THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUME VII. CJJIAHLOTTK. N. O.. WKUN'I'HDAY KVKNINU. FKIIUUAHY :i. 18U2 NUMUKU UuM Sops fed. a 1803. laWrealJaf Hive ef Aura Newt rh 4 VpalHs.gU'i Vb Li rrwi.kl tise Oaslea4 tMi lbrsl Caar Ui,m lb 4 UUla If ! at Ma latalB.i IbiMinkttu ff" tU bast la Laataiaaa. Tsar M rT ! 4 lbay ! Mpif la U diala.- ear nsasplian.sau.ry ts Mr Cleveland Tna beSet was drawa ap-ea M lis asst. .Tt r" ' rr' wbea Iba Uala earb4 feme, aa4 wars U 1 1 ai lb. iUib lb UaJa left Ksll.bsry. U' futVi pro ml nee I M .(Hie presided al I Us bead af Ihe labia. Thai al toasts Be sf wbleh was responded htWUIr by the ei-t-reetJaai Mr. Clsvelaad ananacd la gl la word oflwowhh Nawa raprur. It Mill o tuenlloa (id I lira, trtlt of lit llp Hoe lb ha ! freely au4 qaeall. II Mltl lhal trtf as was hie 11 f, ll wasooa of lb mosl eejoy ahUef hi life. Ha Was decidedly wall pleasd with hit rsoepUoo at lbs hands of the Koalhero people. Aa to vhtl lark be had bad wild hie (an, ha woald ai eosnmlt himself. THE TRAIN WRECKER. rriia. a Sf fa te.. tiilmi a"V. aa Im . t law saaa Mm aaa. Urf a ail sa i I a rM taasi tt alls las Is a a to Mia) Teresa' a a an. .i asf Bis aa false l IMt TW days are paaiua uoirkly and we art a ItM vrj kwtnk low frit'l Already taa kvrsty stalna bran tie afa pattJaa (uin bars aap thrrm avsr tbsstors, like tbe rro rasa pwatUn. larlr way ap la sunshine IbroogH Ihe tta4 km?a l ainlar. JoatB fcf. Tba lomlr tilitiam ftwh fhan lha hajii of lha auArn ara -t" !' ialbtl WirtmI fur Ilia arimiriWt i4 aaiir toe para; Taa oaar llliW daJnlv Ulllooa Ibal aM lha art Mi Waarli la tiranlr ar (trra la rraai- aM MUaloa, ia all i4 lha tialtrala ahaiW al Br, Ana, akr aV and uti. Ttta atabnadrr' tnalhrflUlM rlaa lib utmiU and Ibftrad Ibar fain tor mm lha fcowlWat irf nna UmH iriiaak baoaatin bakalta and In MM rival Mr arllata lhal a lha lal and Braah; Tba axa tMtrala dnana Iwa.illfuily atarulad o HualtD, oaJnamik. Jarklnal and Mwbm; IHil blab art no tmWa ara now te and en aaW; Mavaral lbwf and kllan aia iaraatrd In Iba haixlaxurat t4 r" and lha anUra praduel kf Hprlnn U "VI a hrr In lu antirM, lit rnabaaak and baaoly; Earb day brtojra ua frrah lonama of dainlv atalTi from mtram tba mm. Our lara kit of Hamburp bava tba aalt bm fuam ajiraT banihna amund Ibaaa pat; Tbry ara hrpiindnJ nomik. Mail urdara bara nranpl allanlkm. til taallbala raM. It laa't tian that aa act-ldral ear to tba vaallbata train thai lltihi C'harlotU to HUUavllla, but lha Iralu that lafl hara al 4 M o'flix-a. yaalar- dap aftareooa for HialilU, gnt iniu a bad 0a a abort dlian-a ai f leva. At Crnfia, a trurk unJrr iha tandar broka aod Itiara waa a ran ral dfralllof(f aoloa an I nrt No nna ara hart lu lha arvcb. but Ilia track a not rlaarrtl until lata in Iba hi hi T. L Seiglo & CO. No. II V. Trada at. 18, K Tryoo at CHARLOTTE, N.C. GAM 120,000 papers Landreth's Fresh Seeds Jl'rtT RKCEIVED. FOR ItOTII WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Borwell k Dudd, WAOLE8ALE AND RETAIL Druggists. Vrr faar farmar coma ! tba dtp oow-a dapa. Thar arw i.k bui Ip aof 'pad lo alirritiK tha f"ll. 