NEWS, i 4 uwuiw ,, rOLUMK VII. ciiahlott:. x. c Monday kvkninu. rKiutUAiiv in.ieoj. NUMimii 1071 nn UHARL r s 'ft FED. 16 1803. tlir. r wis lufc'i ai (Mm id U-an r. awl W ll." tUaatua to kwiai ui. all . au4 .tlt It W I"" ait al II....U.'. hriu Trarf ! 1 l I ha a 1 In bwniM W br Mf ! M-rWl ,tm it MiJk lw Ik wa ll M a .w .1 llal lfc Irwla THra. an la ll " - it -.1. 1 1 u i-m iIL lk Tfcw knilii k. aH".lkai all "W ! Stat tHiaar ttw Mn rmm I la TWf a ll !. alieiara M y f " ' la ir Thaaa toWi Intra V. l. 1 . W iMuturi rats t''tf e. A frll I Ie4l MJ4 I lae aarvUa ej UU a-TVa A MUUsI flaa Ulrff f tl 4lat . 1 1 add dteU U lb wawal lwM ha IIU affloa. wt toll II Mill U ee U ! I tttatiaaf 4 Will apt !. Haeae a ktot lb a Mw4UM oi lb la ip, J ill tiji(iu ed ll tallaf wttea lfcey laalla Hi a, I 111 f Ic !' liiata Ih mux thai U fivaa dell? la Ih v Mal ol Nil Yofa. t'tllJrl I'lila, Halllauuf ab.l W a. Mi J lott TbU Vie. adJd ! Ida local M If Htft' to a folu(c of IM papaf, III briof II m. fcerlv ltU Ilia lie af Ilia drttiattd of Cbaf lolla Ilia II ha Jtl U il 1 1 placaa II on an rqaal Itmllni Willi the iMalfouil lan anlti f ra. and Charlotte bat ttvr tdr had toilMnf of thai llo.l l iiulU aalara t t fllkN ! ui drUka. bul It our aUarrlbr till ooly ap avaa r ralp , a liava bo Jar fnr Ilia r- nl(. Tba ubK-f I rllon I'. Ira of Til .Nkwaailll remain Ilia mm. tul ltildaall, taroi lb catuv, ibal l. raah la advaaca. tVaa ta Bargain Hombuivs T. L Seisle & CO. S t II V Trl IV, Tryon mi m Mti.orri"., n r ... i i - - " l f Kvrry arln UhiIiI of u llisl i n4 inrr ki m r 1 v ' nrirr iitra ruuat la fHiiiml In u il .hi ail I k a ilraft u writ ha laslxal on -n-lil Wr prrf.j tot nr lilW lo aurililiiir lr MrortW-riH T I. fKI'. I K . H). II 120,000 papers Laoilfetli's Fresh Seeds Jl'HT KKI KIVKD. KOK HUTU WHOI.KSALK AND HKTA 1 1 Borwell & Dunn WAOI.KSAKK AND KKTAll. Druggists. ImI Hlffli TliacoM virt Ha( a i!lpl)rrj lbl aflrooon. llobarl IovDln haa lt for Ilia Cbarlolla i (ra llua on March rlli 4'rn'tll, Clr aul llauk't mlo tral will iHMr al Uir or hou nril Kalurxlajr olKhl. Mr. I). Y. I'aiinon. prumlnanl marrhttjl of l ooconl. apnt Ilia ilay al Mr J V. W.d.wortli a. -1-UIIU.rJ J Karri. , of tbn MU-h I'olul Kntrrlr, rainx dowii lo wa If lha Imr room vera rrally rloal. Work Ix-irun lhl nmrnltiK on lha Ihlrtl rolloii farlory at i loula. That anlorprlalnjr. I.u la forfflnf atia1 a niatiuf.trluriiiK rrulr. Hr. Jaaaa II. I'a, of lha HLataavlllo McIIkhIUI rliurrh , at aa In lh city, to 'nat Ma a Ifr, m ho arrived on ir,a l aroiioa l antral railroad from Itirhmond county. Mr. J. V. Cobb. rrltT of drcia wa at hl oftloa to d Ay. for lli (lrt tinip, In three month. M r. Colli h hftd a nevrro attark of alrknea And hit shadow if vrry much tliliinrr than when It latl darkened the door of the register's oftc. The t-ani laundry tart out to day under a new nianncnn iit Mr. I) M. Itljrler haa entered upmi the tiianafrrnient of the laundry v 1th hi unual energetic way. He Ke n fur bualnean. and we know he will (ft it. Daniel Wilkin and Jacob relle, colored, w ho have lxen in jail under sentence by the I'nited State court for a violation of the revi-nue laws, to day apeared before I'nltod States comoilsniooer Mai well, took the oath prescribed fur poor con victs, and were reloaded. John Wilson expects to