled. The fourth and lat proposition Is thought to be the weakest of all. and Indeed Is being quoted freelv Unlay ra44 baa I J ba aaad lha shim of aaUilag aa lauraalloaal di.( u. bit ll aay appaar ba ba a fair eua by ltll. I lho(bl lo Ua m IrrecataJ aa to ba aeaieaa. Il U aai4 thai rtocator Haw lay. di aaif lha aiiaallai with a asvai afflaar thl aaacalag. aald lhal h. ra- gad4 Lha propoatiloft m id it i Jeel effort lb part af Chili to aaoai lb I' a I hod HUU haif way h4 to b fair. Ve. whh all the criticism thai Is ssJ apa lb dispatch aad iti prwfiaMltlaaa, It waa agraed thai In aaaw la goverameal or i Mil lias actually aaal ach a m '; u litis adaslalsUaUoa Iba poalblllty ir war baa base wholly averted. tsiiuriissinisaisii nuin The propoallioa mi l lo Ilia die- patch yeaterd ay, aa cotti I n Irnm Chill, dnaa aol avoid the ol -lrtl-n lo flrwt prepoalliot). Thay proxvac now lo recall lha aola, aol Utium II la affaaalve, bat because tha andlng of ll waa aa "error of Judgment." ThlaroonUy lhay farther say. Is not eoaaidaring error of Judgnieol aacaaeeof war, aot will prutably accept avothleg but an iitr.ol vocal withdrawal o( tha note as offensive and Improper. ( Nil IIMI I'IKIM Tllll W ABM I iito!. Jan. 27, NiMn. A doa patch Jat received from San tiago, says: The Chamber of Depu ties had a hot debate on the relations of Chill with lha Called Htatea. The Conservatives opposed to the cou clllatory reply lo President Marrl om't alii mala on, hot the I.lleral. who were In Ilia mijorlty. auataiiied It. A a S w ( Ci ii. f aa a siM.kt i-i ii fmrnt t t lis Thsis waa sjalia aa aislllag arv deal ai it. Caoitaa Ceauai f aaas. gr Jrft. O-l aftraMi, sael by lU bfabis4ahalaaaiae Wakaa of aa sloe u to ear Tha tar waa lT daa lha fta-ia to lha 44A lhaasa is4. bal wh.a the awetovN aaa applied Iba braboa; a aha I I Uels, aad lha ear iitbls with la 'tf4ag apeod IUchlag lha a of tb track at ilia sain agar plal fores. II mhiM iba a4alfrai, crash ad rtref b lha ahod roaaa i I reuroao iraca asxi ftraagbl ap agalasi aeoalacbato frfl tb arUi sUe of the IraJa yard, aad aa lha brow of a bill 4wa wblak the woald have gooa tobuggaalag toil for lha obeirectioa. No aae waa lajar d, and lha car wa bal allgbli dam agaoi. An aitra ar was al aacw pal oa aad traffl waa aol latorrapud Warrl.a taaSaaaay. Thar waa a marriage al lha par aoaage of the Tryoa stroat Metbndlsl paraooaf a, yesterday afwvrnooa. Mr Joha tirlffllb. of Hlackabara. K C, as married to Mlaa Martha J. Jor- daa.nf Wllmlagloa, N . C. The rwra. moo waa performed by Ilav. A. P. Tyre, X Q 'A H o H X w 3 c o s w o X o a w a H O W bH 'A K W ft, T. Q a Q 'A O 'A to -) aq i- O 3D w 0D 3D ft. K a fa or X 8 'A O aS W a A o w H 'A O H W w c B Q o a. o to TI T ATT? L. U. AUJDj a Waaaa Kilter. Mr. Kenton ued lo le an efinr but that's nothing against him for be saw his mistake, quit, and r- formed. )lert-r Stanley Keoton tolls a brilliant story of "A I)y and Night In a Volcano." at Y. M. C. A. hall tomorrow uight, and illustrates it with ICO or more gorgeous pictures 3) feel square. The "action" of the I reproduced before Kruptlons and hair Plenty of fun. K-at sarrta- T 4mf Mr. J I.WhlUelLnf ColunabaMlA, and Mlaa Itirdla Caldwell, ware mar ried la thl city at noon to-day. The ceremony waa performed at the resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. Wil liam Ca Id well . by Ilav. K. C. Kewd, pastor of lha Hecond Praahylcrlao church Ttieoealy wedded left oa the afternoon train for their home In Colomt us. SrWlMlMl ol SI. Iilni. A commission of tha Hrotherhood consisting of Kev. Mr. Iyd of Nor folk. Va , and Mr. John Wood, Oen eral Hecrelary of the Brotherhood a III deliver addresae In HL Pe tor's to morrow nighl al 7:90 p. m nn the work of the Brotherhood In the Co I ted HUtee A II will be welcome and yooog men are especially urged to be present. FAIR TO SEE. !Tob of th seaaoe KavIUs bagiaa loaoaar-ar with oar gtlttonag ar ray af CAUD HAMUri How popalar lhay are Is Ideaoed by lha 4aaa4 tot the as. Il basboaa sua Illy lcraaiag aad it has a rwe 4 a llaAI yet If yoa are oat of the fasbloa, yoa are virtually e-al a lha warfd a4 the world asvar yet boas tod ol aayihiag dataller r snore faahlo) ibta Ibaa ovr N ECK LACKM. They are so eiqalsiu la dealga and so perfect laaUa o ratio a that nothing but aa aaceadlUoeaJ sarreader I la order when ye) them. If yoa want to look at oaiihlag more thaa asaally leaspllag. com and glance al our Poeof DlAMtlNI) HINlirt. Fall stock ; fair price', oallty guaranteed. fl'e fountains the audleoce. lifting eecapes now reset red Tha Weather. Following Is a synopsis of either prevailing at H a tu, today: An area of vary high barometer Is now cen tral over this auction the caue of this oold