1 ' ' ' f , ,'sr f . ... Tho Charlotto Nows lACI t IA11J1. U 44 fru ut -a.-. ..... Na Tm . thM Mm . . i . a a llaa Iv .a-a IhtHjff laMr 'f-arf. Ir-. 1, It M Jt mI i(U fr lalflj- i Mrt Irv B A. M faf fc-atk I a"... Ik!( ,,. ! i fM ' t 1' a4 a, fcaf ltt.a.-s. U rf taa laaa I- t I tMaa fata la fa a t I - laatt a i j r I' i.i a 1 I .a1 KwMHt 11 ' ' - , t '.aa a,' v & ' ! i : . I kt ' I g aif I Vjx , . V ! J- i N vt ' ...' a' a' W.I a Ura- .a . rf a, ' t . 1 V I '' t-. ,r ' 1 ' (NIUKIMVmtilll. mm. MfcM fc I'.ll.-' I ! . TV la.t Jaa Jlktll ' I - )'Xl IMH batalvaa. p-aiiiif I tali Ho i.. alu d-... M I aaa . .!, J 4 .f,.f , 4ul at I I . aatitla I au I yim I ',. t ,,,, t.uui. . i. .. mi i. ..i i.,. i i,f, ' - I . I i t t a u J i t . ' r lllr 1 I(l ll - . '. !. r k I , r t n . I I 1 1 - ; : . ,, u , li til f H- ! . ' ' ryUll t li I r fc . . I for Infnnto and Children. La.! kN' 7 , r w AM .i: , : . ! it I. M 'i n i i. Otarvr Wriv . ' ; i i killflll MI'M.' -f Iv4ia 1 1 . w t (- i i lalfcai atJ wuiw4u'r a' i ' M ubla 1 1 1 ' - r Ui n.i. I. a U ltaVai lUitm... WUtolrtyvi hrtl; Uaa llMarrw Kanantli 4 iuata Tam htTl KtU V HUH Al Thr hi I u la I.I.I' I i li f I diinn I tM-llria dial I' K-, ul m. i, . h niurd .i riwri "f I' I . - ri . - cratir lliurr f Vi-..un II tliaj ar fivrti kii illalilrl ul ( 1 1 1 CfUwullvlU only ! Itiii" t!" Imix-rala (rar t l r t'irrc .r l-m dltlrlrU villi mail I r murrain- n. r irlDa, and In Id I a runi 1 1 ! on. lu.lr ia form oua a.iliit 1 C - u 1 . 1 1 - . n .li UlrL Ontalila nf Una r on i.l '-r it ! i m Mi only Important rv nt mill lr a cramlil annnitf lh rural 'i 1 1 k r man U kp ihalr dlairlru from l lag chaiijr1. Tli lfniiM-rallr Mat. on(ral cominltt'c ill niilt-avnr i boaa Ilia enllrn jl. "I am In lnvir "I mak Injr ry ll(rlrt In Mi-"..un Democratic," nay tx-Alt.riiry ral iiooo. "I am mt In fnv..r ul may 'jrrryuiainler' l put any man It Coo(tTfa, !ut know lujf we liavr fmir tD DcniocraU Id Conprraa rrpr nUOf MUaourl, tlirr la no rcHon why we ahnulJ not liavr flftf-n, a. lon( M t litre krn kIvxii ly our (frowth in Miulatiiii an aililitiminl dliLrlcL" Mr. Itomie duoan't lli' In Mttlnff off a ilitrlrt apoclally for the accommodation of li Iff Kenil.li can brethren. M . k - II w .. . I. N i I ii f" 1 a S- Mr! !- i ' ' 1 1 n r t . ! -r r I III Ir I ' a nr t' r I . r t 1 r i . 'ii I''.-- , .t a'i.' -"-f l i , i : . a l.r'i a i ' ' ; - 1 1 1 ; i ! . t r 1 1 1 1 ( a . i ! i all. ii .! I M . an t I e l r I i. hri r'll I i . , . a 1 1. Hi- , . a , I ,.-f I II . .. I . a-l II 1.. . k - . , - : i . 1 1 1 I J I Mill 4 lol'i Kill . f . I a I I ) t. I I l' hi I I . - r , . Mi. ! . t,, M.I .i i i . a I .. It w .1 'i i iaa I h aa aM to a- ( 'a- i aa tt a ia i' Hi !- i oa . t -... v T k 1. j.'a, . I .. r , I II J I- f ?. . f ' II II 1 r I N r ,.f I ' N'Wi II I -. .! . .r. I 1 . 1 I r ' I - till I V . lat.