-NEW ARRIVALS ' AT H. BHRUCH B RO OXECAHK uhk VAmtt rI?ITHCOTTO! HtDfORBS AT1I',. oK CA1K You matt net fall to prica our mwlj pnrtUeod stock of Hosiery. ON K CAHt: ONE CawK Wint. CHEVIOT t'AHHM KHtlrt AT 9m. The handsomeBt coUociion of now Valehdenno Licet ax now olHred. ONK CAMK ONE CAMK KAXl'V WKAVK t WOOL OOOIW4 AT US CAHK Our Cort stock oonUlna all aizes. We sell beat rallies at 505, 76o, tlAo OSK CASK OMK CAME NKW MTYl.K OINOHAMH AT 10c OXK CAHK MEW Arrivals Till be Announced Stiffly. You are no doubt making up underwear, eU. Our Niinsookt and Domestic an heft. H. Bitnich & Bro. KAItaoAO IKniMM ATIOM. INSUEE YOUR pkopejTit WITH 8. I. Cochrane I5BURANCE and REAL ESTATE AOENT. U Booth Tryon Street. Telephone No. 6a Good Tliogs. I si- New stock of mens and boys hats 25c tip: Mens Cnnberi worth f 1 at GOr, in all color-; Mans white dress hirt 40c up; Mens heavy wool shirts worth 11.25 at 75c. SPECIAL BARGAISK ' inCoraeUat II, 85c, Vft-Gkc, 90c; Children OSfS L6c to TSCT'A great bargain in dress goods, Gimps, Table Damask, Towels, Doy- i and Shoes. Jas UitrrisoD Co. 80 South Tryon Street. EVEBYBODY COME I Train bat l.al4lr aw Waalilnflnn. i firm York l(l.r.. M.. i : uu a rt . and a i ; p m Arrirrfi Sri Yok, WaliliiTUi ! kjcliin...l ai :m lu , I Si p . lu. Trains Utn fn.- Atlanta at t a. m . I Y ! p. m. A m t r rru aiuhum o su a in . . p. fu Trln Ink fc Clnn.l.ia al 5 I" a m I So pin Amr Inmi IVJiunl'ia al S u in sin p m. W aahinirlim and Knoth-ir-trrn VratibtiU I J 1 1 1 l r-. 1 imlol la-lami Whiiit..i and Atlanta Win fur Atlanta al t4aiii Ar nrn frMn Atlanta t In p In l"ar 'f A aliinfl'ii W Ji ui rnm fnxn ab inrt4i ' Vi a rn Train for bUlrattllr lrra t H p in. daihr ri Mmlar Arm fn.in Mtrilirll i Miirl train lravc TiMikUr I lmrlar ami MalunlaT ii m a in and irmr" Inmi Uii 1 1 If J ' i in utaitup ti nil i Tralm Imrr fir Wiltinnrt..ii al I I' p and 7 45 j in Arrive fnuu Wilmington at 0 Via. in . and S 15 in Train lrvr for KaVlgh at .' a m. Arnm Irtmi lUlncli at I" I'' p in. Train Imriti for Kiitlierfimlt.n al 4 IS p in Arrives from KuthrrfordUm at I i p. in Sander Hhtvnllns Affair. An ugly shooting allalr orcurrl yesterday st the store of Ki-ali Harden, three miles from Jtuther fordlon. Two lljrdeti lioys, rolislti". one a aon of NV. J. Harden, and tin other a son of Ace Harden were ihr principals, W.I. Harden' son shot Ace Hardin's son In the head with n pistol, Inflicting a wound which will In all prohatill Ity prove fatal. At two o'clock this morning, when the train for Charlotte left, young Hardi n 'Bt reported In a dying condition. The boy who did the shooting went to Rutherfordton and gave himself up. aud U now lu jallj there. The JalTair has caused considerable excitement as the fathers of IIih boys prominent men. Whinkey b ittom of the troiiblii. LEUOH ELIIIE- f Ifos.lrrKl - or. tlktlir rr Vomiif, IohWi utnf AldNry Kor Hllllnusnas. t 'ffistl nation and Malaria, laka Iumii KM al r. Kir I odiraiiou, Hick aud Narvoat Headartir, laka lnion feCllalr. Kor Hlenpleaanaaa. NarvouSDet and Haarifsilur. laka I-enion Klliir. Knr K.rer. Chills aud UsLllily. taka lyonmn Kllllr. Ladies, for natural and itmrougli orranlo refulatlon, taka Iaaiuii Kllilr. Ir Motley's oo Kllllr Is pre pared from the fresh Jules ol I a moos, combined with other Tege 'able liver Ionics, cattiartlcs, aro matis atimulauls and will not fall you In any of the above named dla- sard liver, stomach, kidneys or 'owrls, boo and f 1, bottle at drug lata. I'repared only by Dr. II. Motley. Mlanta, Us. It 8hoald be in Ersrj Iloait- J. H. Wlla.in.871 ( lay Hi., riharp. l ug. i'a., savs he will not te wltlnan lr. King's S'ew Dlscoyery for cm uniiptlon, coughs and oolds, (list I "tired his wife who was threateuco ilh pneumonia after an attack oi (irlppe," when Tar'ona oth.r i r-inedius and several physicians had lone her uo good. Hubert Harder, of 'okaort, I'a., claims Dr. Km'' New Discovery has done him mor. good than anything he ever used fn lung trouble. Nothing like It. 