THE ORARLQTTE NEWB. t a-!., OHAHLOTTK. K. C I'ltlDAV KVKNINO. I'r.ltltt' AltY 1U. IBW NUM1IKU 1075 VOL.UMK VII. r tele's . Towels ToweU Bargnin Pur luro Belfast Reifaat FEB. 10 Toweia Towels Towels Towels Linen linen Towola Toweia 4 mrt$r m fmitmtv Ut Ci i i t.4 w4 - t - Toweia Towels in mrm lit . -MtlWP - I . . . - - k. fc. l- I r I t 4. . Aaiillaif al ! Y. M. C. A. Uell ... Mcwfvvatf -.... vm a4eiJJ Atwall ta m A Pa J Wimii..) i.o n-v..u. Wi i t Vl.Uaa , sd 9 . I verwaWe-4- I Tb.r will W Mf UpUilag la J o)a u u . Ii in. i ... ,i.i.i . . oi it., i.i. Vl.l-aa .He prt. Allawaa UI 4ee I CbarUtW U Ul heaay U HlUicinii.(it tli . mi wn J a aw p' 4iauJ ! fvf cblUfaM e4 7M J KM awalafwd Wlodlel I 4a y bi.f I lha ilmtoia, It. j uU J a Mklctnl( at.4 k l4Ua al lb e-duy. al 1 o'cloafe I a U to M flWUlly ed . I llklBC tf ett..f. al ialk I (vtblitl U Iti lt t li.-w. til ! Halwrday afiawou. I wto4 lit lUfUsl f't uJia( u tb tk uUy w t,.iu II r.n.n. iu.i u.ia HUU KMKUri t'oalUf. will talk I . Tb i a'l0 I wa very ioi;l tl il'lnUibl m. f uiuf lo default .f l-ii I f.f li.f 1 1 Rata at U,. Yoajtif at aChfletlee) I tkl UftMfoftlto4l U IU. MaJOald Ulo tti romtuaulo ii (f a i.. ( i. l lli,lu - I' nc AmcI11m o'clock to-nlgbt C Hl4. i bto "emUi P I uoti ffu ffAlj TieMuiy ! orJUIl lavliwL of a Ull vitlt lh UUbv 1U Hl4 I Mr lu hiu r.luiioig (tii did cbark la Ibfclloll, I (!( ! ltu in.rloo Mr lh itxcut nrit erflr l( 4 IU. HU4 to r lbr. If at U I f.rr.j (o u,, ..n.tuiiu on N.tI Hltwi ofcJcUj ll dkJa't toAifjr( vHli id iufNllun fr. in gr l Hickory tail K voatJo'l f I ('ockr!! ilil ll cowaiablral l n fr Th tl ot II thl l' lluhtf I rr. K,s rueuimilM prTcr(ul . ,,n lrlla4 to clva Rv. HIU o"t' I .t Jr u. u itn f Morrill. II f ! kr Ui Kilfbu o ftihlM. HI ( U HlAlMVlIU IbU )( U or tit trcli ot Ikti ofJr liter, -Mrirll. Taaeer, of tUarUlU Mill, arrival la U rlljr (!. aa4 la al lha raaldaaa of har (albar, Mr J. ft, H(arr, tn Kati TraJa IraaU t'harrh lrrl, totvaan Trjroa 1 aoj Kuaritt. baa roi4 off to l-lufc- lll Dial u. f, n uillf Towels Towels pfa aal lha aaaa of hlrlaa by I ai.p-olaiaaaliia4 ha waa Uf I llbool . - ich.Mh. aol-ad II.. I l.i lha K.K.U .1 vuim. ---j IL. Hlada aavda a Blotta Inf lhal I l....r..l t...l.. n i- trt ..,.1 -Mary I'aihal.a wall kauwo kL I dlvlalua of lha pa I a fa ucapla byltacaJay. voaaaa of CharlolU, aal molW of I h HaptUU aod aa racalvaU llhl W a I t." , I I", rU v-Tl Jim falbal. 4lo4 today al bar bonia opaa arm a. Ila baa bao flo I OUM m railed lu order l Jar l oa Koor J aUaal, balaaao fhorrh, I charf of lha rWoa4 (aolorad Harv-jKf,,f U r ,rk ,0 ej . ri-t,. u , aad Poplar eieau. I lit! cborrh la (bar loll, a ad thai TUm dspIU of fruf. J K Kllr' I foarib hao1jr Id ihU moolh I M r M,n-r ,lllfa,f Pm um. r..r 1 1 utr r. i-m f.r i .... i ' echau III five a .abli dble u- for hla Imiueraloa aad ordination I h Jy D hie prayrr ' h rhafleii. nlfhl, bag Inalaf al o'clock. Til a Thle moe on lha pari of Hlade I .okj diTlne prolrcll..n of f--iia Nwa ackoolelie an lultalln ha baen all lha Ulk among lha col-I-,,.- ij-nreenlalM ae-and iiir .f ofeo poHilalloa or I hariotia lor in I I tie 'Ui' luali ln. IU.I f t ( j I u I rtc i 1 ti" ' ai '. ti ..I H.. Ujrtlllir Ul Jt,Llftly, Juubv Mt I at, t n . I i' ati I Ihe I 1 U ! f lie liulli .lllc'ri.l I'tlllo T ! I ei.l l- Mr I . I'uiliari. (.ir in I ukr l ! 