have an other meeting at the court house to morrow night. Dr. McAdenand the balance of the hoy are expected to chip in when the hat is cmed around. It is only fair that John should be pnid fur his fun. Lots of f dlows hava paid a dollar for n heap worse show at the opera house. Tla L4t MaaWMtal AtMllUtl f t'4aw4 tWi-l iMUkf lal ral rday avat( al ia iait 4 tU. W.U. t'aaH.l Tba vBiff of liiU aa4lia are ms follows viJ.i,Mra M K tllUava. w fraalJaaWa. Ml J f Alliaua. Mrs V (I Cawt'WII, Mm t M fay a., Mi f WlU.lod, Mr M t. lta, Mr M 11 ftklaaar. Mrt J iMdb. Mr A M Yowaf. Ml II lUJf M J W Klak. Mr (I W tlrwa. Mr i S tlrwwa. Mlaa Itwaw llafl. Mr M4 lis Klllol, Mrs It Will Johsiku raury aad , Mr. IC f. Ilarrla Mr Ja V WiU.lorJ lo ha lmu aollclliac faod Uj r I a tuouauianl la hm ( 'efdrala solJiar of I'akvar ra raiy, w a prawaat a td r jwrid lhal ! had ruiral for a aoat tnnl, wl(hla( iuj oads f (iaor la Cnarbla, I" ba deilirarad al th depot la l'oOf-ci(J I.K . i IM haadrl and fifty dollar. Ila hi tilled a pbutoa-rapb of tlta moua auul bowlag II to ba of matt hsod 'iti daalf a and alao a paclrua of Ih marble which I of a beautifully ltJ variety and UK-ptlbl of lb lilffha! Mtlh Tin Uiitmiuftil will b ertxted In lha roar I boa 'inf. on i tiu of (alrra county (raolla aod lll t nkrly lataoly fal 10 height. Mr. Wlllrford ha not yrt succardad In curl of the whole utu nacaaaary for lha purchaa of tba n,ouuuDl and Incidental axpoaaasnd tha laJlr oft ba aaociation. aver willing lo do thvir part lu I h la patriotic work, will horlly glv an entarUlnment that w ill Im worth golov Ui and haar. , a conrrrt of conffHterat war aong, j and tsblnaui of aoldler llfa audcarup CUra; M rati a hi I cuhl rl tiu tl' na to tha nionuinctit f.i . I lr )f ratrful I v remlveil and ark now ledgrd by Mr. Wllleford. The ceremony of un ' veiling the monument lll take p ! ; on tha tenth day of next May In con j nation with tha memorial nervlcea , dUtlUKUished son of North Carolina will he Invited lo be present aa speakers It will le a big day for Concord. i IS CONGRESS TO-DAY riHiiiiiiiiii it m ui ki at Daalh ml Mr. C'arallaa N llm. Mr. Caroline Wilson died yester day morning at 9 o.elook at the resi dence of her grand sou Mr. Willi Wilkinson nn It street Mrs. Wilson ha for the pasaed two or thr e years len a great sufferer and during this period ha been confined almost all the tlm to her bed. Mrs. Wilson was a memier of Tryon Street Hap tlxt Church at which church the fun eral servlcss were held thl after noon at .1:30 o'clock. Rev A. (J. Mc Maiiaway conducting the services The 1ceaed wa in her eightieth year, and her long season of solf-ring wa borne with that Christian forti tude and submission that ha been a characterlc of her long and useful life. Her body wa entered In Klm wood cemetery at half past 4 o'clock. Kow Advertlament To-Dnt. rnibrrlln found. Notice A A ( ;!. Seed iotaloni for msIi (iMnlfit seed J II Mr Aden. In new hands 0 M Kilor. (sa t'ola A H lleew A Co. Our prices Hsrriwin A Co. Market Sjore W J Paviu A Co. Tissue pajier Ktldins I look Store. The twin bargain- T I. S-i)jle A Co. A (sir exrhatit.T A K Kankin A I Int. A Kl( Itaal. A big deal wa made, to-day, he tween the Kerr Hag Manufacturing Co., of Concord, and the Morgan, Hamilton Co., large manufacturers of Nashville, Tenn. Hy the deal, the V. H. patent rights for the us of the Kerr bag machines are conveyed to the Nashville Company. This will not effect the manufacturing impor tance of the Oiiell M ills, as the capa city of the mills, in other lines, will he increased. An AtlrarttT (jrnblwd POTKFT Al.