wave. TeineratureK w ith in Ita Influences have fallen 10 de grees to T) degrees, tliii fall . xtend Ing through to the (Julf ami Atlan tic coast. A low pressur- n central in tb extreme northwest, which is producing warmer went her by f de greee to 1 degrees, lint little precip itation haa occurred over any part of the country, and probabilities are good for continued fair weather. aiaalla lt-M. Adileu tr their other trials, the farmers of the county are now being harassed I"- b&coti thievea. The out- tireak Is similar to that which oc curred In Mecklenburg several win ters a"- Night before last, thieves visited the meat house of Mr. Mac I'ettua, who lives near Ron)!' ferry, and carried off every pound of meat he had. Other farmers lo that sec tion have suffered similar losses. BOYJNE & BADGER Leading Jewelers, 0i6Lrlotte, 1ST O. Shoe Brushes aDd Blacking. h-: h or a choice tender juicy steatt go to H.C. Irwiuameat market. Trade street, W estern meat. New and popular shades of Man- darlan cloths, last the thing for an inexpensive evening dress. Fresh stock Towels, frintred or hem raea, aatuask and huck. We can tastefully do your trhle with damask and doilies, as wa carry a large lineof each. 60dosen ladles Hanilkerchiefw new ly opened from ftc up. An exquisite line of white embroidered ones. Curtains In this department we offer some special inducements to close broken numbers. Carpet 'sale continues, regard less of bad weather. Prices so low the dis interested are stirred on the floor dressing subject. Blankets and winter stock treneral- ly marked down. Remember the Hosiery sale. X AN DEE, S Kltaals lhal aa he Cheated Oa. It has got so now that when the cold wave Hag goes up, our people get ready for it. A record kept dur ing the iat few months show that the flag has lied only once, on every other occasion telling the truth with painful effect. The weather men have got the buplnnss down to a point when they are reasonably sure in their predictions, and the signals are now of that degree of reliability as to be valuable. The cold wave predicted yesterday was a buster, the thermometer going down to 20 de grees aad remaining below the freer ing point all of this forenoon. Mrs. Ann C. Calloway, formerly of 4'harlottn,but now of Birmingham, is visiting Mr. Latta C. Johnston. Mrs. Calloway is a sister to Gen. R. D , and ('apt. James F. Johnston. Hhocs I our luslnesa, but w carry at all timea a fnll Hoe of Blacklag Brushes, Daubers, and Polishers; Our traveling t ia th nloeat thing for traveling people to ba found A good Brush and a box of Blacking Bioly packed In a small wood box so aa to be carried In a grip. Also a fall llnaof Blacking, Incladlng the e lebrated T M., the beat on tb market Oar Pat ent leather Polish ia superior to all others; it Is warranted to ratr4 tb gloss to an old pair of patent leatbej Bhoes. For ladle w carry threa stan dard brands of Hhoa Dressing: Raven Gloss, Gilt F.dge and Glycerol al2&. Alao a good dreasing at 10c per bottle. Ladles and Gentlemen Cvr-Galter. Anew lot just received. Nice black cloth at $1,25. We have a nice lot of different colors at $1JA Com and make your selection while the stock is fresh ; Wa have some elegant shades to show yoa. Git AY it liAUNIIAIlDT. . 19 East Trtde Street, CHARL0T1 R X. C - "Prompt attention given to aD Mail Orders. - THE ROYAL DAUBER -e) O -: X x K O w 1-1 o w X X H 0 W W o x H X W w b-a O M l-t 'A M C M a C3 2 rj x r "4 a yA b w w ta o t?i so l-t X O C" a le Sfl M J cj tr1 X x ft M 3 M s W su o so X w 0 so -I a w x C A H 0 SO o a o V! X 50 M X H C a x X o w 50 CO o t) 0 r X W o o l-l O X o o o 1 H HI w w Price 25c. Bv mail to any address on receipt of price. These ar tha ' beat Daubers made, being a solid knot of bristles, will not clog, or mash down, aa do all others. Spreads the blaaklng smooth and evenly, therefor securing the best reeults. We are wholesale agents for these Daabers sod . can supply dealers at manufacturer's prices. A full line of yoliablng Brashes and traveler's Blacking Sets and the best Blacking in the world. d)vo as a call or send by malL QILRBATH & OO. Open erery evening UlltOO; Saturday Ull 11 rf)0. , - ' A Beautiful Line -0-P- , R N I T URE F U Continues to be Offered the Publie'by BUROESS NIOHOLS.SJ THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICKS STILL RE- ' MAIN CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOR SUITS, CJJAMFKH HI7 ITS, I'ABINETS, HALL CRAIKfl AND RACKS, DI x I U , TABLKS AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ERS, RATTAN RO0KKR8,Ac. Call and see BURGESS - - - Fflroilore Dealer.'- OiV & CO. R.S Sloan, UNDERTAKER. Nlr- No. s, Bryan building, ov

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