Itjo unariotto Nowa aar a " an. r? aav. NitWK Earn ; M TM flaa I 4m Waa I w fc - a-t tff tt- 1' f Tr Wfc..Ufa fat llf Kr H-ra lrw A. M- Ul -Upon. A MldtM ! lt- lai-rlU a.. l ifc "ill 14 rriJt) tiM Ttnri III ! Ida attaia! b I tall -ji U citliu llaalf Ui tall ft 4 a lataa . f t.lalluo fa , f mul ll im4 Mtilun l rr ttn of lb HI " lu .. II. ! la tof Ik 4tll .n II il. Itl Ill tMl 4k Ida l..ll( o4 lb allf jali..a till ("in, p l- dUC Oil. -r Tk ltl il !! i To tw Ho - n . tmvn iff ' - -t - -- lw ii lull) .. i i I '. i r4 Ik II i I at H" II ' ' M . .... ; . . I ' , .1 -f O I -.... rMtn II r .a..- , . . l 1 U J . V , ll, I O II H. 1 l2:lSiri:::: :: I.o iiAiiiiisni Otrof V-lt -r ll'iroau TW IbikMUkf to lla .J a lU 94 l."t U IVillui WUalay-je Km- lia. lu Hartu. Taa-pa MiiMllY in u:i l Anorak t au tm rt.tJM ht For oomotlma wo wrrt rr Uiol Iho old lUpnbllran rlj nf orth Carolloft oiUto.1 iurly fr tbprpoof dravloir !)' i'f Urtioa boodt. Th irr ullrr r Iho pfiy woold niok rrprrM-n UUODI io Iho boM at Waliliilii. gM m brl of inonajr vtiu-h thry onld alow iwiy la Iho 4-tli r Uilr pockU and fool mtghlj K'"1 la Wt of Iho farl lliat tltoy knrw, aod bad alway knowu, thai lhr waa do bo of tholr parly rarrylnc tba Btala. Thoy hifmnitncnl In j (ood Itrni Uila yaar. Here la Ihr ri- : Bortaant ool Krlday from ltallKi lb Waahlofton I'oal: Chalrmati I John B. Kavita, of (ha lUpuhllran HUU aiocallrp comniltto, ha I ad a call for a turtltK f Ihal WBaltU to hrtd lu tlil city on Dlt Wadnaaday, February 3. Thin will ba an Important nirtlnK to th Bapabl leant of the Htate. Henldei. atUof a daU for tba holding of tlio zt But coorantlon, a confers 't will ba held among the niemtm of tba eomtnlttea and other leaden nf tba party relative to the plan -t eampalrn and the lnue to put promloeotly to the frout reopociniK HUU politics. Tbaaa ntlemen think thpy h we AO aiMptlODal opportunity of carry ing North Carolina for both tli H inl and national candidate of the Re publican party, eeeclally the latur, Djfjct November. They appear to he oonvUioed that there will he wide differancea developed In the Imn oratlcoonventioD, and that thn f 1 k ' ' 1 batwaen tba Alliance and non-AIII-UN delegate! will develop a hitter naaa wbicb will have no little ciT'ct Mr llrur ..f 1 1' li . o r ..(r and r t. l I U-l l ho rali. "uihrfo llir Hi I -r I trl I u I lel to Ufa II, a ii.i- vf ' r iii'-oi I'foin I ii-ii I oj 1 1 it ar IIiobi I'l'tt ff I i -r rail h i. !J romo ffi.n, ! nr l! r n III Iho V flll II' o r 1 i ii U. roll i'.xi lal nod fn .fi ii a i'oriily uaitir. and that ,r I1. ., 1 ! i! I r hail I rrn abi lo vnr I tin i- ! II. al Ir ! uaitir ff !, i' N ii'i mulJ lnirUrii had. ( r II i I. r aal I Iho lllllo ranva l iii .! .It rl"ed the farl thai a fc-rral maiiT fi n'lms lllun toll lint ll.r uik'r ..( a ft-e r lnaaT hill at llila ! Ml .nl M rrault III plll lililf Iho Ijri'! .ii hark to Ihr rrar and inaklij,' in lm upon a urti.iii i.u h the party U ill- I vliled. luotrail of IliaklliJ Ihr ft af 1 1 on ! tha tarirT, mi hlrli lur Hi. p irtv la ' a unit. i ' 'I !ir Drinorralir Mliry with rrfrr Hire ! thn t r I f T I II t h I ( '. Ii K r n ha hrrn .I'ti .led. Ilm Mrlvinlxy li Hill he att.trket hv Il l line. at a ! partu the llleanurr anil in.! hy a rnrral tariff hill. Mil rmii-1 u l"ii Hm reached lal Krlday hv tho lrimcratli' mm lt i ,f the Way nml Mrana Cuin mlttee after a c n f . rein o l-tin v eral hour When a v .te M aa taken it resulted -'. to .')