i .w-vaaala I I i iMI I 1 Dioodr:. ' THE JJUJfUKU iiUTx. . kltnat. rtawaMMt. 4Mk, rw rnUU.. CaHlta a4 Malat,tkUa r ta4tiM. nik aad smw llada Ult l-aa-41 lf.Hl. w . - - - NtlivHimii A Iumi M Kwi 11114 1 A UM Va4 .M flUl4 iaftaf mim wai.UUtl'iilwaPtak. t-i.a. ufUt-4 l 4 Uo Jaw - ht' Wl wakaHI. , ti wa ilt4 UJI; llal.4 U .. . . f w 4 abarsv. aitaha a4 Ihnonis rihnrlottn. 1M. O. tLii.aaal aaaaliy g4 t ai-a. iTt Doi'Bf ia tk ijtt wrwvMWT . t At-At ITT I Uiacionus .vliu aa4 Iliifa4li.ia lw J,' AJ.U LAU4AUK l-Ulf U( La4.M, 14 airi aaw ''io aal talaU " Elltl . li'iitiU-s Watches l)r Utter Uaa KJIllf lalt ft la a l iba ab-tw aa.J ( MtMt ial0 4iMaw. airlktt. mj frwaa a l-j I4 tn diMaM4 li. wab, HJ y bowU atv aad II ImIH at 4(glMa lrf'd aly by lr Mle. A taal,t'a .. .. ii a 1J 4 eMla- lit 1 : . i r!Tef a JUlMii. Watch 4 ..... Ui a a e4 Mi U'Mj 1 1 1 Im f aWt. Uai m mm I jMjapai i. uii - , IHtlKMk a MA l1 wtww'- - - ' -A fwv. aal alMiala. lj X, J l a"- . k a4 aa-M I n .. - i - sam4 t yVa Jtl .. A a -A -' JLaT- a . vL. t mm. mi " f ' . , r fJZ?7ZTtf . . aj- --'- f-4 r mcrrom mm urn mmi lmm W 1 1 in H MImM; east mm M a a., I I . I a li i - 1 ' t i a IM im at a Oil n ulataMH ' lIUIf.wat t 'tfwa J1 w. t, a maI l.M,a aa waa I I j KmUM an. I i lu t'MM at MM a-4 , n' IIUM ubaa M J Mta Ua Eaia, 2Ulkbl Emly w4 MliMWatM t ae UhhiiiiiU Lam sttvctcal afjactrto roav en nrvna I It la.! DfM. K I nolo U awe that yow fw4 lb ealae, dlatlaffwlabw! from all fiMtdi aad laaliaUoa by our idl Tr4vMrk m lroo of wrapper, wl oa lae M tb aeeJ aad lfelre of i. !L UWtrn A (k OmlmI Sanitary Plumber and Steam Fitter. Balk Tat. WiM(k Wahetea. Tm (Wunn, 4a "taiifuctiaa ' main! lava, tienW. Hoa- VTvrylBln la th adorn ban line, AWNING WORK A SPECIALTY. KW.a4 a ITor. THE ORTON. WUmlwrtno tb ' lo laWfiwa. aJA twiora. of North (amain, eixl aum. tW on hookl oo( fell to "U5 TH It OK TUN. WtlmlnirW Mnnl tor4. Tb Of km la UMCniAonl atrurlura, Analy nUJ wMh nxKMrn .roproremenav Wror, trie tkhw and all ownowxw. rlnari.l low rke lo ejrantna irtiw dar ing Um nxm mm. TruMtral rr-fh-o AKwiJTfOM moiUtiooi. icrllnt fat am HUM trwattuatil charwrteris Th Ortn. J. K. MUNTAOl'K, SMITH & WATTS, RROKKRH, 10 8. CVmr Street, CMkLom,H.C Bj nwxiUnn Iinion Brw Oa.. "n ben ThWi lWrt of Tr.V, Uinuii Br.., mnbn York ( Rirh.K Hub bard, IVi. (V., nrnnbfn Nw or k VIUn KtrhaiiCK Wn V.. mnibw Nw 1 ork Hiock KiAauiw M. B. Mandhaiu. ruamr-f Kw York Parokom EirhaniM. y ihU iMiid In from thraa lo flr mlaatat owe our priato wlraa. Tbe WasbiogtoD Post. A National Paper. rWn printwi allhtafatof (Jorrmmfnt, lK WKKKLY 1MHT contalm nal ft liaa not ILmrtd In an other implication. inrj roan aKouUI "Brnt mibamlaj U hit t dm paimr." To It you