nnTTT?t r YO A IDT rWnPTLT XTUWVJ JLX1J0J VJlJLJTl.lJLJH X Llli VV IP. CnAKLO'ITK. K. . SATURDAY KVKNINCI. ! Kl.UUAl.Y U. HU2 NUMIIKU 10.W voimjmi: vii, FED. 0 Carpel llrmnaots. A -W kWiii imt-o tWUWtaar t a U . UV Waa latia irt Vni.t T '" a.. if ..1.1. u. Imi aa4 INm I Vkw' fcaaat rua tJ a e uarful In aaaiy XX ll l H a ( v aBbaa to (lis iaaUikM i k M lb tr?le lenalb ar IbhwuI lhl it; ta i ra.l fuf W iKm Ikf tul hi tr ' inr M1 '" fmj fm JO sr ! bsiv tM-ta.l 11 aW as, tint ree.arJ ItaUsl MiMt f cvl at U II sw Ihna Ibai III al lhm r- A -J niftxaaut to tb qakk IIUJ an.l il. nrtr rauar4stT Tr.ll lunaiui Ul i.al lb arna iMml !., Il Uia i..k ml IikirJ, hura li CUMjuim ixn !(' ill i nilrt I li: , J so ! .W.an Ibe laJ TV tii'MtU at - fa iu ai ruij iu. -,. i J ate t T -. 4iu J is ntJkjr lUtWw. U la U U-at. Jmm will 4liaf l Ma a Ike K 4 a aw. a Wba 4ul hitW. la Haialffc. la !. -UllU rk. the t fcalt el 4 aa a J. I. ) Ui. Mea HLaaly. din1 tat jcll l el.ck MkUtll' -Mr Welle G IfSih. m of M Uaaa'g' rllIMM, I daa- ! r alt l hi toa la 111 I eaael. lib peaauiaale. TTil ha Imt lb UmI c4iaa df CaarMU ta auajtallai. Oa aalrJ oJ jr-alm kroabl la br mtgm -Miaofltl mm lr la boaof rf Uf . C II . 'iipo HI ba caJ-l I Trjoo 'l lU4il cbarrb U Mnrtn al(t I t lh aU Nlr III W bl4 a ! A ali IUfrl rharrb al II 'rltr l arnrroa Rtorln( tkd 7 n.lolfhl, by lb flof . Il K. TihIJ -Mr. I'. W.TllUll III Ulk to m.o I IktlUII; till" V M T A M morro v ii I V p an . no "A lif tloty " Mo e..fiiiiy ioru,i. Thl a-a IfalT p-rb lthl I" lb wlara It nlclilof Vo oJ Jllr, ! !'( Iiii-iiU In lb rr fcrlllnf T.ol.l l li) III tprtr i ur a4 am iln flii4 tiMt ia a ai lit t4ii 4 mi Ma C'4, Ja W. Wita' aiii a a!4 la iWa eof , boa li tiM Tar Mo to aului I araaaal. aa4 atioal ll a mutiUi I kll H'- Tl t hr i. Iti Ulk a aa4oabcll tumik r IMIMIU t'ol. WiUjb 1t..r t,d baaf bl ati ( oK.oc Wllaaa baJ gla ll uul li.l l I Was lo irhM al onr,i,l ti ll t waald ba rvlrl by toifttal a'. arm Afi aUftiic iiiojMir ihaaalil cffldtl ! bit l lib a rifbt food Ud balua ttaujjr ('.tool Wilaun bvfati hi rh II baJ raaablvtl aluB( fr iu or flf k mlttl if I at aul-Hlr roaM clrh ra U bit color. attt llo lb coJ flaa'ljr rallJ Hal Coloael Wllaoa la fr Id rljI Uof roUr rtl.alatl blU lUpubllran. 1 1 a a a Ml.ll.J a fv.IUIrl rlif of bl tn .li(o ami ar -bM-lar, bowlnif i aliuotllag runJltlnii of (wllllral In lutllra ffooi lb UiiImjIoI of llir r.'rJ brother. uoi ina hllr b a oi-M rl"o or n-'l Wul Uijr (tilierl from Hi I 'olonr llaualb'B of II llial lb rolorvtl r palllran volar of llil Hlalo a rjf taillr ilo ulrud .ln man '1 hr rlurl tuilDM having l'H rliiralil lo Ida atlltfarllon of all, CiIoiiiI WiImhi iIivii Urr firlh a rrr coo Hv. I r J It Hliarr. rrlUnl i.iiulug ili rluUon whlrh ha liail T. L Seiglo & CO. No. II V. Trall. K Tryon it CHAUUrTTK. N. mm seed 120,000 papers Laodreth's Fresh Seeds JI'HT HKCKIVKI). FOK 1KVTH WHOI.KSAI.K AND KKTAIIj. Borwell & Dunn, WAOLKHALK ANDBKTaIL Druggists. f lavlJn Collar. HI roniluri arrvlraa al lb HHI rraali lar nil ch-jrrhat 1 1 o lok to m rroa morn log al ' Ji o'clock al oighl. A rollr tktilng flub ha batt farmad llh NlUrjr a managar Th apadoo rliMr of tb big auJl tori am balldlog furnltha lrullil poaalblllllr for Oil rl, alul lha balldlog It rmlwl olghtlt. Th Hlrrdahr It kaaplng op ilh lh Myla ol III al 1 a naw Una lo hit butln-, Id lha way of a cigar aland. Nrarly all Id Urg gantlamau' furnlahlng good hour i.na- kaap a Ho of rlgar. Work on lb naa