-ln favor of aepar atehllN The three di4eiitlliK lllein her of the rominlttei' rave their H(l healon t. the policy of the in.ij .rity of their iiaaocliitea on the com in 1 1 tee anil will act with them, Hum making the Iirmocratlc part of the Wava and Mean Committee a milt on the policy which 1 1 waa decided to adopt. roo. aaAiai m Aaairto tt MtHkM ' kaaaovo. UaoblaMo) Man A'.waliaf i iio aoatla f lit AaMiiaaat I iltalla rVm iolf l AAAyiM 44 K. . .la alo Mll.'atl; lokaf fwf Wl4 j a clico vl fo UiWa.e Irwaa lb I'oi I. . I lallo Atilra TbuJ ar(eait II. which ha II bo Jqaia " hiailou, rroatai t.l to r I ooiewly ymf afu and baa CllbloJ II. Kfoalor pail cf II cll4 p.,.4'. n. ui ur i- tio ii'umi, aa It ii thai II liaa kovot had a aaauy ci'll r I..UI a III f il alf .i 11, at fo l ..line, tii ay cmmi. f root all (' i( I a awatb, and papnlally frmn Al knaa a a J I odiau in i n tf 1 1 ihor a Wolf l al hand I Iho i ! ii i eiaiatrii iiii ini.'i nroN would ooaul tfeo iraaaiMii i ailuo l tfio dark c-.o i , i, n i wiiiiia) ol t Uioiitha M an jr pr ii II. oi have l. o u pft on led lo Cuiiim arc 1 1. a ppf nriallou for nnniiln iiioui In lafjo uaniboro I i nlf aurtttr: olliuo Noarly aM ' ti n J o p ar inionla, for allro and ulUr lo H e 'no direction llnlT iho other day l'.tiiialci lion oral W aiiamaker ir.rinl liter from a r.'loird aotlalh-li lo &llaloa Ippl llif that lh-re were U,IJ' ineiiilr who wore ready l lake ad vbiiIbk of the flrl opporlunllv emigrate Inahort. Ii la tal l thai there ai-rlll lo le a r IU(f f ellli of unreal anion the i i limit. f Afrl call dear ru l I li IP la c u n : r v There are al preai-llt III (,iteria Jl.- Ile(rie oi A llier I rail I'lllll of P4rei)taife and I .. i ' J nail r N a lurallythe r i . 1 1 r il rmlxraiitt run' the country. n I I ur I. lent ally l'ia al.or I k I u n I mi pn I v. o ti I he I n g tin w ly and aurely rlevat d out of n nvr r , I'he ifovrrnnieii l la mo.lele.l lu all eaoetitlal renp. t after Ihul of the T III!. I "1 ate. I urludliiK a pr aiden , I I o h o il ' of inll((rr". a eiliir-llie an am noi ill ja 'efoaeeewoao for Infanto and Children. - aohavo)oaaoAoaaaw IIM I aoop.QiVJ loaa "l" -. It A aaiwaa. U l. UI Oataoo .. towavv. T - oao of '(Wen 1 a o .. o. a-r iu w em i . . .. ,m. o imI o h. ro '- oa . m Imum o- a o-a a r loafcaiw m tma I ' " liauo B.ooro t' t . I i) lM r - aaaaMo fcol i el lW Pw? iMi pooaw I low ni n - e4 jap' taiil "" tJirtMi t -'-' ' Ba-oM r raa m tv. tW VWakeaak.-taa Wa aaw e o, ro I- all Mniool. Drivers Wanted Mra P. Query & Go. Ta ,1a, t. . I aweal h, M4 I waal ok .ufHiiii I tba alara els. a .1 a . . f A aa iwaJy U abaw tba laf wal I Uava tba Irw a a a!, aarralaar aet a. 4 Ueaet aoloeUoa ol FaabloaaiUe I alfald al a law lalrv laa a... Ua twj4 la la riui-v lf awal) awab tva aV kwoa iKair Milliaery la I Oar irlaaaa two caoa lm fl REMOVAL SALE. tr.MlNl aim liaomoav, I aueaiaa aiaaai ba Maa.M babaa poal awwrai wowfca la Lbe I p4Ubw lata ibara tof bofag t-wtila) awtlbeo-w -'i1 I M Fail MlyUa, U I lime; whe aaa keaa tb4r Uaafoa- al Hf raa Ir uUu the erMlacUoaa I lewlnf ibe calwtr i4)aHiha el bar aab far tba laU4l taovalUa I qaarrwllejr, la Lb Mltllaofy Uae. A 1 Uavm will I Fa la, 1 vaal a fallow oa vlaeo aay lady al Uafca aad Jadtr- I will "he1!" wbea I bay ar pal 4 a awaai uai nrmy oororvoo dm mi, aa aa ater a Pf'7 ropwicuoa tor miii aaj itom ib uia i rl el TtlMBalar Our aloab ol