THE CHARLOTTE ' NEWB. VOLUME VII. OIIAKLOTTE, N. C. TIIUUNDAY EVKNING. r K 1 1 11 II All Y 4. 18D2 NUMIt-KIl 10nj ra f 4 Cm. jt V ( Soiglc's FED 3 leisrestiee; Was 4 have f Kk- Ttvs yraklsea af tbeeasalag peases ae4 al lie aaaa Uae essfdaf tola U ralUv4 aeespaalea la tba ebest nt. TteJe beve UiM , WSftleg lM ft 4 aaa 4 wWrtHt II aaa tseei fswad) i niUU TV toesveh llae ara tba eoea effaa-ledL TreJae a la aaaJa MM g M eeeei, Tb S)W U frvltii iIm per week aa lb A. T A O. rd aad lae MltrtM ei ee4seto- eat sre w ee Ibe paaeieg-ef Utla ttf awl 4ea w-beJf. UUuU bee4 thai tble f-edlliea a affair will aet lee loaf. Tba -J eg rvato," el all eveeU. ehl be Hal4 Its eve egelast be4 llatee A 4e rraea Cap. W. A. Ttfl.p- fJ aeeletaal wupt age I, eye that uki ffi rebrwary Tu,eiea ftee I aad 10, YVeewa Nafta Car 1 1 ee dlvleiea af la Hie base ad aad DeavillsR. M, Mim HaJlebery 4 Peiel Kk,aa4 eUepieg rar Ilea eperetod hiiMi Ureeaatoxe, aad Keoillle,ea tbeee irelee. vUl ba vllbdrawe aad 4laeatiaeed. e4 a w Ol4 0eergs Daa algbl tok to klasaeli ft vtfe, g4 wuJ a 4 lacked its Mil laally eaaae aal vie to tee. Ueevrgw'a ags M a-depl-veil-atetoJ kf tUaaab MeCeaaeJI'e w41 kaeva vat as Iterlag. while bU bride U 14 aad ecejr. Ymw4i; mllf Ueerff veal to Keo,elre MeaweJI btM la tnpi; vltb Aaaa Hpviaga, a daaghtor ml Merel Hpftegss ad rauJ.tb Heelr to pal Bp af tU m eereaseelea. Tbey were aarrted la 4m Ion aad Ibea veal to OeorgVe boas, a her iiiaWat aalftiton bed iso a gra ta Lad. Tti ara vaa m a4aau ap pi af wadJIag aaaa aa4 talaga. aa4 ail M fnlaf M mrty aa aiarlafa Ull, )( III! a Ml aaarrta, vfcaa MlUaaaa tlaabai'dl aad llaatof mm la. Tbalr lavluuoa vaa la 4iiaaiaii r ar v lCMaaw aa 4 Ma i)l Ua aljtia tUxl CfeafUiM wlla kUb toil law t Mir rrla faallla. U iba Ma- ix aaarry la va4 1. M4aa Iba llubaoa4 A I Itla fralgtil 4r4 aa4 lb a ftaJ Jm)m1i,m aaora properly p tmgjam Utaaaar bona J4 f lillf, A. Htoaallaaj4 'irl aUMta. ll li aaaaf lata UgT )aarrtM la lh. aaly aa4 fva largvr aacb day baa aaptl4 Lba aWMta f (.'barlaiu wild auo aabia artla af rack. Ttia aarr la aal aO(Ml4ap, fi iLaadlag J.rth aafaara vaailjr tTMtUr LbaalhaL ll atakaa oaa gli 4j to look doaa apoa Ida waa aark- laa la 1 1 a daaLba. Ttta Uaflb of ih !! abaM al a varaal tot tiMrra a Mfry Uw a-4 lu aidih arrauaaara aal tr Mara! Mprlip, ,0 w baa Mr. MaNlaeh. ih. h. f.lh.rof lha toH4 .bar, 1a, m lBVMI)1,., eU4ff., Tla 4ai(a lr m aaaraJ laVUl a4 aatuaal fal to to) aja4 la iaa Klri l rbiulti aaaraa baa I mi nIkU TWIalUI m al I WmI a i a aratiy d)a aa4 laa UUt aill to) al ablu aaftla, Mb I4J Uiura. TbaUbUi all) ja4 I M9 a4 iba loal llfcO. TKM4alr1aff to aoainbau ara riawU u Uaa ibalr aatoripUaM al lb aiora M P. fafraiu. A rmrn awd. Wbltda aU ol alioa aaa bla held la Iba lava of ib mmm( aar lb Air IJaa laacHo. IbU awolaj a lla vaa wblarl Ibruagb Iba lM4b al a llvalf rat, ll d afalaal b ri(M vrUI of a vtxkmaa aaad Tom Alaiaadar. aaJ lafllatod a 4aap gaaU, aaarlaf aa artary. AUiaa- dar barrlad ap loa aadlba vaaad vaa drMwd by Ir. lUglatof. Tba bud a vtrr vaak troai Iom a( Hood FAIR TO SEE Tto n aa mmn kly aad aa i a Iba ry bnak of loH itnM AlfMif Iba amir aa'iw m Mia rank toa aaa lto una lb or. Iika lb mm ikina Uv-U aay a b iblaa UlUHk tto tol toii4 -. Jm tont Taa Ivra4r itbajM M fKaa tto toad ml Iba anlwa art I ! ta a ka lb H ih f fl i I fc lb laitrMkua kanL Ttor bubaifilr llttMnt tbat VI Um utkd