.THE CHARLOTTE NEWS.' VOMJMK VII. onAULorrK. n. c, Monday kvknino. i'kiiuuauy i.iboh KUMIIKU li)ul X Suit i FED. 1 18W, Spin of 1802. U vWw a lb !al ta.al lb f it arataJU. la ItwMu wlib ft! vmII" elartag: Jaaaa7. II (M aaa rM4UtlU aiaar mart lb at sweat weal pre aiaraaiag, tag Jaaatry. aa Iwe a lb frees Iba awaal. TM faf. M sianlarf M II MM TMt lb4 lb. BBS' BeJIeWraaoetaa'arfai lb. aweaU, ! lCteww4 HaiW; wa Id, iwael UU naUi bolag frowa Iba eoawty TWar war aae adatte. foar Wa b4a M u 1 feaaai Malta aae Iwe shltdrwa TV. I Ul f .4...vwr sbewa I aaaaoe a alb w.rwi Cioe . 1, grip I. d repay L b.aaorrbag. la tbl .It, j rraaa ... aaa .1 as HaWIMI , lab wld. b flt-B ImHm la I Tb.laUfai.au la fle.wwod mm- ' I Ur f.aawl adalis a4 min .Ml eaaa. a death war.! Aav fcaewa width: IUi4nm IWiaUi t dieoaae i I pleorlay . farali! I. hrwt broe. rVtaU FloaaaM arU.UilK( aa4 w. I meal I, .till bora t Tb. eoeaty r.eord, thoagh, .a. aim.i a - i. a rw k4 . lUM a ar ebawtag a fall Ha. la While, Creatn aaa aelora. A rram ib.l U dalb4 uroafbUal Markl.abairg trtala4U ttlMl Aa.wlbleg 4arleflb.aMM.ioJa.it.! ibaa to . Itf M(llhlt ftvt Tb. aaelor la wall geaoda. Mall Chlftoaa la . - lK- . ... . ... M-.,T whlta, (Ma light blee, plak Bad da to the grip. laveadarwllb plala good la mmi, I tmii A eallra b.w llo of Cblffoe tal -R- H Jon. pa.d lhrogh I Charlotte oa tbl. aaoralBg'a aorir aw paiura .ad I. all .H.lBik ,d N.wlbU moraleg. Laval pttlera -lU-jalr. W. W. Boyd iu abU la la Torbaaa aad VaU IIaadMa. baoalloJa. for lb. Url U. la I ara.it. M. nu aaa in. grip a. oil DaaafM ja.i pita la aiaci A raaaat m4m4 u.i m at Ia4a4 at Lb a,atw 4W iMtiu, HiriM I'aJUca mm, BaJ al liraaaa. a tlMia abiU aalag ia aad4t.af iawti mhiui a4 Maaara. lT Hfxtaga, K A. tr. Ifart JabaatM a4 J. It ro a.4 JaalaUUM aal ttwm WUitxlili iaWi. a a lw kw but rW a Artfa, aa4 a lb uimI itu t'4 Ua aual frvaa Tra4 tlii, Lb. lag ball talbabwa ba TbUai IWva4 lb. b U J.aip 4m ( lb. baa, laatag lb. k( uj trai bU alib Ibaaa. Mr pimt. ab. m drtvlag. ba44 b lb. Iia aad aa 4fagga4 aiag lb. mimi fW a 4tMaaa at 11 ft yai vb.a ba Ul bl. grlf aa lb. r4a. of mifh wbaa Iba klag ball aartod. lb. fral ari .f lb. bwk caas. d.aa b lb. Iiwi Tb. MMputa ikreaa Ml,lilw Mlbitl Oa t..oi lag framl, lb. beraM, wlib lb. frtal bMltiitMM.rti at d.va Col Irg. lrL A I lb. c a.r of TblfJ aa I I'olUg.tirooU. lh. t aa 1 1 ;Mf aid child, a daagblor of Mr. Jim M la. lajarlag b.r a.v.r.1 Th.a lb.) Iixt d.aa a lot of p.liag. km urom md lh ro.1 J.a f Mr. adorhor aad w.r. raafht b.- for. farther d.aaag. wa. d.aa. Tb. Hill, ehlnl wa. rarrlod bom. aad lb. nbjr.trlaa bo uitaa. ad foaad thai both booo. of h.r rigbt I 1 4 Droa, mid w.j LtltMi Ida ItM and aabla. ta J Tb. U4 ol I f aialiv . a4 al Iba boaaalbt a lag I tfiT I. Vil aaboi aa.w.ai f i k aad hiui M. m t Hkt4l .baiia., TV m a atJi.t.U tfoad f ' aal U two lo. i .tfitlinl. la lb .I nuu. ! Mii p dkvt m.U la lb. a.llf of abUl.j ll aoaooa. Wal lb. buai J l.a lb ao mm bo.lao of..ailal.