ow rlr1n?, rianca. Artr that U don, b',to.,k' inotbw paw. Ui beat ona prlnll t th OtHial of the country litlia on thai will nrnve moat nrontabl and MitrtainltiK. ha price of THE WKKKLY 1-5-ST 7Snta per annum In advance. Hanilr oopke aenl ft. Aiklrma, The Weekly Post, WASHINGTON. D. C, Central Park It another otmlkMe for the coniiliation ofthoae aeekinK dwrirabl; hon; near lh. proaprroiu urowinR city of Cliarloltr. CENTRALLY . . . i-tL-.ltlA .ml Klmriitl. licated nwween u" . n.ftH!Sr uii.l.n.U Its name is at o;ice lliwurvii anu . racogniiKl ppropriate. BEAUTIFUL TTnditlatlng fleUJaand lawna liitPTsiH-rsetl with niaKiililcent arom of oak. hu k..rte. etc and the natural beautiaa ot theaitnl";n ncreaaed by the aid of man-la Central l AT CENTRAL PARK Yon can select . 4 to 8 ten i tor a model country home; 10, to 40 acres for a mode truck fcrin; 10. 90 to 40 acrea fora model graaa farm; 20,40 to 80 acres for model dairy. IF YOU WISH i To bnj pmoral pnrpcae fcrm, ora laiw nr email tract of land near Charlotte I will 5ffl ChfriotU. N.0 DE. GEO. W. GRAHAM. " v PTAfltloa limited to dtaeaaek of TB KTJB, B AR AND THROA 'rrrrr-r.. MM Ml MM mSTmM)1m.M MIMpM iV'SUl lt,MM,i4 YV f t falU ' Vaaa. waa rl4 Walt M. m.m.A Ufa lt4taiw KiU a4 Wra. KirH.r M Vlll MI ka 1'IU4 ltU 'y la tWa frta. Mr. f.-aaaaWafwUk. '' lay aar pw4alMja Atiaatta City. lfi4 lofcUlbar daathu with rlr. Dal4 llaanlflrka. ft ft HI.IIMMM4 ol t.tlar. bjaa BaJft0lt Ih ! loa'cbU- dr ! H.or'y W rieroi, lha laaUf. al L4oa. aoed hi atMtar i t wioot fo flhy-o " fl"' loty-s 4aT,darafer. Caill U-ae 0 ya I4. amlilaxl aaUldaal fa4arlli. -h walkla la a ,c J drll lall. II J tcU. aaal of lha llaanbar Aarlcaa Htw.hip J rT wm loltta al !- York for lafrlaf1"1 ,h Uhwf UChaaaJo a Cp'll dallafl a iii.i I a. aa aJrwao la me naMiaa faor of taa olaeHoa nii, wnien el alas ad M almatl alol llheUo. KraokC, t'alll lw aoly-oa. a Uaau4 ep-.ya t Tralul A tyroa . New York. aewrl of aUailac aavaral taoa-MBd do'.lar worth of lawalry. 'PJIebolM Flehar. twaoty-two yaara .14 irl.l i llarkanatrk. N. J (or Iho p " 'nf r.at eaaa4 the daalh ol hta fUir.Krot Joaa Klahar. a hol or..prlUr at I-Ml aa foaod gallly f laajhlar nM Mm ata t.MH.Tr. ILaiuv Jan. r-Th -AuloMo- rraDhr aoil taraoal rainlol,a' of Ma Cleo. Manjamln Iluller," or MHulUrJa Hook. M leedcl lo-aay. na lha Imprint of A. M. Thayar 4k Co . The book la 44lald: "To tba food and bra aoidlare of lha 1 1 rand Arm of lha KapoMlr. in hla prefara tho itenaral flvea a on rmaon for th publlcatloo. u cor- erct much of the wroott da U my- aolt by a prejuuie.! niKrt.f7r-.-n.