THE UHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUMK VII. OHAHLOTTK. N. C. MONDAY KVKN I N. MAltCII II. iMirj NUM1IKH 1097 Stifle's March M 1802 Juat received and now ruatiy for ualo: Willi i.t"l Aell I r ! nl DtJta iulb Hrviv-Wnhunn 1 niKtM Mailt lu ail T tjl . ml-a .J JiiWwl iV-a a v.rt- ilifWa aa-l htv WT Is atatrii lUM UOo Mftfi! tail 1 1 -i ' " Tho El-ruro I lha leading V-('lKr KhI, ! Iiif aarrdtel !! old -l ! iol Va ara a-rnl for II li la at ad by Aulouln H-tlt au.t la III titi Killer ari.l Muoialra Wriwf. Va i 1 1-1 r mm ttataata ! t White Qooda. Itvatt Wutlittt Mara!iat. llrftittra. I:, I. a IVratau lit" ...!. Itttu ain aa.4. Junta l au.l.'x aij, l.ul ail Soi t lltaf it I l.t ml IWhi I fttf.-tH af- aalr 1 ,1 1 1 nan I v ai:l art aaarinl ai auk II ' t'lil a rtu rtl I u. em al la'' ! All A. B. REESE & GO'S. T. L Soiglo & CO. II V frt.l- Tr v 11 at CM Utl.oIVK. N - - I lpKreT aMi.U l-mlil r.f ita I'latdia itroe lii lntl reprtai -nted mini m rKori.tsI to ai .si. a aod he drall. " aril l nlnl on ilil We preleJ lo t re- i.tile to aUTlhinir else Cigars ut Cigars at ice at Cig mrs As good as the Best. Burwel Hiiiiii WAOI.KALK ANI RKTAIIj Druggists. VK A UK MAKIXii A ITS1T.AY -of some of tlit handsomest shoes tlml ever adorned feminine feet or ever will. If you ' are somewhat dainty and fastidious in your notions it you believe tliat tlie natural out line of 'the f""l should be preserved rather than Interferred with, if you believe in sluii ly shoes for almix'ly leet and if you believe In comfort aa well as stylo, shoes that will rroinptlv captivate your fancy arc our new 3and shoes just received. You put uwnry in 'hoes as well as foot; those shoes will give you ni'tre llinn von r money hack, (tr nothing cheaper iu footwear has ever been made. A. E. RANKIN A BRO. I all Itlpplaa. -lUv IC ( M ItlT. ..f bar li. It In Hit cltjr lo ilajr. M r. lUrarly J. Hoffman afir avral we k t vlalt ! ami rlallva In harSilte, will return to New ork Ihla evrnlti(. -Mr iml Mrt V V tawitt of New York, w tio liava ln al thf I'elilral Tr aeveral ilaTa patl. left yeatarday fnr their fioine Mr J K liarnar. of Yrau a Mia., waa at the Central I d a v on the return from M mum v 1 1 le. her he ha tMMn vlalllnc hi hrother. Mr. Iloatov Htttle. Iha well knowu ) ornalltl. and a irralnte of th K4ly Itittltute, al ( irreiilHro. arrived In Ilia rlly today, and la at the Central. Tli" farmer f till erton today leran I'lanllnif corn, ami they a'e putllnK lu larifer ncr-ngf than thr have ilone In many year. Kiv rani rotton haailotie the work for i hem. Th report of the N-w lrlana Cotton I', of I he ml ton move rneiit of th l'nilil Kuli" from S-itiiilr lt to Mtrrh llth Inrlu lv. -Iioat a t-tal In ip'hl ihl -,r ,,f M, (nil, aaln-t '. . 474 hale for the aam period lt year. j Uv. Mr. Smith, of Col 11 111 td 1. 