THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAULOTTK, K. C Till USDAY KVKNINli. ! l l.l.r AltY 18. IhiH. VOI-UMK VII. NUMIIKU 1071 Seine's FED. 10 1803. Th "l-Oatf t"ca i f KmferoJarlaw d Whil liuoiil ) l 7 We ere wow blB romrLle Stora ol Kaloldrle ! WhtU ((.and. MM')'111'") "t l--n trlM laJ Whit (. fti (u I. mi nr F.r aud lrtly (Hibi vii i hr Dnl Hoo- c ul odcj "Mil narrow rUf lo ftbalrli Whlin Hi'l rl Deloly adf run Hum ami width wllh luartloi i mieti Mtch1 awia II w Mlti of '! "J lnewrilme lu ueu-h Kr i uihir ' "0 l lUri it'lK' '' ' '" .f,...l.f, al.Ha fl.r I -' HUtlO. iikI trl'tfi KJ..ui.. while " rniori a ell br. Moll tltllt are 1 ' eitibro-krfW lu ,s..W Wuir iWim I i.l.l ! ir I'.i.k ..! ! 4T Tt.rlU ttjli.larat "HU ..Wl.-.l Wliito 4uul '!-' .i l tuabuw In rrvri a.i.-.!. ('' li.ual-nl ml b Hi ftrmt In .. ill. litwr li. Ihjt nut i.a.lefn mailt aaa- .I j toaill.'-M iirl 11m- ir I u; rf l.a I 1" UlrC.Hi. uk! i' II al.Hr ! aiio Him bik o aie H.- taJiiif n ! Wi U j ln fir i ' Vl.,1 , ir.. Iia.. 4..4 itfri. i. T. L Seisde & CO. ! . tt IUiJtf eir uc k le buV oB It bM tltfe! !! illll4 -Mr. tetd Jtla id ! aa al; a I ritlfee al rt4U awitU. Iu, Ir. iriardaa, of CulnikU. Uleoadeel HdlMi at th 'ir Pi by Urlaa church, uil hettday. -IIIhm Miaul anJ (ife Cucb ran III tuurulu Imtgm i-a'iy of frlad. al hom," K r I J a jr rtlaf. JulU a CliarlolU ppli I II f v i1n o ! N l-f t u 1 1 lu lake lu ll lxliU ( His flli auj ojrtlar fair - Mr. Wtu. l- n anl I l u(ti- Urt, of Math tall. -ii. ar vlalllUK frUoJ In Ilia my, il.r (umUoI Mr Kraiik frl.l(f in Uiuiul. -Mr KliUi lli If of ll fr- mr al-ir f in ler Mill rhapl I lu l rlljr lll'n lir moltmr t it IVnlu Mr KMr I al II ainKUn Hy lnjr. rii-r liquid t a larm- allrud an al lli rnlrrtalnninl al Id M (' A liall. lonlglil l) ! l.a.llra' Anklllaiv An rUiujral.U lliu I rinii-1 f.'i til aim ailx'iit riirauiiuil utr 1 1 1 u of Hi ac:Jr niinbr if lh A iw-lailoti I lr t Mltaa taW WmA . .Na Uat4k. Kab. l.-To Mil lMf IMMr "P UJok lal J(bly lha dMiriclina of lb Ul rUil Atf fooj rlatllti ubu la Ua eiljr. T1 oralit tum MlaiJal ikilM of A. rWbU A Koo; Ao MaaaU; K. l Krr, lilovaa wlll'fy aod faery fooj. I'blllp Warlla, J-lauoa and Muleal Imiramau; Kraua llrua.. faur IvmhI aaJ kollom; I. W. I'lavuciof raUll drag; John Me4'lokjr, Coo fUuar;Jaa M. Hotfiuau, Wuir U1 aoj faurjr ftxxla; I. Ij'l (lov 'and prfaoiry. aaJ Vujr muMil hall ara In raltta. In fan lli alia of all lha boll.llof liav fallvo. Tli aeaoa of lha flra ii oo Canal ilml lh rlclpl Ihnrwujfiaf ara of Iti.rMjr. al a Jolol lir II I loUf rM. lod by llourboa. Krh !' laMUhiusal, lh conamaudlnr tlrar- j lur. aod rrolly cnimif Iih1, cwcu- j iJ lh coror of Canal aod Hour 1 lh; met u iut(iiil barrur la Iba luali 1. all t ulldlb( atlcli aJjolb. bj lliuwli 111 ttrul of all i I II. ilnin roui(rll lli In tft iu. i ll iu nbr bd Alt lh Itiuiii ix. u d ii. tiu r (rM a;lii lli iiui Jy iuaor)r Tli C.imiliiii lluUl atnl adjolalo irariur l.ili fr-inl IUyal irrl )ul nit I atial aud lam bark lolo lli rnlfr . ( Hi bl-rk raufbl fir In lli rear au.1 