--tloo of facU and e IrcatntHanr to my own arte la the erlce ui me country. A eararai rTiw " i t Mini lha Imprrae- Ion that thla la Ita main otJ-t. Th author ipreaaa ilia hop that h mar ll lonf aoooirh to anawer nu- J . . a . . aaalaal itatameata nraiwr mai. . kixi anaiur (ln Itatlar aa- arU poaltirely that Halmon I C ha aant a rriona nnu r.M to aollelt Mm to acopt lha Vic Proaldaacy nomination of In Re publican party la caao ha (Chaw i aeored the flrat placa, and that rMmon Camaron mada a almllar propoeltloD to htm in wniii oi ir. 1I t.-l'l II I .... ward. H quoU the conTrtlon. nd UlT h reaaon lor ni i'ii f both offera. ii. ...i.iaU. with Hivumrnt. hi poaltloo taken in the controveray a ak I . a i.lmlra l..a Vaka OrlMBIlal Anil (.OCl-T! that tha latur acted untruthfully . . . . I ai k....a I Ka and Ylllianeouaiy inraujimui i. rhola transaction oi in oaniure iuu ....ir r th fort. Me alao charge Admiral Porter and th lat tar'a Subordinates wttii the owder boat plan at Fort Fisher. Ha tranaa as unerir m" hair of (Ion. V. F. Hmlth Uiat lnl MM am m rlrti n W K-fora Peterslmrir. and criticise Hmlth aererely. The iranerai cio nie won wim marf of thlnRs done by him and proTn hy ma narrative nilitary capaclt? which wre of r rlce to tha country. It may be well for bottler of lr -i . .... 1. 1 atr,.ii.T rvnlut on their cuntomers: Paolo Montgaa, the . 1 I a. J I niAJarn ltikllftll tltOSt coieora-fu writer on medical nl.JecU. thus de clare hlmlf : "The happy mortal who make B-Ood beer Ills favorite bbTerago surround the jrreatft nUamna an A nalna of till life with oft nlllow. Surely a man thu a. B Ili.nlli.h U neiterea can .ruK10 .,.. " hard Ufa with lew danaer than oth er. In thU eap of barley I And, tn f . .1 a.a.a.1. a.rfama-.l IaII in inilftArAIIPP. such softness and such raellowneM. that I migrni aenne my upm-mi ui mission to mankind thus: It serves man In this life as packing cotton, in men nm orivno uaiuio iiinj . J -1 I . a I- 114.. a . . Ft por irtea saieij iuvu vnn . uumc. Mrit Wisi- TIT. .1 a a I r A ts AAV In OIIP oltlKn that for year we have been selling Or Kluirs New Discovery for con- UmptlOU, UT. IVIPg l W AJUO I UUCRletl ATUlca. dwitij auu .cairKiiiv uui.fa ami have never handled rem edies that sell as well, or that have Iven such universal satisfaction. v ,i not imai tate to guarantee them it a uvuv.Mv- - .. ti.no ami we stand ready to refund the purchase price.if satlsfao " i.. rj .,., f,vll,,uy their use These remedies have won their great KPuJa" J ' 'V le sud re Ull, and at Jordan A Hcott's, whole sale drug stores. When we reflect that ho many nu man beings die of co.isnmption, wf rrnat nma In tha eoncIuHinn that avarvbodv ahoold be provided witl Dr. Bnll'a Coagh Syrup, the coustimp tive's friend. Kidney affections of years stand Ing cured by Hlmmons Liver Regu