'IV it. Free trial bottles at Hurwell .V Dunn's, wholesa' and retail, and a Jordan A Hcoit's, wholesale dru xtores. Larg'j bottles, bO cents and $1. are ven WE ARE PREPARED FOB YOU. OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE. OUR GOODS ARE BEST QUAL ITY. OUR PRICES ARE RIOHT DOWN TO THE BGTTOM. You iretfrom us the finest Collees, Teaa, Hams. Flour, Cheese, Canned Oooda, Pick lea, Syrups, Candi s, Note, Raisins, Flga, Prunes and Co ooaanta, JDoot fall to get some of our home made mince meat, none equal to it in the city. Oranges, Apples and other fruits. ; Bonney & Van Ness . No, 25 N. Tryon St , Free Delivery I'ranka of John llopk lha SI ii dent During a lecture by Prof. ;-o. H. Emtiiott to the neiiiors of the Julius Hopkins I diversity yterday an alarniliiK' eX loslnn took placn In the classroom. I he building was shaK en. window lSn--VV9 ilwtUered , splinte-rrfwood lllled the air and jUie professor was dumfounded. In vetigatton showed that nreeracurs had been placed in a cover less box, in one end of which a caudle had been inserted. A notch was cut in the candle about an Inch from tht top and the fuse, of the cracker wrap ed around It. The expected happen ed. The faculty Is searching for the authors of the 'joke.'' Oue member said : This sort of festivity ha uevar obtained at the Johns Hopkins, and we dou't propose to have it now. Men come to this university to work, and we wouldn't hesitate to expol a whole class if were uecessury to do go to protect the ambitious and In dustrious student. This university I believes in Intellectual development, 1 ......-.....r. ... unt attikininuiif Mill. (IllJUIiriUCiib oim a v tua i ...... dents so believing must be allowed to attend to business undisturbed. Base ball and foot ball victories and racquet court triumphs are all very well in their way, hut here they will never be regarded as thesumtuuni of the curriculum." Ice for Summer Skating. Chicago Daily News: (Skating on ice in midsummer is a luxury prom ised for Chicago skaters. A compa ny is being orgauized by Norman Totteo, a real estate dealer in the Chicago Opera House block, to build a rink similar to the Aihambra Par is. It is to be a circular alTair, some thing like the big panorama build ing's oil Wabash avenue. The capi tal stock of the company will be $lo0, 000, and the site will probably be near Jackson rark. ine sKaiinir surface is made by building a cement basin about two feet in depth. Across this on the bottom are laid a number of pipes one-half an inch apart. Wafer is then turned in, ai d bv a nate nt Ad process is irozen oy means of stone substance passing through the network of pipe. The temperature of the room will be kept at about 40 degrees wiJter and summer. The Old Original Remedy Leads Sii k iviplf ulniiild not be deorireil liv pre- lender Alio talk alxiut " M iciobi. " "jietfnn," I .so illi, ".Vr, to m-II llialr prvmtioii. tlui rvvrntiiiit people from diiviiik t lie original pVed medicine. "Ksdam's Micmlie Killer" wlmt von need, it is now, snd for vesn li.'i lieen, makiiiK more cure thun all other tenieilies combined. Iiivenlignte it l fort IrilliuK with voiir beiil ill. I'euil tlnirn'Uer U.HeiiienI in tdiv r Don't be deceived Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. -a;m' roan cor to x. Hy Associated F'ress to the Nrws. New Vokk, l i b. 1. 