H. BAKUCH & miO h. baiwcji & m If you look thri Stuck with ; awaken to h In nt HarrJii. :. If. BAKUCH & BRO II. HARUCH & BKO urih nur DressG-aads i ::i re ynu will :! :;nrruf nxcEl- r, im ii -Z IM II .-: I N I II IM II I M II IM II w.-.i. liiimimi Miuti iiiiiM'iurr iiiaxi i...t ..I-H IWIILKU hll.K AM) PLAID .uh N. K WiMH. Il.l t VIIN NT.K iU; V I j. t t.sr i .k a ni' -' I I .St I t'll lll l ( I N I fi VI li III' r.-, I K.N T I I It 1. 1 ' t . I KM I I H I.I' r' i KM" I I ll I.I' I I Ill f'-'ii Ml. ItiliMI.IU.Y icit I Mil M; I I.I M M( II ; IiKKm (,mi r.'UMr tt i hii. ( nsiiiiKs in i-nrr Mt-ais.. I I N I - III II I'l - I l.l 1,1 YOU MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR OITERING IN TABLh DAMASK H. BAKUCH & IJRO t M K I M K I M A K I V I ) i i A I I.IN' A I K I IK -MM N -AIMS' M ' l I t 1 fx J 1 ( ) W K I , "1 1 v I ; i I V K I k i i u urn i i :m. II. BAKUCH & BRO ImMiM fcM Itil llf . Ilk ttfll.tf N'k0ltArs l-.lr. 'J' li e ' ' " ':!.. ii i , i, ... .,(! toafarrbr oiunilllt-- r t pr r.r n 1 1 n r ' 'rf rr f -i 1 i 1 - m t day : i i'l(.il li . . the lb lo farliou of II r Lunoki. 1 " E ' "ii l.i IuorraU, rin U n .( r rr mi, i l . '" !' '' '" " i ! .r.- id i 1 Which !! lo llrkoU for huir i.rfi er nomloald In It Hon ItouK, lb Irvrubr ! hll l ulitultlrj . TOU Of ttl Wlllt lOlU.Wrl nf the i n HtAU eaat at primary election. Ilir ticket rocoUtof (li lirk'rl numlt of Vote to b declared Hip regular ItoanocraUr tickrl, ainl vutr-.l u. h kl Ui rurkl pcilou lu April n- i i. n mi) 1 1 . 1 1, r I. "Iilrli .inr. ,M Jiiury. I ! r ( n,i, r ..f thr lirr. la ..,n r I In I .- , . M , , ,. , v . Iiir ..iiifrr.l i ; 1 1 r 1 1 r l' r Im , i . t f. nr ' n r n , I t ', , r It r I, ii, . ,,i , , ,. , . , , ,. r,.,,lM . '"'I "'" I '"I "i "ii l fir in ii, r. i"rliii' i .1 "r II" I'.f nlnil.M sl harlallr I ' I I u I iii .ml r , i , I . I lit I St l"l I, lit I 1 f tlx lr-Mll Mild I "Ilir f?r, li, ,i, , f ii- I ! r I I mil' l.lll L't m t I . . - - , , il . ; I i : I , I (1 1 r, .1, r i I '. . i . i r .- n,,iiirf. ..- an f . . .'ill I i.l . :r a I , t ' u r r i I . r - 1 1 . ! : . 1 1 . I . i 1 1 1 r , , r I n ii i l.i rail , i ii I In r , I r u i; I I 1 1 ! l i I. .ill. ,,f K i in,' ll iNaiii (,.r ll . I ,' , r " . ; .ni l 1 . 1 1 I i fc' I 1 1 .1 I -1 r f r . . I. 4f-, I, "III. .k l ' Mill h.'rln-4 "I I rni' i- .t i in in, ,. i. I . r I., 'j u I r :,l, M r,h I", 1 1 1 1 1 , r ; r t Ud U olhr lo I Itli.lra. n. lliia "n,.in I.r.n y r a 1 1 , r . 1 ! t ml proposition orlclnattl witti th !'.. "!- iif. r.-..r, tiv. I ; tor faction. It h lrri.lv- Unii ar- Mnhinn, Mm, r,i.. ly f,.. nii MDUd kQtl raUflcnl bv Ilir MrKnrrv ! I ndi II I O. i 4 I) J 1 O V , ilr! I'r.-i t" ll,r Vi- I V'J fkCtioD but lli KiMiUr farilon will not declare IU poaltlnu upon It utitll llil JUroooa. Tli kfrt1 in rut ! pro. iff"" nrJIy lii I., n, v. ry Via Ui Mlcctlon ol rUlo rnilrti " " m-iv i.-n.i in in -u,,,i, i c,,n Tl l area h i ,.