city hall ha tan prograaaing qullo rapidly dor Ing lha al fw day. Tha towar rafToldlrig la now going up. Th rarvad lUna work of Kilt hulMing it Ihfi pratllaal lo lx aran In tha N'ata. John Hraham, colorad, a a ar raigned lfor Cnllad Statat '.m- mltalonar I). (! M a i wall, t h la morn- U,u t ,,, Kj v , vvrhal ounmiarv of lt Ing, on rharga of rrtalllng I' '"kay j nU)U kj ,,oly do di." aald without llcatiaa. Haaaaaanlto Jsll tha Colonel, avldanlly murh fliav lu dfanltof ImiiiJ to await th nait Than ha proo aill, in a v-oic tarm of lha Fadaral court that wa .iilta atnllbl for lrk )urlng tha aba nca of tha rditor i around. Hfolypd di fnf. w d vitarday aftamoon, an Itrm got In- trua liebul.lii sn of Mrck ! t . I i rjr lo Th k N :w about tha raalitnatlon rountr. in ronvaiitlon uaai-mhl- of a Hupreme court Judgi. Tha re-lad do raolvn that I creall algnatlon of Judge Marrimon, of tha . no appointnirnt to oMl li ninda of forniulalad Colooal NVIIaou flugar ad lha paper Dervoualy for a fr nioniebla. aiul the aullaoreatw that fir iii painfully rmbarraatl A cog (.) allpp'd "maa here. Jlut tha Colonel pol out of It grnoefully etiuugU. He rainam '"ared that be ha. I left hla flaw at hoin and rouhlu'l real Ithout tbrni. II called upon aeverul i-ulored l rrthrn In coma up and read out Ihe paper and Anally one of them trie I It. il knit hla browa. acrawrd up hit moutl then boldly confeed lha lie couldu come It "That ain't no writing, uo how,'' he tald a he handed ll bark to C.ilonel Wllaon. KeelDg a lawyer lreent. Colonel VIIon called bin oot and aald : "I makea a rejulltloD no too, air. a a lawyer, U read my reaolutlona " l ha l.iwer conrtden' ly aayail Ihe lack, hut he too, hai to give it up. Thui aomeone ug geatad that Colonel Wllaon dUpenae w lt'i any attempt l i read the paper tat lfcta Ti ar ibr iMt Ibal Cbaf lou aaala lalt )! aad taatl ! If (. a glaaJ auailc lllf l ,a-J lb Imn.-rrallf lal t'aavallo. aad U.wa. a gral UU J" vf ' ind VI ay Thu .llala:li.f lbti anJ If lb fwpl lll lrlp. III due oa flnr I i tuM. Aa . I TtlkNaaa l J i tullltliat Ihe Ural of wbal alll pr-te be an eaedlngly Irjlefrallug ci lea of alll cla. an.laf l!i alirariu. ! y I loipl b.l of "A liflv Vt"uh.l Charlotte " Tb arllflct ar from lb peu of one - f lirlola rtxxl glflanl ladle, an I III pi " c n I n I Iblafrtllng. but mlly valuable a aj cooiribuiioii I" Ix-al Mat-ry i a mill a a a a ur lliurli urglerled I a a I ri te'eeatt The young lad lea of I otir..rl f r a Irap tear rrrrplloo al lha M I I I llolel, !! olghl Charlotte j. repreaaul"! by Ihe Vf le ('.-' ll' i Ml.t I aur Wadtaorlh ai l Mr I lili WatWeorth. Ilia r rr; a l (fril urrea hi alTparti. 1. 1 r Thro arir i fr pal p: n r I p r r 1 t Jlnil'iM.k rliiorof ih- ! ti 1 ' 1 lldn'l have an nacoM ha art,! I.. ll-marle Tatittirr rra.-k .a. rt- of Ciiiicoril. ara alao Uft Superior court, wa correctly given In laat Wedneaday'a Nkw. Mi. W. W. I'hlfer, of IheTainora Farm, ha a fine line of cabbatie plant for aale, the Karly Jeraey Wakefield, and Hendaraon'a F.arly Hummer varletlea. Ilia advertlae ment on me I u too late for inaertlnn In today'a paper, but Thk Nkwh know how to meet an emergency. New Adrtlmala To-lr. Key loal. t rockery Jaa Hartv. Paint A B Heeea . o $S rewanl-W K Talifrtro. Nolie (' K Hrrni, Triwtee. Hhin your abort-(Jilrratli Co. Cartiet Hrmiiantu T I.SeigleA Co. A glillering turnout lViynr ,t ILvlfr. -4e Crockery and (ilaatware arlliiiR at coal at t!5t JAS luiirvs. OUR SHOKS