( r lU agala.l !! naaaly, tixl lb Toad qalcfclv daiaJUd TfcU afwra Wr W I' Uuttll. af aooko.1 forth, .fi'llr.eu, afooar o4 botor. lb. board aad abl lb board to at-polal a lla. for lb. har lag of application, for llcoa. Tb. board woatdaol art aatJl had aoaarod a ooaf.r.aoo vllh 'lrka A tala. Th. hUy cum will oo ap lo ourru aaoraltif J . t JaJr1 arpliraltoa ill bo U. tlf.i oa. alod ipoo aad araaai aad ar hit allk laaa. Tha aaaaoa la aa aod aa ara nab lag graad praparalloa for 1 1. Full Uaa af Cbaaa4a Ula-aa, tbal waab. thai aall for l, op.a.d ihl. aaoralag. a Hhadaa ara whlla aad bad. Coata lodaj for th. Hainbarg bargaJBa. T. L Seigle & CO. Ma. II vV. Trada al. 18 ri. Troo CHARLOTTK. N. i GARDEN S 120,000 PAPERS Landrelh's Fresh Seeds Jt'ST RKCKIVKP. KOK BOTH WHOLR8ALK AND RETAIL. Burwell & Dudd, WAOLE8ALE AND RETAIL Druggists. OUR SHOES HAVE A WALK-OVER. For downright, poaitiv. cheapnaM you wil find it not difficult, but Im possible to match tbeiboea wauaaalling; Oar artist ' prirata opinion ia that tbay hare a walkover, Well, h might easily ba much fartbar from the truth; Don't talrt our word for it, InTeetiRai the matter for youraelf, A small margin on a continuous customer knocks oat a big mar gin on a riPgle eTr Un- That is why wt ara saUjug our shoes at a figure which no other dealer has erer dared to quota, and that Is why prudent purchasers are prompt pnf- A. S. RANKIN 4 BRO. -Mrs TaU. Mlaa TaU aad Mr Waav.r rataraod lday from Ml I., laod wh. ra tb.y w.r. tb. go-tU for a few day a, of Mr. aad Mr. Judaa. Mr. J. N, Atkinson aad Mr. M. M. Marphy hav. r.ntod th. .lor. room aow oecaplod by "Walk.r, lb. eaady man," aad will opts ap a big stock of drags oa February iMh. Tha board of aldermen met In ragalar monthly ealoa this sftor aoon. Tha board !waa lo aoaalon at tha time Tub Kiwi want to proaa bat bad traaeat tad no bu.lnoas of any pablle loUr.st. Tha Board of K.gni of th. Praabylarlaa Orphaaa Horn, will meal la this city to-morrow to re ceive tha report of CoL John L. Hrown aad Dr. Rample oa the plans for iba as w orphanage. A aegro named Kobtlrlmee, who Is suspected of burning the barn of Mr. J. II. Barnett, at Ploeville, a few days ago, was brought to Charlotte 8a lard ay evening and lodged in jail ander a boad of $300, to await trial In tha Criminal Court. -Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell took charge of the Chronicle this morn ing. In conversation with a Nkws reporter to-day, he atatad that the preaent airangemenl of his stall will be Mies Addle Williams and Mr. J. K. Newell, reporters. The lower oompreea Is gradually reducing the stock of cotton on the city platform, bat there Is still a great amoant of cotton on hand yet. Tha wagon receipt to-day were "0 balea. The quotations were a little off, seven cents being about the beat price reached. r4. aiiM'i -! nti. Col. John Wilson eaaae Into Till N a wa offlra this anorulag with a call for a ftapobllraa coo v. a lion oa K.b raary&tb ..I Wila wao all IU pablicaaa, rKardle of color, lo at lead Ibis aoaveailne. Th.objort la "for eeqalry aad dlw ua.lon nf mil lore portal a I eg to iba eoaely organi sation." Col. W I Uoa aays thsl he Maagba la acorn" the altampls ofaor- Lala fallow, lo InUrf.re w tb hlsn, aad says thai if tb.y don'l kp th.lr mouf ofT.n him he will espoee them. He doo't want lode 1 1, In the laleer aa. of narmony, bat If they keep on poeiertag him, he Is going to ap and blow on them all. Wr. IMim la r4 MmoI. Rev. Thoa. Dlson Is now In the pot metal gallery, along with Talmae. at al. That Is, the Anoclalloo that haa been furnishing Talmsge's i moos in pistes lo different papers throughat the country, hss decided to try tha experiment with Mr Dixon, and aaaiple sheets of his ad vance sermons are nooding the newa paper oRWs. We