- I r , . I !. I . i I- tut. I lir.. V . I. l'.' f llllpf r r 1 1. p- t i , 1 1 I , . V. . I Id a.l lit ..i -rTl lr- I ' ! - - r ii ! . r -III' The on(i-exppct(l oppech hy Hon ator Palmer upon liin propoapd run ntltutlonal ami'tidnient providing for the elertlonof Ketiator. Iy tho pcopl. waa delivered Thursday. The J'il aayg: TaklDg hln pioltlon in tin- ren ter aisle, in the place usually occu pied by Mr. Ilansoni, of North Curo Una, Henator I'almT, in clear, resonant toiies, aildrexxeil ttie Senatr on the anbject, niemliers on Imtli sldee of the chainlxir jr'vl"kr enrni'si attention to him. At the rl.ie of 1 1 1 k. remarks, which occupied nlmui three-fourtha of an hour, Mr. 1'nlniei received couratulatioiiH from his associate. He added in an informal way that he had Bought to avoid all partisan atluintiH or any expretion that should justify the belief that there wan any iuterent involved in this proposition other than that of the aereral Ktaten alone. 1 1 I ... m S al I.. a I llaa a . N 1 1 in I ii 1 1 ti -tar A nirt.lliitf of ai.i.!.' r t 1 r . ; itt! lock ofllir II. a n.ili Mll .'il 'l,ilai.ir..por.l I .. . - I l I i. ' i 'i 'i i Ii I' I. .11 I. rid I a-l . ! I i.ar ' ' '. i '.- i II Colli Hi I '. I - ft j 1 J "I.l ! ' I at I ! .f loll 1 1 1 -1 1 1 . I tin . p i r I . 1 1 1 i a r y r it ti poll.-. 111 l a in. I!. ilia fl . I on. Ire I ll, on. 11m I .1 .Ha! I ol Urn .ni..,ril.r,t I I w d.-ro. .1 I i . r r m i - tli. I.lik ..I. til. Iir.l lit of f U. 1 lirll all.. I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 - ' ' 1 1 i t I . r i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I a- a ii t Ii. . w-'l .in I r j n I I I Ii il l.-r I I 1 1 li Illllli.ili il.lt III 1 1 1 f I .-1 1 1 I 'l tr. in I' . i-ltv. Ill or l. r to k'n .ill rili ii- .i i o (...rtuiu ty to aiil.arr ll-. and I ' fit .1 ! I . . .!- I It I t rrll'.llflll of tin- l.ti tt ll-re ll e.- il.l- r in !..' f oliul. .tnl .. ,. .how llio t 1 1 1 . ' I . i '. ill.' .It .III. -.-ril..il Klnl ll:i 1 1 it i i - - of nil -lll'-i r b-ra. M ' J W. N..rv .. ..I, i . r - . 1 1 1 1 ' -, a il prei- li I ii I I ! ll l 1 1 ; I i - I 1 1 r 1 1 1 lie. a hi to it -liir r..o'i.r lli.il lie Ihoiu'lit th it (Ii.. nii . r 1 1 1 ill. for i f nn , r f i ( .!.! 1 . 1 1, 1. 1 n J ml i i-.nilv In iniiL'i -d.vt a- iiion- f it ii.ilil, III W I illi I ii k ton Until .ill point in i . -.mill, niol tlierafore li-' had ..l, li -lliterei.1 In the Link lie fnnorli mniiM(ri I, w liii-h i p.itinjf ,,ul dividend., in order In Invent lien He a.'lfd rtl.o Hint lli.in.n.-er. of lo of the Inrtre.t dink in t 'larl-'-lon h.iv.