- n I "i- il , I in Tnm for tin. l-t lun liy, iiinl it prn- oomaiitto to uprrttt'tl t tt t rival bodle now in ellalfiiice. Ttir cn frao oommltt Turt aaln to l.iv and will regard rrtaiu proponliion to bo raUflnd. Thodatp f th prl narlM will b at far onutiKh nlT t five both parti an opportunity of tuaklOK a vigorous c&nipalK" - Trlciaph Wlr I o n . Nlw Yokk Feb. ax A dlnpatch re ealved hre this inornliiK from doo ajs. that the "tormt Ihutliavr prevailed In irat llriuln hIiiu'-i completely prontrated thn l.ind t l graph linen. Coiiiiiiunir.'itioii l Iwmd Iyondon and Liverpool mirf cable itatlona on the roitNt in ni a fitful character and telegraph Imi. Ineee la aerlounly impeded. Th.T. U however, no trouhle in en I 1 i 1 1 j: Germany, far eaut or Mouth Aincr- ca by way of Kurope iih Hiih m e tionn ari reached by other roinmo tlons of the cables than lli'nn prot trated. fusion In MlniiM.il. Cpjicaiio, Krb. 20 A Nortlilleld Minnesota special, says : J. I. Kiy naston, democratic state orgtmi.er in an Interview freely stated tluit the Mlnuesota Democrats expectod a fase with the alliance people, it I i 1 1 1 r hoped in this manner to obtain a ma jority Id the next legiHlature anil tbns assure the electien of a Iicmo crat to the 1'. 8. Henate. Safe Blowers sl Manulon 1 Btaunton, Va., Feb. "JO. Two masked burglars blew open the hhOh of the Staunton Milling Company, and M. Kivlighan, Commission mer ebant last night but got only $ John Dinkle, the miller, wosga e I and tied with wire rope while the aafe was robbed. ISoth burglers were small men, one was a pedler of Stove polish. No arreHt have been made. Visible Snpply of l otion. NEW York, Feb. IS). The total visible supply of cotton for the world Is 4,093,960, of which 4,-1 1, are American, agalnhtS.W,!!").! and 2,!M, 853 respectively last year. Receipts at all interior towns, K.'S,;0i; receipts from plantation, i:io,ii2l ; crop in aight, 7,711,005. Tb Amendmrnt Killed. Salt La kk, Utah, Feb. a). Yes terday in the lower house of the Legislature a memorial that hud passed that council favoring anti polygamy as an amendment to the " United States constitution wits killed. " The Weather. WA8HINOTON. D. C, Feb. 'Jl. Forecast till 8 p. m., Sunday for N. c, Weather and light rain; southerly . winds; cloudy weather and probably light rains Banday. : ' Wkly Bank Statemenl. Specie, increase. $2,166,000 Lesal tender, decrease, $500,400 ). 'Deposits, Increase, f 9,689,903. Clrcolation, decrease, $90,860. Reserves, decrease, $2,79675. Loans, Increase, $10,279,700. tlllllillll'C nf till, pri'kl'l.t . lt! rr. Innlhrr w lliillillns A not ht. r old l.i in I in irk nf ( h .1 r Intl.' I noon to ft-i.ijiif.ir l t;ivi' 1 l.i. In a 11 1 11 1 ' r 11 I in pruvrini'ii t l l .- -("re room fur m lmiK 1 1 1 1 10 m r u lr,l by Mr. J. ll.irt'i. i lilnn t..re, U to If renindeiml and ' ( ' 1 ' I ' I '"'' with n haiKlM'itne Irnnt n prr-.id brirk. The work in to n com ine;u i d 11 hhhii 11 Mr. Ilsrty ' ..tork , no w be I n u rap Idly red need, I M.ild mi I. 'r:iinl:II, Clark .V 1 1 :t 111I11- slrt-U w ill appear at tl 1 Ihhit to-nlnlit. Tin' band paradi'd the streets tn-day ami mad" a tip top Im preslni rii ml:itre! in ay there fore lookout for a lai";i hoii-e to nilit. HherilT . T. Sinllli returned ln div from lt'ilei:;h, where he turned John Wilson over to the penite'iti ny auditors. Wit-.m ets a long term for maiislaiiirh tor. Seigle A Co., have leased ronni" iv-r Mr. .l is. Marty's china store, and will establ ish a dress mak in; depai t-nii-nt under the suprrvisinr of an ac coiiipllshed urt 1 -I in that line. -The Cliarlntte patty nf yniing ladies who have been st inlying' music and art in New " irk, arrived hum" today. WhJIrlnii lil.'