(r ami MKIOKMII M IUMIK a.tviTtlsInf IIKlVNM 1KO IIIT-I KKa Hit' u-vt ronlr,KhenitwiL at I irnc unU gonerai slonta. Aj'pb- ul ouou Utw - tIMIlt W lIHII.rtv.V t l Ik iSltlli Tti IUa4aBf vt hiiImi al l! blag uf l 4 taaatoai W a M.f iitLtiiKi Itim uul Ncaatuf i II ,ll Ufr aad Calluui lauvr 9 rtt u l la llicir aaat Aaaoctg lha palHloa praael J uj lafarrad. w a vttm t. lha cnlltuanr of lb a fal malt mi I ca txl Mil ork and TasUa. Mr M bJf,u ffuin Ih t .ittiuill- l on Mllllarv A ffair r-rld back a.craalv, fai I II l f ! lacleaaa uf ll Infantry an J allilUl f bki he ol Ilia altuy. and lapuliad la lieu of a I III la reofgaaiie lha anil lry and lh Infantry -f lb army sod lo Inrrtaw ltilr tf!iclary aMrh' aa plarl nu lha ralaadar I A till appropriating ni f,.f ' lha improvement of lb Mlallppl river, from lha paaaea lo t nioultt of lha llllnola rlvr w a r pr tal and a placad on lhacaletidar A rncurrnl rumlolluB Inatrurl- log Ih renate commute on Immi gration and Ih llooa rotumilU-a on Immigration l Invnatlgst lha re cant admlMlou Into tha port of Saw Vork of Ituaalan Imoilgranta Infact- ' ad with typhua fever, an Intr-Hluc- ' d by Mr Chandler aud paed after , rtmtrki by I lni rondeiuulug th niuiM of lha rotnnlakuer of Iniutl 1 grallon In permitting iheea Imml- grsnta to land In contravention of law. Till: lli.i :. which today enters upon the 1 1 Hi week of II latxir. a a railed to order by Clerk Kerr, a ho read a communication ftom Ih Hpekr designating Mr. McMillan, a SjMaker pro tern Hpeaker Crlap' abaen -e I in obedience to hia ph)l ciau's advice. He auffrred from a severe headache yeaterday, and thought it advlaable to remain In hi holed today. Tlir Is nothing seri ous in hi indlolllon and he hop ( U) l able lo aield the gavel Uiiniir ! row. I Thl leln(r ausoenslon Monday. Match, of Miourl, from the Com mittee on Agriculture moved to sus pend the rules and adopt the re solution requesting that the Committee to report I fie effect up n agriculture of the I'rosent tariff law. My nam, of Indiana, demanded a second and on the request vt Hatch . that the second be considered as or dered, was ohected to by Ktlgore of Texas. Kilgore and Hatch were appointed tellers and 'represented the vote a 122 2 The republicans did not vote but' no one raied the point of "no quorum." Kilgore was recognized to oppose the resolution, hut declined to avail himself of the recognition, stating that he was not opposed to it al though ho believe, 1 that it wae originally offered a s piece of bun combe. Fust mi of Kaii!iy'iowever raised his vaice in opposition. He said if he believed Ihst there cou'd be a fair and imparuil inve itiirntion of the effect of the present tariff law ar agrlcultureral int. ri i-. lit would beln favor of It, but it could hardly be expected however that an inves tigation of this character could be made without being made upon a party basis. The resolution wns adopted. The committee on Klectlon of Pre idenl and Vice President and Repre sentative in Congress to-day agreed to