kaarb o bH(f ara tot la a pnVWw, la all ml tto lili mi Br. auL aar, ala aad mm, Tba Hiaaa-iUtoriM Wab Uamd IWt Mini fc aa tto la rill 1 al wimm t aarta. fuitniaa. bb I pa toMM, aad Is rarl rtrml aar art Ma tbM aa tba painl aad tomb Tto aa Wnk dnacna toaitttfail attrwtad oa aiarika. Mima, Jarkla ad Mvax; tKi blb art mbroadWwa ara I la aad aa mttr: Knrnl Ibaa aad ln ara laafd la Iba baiiitowawa td awa ad Ito antlra anxtoi 4u FkainaT at HI to la I aatlrMy. Infrbaia aad toawly. Krk dajr artaaa aa frMb laana ef dalMT tnm tba tmx. trar atrga lut of Uaaibanpi aava tto ah mm aatm'apray banaiaa: aronad I ton fwt, Ttor ara barnindaod do mi!. Mali ardan bar proa4 aiteattun. T. L Seigle & CO. H. Tryoa at t'HARITTTE, S.V. vV. Trada al mm 120,000 papers Landreth's Fresh Seeds Jl'8T RECKIVKP. FOR BOTH WHOLKHALK AND RETAIL. Burwell & Dudd, WAOLE8ALK AND RKTA1L Druggists. OUR SUOtS HAVE AvWA!.K-OVKR. Vot downright, poaitiva pheapnara you will Hud it not difficult, bat fmponible to match tba ihoes va are aelling; Oar artist' private opinion la that they bve a walk-ovar, Well, ha might easily be much further from the truth; Don't take oar word for It, In eatlRate the matter for yourself, A small margin on a continuous customer knock out a big mar gin on a single aale every time." That is why we ara selling our shoea at a figure which no other dealer hsa ever dared to quote, and that is why prudent purchasers are prompt pur chasers. A, E. RANKIN A BRO. Klgbly-tva balaa al aetioa vara raMlvadal the pisllara l-aay. -Mr. ivaatd Jaaklaa left today, for HeartotU. Mrs. Jaklas la aUII la Iba ally. Tba family ml Iba K. Mr. Haal Iba aav paalor af lha Orabaaa air aw I fraaby toflaa rbarah, will arrive bare to-aaorruv algbk Tta ally aboprra have Ka oat la fall fore fur Iba pail few daya Tbey ara eloae readere of iba advar- UeameaU. -Mr. W. R. Vail, soa of ('apt. Tboa. L. Vail, baa bought oat tba lo- toraai of Mr. Tboa. l. RlKh. la Iba livery elable baalaaaa of Tboaiaa A Rllb, aad laa Bros la aov Ttroesaa A ValL Tbay bava a apiaadidly aalp- pad II vary baalaaaa. A party of coloraj paopla cao- fclalDg of Arooa llarrlaoa, Mary Har- rlaoa. Jaaaa Oarriaoa and Mary Oar- ilaoa, vara arralgaad laf ore Kaalra Mai vail to day, apoa Iba charge of aa affray. They vara loaad over to iheCrlaalnal coart la a lond of IS each. I! Is telegraphed from Havaooah that Haanoal Hpaaear, formerly praa Idaat of tba Baltimore A Ohio system bat aov In charge of financial la uraatar Drasal, Morgan A Co, la hooked for lha presidency af lha Richmond and Dan villa system. Tba raeldeooeot Mrs. Far r I or, in thaeitreme northern eecllon of lsa city, waa slightly da ma gad by fire, at a :S0 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The promptneee of lha fire depart ment aavad what at one time threat ened to be a eerloue loss by flra. Ki-Repreeentative Rofue A. drier, vaa In tba city to-day. Ha reports that all tha farmers In his eeetioo of the county are hard at work making tha boat of tha pretty veath, and that they are In good epirlta over tha fine atari they have made tbla eeaaon. Oeorge with bavlag ealiead avay aad atartad Aaa Mpviaga, Iba aaJd Aaaa aoi oaly betag aadar age, ba I aleo eras r. Tba brlde;rooaa raaat ad Iba gaaaU la ataaf aal, Ibaa ba told bla bride to lock all tha doors aad aot lot aaybady la, ator vblcb ba aoeoaspaaled Iba offleara to Iba Iwck a p. Tbla