haven't acrn any of them In the newspapers yet. Mr Dixon's Initial trial Is a series of r mons on the "Miatakea of Ingersol and the water ha hai attempted to ford Is considerably beyond th depth of tha average pleluan. Mew AoTOrtUi u To-Day. Notice of Incnqioati'n. 8xiiiK of WJ-T I. Heinle A On. iiiiorCrd soaps A H Keeee A Co. w i nni Ovstal Wifcn, trmh eixl rrinn, at HONNKY A VAN NBSS'. Imported Soaps A T A. B. Reese & Do's. Pinands Lettuce Flower, Coudrays Lettuce Flower, 4711 White Rose, 4711 Lily of the Valley, Pears' (llycerine, Castile Imported, Lubins Genuine, Pinauds Ixora Breonl Pears Hhaving Sticks Brown Windsor. A. & REESE & CO. The members of the Younk' Men 'hristlan Asocialiou will give Reception to the men in the Railway aervlceand their lady friends Thur day night next, Mr. Harlot Clarkson will speak worJs of welcome for the Association CapL J. E. Jones of the R. A IX, will. respond. AJaliort muslca and literary program will be render ed and the ever ready and eftlclen Ladies Auxiliary will serve refresh in c nts. rr ro'i: . At mm. Or too arr el) wurn init. wall; swl fur nntb Inn. It la friw rwl di-lilllt 1 nr hhuwx's jw.v urrirMn. It will curt you, rlrenae your liver, and ftee i-3 O w. 'A O k O 3D Q " O 3D as W O o W A Oh X X O A u. O X W O X x X x A U3 O if bi A H - O a a q w ni r Tin L. U. Ahth (oalrol Mol amtol J K 1'olaay. Htrhn.a.t a V t UwUlt, Marina. N ( . W it i.r.,. Hallo. M l.t'owao. I V Ualm Mino. A l Moler, W M Kra.ii. Atlanta tia. N H all. Nw ml m Hir.1, Bsaa.J II irvli anann , t 'liar lrl.ri. H C; A TtilM. Ilall IJ Mlno. N ( It i aVrareoB. HallAury. N (' i Tavlnr. Kir limnml a . ( I llr.r I i K H.lley. Wltmlnf t-n N ( A (' llarrla, JodmIhii. Trim . W A I lea. SC. AO lUrty. l,ury.nllr.H C; II I. Harwoo.1, N..rf..lk. a. J T Taylor. AlUnla. (ia ; Mlaa It A Kray arr. Chicago; C I. H.pllae. N I ; J Com po. New York; M I imrn al 1. J T Travla, Hparlaoturg. H ( ' . Jn. I. MrUuo. WaaMlugUm. I C . Mr. - MrHeo. UorolnU.ii. SC. . W lilan loo. Hheldy. N C. II l Tl.arkrr I'eUrabari, 'a ; C C Warlnf .t tiarlra Un, HC; T W Hydnr, Kirh itmnd, Va; W II llama, S Y ; V Mar shall, Atlanta. i; N H Turner, Wlnoalxiro. HC; I. H Curry, Augus ta, (Is; Thoa II Law. Hpartantiurc, H ('; I PChamller. Atlanta, lia; Krel I. Hurley. Philadelphia; J H Cellar. N C; Jas I Mrlvr. Carthage. N C; J A Hardin. (IreeoaUiro, N C ; J H Hloaa. HC; II P Johnson. N C ; J T I toe, Atlanta, ( la; E W Thompson , N Y; Ham'l Fried tieim, H C; C W Weetbury, Va; I Dlndeman. Phlla; V ( Ott, Augn.ta, (ia; W T Moouey. Atlanta.(la; WJ Yale., XC; W (' Faland, Brooklyn. X Y; Mrs B D Hprlnga. C W Parker. I. A Beaman, eltv; C H Kenaner, Xew York City ; H F Re.ee, Baltimore, Mil; F. Fann hatt, Baltimore, Md ; I. Mam. Xew York; A J Peed, Baltimore. M.I ; H II Kanfmaon, Atlanta, (is; T V Hampton, Xorth Carolina; J I. Hoy den, North Carolina; W H Auiln, North Carolina; Will L Palmer. I! e- ton, M a (ISSIMl tuif, M. . t.a sfcS4 lm Btao aaotf t.. i Bo B)ee4e M ta( at ' jaBMa allb lb. wod.rfal i w lii lb. lata, aad ba baM ti. oa bat i( booaalag baaaaoM f T lbre day i ei II. .toad ap la a kxtggjr aJ l U. dellgbl Ibe ouagrogal 4 ef-o4 work ap plU. of foaaa a fool hih, al lb. aaav. llue .ipaUa Uag tone I eioo,ajtly avi Iba Ba.fll of hi. eoetv lu chief lagrodl.al I. a (otoLto g'oo a on aa lelaad whooe bere.bu.l ar kuowa owly lo tb. t adleelo h. ft immU Tbl aap