I Tbo Charlotte Nows iltMX"' a liar at. Itll lAlila. U nAlnp.M tmimnwmm ft . k lal M IkrMB (M - a -ii ' v I Ml .. I : M foiiiil TrB fi ( I ty- fr M-ar I a. M k a' .k4k Laval fkr-xajl. f I . k k k hk Laaal kMl i i I .- 1aM I I IhI i: ' " I.U.I'IM I. IVartJ.lll; ht.k la Cla- laall ! .n tlaafc MJal la I ' , 1 1 ... k I ta,a . i .1 liatiiiil 1.1. r. . titer vf k-. t Ilia tiM litkllnf a a. 4 I'llltu -( ! I.; II. 1t. t ill , in . l 1 rai.. If If f mu ll. liltf- ! k Ilk . i I ( kdl.i'r I ' ' I t I . '( I . I . I 1 I . ,1 'r - I nl" I I II k r ' I I . f i I AM . - f . I I r . I .k iff . I-. I - I if ( I Ua It rfca laa- MkfWl Maak Ai taawf .. i I i- " ' tn - ii I f . If. K .-. i. I i . i .1 ' 1 l -ii fr I Jf III .1 1 . i k l . ii r.rr J f 11 Kllil kU l r , U'l f f ('"l, I r 1 1 nil, li Jf kl all' I I ,r l trflll "f I 111 'f l..l ii il.i.rfi Ik M .!, ' lli.ilia alti'a Male i It I I . 'Ilia lllilti. li ni;" arr ! - I-.- r. d IfH'Ifwl I., 1 1 r- I i : 1 1 n i . ii r l l-r I I urnl ill in I l;iKk-in, I I ' ii.rl ( Mr. VrftiM rki , - r lkk.tnk) vl ChaiUt uAkltU , litot kl IK callktna1 of t .iki..f I xxslkl ana, B N k. k-klal I !) s l.a (al I I i akll I ) nUl M II,' .il..rl lH ,rlkirJ j .. U ' .lltklll el I J ,a mini hi air k -uffrkuf r-.i( IkM. bn itu l'' I il lr-wl 1 ..f Ilia e..ii 'n i.. . rijrttk ik l.i.ki. . kk an. I 1 1. -'. (. II aril Ukl llrcliM . aiiV k ll't .fnf) .. a II. .1 it Ik klial ..ul of I Hull I .III It. .. II" li I t,t la ptlkr.l i ' 1 . i .l bak ..If. r..m ii l K a u I I. I 1 1. Tir 0 ! In I I fi 1 1 kl.r ul.B I i i r larlillkll k . ( II - II. -aria i.l I . r . r l I IllkC H ,kl''kl. fl.Mlk krl.rlltra f..f .'riling I f U till llir Ik" an. I II a T"al f . .1 L.ikllirk. llir.Mlf ll Ilia a I ! i ..; .Iilrk .UI f. far ni ' . an.l Ui.l ii't'li a kallkf j-l.-. tl r iiitll ' .1 II. r- '...ni... .1 H.rirarlkk-.. ik'.. .i .If. . . I ... iif rii! I ..f j .li i f ..nl .-fllir l.ital niiiiilor Ikk.i I f-l . i ' " " ii in i n k mi i I iWkkanaM for Infanto and Children. MMlt ka i ktetwl b il.!ltak Vk kk aifk. 'lk'vl. . . . ttM ' It k k W t' IUkUliU t'Akfl t . k 't ' a k- - 14 fe. .lkM. b k . -.if ica mu - - . I ...i I' I a k -aaatfaw. aaaax mm f f a. ar.xi KkM I inikik in - . a kkk kox r'k r r...a t. - tW mtaMMiMi". a. kiui T i k ik I. I i t'klH VliMU V MH I. Til I W t M l 1 1 Har I' al Iillmaii unloul.t.l ly haa Houlti l arollua on.lor hu rn (rr), a,Bl thai h "111 urc-"l t im all. Oppuoanla f Tl II m sn m 'iil! i ! eat rlrrular l.i a!l ll r pr .inl aaal alialfhl oul I ihiIi. Hll calll nj rouf.rrti. r f. mrr t -il Coiambla Krl.Uy iilM II . r :.Vr aaxi MMualtov fallp.1 ! niaf r i tH mora tlian a liaiuHul . f n n haJaf pratiL Tba aoU TillmanlUk lal ..f I.. .1.1 lof ooornilioii rarly In ttir ;.riii).'. but Ilia ironlila aHtiiia U Im that thy eaooot aolla on a candidal In run afaJ nat tha prapnl p"'rrr ikt, Im, If ba la oppol, will .a oppMMi1 l.y hi. mwm paopla Itiki.lo iha rank of llir Allianea. j The iBfoiak of Tillman mran (hi aiacUonof aall-('pvalainl I .