moral ag ba vaa ar ralgaad bafora Kaqalraa I to yd aad rWvar aad tbay though I lb a I a pea ay aad aoela vaa 14 ba iba rlgbl thlag for bla caaa, Ha paid ap aad gave a spaclotea or rapid traaail froas tba eaaglsiretVe offloa to tba citadel la vhleh bla bride was lock ad ap. A apicial to Tmi Nawa froas Oreaaeboro, at 4 o'clock tbla aftor ooa. aaya Ibal (to. Hcalaa la better today. Ilia oouditiuu, tboagb, ra auaiaa vary aarloua, aad bla death may ba ei peeled al aey lima. by Tha managers of tba Charlotte opera boaae tbla moralng received a telegram from Chattanooga aaylng that lha mother of Ray I. Koyce. vho vaa blllad to appear bare Hatar- day night, died thla morning. Tha Charlotte angagamant la tfierefore eaooelled. Will I Is OierteMe. Dr. Kalaon.of ML Ollva, who waa married Id thla city aoma year ago to a daagbter 'of tba la to Wm J. Yates has decided to locate In Char lotte, Ha goaa to New York In a few daya to attend lectures, and'vlll then move to Charlotte with bla family to Lake ap a permanent lo-catioa. p reseat eapeti Iba elseof ihaaerry was lOoilloiM MeNlaeb la a stone worker, and wbea ba took charge of lha 4 Barry ba made a prtpo4tioa ibal he woald crash aa aaacb rock la 47 veaka, aa had lea doae la Ire previous at S yaara. He aoasaaeooed vtxk on Iba 9Mb of laal J aaa aad a ba baa already dug oala boto UstBaaXII beariaa to look Ilka ba vlll falflll his promlae Mr. Me Nlnch save that vltb a new. large eraeher, and elevating marklrrrry ha will unarry aod crash enoogh alone la two years to pave every etreet la Charlotu. Tha Dreeeat eonlpment ronaiata of a horae power boiler, 'JO raoraa pow ar aagtaa, a eraaber derrick, Injector and etaaos drill. Twenty Ave hands ara employed, and the average amount of alone belag sent oul no la HO cubic varde par dat. The teams baall cable yards par load. In lead of V, of B cubic yard aa formal ly . Tha drill baa a quarrylog caparl ty of I AO cubic yards per day. at.d lha caoacltv tf the crusher la 100 cubic yard Th srrasn Is very ingenl one contrivance. It turns oot th craebedrock In ae par ale pile af dlf f area I el tee. Thar la ao mora Inter aatlJgalgbl about town than the rock quary and It la well worth a vl-lt. A alasSi There waa a aal I la colored high life before Kaualre Maavall thl morning. ta Dlllard waa arralga ad upon the charge of alaadertog K metre drier. A good maay all pass as were loiroueceo, aaa mi near- log of the caee oaplrd nerly half day. Iirvealtedla Kanetra being J required to give a bond of 1-3 f-r b-r appearance for trial al lha nail term of the Criminal eonrL Klre vaa discovered laal nigh I al 7 o'clock, ander the store of Jama Manning, on Iba corner of Htooewall aad K slreela. A pi of llxblwood had osl been Ignited. Th fire was eillngulahed before It had commonl- eatad to the store. A thirteen year old negro boy, named Ileseklah Johnston, waa arrested, and tha evi dence til sufficient to Justify hi detention In a bond of t-'rf) for trial at tha nail term of the l rlmloal t ourL Mew Advert! aaeejte Te- Day. Ponic OC Moore. Hun hammer found. Nolioe J N kictausland. A bad boy Jas Itarriann A Co. He our drive-H Harucb A Bro Diamlntion notkw Thomas A Vail. Wi'aons Ovstal Wabra. freah and rrlnp, KONNKY A VAN K at New fer Iba beelera Kill The Winston Keotinel of yester day, tuakee the gratify log anu uuoe rqent that to-day. lha Roanoke A Hoothern will oomniioc