ill aol oaly mak a alggyr wbii., (iva a loooaaouv fDgiavor a pair uf Illy head, lake Mala floen silk, aod ela I root ltig-ru I, bat applied laraally l t'i. Jaw, ll will nr. Uultiathe 111 guud alao for rbea tuailam. rt. (rip worm aad hive., aod la jaa4 uh aa article a. no Weil rf aln4 liouMhuulJ ra do wild L t tie yuaog man I aa eseoodlbg- ly floe talker, and til wonderful soap (o. al a lively rale. Ills caah but la fairly AIU4 wllh dlmee al eveiy x-aiira line inlgfil aupia ir al (b Mple tau(ht file a Juet t.i hoar him talk, t-ol that la not f)a raao. They -uy It lr-auae thry Ilk t b. Ii u m l'Offi . Tfia ) .gn( man who aolla h la iU lrful ap laiua-til a maple of Joiro I. ara from a ( I. ar l.'lle yrocry firm, al ln rvtite a bar ti e Ivory a ap. lual how many Ira real piece, lie iiiiJt out of the two dorea bar I not known. I nir ua Tlralf Nlk. 1' l Irrmaii Hlarkweldor was railed uwn Sunday afterii.Mia to arreet a . raiy while wmnan by the nam. of Mullla. hh. wae Ihruwlog rcks al the houae of Mr. Hirah and Mrs. .lira a ml had aha tiered a good many rlaaa hefor ahe waa arreetd. Hhe fought the fftlff r ami he had t Call for aaalatanre to p-1 her to the guard hou. The uiifottuoate woman will prolably lx aenl to the county home. Tk taa 1 mmr ttall. All the arrangemeulii for the leap year ball to lie glreu by the ladiea of Charlotte at the Huford Hotel to nljrht have bo u cinipleted. They have bean made upon eurh a acale as to . clips, anything of the kind tbal haa yet hoen known In Charlotte. A very large and brilliant aji.emblae will l preaent. and during the course of the festivities an elegant sapper will Ik served. rWvV FAIR TO SEE J D Fox Xoi th Carolina ; V O Hoeklna. Ashevllle XC; HP Hprlnrn, Columbia. S C ; HC .linen, city ; William E Moore. Connwtirui : W 1 Drewry. Baltimore, M.I; 11 J Fit, Cincinnati. O; J F. Duval, New York; H M Wriston, lt v : ( Wsite, Baltimore, Md; LE (Jrimili. North Carolina; Lyman E Keith. Ilosion, Maa; James C Ielr, I,iiiiville, Ky ; J F Hargran, Richmond, V; F R McNIuch, city. Wbea Baby waa atrk. we ra her Caatoria. WbM ab wa a Cbfld. ne cried for OaaUiria. Wbea ahe heoao. Waa, aba onrnc to Oaatoria. Wbea aba baJ CfcUdroa, abe (are Ukb Castorta. Th IUllan'a llrlala Wrerhri. A negro no m el John Boyd ha lieen arret.l upon charge of wreck ing the paHiiirer train at Bostian' bridge, on the :T7th of last Aufrut, when people were killed The railroad meu say that they not only hsve cotirlunive evidence of Boyd's guilt, hut that he has confeesed to the defd. He wssarrnetod S 1 1 unlay nu'hl. Detectives have been engag ed for months pt in working up the case against him. None of iba eoaaoae Nov. Hi, bogla tocompar. with our gllil.nag a ray of CARD IIAMEH. How popalar Ih.y ar. I evidenced by Iba 4.aaa4 forth. sa. It haa boon at.allly locreaalog and II ha ract.el a el I mat yL I f you ar. out of th faahloa, yna ar. virtually oat of the warlj a)4 the world aevar yvbtd of anything Jalativr or more faahloa able lhB our X F.CK LAC KM. They ar. o i.ulaii in J-algn and so porfeel la alab oration that nothing but aa unconditional surr.ndr t In order wb.a yB o. them. If you want to look at aom thing mora lhaa e.aally Uanpliog come and glance al our I'n.of DIAMOND RIXiiH. Fall slock; fair prtcaa, laality guaranteed. BOYJNE & BADGER Leading Jewele Otiarlotte, 1ST O. r s, Shoe Brushes and Blacking. :-: BARE FACTS One lot I A.lies Muslin (lamienLs will, hold fast seams neatly laoe trimmed. The ladies are all busy tirerwniiR for sum mer and you niiirht be benefitted liv looking into our well sto'kei donieelic department; it is built of all the hmt hramls of t'umlirics. fwills, aud plain lomefti.K. SheetinR ami Tillow Casing. iM, ! 