'ollei alill contra lu at a rli;ll good rat. Tlia wavon unloaded M balaa at ilia platdtrin iblt mnrtilnr. Ilatr I. (I. Itrnu'htn. nf lULluK haa racalvad a call In tha palorala i f tha lUpilat church at Concord. liar lr. W. H. Ciaaa.T l!l ron doct prapar maatlnic aarvlrra at lha Kiral Trcahy tcrlau church lo-nlaht. Tha prallp aalhr ronllnu-, but hlfh wind and clmnla of dual vara a tllaagraaaMa alriucnt thla af ternoon. KaL Jfflint Kifa la now holding a a aarlaa nf maallnir In Trlwr Uv. Sam Jooaa will loctura In lialalifh lo-mormw ulpht and Krlday tiliiht. Mr.H H. Youii(hlvMl,of lluntara vllla aod Mia Kit Hoy f Muidcii, Catawba couotp, war mart lad thla niornloir at lha homa of lha hrhla'a father. Tha regular monthly mt-tliif of tha Indira Auillllary Hnclaty will I held ou Thuraday afternoon, al 4 o clock at the V. M. C. A. Memhera pleaaa attend. Mr. John It. Kivh, Dr. Molt. Marshall Molt and aevrral other prominent Rcpuhlloan pnm-d through Haliabury laat night en route for Ralelirh, where a meellns of tha Republican Htale executive commit tee It to l held to-day. They were all In high feather. Naw Arfrar ltaaeataTa-l)ay. Key Ion i id. oll ltnmntiii lint. Htore newt T I. Mgie A Co. Uanlen Md A It Kerne A V. Say jftHii money lUmers A ( Cotton aeeil meal The DlivvrOil 'V. Kiffnanil Tliintlee Jn llrriiti 'o. Kulh Clevebuid Moccajtimi-iiray A IU' hartlL Wi'sons I'rystal WifT. ami crisp, at OD R SHOES HAVK A WAI.K OVKK. For downright, positive cheapness you will find tt not difficult, but Impossible to match tba ahoea w are telling; Oar artist's private opinion la that they have a walk-over; Well, he might easily be much further from the truth; Don't take onr word for it, investigate the matter for yourself, A small margin on a continuous customer knocks oat a big mar- gin on a single sale every time. That to why I we are selling our shoes at a figure which no other dealer has ever dared to quote, aud that Jj why prudent purchasers are prompt pur- : chasm. A. F RANKIN A BRO BUIST'S Prize Medal Garden Saed AND BUIST'S Onion Sets, AT A. B. REESE & CO. Tba lUtbttvond A lUarltta lull road aalhoillia clataa thai tbay have LeroaJ a dati, ifiuj af Iba parlUalaapllralJ la iba ahxk lag af lha paaaaagay irala al Hoa- tlaa'a brt Jf a aa Iba Weaura Nalb arollaa tUllraad, on it. f?lb a laaiAaaruaC Tbay claim thai ha M Iba vary ana w ba tnlapleead lha rail, and ba la now la the Charlotte Jail, and baa bwu, far alt weak paaL Ha la negro aaad John Kurd. Aa to hie galll nf Inaaeanca. Tmi haa no oplaloa la espreea, bal It tall Iba story as ll got ll lal alghl fraan na In aathnrlty. Tba wbola furai an l.ilaraallog chapter. Ilaarla that Ihu ufficlal, wba haa kept aa apa oa tha various el age of the eeereb for lla rker a noa day of the dlaasur( waa al Hallabary. Til a Nisi laal alghl dlapalrhad a spaclal rapoflar U lhal place to aacare a detailed hieloi ft lha caaa. In this lha re porter waa surra. ful. What he learued Is 1M lelnw, lil for obvloua reaenna, paodlng arrangeenaala for ll.a trial, ahlrb will ba bald In Char lu'te, aonia i f lha evidence lirld bp the railroad company caaool yel Im rl eu ! the pabllr. The caee agalnal J. .in ll.i) d a related In Til K N aw a ll nlhi I follow.: Tlirrr arrrl'ill til rra coirHl men on the train a lin It went down, and of lhaar, one mllrd. The other two were bjdly Injun-U. Tao min utes after the cars i-r ahatiareil ou the ground a ttegro waa aean golug through the sleeping car, robbing .1 ut a a be enterexl lha thai l-red end of the car he waa mat by two pasaen icera ho wrre rraa ling out lie had an peii knife In his hand. One of the pankengera who was Injured, ap peallug to him. eald : "l'lae hal me out." To this he replied: 'Dsnin you. viu are well enough off " Itoih paaaengers got m P'hhI liMik at the In t'ui'a an I evaii In thefearful fright of the hour, evidVut preaeore there for the iiroe of rolilierr, so I it pressed them that they snld thep could Idontlfy him. If evrr again they hud eves on him. The one who apM'ali'd lo him f r help, w him B-oiug through the