report the hill leaving the'election of senators to the people and confer ring the exclusive power on Htate legislatures to fix time, place, and manner of holding such elections. svim lain aaplataaaat aWradop- auaal ! la a tuade la 111 f Mr j li tlrldga-i, Ilia Kltel r! SGI ho llll lal WewlU ll U Jikviiik laal laltiday lhal b bad f-.ff-1 tula la a r-oa aid raid m uol Mr ltlld( La aklppasL t. miliar m A Mwllm of lha rongrvgalioa of II. tr4 I'rtaby urian cliarcb af llil cny, ill l held nail Haaday, to cuaijr tb mailer of a aecaur ! il lala If A W MllUr. Ir. tilrar Jaau. of Columt I , III officiate T ! rail a III piuL ... I, baalUndrd la a brilliant yoUM .'. ln. uu lliou- 1 lu the casicri. pall of lb Htula, Mayor l.frafd l,d a Iwo boat lllltig In b utlre oort this tuolu J I tig hi a partlea rr arraigned for ' plain drank, ai.d aavaral flghia, hut tilakay wa al tha butt-nil nf II all Tha otal amount of Dora wa -X A few mora day Ilk Sunday, aud the graded achoad problem w 111 b a pro- b!tu Do longer. T. aa Iwilri la WaeaulM. Mr Ttiomaa Holtou r-priokle. son of CapL Wm Hprlnkl. and a ;uutii man w I known and popular In Charlotte, la to U laarried In Waali In (ton City, on Tuooday evaulag March I. to Ml Ia.Is McNelr. I h ceremony will t performed in Ml Vartton leihodlt church, and a re ception will b held at the home of Mr William McNelr, IXSi g tri. inif. Iu th Criminal court thl morn ing, Judge Mncrpaed ariiteucea a follow: John Wlton, maiialaugbter, II year In th penlteutlary. John Hart, for attempt at assault, five year lu the chain gang. Jas. rr, larceny , 2 yrar In th ch am gang Jim Hyers larceny b years on the chain gang. Will Hoke, larceny, 12 months on the chain gang. ,1 GLITTERING T NT II We can glvi you a ehanc lo dlaplay yoar Jadfanaat II ha4 Baraf been our good fortun lo oflr for inapa-cllon such an aeUelog dUplaj Pt Knlrra and Fork a w ar now showtDg. Tbr Is so wld a dlrafalty " style, daalgn, workmanship aad finish, that parbapa yea will baa lltlla u iled to make a choice, but yon cartaJoly can mala do MlaeUoa with whleh you wont be pleatad, If you Uka jour j4ek altliar at random er with Jwt eya iiiuk ii is not often that you have a chanca to sea anything naAdaotra er than our Una of Hurling Hll vr In vry imaginable articlt tot Ubla la 130YJNE & L f A FAIR KXCIIANOK. You cannot alTonl to be mistaken in a shoe. II its all rllit, you ran wear it; If It iMi'tyoti can't. If ils unlit to wear you can't make an ornament of it; your only alternative ih to throw it away. Don't make a mistake in buy ing, (let a good honest equivalent lor your money in rixkI. honest shoelenther and you will have nothing to complain about; You will like our 3 shoe; For a good many rea sons it will please you; It llta well, wears well, looks well and pves you what you pay for comfort andsatisfaction. A. E. RANKIN A BRO. ON DRAUGHT AT A. B. REESE & CO'S. A refreshing Beverago (of a (ilass Good for Headache, etc. HOSIKKV DOMESTIC HLACK DKKSS (i(M)DS KVRNIN'tl DRKSSINU LINKNrt Hear in Mindd the Groat I Hale of I mported j Hosiery. Any Leading lira tul You want. stock fully eiual to All demands. Fancies or Plain. Come And see what We've got. Fringed and Heminod Dollied; White or fan cy Napkins; Towels. (naaamxtH 4 m rha Knee I avea Ike alore4 I'eeele. Beta een and 9 o'clock