THE OHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAULOTTK. N. C. I'lUDAY KVEN INU. M AltCIl 18. KUMUKll 1101 VOI.L'MK VII. )' Scitflc'j s Mnrvh 1h .RECEIVED TODAY Torchon L&r Brnym Laws Valinclenw Locts. Point deOunw, Irirtli Poiut. Ericurtai Ijvc , Chiffona In new dettfni. Ouipuro Liicf", Chantilly Invert In all Ihe Novflum In Lacc. Our new Gl ves have arrived. a. a RKiisK & cxra TRY OUH E 1 - P u r o 5c CIOAR H&raru and Humatn. A H Rnmm & Co. Atfentfl. i 1 b rtu ig ' ili Oumi ta f IikM Cfcer- lajb. lag Iw U bFPT '' .f il Ualaaee la ff ol f Tt feliowiag la a fatUaleUew bl IWlU dlIMIUll III AbelUiU1 railway eoaapaay f.f lb. I-.It. auwalbs adlag D. MUUl II. lWl Tout rweelpia, IHMI Tuial ipB, H(U Hll.kMMlluM. 11 A full line of Ch.moia in white and tan, at $1, guar anteed to wash. Undmsetl and Surde Gloves in all "hade. Ask to He our upantf Vd ChitlonH, thry an beauties and Uu lattt out. T. L Soiglo & CO. In II V. Tr I- '. Is CMAltl.lTK. Tfv m t N gfgrery l- tait-lit "( 'l !' .! . nf o t r 1. - rr-rwtill rum Munwt ki u ii i' a-el hi' a draft II Bril l .l 'i we'll w r prWrj to tf Tr iable hi tir'li" ft"- By order ol T I fKh.l.K . CO We sell thebtat ready mixed Paint on the mar kt at a low urice for the quality. We can tfet a J cheaper paint but it will; not last. Call and get' sample card. Borwell & Ilium l.l i-rl -IU M i l'idf wvd. miMln art lo Kofa. arrived Inlhecity l -'.! I. I. I'ul. arrlinj In the city o. Hi vratihal train Mil morning I anil )-nd Mtwri. lljtlif int skln j n-r al th ( 'entral. - TliU a ba1 day for I'.e A 1 1 1 - ai.c .pk lug N-ly all d" Alll mn l Mifklriiliuff r I -rii"-'at anyhow ainl they prefer r. I l .tj ' li'inir Bint (iUf lh fir. The rhliig ol rre of the pr.rnt Malni ul l'rof4 Allnn u'i dancing a'hiMil lo-lilg hi, prorule. l lw ijullr , to nfnL Th fancy lam-, " If ig-h- j land Ming." by M ! Ollvej and Kagl w 1JI ! f lb pleasant fra lura Tha topic at tti iratl rrlng of inn In lh pallor, of ttir M. (' A at o'cl.wck to nlf fit aill lv " I lii iiiuii n unelcati pirll. In th y ungtir." Mm cordially luvitod (oaiind Mr. A. Hurill. a.lm-", jflvfn iiollei) that thr slock of i A Ad am. l.'Mikn-llt-r. and - lt .r.-r-, i- to i- out al our Plio'i nrnlliiff giMitl III that 1 1 li can do -rcuif liarain. -Mn. Kranci. I. r-prouli-., widow of lli lU Win. fproulH ri'c Ivi-d n tic today that Ikt widow.' pen Ion undrr tli nw la lia Ii n K'rmtrd at I"' t-r month and per 1 moiiiTi lor rat n 01 n-r lour i nuciri , ! coiiiiiiruclnu April lt lvi. A cliaii)f t"l'.rdul la to IT iti ln IT;I mi tlm A. I". AO. r.tllrnad ii. it .Monday. (Mi and ft-r Unit dl- th trim from ( harlott to Htati- III and Tay lorvill, will lav al b p. n . i ntad of 4 at prvarlit- "Th ttfr rU of K-puld.- J c iiih," wtiiitHViT that in:iy iiihhii, ara to have a Kuril iiih. uii-ftlii Sat urday nllii to whrai and rc.olutn coiicrtnntc ptinaaiT ltrdy. That ottU'lal haw l-u tn olijtu't of antairo iiimn ly a crtnln leni'iit vr inc Ii wan mad poul liunler, Tub ' mad wai Ittairi Mil inil( evacralbg oar ljca rJ. aoil lif with pl.aaur (Ivaa Ara U ibuw, ohm a-fala, Ilial I harloii I la tt UaJ Th Cbar luii lorina rxad risi it liua al a fly i(ba of VJpr car, whil AI1IU Uoaa aa aiiwna pt ear uf II. or a total tiHN of Char loll uf v Ui Kiom which If lh thai Iowa U ruorUJ aa iprl.orlot la lla afactrlo adanl- (.! drdacwd. II would bow a i.f. fll lo llau