SEE OUR DRIVE I N SPECIALTIES. TOWELS 15c, 19o, 22o,25o. 33c, DAMASKS 28a 33a 40c, 65c, etc, 31)1? nv I Ml 1UJX111X LlJUt NEW PERCALES at 12 l-2c 10-4 SHEETING at 25c 33c, otc. Kl D G LOV h c WAP1UNS880, SI. $125, $140. $175 DozJ M DOMESTICS AT 8c and 9 l-2c. BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBHIIAHY Sth. VOUSEVIB UOUGIirBFTUR VALUE rOR THAT KO.SEV UXUSUAl V ALUKH H. BHRUCH Et BRO. C1 1) i?tT .4 t rni r?o Dress Goods. 1G Shldis 30-inch Cashmere o New Linn ill wix.l UrnrittUN 10c PUidiind Fancies for rhihlrm 20c Half wool Fancies and Pludn 1'J l-2c BAROAISS IS REMNANTS. See Our Drive I N LADIES BLACK HOSE. BEGINNING MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8th. EVERY DEPARTMENT n: :nrs N E W (J 0 0 I) S. r i miMt "i ' K.krataa.anat K!'ll I V n. Tmm ban vw AOania i:'.bi ' fa. M. iRIn (Kn lUuUtl j a m : Try Wan f-r-1 -' - '" r .aa. Atlrua UJuu.Ua ai ! ... ft fa. tl aaaViliijfirm a1 n.t I. .-'. iJaaMral inlKl !-. llkk kaavaa la Al.'at la ' ' rV. ft .mm ilUnll V II l ID a ii. I .. o a ot I lie r u t ur 1 1 on of r ,.' i. I 4 .i al I in " r I ii l r a 1 1 road a to lap i Sin ..,-.. rd. ' 1'Blon a, lomt ii.. in 1 1 if . . . i , . t . i.. '. nllr capital III I furniah.J ! unit I n lidul lu l"li . 1 ... A inrr Icana. II. 1 1 l of tl. 1 ii lr ri-m a.ralalloo Ihe coal al-.ra. r ,J n , I ud 1 1 m a n y of II n niml Idr a-aln It-a rrulr of"!. an1 ilia r atiovn ami rotiarr v all iron ami buying . f IU. I.i,.. i., l I. A V il'rl mni ml niuuclrli In lh' tul atxuijU n... rui .u. Wi lt ,l1"lVl , . , . ! ,i .... 1 Tl m Ma. l II f ar-1 II r A t a .ri til Hal Uil" I probably 1 1 1 o lnipw taut ! I.rrn rn lrrprlr -hlch II lia rv. r rrHir(rl. and llial II l di-ailned I.. of incalculable value to Hi. holr .utli. nol only I rcaur amra fr karhaa It U a lu trala tut McataamlW Umrrm i v m. .Uiii t. Vandav. Amt" frm rirti' II Mliaal train liam TutUt ll.url.i ao i hatartlaT uu a ra and umn ,-uu TtUa Itipn. aaiaotartia ui ti Train War far WllmlnirUw al I I. p ni and 1 ti ai. m A rhr fnxn W ilii.n.ri i ai OS- aa.. an4 14 lu. Train Wavni fur Utb al & a m Amr tnna LW ai 10 l& l n TrmJa Uurm fur Kutbrfinlt.i al 4 14 y i ArrlTM fen Kalbrfialum al I - ni a llin la''r.l I ill" "f I.I. rl alol f ur la' if" I u l 1 1 . fc" H irfr rlr r ju.l In Kra.lnia llitl aiii.'iihlrl In 7 . i ... i i)4!ri ll 1. ii ; . 1 that lt:r.r 1. 1 ; of ,lrM railir ffnil II. ' 111- , ,f , ,, , . , , u , ,,f t lu.lllM i.lrr. I hr tr titftli III Hi" finlni ; lili li 111 lv i'l al.llti-il .lot 'f I'i" I. to II, r farl Hut Hi- illfT-rMice. 1 'allroJ. U. I... I.illll, Lilt l . an Hi- , . Invp.tniriil liil now of r..oil many klarrll III- colli . in lr litvn IktII , ' .. i ...... 1, ,,r. ' million of ilollar In aurh a co'iiori amlral.ljr -lllrl. I'lirrr la lio om ,r nl - u ruin I a k I nrf I'V Hi nioal i on clal alatrniaiil l.i llial i fTrt l. l ul It l ( a-rvatlrp ll naiir I-rn.l-a nk - nmt Iron a far! n.vrrlil i m-n In lh north will attract ijl.l ' .ii.iiiloh in ih itpiii r-itn ii rrr of I h Tl... I . t 1 VI.' w I ...n..., "i i r -'' " " " " " ' whuli. aoalli rriil la.t )-r an. I pil.l . an. I at II Jallr mm4 Taaaw. TbooDoncUon of nu ndJupi Ur, on of Uia rnoal Lautlful f all aldrJ phnomna5, occurrml laat -elnf- Th two ilan-u vroau t-.l tb appranc of a brilliant douM Ur, o el did thy mo i I (tber, and th tky bfng ir. id two bright planU attracted th- at Untlon of Trj many lud-nta and lorer of aatronouiy. B 7:50 the obarvr notlc-d Hi apparent aup-rlor I ty f nu t lir flanl brother In brilliancy. Thlv f eoor, wa an effect of dlalance, for Jthoofb apparently eo n-ar tojf-tl.