1 who preached at th Second I'reshy (erian church to a l.rir c n. r fttlon ve'lrilay 1110 ml 11 ir. w 1 1 l-d lit mi in the afteriitMin t a very lck innil-r of hi ponirrep ation. lira? Ttxl"t Nail fnr llltarra. h'.r year pa, (irv J. I'oole. Hie harltt-r. ha heii Iryinif to get foot liMe frtxn t'la pone. and the proa pe t for hi deire Iwliiif ac j coiiipllahe.t i now a Utile hit hrU'lit- , er than H hia yet h.-eii Hiaault fori divorce, upon th only cr.tund upon ' w hlch that aort of mill can tx- I r ufht in th It Sttile, w a heard In the M p r- 1 . r court Saturday. Mid ah -ut tw i-lve ..'clock HHlurday ninhl the iury ; agreed upon a verdict in ( ray's f .vor. Ill divorce I no yet aa-nr.d, thoiirh, a an appeal will very proha Idv he taken. The first milt tiray instituted for a divorce, several yeara una. resulted In a non-suit on account of a lack of HUtllclellt evidence The suit wa hn.uifhl up al t he follow liiir term of Hie couri, anil (ii ay m defcateil, n verdict helnit returned aralnt him An appeal taken to the Hupreme court and a new trial was granted upon the frround that the judire had excluded evidence that wa ndinia- ! hie. The oae came up for the third, time In the Superior court Saturday, 1 with the result stated. Thu color- ; cd population of Charlotte seems to manifest conatderahle iniiret iu the j progress of thia cm?. tioakuMft. V, Match ll-11a ifala laMi4 rWaakr Hill aaJ l-iy eafoal lt Itia rWitlh aa aitl lata ly 6t HallM illaual from lUtattuka, Ya ty a dalafaUtfO float Ifaal anur pflajaf ell wb t-uar JJ II. a uaia early IbU awraltf U ffl lha dUllalabd Naw Yokaf aad la lla him lo d4raa Itialf clllotta darlef l'ia ia lulaai tup al li tuiiti., Th dalafalloo e.t I tld of l..n alar f Maff, rbalrmaa of lh Iwcwiwrali araU r-otu m 1 1 1 . It A llrieknar, praaldeal of lha rlly cweanrll, H H. TmaU pfaaldaal uf lb Klral Nallooal Hank ; W I. la- rmf. (ifawldaal of Ida Klthtaft, aod I.J llrowaa, axllUr of Ilia leufea (ally Tlt. Charlaa M lilltitf. tttortr tftiil ol Ilia Norfolk aod ewurn llallroad, aa cliao to Intrmlurw Iba dalafallou Ut Iba rUbalnr. aod lha latter Anally yielded l their rawluf lavlUtlou U tnaka a few raniarka wbao Iba rlly of Koanoka w aa reached Several II...U and ipla f r lol lha arrival of Ki-uaUr Hill, aod lha lUiaeoka MarMua NS'orka Ilaud playanl alra of w el co Ilia Seualor II Ili a iru Mlnutea apeweb waa JeVolanj larjralv lo lha praaanla Hon ol Hit lltniii ralir prliK-ipIra an.) a levlew of Iba (imkI work of Ilia teuticralle party In th S'ale of New York. Ha waa w rherel al frnjuenl iDtarvala. Tfc (itaaa Wwkt. Mr T. C. Moor, of Newark, N. J . ! aoiue weeka g w rot TllK Ntai that ha waul. I to eaiahllali tir a I tank to make flint and auiler lat j U lllea anil vlalt, Klaaa for manufac I 'i r iiiir ilruKKlala. anil lr and wlur I. otilta. Ill ltlr was lurnrd over t . 