of ahoul Thla laiur flrof will t-a oaarly rachd by our alvcule Una aJur paying I" lrt ob lla ktooda aud laeraaalaf lla rt.llloK uh. It appear thai Ah Till' dally tipaoaea avarag I3 rliad rharfva and laUraal, whll I'liarloli' liol allghlly icm1 'a3 WI'll lynipatliy ruu.l hr ipr -) for iti -Laud uf th r." a ifnltr prld la hooi lurrvwtt romp I th i-omparlaoii. W M.K AliK AND KKTAIL Druggists. . WK AKK MAKINU A Msl'LA Y of wiiiio of the handsomest hIiih's that ever ailonicd feminine feet or ever will. If you are somewhat dainty and fasliilimiH in your notions, it you lelieve Unit the natural out lines of the foot should lie prvxerved rather than interferreil with, if you IH-Iievein ahiiit y nIiih for 8haxly teet and if you lielieve in comfort as well aa style, shoes that will iitimpllv captivate your fancy are our new $3 and Tw shiiea jusit rMwived. You put limiicv in flu as well aa fel; these shoes will (five you ni're than vmrmoiicy hai'k, for nothins' chear 4'i footwear haa ever been made. A. R. RANKTN 4 BR( Maw About lb. rrult " Th iach, pear and apricot tree were in full Idiom when the present anap came) uloiiK, and thin morning the hloaaoiiis cm ncned in Ice. The majority of our people ny this ludlcatc a aliort fruit crop next summer, w Idle other, say that ice does not hurt the blooms, only makes them comfortatde. A slight frost, they maintain, would do more inju ry to the fruit than half a dozen ice wrapping tpelU. It is certain, though, that if fruit can lie hurt ly ice, there will be very lirfht burdens ou the trees next cummer. Th HlMiharK of Mr. HoMamon. At the next meeting of the board of commissioners the matter of the discharge of Mr. F. M. Soasamon, su perintendent of county couvicW, U to be fully investigated aud an in teresting trial is expected. An eflort was made yesterday to have the vote by which Mr. Sosaamon was retired, reconsidered but nothing came of it It is understood that charges were nitule against Mr. Hossainou for neg lectof duty, but whatever the charges, they will all come out lit the next meetitiK of the board. Mr. Reatty, his successor as super intendent, gets W pet month. Mr. V. (i. Krwin was elected bookkeeper fur the convict system at $10 per mouth. I : r .ioud auuoal rouvviition of ll r pl:o4)lt duralloiial Horlrty id N ir1 h Carolina. I to held at th I'oii .tr-t M'ttuKli.t church in llil. city. n A prll IS and 14 Th o nin addr on th "durational outlook In th Houlh will ! dilvr ! ml by lte. W. A Caudler. I). prldntof Kmory Coll-gr, Oxford, I Wednesday ' programm will lira follow: t a. ni. OpDlog arvli and introductory remark by I'real Uiit Kobblu and olhrra. S:l,Sa. ni. Addros. Th relation of higher education to religion. Hy Hr. J no, K Hr.-.k., I). I) , lirldtrlll. N. i llouloii( : Iter Dr. Pool, llv. Dr. D Adklns. In a m Addreaa: Metho dim aa au avncy for tha itulou of higher education, hlUrically and practically cooaldered. By Rv. Dr. W. I Cuiiniugiuj. Henderaon, N. Discusoioii : 1 1 a. in. Addr ; Kp worth I.eagu, their educational ervice. to tha church. Uf Mr Kltch Taplar, AnheTill. N. C. Dia- culona. 12 a lit;-Address : To what extent should itudeuta te ecunlarily aie-d and how can It bt be done? Hv Kev V. C. Williaou, Mocksrllle, N.C. Im-ci, 8 p. in .Address: What restrictions, if any, should be placed uMn th granting: of honorary deirrees? Hy Kev. W. II . Ilth, D. D , Salisbury. N. I". Discuions: il lis II. Dowd, K.., Prof. I). Matt Thompson. 