II rulrrd lh uluul ffrl on lli i rl of li t Hroiu lo a ltim lb rrliaali ll.x-k talued al orr .'aj Oil. m aa Inaurcd ft-r I" and lha u 1 1 ! i n for i. rnualdr rally Ixli'O in nine llolnip ik-I a lnu'c l f .f I (IU, u J a. a, .rili iirafl) lir a murli. but II lamajr ! II I nl lliouflil In l -r)f Krral. CIpimciiu. rarrlrd ,l"i mi alix-k, and olli'Ta ttr Inaarrd In f . r I Lm rfj Inauraiir r iin ii)f In tt rliy l,a iIkiuI id t i i) a I aliarn of na I ! r riaka liavr lrii .1 1 Itloil. ami imut "f lli I . u 1 1 .1 1 n k r uly rin-tl nd rnualdrrrd arparal and rtcrl " ill. II 4 Mill'. l'Mk.. .1 M. J WktM !m a t .. ir a u laaaifc. M r !. ir.l ,.!J ,liu(l Id i.l Ml J ' li W ' . I jut. IT I I 4 ! m A.c x ' r 1 k I U lli -fli'ttf fl lll I ' r r"r,l ! lull IXflll I JttK lii a!icii..-au Mr ' i a aa flf'!t f up a I'lrrr . f lira uli.l a i. I II il n. r i II. al I i I ifulin; l.iutli t ea) a Ilia rl ll.llru I I I l-rt, o u I In I' c liiw a"t.un I III I liu Al- ul auliJ.aiii, Mr I. I la a! al led f I I'r l...ur, rallln,' I . ' It -' ll.lf.n I I I" I m I do I . red l '. i I a I Mr NV'.II" I... i a. al-. I lt,' ., lila ltma al.fii ' r ri' I I la t '.il ilicn irm ii ii.' II . Mr I I u k l rlnl r,i lilt V ,1 i,i. liUi In flall.e w? e l. l a"ir iicar a ' uriMii itr f I'f III 'i mt.t I r f r I -! ! I .- a u ,' ' nrr him a t " 1'i.Hi l imed H a' In .Velli iiri'iiric I al ill- l . u-alalod. TIME IS MONEY. boti. Il tn a foor al try drurlar and Manaard rtanf. brlrk. tluii ti ' n,. ir.iu hulldlOf luouuU-d liy lnrti ' J lir Indu Idml n far a It, e) clock Ur. Al lo 10 i. rlork a waii.r i ciI1 ( mm.rl ulllf.j ,rt. a. f,,i,,: In Mureau realauranl, u Ilia - Hr h an A Ki., n l-'ain mi. Hiur (Ma.l. ida f Canal airl rcl rd .lir ) A ( lrnr ..Um at.d l'r- a email Innrua of fUnia llrkliif lr iruv. Order nl Uka ui ln nil U. held In U.e I-.- I il.rary al j alouaj ! rornlc of lh rH.f i f of n ii v ru i- I"1 i Try. hi al I'll Kl.oriT-. N " I - o'rlork to iiltfM f"r lli 'ur,i alnrtlng nr ffli-na lr tlio )ar. 'a4 . Tim I. VaU. chairman of lha board of couoly corwiiiiaaimiar. aa atla lo a ear al th court tx.uar th la niornlnK, fur lli flrit lime aiiu-e lt January, hen h wa airicketi do a n a III) rliriiniatlam. Iter Ir W S I'rraay. paaUir of lh Tr on tret Mrthmliet church, will preach In the l.race alreel Methodiat church III W 1 1 in I nir I in. neti Hunday ni 'rnlnr. M aill d. liver an addreaa to the WllniknKtoB M. C. A., Ihat ol(thl Mr. Itay I.. Kyr who a li have presented "Tom' N'acailnn" at the oi-rra houe htr' a f a week iK'). hul (Iiiih data w aacatu i ile 1 on nrmuill of III dealh of hi inollier, la ou the road aaln with h-aeipaflenl Kverv arln I.- l.u.'M ..f n l a-a 'a 1 1." . . .. , . ...... A i l I kr ( .IHM II . ' .'ii.'..- .. ..... . ,.r.