-mi-r;ii to tha 1'hlra.fco roiivaiillon. Thi Tllloian Idaa la a Vrlrn innii w uli Alllaoca tiidnclr If ,...il I.I.- -. il not, then 8natnr Mill. Th Alli aVOM baa all thn mnrhlnrry f 'In Democratic party In "t power in thla 8Ut, and will ! I It- .n Cavndldataa. ! Tha llm la another rolumn in rr i yard to how the Inilliiii Mt-1 t I tor haa loat nionry, remlmlk iih (lint i tbo flrnt blow that i airurk the lot tary In thla Htal wm wIipd th I '- ( lalatare paaaod law forliiililin tin- ! par In North Carolina to 'iil.liwh I t ) loiu-rjr advrtlipinnl". I'p to tlmt lima, lha lottery wa (loin(r n jrrout loaineM In thin Htal... The hiti letter I. H. I., on a hltu k l.i"k groand were familar fenliiri in nearly all thepprn. a montli uftur tbey disappeared from pulilic attt-n-UoD, the lottery. biflin In North Carolina had fallen oil 40 par n-nt Therewawa steady (U'r-reafp until Anally the lottery wax iloin only IV (6) per cent of the husincHH it wan do ing when It wa,aa!Towe(l to have itu advertisement In the papers. Thin ! aboftV trie best illustration of the tVueof advertising, that wehuve in mind at present . ' I f Ikkr J k" ,1 I ... , J k - : . f l.l.l.i- I k. . f I I , I ,- I -I ... S'.-l I I .v. I .I. T I. , -..I I ..I I- 1 li ft-. II-I'.-h! I,;:.. k' - i .rk . l. I n. 1 1 1 n . . ml i h I I. 1 1 1 !,.,... ..f Mr .1 .. .--.! k'i'l i ' . . -I r i: W i I, I. Iirll J.1IM al- lln-ii.li-rrUK al tl I ,! II. r i i . I. n 1 r a i I a. ;k il - li . I. .-a li-.-1 II. ti ..Ti It. .- .. ' ! li II l .il.-l. r i i rij-'M li.iiit. :l f l.mi . I Arm ulliiral uinl M ..llin-i . nl.-irii A 1 1 i nll.in t.mnFri In tl.Biilr. Ill ii m i vi. ii m, A la., I'. li - Kur iii I r 1 1 nl I of ( '.. i lee conn ty, on lourn Inilthat rnltnli w:i Klill ilei'l I II I nif . ket h n oH ton crop on lire ;ui.l thru kllleil lnmell I v Miini'lni; overn I. lull John illiffiii, lieiaii-e tlx 1 1 r j e nlTereil o low, drove to the l!lk river .mil tl ii i I In- I m.I over I mini. ( uttiiii f lower th.in (or -even e:ir. Ilepresentati ve lluiin, of North Carolina, propones to apply the pa tent system, which has reiilteii in the itlmulallon of invention, to (he domain of agriculture, with the hope of bringlnjr about etiially lieiielioent effects, A bill introduced by him Friday provides that any person who has Invented or discovered any new and useful plant, fruit, or II wer may patent the invention or hm-ov ery upon compliance with the pres ent patent law requirements, with tbeezception that the application shall be made to the Hecretary of Agriculture instead of to the Com tnfssioner of 1'atentB. Maj. James V. WilRon, chairman of the railroad commission of North Carolina, is at the Metropolitan in Washington. He said to a l'ont man that, while the railroad commission of North