HAVE A WAI.K-OVKIl. I'or downright, positive climpnesa you will find it not ilirllcult, but impossible to match the aliora we are aelllng; Our artist's private opinion it that they have a walk-over; Well, be might easily be much further from the truth; Pon't take our word for It, invest igato the matter for yourself; A small margin on a continuous customer knocks out a big mar gin on a single side every time. That is why we are selling ",ir oboes at a figure which no Other dealer has ever dared to quote, and that is why prudent purchasers are prompt pur chasers. A. E. RANKIN A BRO. PAINT! We claim that we have the largest assortment of Paints in the City. Call for Color Card show ing Body and Trimming for House Painting. A. R REESE & CO. anv man ho. fust, ha not bt-rti 10 yrari In the Kopubllcin puty and second, who haa never split h. tick et. Keeolved sreond, that we peti tion tha prel lent not to notice ;niy ivetitloner alio has lot been live years a voter in the Republican par ty." Here it oeourrd to Col. W I Won that the third and most important resolution hail, in some way been omitted, and as he couldn't recall it he asked that the meeting be nil- i iHrnetn some uiture date, to enable nim to iret it in proper shape. As soon as lie shapes it up to his satir factioii. lie will call another conven tion, having been offered the gtlpr- ous ue of Tiik Xkws' advertising columns for that purpose. When Colonel Wilson's nictitip he era n last night, there was a very small crowd rrent. lull in the course of a few minutes, the applause heard emanating from the court house, set the town to going there on the run. tlia.a I l rH""" The fi.l'llig appol III inn m vr Iwll ma. I- bv l.l-'i -p I . in a-i I l r ll r ) . I ' 1 1 . A l . i . I a . ill " r i tl.iii rVhruary K-l.la . ft Mark. M'Cklanl wr c iuilv .! Ululay, ! I'rtai I ' jrl.iitr :( Monday. m. M.mr.. Mr,li J.'. Wa.lnatlav, Mll.. ' firl.ry C, rliiav, Anaonvilla. lfi. .ni.y. WadalMiri. II I v C'un in ii 'il" :i at II on ir ii I n if nrvlcra C.ilU.-ii.nn f,ir lli,-all M.l.ill A !M'illltlllrllt I . I. In i.iuir itl.tn alll In I h r riiliraa i.l I Mitll Itklll M Ulllcil ............ ,,, 'l lllK i - latter, commencing al'ut tha miu f March. i aa a i 1 1 it aav. ' liMk IWUI1. Take, T' UiJar in AlrtaaJtt W. V llaoa. a pr u.iahl yaauf failfwad aaaa af i.fl' I aivllaa. a a MMkt a Ifalo 1. Met. act. I rati fTaau .bar J llJaf Al a inn alallea tiitl !( lit titaJ an II rr aa fr fr a piaivl. irf it i a tuttbf wutuaa ! -t Hi laia ha.l rnuarkaj I ll k . :l l. iaa r r 1. 1 ta I I It a'lr ' ' ! a I I ha I au..n.t I Ihe aniuan - 1 up ! Mm alih a p ! la I 'I I in t ii I I "If jnii il'ib I tuarri n. 1 11 tr.ur Jar yi-u fuf yeu I r. .1.14 nia . f in t !..in,.r ' ' t r r iraln ! at !'. I-r )r a r ililr.l II, am ai 1 Ilia itnin met rr ii. ! t.i ail in' SV ll "O lill'tl If ! r a "ii! I (!l t I rl I lll( luni if lii'ay. Al It-. an ki at a left ll t'aln lln an, I "ii to I lu'l. I u r f l:rr If Tr j lrlla.1 llil i'C - l' t.i lalrirr ap h U' lainr if K no ' " t.i ar If I Tie .man r.'u' I l-a l.letiii flf.l II a raapotiaa raili' If al 11a li ir nail ai'luili "I '! lllU' ''1 F'Hlt nl'l 'll ll ' I'l'l' I'll 1.1 i I allafy Vltni ll-- li,.lilr.l O.tl II a ymmr wmaii a a aril Unll K ii 1 t HI l-H. ('a lljlnr ha I'll r Wil.i.n i. t,i- 'ii "f M i) r W i i' ..Ha i.f t'ir rallblrat llirll III V ... sranti'ii. N c , an. I rl irf n r' lirar ii f llir K I' Ii aii. I I. r. a. I 1 1 a i lnjtirr-,1 Iii a rnk Ian inn iv'ii and ra'r I fur al lha f .a if llir vuiifc' i.