- Illiarrilied for -Ini'k In the n. h ink I I. t I 1 1 . I I . ' ' . r . ' ' I ' f I -I, I. I I I rn ; Itiol Ml,', 11 '. . in .II-.1 . t j. li I o. f , i. I I , . . i . I 1 I a ' 1 . r I r 1 1 . ' ' 1 1 1 1 ' t 1 i.j I 1 t i t !., .a', ii. I ' or i ol lf.M..i if , If- I will i I i I I , '. I . t I i I - I .Hi.' rl.. ..I. I ' . ' I . ; . r I : ! t I - . I I I ! on . I I . . I I I - ill .1 1 'III f 1 ! i lot Mil, I. a I l.rh I . a f !, I I ' I- In , r I , . I r. ,1 i t ,1- .1 ; ,, kr I ll) I ll.n I - 1. I ' '. I r ofr lo .1 .. I all I I .. .1 f ! t I -I. Illlie at I I " I .' - l lrl.irf i I, x IKl.nl In I' . -ri a - l - ' . I 'a-- k la a- 'awaJ aaaa .it .t aw ".a ' a. it t a. 1 . 4 t a tbi l aaa I' It at mi A tt r I'fc. a i- iV.t tuaiiti t aax - taatf a.aa. l-a--. fa aiwl f " I Wa i m ia laiii y.aw . aaa. aa ' ata aJaaja .m.L aa A. a aa a) a-aa ta a a.-J ati.na !' Caa.a P r aaa ti, 'TW atta Idhta afc. a..i ' a . a lll la a Tit I aa- a a aatraat T a.aaat laat a t REMOVAL SALE. front . f i . 1 1 1 r 1 1 , '. 1 ' u r w . r M 11 'I I I . I if n I ll.llll I It" iii : ' i . r in !', ' i t or.l ,1 t I ii, . I., i Ex-ConfrreBHman I'erry Helinonl, of New York, declaren for Hill a available and expedient. The Sena tor, he says, "appeals powerfully to tbe average Democrat as a leader who leads to 8iiccenH; hut it was (lie Republicans and Mugwumps who actually mado Hill it rresidcntial candidate." As to the machine in politics, Mr. llelmont Bays: "There always has been and always will be one in representative governim-mr-i where universal sulfruKe and the caucus prevail. In New York there have been Clinton's, the Albany Ur gency, Van Buren's, Marcy's, Cros well's, Bey moor's, Dean Richmond's, Tllden's, and Manning's. The Whijjs and Republicans of New York have bad Thurlow Weed's, Conkling's and now Plati's. A party niut have a leader who leads or expect .ilwuys to encounter defeat." A rather novel argument was made to the House Committee on Agricul ture against the anti-op'ion bill. Mr. V.C.Brown, a miller of Kostoria, Ohio, after saying that dealing iu futures was uecessary to the protec tion of both millers and farmers, con tended that in order to maks the hill legal it should not discriminate: therefore it would be illegal f,,r the pastor of a church to contract to de liver two sermons a (Sunday for a specified future time, noun of the sermons being written at the time the contract was made. The house- builder, too, he said, who con true ted to building a house at a time when be did not own a stick of lumber, would also come under the provis ions of the bill. n Srala'. U ill. Th e ( ; n-in-liore K rd iys Hint the will of the late Ion. A. M . Se ale has heen admitted to probate It i IiiIiUomi. hand writing mi l -pen ncd j us t one y en r avr". le-a on., dny, liefore his death. It i- r-liori terse and full of love and devotion to his wifo and daiiL-lit. r, Mrs. Ka tie Scales Wyllo. i'liu widow i made exei'ii t rl x, and the rntire es tate. SHld to he over ilX .(KM), is Irfl to her Have the following : To Mrs. Katie Scales Wylle thirty shared stock in the I ' i . 