Carolina had only been es tablished about ten months, they have increased the assets in tax val uation of railroad property in the State about $6,000,000, and, l.y regula ting the telegraphic tariffs and re ducing passenger fares and freight charges, have saved to the people be tween four and five hundred thous and dollars. Iltililtrrk arr Int. I ft.r ftirn- 'h Ic.iko I I Ml : If a man h:i- I corn it ran lie removed, hut if -utter i m; from riihli-r foot fever im rlnro poilixl f in help liim. and the only I h I lit,' I" irecr ihe i- liberal bathing of the feet and removal of the ciu-i Rubber- -holllil only be Will 11 to keep out i-t, a ml I hey sin mi hi be re moved Ihe moini lit tin' wearer lo-t indoor-. Failure to note this'ivesa mull ui-l feet in a far worse sense ban if he bail wadded through mud inkle deep. 1 1 was the trouble re sulting from forcing the perspiration to soak ihe -torkinj.'s and keep the feet perpetually damp ami drove rubber-soled bonis nut of Wie market Kv n lope rubber- nre a source of danger and the cause of many more serious colds than they avert. - llt'Hlli in m l:;lll ICti.iiii. I'll I Mil lit;. Pa., Feb. (i. Miss Kil tie Shaw, daughter of a prominent physician of this, city, dropped dead at .'..!) this morning', while dauciiiK at a reception "Jveu liy the Pittshurj; ( 'lull in honor of the re-oiieni ni; of their club house. Socially the Pitts hui Club is the foremost oiMtiia tion of the city, and last night's re Ception was the social even t of t h season. MissKhaw hail danced f re 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 r the ii i er 1 1 1 . ami was taking a final wait, when she sml tlenly threw up her hands ami ft l Tin? coroner's inquest has not y been held, but il is the supposition that death resulted from heart disease. k "Ik Ui( r l .- Ii. ..f (lit. rolll II not ilrrlra'r . . r I . k - . I , , I I 1 1 $ It, I ii . i r- rli It-li ii vi ik ,.nlt II I i fr -in lit- in. .mill) and Cfmi If .in tt, tlll .1 r 1 a I I il I II, 'kal.lill l a a I in p. i 1. 1 . Ulldt-r Ihr-kf cir. ti in t anr rt l-i i kl I t ktat. ef I ..tiMlana an annual !i-n.-.f 1, ; a i an.l r ar t y -o t ' l ul n, . villi an v rlui Cf ( r fi I llir minpaiit .,, ,r-rii t),o dl v Id. 'II. la it I i.l f I pr r i . ii I, bu I I ho I aat i uir a - n I ' p.- r i r n I A I Ii. tlmetlm ri.M . I . i ii l .1 1 .1 1 - d l.i the I .on I nl a ii a b 1 I 1 1 n "t- f r 1 11 r Iriik f ll i I .rlrf t! . Ufr' bad III f..ur full i-.ii I., r u ii . t . 1 - t . ml a i 1 1 ) - y 1 1 1 if rtn I n c in r . .f I .. '. a . r- o jilni i and f l.ikmm r. a ! irh It t 1 1 . r a 1 1 nf .il llir i at. of In r ..-ni an ii ii a 1 1 v . I li.- i . . 1 1 . . ii v tlit-n f..f.- bul f"r ibr inlrifi n-ia-r i - I I on t; i . k n n. I the .i 'ji'f nltlii. null b.ll.ry p-tatnl I ta, ... , .i n.nkr U-iarr-u tl'-iiai.iaii nod r.ii.iaii.iaiiilurliiK' lb., r en. 1 1 n dr-r of it charter l lir il.n.:in.l for the i. trfkiiiii of ll nt rh.