ranjing tralne through from Wlnetoa to Roanoke, Va. Thla will ba dona by running tha regular paaaengi r train from thla place to Martinsville which will connect with an accomodation freight from that place te Roanoke, Va. Owing to the vary recant con- strnclion of that portion of the road from Martinsville to Roanoke It would be Impracticable to run a fast pasaenger train on until It had be come alill further aettlad. In a week or ao, at moat regular paaaenger tralne will ha run through from thla point to Koauoke making tha dis tance In aa ahort time as possible. It is stated on good authority that the work of exteodlng the road Booth will begin In April or May. Charlotte la on one of the lines al ready surveyed, and with a little hurtling can Ret It aba Ma af It. Our people should be on the look, ou for an Interesting sight In the western a kits, about o'clock Satur day evening, In the conjunction of Vena and Japiter. They kiss and apparently merge loto one atar. Tha courtship of Venus and Jupiter la what thla event la called of old, and It will ba a sight worth seeing. Both stars will he at tbelr brightest. walleweal I'eellateal Aaaaaeala. Capt John Wilkes yesterday re ceived a telegram from Hartford, Conn , from Mr. Rrvln Ranklu, tell ing of the aerloua mistake made by Mr. and Mrs. Rankin's is month old child. The littlefellow swallow ad a quantity on undiluted ammonia and waa very badly burned in con sequence. A later telegram brings the gratifying news that while the child is very painfully burned, its Injuries ara not considered erlou MrTA. K. McCaulaml has been admitted Into partnership with his brother, Mr. J. N. McCausland, iu tbestove and tinware business .aTbey areknowu as energetic- young auea and deservedly have a large share oT trade. AeaSbav fart e PVevu a 4er rlrmW. In bla ronfeeeiona, Boyd, the wreck ar, told of having been employed laal June on lha Carolina Central road and of having tried to wreck a train 00 trial roaa uuring mat otodui. Thla was not related In hla coofee- aiona yealerday, because It bad not then been confirmed. Investigation made by the Carolina Central au thorities yesterday, ahow that Boyd's story of hit oannectlon with that road Is true. Ha went by the name of Tom Wllllame, and worktd on gravel train 40ft, Q. W. Jackson, conductor, and J. C. Howell, fort - man. The officials have record of obstructions placed on tha track about tha time Boyd mentioned. Noaa oltbe eeaaoae NeveJUee beg I as U cw super vltb ear gllllenag af ray af CARD HAHEH. How pope tar tbay are la evidenced by tba deasaai for Ueea ll ha beea steadily lacreaalag aad II ba ao4 reacl.ed a eilasAI yel I f yoa ara oat of the f aahloa, you are virtually oa I of Iba wartd a4 tba world aever yet Utaated of aay tblag dataller or mora faabloa tbla tba our NECK LAC KX Tbey are ao eiqalelU la deaiga aad ao perfect la elab oration thai nothing but aa aeaadltlonal earrender la la order whaa yea see Ibem. If yoa want to look al eomeihleg mora Ibaa asaally UaiplTBg oome aad glance al our I'd of DIAMOND RINOH. Fall slock ; fair prices, quality guaranteed. BOYJNE & BADGER Leading Jewelers, Ol-ieLrlotte, 1ST O. Ruth Cleveland's Moccasins. :-: I :: 1 fldren Crv for Pitcher. CastoHa. BUIST'S Prize Medal Garden Seed AND BUIST'S Onion Sets, AT A. B. REESE & CO. BARE FACTS One lot Indies Muslin Garments with bold fast seams neatlv laos