.l'i. Ki'Hlki'iit lun . A Carls d ispatch to-day "ays: ll i-. stated by the (iaiilois that Mr. White law iieid, I he A nierican miuisterjitis resijfiiee and will leave Carls l-'ehru-arv 'Si. State Department olticials discredit thi repot ... They say that while it is not loiprobable 1 li.it he will resign before his ollb'ial term in up he has not as yet done so, nor H jt at nil likely that he will leave his post while there is n prospect of a sat it factory conclusion of pending negoliations for a reciprocity treaty between the I'nited States and France. K 1 1 ( 1 rr J ' mry r H,- ..try Vs-rl, . . , fin irr K ..iIh ' . . . Nmrliilrf ... IftVlli Imt ... rv,i.- t..J if Nil I ! l- -1 1 .. . y -.-t- I., (, II Ki.Mi 1,1 Y r.e r iiM- t,, ll .- , .. , M, k lit .-III' h I m 'J I ,. - ..I !- . I A I l"S-. . II' . 1 !'.. .. I l - . II. t I, ll I 1 . 1 11 . i;i. M.: . 1 ' 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 V m I. k 1: 1 I I.11! II I, r rni w , t, 111 ' 11 ei ; : . . .. 1 ' ' r 1 ..-I.. Imi ilv I - 1 s I I I I ,.. n '.' rr t I .-' A M.i- ! ., '-nut Iiitii , t i il 1 1- 1, r I 1!'. I"' : - I 1: r Im trv 1 1 '" I ' I ; N - , ,' , -11 lilt". 1 . "T. I'' I ,!:.,. I ' ' LW S t li: K M A 1; K 1 : 1 . M-M i. - a. I. 'Ml. M..tn- e "V at : ' Iv. I. in,-.- I - I - .' -ti.i't 1 -1 ife !,. 1 i' 1 - . li,-.'1.'' I ' I ' '.i eriiMii : 1 1 1 1 I- .lilll ti lt -t I'll 1 '..lio-i I- .11 .1 l l I ,:, o ,. ; M n . ... I - ' M n .1'. .Illlie . I . I lniir in. 11 t .- I.il I Wliei' 11 live I 'lit -I'' I'lv I '"ni .li I it Ii 1 I'. ' k 1 1 i'it -.i.-.i lv 11 ' 1 ; :'i m I..H.1 , 1 , "el 1 ,1 it :, , I .1 1 ' - 1 !::;. I 1 1 "1 , 1 11 M III. II- .,'. I'l .,, ' 1 , hill ti nil al J l: I , v hnl sle.nlv at I .."" I .JJ I ri 1 -!it-l.ill I tin. It. low wi't-ive the Stni k l.irk.'. Cull. in -Murket. iiii.l (irinii iiit'l I'ri.'l i' M irlirs.-i . re eui.l over tin1 private ir ( '-until iV W'litt.i. ( 'iiiiiiiiiKii.iii llrnker- '! 11 lull.'. N (' ()l' DIN MiniM.IM; llijrh- l.ou e-t 1 t ( 'Ins i nn. 1 1 1 m 1 t 1 m on 1 , 1 ,' 1 1 , 1 1 .0 ii.7:' li T .'. V I 1; " i, v; 1 1; : : 1 . 1 1' 1 1 7 ' I 7 "I .. . 7 11 7 111- A Little Girl's Experience in a Light Honse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of the (Jov. IJghthouse at Hand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough aud turning into a fever. Doc tors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rap idly, until she was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery aud after the use of two and a half bottles, was complete ly cured. The say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Burwell & Dunn's, wholesale and re tail, aud at Jordan & Bcott's, whole sale drug stores. Illtllllll'V . II '"I Ki'iinia,'' 11 l.i A 1. ril 1av ' U7 J line 7 0.1 .lu'v 7 I . A ii'iiM 7..'. 