-irt.-r, tin- ar..ual of the an 1 1 lottery nil l mni ( , the pet t let tat run i pa l'ii In I .. 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 .1 and the pangi" by Ci'llifrckk of the II n 1 1 lot t'.ry iolal l.iw l.n- hurt the com p.inv to thai lar'o in lit a 11. 1 made it I nipolblf to carry on the biiki lie-it. -kkk- I blllk itiol r.-vr of three year flan d 1 1 1 it c u r .1 by Mminotia I iver Keulalor '. v utkln- Watklns H oiik.-, I ' pt mi v il le, K y Take! Take' Talii'hiiiiiiiiui' I. iver (emulator fur tlvspqi-la, con-tipa- tion and bi..irtliurn. Take Sim moii- Flvt K.-iMil-itor for ilyepep-is, lilliiillies or ln-.nl.ic he ' Trv tl,.. ' I .ol.lt-n Seal" 1 1. -Ill- Hi.- Ih.1 in Itu- t.iwii lur I 1. r.i I. .1 .... . . . ut IK IN V I 'i A S N l- m , I nit A 1 null-' Hon .11.1 mi. I butler W: Ir.-h. il I'.ON M.V A N M-. REMOVAL SALE. I will mow to my iirv titore soon and will soil my t'litm sfotk at ri'atly reduced prices to sav the ex pense ul" moving. Il yon need anything in the way of Hats or FURNISHING GOODS give mc a call, and I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. M. P. P E G R A M, J R, in SOI'TII TKYo.N STIIKKT. NTRAL HOTEL 1 - - Pall Assdrimont. Mra P. Query & Co. t. lairJy W. kl.ua lfalafkl aid ll aalalloa ! I a-kl lutoallr killllnafy U ta fuaktl lu II. e Hla a U la. total, VIimI tula IU.uk-'.. .a. al.o I. a akl aataral mIi la IJ.r i-IIM" I' - t kail rMjlrk.lt no I. Ij . II. a pfuklac ll-.it of l.kt kaa'li f.-l ll.a talk al barllir luihk Wllllunjf 11 aa A (taucc will r.i I or a any lady of taal aatl Ju.l ntelil ll.a I aba llrLly ilcltHM lia( f. ul' lion f..r aalll and Iralr In ll.a al I f T Ituiki iff Mala and ll.'btiala. f.r ii.l ..f llaul.rnldrf r and ll tt. n.IIi. ypltj-r. Wtail S an., II.. i.k and .Nokalllaa ..fall (nil ll . .a .. inplrla I ,k-llrk alio aj 1 1 1 fai.f ui allba rail aiil rind a l y lit In Mr a, ftrah, an I i...trl, and al lb I aa pkl ilk Jlirtn. Mrs P. 'Juory & Co Poetic. '" M.ka la im 4"4n ia f hJu.r an' kaM.J aka atf aatal Uaat ia-Mu.a,at.laJnwa C E ECCLES & BRYAN V It A li I. O 2 T K , ?fT" s7 lb f. p.. l-iinriliiic Hit- l.milt t.r linclaiitl. Deirnit Free Press: A most extra ordinary ";uard takes up its iuarters insidt- the l.ank of r.nland every eveninir at 1 o clock all the year round, remaining there until 7 clock the next muniiiiir. It is an of ficer's fjuard, and consists of a drum mer, two sergeants and thirty men, all well armed. Fach man receives a 8hillii:r,r from the bank authorities upon liis arrival, a serireant's sliare heinir two shillimrs. The oflicer is allowed a supper for two and three bottles of wine, ami i- permittek to invite a friend if he sees fit to do so Chairman Atkinson, of the (Jeor cla Damocratie Btate executive cnni- Guaranteed Cure We authorize our advertised drug gists