-r that they almott touched the ! planeU are really inure than f iir bandred million of mile apart, th-lr eonjoctlon In he eky arlalnff -Imply from the fact that Ven un. lu hwIiik log around the orbit, happen to oome avlmoat exactly into the lint f tight from the earth to Jupiter. Jup Iter la more than 1,-!0U time aa larjre M Venas, and if It were really p!acl aide by aide with Venus would be at leaat 180 times as bright as the latter la. At 8 o'clock the twpatura presented a beautiful appearance an they went below the horizon, apparently id- by leatral llslel Arrival. C L Hopkins, N (' ; J It Ciiteh In, Baltimore; W V A Kheppard, Richmond: Marvin Mcli Hull, Athena, Oa; HC Htronfr, KuleiKh ; ! el atable thrmiKlioiU, and eloHd at a JC Kenyhundal, N C; Mn. W A jliKht recovery. There i nothing Bmltb, Master Bennett Dunlap, An- new in the way of fresh develop aonrllle, N C ; JW Stanley. N ('; mentM. The moving iniluencoeinu- John-! nitintf entirely Irom receipts and rr -ii t prlci' l -lllnt on a i x-r '-III bal If rale are adli-r-d to lli-vwlll l even lrtlr yrar, and II I ;in.lial.l- that lh rat- of dlrlil-nd will l- lnrrrai The ll-Bil I Htf road under lb-I r pood tlllIIU. Ilk- HlBliaK-lllellt ha been liainliiK a number f frl-nda ami nine people eip-ct Hie road t b (in a dlvidi nd liaala In a f-w y-HM Till ealilllitt- I 1 1 r i 1 1 ) 1 1 1 ovrr-ttll jfulne. The tf-uernl in.irk-t rallinl ome lutt on account of Ih- I u y aticy In tho cnalera and .nne llitl- hort iock cov-red -po iully In l.oiil-vlll- and N :ih vl I le, hu t the K-ner-il inirkct :i- dlai pilntini; l'rice iimv rally -till f irtlior, but we think for I h - moment t'int it i" Ine to on ralll' . The bmk "t iti iiieiit hIiow a decrease as m n-y lJ m -By it i not a factor in the i t UH 1 1 on . LrhnKli lima. ('Hun l.-11-r. -- i.ll to J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A WnllH Js' h v Ymi. k. I'eh. li The advice from Liverpool thin iinrnliiK were very blue, In '....i a our frli-ndh stated the market wa ho weak that the probability of a further dcliii". for the time being was nut present Hre the openlu win nteadier than had been anticipated ; in f ict at no time wan the m irket w eaker. At the ipening, effort were made, on the part of local trader to force a fur ther (incline. Hut the offerings were almorhed ami not withstanding the expectation of liberal receipts at New Orleun on Monday, values contin- Th Old OnpiLa! Remtdy Leadi hi k li ulJ n! l denrireil hv rr-i-i,,, r. a ho talk alKil "Mhrrolii." T'ni." i..illi. ,ir t... wll t ti ) r .rrrtiona. tl.n .n.nliii(r c..U' fj'.l Wnn IU orif-uinl u'-l in 1'iinr "KaiUm Mirn.l.r killrr ii rnu nml Ilia mi, ami for M-an lm. l--;i. making niorr curr I liui. a' I otli-r . i r. .Milillicl ln-".-r It " r t.H. ailh oiir limlili I;, al lln ir .! r u ...I.; in i (n r 1". ' :- 1 1 i -I Kir vmcii cTTi. 4 Xx r"s"vx 'A J. SAVE - Y01E - MONEY. Dimes Make DolLirs. Dollars Make Hundreds , i)fVf5 M-Af t'J.'