1- rfedilrd .f (f"fllrl t.i I' r rllctil ' II . Ml lur!.am lll i' I If " ll.J.'UC(( man aiiJ 1- luinl I Irl lia '. r r-'l ll'"il l.rulllr llr lair. I If Jl ' f roul I fr a tio l. I .f. by I' HaUl i.Mi an.l TIME IS MONEY. Tttm a th fmiri bercaiii ofTrrol la lae Tnwrl I" kirrt I la la ej'aanliljr Kjinel bun aw Wee iniu No m iiwi f T9n houeriaef l eel oi Tvmi liarvaina l. ftaiuiiee In nianr l) r l.-k T. L Seiglo & CO. II V Tra l . !', K. Tryon l I'M A UUMTK. N. r. .. ) - - ) . - - " ti4 orov l he eiet-ily ruiw ulwl initat a pelaroeal In u al . ti.e aixt M a draft. II wrtl It olfl on virtil t (irrlrj to hr nr he 14 fc aaTttiui); elar ilyuntcrot T I. SKIM.K A Cll. A Fr sh Supply of 0 Prize Tomato Seed. "PONDEROSA." Burwell & Uuon, WAOI.KHALK AND RKTAIIj Druggists. frotu Mayer. Vda rtii and Ilroaa, lha Co Oi in 1 1 le. A band haa l-e-D terurrd lo far- nieh nuelr for lha akalara aud audi- aaca, al Ilia audiutrioiu lo-nigi.i Till a reaorl haa Ueoonie eliell tifl prpular of lata, and iba i Ink it cromd d aeery nlgliL Al Ilia maaUrg of lha Library Aaaoclatlon latl night, all the old of flcwra war re-lcld. lr. (leorir W.drabatu It the preelalruL Mr. K It. Iitu Tic prealdenl; Mr. J. M Walker, eerrelary and treaauer, aod Mra K I Dawty. librarian. The It l.rary la ahortly to have a lecture Ly I'rt.f. (laorga T. Wlntton. I'apt. W ni. H. tirt-cu, gr-iieral niauajrer of the llicliinM. A l'jii- vllle railroad company, wat In the city latl ulghl,and left thia inoriiliig for Atlanta. CapL.tlreen Ibepvctnd lha blgatock atabla Jutt greeted at the freight depot, where animal In tran sit are to he reeled and fed. aud pleaeed with the building and lit ap pointment. pael few daya The eolored ItaptleU are Jubilant, bat Ihe olored Mellto. dlU appear to t perfectly Indlffer enL "Will any member of hit former congregatloo follow him Into Ihe it w fold " Til : Nki aaket a cl ore-d Melhollt "Not a tingle one, wa th retpoae. lha prea In Ihelr trip UA lilc ."' I ' mltthly ci:r of 1 rt Vi, if f nnfiel f Ihe renlorr " lie ate rfrrrd Ihe speaker a ludiitl,iii.atil " a ed lhal hi brief reepil" fr,.m t . 1 1 an. I care mlghi reault In hi i"-rfeci r- torallon lo brallh n motion of M r. Kunalon.'if Kn aaa. a resolution a adopted etllnlr apart Haturdey. March l for Ihe de livery of euloglea ti miii th- lal- N- n atr I'luniL Or. Mllle' Ukcsrr I'oaalblr oue of lha tuoat valaable I hl time lu a form that eleeiled llhrarle In the whole country I that I oppoalilou f'011. either allver or ami . . 1 a 1-.- i. a f I "liver men. It came I 1 the ahape 1. f : ....on oaioogrn, ao .... ..w .... . " fB M, H,.nd proOdin, Miller, paUr of the Klral Proebyler- for ,h pfim nf the allver bill and lao church It contain a very ex-I for lh printing of .'..( i addition Unalve collection of hooka. Many pla of tha majority and minority of the volume, ar. long .Inc. oul of ,pf,r";l ""V T hi Zrr.lZl " I geatel that that n u mlwr be increa-(l print and thre are aome thateaanol fo jo.iMi.nd thlt uitmtilon m. l with Ixt lapllrated. hat I lo become I Mr. Hland approval and a ameiut of thlt valuable collection of hook 11 "d th reaolution wa adoptrti. an Intereatingquaatlon. Home of the 2adle of the Klrat church have nu ge ted that II be purchaaed a the property of lha church ruinir, and kept there Intact. A FAIU KXCHANOK. You cannot afTonl tolw niiMakeii in a shoe. I its all rilit. v " wear it: if it isn't you can't. ',s ""I'1 to wear yon can't make an ornament of