1 1 i n i n 1 1 Itank; tract of land on Horse Pen Creek for life and then to her son Alfred -triilos NVylie ; also, vacant lot on West Market street, adjoining fain ily residence. To Alfred Scales Wylle twenty shares stock iu Tied moot Hunk. To h is sinter, M rs. Sal lie I,, (ialoway, the McCain tract of land in Rockingham County, du ring her life at death to Allied Scales ( ialoway. To Alfred M Scales, after death of wife, uin half of the home tract in Vance county; also a law library ami watrh and chain, to Wallace N. Scales n-i half interest in firm law library. aa- Ily Kitll lo .1 ei-iiHit I fin . London Standard : The lirst rail way to Jerusalem will, we are told, he open this year. II is a short line, running only from Joppu, tin. nearest point on the Mediterranean, and Intended to uccommoilate the growing passenger iind other tralllc between that place and the Holy City. The work of construction is being calefiilly carried out by a French company, who began laying down the line II) April, IS'K). It is lully expected that the speculation will lie a paying one. The company antici pates, at all events, making large profits, after paying the shareholders a guaranteed interest of h per rent. 1 1 is staled that over Hi,(K)'l persons land at Joppa every year in order to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and other spots celebrated iu sacred his tory. The number of steamers and other vessels putting into the tort, of .loppa is now upward of sou a year, the des tination of most of the passengers and merchandise they convey lining the capital of Palestine. 1 ll evidence of the recent rapid growth of the trafllc it may be mentioned that Joppa has trebled its population within the past thirty years. Tourists will he able to take a return ticket from the porigl in u t ion and Jerusa lem foi 13) francs, and, what is more they will he able to do the journey in a far Hhorter time with inlinilely greater safety than hitherto. The rusn of tourists from all parts of Hie civilized world to Jerusalem will, if the expectations of the proiimi,-rs are fulfilled, he something phenome nal in the near future. t;.xlt .1 ..Ir ..I ll.r l...aa..kr A ...ulhvr. - i , -1 1 1 r t I I r I I I 1 1 ( i i 1 1 1 1 1 a I . r ' i ' I t . 1 1 t , , I t 1 1 ! I ' r li Ml ir A n ; !, . r n r 1 1 1 r i I I t I I .oil '.. i r . ,r. -i k lo 1 1 . N ... i .,k A . -'. r 1 1 - . ii lo it- N . i ilhoir. 1 1 -ii.l l-it'....ii o.lii.,f.r.,.n'- '.in,.- 1 . h . r I I I - i -I f ,r in i I mi i I : r n -r o ' . il i o l ) u t I u t i .no f r.-' i il l- ..nr.. I i - nil, , f . , i. . I . i , l n , l oi i i ' -1, .-. in i ' . it no iil-'li.- llo- i'..' of I' r o i i -oiil I I ' . i ; , I. In i Ii t I i ii r. ,1 I .il II i- r id "ill I- I ' ii 1 1 1 xii'i ,'l Win. i. .ii .inc.. I'm N iloU A W . I.' I ll I . .1 . 