1 ,e Chainter of ( '.ninierc I 11 Ni us hat recirfct a acofn! lniulry f 1 oui Mr Mtxire In reicard U the mix irr He evidently mean luniirt, sn l he certainly want to open up M (flat 'act TJ her. H savs thai the tank ran Ike constructed at very little coel, and tie I rertaln thai the plant would ay a IT'! marirlu on tha Inva tmenL He want our x pie U auttacrloe a portion of the ttK-k.aud he la ready to (five refer eucea aa to hla ability, hi enerfy, and In busliifaa atandlnir When an rnterprlae of tl.l kind knock al our dora for admlttaiice. It look like t'.e door would te opened. TllK flo Btiawitw ti a4 ta4 ! immiim t k-u t aa44i t t4 7 fa Aral ar t Ira tai rvajtilcl la Iba aaa Tfyon Mta' MtH.tJii I'bafvb yaalarday. I f ll a -aaUtf lUv V I utif, i i ltgm Cfnwda allaOrd U.lti er r lb alflil coijffe4atlv.11 I! . lafaal llial l.a aeiull.l lu IMt cbafrb tluct Mr I'rtfui. c.tu luiUj bla aalun mnllup that noii Tba ., J I' f rt ; I' 1 1 o t"U(''(i Hut litlj bo m'i Kiiito in ' iri thai Ibey anight J n Ir 1 r- ay 'a roller a all "U in i.'.i.i 1, . 1 , aarvla. Ttfa aa 1 xrdrt al the riri I'.l iltiu,, r Itarrti Ir t'faatv k f .r l.nltil f .r l it mntaluK Ji- u'f i' lati r't ix, lha f) rat vara 1 Hit. rlMI. ('tin, '"Ttum llarii !f rharatlm. tl.i.. f r 1 . . l'kin bitif with Id (lrtl rru.l allr tit aO by man ba ciiiii o doao llii"u,'' Iht t(M 1'iotll if how lld had Uf. approarhrd ly mau When lhaark ..f 1 1.- -oitntnl bolll, Ii.kI pr..iul.J 'hal lie would make thai haU 'W-xl fl llntii Ilia rlifful Inn lila iwalllnr I'lar Hala-i trnl'i. t- !. I'.al I Waa ahlnlof lurrall. 11, fit un 11. e M.i-.ii and all nalur he tliluet 10 aii'l u i-. ixl ul lu'll liiix 1 1 r '. Iletf u I 1 lhltitllrlual w.r.d I 1 Cr.i Inlelierta I'ltt Infr lltil-l III. world hvracknowlJl 'nil He a1 lua Ir ll.x lu.iral W'irl.t an I all thai la (.. I in th w.trld it a ault of hit ahlnli.c forth lu I- I -tl, he alma ! lha: I i.xt a a h 1 11 1 . ' 1 the spiritual ai.rl.t Unn-r by ttin t'llnn'f ..irit .j I,., heart a w I 1 1 rtoi 1 1 1 1 . n and w at 1 . Cl.r itt I i" 1 initiiiii 1.1 I li (rrir 1 11 hit h-af I th roiiKh lift- t.. nrt.urjf I.iiii 11. I in .It-ai:. i. iu tain him am n I-. 1 u ,1 tti.l g 4i .-wr tail I . t I'. , Mai a tl U Jay a at 't it.t ..itu fr.-ax Ifta ) ,t 1 ituiJt) itjt t tttu it a a ( 1 ii.ltit-l a eblft II f 1 !'..' int. ll,i l 1 f 1 14 v f c-1 I n u.( it hi ll.t It- I glade tun U . . 1. lilt I J wall I'm II I l.l p b I IrM II lb fill CtrUlt EARLY SPEM 1 -I I r I , t y . II..,. II Ut M a-. ttill... iu 1 -t tare ' tbtti i.-r,i, omeial Ma taykmaa. I t .- ft. at iatlallauaal l bal I Hi. ' 1 lln I -t I ' 1 I !.' ' I..IO.I til ., I t III t - I iftli.t . U li I Spring Goods t-I wilh aaiafal 'i. ii.tiit bl . I .It t ll, Hi It in ll.t tilt !'.'. 1 ' I I ' II M . u c I a . I. It . I.lljlr t. ll.t dfrn ,.f '...n- all J 1 l 1 I ' '.-llIU ll ttt.B r -'itt-.lel a. Ill Noil!, 1urrlt-.1. l, t It in I . f.Mjic I . 1 tin I., '-i ' a ttil'i Tata: It-tlrft f t I r K lira. A b tlllltl Ittial rtl'iday a rtm p'tiit "it.' wa har ha I IU mint araka. ll lilt ll I tun !.i ' I. a; lli,(i It Jty aatf lar'iufr'itt tlitft ttititti wrta I, , l.a I lart r..iirt,'ilt..tit I'l'lo llic tf flli ...II I' e rlrtlll rci . t ' r it-l r r a .1. t ll.r ara I I, ' t. ltio f 'und id laa an I I ' r .iifc-li I' r .j I lli.rf t,it I f. r iKf t a 11 li p-. p I I lit a ' k t r..ii,t.rt I . I-- an rirtt at li early T 'ir aft. 11. hefa ready fr Intprrll t f ll )..u ami 11 irltir )ou all) flnlll. tin hul laih I .u at Ir tljltt I. ate ll. tin .