II; yoiy only allernalive is to throw it away. I n' I make a mistake in buy inn. H-t a k,1,hI lonwl equivalent lor your money in fo!. honpt shoeleather and yon will have notliinK to complain about; You will like our f! slix; Kor a good many rea lms it will please you; It lits well, wears w.fll, looks well and pivos you what you pay or-cimfbrt amlaatisfaition. Ai K- RANKIN 4BRO., A Wew l1ealry far t'karlelle. Mr. Herron haa finished the earn pie boat for tha lake at I.alta Park and the Ortt clear and mild day will ha launched on that water This la home enterprlae, backed by home encouragement. President Iatla gave the preference In the building of the boat for the lake to Charlotte mechanic, aud although It is au Inland town Mr Horrou says thut a pretty a tkitT as rver was seen has Ixten built right here. The Utile 1re. The M.ular cmiiio opera, "Tin Little Tycoon," will be presented at the opera house next Thursday by thn same company that was seen In the opera during Ita phenomenal run of three year at the Temple Theatre, Philadelphia. The cast Includes R. K. tlraham, Holnrt Dunbar, tleo. II Broderlck, Joseph Mealey, J. K. Mo Govern, (.'has. K. Orahain, Laura Millard. Mabella linker, Mamie Corbl, Hossle Hrunson, be-iiles ; chorus of thirty and compli te or chestra. New Ariverllewient Ti-Ir. Kisli-K I. Msrkev. Towels T I. Seiile ,t Co. SprhiK styles Kotrers A Co. Dry goodi. T I. Alexander, !on A (. rc- ola sales A H Keese.V V. Statement Showing SALES I8!K). AND ifilll. I'ASII 3,500 BKi'MYKiv 5,375 Gallons ftr Gallons 448,000 soda ! 688,000 (JLASSES KtH'NTAIXsj til.ASSKS $22,400 00 IN $;;uikuu CASH ATLANTA CASH RECEIVED. UA. RECEIVED. Tk Mr This Meratlatf. The tire alarmed was turned in from hoi i. corner Vth and Poplar street. Oils moming at 10:l The fire originated In the bam of Police man I). P. Hunter's, (WI North Pine street Mr. Hunter was st.ioding in his yard and detected smnke issuing from his baru which was well filled with fodder, shuck and In v. An alarm was Immediately sent 11 and the department was quick to respond. Th building was only damttrvd slightly aad most of the contents were saved. The loss w ill l about ('aailllef Prfra Mar4 IHal. Wasiiisk.i '. Keb M -It a an nounced t' day to be the Intention of the Demo-ratic mrinher of the Ways and Mens Committee to Jcall up the tariff iiiston In the !(nue ear ly in the wek after nfiL Thl pro gram would to some extent ilefer the consideration of tlie ailv. r iuestrtn The silver bill, cannot Ik- takeu up and got out of the in advance of that time. The ami 11 i.c- im.n t of tin purpose to call up the t.iritl .ur-::ori atut the first of March, w in tD- 111 the Ways and Mean Commit:.-'- to day, at a It I-f oession of the fu 1 1 . in inittee An mrreeni-iit was f.i. !o-d among the members of the Coin 1 . t tee that the minority should lian 11 tll a week from to-morrow to prepare their repo;ta against the Mr., t . 