-lflv " ii u i n i I rni" "f t ailn al t'ln j Ir.l in l'.irknalt bun mi lh train I TAIUl nun rn Tl.a l.lkkM Will. Charlotte a naa gl ng t am in 1 1 A Karlil m. The many fri.-inla ii t!i city if Mlaa Sallin Potter, w ill ha 1 1 1 1 .-r . -r I in the fillialng. "Inch a copy from the Wi;iiiliigtnn M - 1 1 r A illtpatch from Nice, under the date of Kebruarv t published In the1 Kuropean nliii 'ii f the NVw nrk Herald .Hid nt hy .-il'li- to t!,a A merlr.in ed iilmi gi vi- :i Hi i pter of i tli gay life in that 'am mi- city. I n 111111111111111: tlie weekly d.uici- .it the J "leg snt I a ill f a few ink' Tha bul.ling are mn plaled. the aliaftlng ha In-all placnl. i1(. viar are art, an t the angina l ready to la put In. The mill- will , "tart out a Ith 2 looma. - -a- -W bl Ako.l ll- A comniittaa from the lMard of school com nilili'ncri will inert with Iheflnsin'e com in 1 1 tea ..f the I -aid cf aldermen, at the ritv hall. M'n d I V lilglil. lo ee w i it c ill be ilmie In keep the cltv grsded ,-hoo going The raault of till conference a ill U h in lousl v a wai ted N f nu (tie jut rl. a tic lo display your jadganaaL 1 1 baa aVaraf .c-ii . urf.-J (,.ri na in nflfi f.,r ibtporiion lurlita oUclaa; dltplaj Kiili" H'I rV'Iki ti o Hi now ahoalog Thar It u Id a dlVfJly ! t i lr. draln. a nrk man ti I p and Do I ah tha. prha yoo a III ba a IllUa paB lrd link a rlmlca, l ut you rrlaioly ran make no aalacUoa with wblel) y hi on i 1-r plra I. If you lake yoar pick either al random orltbjar ayt il ui. li la nut often thai yoo have a chaora lo aaa aoy thlog baodaODa r than our 1 1 no nf lerllVij ml vr In aiary Imaglnabl artlcl for labia SM BOYiN E & BADGER eading Jewelers, L Charlotte, N" O. Cleveland's Moccasins. ill Co'lll'innUtHII Hotel, t'l till let i if t lie lid let ;l re decr l bed 11 ml In the lit of d i -i I ngu i-hed ladies preMit we nntn -i th-' ikiiiii of la roiie't l'.ion and Mi-i- Sillie Pot ter, of Wll 111 lllg oHl . -aa- - Tha awa Makaa a Muliiin. Charlotte not only ha tie !.-! hotels in ihe State, but t e i- l-o the larget ; iiblic lili id i n .r in the State, and the only one c.ip.tl" of Accommodating th" ilelegali - I i a tate convention. The St it' con vention ha- been h' Id at Knleigh simply "in aecirdance with i tiun honored custom," but it i ii"' time , posed of to change all that. The cmivi meiu-e of the delegates should I i n-iiler- ed, and the city that can off- r tint the best inducements, but t ' he-t ic- ; conimodations, railroad. I nt-l. etc.. should have the conv. i.tmn. Char lotte stands uncha!!. t l-i! in tlii- respect, and the conviition should come here n ml be held in pmil i shape. i 1 1 should be held ofl May l'nh, so that the delegates could help us o celebrate our famous 0th May, the following day. Who w ill second Til K Nkvs' niotion? IWaMnal llatalha Mailc IrilliiV A tin mlier of business men "f lb ci I v h i V" e x pressed a deaira that a Mil-ie K.eii'il he held this year The Plni! lrniortie society had tl ought It advisable not to b .Id a Festival, bii! M" there seams to he a pub! ic sen 1 1 ment In favor of one t he Phil h armoti ic Is ready and -a 1 1 1 1 1 to push it t tl rough n lid I" that end ask all interested to met with their I representatives immediatilv after the auditorium Co's meet I ng Mm d ay evening in Jones A Tillett's office, when Ihe matter will be tlnallv dis I :-: I We have