-i. 1 a ffutal a ad 4llfv I' fu waal plaJaaf The Finest Men's Suits I 1-11 1 1 111 , 11 .. n ir . atl lbt frallv dlrllij aollllliln( llrtCll 1 1 1 ,- ut 1 -Hi Hat- ,julralv I hal w are tin th r Id lil track whan II eomaw 1 h r 1,1,11 1 . t 1 1 af W are ahrratl a It li all lh uaw aly 1, aa aaaal. M -it .i.rti art- af r .( ..f ne a u 1 1 r a IM n f 1 May not a 1 1, y ra k r 'nae I., j it',i m ara ill ffff ant, at an r 1 amltialloo of oar pwrfacUy lai l-.f r.l t-r n,r 1, it ,11 ' i.w tul ta art- in ad a 1 f rlr b . aoft and drwaay 1 lay fnit Kniirh I 'luitrii. f ti.lurln Hoolrh Hi rir r - i 1 1 1 . h I iiti..i u lit-ani weaie ami patlarua ilUrtpuDt l:': Tw'n v:' Spring HutsSpring Hats. Tiii Sin li no j r.. f.ri I. lr Ireati i..W h I t f..r In in lit rin 01 from I dtl " It. ni.l ' lh r- tut tin .11 thalt make .111 ailr to I. urn incn Uu . and thou ti.ilt put it ttefore lh vail that la by lh ark of th tt 1 in. oiy . before t h ill r - V tieal t fi at It.nti the teall ininy , w hen I will inert will. tbm." The nigh I a rm 011 w a really a cm tluiiatioti of the inomlii di--..urf The aptaki-r shoaed l at a ( sJion f-.rth iflaii.i the c her 11 l.i in that the pt-oplt. were to 'n"t film .it Italia M it an. 1 Ihf ei0rr r curl t Iti M lla- li .J Ihr Will 11 I I " , riiii'.l 1 ill a.alnit the I' .i mi Kir- 1 11 to r a n.-e 1 f.-r fl r 1 1 t u h tl laiM .u! a .lrr f..r lfil am oinl in that c tiiipani on a I t ..f turtfiral I iitl r u iiir u 1 1 t.inif- II lit l-f. r Ihr- fl' that detlr,., ' it ii,..r, fi I 1 .) paid ill- prfnilum li a at a rnlar Imuraiirr trliar Hon, hut r ooif l.a. fill. tht f n.j.tiiv r f it, (-.hit I. lank t- ., I ' i- in t j r in-- Mr Wiiaou In-niul I ' u 1 1 a nd a pro nip 1 1 r w a rl1 a Wt an (iisp'ayin thi abovtMn Men's, Boys and ChildrviiH, in Sotl and Stillrt, at nrnirkable low pnrrs. Spring Neckwear. ( lur N n l wear 1 rlmrii t It crow iled Itxlay with new and rich Hprlaff , i-oiiiprerin.iiiiir erv new ttyie aoi.l lOea trial la correct and prav millni; a -rm ihlrluir dltplav of tioveltlea never lf.ire equaled In Oiariott I pra- vrd I, t policy f r ll.r full am. .mi I of 1 1 4 Ilia la,t4ath l.-l( hf Ihr tWattt. W.irkmni will Ihl arrk I ir 1 n It-srlnu- i.iii lh- front of that wt-ll known l.ii-nift tian.l Jt Marly 1 hlua I'tlac " A nw and modrn f rout w 1 1 1 tak 1 tt plac Mr Many I. carrid on a rhlnt litut-a (here rver tine t!i w ar When he tvouirhl 1 fif hill Id 1 1 1 af . d u r 1 nif I h latter dt( ..f lh war 11 a a 11 -.1 a a lio'lll nd uitnv a I on f. , -r 1.. n 1 . 1 1. r had IV. Kaufman & Co. I.KM'INU 'leMTH I KIlH, y KNISJIKKS ANI HATTH MAIL nKMKllS SOI.ICITKI). C.r. I KM ItAI, IIOTKL ( HAHU)TTK, N. C, tM doora woul.l ! openetl TllK that the people were to n - I film .it and many a ( "li fed -X a I ..,ir had Nkwm efer lh matter to Mr. Wllllt the altar of 1 011-- eiia. led in the i l. ur arm amputated umler It It. I low d. crelary of the Chanihr 1 H-dv place. TM aliar of In tn.,. r t.f Tfi patln'.a wrlald out on f f of Commerce, a eoint hi iik tin- ' l ln( ymboliral of prayer. tin- couiil.