lator. J. W. Foypts. Children Cry for,Pitcher,8-CastorIa. IM ,UJ Iti4 t-rfl4 a4 lMlf a U fba .HtliMtMaiW aJl " ia. tfcy 4ya 44f a-kyH a4 Wea-iaJaa--. iH4 "-" ?' lM4 raiUw-yHaii L tHtaaa lae4 kalii.B -Wa.wle a-d ail fr Kw- aa4 ! ri- -f fraal I rw -" M1 f aa4 lpawJiiJ. ' '7 tt af far ' " fla) aa4 ewd, hal la hav4. h r'4 ay a y m) m4 a li akad 4 a ! ia.ttr. t y aula lajwaU kat aa4 wkupMwd a law wtr4 M Blwa, a4 tfca I a. attr a I' Ucai. avod44 ki ku-4 aa4 wal Waak a at orahaau. !(( i akart order la Italian, there a A laalaf of U br aJ vtaJiaa. a ad ! " clailya4 eipfw JJy. t- uaJaa af -taly ! H lUr Fa." Tt,aa aaaaa mi b en towtb of na iwraia tbaaaatl of Ua aaaUauaotal 44 aoavf Ul taab Iba araw aaaa aa4 kflf a plaaaaJii lamp IbM hie Il.rwat.ea4 It had It tba erwed. Hoaae af tb oo4 a.artbaUll ywa fallow la lb do-rway ta4 al bias aad ewllad. ball kaaaorwaaly. ball ayaapalheU rail. "Maabod," aald a yoaof waanea In a rd Jaf kC -1 have ka thra," said a maa on the rarfcaloo. Hal iheyoaof fellow did wol hear lhm. it. .i. amtllaw alao. half wlal- r 1 1. anil kii iim. rii(liior lha heedeof Ibo aawak-laua aad th crowd. aB)d fltad on aoan lol la tbe dlauac. A fa ! IJo- (lloba Imocrat: Tha praaaol IroaSl with tiarsa and hi baud am phaeli a mlataka made al tba Uwa ly ol Oaadaloapa Illdalo, wbo. af urtb Maileaa rap bile" and tba ..... J al I -luh I D lloO rial wrw uauavu. - -.v .... ia.ritKiidd aad ooln t- d oat by military maa at lb liaa. Tha Rio (Iraod. la oealdarlo th rhararur aad rolulloaary todn- . a k . . a ... k. . . 4 a. rlr of our Pfifnoort, """ " -boundary aa culd baa b-o lcl- a. A rtr auloomar lhaa th till ol that tram oooM aot aaatiy have bo c .. . J. I bare fr- iiaroUy efMd It Ihe welr , and It I harrUr not ract l my verywher fordaoi. Aa ii i . . i... In i.l Mfrttila being, In fa-l, no nvir dlfflcol U pae than an lanaglaary lin, aou m vm - cor mutt t tatrold aloof It o tlrlolh. (t Is this fart that ran dr It o dimroll to catch rolo Jonlta, whi dinlir fmm on aide ol th tUeam to tb oth If w had h frontlar which rould and should haa had. th moootaln to the nth, w would not b troubled by havlnR to hunt down MmIcio outlaws lor thai iroyeronieni. a email lore at th paa wrould hv w .n. i .. . .r nut nfonr noun try and C'mplled Meilran Insurgent to re main In thlr country. Th army men. when th treaty waa maae, urjrod strongly the alvanUr of this lln. but tba politicians ch the in. n...rf .hlih thav believed Ui ! In eome degree worthy ol It name. We now twe me connBucrn A stitch In time. Take Klmmons I.lver K'gulatorand prevent sickness fired frwali rriaj.tr.1 tk.Trm in the Hlr at HONNKY A VAN M.v. M ARD1 (IRAK. SKW ORLKANK AN I' MtlHII.K. March 1st. Kor bImiv