4, I'M, linen or cotton. Xew lot Towels. Odd ends of Table Damask harjpiins. About 2T pair handsome laoe Cnrlains, broken lots, well worth consideriiij;. Kxtra Super Oarpetinc worth XV now tlio; others proportionately low. Great Kmhroldery and White Goods fis- ribntkm continues: Ail widths, prion) and (nalities; Heaps of Torchon Itce; if we w.inld name the price it would tickle the earth. X AN DEB, S The Woatbr. Following Is a synopsis of wrather prevailing at s a ni , to-day: tem peratures contiuue to rise over this over this section atK conditlous re main favorable for a continuance of the preaent we .thef. the result of a liifzh barometer remaining stationary In tteorgia. A low area, accompani ed by precipitation, is central iu Min nesota, which will probably move southeasterly to the Atlantic coast. IX you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS aJ 5 v. x x c 0. x ? t 2 2 C A j: - o w c- 5 2 n ? 5 H $ A w X H H O 50 5 M 'A r "fl H C Z n A . S X k V X i x Shoes is our tnsiness, but we carry at all times a fnll line of BlacklBf Brushes, Daubers, and Polishers ; Our traveling eel Is the nicest thing for Uavellng people to be found A good Brush and a box of Blacking nicely packed iu a small wood box so as to be carried In a grip. Also a fall Una of Blacking, incladlng the c lebrated T M , the best on the market OtltPat ent leather Polish is superior to all others; It Is warranted to roatara tha gloss to an old pair of patent leathcj 8 hoe. For ladiea wa carry threw stan dard brands of 8hoe Dressing: Raven Gloss, (ill! Edge and Ulycarola at 33, Also a good dressing at 10c per bottle. Ladles and Gentlemen Cver-tl alters. Anew lot just received. NloB black cloth at $15. Yc have a nice lot of different colore at $1,50. Coma and make your selection while the stock is fresh ; We have some elegant shades to show you. " GRAY A If AtUNHAIlDT. 19 East Trade Street, CRARIXj S. C ar Prompt attention given to aQ Mail Order. . DRESS SHOES. Gentlemen's Patent Leather Shoes in great variety ; suitable for bad" nose or dress. All the leading styles at popular prices. These good ara all made to our order; only the best French stock used. Ladies Patent Leather Boobs, black French cloth tops. "j Thia la A handsomest dress Hhoe In the market and every one should mak A pen Oiv a a eat ON & CO. to see them. Wh I tm ore's Pasta Poliah for Patent Leather, price 25c OIHiJrLETH Ss OO. Open every evening tlll.8:00; Saturday till 11:00. A Beautiful Line U R nTt U R F E Continues to ba Offered the Publie'by BURGESS NICHOLS.! THE HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES STILL IU?-" MAIN CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOR SUITS, CHAMFER ' SUITS, i'ABIXETR, HALL CHAIKS AND RACKS, DII TABLES AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ER, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ac. Call and see - ; . - - - Fomilore Dealer. Boom R lofln UNDERTAKER. Nlghl eall. i l. w wiwvai. No,6,BrTB building, rRoet ACo.i ' 1

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