4 p. m. Addreaa : Can educational Institutions utillxe holi day and vacations to better advaul age? Ky Prof. K. W. Keu nmlv, Durham, North Caroliua. Discussions: Prest. Crowell, Preit. Dixon. 6 n. in. Address: The I ela tion of th Church to the public schools, Hv Prof. P. P. Claxton Ashevlll. N. C. Discussions. Ill 4114411 4I Th Miner' Strike. l.o ii in, March is The delegates to conference of the Miners redera tiou resumed their deliberation to day. 1 was decided thai after the men resumed work Monday, they should work only five days a week, Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Nw AdvrtliiiiilT-llaT. 1 Jioes Nellie ,fc Paint Burwell A Dunn. Kl l'uro A U Reese A Co. For Saturday Harrison A Co. Hood coffee Boimey A VanNess. Potatoea, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, liraix fruit. B0XNEY& VAN NESS', TW M. M4 M. .WM w4 av Omt) ! A r i ra. aw4M i ata til aa lb day tpfulnwd ff tt. AlUaascw akla la CduMl. If all. Utllva HilUf akil l a tlaffjr Hklaf Cwl fU w4 fscll, bal b raau la ffuaa WmHW IhU luofalef aad f ruipa Uj lb pakf f roMt lh liokl Ui lt tuiii boa llifvaf b a dlIO( aow l-' au Th l aad ao kpl auaay ffa raaway, and lh ba.l tua Id bo I ! luf b aiuod a Midday speaking, th aluodabr aa vfy amaU, ) e 'tirl box balag o4 Bior than half fall t'adfulbr elrr amclaiir. lli.r I no duabl f lb fact bul Dial lhr wuald ba ba a vrr larg r ro J prai. Among lb aadir wr aiu of lh Oiiml lollllgbl raritr of Hi oooolv. Dolr hr and lhf ruuu b mco a t r u who Iaarrary U doubtml. CoL Polk, uf Murw ticw pUsJ Th l'olool aal within th bat. hi bl ovrrual hiding hi blkr and ar and only lh ap- r porllou of hi gnlal far bclog ipoMd to lw. irpi uu n old brlcg II out, hlkr aud all, or Ilia t'lirpo ul appiauuiug, or Inlng Id a laarh. ('apt. Skluor wa lh first p-akr, ud II ap-ari-d thai h wd'itloed to .Id track lr. Ilullr ana I ol. 'oik H Mk for uarly Ihrr nun CarC Mklnoar I drlddly a mn plaaut talkr and thr I no luhl of til ability to entertain a crowd. Th burden of hi. langlny aitevrh w a a drfn of lh ub- treasury plan, and h talked ahtiut It from bra-Inning to end II w a ea ter to hi. arraignment of lh Ka publlcan parly , and h did not hava any ry great amount of gixvd to aay for th Democratic party. H incl den tally picked up M r. Jo Caldwell, and aald that his klnnr') Iamo cracy wa a good any day aa Cald- ell's. Col. I- L Polk, lh avowed candi date f r Hi vie presidency ou tha Third Party ticket, followed Mr. Skinner. H mad the usual elab orate complaint al ul Using misrep resented by the press, hu,l failed, so far as nue coald hear, to aay wherein he ha been misrepresented. His sneech thnairh was exactly on tha line that hs hu represented in Tiik Nkws After reciting from his standpoint the wrongs of the fartu erf he proclaimed that It Is a matter of life or death, liberty or slavery. V want relief ; we nd relief, we intend to have relief, so help us (odf If we have to wipe out both the old parties to secure it. He said he was opposed to Hill because Hill does tot show his hand on the silver uues tlon The Alliance he said, would support no man who would not de clare for the free and unlimited coin age of silver. His speech was an out and out Third pa ty talk from begin n lug to so far Ihe end as the re porter heard it At the time Thk Nk goes to press Mr. Butler is speaking. TB. lrooT Mret. Nashvii.i.k, Tenn., March Is. At a meeting of the Democratic State Kxecutive Committee yesterday It was decided to hold separate con ventions for the selection of dele- fllg It .4.