.!.W5 Boy your Clothes at Half Price and put the Other Half in your Pocket. Times are mighty hard now but you can save fifty cents on every dollar you spend in the McDowell Stock of Clothing and Hats, which we are lly Aanorialol I'rraa to llir Sm .Star Yoaa. Feb Kuliirra :.m.Iv January Kflinmry - . Mtrch April May 1M-J (I (MMI li 71 hi i; ' : ' t; iM if. 7 i i'i .Q. Selling at Half Price 7 11 I. 7 Jl -' 7 . ;;i 7 n-41 7 V.' .VI 7 'il ii'-' 11 lM I JB McVey, Richmond, Va; son. Salisbury; J W Abemathy, Lowell, NC; JAB Mulligan, H V ; H E Jones, Balto; W C King, At lanta; Mrs M M KemMe, Ktutes ytlle; LD Handy, IJalto; ' I Marshall, H V Jonee, Atlanta; L II Cuny, Aogusta; U L Tyler, Hal to ; Mrs Nelson, Miss Nelson, Ala ; (' V Wesibury, Richmond; AL Hiintt, NC: 8 M Ward.Pbila; Miss Mag pie Da-is, Richmond ;Mrs R D Odom Gaflney, 8 C; JW Hartley, Provi dence, Rhode Island ; W T Mooney, Atlanta, Georgia; J no C Tipton, Bbelby, North Carolina; T II Leake, New York ; 8 P New, Durham, N C ; PW Hanoock, H M Ijenier, North .Carolina; Jas D Mclver, Cartl age, NC; Bartlett 8hipp, Lincolntou, N $ . al. " The Weather. Following Isa synopsis of weather prevailing at 8 a. m., to-day: The Mgb area central yesterday morning orf Wisconsin Is located at Wash tngton, D.C this morning a cold wave i, accompanying this area. Temperatures have fallen 15 to 20 de irrees as far sooth as Georgia, and as tar west as the Mississippi River. A low area Is central la Texas, and temperatures bare risen 5 to 10 de grees within Its Influence. Gener ally fair weather Is prevailing over the country a Cr Jot JcheCastorfe. as it lies been mut be looked upon to make prices hereafter. lVkly I'.M'ik MhI-iii-iiI. Reserve, decrease, f219,M5. Loans, increase, $7,07O,)MH). Specie, decrease, ? 1,-J00,400. Legal Tender, increase, JiHil.liOO. Deposits, increase, 5,8'2,7J0. Circulation, increase, f!.'i,800. Much excitement has existed in the Western part of Lincoln and the lower edge of Catawba over niad dogs. Several have been recently ki'.led in that Rfction. Two small children wore bitten a few days ago A war of extermination against the dogs has commenced, Mill Ion. for the Suulli. Bai.timokk, February 5. The Manufacturers' Record of this week state' that the broadest plan of de velopment in the south ever under Junr In'v AiKii'.l SeHVnilar ()C(I-I Soy-iplx Oeorniber ''..ilea to-(iv '.'- " Net Itec-il't.i - Kiirt lo li. II I.7L.I KiK)rtito Kritnce 7 lJ KijinrU to Hie con' '"cnt .. .'77 SliK'k t.1 ni 1 t'.S. iKirtfl I.' llrlnw we give the Stock Market, Cotton Market, ami Urain ami Produce Murk-Is a nn.ivil over t lie private wires .if Smith .t VV'slU. I Viiiiiniiwioii Itnikera. I'li.irlotle. N C. COTTON Ml 111)1.1 High- Low- Clos est. et. ing. OUR SALES ARE INCREASING EVERY DAY. I'EOI'LK A It E TAK.XlDVIrVANTAtrK OF THIS (JKEAT II.AJiF l'HK'E SALE. i r is notoi'r loss m r vouh gain if vor ta kk advantagkof it. KtiRH'Ol CASH YI. HOIUlir THKSTOCK SOCHKAl' THAT WKCAN SKLI, IT AT HALF PRICK. AM) MAKK MONKY. A I S I I T F( IK J 7 W TH AT K HINDS (TIKAI1 I) KS'N TIT? T H AT'S J CrtT Til K Y A W K A It K SK I.LI NG TH K M COMK ANDSKKTHKGUKAT LOT OF SACK A ND CI' TAW AY SINS WORTH $ ., s, and l TH AT WK ARK SKLLI NO FOR f ,.V, :,V), I.O) mi I i.O). TLKNTY OF FINK SI ITS IN TH K STOCK WORTH $15. t-M and 2'.,i Til AT ( io AT HALF PRICK. January 11 1 1 K-liruary ."I Miucli Ami1 VlHV J une .InU- All'M-t Si'ini'icher Oclols'i Noveinlier DlHCIlMHT CH ICAliO OKA IN AND PRODIK'K. (iiicaoo, Keh. , I mil. H igh- Low- 'los i.: I 7 i 7 1 1 7 " i 7.: I 1.