1 r . ' 1 1 i HI ; ' 1 1 1 V :l ll I full v nl I o r.m i I. I. It r- ill -I ii r . next al.'p -o ul, I I." to I n t ,-. IK. I I . : I , I - 1 1 1 ,1 h . i .t a m 1 1 1 1 n ,' ii c . '. ' I 'i 1 1 1 a ill I . . I I I, I - t I V -aa- I ' r ... r r ...i . I ' il I nt-.. . A r gon.tii I I ! i r no n.n of I he b i chloride of gold cur.-. I ir K l y, i nott nulling at I I :h t. III . n aver a-e of $l7,.'-m fl ueek. or f . , ., veir. I'.e....' ih i. there are thirty 1 1 1 1 1 e I ' r a u i 1 1 c . In various Sl.it." of 1 l,e I n ion, e n I' of which hi paid iiiiiilr'iintl t" f-Jnomo for tin eXclll.lv.. r I I t of tl-llli.' hi. Coin pound ol bid i 'mi id f gold w ithin i .tilted d I t r i d If I lore I." any l.a.i ne.s going w hi -h pay as large profit iMihiH, it I- not g.nernllv known I'he doctor ha-. Indeed, found a g.d.l m inc. w it h or without the chl'ioh - - a- I III' 1 1 ..111 e I I S I 'lllll III 4 lirlll.lll.. A- well a j the halnl-"iiiie-t. ami n'l i I- ii. i n vi ted to' a 1 1 mi any .1 r il '- I will movc to my new store hoohih1 will m11 1113' 1'iitiri sfo. k at greatly nMucril pners to savelhu fi puis'.' ul" inovinj':. Ii you iued anything m the way ol II its, r FUKNISIIINO GOODS iv. mc a mil. and I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. M. P. P E G R A M, JR. in Siil TII TIIV11N STItKKT. CENTRAL HOTEL .v . r. Proprietors. r 11 i n 1. o j h F.f!CLES & BRYAN, I )ie of thr moat III vlt 111;;, atlpcrldy eillll'p-d and f..'il tlea.l V eolid Hi' -.' ' ' ' V jl r-Oa e,l 1I.U..I. ,1, 'the South. f I .t i'i, --."rr-. - ' f 1 .wi .ITT! I-orat'd in the centre of ViiMt " -'-'iSt?'5! '' Citv. fonveiileut to I'tf'i 'iffJill '3 TTf It Vf V 11 I4-n3 14,1,1 church.-. The I .11 1 Itdlkf 1-7-1 ?.,.-rTtrl I-. fthe large. t V " XIJX? J Ji? .,:::J::,::i!:r. ll5j&'-f c, r.ed will, the of- M.l W '.SSSrJT. Zr'Ay (b e by Kl. rtrlc Hetnrn V).Mi. fa ,1s sorlmenl - o Miu P. Query & Co. Nic.le i'd ike Slot U taili ta liaita ta4 laf 1, aa t I "KUUMalkaa t t ptluWlata - W a aa a. w, a... a tMa laaUa y .... fr.l- . .... 1!. - l.ltr.l ,, , u, ; i J l.al arlrii t, , f I ! I.'tallc piaidahtai it nn t pi 1 t il IT tr Mill:..', j I.. 1 , I ii, ll.r Slilr j )i.i.ia Uaat (am M.a.Va.a ki4 uf If I it. 1, .al M l. , ml Ir II. ,.al. n. ..la idU ua.4 kf (.max iMm aaar I... fa. a;,., ,r,al II r , 7" -""l Vr U,.l,o , lie m tr - It -I 111, M.I. I kc , uil., a kklta t 1 1 f.r 1 r .out I on. , , f., ;i. , - .( I il c a 1 r I. I t H e la I 1 1 to- 111 I , .,.' 1 , ).i uf ml t I In ui, aba g, Iu tlm Milliner 1 :ir.c A flauro l.l a , -a t . .u 1 1 nr ai.y I 1 "I la.la and ) ud 1 i .1 a r ,ir i. a.lt In aa4 Utti ftf iliclil Dial air 1 1. lilt lrfrrc.hafji.. a a : ll- allrla- trf all na rUII II. ii f ( aklil ai d I.- ale lo j I ,!