-4 U ll blgbl. a I'M Hal iu.Ji UwtkJ . a.i if. . iij b4j, m tUak aa4 hatuial if lifi.iaisg HiUmim csJ lib at ib lia. 44 w h.u il U U mad it., lull Itv. a lIUu ihuiiikl alval al a lit! f l a W ! Si. i m gf smiI.x. that, bad lal alg til A gvaalb uaauaf Ufaa i alld Mb lig Iblag aad lima ' J.f, Ml al Hi utu lb fala a flMSlag la ll Um Ul.f h wlfaad boaM 1 1. u. darlbg I du br, li.a lb lc. c 1.1 If Would aui-aucaiaf lly HMJ f Hub' of tigtiibiag. w a t-IJIj bvaallful fb raiafall a t) hay iuJ it, fri k i right ou 1'ifuugb lh eight. Dafllght foand lh Una rstaked llti lr Ttf . u4w datttag 4 t by ll l-faklag of Ir A brick mot tlorm ti t a 1 11 Ills tnoraluf and afur a bflf IbU-rrr loo II began Bowleg again. I 1 air all dat haa Un fall of toW, lr and iuir SIim4 tlwiw. kfr Jubu C Winder, Suwrluin dnl of lh Haahuard and Kiauok Railroad, ha brn ! n d rd thr a polntmBl of SapfloUndul of th liaurgla. Carolina and Noiliirn Itallroad. and alto (iBral of lh Halord Air Lin Sytm, llh had a arur al Atlanta, and Cspl. T. Wblsluaul h beta mad Supr lnludnt of th KoaUuard and Rua ixk, with haadijuarters al Norfolk Th appolntruanl of Mr. W'lndf V I mH rliloo I a promotion and a defd, which ! Indl o Uv of id racguiid ability and uccea as a railroad man. i L EARLY SPEING l I'laJIfUj by all II. .all..l fr.kb.l l,vt, fBJ)J a4 Lay BsaVaV lii..ghl u l.-u at. J I. a 1 1, u r Iw.ladl Spring Goods 14 Ti.y r aw br rwadr for imm Uu ttravaJ aavd gtailv If yaw w aal ilar bul faabkowabl slyUa, mm !. Il.u huu. Yfy ! ij. If fun waal lo,t, u.tlUn. taw wllj Btad llxm The Finest Mens Suits gates to the Chicago convention and for the nomination of candidates for governor. Both conventions will meet in Nash ville.the first on Thurs day. May Jtith.and the gubernatorial convention on Tuesday, August JOth. Lml WMki Tb following Is a synopsis of th waalher prevailing at s a. m to-day: Th low praaaure which was notlcvd at Nw Orleans yeetarday moved daring the day and nlgbt northeast erly being accompanied by quite a heavy rainfall, and It appears this mirnlngat Kitty Hawk and Hat tras The progreas of this low was what caused lh rains and thunder of last night. Heavier rains hav occurred ovar this awctlon and to th south, whll snow is falling at sev eral point immediately west of th low at Naahvllle and Knoxvilie and at many points to the north. Cooler wather will ensne over this section during th day, and the rain will change to light snow, which will probably be succeeded near night by clearing aud cold weather. (tillma of olc- lal th rllv dlrlug aniualMagf airtaiiy wi ud like -.4ulrkl lhat w ar. on lh rlgbl lack iblt It awta aw io ib MMuf V. ar. tkrrui w lid all th tw style, aa wawai. Mowl ur are afraid of aw ultra thing. May ol well, yaw fcaaw loww tuuBy. per ha. W al difTrfu. a. an . 