trimmed. " The ladies an all busv preparins; Air sum mer and you might be benefitted by lookinr into our well storied domestic depart mem; 11 is built of all the best brands of raiiibrios. Twills, aud plain Domestic. SbeetinsT and linen or cotton. Pillow Owing. M. -4. KM. New lot Towels. " Odd ends of Table Damask bargains. About 25 pair handsome lace CtirUius broken lota, well worth conaiileriiiK. Extra Smier Osmetiiiir worth S.V now lo: otbers proiortiomueiy low. Great Embroidery and White O.xxls Ifis- 1 Iribotion continues; All widths, prices and qualities; Heats of Torchon Ijice; if we would name the price it would tickle the earth. JsHsrr'i Waelbee. The report of Mr. I. (I. Gardiner, aignal service observer at Charlotte, ahows thst the mean temperature of the month of January, 1892, waa 8N degrees, against 43 in January 1891, .SI In 1890 ; 42 In 1S89; i'Z In 1888 ; 38 In 1W7;38 lu 1K8; 41 In IHSS; 88 In 1884 ; S In 1883; 4S in IS8J; M in 1S81; and 48 lu iSMOand 1879. The coldest day during the past month was the 27lh., when the temperature was 18 degrees. The warmest day was the 13th, when the temperature was M. The total precipitation during the month was 7 V inchemtha highest since January 1SS5, when the precipitation wn 8.90 Inches. The average precipitation for this month for 20 years is n.38 Inches. We have just received a nice assortment of these ceUbrated 8ofl 8hot for Infanta. They are tha latest erase of the eeaaon and ara an rely tha band someet Infant shas ever put on the market, being made of tha finest Freneh Kid. We have them in white, canary, terracotta, fawn aad tan color, each one btlng lined and trimmed with a different color; making t ham Hi most stylish thing in the wayofataby's eoft shoe ever put on tha market; And being named after the most popular Raby in the world they ara now beiug sold In every city In the United F tales. Come or send and get a pair, Hises0to4; Price 50c; By mall on receipt of price. GRAY & IiAllNHAIlDT. 19 Eart Trade Street, CIIARIX)T4 J. N. C "Prompt aUaatioa given to sJl klsil Ordsrs. x - DRESS SHOES Aw Attrerttve taiaiet POCTCTKT AUII AS AC anil HKMOHtslMJN IMMK adveiilslng BKUWN-a IrUlM HITTIUta Uie lmt Toulc, riven a way al Drug- aod (vuorai aloraa. Applr at once. c o o X o o n w o H X a". 5 C as o o as H 9 X z M W 53 O o H W H O 3 v, o a M O S 'A W S T.L.AIEXAHDBE, S H O ri 50 W x X S to-t l O 55 O M x ON & CO. Gentlemen's Patent leather Hhoes in great variety ; suitable for busi ness or dress. All the leading styles at popular prices. These gooda art all made to our order; only the beet French stock used. Ladies Patent Leather Boots, black French cloth tops. Tbla is tha handsomest dress tfhoe in the market and every cue should make A point to see them. Whltmore's Pasta Polish for Patent Leather, price 25o. Give u a call QILREATH Ss OO. Open every evening tlll(8:00; Ba turd ay till 11 -00, A Beautiful Line U R nTt U R F E Continues to be Offered the Pnblic'by B URGES S NICHOLS,:, THR HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES STILL RE MAIN CHEAP. KLKG.NT PARLOR 8UIT8, CHAMFER 8UIT8. . ABINETS, HALL CRAIK8 AND RACKB, DIIM TABLK8 AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ERr, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ae, Call and saa r R. S Sloan, -- - More Dealer. , 2ooira UNDERTAKER. Nlgbt eall. No. , Bryait balldlng , Jovr Jiogers ACo.i