-.j to n- I , .Match 4th. b pHurueil In ua al wrll I iwatieil on anflil halite lo aiiv'liinf r-- the Kchwartf bulldliiK, aoJ liaatnU to lve lh alarm. Tn ilparlmnl leaHiin1d promptly, but alMrleorad irrral dimcully In ftUnf to wrk, a:iJ th whol adlAce waa ahlai b for a liniii could ha hrourhl to Ixir u.u IL The flam urad hackward ! K ran llroa , ealahllah ii. ii t and acroaa tlourlMin atreat to I'leuverlua dru; atora al mallaueoa ly, and lh department found lUelf In a inoment powcrle i ropa with Ihe dtroyer. A f oeral alarm aa i. ,rtli luUy aoundrd and than a realHl nelieral alarm wat aaot lo. and lha aurhurban engine were raaae1 Into aervloe). Thn backward Ara tpread ti HofT man , to Ilia left II altackrHl War leln, and craah followad apon crah, a the lalllnic roora over uuraoiiro urrd; W. T I'leuverlua f1""". r..v red ly luaura.ii-e, 'nijfrra liar den f-ill.likl. Iliaurrd . I Holme I .' i. 0 l. luauranre I', nil Mine li..odaril. Iiwa allarlit. Iiiauram Jlinial, M Ho- 1 oxllll . nil Inaurrd J . M H it man I7,'ii inaurrd. J.lin Curry I ..'tail, ui'lnaured. . li l.rrui.ry i Ml, Inaurrd; John Mr('lnky llnmi. luauri-d ; Kninr llro imi partly Inaurrd ; I'hlllp Wrrloln f l.'i nil, Inaurrd Ihe lulllin" d. atr.'ed rollrctlvelv ir" eatlmalrd to t (IUI rila I u coin rr tall.. 'i with a N t ixirler lal nlhl )-,vaiiaeliat II'. aaldlliallie la now d'lriu. I tied l-a-'lle the mailer ..f a per m ne n ! I call. in. and haaC lr-i-.lura m im I(lrla;h and Char..i- IU h i a a Laud 'lie d I 'i r I d e a .'' Imi I 1 1 1. 1 a h"U r hut I ii lend lo I u v a r. 1 .1. i.r rea ly for occupancy II' In - lur ti in II at wiiil I 1 Ml (11 ah I 1 1 rl ..f I to I u r 1 1 a II i to a.-r a hat CIU he aeciire.l I'irre. Tlu-llCr I . try Kale I,; h . and I hn come bar k ami lo k around in Charlotte. 1 1 r I la Inclined to Charlotte -iiarter of a million. f kartell aad Ik lale oarall. TlIK NkW" hna received Irllera from dill rent mrliofthe State ell- L It) onl. r.-l I I -Kh.l V. V l" A Fr sh Supply of I) 0 Prize Tomato Seed. "FONDEROSA" Burwcll llimn WAiM.KS LK AND h KTAII. Druggists. A FAIR KXCHASnK. Yon cannot allord to I k' m win ken in a shoe. I its all right, you can wear il; if it isn'tyou can't. If its unlit to wear you can't make an ornanipnl of il; your only alternative is. hi throw il away. P n't miike a mistake in buy ing, lift a piod holiest cquivnlont tor your money in good, honest shncleathcr and you will have nothing to complain about; You will like our $3 shoe; For a (rood many rea sons it will please you; It lit.i well, wear w looks well ami givi-s you what you pay or -comfort and satisfaction. A. E. RANKIN & BKO.i The iole of lh electrlc-car-l I nn are to be painted white front the top i to w ithin aeveo feel of the ground, and that apace will be of a dark col or. Thla will prenl a rather pret ty appearance alonn Trad" and Try on tlreeU, owlnfr to the aymmetry In the arraDtfeinent of the pole. A Dejrro man wa arretted and lod(cei In jail al Slateavllle yealor day, charged w ith rocklnu a paen (er tralu ou the A. T. A- O. Kallroad. Tw o wlndoa of a coach were shat tered. It Is claimed that there Is sufllcient evidence to convict the party under arrest. Kev Jas. Y. Fair, former pastor of the Hecond I'reshvlerian church, of this city, but for several years past In charge of the lirace Hreet I'reshy terlan church in