7 '-'-I 7 ' : Sepie.niier .:r k:: 7 ; . (nolic 7 I'i 7 1-71 i' Noveinlier ,.. .. 7.'-'' 7..'. ',.'.,. KimviiiIht o.oo O.on o i en ic.(i) tiiiAiN ami ritoin't i:. ( 'HUMIO, Fell. , I vil . Ili"h- Low- I'lns- WHKAT- Keliruurv Year...!.. Mav COliN March.... Mav OA'I'S- Keli-uary . Mav.-.-'.. COIJK May Feliruarv. LA ItD- Fcliruary . May....'.. RIISK- May January.. . e-t . IKI "A : est. on -(iil i utr '2' I :'Ai i : i 1 1 do ii! i 11.70 11.70 II.7U (:.)' (1 .1,7 ii lo ll. oil (I. on li.ui; t;.i H 8 1' R I N ( T ( ST A vara i Y li E S to 'i? Stiff' and Soft Hatf l UST K.ECKIVKI). -L Novelties in Raw Edge Stiff Hats at $2.so The ever popular one ounce Crush Hats in black, blue and tan shades at $Uo. We show every style and color in Crush hats that fashion has given thepatof approval. Pricesoc,7oc,susi.oO. THE SALE OF THE McDOWELL CLOTHING AND II AT STOCK HAS INCREASED our Business bryond our most sanguine expectations. Have y u been In neiiLLed by it? If not it is your own fault. We offer the stock at half price and all you have to do is to come lor it. Plenty of "plums" here yet at ha'f value, but hurry up. Tiit.v wont last Inn"-. The stock contains Mens, Boys and Childiein (Jlothing and Hats: KNEE PANTS SALE We plane on sale to-day about 30 doz. pairs Boys' all wool Knee Pants, all sizes, 4 to 14 years, at 50c worth 75c, at 75c worth $1. These are the best values w ever offered in Boys Pants. 21 West Trade street. ROGERS & COMPANY, Prompt attention to mail orders Charlotte, N. C, STOCKS. U'' C 1 10 .ri.7.! :.7'J ,).7J Nrcw Yo'iK. 1'eh. ill';ll- I. IH- Clo.s- e.'.l. est. inr. t:.7 - Nlii 7!l T". V- :i!'3 -"!'l-... 7'-1 77 f 77i- u ;' ty - 70 7."-s 7.')S- Merit Winn V.'e desire to say to our citizens 'liat for years we have been selling Or. Kind's New Discovery for cnti " 'nil oon, Dr. King's New Life Pills, l'iiK kii ii'.i Arnica Salve and Electric Hitter-, and have never handled rem- li'.-j th it sell as well, or that have triven -such universal satisfaction. W do not hesitate to guarantee them -very time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Hurwell A Dunn's, wholesale mid re tail, and at Jordan St Kcott's, whole sale drug tores. New .Icrsev Central Cllii'.'liro i;ei Atellisiel .St. I t 1 1 Missouri I'acilir I ,'HiiM i He ,-itni N.lsIi vi'le. . Texan l'ncilic I. trlingtou iiniltuimy I07;. 1071 10";- C'ecatro ami North Wesl . . . Jij ll'i'- ' ('-'.'V 1 7I 7H 71!- I'ai'iiic Mil :,7.i Delawaie and hackawnua. . l.,l l.ili l.V'.j- IJeinlin.' ;!( New Kii'rt.-imi ,",l'J ."iij llixk. Island !UJ tii iiij. CM A 1 1 1 X (TTK C( (T l ( ( N M A K K KT, Tt 1 1 1 A V Quotations represent actual Imyiiijr j.rkc 1:1 oK-:i inarKei j Middling fair Strict pioii ncildliti-; 7 GtKxi n'viilling Strict iniildliii'; i;I Midiilins Strict low ni'il.llin;; Iw iniiliilin-r Tinges and stains 5 (t 5i 1 J one ol I lie market, htea.lv Bales to-day 06 bales. I.IvMOX KLTXIR. I'lconant, i:i, ii(, Ht liable. For ItilliotHneNH, CoiiHtlpation aud Malaria, t:ike Lemon Klixir. For Indigerttion, Sick and Nervous Headache, t;iko Lenion Klixir. For iSlei'iileH-nesa, NervotiMiiess and Heartfailtiri., take Lemon Klixir. LadiPH, for natural and thorough organic regulation, taku Lemon Knxir. Dr. Mozley's Iiemon Klixir will not fail 3-.n1 in any of the aim ve named diseases, t; ,,f which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, Htonn-ch, kidnysnr howels 60c and $1 bottles at druggists. 