- '- t" rl lat 1 . ia.i, t., f.itfi lain law ar I ..f I 1 1 nun ii f llal tut I'otniria. Our -l-.k ..f I 11.I r. ..J. ft an I Ml lli. -..a. .r.l.tr W - ! N tun, N . M l,, aiol Nutrl'.lrl f"T aft taofaji 'Hi pic ! I.a.lir. alio sill fs r lit lllli 1 VI will find WrijrlliliiK lira , (!c-h, tli I Ii rl. slid tl II r I I --au-1 I '. r '.'lira Mrs P. Ouery & Co l-lB ! M KOK' liK NT. 1 .a:.' r .Ai.lii Mr - . ti II. 1 1 la 't ! ...r . .. . . il ll 4 IU Ua( M III ill-. I C. J. MOORE, Dox;blo Oaks Dairy. ..r:i I I .0 I r t I ii' S.-t.-ral .ii.all lrnur:it .tri. ol I lir c il V . 1 . , .r -I. -1 r nln.i I 11, .tiller, 1,1 C. MoNELlS. I. i-l I r oh No. I" L-i-. 1 .111! .'. t I ree a u 1 1 1 1 ...rl ! Kemp'. M i -am for ti e Throat and 1 .11 leg.. 1 remedy that i- -o J 1 1 11 g 1 utile 1 V ii pon i 1 - 11 1 oi its and 1- u-iiai ant. cd to c 11 re a 1 1 t ' 1 , 1 on ir and A r 11 to I 'oug 1 1 -A-thiii i. I'.roio -hitis niol I 'oii-nmp t ion. 1 . 1 1 .'e loil I h .'.II.- aid?!. 1 -a a a- Hiiii 11 Liter I 11 hilor .1 u.ost excellent appe 1 1 .-1 r ;r ton ir. -Sain I. -Pen l. Chap, to Hi -lo.p of North Cm -nlina. LAGER BEER. EX PORT BEER We will deliver in quan tities of one dozen or more to any part of the town Business hours from 7 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock p. m n by Hell. Kl.-rtric Lights;! Mot a nit Cold Haths;i .ii i r ,m. r-aritete,! iii H v ii . n' Is a ii d V I v i t - : Water on each Moor, i he most C 'li-oderale atlelltioli given 1 CI-. IIOMK. II AUK Ml'iAHH ;k j iimi: il i ' i- I n. Kf ih III M K ill lK t Ii, iu .11 i,-m t- and their comfort care fully iked aft- GARDEN SEED. A Full and Carefully Selected Stock of Buists Garden Seed JUST RECEIVED. In roil, .li. .me will. I lie law ci: -,.!., I l.v our l:i.t l. .:i..!alii. we l.atr l.a.l : .,-t lo ,.r,:,l each ,.,,. ose,l I he year iu tvlo' '. I Lev "-. to i, .and uu. re. oil, 1,1 ell. I III. n, I" i. tr. with his :: 1 11: rn 1 1 lee. J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 7 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. MAHTLNS IIOl UI'KT FOR I NSTA NCK. it i. made of th.- L. -l i il. ri ii lha! can he put in a ei.'.ir lor ic. M ami fad ii led . .penally for retail trade by I . L. M 11 1' I N , ( 'h irlnlte, N I '. Next to Itnford II Eggs for Hatching. li ' 1 i tr s Wl I) lift nn n in C. VALER, Agent Dissolution Notice. '' Tlie linn of Miiinias i I'ich has been dis solve. I. Mr- V. II. Vail buying I lie intcn st o Mr. IhN li. I lie i. i linn aKiinics all tile lia I ii 1 1 1 i.'-f and as-. 'Is un to Fclirnary 1. The in w linn name will be Thomas .v. 