Hlchmond, has been meeting w ith success there. Since he took charge of that church theie have been received 1-7 new mettihera. The Durham lilohe, of yoster lay, says: Dr. W. H. Creasy, well know n here, but whose home Is now at Chnr lot te, (fuve il lecture last nlgl't. t Stokes H all, as previously annniinc ed on "I'ythlanism." The house was crowdfd and the audience was de lighted. He review ed, In ii pleasant way the history of this noble order, and showed that the K of 1. order Is growing faster than any other. New Aftverttament To- Hay. l-nelJ II Weddington. I'aiiit A It Keets' A Co. 1U. kt-t Store- V J Pavis A I o. Indies Jaileretttn i . Ureal h A I o. I'ut in two- .Ins lUrrisoii ,v i n. Sale InvestmentH W S Alexander. Tlie spring !.k- I' I. iMgle A l o. walk o( Una nl (! I rk . MMfil I alara Mr. K A. M. Nrrlrj . one ..f the 1 .1 1- t and inoai 1 1 1 . r m - M rert e.cltlell of Ma-ckleuhur.' Coullly, died al Ills houii near I ten la, laal llllil Mr. MrSeelr)' 7 1 year of age. and hla ail.- -url. l lni. Other l.iilldiiiKa are badly ilimtH 11k ax niir of ihe ..1.1. t ell. r of a well aa Ihilr content, hut are not Sugar Cn-. k church, and a good In above estimated os. man In every reaper!. The funeral services over hla txoly will ! C.ill ducteil at Sug:ir Creek church, at II o'clock tomorrow morning fl.virs beneath, already heavily laden dor.ii.K Us ufrge.t...u thai Charlotte m, i. u i . n k.., . n. 1.1 . . 1 . .1 1 . . . Mil. jj if ii.e prfir piaie ior iiooiiiig uir tteil Democratic Stale Convention. ' " "ral ';' A cltlren of Wilmington w-ltes: of lortauiy apparel, a, came into ii i course, aa Wilmington la down In a corner of the State and uot easlly acceaslhle for the deleirates In the extreme w estern partof the State, he) puts In i.o claim for the con ventlnii. Dot ihe general sentiment here Is In favor of Charlotte. Your city deierves aud should have the couveutloo." A correspondent from Ashvllle "I am glad to see Tn i; Nkws 1.11.1... I . 1. - .1 ... ... X . ...!.. vigor. On the -'"K u I' ooie. c""o.j Is regard d by tie people ot t n is sec tion, as the proper place for I old ill ir the con 'n run .iv that Ihe West is in f.iv. r of , ar-, Ing a cigarette, will drop out :igam ,.j,'e, 1 lotte." j A subscriber ;r Reidsvillo vritc-: 1 "All our Slate Conventions liuve m I It lit tery raatlr t al lal la lev a valeatd a II la i reaaou why ,.u ahould'nl roeu acd Imik alar IJlat I i- ilraiui em i.. i.e g r w i n g d al n liar a ary day. lha or. art, .tic and tf.e aau.niah lii(l j hoaallfaL WbalbaT ) ou I in a purrhaauif m.l ..r n.., keep up w llh th iihim Dlrtii aaey porliiully to show you aotii of the ino rlulall lllll prul that Tr lot 4 thnr ow ii t..ry of genius lu det I. It,- aod skill In iikuIIod. Yoa will b particularly .h llgfiied llh our new l.lova Hullocera. both In aotlJ gold nd .ilrr. ranging In price from fl'i lo I .. Theaa ar uw gooda Jaal r . . n . d and there i n .thiu)f on the market anywhere lo compare wltb than In ej.,i.te de.igna. af.ile the vuallly la un.aetloL ,ila. BOYiNE & BADGER