1" re. pa red only by Dr. H, Mo.uly, A thinta, (a, Notice of Removal. I have moved in v cilice ami rei . air slum im fla'i.i over I,. .1. Walker A ( o . where lam iircpareil to do till Sowhil' Marliine renairine and Knhlicr Sliiiiip inak iii)- 2 21 ('. V. UltAIlrfUAW. WANTKD Ajrents for ' I-ife of S.iirneon,' 'in; 1 j lafjes. f I ..VJ; AfentH out lit Joe; l.ihfral in diieemeiitu otlered; Write uick, FIIA N K I.I N IT li. ( 'O,, Savannah tin. I'hYMOl'TlI KtitiS for sale. -r ' K' -r set ting h'tf W'AIIIIEN KOAKK. .lust in n bi.u lot of fine Lake Huron Fish, I 'due Fish, Ciscoesand l'erch, alsofor tomor row. Tomatoes, Cnlil aj;e, Irish Potatoes, l!a nanas. All selliiiR at a saciirice. Call early and leave your orders for Sunday. F L MAKKKY, 204 8. Trjon st. J ust below new City Hall. 1!) 2t lloiiKlinuts, Fimrer and I'm l-et h'olN, I'.is i iiils and ltunns. Itye, Ural. am, I wistand wheat I '.read, everv eve lini'. IJKU.KK.V I.AICK'H. ,riO0 Imslii'ls chuii'C seed potatiM-s, N. Y. Slate crown, at ' I'i'r I uishel of on jwiunils. U)l south college sl. I..tf II, is Said INSURE FOIt KKNT Store room on Trade street nnvl IiiTIiiw lleese.V (o. fomierlv oeeuiiied liv U. W. Norment. rossessimi (liven 1st Fehrnarv, A lil'A( ,,K' , janastf N- HI South t olliye sl. NKW Canned tloods. hinia I'.enns, Suceo lash, reaches, rineal'I'le. Tniiialm-s. French IViw,.vc, at r.ON.N'KY .V VAN NKSS . t o I o t That then- is a Pool in (own Mi idj-.cd over i!..i ir 1 1... lini,. ( ii .1 i-s no the I'onl Hid I h". eve YOUR FOll KKNT A r.-moni eottai.-e on Mhsi., I helweeu Trv, ,11 and Cnilc'-T. Al'l'lyat : , t ,,e liridu'e W iil not lie m il cil In 1 North Tryon, "'" I . ,. ... ,,ii,arv han-nitiH in .. I inn;; we .shall one i- .H'i ll""lml.' 1 " FOIf .KKNT- A l'iiim 1-roo.n lionse. enruei , ;.,. - - ' - - " ..... ..... . I - t I . I ," .Tm S I.IU II1U I . .. . , EastOth nnd I) slre-l.s. -Ill e.n-i ,, jotf It A r.i. 1 1 1 ens shirts and .Iniwcr-; Mispe,.,.. wool Mills f I; Mens wool pants; at half pre id (;in "hams di'e.-'ts I k' . 1, 1 ll.,l" i'rv lini' I MiiftMii ii . .. - ,,-,,:,,,.. ..alico an 1-Tln. Il ll l.-K '-W P.lISI 1 I I' B . ' III It 1 W 1, ...,...', - Kress KOds wnilli 'e at tor, ami hoes a! vie 011 I he .Inl'ai WANTED -A while woman, with good j and in-; KOPKRTY WITH 17 tf reference, who understands hoHseheepine, for , , t atitleman with L'diildren. A ij. v to the , Tj T t V l A' hi U)ST Small black shepherd doR with whitespot in face, finder V1,VlTt,.'r"rliv feh.is.tr. J- H. WKKDINCi ION. Safe Investments. 7-room two storv dwelling 011 South Tryon near 4th; Ixit 4:'.xl33; 'rice3.i- f 7-room two storv dwelling o n Kwt More head street; KliU3tX); Water and gs and terms at otlice. Rnii Trvon Two desirable racant 18 " rutl1 lr' ' .Wlxir. '""'"tTf not sold in a Pr0Pert,WW0S AUEXANDFK. 30 Hoiit.h Tryon St reel, 1 lit 11. Cochrane, INsrilANt'K nnd KKA L ESTATK AtiKNT. n South Tryon Htroct. Telephone No. 60.