'ail, 'onr .alronae soliciled. A tin.) line of lili-es. lei vies, hacks., ,Vc. TIIOMAS.v VAII,. W'e al-n deal III line saddle and liunicss hor-.es, I'irni and draii'-dil iniili's. 1,1,1 tf Tlie I'rolib Solved. How to Live Cheap and Live Well. CALL A i d. S. HALL'H MAItKKT M CI'.T VOI KSUI'I'LIKS. I .no heap rate : HKKDI.KsS UAISINS 12''c - Km' criiioN ia)c CIKKANIS ;'4c I'ltKl'AHKI) l!l'Ci;VllKAT in :! and (ill t packages, at l ie and Ilhc Other I receries, Canned (loods and l-'amily Supplies coiresdoiiding ly low. Celery. Cabbage, Apples, Kgiitf, Chickens, etc., iu large lots, all sold c!h i p. Call and see G. S. Hall. AT HALES' (1 Jewelry stand. DIAMONDS at and Below Cost )-() COMPLETE ASSORTMENT o p Fronch Tissuo Paper Jl si III eKIt'KI. AT Eddins' Book Store. run I.C1 ii r a rniTT i VVAJAjiirjD NOTICE, "- Cuta, burns and all other wounds, can b eard in. ft short time by the nil of Salvation Oil.tbe greatest cure on earth for pain. 25 oenta. A lir iimrlil)le Circuiiixlanri.. Newtou Knterprise: Some two weeks. ao ia the western part of Un coil, r. unity there were three deaths in one family in one day. Mr. J)an iel Leatherman died in tho forenoon and two hours later his frraudmot her who was living with him died. While a neighbor was gone to Iducolnton for coffins M rs. Leatherman died, all of therip. H ushand,wife and grand mother were all buried the same day Rev J. A Kudisili preached promptly tilled. A.ldr.s, nit: luiirims, 1.1 1 b. iti.iony was Ulue-I . , ty-two years old, the others about I J. EU. CARTEI!, forty. . I Janl6 tf. Clurkton, N. C. The linn of hovs.V Adams lias made an .'iNTcjimeiil of 1 1, eir st. m l o u-i mils, etc., In ii ic lor i hi- I win-lit ol'tliiir creditors. I'lie sloek, coii-i-nn;. ol'a ..,Bh asorl incut of .Stationery. Itnoks, en-.. i . dis,i,si., of at f-reailv miner. I price- for cash a. i;r i:vKi.h. Trustee, NORTON YAMS. ThcliiK'st pihito that grows. Now in sea son. Also dross for kindling til rs. Order MANURE FOR SALE. MANUKR from cattle fed entirely on Cotton Seed Meal and fl tills, for salu hy T. J. Davis, at Oliver Oil C's mil's, West nth st, Cneiialed for gardens and Iiiwuh, as it contaiiiH no grass or weed seed. Price f.'0 per ton. Feb 2 lm CLOCKS and other goods in the line. Rogardless of cost, they must be sold; now is your time to get a bargain. ('nine hooh or you will miss it. Pliny are Kointf fast. A IIALKS, 1. 1, Pure Partridge Cochins l-'g'-'", l.'l for Ijll IK) Also, a few pa i r C h iclieiis for saie. .I.M.SIMS feh I -J Charlott. , N C. riV) Tli W'KLI Mi .1 I , . OM- MKKCIAL Tni'i;ir.- i:te- I In- Ih.lcl II. mil. I. al II. .t T. I. V ( '.. has liii-tl recently taken, aid I-- I" rctilled. ill as in ar llrs! class -it ; .:- the surroiindini.'s will permit, by Andrew I et ciidorl, latent lIu't'arli'N lion'-.' S. Iicnecl.i.iv, VV, and rcsneclliillv a-l:s li e Iravi lui .iihlic In ejVr liim one trial, an. I if mil perli-rtly sali-lie.1 Willi Ire.ilmeni re, cived do not pay one cent. Ill ,, li W. Hm:i:is Wm. M. I.iiti k -'onii"rly of Kiclnn md i n. II t ItlllS A I I I I I I . Allornevs and ('ouiisellors, at l-iw, I'll A R LOT I i :. N. I'l.nliee iii nil the Coni-ls. Special and ,rniiiil atlcntio'i lo 'nllcction oft'lnnns out evaiirini.'