to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, couh and colds, upon this condition. If you are i.fllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or cheHt trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giv ing it a fair trial, and experience no beuifit, you you may return the hot tie and have your money refunded. We could Dot make thisoflfr did we not know that Dr. KiDg's New Dis mine, created a sensation batuniay, 1 covery could lie relie d on. It never by Iwlo a call for a meeting of the j disappoints. Trial bottles free at LAGER BEER. EXPORT BEER We will deliver in quan tities of one dozen or more 0 any part of the town. Business hours from 7 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p. m. II, Portlier Brewinc Cc, C. VALER, Agent. Mechanics Perpetua Building and Loan Association, To Ihe Front km. TDP?'' If 'FT TtT Tl ' huaili..a linu.f., tL.r1 nT'n'&SjJ 'aik. public bulIdinK 5r $11'-.5 If f vr T V rtY I i P J ami rhurrhea. TheOn- UrA-j;5.H.4.i aiiiijtl 1 ? trai i fne 1,,,! Proprietors. (Inn of the moat Invlt I tl if . auiwrbly iiillpled j and faiiltlekkly comuirl ed liou-U in tho Houth. j loont.il lu the crntrf of I tha llty, con veil le ll I lo I Vi) 1) i;T rn run nrji i '-taajia 14. iltillitalki ataxwfttl mUm tl. f -ki i i-t . .k auk araa I '... n . A I. a kkkmalaj -u k un v .... 1 I, ,4 ll- mrgmg imttt. -j l.i 't (-.I -( 1 1 kkallaaj kX. I' ) .' I. it . k ,1 . liru itkufaair 1 1 I... ..( 1 .... in Hi nuakukml Wa4, I . ii nt.f i.am lli ktaa bral. TMa U in. all of Ilia luurltlof llnra by 'if-.l Kmarauu JlrtM.aa un liltl Ar. " t m la anu(b larall joar allciill. 1 ui r pra I lira I lioraa la lb Hiaie lhal lll All Ilia Mil aa aboT I'llrr f-'kki I all on C. MOORE, Double Oaks Dairy. THE . r a j 1 1 j 1 . I ;.: I f im, K t'y ll-Mv . raini ltLv iMt y.mi trTH I .1 nmi hiMiv ( lit Nmlli XI n.t t 'r-( t 'i rn r mi Im 'iv 1 n N f h I 'i nr -rU il Ihe nix ill .1 fli-rrnt r Wii-CiK : Partii.Vnla. Kach ro-m '' . JAfSJr,) Cl jliiS?Ji td " J ' -onuect..d with the of- &tXS--7Qr -y Electric Keturn la.J'T-tT-ft-f t ?ZJ Hell. Klectric l.lghU; fLi" nt a,i (ki luths; h.ills and rooms carpeted In Hrunl ami Vulval ; Water on each floor. The most considerate attention given to all guests and their comfort care fully looked after. A Fine I. and p u R ,ine of Perfumeries Toilet Articles, E DRUG S. A T C. McNELIS. Office No. 10, K i.-t Trade st. BAKER'S Music House, J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 7 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. ii) MUSICAL GOODS. The Problem Solved. Hooks of (he Association aro open for Subscriptions to the 19th Series. First payment on stock to he made the first Saturday in March, and ap plicationsj for loans can bo filed at once. B. WITTKOWSK V. President. K. K COCHRANE How to Live Cheap and Live Well. CAM. AT i. S. II A 1,1, 'S MARKET AND i FT Vol ItSl'PPUKS. Look