pockets of n pair of pautn. Thrse two paei(era lies criled Hi Intruder minutely, to the clothes !) wore, and the rsiliosj antliriliis at oiic- .et al I tlie tnk of c:pl ii ri n ir h i in It a a .o work lull -viiitii.tlly tliesy pt a t li'r, and the follow Inif Ootoher they lud the in h n potted. From that day uu til the j.iil door closed on Mm In Charlotte, his footstep were iollow eu it ay mid nigr.t I'V eyes IhAt never lost sight of hini, w hile other hands were getting the chaUi of nee complete. Tho case was almost nilde up ag.iinst him, when tho Charlotte police nrrsted him for stealing tt cow, and he w as placed In jail herV 'I'hat was last Decemtter. The railroad authorities took steps to M-nr his safe confinement, and then continued t'.ielr Investigations. Two week npo, the passenger w4io had called for help in the wreck and received such a brutal reply, arrived in Charlotte, He was taken to the juil. and showed into n corridor. 'A i. y. Sr. bH L-a T fela nbeslB ftastlo) Ba4 laa-4 ail bl ptieasae, aa.aa U !-, la haa tlaaaataaa alaa aWa lha lia. aa1 rlvaU4 bis gaAatfxMi H4 faJaUag WU lagaf totaal ladlvlaaal be aald. aai bis ba waa daai-lad 'Thai la tba ais ataeaU Iba abaf aa(ar a!flve4 beta. aa-J ba waa Ut.s ! iba lall, sluts Iba prinaa.a aala agaJa tiaad ap. Oa basaa-aax-wa lalo tba fwvas. ba ar raaiily pirkrd il Hy4. "Tba I lsblm.baaatd, -ll la palafal Is se blam." Mo Iba IJsaliBraUoa Is aoaa plata. Boyd la aa ei nll and Ual psstadof blallfafroaa May l"l. U tba pfaaaal liana Is covered by reorle ssrared bp Iba railroad authorities. Tbar bate traoad Una day by day and hate a rerrd Ibal boars eoovlr lion It. yd waa aaaUae-ad lo Iba peaiieaiurr la Tolaaubla far bar- glary. la Jaaaary lawl. la May sa. ha auada bla aacaps lis turned up al Kofi Hboala. K. C, tbaa al Cheater, lha a al Cbartosia. If a worked br for Mr. Wrtjoay, os) Capt Alsiau dar'a farm, w aa a laan.slar for a man named rkwii. and asrvad f-r a faw days al a blrk yarL CharlolU and went to Htalosvlile. wbaie ba gol In a gang of four other sl coovlcta a remained al Hlalea. villa anlll after the srrerk Than he want to Winston, where he rlisnred his aanta lo Tom MllUr. From Wln- hl he went lo ireetislro, Ihrn to lellnrl.-ii. l- Hall.hory so t hsrk lo Charlotte. a com on tied burglarlea and rohtrles al each of lhea plsrea. II of w M ih are proven on him. Tlia story of his oera(lns as told bv himself lo confederates, on four Ittlereal occasions, did ut vary In a single Instance aud corroborates ll.r avldeore lhal has lwn gathered against hint. Hi ore his I near cere llou, ha haa denied everything, hut the stories of Hllage and r"tlery ha ha 1 previously told had len sua lalned by proof, and It Is reaaouahla to suppose that hla version of the wreck, as given In his confiding ruo merit to those whose business 11 w aa to lrai Mm. Is al true. At all event, the railroad tne.i say they have evidence to prove It The story told by Hojrd, and which he no-r de uiea Is sabatautlally that he gol away from the penitentiary aad finally lauded at Htatesville, as hs been told. There he got In w ith four oth er negnves, a ii 1 t hey spent tha time gambling and thieving. Finally af ter having lwn "broke" for a few days, he coucelved the idea of wreck ing a train and got the nthera to Join him. They intended to wreck a freight due at ' he hndge at , o clock j and witfi a claw htr and a wrench they aet to work removing the rail. They first started to draw the spikea on the outside, hut after breaking of!" one spike, they tfot to work on the Inside, drew ihe spikes mxl pulled out