-rt, and at the lime Mr , m I - "T S p s-J doiihtndly worthy of attention I Ttie were two lir 111 th.- old ll-irivt.x.k paaaion. the counter f M A I tl I II -mm J temple oil which rrlllce were w ere la I tied w 1 1 h I.mm1 TheVWer W V I f I (.!.' itltl'kkiiM ud I'iddUd Wklikiy. I made, and by w hich the pries' iimi-1 m-lv. l v pontrurt-t alTairt and The reident of Severavllle ca 11 ! K 1 11 order to reach Ui otht-r, the ha ve be 11 1 11 ue by M r. Marty f 00, now retire at nlirht confident that altar of Inceu t hat da v to lh i now retire at night confident that the few chicken that have born left them arr sae, for that thief ha been r.niliiiK thfir (tiultry yard It lu jail. He I noui- oilier (ban old It I. 1 ' ti arr, who lived ill Hiddlttvlllr. the s t:le iue:il adj lining Seversvllb. In all, tin- people of Seversville had lost "! 1 luckens by theft. Old Koh wa wuipecled and was arrenle.l, hut t'tcipod . A day or two airo. he wrotn a postal addressed Ui K'nuire Severs, and saying: "1 am here and all well, and am still going." Hoh (rot, some one to take this postal card to Atlanta and mail it there. Ksijulre Sever (rot it In due time. Yesterday he went to old Hob's house, in IWddlevllt mid captured him. Bob is also charged with peddling whla kt'V about I he suburb of Charlotte). He 1 under bund for his appearance for trial lfore J ridge Mearea. The Mlnera Strike. Ihimkiv, March 1 1 Flintshire, in Wales appears to be the only place where the orders of tho Miners Kcd- orntlon to iuit work has not boeu obeyed by member of that associa tion. The latest estimates ot the number of miner who are now Idle. place tho figure at .ViO.OIH), owing t the cloning dowu of other Industries because of tho strike fully 200, (K ;) men in other employments have been thrown out of work. l.tM-al Weather Iteporl. The following is a aynopsla of the weather prevailing at Si. m to-day: A very high barometer (.W 74 inches i central at St. 1'aul, Minn., this morning, which ha caused the tem perature In that section to drop to nearly zero; thence, the cold weather extends ovr the country, taking In nearly every section. Temperatures over this section will sink consider ably lower touight To the went of the high, cloudy and threatening weather is in progress, and now is falling at several poiuts in that sec tion, i.ignt precipitation has oc curred in tho extreme northeast portion of tho country, where Is located an area of low pressure, elsewhere over the country there exists cold ami clear weather. A 4'aurtia Kill Afrred t pen. Dks Moinks, Iowa, Mar. M. The Democratic membors of the house and senate, have agreed upon a cau cus bill for tho Congressional re-np- nortiounitHit of the State. I he lull divides the State into 1 1 districts, six of which in ISiKI gave Democratic and live Republican majorities. Kfiialtir Morrill lncrly Wasiiinhton. D. C, March 