occasion the Richmond ..I n.tivllln H.K. will sell round trip tickets to New Orleaui and Mo bile alone flrst-claas fare fur te i.,nml irln Tlckeuitin sale Febrnary 2.'th to 2th, limited rturnlng March IMh, Th followlnir are round trip rate from pMnt named below, Interme diate M)lut In same proportion : ew tfrieans. roomie. Charlotte, N. ('., 2S) 19.40 .Vl 22 40 2.i W Si 50 2.S.M) 21 SO 2li(K) 24 00 :is so :i ) U',40 il.W 2140 1!.20 2I.IV llK5 IH.II.S IV 75 2i! I. 70 2HV0 21 50 2rltl0 24.00 2ti0l 21.00 2ii f0 24.00 tlri-elisboro, Ralelirh, liildslniro. Henderson, llurliani. Winston Kalem, Asheville. Kpartanburg, K. C. Iroenvllle, Columbia, Richmond, a., harlottesville. Lynch burg, Danville, GENUINE Apple Cider WF. I1AVK TAKES AS AtlKXt'Y K0K THKCIDKK Mll.laSOK OLIVER BROS., laorkport, N. Y., and are ready to tatte Orders. Wfl will s.01 in barrels containine either 14 gallon, 'IS khIIoi.s or 48 pillons. tiller Kuaranleed to kifp al its quality is better tna" ailV t-.iuor m me iuarneu We will also bottle the samefider in quarts and pints. Hollies nitvly lableil aiut tin toiletl. A trial onler will convince the customer of of what we claim of this Oder. 0. VALER & CO. FOR r.lEfJ ONLY! l.l.tWWTor UWT ar FATXIHO ASH0OD, HJilMMOiiaaral aaa MUIV00S OUILTTT, Yhk I ! WakMa af Bwly u4 XSttta lilillllof EmnwIlMM iaOMarTwac, (MrM,kllk.l HOHkUl(.lltiSrllTllHir i.-h..a a.ai. Hiauiiainrwii. .... h.iii. inaHK Tlilc&TakkKl . wllf, rnB M MalM aW riilaeMlrln. WrUillia. AMim. KRIK MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO,!. V. Car. all l uniln . U. !! m. hat. Tlirwal. Mr...fUIU, Ila- trfe- a4 all il i and iaag di- :isai nti miu al illii(i'i fffd aaly by Df II Moi.. AHaui. (IM bX tl i I A Mv CUKKS Aid DISEASES. liiMil MrTIU Ct K:l Mkll M l- 1 irf ll U4 " mi tt ti" lo Ml rT1 ' "' iiUIiwiiI'ii t""b luiHT- ' Ktt hJ Ui m.llci rvUf. mi-t! c la Imt hef a-i l"il "" L ItX UUm KJ k.lWf U K I" r.tl al iit-J'i to l l-.n.i - I H in lartlrt t:ib tJ u it.' la " nvr K I IINiI.i:. I UrV -at. KVKKAl. 1HJ t i:Kl'. ( ctfulljr ta4ift to iHc i.rml ' -ar. .fri' ti.it.e llait "'" rnxa luiim htx-hi. '' ' -I .!. Ma.au. rvrr utn Mi. k''.t" '' Vmir. rt. TIN" I- Jaulb lliafl Mrtmina! I ,i r- n (i',m.i la ATHWA AND ATAKKll I i:Ki I Lc trtl a tuflrrr' ! n ! rmlarrt, f.rf n..rr than I".' ! cm-wt of my miliar " ' '; ami Uurnr killrr an.l !? I'" l " arrli Ka ti Wvinr naturali; aixl im! a l.sl-l 1 " ' " In lla nmolr an. I hiti.li K'Hun.r .i anr ""riiiit frni att.M.ti. .nr-l. mil.W ILt.jhillT KImVI k mi m 'i; t rWliM-r in lUnt A Lair.1 , K V. V V. K ANP Kl IV ( I' KII' . .. . . . ., . r ,.i U, 1 rlierrraiiT a-aiiii nm i.. - a a. .11 . f, A. . I a . . t tl i w 1 1 1. f-1 V rrm R inn m . - - . - rurnl. afUr l-iiit i. Ii I r" ' ,n - nl (rrar. ana iHinn min. n i nir i ...thih. . nXMtirr iliiwurm. Am rlc I iti-ti.lol diinnit tin li"- I'T llirrr of H ,,,r of Hi iity iIIhhiI l-nrti 1 M in'nr.i.i i . In c rWlo J Sri i 'Hi-an- I MIC KAI'AM f Mil l.nHK Kil l Kl: . i ui.4 a I I may. ak in Kl. MdVIMi TH H iM UK H.n.1 9 rtxnl Lallll. fT 4 IWCT riri'lllar All I tb Mrreot. War ! hat U-vmm- : ati-1 hat Irw rrni1v nnil ami i '. i " irr n. R.l It. i-imilalr il ami vmi " i I lie itiinrr-r fur 1 111c v-nr i:l A 1 nu R A 1 A M f Miri:il.K KIl.l.Kl: Najil.i I riin or K. II.. lOiilt AS A- CtK Aft,l. Chortotlr, S. V. Office 1H Koulh Tryon Str. t. ivi r iii U'lrst National Bank, a". I .1 Central HoUl. CHAK. C. HOOK, A KC II IT KIT. Telephones. r)K KMCTTKIC TTI.Kril.'M - KuR I'BIVATK 1.1SK ITKPOSI-..- ' 't! .- Southern Bell Telephone and Ttlegraph Company, C, E. McCLUER, Distnci Knpt.. latintf . Kicnmoua, :i. vAA44 Scientific) Americas . 4t Agency for OAVIATB, TSADI anil. COPY RIGHTS, arc ror Informal loo and rr Handhook wilt to MI NN A XI !U BHOAPWAT, KW VokK. OMm lurau tor aeraiinc patMtt tn Anwiioa. KTiry paivnt taken oul by n l bnnuiht twftira the public l.j a DoUo ftTun (re ot charm m a scientific Jtomcatt Arvrjan elrealatlofi ot any artentlne parw In trie 1 aurtd. fiplendldlT llhtratd. No InlellitnMit ,) man should be wllhoot IL Weekly, .1.0O a roar; IL.V) alz montba. Addran Ml'NN A OU, lL uuuBKiui, al Broadway, New Vurk. IP Mlaaral kl OMtata. V ! I"A 1 IM IIC Vanr. Kfar. T... ' .. ' ' 1 .;".r"f' aorlaalliM. ! frm that . I-" " I bwwtM! ll.rro.ilw.'' i il" I ' ' ''12 ark oa I. lor hn. npr-i ' "' - laa! lUaek 1 !' '" ', '','. j aut. M4twafaiiiii. r..n.. - f " " ; kr a tMrkr. thai ".. M.... .f I - ; a4lla oP.rlBnlly W a-Ii pcr..n m " I- i ' ' Smbiar lb cU.nr. aal ' "' ! ' ' 6 j IhalillLBSK ...H.rtunitTt Iiimiiiti .' ' t,Hi wonhj. mid fflr ii..n"- n I'll '- l..i . .i.. lla. l aa anrmrtit h 1 1 r . '!' ' tllRt ,t nil 1K- . i. .. oOea dltbawnkaaa li al noma. wl.n..r i.-h Km , h. lra.M -Hl ri.in from " aalt;ainl T" " J: , . K.,! aaiVarlli"',Ji.'11 .'"""r 1 "!" " ' . T . S. iwn. I..llai. ht ill 'I '.' alt IW. k. rnr mail r.-i. " "' " ""' " JaUMI i. Ha . I lliJ. MalaM. vi - ALJ Clock: Clocks Clocks Silvorward Silverware Silverwiro Vatt. .ra.utaf".! f .lulIN FAlMtHlU- Inspector of C. C. d4 A. L. Watches. ... . , , U' .nruApl I n H ililSWOrill IV M II. .! . . I A P HntPMIQnil iV. ( I) We have just ivceiveil our new styles for 1S92. iui .til k- W Al. N l HKY-. I'll A KT'.N-v f 11 1 -1 i'"l All kinds of vehicles for sale cheap. Call to .cee us and buy a Studebaker Wagon. Jan 12 mi ISSIi. Racket Store, Y.iinn.ins iin.l Silverman i rly ll.il.i "i all tin lalol !iain- 'worlli tv ' l' fl."" an.l vou. '.in la We 'ti" l--r:n t Hat ill I.7.V:u-li. lir.yini: .li.l th i. t a W l !' I'lnok to ell a we buy: .