the rail The freight train they eipected had been anno. led. .ind in its place rame the passenger train. "Whan the fellows siw it m a pas- aengwr train." said P.oyd. "they got acareil aud ran oil. Hut I dnln t care. ran down as six n a he tumbled and got in. If any of tlom had re aiatod me, I intended to cut their throats. I took apair of -.ecs from an old woman, and got one fellow's watch and pocket hook, then an old man ran ni oat. That all 1 got from tha wrack." After telling of some money ho knew other parties to have taken, Hoyd said that ha went to Winston and changed lis name to Tom Miller. He burned a car load of cotton on the Roanoke A Southern ii as4 seat h rasas, a Wist la iM.i aad etaia taa gl4 atb fi a I a'Uaaars swaa aase4 I Vy4. Haatuiaa'ds a44 tbta tlkb liixoU4. far 111 aa4 larwagh tba railis I hleiUiM. It sras falaraa4 bMr Uy4 lUy d Ibaa Ulls sf fst ly d.daUoa aaul ba gs4 bswb bn Chartolba. a bad . leaned a fab Capt K. It, AUusJ.r. baaaa, aad bad f4 aa fa aa V UIm a S ladoW, baa ba was frlghlaaad by a seats Its Ihsa weal baMr Vliguay's boaaa. a! If fed la lta bsxk duuf whits lb faaally waaal aut'pr, a4 gslag lake the eleepleg Ii-m... Lid aadrt a bad. Wb.s ill as. ,ai.l ba robbad lha hates. Mr Mctjaay's father In law. Mr Rhyne, was itir on a vlll that algbl. Ita)4 got las waleb aad chain. Whew lloyd aa. jailed, abarlff Hmllb fonnj a gold chala In Ms porksL Mr. Ilhyaa Idaallnaa lha cbala aa tba one Ibal waa stolen from blot thai alghl al bla soa-tB-law'a bouse This, than, la lha railroad's taae against lloyd. or ao much thereof, aa II Is willing Ui gfva lo lbs public al preeeaL Vaa S ktobav t aaaa --Ta Cm Mm Jaata ttpeaa. Tub N r W ' report rinsed yesterday aftaraooa with the result of tha vote on the application of Jo Ijnjy for lirenee. Mr. W. ('. Maiwell watilc-l cotumlsslouars Hilton and Klrkpal- rltk lo stale lha ground for their re fusal but Ihey dr lined. Hr then a.ked lhal the board hear the at-cond petition of Mr. I. lady, also lha peti tion of Mr. Hadger ud Mr. McCor kla. Mr Jrtum had lo leave on the I 3U iralu for his home on account of Irkneas in his family, I ut Mr. Moors aid he was willing, however, to re main as long as there was any busi ness before tha board. Messrs. 11 11- tou and Kirkpatrlrk adjourned though, and no date was aet for th future hearing of the cases. Till N learns that counsel for the liijoor men w III take Mr. I.lody's cim before J udga Hynuui. at Mon roe, neit week. Aa Ola Mall4la( llf le aalllied. The old eye sore Floral hall, form erly the p'lde of the projectors of the Fair Aseoclatlon, but now property of the Four C'a, at lil worth. Is being torn down to make room for Improve ments In contemplation, and lo util ise IU timber In a way that will be of service to the patrons of I.atta Park. The busy aeaaon mapped out by the enterprising gentlemen con nee ted with Charlotte's wide-awake Improvement company, will Iwi de- ve'oped as the mouths roll by. One thing is certain, that all the beauty artifice ctn attempt to vie w ith na ture, will le bestowed on the resort which last summer became o popu lar with the people. Additional cars will be put on the electric line, even ing the con vensenl handling of the crowds which w ill be attracted thlth er. k - 1 t L A ,4) J t FAIR TO SEE Nona of lha seasons Novelties baglaa t compare with war fllltanef t ray of CARD MAHKM. How popular they ars Is avldancad br lha dasaaaJ for them, ll haa basn sisa Illy Incrsaslns? itnl ll Lu i tau)l .Ha. yet I f yon are out of tha fashion, you are virtually oat ot Iba u(J aai tha w orld orver yel