11. Senator Morrill i dangerously ill 1 f pneumonia. He is m his eignty second year. New AilvertliiieiilTo-lT. lost Mcll Arledge. Cigars Hurwell .t Pu in, Hold fraternity badge lost. Mules lor le-J i ltrvce Kggs for hatching .1 Si Sims The Kl-Puro A H Keose A Co. .lust mivl T 1. Seigle A Co. Kuilding lots W 8 Alexander. Ilacket Store V J Davls.V Co. Pouble tnks Dairy C C Moon-. Now is vour chance Jas Hnrtv. The Methodist Jan Hnrrison A- Co. We aie making A K Kankin Itm, Sale of oily proiwrty W 0 Maxwell. Fancy New Donee P. R. Molasses, at BOVNKY it VAN NESS', I So man to I iv ni l-' i;.. hy t i'viry lieforo he can 1 f - r weet lncn-e uprni the altar of pray- r A great mi nib- r of Itild 1 n itl-11 1 WerereCfl ed, Iwg 1 11 II : II Willi J .Cob of old and coining mi d n to Join on the I l of I' 1 1 m 1 -. all 1 1 1 11 -1 1 a l . 11 g lloW 111 111 had Collie to I i ol 111 ,M H ' T and been In ard b bun Th la-! M. J o h 11 1 ha 1 -e.-n Ui altar 111 tin- n- w Jerusalem from which the vail w .is removed that bad cut 1 . tf ' h pi e en re of tile l, ird from view III the old tt-lll pie and now the blood w ..-:.! ,1 1 1 1 rung assembled there - iw 1 1 1 ill luce to face Hotli aermons were able ell .ri and highly appropriate to the occ - 1 n -- A Htftar ta Jerutaleiti. A Charlotte ladv Iris r no I M letter frotli Key MetlOllel. II I1II-- sionary in Jerusalem. -t :a 1 1 1 t f 1 l they are arranging to give a c' urch ba.aar there to r.nse fui..l- in 11. 1 of the mission. The l.tst aid they le celved from thl country a- a flock sent by the late Dr. .V S Mill.r The check got there after Dr. Mil ler's death. MissSallie Dix mi. ( Win iton is preparing a box to s. 'ol to Mr. Kiel's ba.aar, and it has been suggested that the ladies of the Fnoby terian churches in Charlotte do likewise, making up a box of fancy articles and setidiug it to Je. ru -iiilem. A I'lol lu Ataatalnat III Sullan. IjOMmix, March 14 A Constanli-I nople dispatch to the Kxchatige Tel- egraph Company says: (ireat ex- j citement cause 1 there by what the police call a discovery i f a plot to assassinate the Sultan. Two ineu have been arrested. And Opera SLIPPERS. Th llttp and lh Itlt-rlt It w a a vr v pre t u 1 1 cb ri 1 - at! ' I.-I i- h. tr.el II III - l If III -t. 1 I n i; spok e a 11 d l.r 1 M I iil' of lh" 111 1 c h I ll" ray of He li r .-' 1 ; 1 . Me .l.'i. ' lf - KlaVr. flit that a I, Icy- rn up Tr i le I. tlie glillrr a-lver 1 1 1 . u r 1 1 - reflectn.g till 'i; 11 11 1 1 i 11 1-. rate ff IS 11. 1 les a 11 '1 .mi r w I . 1 I bur. h Mre-r I 1 e pect . d 1 1 . 11 r r i d -11 l ien I v h '.-.l !r he tnrii.-d into 11 . 