-s! the .irt . t-it-i d..!l.irsa do.en ai-.l u-.i.irr the :iv:i '-.i:.. : :he lawot" Oollars tlies p' out to ur tra.le at t1.- tin heard of priie we name fl.7' earh. Thousanils of thinp. oifnini; up now in this Kaleigli sttx-k of elegant prtuls to out the same way. Hint .t Piukanls tine sluv for men cut in the mi.l.Ue: Tlieii hatul ma i.- ' hie-i at t ami their shoe at2,". M.""1 worth of elosutit shoes in this sioek mi l ev.ry ir will Ixsolil at half the inarkol price: It is a Kr-'"' clianw to buy inei;- ami buy snsl-rinlers. poi '" and V troo.ls at 1 "h . :il! the line in proportiiui; Mens scarH. -h:ri slis. Ae, in fact larire line oftieiiis I'urn ishinp at half ami less. Weeannot olT'er all this stuck Ivforv J!on ilay; We shall make this a great I rent lor our wtivns ami .ill are c)rlially invit.il to see this the h-?1 imn-hase the llaoket ever made. W. J. DAVIS .fi CO. I I r!-& iv .aWiaaa4aW' TERMS: flOQa t A 0 AAhI fi al late W aw lwa-at om apikiatkm. CHOJvLK TU.1 k rwtixef. r s. orricz tiriTvrirnu "Wn olooalo Only. I II A n OPENINO OF FALL SEASON, 1891 Hy lha e taJlei lam.aablJlolayUforwafcld pal-l.e, whct t e.ar rly w. appUad ,rM," MuiiauiUri .tauaaaat of ea and Ual el r dt au4 aad .MH-Jfe. tn. Jarlar lb aweasth olJane eodjaly. tf U.. U.r yar rw -rrUely of lv. !, l"l t Ivm, J a IU Cava aad bale ; Jaly . ' isMi. as i . 1S. kl "a An locr.a. lolyr ol o.r 100 ,-r rnl anJ a Ih.aa fl(er ! ....f.u-J..-U7U.oaflhlM I e.ldi. Limply rit to li.-aa a.. lui.Uy..k' AaJ now . wod lo iho--.reha.u wbabara 1 !.. u..t North u. boy th llm will twl waTanl ll-bl bay nearer ' li .n.e an i . fteii. I utlif jros n wk! i mIcIIiiI ufJall M, Mt alTil ,111-0 Willi, any mtkL n,. ar. all raady for ln.;ll..n rvrml for nuoUUoa. of It) ;.lniu, nr lot tiwMUil on ol tuj lui.u Ui jnu. lUalfolly, tiii olivkr oil mm, MANt FACTl'RKRK OF COTTON SEKI) OIL, CAKE, MEAL AND KE-(.LNS. C A H H PAID F O H COTTON H K E D. Tho8. M. Belle, Manager, v, W K M T N I N T II HTKK E T. C H ABLOTT E, N. C WHAT DOES ir MEAN? ,,-et vour Hr. aiI. t k. i ami f- I- .-.'rht tii. l-krr. It will ja.iv vou ltn-a.) tu kets. winch vTTil he i hiMa-r iIiaii to liatTri-,rr''1 (Trv some of his Roll; tiire him yiTnt onler lor Hread. J. FASNACHT, City Bakery. 