- i 7 til 0.1)0 III I (I I I I I i; 7: i ll 711 s i. i ii. : s.ri uiii '.:-: 7 oi 7.( : or 7 11 7.1!-l.r) s.:;fi 7.'" ii 7 r ) 7 .v.- 7..rH IMAM 0.00 0.00-IK) HATS HATS HATS WHKAT Keliruary ... Year est. 00 est. 00 ing INI IMS ll !M6 CORN February HJ Mav "!6 41i 4J6 OATS Fel.nmiv a l 2-1 Lf) Mav...." 31 30i aii PORK Mav H.!).r lfD 11.SI2 February 11.70 11.70 11.70 LA HI) February 0.00 May j - - RIHS- Mav fi.n- . JaiHinry 6 5 "'-' Nkw Yok, Feb. STOCKS. Hi,'h- Iw- Clos est, est. ing New Jersev Cer Ira1 112- ChioaftO t as " i 7 ) 7.' KiclinioiM.'l'cMi' )!' 1'3 Ui M8- Atc'-;son "i St. P .,-' 7!'3 'Vl UkeSl o e 000 '! 000 - Missouri PucVic I.L'l l.'l i2J- louisv llle and N .mIii " ' le. . . . T 'iA 74- Texas i'.ic: c Weslern t'n'ou e'. Co f'h S7 S7f':- ,ir'iin,,on aid Oniric i ' It 71 l( C'oi :v o anil No'.u VVcs.... 1173 117 1'7'- C.I'.C.Al 7I 7 8 71i O.IK) G.Ci (i,(0 0,72 t.1..,. .oi.h will involve initial in- I ' ' ' 3 "?T De'awa'e Uc .; wans.. !2 I-"J. l.ili- vestments by New i ork and Penn-! Keadlog '. 1 splvaniacapitalists of many millions New Finland 47 47. 4: ' ,, , . . , . Kock Island !). I U 10 1- of drillars, has been cousumated by! Mr. Alex A. Arthur, who founded ' HARI.OTTECOTTON MARKET, TODAY the Knglish town of Middlesborough Qootations .P ''y'S Price Ky. Theoperationsof this company Middling fair include the purchase and develop- Strict good niidi'Mng 7J nieiit on a verv larvn scale of exten- 'Hood urddli-ig Ik siva coal and bessemer iron ore prop- Strict rnMdling.... Art aa in h aat 1 Qiinacjnn l,f mi noi chase of furnaces and coke ovens al ready comdeted, the building of fur IF YOU WILL" NKED A HAT IN THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS NOW IS THE 1 1 M K TO HI Y IT. FINE $3,50 AND $3.00 STIFF HATS AT $1.50 AND $1,75, Soft Hats at 7fc worth 1,50; at 1,(10 worth 2,00; at 1 50 worth H.0O; at 1,75 worth :i,50. A GREAT LOT OF ROYH AND CHI LDRENS HATS AT U.c WORTH M. THIS IS ACAS1I SALE. ROGERS & COMPANY, Prompt attention to mail orders Charlotte, N. C, 21 West Trade street, When Baby wan sick, we (cao her Castorl. When she was a ChiM, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave thorn Caatorla. NKW Canned Or xis. hitlia I'.-ans, Succo I isli, Peaches, l'mcati'ile. ToinaU. s, French Teas, Ac, at liON , K Y .V VAN E!SS'. LOST A biincli of kev-; Iteniin Otbe NEWS OFFICE ami f et reward. It Crockery and ll'i s.Hware M'l'inu at co't, at (j It JAS. ! 1 A K I H, NOTICE P. v v ii aie of a It?d of trust made lo nie bv H. A. Cook and registered in book 81 page 319, in the Register's oHiee in Mecklenburg oimtv. I will expose at public sale, at the Court House door, on March 7th 1S92, one house and lot, situated on College street, be tween 12th and 1,'Jtli streets J ernis Cash. U C. IT. BUEM, I rilstce NOTICE- mean. KtAel works and eobnnvena Ih. eslablishmeutof two manufacturing j 7 ( , Strict low ni'iidlin? ( i , Iw iriddlip ; . Tinges and sia'ns 4 5 To le of ihe market, Bleadv. Sales today l'.'ii bales. I l.nve admitted into nartne.jhip with me in the conduct ofniy business my brother. A. K. McCausiana, ana me dusiiios win hereafter be conducted under the name of J. N. McCaus'and A Ccnipany, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my friends and the pub,;c for their liberal patron age in the prsi a d trust that fbenewrirm will iiietit a cont'ni' -.nceof the Fiiue, 4 3t . i. N. McCAUSLAND. FOUND A pair of brown li.