Saturday night the display of Northern Lights In tha skies In that direction was the causa of alarm among lhe"Cretne de la ereme,"w ho usually turn out lu large number on Kant Trade street to make Sunday purchases and ex change compliment with "the other ex." Itefori th county commission er had sealed up the s iloons, a larg traffic wa done on that night In that vicinity In the "old stuff," but since the flat has gone forth, the scene there is dull aud devoid of interest save here and there, tha effects as shown on some who had found the "Tiger" elsewhere. The well known superstition of the race, and the many "bright lights iu it, who are always ready to dilate upon mysteries about which kuow nothing, aggravated the destructive looking picture as it appeared in the northern skies to the one who had just been enlightened about the pos sibility of Uabrlel tooting hi trump et. The suggestion that the end was here, that all accounts were to be squared, and that the world was to be licked up by the flame of final ty promised as the successor oi the flood which made Noah's ark notor ious, bore fruit In the scamper of the more credulous to their home, that they might be in tha bosom of the family when the end came. About !) o'clock more sensible explanations were being made relieving the alarm ed and putting at rest the possibility of an immediate forclosure of word lv affairs. eading Jewe Oliarlotte, 1ST. O. BADGE I e r s, 1 ji,A THIS BOY WEARS ' v " a - r a SCHOOL BOYS' PRIDE SHOES. OKAY We are giving our cus tomers the full worth of their money every tlma they buy a pair of thess Shoes. This is our Quar- j5Vlta.antee: "PERFECT SATISFAC TION OR MONEY REFUNDED" We have Just received anotha shipment of these celebrated Shot, with extra wide sole. Send in your boys. t EARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTlfl K. C 'Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. Sprinv Heel Shoej. CD T. L. ALEXANDER, SON & CO. A le tding stock Hurnaising prices Choicest patterns Perfect wilderness of Patterns Vast astortmentof widths and prices Many kinds of many rtyles From 50 cents up An unequaled offer Beautiful designs Rich ' olors Beautifully blended DAMASK KMP.liOl D KB I EH CORSETS We make a specialty of Spring Heel Shoes for Ladies, and always hT a tine line. We show the best makes, handsomest styles, and lowest price to be found in the city. Call and see them. Ladies French Dongola, pat ent tip, price $2 50. Ladies Glare Dongola, patent tip, price 12. Ladle Goat Dongola, tip and plain, $1.50, by mail 20c extra. - - Misses and Childreus Spring Hael Shoes in great variety. v Elegant Gaiteretts or tops; all the leading shades in fine Kersey eloth and ooze leather. Call and see ua. ' ' ' i , Open every evening till8:00; Saturday till 11:00. RUGS COTTt)N PLUSHES A Beautiful Line FUR nTt U R E Continues to be Offered the Public by BUiROESS NIOHOLS,: THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES 8TILI. RE MAIN CHEAP. ELEGANT PARLOR SUIT CHAMFER SUITa CABINETS, HALL CHAIK8 AND RACKS, DIMNO TABLKS AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSHIWCK KRS, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ac Call and sea R. S Sloan, -- - hnitoe.fljalif.' ' Boon UNDERTAKER. Night call. No. 8, Bryan ballding, over Rogers ACta