CaBbroldofr aad Hit- UttM Htlka, Uabyr, Wool Vara, Wa- Uoat ail 4 Move! ilea fur art worktal aow ooaacleiav lAdloa bo wiu favor ma wiu a I I call will tad every tblBf aew, fleab,! labd Bovet, Md at tba iovaat poaal- ble prlrwa. Q 0. MOORH Mrs P. Ouery & Co Double Otvks Dairy. M in Clara It nr ton, president of I lie American branch ol the lied ('ro Society, ha laaued an appeal to th American people for .ir),l to p iy t II ex pe tinea of nuippiii)( four rar'oi.y of food from New York to 1.1 1 can, on the Hallic, for the atarviiiK pouKanta nf Kii1h. Nile 11 Tif f t the (llvinlon of the hurden of providing thi n)iI iii tit between lloetoii. New 'ork utid Philadeliihla ( '.witrihutiotiH may he arnt lo Hit;(fH A Co., Wasli 1 1 1 br t 1 1 , or to MIsh lUrton. Although prepariitlotifi for war were scarcely heiftlii, it conl llie I'nited Stale J,(HlM,()tK) to settle II recent little spat with Chill. What t he cost of an actual war would have heen the tax payers may conjecture upon tba election In the fall, nml Bit In no small advantage fur ;:v Republican, no nintu-r which .1 ment soeceeds lu naming the 1 1 m cratle candl Tha frixt nneaiion to come up iu ie profrredg of tlie allalr wflfi Chili it that of Indemnity to the sulf irers bytbeaeaault upon the Haltimore allora at Valparaiso. Until Chili makes some offer of reparation, of course there will be nothing to arhi trate, as no points of dlUVrence exist. The offer may be no satisfactory that arbitration on that score w ill not he necessary. As to the amount to he paid to the relatives of HiRKl 1 and Turnboll. the sailors who were killed, the Chilian government may iirnl, when It comes to Investigate the matter, that in the several Htates of the Union the enlightened judgment of the people, speaking through their legislatures, has fixed the limit that maybe recovered for damages in case of death at$o,000- I" the mat ter of injury, however, thejinift of damages lies with the province of the petit Jury. Patrick Shields, the sailor on the Keweenaw, who wan also a victim of Chilian violence in Valparaiso, has filed, by his attorney, a claim for $50,000 damages, which ! the attorney askes the State Depart ment to collect . ' remotiKl anil Otherwlae. "Iieiiroii S. V. White will apply lor rton- ,'i tiiriit in t In- New York Stork l'!i Ikhikc. ..ii'l Iium iniiilc ull hi arr:ini;eiiieiiL to resume lnihiiiiis next w'k. He isiiiiiun of too miirli at rci'j;t Ii of character mul elu.sticity of energy to l' clowiiiil hy Misfortunes n reat while at a time. He h.-t.i prarlirnlly rom liulul a state ineiil of settlciiicnt wild his creilitois which is satisfurlorv all 11r0111.1l. Archbishop Corriau and liis secretary, M,T- Mclloiinell, sailed irom New York for ltormtula Tlmrsday on the steamship Trini dad. His object is to visit the church at New l'piv i'lence, which in included in tlicurrli di- svse of New York. Kx-tJov. Campbell, of Ohio, U intere-ited in one of the new companies organized lo devel op iron interests up in Minnesota, and will visit 1 ill lit Ii a few days hence. While there he is to have 11 public reception. Albert liicrMtadt will shortly visit the Pa liama Islands to make fketclic for his paint iiu:of "The Landing of Columbus," which is intended for the WorM's Kair. A .irurlale. Boeton Saturday Kvening Gazette : The members of a certain congrega tion are still laughing over an episode of last Sunday. Their young minis ter's engagement to a certain pretty girl named Cruce in tiie parish had just been announced after a long time, in which every other pretty girl had thought that possibly slio stood a chance of being the favored one, for iheyoung divine was, with out meaning it perhaps, a bit of a flirt. He's a little absent minded, too. Dd when thf time came to give ; out lh;hyruu heannounce.l placidly: The World's Fair is to have a pot4-1 -Hymn 89. 