at llii-so cheap rates: 111' c - l.ric 20c , nomoalttteaon March 2 to take im- Burwell A I)uiui'i, wholesale and re- i tall ami ot I.t-.m A. u.ui- mediate actioD in calling a State . ialJ drug e( -y cSODveauoa aau preparnig iut me 1 1 coming campaign. Thi call was ac- eomDaaied by an interview, in which Chairman Atkinson points at tha growth of tba third party. The infant reason prows apace and cal's for one more application of that good friend. Salvation Oil, which al ways kills pain. feh Secretary and Treasurer. : 1 m DR. Ii. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office over Harwell A Dunn's Drue Store. Telephone 13a SEEDLESS RAISINS CITRON Cl'R RANTS (i'.c PREPARED RCCK WHEAT in 4 and till) packages, ut l.'ic. and :tfu Other Groceries, Canned (loods and Family Supplies cniTcHiloniling- ly low. Celery. Cabbage, Apples, Eges, Chickens, etc., in large loin, all sold hrap. Call and see G. S. Hall. WATCHES Cheaper than ever. CLOCKS Away down. We v. ill ollt-r I Im .rk n Ix-ntil i Inl IV-lir I itil-IiI ( i nun I I -i :i 1 1 . . I..r t II i nuol ln-r Ht hr I' irii;lit pinno f if t... llir uitii.il prii-f of I lit-M-iiiMlruiiii-olN 1-s.t-tl tli.- i-ri... .III.-II-.I I'V lllort' Itlilll f.kl. lllslrilltn lil i- flli I ii flu, iniisir Inn fur I in n-n :tl . I -lit :il f.'t l-lirli llif .rii'f iilloliil ' ill llir -i-l Ii.iiiiinI w ill rli:oi.'t. lo rt'i.'iil,-ir 1 li;irin-K alb-r I In linli .la'i. A MtoiMrin, banjo-., !inl;irk. -iolinw b.'tri.i.. Ilr.-LSM li.-unl liislrioiii.il.-i ri-t-.l-.lrim; ( rclu-st rn nml i usi riimi'i i (h. rianok ninl Oraiiii, klie.-! i-.iiihh-, innitii' IsHikn ami musical iiiercliiiiiilin- ol t-vt-ry lie- m-ripliiiii. I'iiino nml origin liuiiiii; nml rriniirnii; of iiiumi) i nsl ni -l ii'iil.- ii st-ially. BAKER'S MUSIC HOUSE, V. M. ('. A. ItuiltliiiK. C-II A-R-L-O T-T-E N. SMOK K MOKE MOKE Home IIIade v 11UARS It) A liS HlAKsJ 0 USED IN THE GRA13ED SuOOLS Can only be found at AT Eddins' Book Store. JM. II. IIKTIM'.NR. JKtk. W. WIIITK AT THE CITY GEOCERY HF I'll I NK A WHITE. A FI I.l, STOCK, i i o i D i o IDS, I.OW PRICES, FAIR DE.M.IMIH, Kl: I.I. Ill' A RANT EE, REST (il AI.ITIEH NO FANCY PRICEH, A NX lol'H TO PI. EASE (il'ICK SAFES AND KM A I.I. PROFITS, NO M IS REPRESENTATION. Wo mean w hat wo ay. Come to ttee us. i. nro never onileraolil. Try us, HETHUNE WHITE. . 21 E. Trade HU Teh-phono SI. ll fV 4 G 0 L D I' E N H MARTINS IMHIQIIKT Very Cheap. POCKET KNIVES (Jo the same way. and all other goods in Iho Jewelry linn at your own price. FOR INSTANCE. It is made of (lie bent material that can he put in a cifrar foroo. Maiuilnrliired eHpocialfy ror man trade by K. Im. M A It 1 I I , Charlotte, N. C Next to Bnford House. . .. . IIOVT- Mlkk l4A44 ocientinc American ngenoy lur li llavial l.lai Oiiiiort unit t ! nt MftiitiiUm. mil I I mm. i Itutt ciiii-'i'vo j."V..nr nml tlo to ntxriiillT ' IUn..wii.r .