'A inttch-uoril such as ne'er thall si ii A trh He there a n echo left toair" THE WASHINGTON Life Insurance OF NEW YORK. Assetts over $10,500,000.00.1 Is a gigantic monument to the truth of the nroiihecv. Itsbondand mortgage investments amount to more titan S3 per cent of the total asAetts. These mortgages are first liens oa real estate valued at $1700,000- Bat the streugth of the Washing ton is in its conservative manage ment. In times of depredation no concern la felt by the holders of ita policies. HOWELL A HACKETT, Agents, C H A ilLOTTE,N.C. T. L. A L FBI BSD, Manager. Richmond, Va. K.vm'l. L. Adams, Special Dlstrl o A geut, roomS, Wrigh. buikllng.aur ham, N. O. March ft-ly WASHINGTON S Company iVlllAUffdM ( ItAHt urTMX L U T T L, v , Ai lis iwi 3 I"j rem! ri.ct k. d laClMK. V KKA NCE, UI C II M ON DA DA N V I LLF. RAILROAD CO. luMiVVilM M lltt'l l.lu Inellect January 17th, lssl. Daily. SoirilBuf.Mi l.v Ricbniond " Hurkeville " Key.ville Ar Danville " t . rr.ilxro i,v t tiil.Nlx.ro at K.il. ili l.v JUlelKll " Dtirh.iiii Ar t i reenalniro " Winst'n -aal'ni l.v (irwtiMboro No. 9. No.ll. XiMipru S 20a in 6 Oiipni f 44pm h lltlpru II) lopm l- lipu 1Vpm i 40pm 7 44pm ID lopm M 4 Iptll IDHopm 1J isaui I HiAlU tf .Viaru H.Snam lla'Ham UUam 6tM)am tMOam l lthitu 6 07am ;iam oOHam f44atn HOAam 1012am i I VipiO 5 Vim iiSam ft 07am 4um NoUam 10 J am 1 1 57am 1 Owpm MUtpnt 7 44pm liaOfipm 1 HOpni 4X7pm 5o4pm 11 Vvan liopm r iOitm W loon- Ar Salisbury Ar Statesvllle Asheville Hot Sprinics - L. Lv Sa'iW.ury Ar Charlort " Kpartanhurn " (ireetiville " Atlanta Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta Dally. .NORTH not-m No, lo No. 13 Lv Augusta 7 00pn Lv Columbia lOWpm Ar Charlotte HUoam Lv Atlanta rt.Vrpro ArChanotte ti 4t)am Ar Kalisbury sJTam Lv HotKprings "22pm " Asheville 2 4l)am " Htatesville 7 07am Ar Kalisbury MXlam Lv Kalisbury H:,7am Ar(Jreenihoro lOJiiaru "WiDMt'ii Sarin l 14i.lam Lv Greensboro I l080aru Ar Durliuiii 12-!pm " Raleluh 125ptu Lv Raleigh 1 30pm ArtioKlsboro 306pm Lv lireensboro 1030am ArDaajill 1210pm ' Kexsvilla 2ft2pm " lUirkevllle 3 8lipm " Ku'hiuond I 680pm Daily except Kunrtay. 100pm 410pm 800pu 00pm 7 60pm 9 45pm 12 3pm 4 aSSpm 9 17pm 10 12pm 965m llZHam tl 18am iit'm . ij. uiaui 4 -20am 7 00am t8 45am 1228pm llSHpm 1 lOlUB 4 15am 4 67 am 7 15am Dally. SLEEPING CAR KERVICE. Oa Trains 9 and 10 Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York; between Danville, ana au- I gasta, and Raleigh, ( via AshevlHa) and Knoxville, Teun. - on ii ana iz. r unman ituaet 81eeer between Richmond and Dan vllle, Raleigh and Greensboro, nd Pulluian Butfet rtleepers between New York, Wasnington and Knox ville via Danville, Kalisbury, and Asheville. ami Pullman Sleep!" be tween Washington and Karma Cll via Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis- lav a . a,, Supt, Asst. Oen. rasa. Art, Richmond, Charlotte. N, 0 W. II. (!bkbn, Jab. 1 Taylob, r , (ien'l Mgr, Uea. Pass. Ag'tW Atlanta, Ua Atlanta U ' Hol. llAAa, Trafllo Manager, ' lUchmoJid, Va. (