1 ae-il aaliow of wr pwrfearily tailored (a will show Th .ulU are mad of rich , oM awd drwaww Clay WuriUnlt. flu frenrh Caluir. .udurlug rVwlcb llampM U4 cf rel.ting ( bavlol In dwm! iiiim auJ pattern. Spring HutsSpring Hats. W are displaying the above in Men's, Boya and Children', in boft and Stilfa, at remtrkao' 'ov pneea. Spring Neckwear. OUT Nerkwaar Iprtninl Is crowdd today with new and rich Fpciaf, titMida, coaiprhnding vry nw slyl and Idea that Is correct aaa prw en ting a bewildering display of novelties nsvr bfr ssjaalaxj la Ctiaifotl JV. Kauf man & Co. I.KADINO CtmilKItrt, YV RN IrtH KItrt AND HATTER. MAIL OKI) KRH SOLICITED. Cor. CKNTIIAL HOTKI. CHARLOTTE, N. C The coal agents of New York ad vanced the price of chestnut coal hy 2h cents a ton. Let Us lieascD Together. Easter come on with steady pace. That time is generally the bnrstnig of the bud or transformation day from old to new; E very txxly must join the procession. Now Just a Word: Our stock of Dress Fabrics is extremely handsome and kinds too numerous to men tion. WE BESEECH YOU THEREFORE Come to the ideal eatherinn of new shades. and see what fancy has often beheld in DREAMLAND, but never before seen in this. IVwf. H. M. Haaalll. This gentleman is to be at th North Carolina Htate Hunday-school Convention, at Newbern, March 'JS. 40 and 31. Prof. Hainill isoneol the foremost Instructors in America. For years he was at the front of cu lar education in the Northwest and one of their most prominent men in that department For several yeais past, he haa devoted his powers to Sunday-school instruction, and is now the Superintendent of Normal and Institute instruction in the State of Illinois, ( the leading Sunday-school State in our union j He is not only a superior instructor, but he is a very platform speaker. Prof. Hamill is a native of Alabama, and spent his early years in the South. He Is a Kouterhner, and foaght in the confederate army before Rich mond. He now accompanies Mr. William Beynolds iu a tour cf Con ventions, commencing in Delaware and closing with Texas. Our people have a treat before them at Newbern on March 29, 80 and 31. fkb. THERE 1 s w v i i f hi! JL ECONOMY IN THIS BOY WEARS him Them. SCHOOL BOYS PRIDE SHOES. GRAY & BAKNIIARDT. 19 Eaat Trade Street, CHARLOTIE, K. O " Prompt attention given to all Hail Onlars. TRUNKS an BAGS BEAUTIE S ACT IKS iircial aie ot wiiume tcotcu . neviora; ISsnades; surprisingly cheap; going rapidly; nrst and last lot; no duplicates will appear. r. S. No samples given in city, but mailed to auv other aiidress. L L. ALE XANDER, SOft&CO. We have a fine assortment of all sixe Trunks and Traveling Bags. Exv tra size duck covered Trunks with metal and leather binding-. Extra qual ity Sole Leather Trunks and Portmautaus. The celebrated jawJilde Abr covered Steamer Trunk. Brass bound enameled Stateroom, this Is a fttj popular style, just the thing for short trips and is something everyone, ahoad have. We also show the largest assortment of Valises and Bag In thw city. Several popular styles not found elsewhere. Give as a call or write for Prices. , , 1 QILREATH & GO, Open every evening till 8:00; Saturday till 11:00. BABY CARRIAGES. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. A very handsome line now on exhibition at BIURQESS NICHOLS' v . p;.:-. AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT CHEAP P KIBES. YOrCAU GET WHAT YOU WANT IN THAT LINE ATA BARGAIN AT fMY FURN ITURE STORE. CALL END BEE MY STOCK. AUo a tine Liue of Furniture, Bedroom and Parlor Suit. Dining Boom and Hall Furniture. Handsome, HtylUh and Cheap. BURGESS NICHOLS. - - - Fornite flcto R S Sloan, Room UNDERTAKER. Nlgbt ealL Nati, Bryan building, over Rogers ACo,