'Oh. harpy day, that office large enough to supply, hourly fixed my choice!'" A smile dawned mails to 100,000 exhibitors and the the faces of the young and giddy, . ,. . wiiicli eradaally spread until it even fore) to manage it will be as large as j rPIi;Cn,1e(ftabe.deacous as he read : that of the Milwaukee postofflce-be-; M,R. rpK, my oft dIvne(1 ,,eart . , , tween 800 and 400 men. Such is the j ( , Hppy l0Dd that seals my vows gist of the plans of the Postollice To grace which merits all my love ! Department, as stated by Inspector! m i. ,.. j i .h, ! Take Kimmmons Liver Regulator Stoddard, who arrived in Chicago ; . . ..,,.. f)e doe gatorday and began the details of , js worti) 100 dollars. the work. . 1 If you want to enjoy your meals It Is understood that Hon. W. A. 1 strengthen your digestion with Sim- Woods willte confirmed as Judge of mons 1.1 ver itegutator. Court. Ac There are plenty of id lint rliun nri aim rjuritliili l r.'ln pulaorv. The capital cltv. Mourovia. liMMHl Inhabit nt. -,' i ..f them In I UK' from America. There era no railway or tior car lines, hut there are excellent hop, Jfoo.i for hlrh ar.' Imported 1 1 1 1 v from J ! :if-1 a 11 '. " I t y or aeventy atealliera, aouln ol thnn of ton burden, run for trailing purpose kliru'.-na and lluropean port. The ell mte of l.i be rl a I very 111 urli the same as lu the l.ltllu.le .f h 1 1 1 K t 1 11 , although much more reliable, the thermoiiieier rarely goinu helow ui drree and never rimng above 'M defrreea. People Wear the same clotheiaa are worn here. The un civlli.eit native are content with breechcloli hut tiny are llol al lowed to collie Into the tow ns unless they attire themsilvr more proper ly, n law being strictly enforced on this subject. While people are apt to die of fover In thai country, hut it is very healthy for pin e-hred colored folk. For mulattoes It doea not do so well. "The Colonization Society sends out as many emigrant as it has moey to pay for It tost oo to transport Hid settle one rol ni-t in Lib. rta I u r 1 ni; t he vcur is M 1 t invlvblu jIs were carried over. The expense of transportation Is Is!) ahead and $ i() more is allowed for getting a start iu the new coimttv VmseU are dls patched every spring and f a 1 1. Sal I -ing craft owned hy traders are select ed for the purpose because of cheap ness. I he voyage occupies thirty five days. Kurh person Is advised to carry warm c'othing, bedding, ome small furniture, tools, agricultural Implements and especially seed of useful kinds, i ncl ud 1 ng those of com 111011 vi g- tables for the garden. Ten acres of land are given to each grown emigrant, while a family re ce Ives tweiity-flve acres. The prop erty Is conveyed in fee simple nod without a mortgage upon it. T.ncli expedition son t over forms a village by Itself. Most of the colonist become fanners while mechanic etul lish themselves in their respective trades. -- A Safe luv: s'meut Is one which is k'naranticd to bring you satisfactory results, or 