1 2 Futures steudy January 0 00-00 Keliruary i ! ! " March 7 u-ot; April 7 14 May 7 at -25 June 7 M July 7 44 Auittwt 7 M Heptember 7 niMKl Of toiler 7 M-it.t Novem ber ( (JO- I)eoemler U UMX) Hales to-dav 22.'J.2n0 Net Heoeipte lnl.2l!l Kzports toO. B x.k;u Kxixirti to France 13.071 KxporU to the continent, 30,124 Stock stall U.S. ports 1.220.740 Below we Kive the Stock .Market. Cotton Market, and Grain and Produce Markets as received over the privute wires ofSniitliA Watts. Commission Brokers. Charlotte. K C COTTON MIDDLING: High- Low- Clos- Januarv 0.00 est. est, f n if 0 0 I-(XI 7.09-7C 7 0.3-00 7.14- 7 24-25 7.:S4 7 44- 7.51- 7..r)i-fi0 7.(18 (!! O.INMiO O.OO-OO CHICAGO GRAIN AND PKODUCE. ("hicaoo, Feb. , 1891. High- how- Clos February March . . . April Mav June July August . . . September Octolier . . . November 0.(10 December 0.00 .08 .17 24 31 4"i ;4 01 71 M est, 0 00 (I !r 7 01 7 11 7.21 7 31 7.41 7.4S ft.."7 7.(18 O.OO 0.00 WHEAT- February . Year May CORN feliruary . May est. 00 est. 00 90. 90 39i 41i Bncklen'i Arnica Salve. The best Halve in the world for outs, bruiHes, sores, salt rheui, fevr sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It its guaranteed to give perfect satifaction, or money refun ded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Bnrwell A Dunn's, wholesale and retail, and at Jordan A uiott's, whole- i eale drug stores. I lay . OATH February -. . . 29 Mav 3of PORK May 11.92 February 11.70 LARD , February 6.42 May 6 70 RIBH May.... January 39 41 ij 29 30 1 1 .85 11.70 nno 6.C2 lllg. 00 901 391 41 29 30. 11.90 11.70 0.00 6.70 CHTCH ON jvhilr ro u can. 4fc XjTrV.v wr. The McDowell CLOTHING and HAT Stock Goes Rapidly at Half Price Don't let such a streak of "Good Fortune" drift out of your reach. WE NKVK1I HAD HITI1 A RCHH IN JANUARY AH WE HAD LAST WEEK NEVER HOLD HO MANY HCITH AND OVERCOATS IN HIX DAYH, AH WE DID LAHT WEEK--BUT THERE ARE HTILL HUNDREDS LEFT TO SELECT FROM. TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR SUITS FOR FIFTEEN DOLLAR SUITS FOE $7. TEN DOLLAR EDITS FOR $5. EIGHT DOLL 11 SUITS FOR $4, DOLLAR SUITS FOR $3. SLITS FOR $10, six DOLLAR $2.50. I'LEXTY OF SUITS HERE FOR YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. AT HALF PRICE. BOYS OVERCOATS AT BELOW COST KILT SUITS AND THE McDOWELL STOCK CONTAINS MORE THAN TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH OF MENS, BOYS AND CHILD REN'S HATH, ALL OF WHICH A HE OFFERED AT HALF PRICE. Boys Hats at 25o worth fiOc. Boys Hats at 60o worth II. Boys Hats at 76o worth $1,50. f.'l,.V)HtiiT Hats $1,75. SOOHtitr Hats 1,50. 2,00 Htiir Hats 1,00. R EM EM HER Tl I E ENTIRE McDOWELL HTOCK GOEH AT HALF PRICE, AND OUR OWN STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. MORE REAL VALUE THAN WE, ALL HTYLEH A RE HERE NOW ALL HIZEH IF YOU COME AFTER THEM AT ONCE AND OR ANY ONE ELSE, EVER OFFERED IN CHARLOTTE. ROGERS & COMPANY, 21 West Trade street. Prompt attention to mail orders Charlotte, N. C, loiiinville and Nashville.... 7"i 75 75f- 1 exaa l urihc Western I'nion Tel. Co 82 82i 821- KiirliiiKton and Qiiincv 108 107 107 - Chicago nndNorili West... 117 lli 110- C. ( '. C.AI 71 70 701- racilic Mail 371 371 371- Delaware and 1-uckuwaim. . 