Jut received a nice assortment of these calibrated Kofi 8htM r infants. They are the latest crate of the season aud are surely th hand- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. One great case of imported hosiery fresh from the factory, ot superior ives, absolutely fast, and so made that they will well endure long ser vice. The rapture of this sale must be our prollt. Come to the Tmported Hosiery Sale. -imporiaui. Another flamy attraction seen is the new Spring Goods just opened fancy Bedford., etc, shown in latest tyles. Hundreds of new (tinpltams ready Hid waitiug. Fresh Kid Gloves that will bear a guarantee, F.xcuse us for talking Cloaks so much but we must let you know our Capes are going at half price. A beauty now goes at f .'. Good success attends our White foods sale. Appreciative multitudes gather round our Linen Lace sale. Ask for our pretty new Apron ma terial; its a regular trouble saver. Dont hebackward about comiug. we can divert your mind from house hold duties and start you smiling and happy homeward. Ilepalrlnc for summer. Thk Ni u mentioned a few days ago t hat the Four "s company was arranging to bu il l a large pavilion at Dilworth park for th" xc 11-iv use of the colored people The plans f v the pavilion are being draw architect Hook, and it is to b imposing structure. TheJC's are also arranging for many very excellent attractions at Dilworth. the cntning summer, and the popularity of that resort will lie greater than ever, liatliing houses and boat houses are to be added to the attractions of the place. somest infant shne ever put on the market, being made of the floeet French Kid. We have them in white, canary, terracotta, fawn and tan colors, each me b ing lined and trimned with a different colors ; making them tL most stylish tiling iu the way iiIa t aby's soft shoe ever put on the market; And being named after the most opuUr Baby in the world they are now being s ihl in every city in the Culled Hla tea. Come or send and get paJr, Siesiitol; Price .Mic; By mail on receipt of price. GRAY A I J A ltNII Al IDT. 19 Eaat Trade Street, CHARLOTl R X. C sTT-Proiupi attention given to al) ilaJl Ordars. Shine Tour Sboej With Millers Improved French Blacking. Produces a brilliant, lasting gloss, and Is really beneficial to the leather. Ow ing to its flue utility and small quantity required, is the moat economt cal to use. Put up iu large boxes 10c, small be; This Blacking is for mens shoes only, aud must never be used 011 ladies shoes or any kid or goat leatb ers. Have the leather e'eau and dry, apply a small quantity with a, Royal Dauber, brushing briskly with a stiff brush and you have the boat thin In the world, not excepting patent leather. For sale to dealers at manufac turers prices. , v QILREATH & 00. . Open every evening till;S:00; Saturday till 11:00. A Beautiful Line ; . . -O-F- U R N I TIUSR Continues to be Offered thePxiblicjlby BURGESS NIOHOL 0., -J THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRTC'EH BTTLTjRE " MAIN" CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOtt 8UITH. CHAMFER SI ITS. i A HI NETS, HALL CHAIK8 AND RAOK8, IIAI(i T VBLKS AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLU8H ROCK- , EU", KATTAN ROOKERH, Ac. Call and 8 . ' J F E S. - - - Foroitore Dealer. Room R Infln UNDERTAKER, klght'eall. T. L.ALEIXANDEB, S0N & CO. in w wiwmiIj No.8,BrvanbaUdlng4;oTerRogerioCfl,

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