111 rune of failure a return of pun ha-e pi ice. Ou this safe plan you can buv from our ad vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Di-covery for con sumption It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any aflection of the throat, Itmg or chest, such as consumption, inllania tion of lungs, bronchitis, asilinia, whooping cough, croup, etc., etc. Ii Is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be do ended upon. Trial bottles free at unveil & Dunn's, wholesale and re tail, and at Jordan & .Scott's, whole sale drug stores. Do not consult any body but invest ') cents in a bottle of Salvation Oil. It kills pain. I will move to ray new store soon ind will sell my entire stock at greatly reduced prices to save the ex pense of moving. If you need anything in the way of Hats or FURNISHING GOODS give mo a ellwand I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. M. P. P E G R A M, J R, FOE KENT. I :o: I ' A LARGE LOT C E in SOl'TII TKY0N STREET. NTRA'L C U A n l. O 1 T R , s . c . ECCLES & BRYAN, ('mined Tomatoes, iit'.v brand, very fihe, at H. .fc V. N: HOTEL Proprietors. I ator Mora on Kaot Trad atrort. I afot'U botta 011 K. atroW Ihrr Uurk from IVj O Y i.frtjllllllt. 1 Vj-v 1 - Ona of the moat Invit ing, uporbly fMjolPD! and fanfll u.a I W ad Hoael. In th7Hooth. "-"T Iooated In tha eantraof tha City, oonvanlent to tba bualnaaa houtaa, "Na. bank a, robllo balldlnn t i'aiBuuDiiuiuiin iiievau (--a tral la ona of tha la re not t II D (A la r. a I w a. a n U. II. I anKMti Impuoo m. Mb at. and railruavL '. S rum bouar on F-aal 4h BtnoK. 1 yrontn bouoo on Hnath Mini at root. Tw tbrao-ruora bouaoa on Murlli llna hoe Stationary Hr vital amiUl ImMtil botmm In diflrrvnl C. MdNELIS. at flddins' Book Store. 1 elefrantlv furnlahrd and J aqalpid In all Ita d- V J mora and Atlanta, and It partruenta. Kaon room 1 connactad with tha of- lo. V. . L-l ... -I- D.i... 1 J J ...W U IV 1TCIUI .1 Hell. Klectrio MfrhU; Hot and Cold Hatha; halls and room carpet-din KruaaeU and VelvaU ; Water on each floor. The moiit ooualderate attention given to all guesta and their comfort care fully looked after. OffloeNo. 10, Kat Trade at. I jwa a. imiiiNi. jwa W. WRIT I -AT- The Problem Solved. Thos- Reese Go. BAKER'S Music House. How to Live Cheap and LiveWelk. CALL AT (1. 8. HALL'rt MARKET AND GET YOU Ii KUI'l'LI KH. Look at these cheap rate: HKKDLE88 RAIHINH Uc - lftc CITRON 20o (Tit It A NTH fi'4c FKKI'A RED RUCK WHEAT in 3 and (5lb packages, at lrc and SOc Other (irecerlos. Canned Goods nnd Family Supplies correadonding- ly low. Celerv. ('ahhatrp. Annies. Etras, ( hickeiis, etc., in largo lolfl, all sold h 1 p. Call and seo G. S. Hall. MUSICAL GOODS. I - RUIHT'H RUIHT'H" RUIHT'H (ARI)EN GAltDEN GARDEN GARDEN tba Fifth judicial district, by the Senate, at its executive session to- By Innumerable cure?, Dr. BiiU'n Cough Hyrup baa won for itself a most enviable reputation. LACER BEER. EXPORT BEER We will deliver in qnan tities of one dozen or more to any part of the town. Business hours from 7 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p. m. Ii Portlier Brewing Cc, C. VALER, Agent. DR. II. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Ofbce over Burwell &, Dunn's Drug Store. Telephone 18n. Hroy VV. Hahms Wh. M. Little Kiirnif-rly of lliclini )ud Co. liAKitit &. iirn.i:. Attorneys and (oiiiisellors at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. rrartiee in all the Courts. Kpecinl and prompt attention to Collection of Claims, Co'ivryanciiijp, Negotiation of lOiins and f cttleiiient of Estates. f&" Ollice, first door V. of Court House. DR. CHAS. G. McMANAWAY. Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at Jordan's drug store or 1005 8. Tryon street, promptly an swered day or night. F25-ly HEEDS, HEEDH, SEEDH, HEED', A Fresh and Large Hupply, Jnet Received at THOS. REESE & CO. Druggists. Corner Trade and College Streets I WATCHES Cheaper than ever.j CLOCKS Wc will offer tii it week a beautiful IVhr Uprixhl (Jrmnd piano for 4I5, anolhpr Hebr I priKtil piano lor ., tlie uaiial prion or I mini menu mum in i.rioen uihhm bv more than till. rr instninieht. We ofler rtl, music box for IJ0. $4 musiral dolia at V3 each Ui prices iuotmlon th-vood named win riianice to regular ciiurers aner me non- days. Autotiarpa, banjon, guitars, violins, harm, lira. hand instniiueiita nwd struts. Orchestra and Instruments. I'iaiKM and Onrani, sheet music, niosie hooks aad musical inarchaiidiaeof every de scription. Piano and onnn tuning and repairing of musical Instrument a Swcialty. BAKER'S MUSIC HOUSE, Y. M.C.A. Building. C-H A-R-L-O-T-T-E N. C. THE CITY OB0CER7 HETHUNE & WHIT 13. K): A FCLL STOCK, (IO)D GOODH, U)W PRICE8, ' FAIR DEALINGS, FULL GUARANTEE, BKHT QUALITIES NO FANCY PRICES, ANXIOUS TO PLKASE QUICK BALES AND SMALL PROFITS. NO MISREPRESENTATION. We mean what we say. Coma to see ua. We are never undersold. Try us, BETHUNE & WHITE. .21 E. Trad St Telephone 81. HE A BOA RI) AIR LINK DIVISION. fl MOKE MOKE MOKE HE M ADE ADK ADE CAROLINA CENTRAL Wilmisotoh. Jan, 27th 1803 m - - i o 1. t . - j. rtiri aiH vuangti ui Buutuuis uu mnuuu air C I IGARH I LJne ' "v"on S V IGARp :o:- WE8TBOUND TRAINS. No. 81. Jan. 27 1892. MAKTINS EOUQUET FOR INSTANCE. CELERY for CHRISTMAS. CELERY for CHRISTMAS. CELERY for CHRISTMAS. CELERY for CHCISTMAS. at TATJRORA FARM. W. W. Phifer. 712 North College Street, G SI Away down. OLD PEN Very Cheap. POCKET KNIVES Go the same way, and all other goods in the Jewelry line at your own price. Lt Wilm'gt'n ur Hamlet. Lt Wadesb'ro Ar Charlotte . Lt Charlotte .. It la made of the beat material that LvLinoolnt'n can be nut in a clear for fie. I LvShalbv Manufactured especially ior retail i Ar Ruthrfdtn . a a I trade oy ' a. a M .. K. Lt. MAltiin, Charlotte. N. C Next to Buford House. No. 48. Daily ex. Sunday. 9.55 am 2.10 pm 8.02 pm 4.50 pm 6.00 pm 6.25 pm 7.23 pm 8.25 pm Daily x. Sunday. 7.00 pm x.UU am 3.23 am 7.10 am No 41. nailyex Sunday 7.40pm a 80pm 10.16pm EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 82.1 A. TJALE8, U-ALES, Praotloal Watchmaker, AGEITS Jan. 27 1892. FOR Busts Seeds. LvRutherf t'r LvShelbr LvLinoolnt'n ArCharlotte LvCharlotte LvWadesboro LrHaraiet ArWilmingtn No. 89. Daily ex. Daily ex No. 88 Sunday.! Sunday 8.00 am. 9.04 ami 10.03 am 11.23 ami 11.35 ami 7.45 pm)5.00 a m i.ih pmiiaoH pm o.4 a in 2.80 pml 13.45 am 8 00 a m .Z2pm 1M ami WHOLESALE ONLY. No. 9,' Trade atieet. Trains Nr. 41 and 88 make connec tion at Hamlet to and from Raleigh and North Noa. 43 JHid 88 at Monroe for "Greenwood and .TOT?Tl A "M Ay SrHTT I Abbeville &C.,mbertou and Athens U JlUJlIS t5 1 A, GandallpointaonO.CAN.road. Wholesale Druggist. No. 10, North Tryon Stroat. Throafh aleepara on 21 and 22 be tween Wilmington and Charlotte. I Wm.MONCURE.Srpt , I u. v. hmu a, irjimo manager. . r