eadi ng Jewele r.s, DI1MTI I) .11 li .mi ' 1 1 i Heady mixed Faint, Ml colors, at 1.115 a gallon. Cheap find durublo Iron Ore paint for roofs, (Hie a gallon. Pure white Lead, l.itisee.l oil and Turpentine. A large stock of Whitewash Hrushev and-Paint lirushes. A. B. REESE & CO'S. with alorks of merchaodis leave way In turn, until the interior fixture of the atore and their con tents were piled In a blaring heap on the ground thior lrlped of all aup- port The wall of theSch wartx build ing toppled and fell, and the Werleiu building followed ault. The building log on the river aide of Bourbon atreet crashed In eoon after, and a, full half s.iiare of the most valuable property In the city was a smoking mass of ruins. A breee ar lo fan the flames, and they attacked their la',: prey w ith renewed opposite of BourlMin street Cleu vrrjUB building- was first to collapse nnd carried with it the w alls of Km V.' ls eatahlislimeuL McCloskeys Confec tionary was a mass of soelhluf? flames, and Kreegcers bulhli'ig was alo burning fiercely. Tie NlcVa'. IMate shoe store Intervened to save the main entrance to D. II. Holmes immense establishment on Canal street and that portion of the store was hut little damaged. The Hourbon street entrance to Holmes, however, fared worse. The massive plate glass windows and weather doors were shattered to atoms and the more intlamnbln por ti mis of the stock thus exoed caught lire in a momeut. Long ere this the department was fairly at woik, and tons of water were being poured upon the burning material, and the (lames showed the first symp toms of yielding. On Canal street, east of Hourbon, Charlotte, 1ST O. Mods Dress Shoes. I :-: I N kwh otllce this morning with a pa per setting f. rih his claims fur the charily of Ihe good hearted people . f the earth. Tio. N was about to reach down for a lonesome U'. cent piece which it knew it posses ed, w hen w hill came a big cloud of ciga rette smoke into its face blow n from the lips of ihe unfortunate bearer of the netlllon Tilt' N:wx hand th:it was.,, the act of reaching for t'e Young Mens Fine Dregs Shoes in the styles: Calfskin, CordoTlQ and I money, was instantly paralyzed. We Patent Leather. New stock of our Fine Cordovan Shoea Just received. don't know how it is with other of- T, . . . . . , . . . I hese .-hoes w e have had great success with: The shapes we are carryior I llces, but we are iUlte certain that the beggar who drops in here Miiok- "em in tit the foot perfectly and the wearer pets the grealeal comfort pot- 'sides having the most handsome dress shoe that he can put OO hla foot. There is nothing that w ill eiial them ; Our success has led us to boy s-veral ii. w iiap-s; lie sure to see th. in. New clean ffoods; The YSry best grades in line work. Price fi as iiooi as tie came . Load KeMirta From I be Karmera. Oje of the Well-posted farmers id heen biff alTairs, and the delegates I kiptihurgf was who In Tui: Nkv have been Jammed and packed m offlce th,g u,ornlrj(, t p, , t!Uch f ridiculously small hall- at K il. igh. ! encouraging outlook where no order or svstem is i hie. The ooniiui; convention. 