(.'-pi.'r i tlio !( --f tK-H.r, n tliy , .(kk bark mi l.itl. fmovrr 11. inn 1 nn ii y I Jlola uaa. lite ! Itmrh mil Bo up nml .I..nnr I i"M" "pfTtn li Uv, amt acrnro H'iitt'i if v, ron.ini,tir" tnnrn 1 1 was amd htr a iilitlfiftiipl or, t lint "tli timUtrSi nf t .itunn ntloin ft tf ohlru ti',,'"t", r t" ,,'11 V'1 "" :l' " " '" i"'' f lif; rm brnr tin iIihimb, ninl f li 1 '"i fillndo mi nml aim ilnj.uria. ttri tn ii'liuu " II. .iv v find tlici coi.pii y opi.ni (u nil,? f Invr'ii- ii.i i-ii-n i litiiirn that .pfiir rm (I'V itil'l nl Iflir pTimii o il.il 1 1 hut nil iW f o-vf.il iiHMitln Mot o i mi ni(ini inn.' v 'in Ii la tint AflMl Inn th n I i:il"-Min: ."i'l I '"t" H will fiv, t Iciat. ft ft : 'I if -In I Ml lihi I till t.-H I'l N i).'t lllflft 7 fof liiinr ! Ihmh Hlniay to ttj tiirnlrt iiiii'v mid linnomlil l v hiiv imliiatii.'Hi j..i -mi Hf i( !it .i'k a II ny' Yon can do tlio wnt k nntl Iim t ln'infl. m Ih-ii'MT 1 "M ut o, ICirl Ii ptiinora ? I t 'ftrinii(f ft "in . intflO tr tiny. Yen en n (lit mn il n in iv. m r, nut io hunt, ititi inuuairt imaljr ; nml t mi rnti Inrronn voiu uinum na ynii pn. an emn K'Vf p no I line en It, or nil .-mi limn In ill wot k. !'y t it-:ii n '.i.itnl not ro()iiu od. Wn al n l yrn. All U rum mmiivptr nMV ntiil rntitlir wi'inlrltil V'j Inatrurl ntid - lion- ri-n Imtr Knlliirfi niiloi-wil Hliiixiu our wcirk rn. (. iiii tn to ovpiuin lior Wiiln tun) IoiiiTi nil fVr, b re tin ii in til I'mviio to Mf H lics nl fwif, II. Mnllrlt A- ., Ho KO, roiiliiHil, Mulnv. DR. CHAS. G. McMANAWAV, Physician am Si'rikon. Calls left at Jordan's drug store or IOCS H. Tryon street, promptly an swered day or night. F25-ly IJAl.ES ALES, No. 9, Trade sfeet Practical Watch maker, aJ iimm MANURE FOR SALE. MANURE from cattle fed entirely on Cotton Seed Meal and Hnll-i, for aalo by T. J. Davis, at Oliver oi i i o b mills, Wet 9th st. unequan'i ror frardensand lawns, asitconta jmif grass or weed seed Price $2.60 per ton. Feb21ir CAVBAT8, DESION PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. Tor Information and fpoo TTanrtboolf wrltn to Mlflallkl :g K'l Tl .... . . . ... . Xlut... V . . . . 'i"'o w niMiAim n i , ii n rr mm. OldRKt bnroau for scriirinff pntonfn In Amorloa. rivcry iwii-iil ussan out by u in nnsni Deroro me public oj a notice kivuii free of elinoro In the MtntiUt mtxim Invest elmilatlnn of any kdontlfle paper In tha a-orltl. SiilpridlttlT illnntratcil. No Intolllirmit man should lw without It. Week It, :.IMI a eari $IM uli mutitha. Addreaa MtlNN OO, tniBUiuiKita, il BruatHrar. Mew York. Telephones. V0l KI,KPTItl(7 TTI.K PHONICS, FOR PK1VATK LINK I'l' HI'OSKS, write to the Southern Beil Telephone and. Telegraph Company, C, E. McCI.UER, District Hunt. itiliitf Itiohmonn, V a. I at Office 18 South Tryon Street, over It' ll n. 11llViru. , . , -Central HoteL

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