1 ; . -. wool, binding twine, and t'uirk'iiiK measures, lierelofore orderi I f iv..r ably reMirted to the liou.. I a 1 irtj The Mlaalrels. There will be much fun at the the atre Haturday night, furnished by a company of which pleasant things! vote. are said. The Crandall, Clarke Al Chairman bprlnger then :n mic- Hake'a minstrels will the boards on I that it was luleii.tcd t nil up one Haturday night. Of the performance of tha three bill on Monday follow- the Nashville Kecorded says: -Not- JR ubmlMloii of tin report- to ..... ,. . , 'he House. No objection 1:: 1 111- wlthstaudlug there has boen a sur- nes'ed upon the part of the Im.I U- pius 01 miiisireis at me uuiereni me- 1 caus to the course. atres in the city In the past tew weeks this popular house held VesterdaV I Speaker t'rl Hone lo f i.rlru Monrof two audieiicoS that completely pack-I W.imi i n. mv, Feb. !!. Hpeaker ed it and most enthusiastically np- Crisp left Washington last niht for p lauded the entire bill. There were I Fortress Monroe, where he will re- no chestnuts, even the jokes of the I main until Monday night, unless his end meii were new, and the Crandall, family can persuade him to stay a Chirk A Hake's minstrels made a hit I few days longer. He has not fully ami kept the large audit nco in a con. I recovered his strength since his re- tinuous roar of laughter from Mist to I cent illness and is iu need of rest and last. uuiet. Our latest early spring Crusher pnees on bro white goods, Organdies, ken lots of Muslin Under- Checks, Stripes & Plaids, wear. Be wise in time are ready; also Nainsooks and walk down to 13 W. quite a variety. Trade st. and invest a lit Elegant stock Embroid- tie in these fast black ! B fTW Irb I l.e drMrl Slmlt.l aftorwarda !.r rrlurnrd wild a i. '.- j aljfnrd I ) Mr II ulrl.lti"U. tin- ! rlr I ll III c.l orf to III III ail hr itr partrd A fr day a ag. I .-i. ' r ll.r 11.. I. I . Ml pay llirn I, I e i taller al oiirr p'ouounred il , forgery Mr Durham al onre t ! a warrant latur.l for MrUani arr..'. a'idMr T Y Walker a aperlal f . 1rrr. ii t iolialonialoei.- it rrlvmg there tie found tf-al M--i Lean had pone to N ..rk rounlv l.rlr hla a Ifr lived The ofTirrr f.l lowed II ere and C"l a warrant from trial )Utrr II Y J . i!i Ii a t. n. Mrlrlli j a I "in e e i proae.I a M 1 1 nirtie. te at- otnpany tlit it!i.-rr ! Charlotl. where, heaald he had a hank rhec for and would pay the hill When lie got here, he colli. I ll produce the rhet. and wa arralrnrd l-efore l...iairr Mil w for trial. tMirntiit onirr IT I veil to have Mr Hutchlaoii um no. lied. M i-1 -en said "It alio u- to do that ; I ark now ledge to tiie for ITrry " He was held for trial at th. neit term of the Criminal coorL A warrant w a Dsued this m Til ing by a trial j ut Ire al Lock Mill. Hill, charging M. lati with secur ing goods under fale ptet-nea. from K. T. Few ell A o . ,.t tha: lace. Iralral lleirl Irrlialt. H P Jones Hillsloro N C; M A til.nbrook. 'a. S in M W oovell. N l , Wm C HUckener. Hallhury. ; T Taylor I'ichiiiond 'a ; Wm M Francis, Atlanta, (ia; M N D .mm .. Shelly Mo lly City Ky; J T LavhT At auta t.a. ( has. ii Hax- ndcr. Corlcoua I'eias ; J A Hmlth Itessemeii City. N C ; A Drown Hel 1 1. 1, Al:; Charles Davis, I J.-o Stew- irt, (ieo I. Marshall, - 1 ; 1. Iterry, Wilmington, N C; J K Du al, N . F. tireene, (iraud K-ipide, Mich; D F Ieng Statonla, NC; J McLeod, Rowland N C; W H N.irris, Hawley Cre. k, N C; AP Khyne. Mt Holly, NC; WT Mno uy, Atlanta lit ; C K I'.irrish. Hills lMro, NC; H H Hnydtier, Richmond. V.t; Miss Norrls, N C , A C H.ok, N Y; H Fuerson, Tennes e ; K (ialnway, NC; ie P Cotchott, VVilmington, N C; W C Cjirnngt n, a ; S L tiilmer, tircnsiioro N C; H W I'eram, N C; FC Adams, llaltimore; Mrs A 11 McCornich Itirminhaiu Ala; E Wilson, King's Mountain. N C; J J Rosenthal, ''Little Tycoii Ope'a Co;" J M Reed, Kersh.iw. SI'; H I