1 am! told, is to be larger th in any that j has been held in tin- Slate for! years. If that is the cae, hat will. Kaleigh do about accomodating it? To my mind. the. only solution to the problem is the hig auditorium at Charlotte. Your city is as accessi ble by rail as Kaleigh, if not more so, and 1 hope common sense will pievail and send the convention to Charlotte. Try the "i o'l.lci s-al" cigars, the 1oM in the town for .V Pianora toliacco. at HdNNKY A VAN NESS' for the coming season. "It is a fact," I'll 1... ..!.! ...I.... ........ I ..ill ......1,1!.. lie- pai.l, III jl I o.ll 'ein'ir- ill in. ...ti. . less in cotton this year th .n they j have done in a long- time. Cotton j patches will uot be i oar so nuiner ous in Mecklenhurfr this year us they I w ere last. The fine weather that has , prevailed for the past few weeks has given the farmers n fiue start on s ring work, and they are now more advanced than !liy have been at the same time for many seasons past. The outlook for wheat and oats Is pood, and there will be an immense crop of 'hog and hominy ' if th c signs do not fail " GRAY & KAliNIIAltDT. 19 Eaat Trade Street. CnAltLOTlfi. X. C 'Prompt attenliou gireo to all Mail Order. II os I K It Y DOMKSTIC BLACK DltKSS (JOODS KVRNINI! Hear in Mlndd the (Jreut Sale of I niported Hosiery. Any Leading ltraiul You want. A stock fully eijual to All demands. Fancies or Plain. Come And see what DRF.SSINU We've got. LINENH Krinjred and Hemmed Doilies; White or fan cy Napkins; Towels. &2 F. L. ALEXANDER SON & CO. A le iding stock I Surpaising prices Choicest patterns Pi rfect w ihlernesa of Patterns Vnt astortmentof widths and prices Many kinds of many rty les From 'itl cents up An j Utlcittaled I offer i DAMASK KM IWtO I D K Itl KS consKTs ini.s Peautiful designs Rich ' olors CO TTON Reautifully blended PLl'SHES We have a Leantiful line of gaiterettes or tops, made to our special or der of best English Cloth and Ooe Leather, ir fashionable shades of color, l'hese tops are very dressy and comfortable, aud add much to the appear ance of tho foots at tire. Are useful iu preventing colds from changes In w eather, aud vhotiM be worn by every oue; Price, black cloth 1 25, colored cloth 1M), Ooze leather, colors. 1,7.; All sizes; Perfect fitting; can b ' w orn over shoes or Oxfords. Will beseut by mail on receipt ol price. QILEEATH 8c OO. Open every eveuing till,S:00; Baturday till 11:00. j l. i . . .1. ... iii . umaaui. A Beautiful Line -o-F- U R N I T U R F E Continues to be Offered the Public by BURGESS NICHOLS. THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES 8TILL RE MAIN CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOR SUITS, CHAMFER SUITS, . AHINKTS HALL CRAIKH AND RACKS, JIMKQ TABLKS AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ERS, RATTAN KO0KKR8, Ac, Call aud sae Room R I Ofl n UNDERTAKER. Night call. a v-- viwuiij No., Bryan building, over Roger ACoj

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