boasted of anything daintier or mors fashion, tble tbaa our N KCKI.AI'KS. Thev are so eluollt In dealrn anil an irfwt la .l.k- A oration that imthing but an unconditional surrender Is In order whee yaa see them. If you want to took al something mors than oaaally UeapUaa come an.1 glance at our I'neof Dl A MOM) HI Nli.H. Fall sloek; fair priesM, (uallty guaranteed. BOYiN E & Leading Jewe Charlotte, 1ST O. BADGER i I e r 5- lidli Cleveland's Moccasins. BARE FACTS c as 'X Oh X x" a -. s-H Y, w H Y, O- One lot Ijniies Muslin (Isnncnts with h ra.s seams nattily lace trimmed. .1.1 The Indies are all busy preparing for sum mer and yon might be tienetitlwi hy looking into onr well stivkeil domestic department: it is built of all the best brands of t 'ambries, Twills, and plain lkimestirs. Sheeting and Pillow (Vsing. 14. Ut. I'M. linen or cotton. New lot Towels. did ends of Table bargains. About ' pair hanibsunc l.iiv Curtains, broken lota, well worth considering. Kxtra Super tVrjx'ting worth S.r' now (ile; others proportionately low. Orrftt Kinhroidery and White (ioods (ls trihution continues; All widths, prill's ami qualities; Heaps of Torchon ljice; if we would name the priiv il would tickle the earth. Marrtae This Morning. Major M. M. Heartt.of S'eele Creek township, was married In this city this morning, to Miss Janle (SilTord. The ceremony was performed at II o'clock, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ann Clifford, by Rev. Mr. Wharton, of Steel Creek church, and Immediately thereafter, the newly wedded left for Major Heartt's home . Wreck Sk Ihe K. O. Tm Kim, Ohio, Feb. 3 A wreck occurred on the Baltimore A Ohio road this nicrnig In which several passengers were killed. 2 o IX n C V, -i 2! W We have just received a nice assortment of these celebrated Kofi Bho for infanta. They are the latest craxe of the season and ara surely tha hand somest infant shoe ever pnt on the market, being made of Ihe finest French Kid. We have them io white, canary, terracotta, fawn and tan colon. each otie being lined and trimmed with a different colors; making tftatn U most stylish tiling iu the way of a I aby's soft shoe ever pat on the iarkt; And being named after the most popular Baby in the world the aratlOW lieingsold in every city In the Cnlted Htatea Come or send aod get a pair. Sizes 0 tot; I'rlce V)c; Hy mail on receipt of price. GRAY it HA11NIIA11DT. 19 Eaat Trade Street, C1IARL0T1 E. N. C .' aT-Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders, "'v. o c r. H Y, M J. H O T. L. ALEXANDER SON & CO. URESS SHOES. Gentlemen's Patent Leather Bhoes In gruat variety; suitable for bust-' nessor dress. All the leading styles at popular prices. These goods ar all made to our order; only the best French stock used. . , - Ladies Patent Leather Boots, black French cloth tops. Thin ia tb handsomest dress Khoe in the market and every one should make point to xee them. ' v Wbitmore's Paste Polish for Patent Leather, price 25o. Giv na call 3rIT.RE-A.TH & OO, Open every evening tlli;8:00; Satarday Ull 11 :0a Y, Y. N i-3 O Y, O rj a c 'A 55 - r s i-s 55 X w p J. 'X 3t w E A Beautiful Line FUR nTt U R Continnes to be Offered the Publicly BURGESS NICHOLS.: THK HOLIPAYrt HAVE GONE RUT PRICES BTILLRK MAIN CIIKAP. ELKO NT PARLOK HUJTM, CHAMFKR SUITS, . AHINETS HALL CHAIKH AND RACKH, DMU TABI.KS AND DINING ROOM FURNITURK, PLUHfiltOCK Eii. RATTAN RO0KKR8, Ac Call and se - V), - - - FflfDilore Dealer. Hoom CZ n UNDERTAKER. Klirrft as w wswvs.ii. No. , Bryan building'.JoTerRojrwiACo.g

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