. rsei-oiiaiion in inn nun clllcl'iielil of Ivshlles. a' l)llicr, tirst diKirW. ofCourl House. Mechanics Perpetv Building and Loan Association, To ilie Front npim. Co .1;-of the A orla(on itr open fo Mil -criplioiia to the 19th Series. I'ir-i iayiiieni on -lork tohe madi he lir-t Sat it i day in March, and ap plications f,.r l" iim can he filed st oti.r. S. WITTKOWSKV, President. U. I-:. ' OCII N K Seeietarv and Treasurer. fob.' I 111 UC "Ii' (l hl fflillfil lit l ..in U.-fl r. I - Inn! If n ., il.. ..(.; ftiililrii .i,...-" .i . in h lie 1 ntitr i at I ' i-t ri i i- .1 t in h! I !-r ."' Tu nn i i In i l mtvy I n in ii'lf i Ii j.i v i..inti i. iiapoi-'ii if in. .-I M'i .1.. ll! -in i k ii ii I In., nt 1 i Ml., f VI ,lv ll.'MI ti ran .In is ",. lh I'll W 111 Wl It !''" ii-1 1 if.. I ' fit ran tin i cia i . it- i '. r.ti, . it e lit,M" i:! T. " -II 'i i i ' I ' i- ,t ii i i. i't i ttii'f 'I u v i I.-, i Uwir t i " 1 1 v him! ln tn I tM lltT, N III!) p, -,' . ..r iipporlti ( Ilw a Maitf f I . t : .iriiii , ti .1 '( iff. ' n'l, fflll titdo M. ill tmrf . !i,in- Utt I 'i i ;it nil atiP ., I- .. t lftfj i ' i- i. it mil jtIta, i-!'"liiltilT fnl i !U :...i ixmorithh II ;:'i-a Von run r i " i hi rt Krn l0 ?IO j.T hr. Y-a I ti. I, lit inlniitri i . 'ti i n Veil i.i.t ii,iwih V.txmy ti n i rtm Al-KS, Practical Wati'litnalier, DR. H. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office over Burwell & Dunn's Drag Store. Telephone 180. CI 1 AS. C, HOOK, A K(UI ITECT. 15 V FORI) HOTKIi DR. CHAS. G. McMANAWAY. Physician and Biirokon. Calls left at Jordan's drugstore or 1005 B. Tryon street, promptly au wered day or night. T Telephones. FOI! KI.KITIl'lC ITI.KI'IIONKS, ioi: ritlVATK LINK PPKI'DSKS. wiib'lolhr Southern Bell Telephono and Ttlegraph Company, C, K. McCLUKU, District Kiipt.. Iimliuf Richmond, Vt. r d i .-n)t v mM Wo ItintriK'l nnd nlt,. i . .j I ... it tVT. I ail n i in. I. 'i.- n " vni! mtr work -. S,. i ... t phut) li'-t 'i. i ""I ' nil IW, bv i . n . tt in I in ! li' it it. at mr, II. Viil! iit .... IIok ft, I'oi iltiit!, Mulnr. ScicntlHo American Eaglf Agency for wa w-- - j. "' ' . aifa r W W-. i 11 I m aa .3 13 VI 111! a fco mm mm mm mX .A a , TO EH im ' v .." jsa m vi mm w m Tiui rj- -tL Ollice 18 Bonth Tryon Street, over First National Hank, and opposite Central Hotel. TDtltv aaanVa. DESIGN PATINT COPYRIGHTS, ato. P.ir Inrerninlinn ntirl frw Hnndlioolt write lo V ;n . ( ( llKiiAiiwAT, Nkw York. oii,-it iairmiu fer HeetirlnK putoula In Amerloa. lai i t . ii. Mil taken out bf u In hnnwht befor llir eulilii; bj mil Ice Riven t ree of chaiya la tb Scientific mcririm I.nr-ort itlrrnbtlon of anr aclantlflr paper m tho ..ilil. HnlpiidlillT llluatrated. No Intalhiraiit puin ahotild b widiout M. Weaklr. fl3.0O a m, at 'Jl .1 r Mnnlh. A ,. u ..Y. lw. t-uuLUtacua, Wl Uroadwajr, Sum York.