-dc thread gloves. Apply at NEWS OFFICE 2 tf dasire to inform mv friends and utr,ns, lor the present, that orders for rubber stamp and Sewing Machine repairing left with I., J, Walker .t Co., opposite the llufoid House corner, will receive prompt attention. 4 3t Respectfully, C W URADSHAW. Fniits, Candy, Nuts, Raisins, Dales Figs and anything to please the little ones, at R10I.ER A I.A1KU S. FOR RENT A 4-room dwelling on Oth street. No. 510. Apply vmos $5.00 REWARD, Allimitor Satchel: Rrass mountings: Above reward paid, no oneslioes risked, if r -it iy Tinyi.'Pl.'n turned. It W RTAIIFERKO. A Preacher's Boy. in I git the hodako, n. thinkin about the uther side ov the kase, ns to why it turns out so ofTun that boys who are good, no matter whether thalre, a bein watched or nol, will mebbe liev men fur their daddies who dont make no pertensliuns at all to belli nny better th un uther fokes. What makes me say this Is, that me and Semanthy an thegals and Jake Giblulz had tiite a time in argyiu this niorniti at the brekphust table about whether there was any eood reasun why preechtrs boys shud he any wuss thun uther fokes yungiins is or not. Semanthy stuck to It that she didentbleeve they was, ira boay l'aiV wpvt Mtorn r,v.m on Trade street next to Thos Reese .fe Co, formerly occupied cud only kno theTraal truth about it, by O. W. Nonnent. l"ossessioii given i hi hmd It was her nosnuu iiiui even February. 0 A IIUCK, ifsnohwasso, which she wudent jan'28tl no. 13 noutn i onege si FOUND Small kev with leather Hir at tached. Call at THE NEWS OFFICE. Gun Hammer found. Apnlv at the 4tf NEWS OFFICE, Dissolution Notice. The turn ot Thomas A Rich has b-n dis solve! Mr- W. H V'nil linvinp tbeintcrtst of Mr. Ritch. The old linn assumes all the lia" '-."l .iff.JfA!"o"..'..H.!,r ' " ii v in i it a no'i'i iimi i wn .i wi tne ('e'' snent 'smart more ov liis i:me 'M s.'kin c'ose to a im 'lie j lioi'e, beknwstliey wasa wo:-km wiih an IlieT mi'.' a- ns ii"n, Jinn he did in . 'tlWi lr trapi in u e i Juir hoodoffokes who never . o much i s ,lri 'e a stone at him. .ow, Salurdav. we wi" sell Dolia at oalf pi lie; i c grade at 35c; the d l.f" grade at Oi'c, the f I,." ) g adc at 7." : G- Do'lar rse' i" le; Mens but-, icoitbe lollai; Shot i Jc i ti a pa'roli; l.oys 2,E(I INSURE YOUR PKOPERTY WITH rar. i,.e ou. ..mi niui.ia " , f ); Tiiese prj.s are for Salurdav onlv. hil'tica. and assets up to February 1. I be j Fu" One orcolo.sof b,t Zephv ,-s Sii",.irday ntw firm name will be Thomas A Va", at 4c oz. Your patronage solicited. A fins line of buses, buggies, hacks, Ac THOMA3 & VAIL. We also deal in fine saddle and harness horses, (arm and draught mules. feb4 tl Jas llaniwi & k Mt South Tryou Street. Gochraoe INS!! RA NGK nd REAL ESTATE AGENT. T2 Ron th Tryon Street; Tolepli'one No. 6i.

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