1 1 1 1 -1 h 1 n t 11 m The rider w mi hi 1111. -'illi. Let Us Reason Tonether. lv irtci'. I tint lime is generally the bursting of the hud lor transformation day from old lo new. Kvery Unly must join the pRHxtisioii. Now Just a Word: Our stock of Dress Fabrics i extremely handsome and kinds too numerous to mention. VK liKSKKCII YOC TMKIIKKOKK Come to the ideal galhering of new sh.a.lev and see what fum y has often iM'held in DKKAMlJkND, but never before seen i this. and thrownhirkw ird :i b 01 1 tt 11 feel In the air. while the rl 'cries ma chine wep' scraping like a run ilow 11 top to the curbmg The rider bad simply run against the ru. ' is trelchtd across I'm si reel the- and which he had failed lo notice. turning of the karlt-tloo MllllaiT Aratleni j. I'll iKl.KSinx, S. C, March II Alsml ten o'clock tl.i morning, the South Carolina .Military Academy in this city caght fire from a defective ll ne i 11 the o Ulcers j war ti r. The fire spread w ith groat rapidity and tho roof an 1 rooms of the main building was badly burned. The fire at 12 o'clock was umler control. loss probably fully covered by insurance. A tire at Bloomtield. la.. Friday night, laid waste the entire south sid of tho public square. Including the opera house ami many line store buildings. The loss will probably reach f J00,(f 0. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ' We are now showing tlie latest s'yles and shades of Ladies tine Opera slippers and Oxford Ties in tin nic est quality of undressed kid, tine Dong-ola, and Rus sian kid, in pray, bhek, red and white. These are the most popular colors and the ones most sought after by Ladies wishing to attend Receptions, Marriages, or any full dress occasion. These are the h 1 nd some t Shoes ever shown In this city, and wa inrlU all to come In and see them. If you can't come, send us your order, l'rices Moderate. These are atl new fresh goods just oiened. OKAY & HAKNIIAltDT. 19 East Trade Street, CUARLOTIK N. C- Trompt attention given to aU kail Order. ME SHOES :o:- :o:- DKAITIK )KAL 1) II I IK.'A I 111"'1 ARK Stx'ial Sale oftienuine Switch Cheviots: shadtis; surprisingl v clu-nii; going ranidlv. st lol; noduphtes will apiear. r. S N'o.ani lc9 given in city, but mailed to any other address. is"s lirst and last lol T. L. ALE IAN DEE, S ON & CO. See the elegant Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfoids for Ladies and Gen tlemeu; We make a specialty of these (roods, made to oar order in tha latest fashion ; We show only the best class of goods at popular prices We have a very tine preparation for cleaning Putent Leather, prlo 2So Will be sent by mail oti receipt of price. Spring goods arriving every dy J Kxtra nice line of Trunks and Dags in all the leading styles and grades, '' Call and see us. ' ' QILREATH Ss OO. Open every evening till 8:00; Saturday till 11 :0U BABY CABKIAOES. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. ; A very handsome line now on exhibition at B;UROESS NICHOLS' AND OHTKKKD TO TllK ITItLIO AT CHEAP PBIBES. YODCAW UKT WHAT YOl' WANT IN THAT LINE ATA HAROAIN AT 'MY KI RN11 I KK STORti CALL END SEE M Y 8TCCK. . 1 AUo a tine Line of Furniture, Bedroom aod Parlor Suita, Dialog Room and Hall Furniture, Handsome, Stylish and Cheap. IK t VII HIM - - - FomiiDre Dealer; Boom R .Q I HA n UNDERTAKER. Nleh eall. w w 1 w 1 1 No. 6, Bryan building, ow Iiogrs 4Co,

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