1431 1421 1421 KeadiiiK 40J 404 401- New England ftol 4i 4i- Kock lBland 91 90 90 - CHARI.OTTE COTTON MARKET, TODAY (Quotations represent actual buying price in oien marKet.J Middling fair ... Strict good middling 71 UooU middling 71 Strict middling 71 Middling 0J Strict low middling 61 IjOW middling Tinges and stains 4 5 J one ot the market, steady. Sales to-day 60 bales. 5.9.ri 6.72 5 9" 5.72 6.92 5.72 New York. Feb STOCKS. High- Uk- clos." est. et. ing. New Jersev Central u . Chicago Gas 771 7-ij 7(V Richmond Terminal...-. 151 141 148- Atchison 41 41 . Bt. Paul 79j 7(i 7ij. Ike Shore 0(10 000 OOfJ - Missouri PaciQc 62 611 61 Notice of Incorporation. TORTH CAROLINA., IREDELL 11 COUNTY. In Office of Clerk Superior Court : Notice is hereby given of the incorporat ion of "The Key it Co. Manufacturing and Dis tilling Company". That the names of the in corporators are P B Key, G French and A K Klingender, and such others as the associate with them: that the principal place ol business shall be in Klatesville j may N, C, and iis general purpose and business is to manu facture, buy and sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors and to manufacture, buy aud sell cigars, smoking and plug tobacco. The duration of tlie.coiporation shall be 30 years. The capital slock is 135,000 with the privilege lo increase to $100,000, divided into shares of t!ie pax value of $100 each. It J, H. HILL, C. 8. C. Sombtard POCKET ALMANAC and MK.MOHAMM M HOOK advertising HKOWH'S IHOM BITTKHJI the beHt Toule, given away at Drug and gauaral stores. Apply at onoe. Employment wanted, by a gentleman ot good address. References exchanged. Care of N KWS OFFICE. Fruits, Candy, Nuts, Raisins, Dates Figs and anything to please the little ones, at R1GLER& LAIRD'S. FOR SALE On easy terms. Several very lesirable Cottages. Also a number of vacant lots. 2(1 1W B U ANUKKWS. FOR RENT A 4-room dwelling on 9th street, No. 510. Apply to 26 tf A ti IMV1I1SUW. FOR CASH We will sell our $50 Sewing . . si ur ii a nun . fir macmnes at ij w nni"nn, Sept 8 tf Manager. Leggitta 15 minute Oat Flakes, at , B.&VANN. FOR RENT Store room on Trade street next to Tlios Reese .V. Co, formerly occupied by O. W. Norment. Possession given 1st February. C A BLACK, jaiusli no. jdnouin onegesi. 10 TRAVELING MEN, COM . MERC1AL TOURISTS. Erc- The Hotel Hamlet, at Hamlet, N. O.. nas been rently taken, and is being rentiea, i as near, first class style as the urrounuinBs will permit, by Andrew DeTendorf. tale 01 the Carley House, Bcneneciauy, Z(z respectfully asks the traveling puWio to pve him one trial, and if not P'n, with treatment received do not pay one cent. . mrr.iTuicKK TE.ntm rwk)vnien( i Good BAiimniw. " vvWS OFFICE, reterence, Addres, care Ni-WH ori, A Fine I. and ine of Perfumeries Toilet Articles, B DEO G S. A T J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 7 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. NORTON YAMS. The finest potato that grows. Now in sea ,n. Also dross for kindling tires. Orders promptly rilled. Address, j. Jbu. vaivi an, Janl6 tf. Clarkton, N. C. NOTICE, The firm of Ross A Adams has made an niirnment of their stock of goods, etc.. to me for the benefit of their creditors. The stock, consisting of a good assortment of Stationery, Books, etc., will be disposed of at greatly reduced prices for cash. a.. cun.rYJs.LOj, lTustee, HOLIDAY GOODS. We have opened our Holiday Goods and can show you one of the most complete lines ever brought to the city. We invito you all to eome and in sped oar stock before you boy, as we are sure we can save you money. Rigler 4. Laird's F-A-N-C-Y B-A-K-E-ROf

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