iroen. Atlanta, tia; H P Johns,, N C ; .ID Collins and wife, Rockingham. N ('. mlgbl very ea.lly ! at laatl Iw lea aa valaable a ll la a4 thai would l- no rri.m wfiy y.,u ahouldnt com and look al oar Laulla Vl-he. Ii Jatua aru, U. I grow ing daintier every day, lha WJf oi.o.nip ni .re arnaiic and th Mulah aatonlahltigly boaallfuL Wbelhg ? on Iw In a purrhaamg m... or uot. keep up w llh th tiroes. Oive taaop portunity to how y.,u e-.tii. of the moat eKjoltila lllll gatnt thai ever to!4 their own at.,ry of genius in devialng and ak 111 In aiacutlon. Yoa will b partlrularli delighted with our new liiov Hultooar. both In aolld gold an I .ilvrr. ranging lu price from $li', U I i. Tliea are daw good J" fw c i ed and there la nothing on the market anywhere to compare with tbem In eiul.ltr deaigna, w hlle the vuallty is UD.jUeatloi jble. L HOYiN E & e a d BADGER ing Jewelers, Charlotte, 3ST O. xMcrs Press Shoes. I :-: I I :-: Young Mens Fine Dress Shoes in the styles: Calfskin, Cordovan and Patent leather. New stock of our Flue Cordovan Hhoe jutt received Those Shoea we have had great success wild: The shapes we are carrying them in fit the fool perfectly and the wearer gets the greatest comfort po- sib e, besides having the in. est handsome dress shoe that he can put on hla foot. There Is nothlugtliat will equal them; Oor success ha led us to boy several new shas; He sure to se tdem. New clean goods; The very best grades in tine work. Price fti. GRAY fe IJAUXIIAKDT. 19 East Trade Street. COARLOTIK X. ?' "Prompt attention given to all kail Order. aiO.IHMI lot rella-otit. Wash i m, i.i.n, D. C., Feb. I'J. -The Senate passed a bill appropriating $l0,tHi for the improvement f the road to fie national cemetery near Pensacola. Flu. Immense line of Towels and pretty fancy Splash ers, Jeweled Tidies, Sofa uusnions. Good stock Mas Gloves, Blazers and pleated Capes LADIES nn TRTT We have a Leautif ul line of gaiterettes or to pa, made to our special or d r of best English Cloth and Oo.e Leather, iu fashionable shades of color. These tops are very dressy and comfortable, aud add much to tha appear. , ance of the foots attire. Are useful in preventing colds from change In weather, ;uul td.iul I be worn by everyone; Price, black cloth 125, colored . ; cloth I ), Ooe leather, colors. l,7.a; All sles; Perfect fitting; can b w orn over shoes or Oxfords. Will be sent by mall ou receipt ot prUcV." . QILREATH cSo OO. Open every evening tillkS:00; Saturday till 11:00. A Beautiful Line U R NIT U R F E eries, all widths, from 5c long regular made hose at i Fancy Scrim, Figured FOR SALE AT A. B. REESr& CO'S. upward. Especially ppet- Jobbers' figures. Third ty styles in fine material, lot now opened. Great very wide, at 25c, 28c and sales of them last week 37 l-2c. drapery silks. Best val un yet offered in Mens half hose, black and ecru, at 25c. Continues to be Offered the Public by BURGESS NICHOLS. THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES BTIIX RE- ' MAIN CHEAP. ELKO .NT PARLOR MUITS, CHAMFEJt SI IIS. . A HI NETS, HALli CHAIRS AND RACKS, DIMNO TAHLKS AND DINING R(K)M FURNITURE, PLUHHBTCK EKS, RATTAN KOCKERS, Ac Vail and s uUKGESSjlCHOLS. - - - Foralore Dealer, , RO O I '-' : Room O O I O R 11 J2DEBTAKEIL,jXight cail V- I V- C4. 1 No. tt, Bryan building, vf Roger ACrjl T. L. ALMAOEE, SION & CO.

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