nnnn E NEWS M . fl H A KJ itt f vountK vn. CIIAICLO'ITIX K. CM HATt'UDAY KVKNIN(. MAIUJII IV. lUDl! S'UMlIKit 110- Mill " Soifflc's V March 10 1MWJ RECEIVED TODAY Torchon Laces, Smyrna Lacn, Vh ncif no Loco. Point do Gtn Irish Point. Ertcurinl Lite , Chiffons in new d inn. Guipure Lucr, Chantilly Laces. In fct all ihe Novultiys in Lac-H. We hvo raoru Curling Ir:n than anytKnly. W . fwrl l luUf ll- fcui !! W. bar. lb UkMri I HW ' -t ruiM Inn Kil .! v kKI t A B REESE &.XTS. Oar now Gl ves liavo arrived. , A full line of Clnmo.s in ' white and tan, at $1, rua- j antced t9 wash. Undressed and Suede Gloves in ill shades. Ask to see our spangled Chttfons, thy are bautios and the latest out. r. L Seiglo & CO. V. II V Trad- '. I , Try. mi t CUAUI.OITK. N c. IjfKrrrjr arti Ir Iin.-M ( t " t . . iTO.e to lir e rliv . rrl-r.--M ,f inul VtKinwII'iiKil a-id lik a draft, it Brt h rmaltl oil icM V j.ri ..-J to tw rr UIW In .uj'tinir r!-.- Hyontrrut f I KI.I K A n. Try Dr. Kind's Emul sion of Pure Cod Liver Oil. The best on the market. Lrgo II Hum 1 1 t.. .Ml SUM flllll. Burwcl iiimi WAOI.hNALK AM) RI-'.TMl. Druggists. v4M WR AliK MAKINd A IMSPMY of sumo of the handsomest shoes that ever adorned feminine feet or over will. If you are somewhat dainty and fastidious in your notions, il yon i-eiu-ve mat tlir natural out lines of tin f"t should la-preserved rather than inlrrferred with, If you Mievein ly shoes for shapely teet and if you believe iii comfort a." w'"11 style, shoes that will ,-r,,.,t,ilv captivate your f .nicy rf iiiirnew $3 ami 1-1 ' shoes lust received. You put ,,,,. in (hoes a well as feet: these shoes will (Jive von nwirc limn vmir money hack. t noiliiio.' chcaixT im ftvitwwr has ever boon mads. - T)i Infant of Mr. .oil Mr. U v.ry .irk. -Mr J. M. MH'orkU Uri !.?- , i1t for l.ltlU IWfc. Afn.. ' -rUrlr In HI. Mrk l.nth- ran rliurrli tomorrow tii.rtilrif an1 .funliif lijr lh p.('r. IL A. It" w man Mr V ltirhni. w ill .p-.k at I'f Kallr at V"ii') Mn' ( I ri. Hoi wyi at . ti . ni'rr. at S o -l.k -Hi K- Ml.li. Mc fl 1 1 , ami Kv. Kalhr V'i!"i ll.nf .t.l 'on irii t t iior ri 1 1 i i S'. !' l-r. Catholic Itrt.iry Mr. a ti. I Mr. Mcnr Kit, of Amrli-i, lit, arrlv In tfi city I yratwrday. Mr. Kltn I. tho nt f Mra Dr. ('. I. A l I amlor -Thlnfatit rl.ll.l of Mr. II. I . Math illcl tM nn.rnliii; at tru o'cl.wk. Th. (un.rnl ithp". will l conlort-'t from Mr ftN' tcl iIodc'. n Kl Trn1 lrwi, tomor row af tortiiMni. Mr H K. Mn.t.,r rl th TilK Nkw Ihit a fn'tr of V , . r f. . I k A Wr.t.-m ii'v-vor ari' m kiic (ivr tliH r.'iit" urvvcil f r il ltanc.t A "outh'-r i. tr un Wln.i hi to t'hartott.-. Mr Ko'i.t. f.rni,.rlv a . anker "f tM cHv. hut now a r.1nt f Sall luirv, I to I. till'! ti a ii 1 . m nw rl,inc t lipro. H wa In a riot t -tli In w. k if",ril)k.' u plan. f'r a hoiiar tlinl will ! nu iirnnnnil to Salj.hury. Mr. Tho. J Wil.on u h - arpl 1 rl for llcrtiar lat Monday, i1eiil th tomltonr hrcakl nir rh xrrr In lotn lla nxver a:idl that he hrokn it whlti 'poa.uin huntltitr Not otilr that, lint ho (Ictilra havlni; fVi-r hr-'krn a toml nni at all. Thr Hart'ialir 'H ni'v Into hi nm t nn'.i ! ;i ' i -rt" r Km' , oppo lt the ( Vntral M ll, Mmnliv. I he toreroom liaa hern renioi(.i, ami I. one of the ne-tet ami mo.t r n venlentlv arranirt-d lui-lti..s atamla in the cltv. A very n -hhy stock of f urn lull I It ir ironl will he opolH'tl In It, too. There wan a very lurire at t ml Slice at the cloHjnir aoltee of l'rof. Allmon'a (lanclnn ac'm 1, lant nlirht. and the pupil howi that they (mil benefitted very Rreatly from Prof. A Union' Irainl'iif The faticv dance, HlirhUnd Kliiiff, hy Mi- Oliver and Knle, w aa applauded for it a per fect execution. I'rwln, Chang' For aome t liim, ('apt. Kftakerville, aiyentatthe Carollnn (Vntral pua senifer atafion ha hoen nonovod hy nartiea of nefooa n-ho luvitdeil the enr on the aldlni? and Indnltred in ir.'iriihliiiK. Veaterday aftoruoon a finite wn in proureaa in a oar, and a tolephone ni'!iare waa aent up town for n couple of policemen. Chief Maaon and ofllcera Moran and Kuru hardt respnndod. The occupants of the car liappened to look out of a window commanding tlte approach from Tryou street and saw the Hue clotlt and lira button. ciniinc. Ou arriving at tli depot, the nfflcer aurroundi'd the cur nml one of the number went in to bsitth i;amblira Mo found one m-irro busily emrajrd In dustlnir the it. iin ther wa readlnir a Bible nml a thir l .ia dcntly sound ale-p No sumi card cotHd be found. Km Tb Yxk r-..liw. U Mitl i mlm UuJ Jul UI.MI Ml J Tm) fll. IK Mf WtlMiU. aai hm na thlak!.. da.lwglka. ftil Uj4 .Mf Mr. iH.fkni ki.J ball.' Mr Krfiw. f. a 4wt. k-wl ilk mb4 of lh !( dIU4 l alUw bla. hi oaal la ria mom .tJ II. fwl tli a I ft. tJ M.o . bl vif fl f. I f-r. r. b.J .Saltan! Haitfl. rnflil hi. rif M l .k to lr. lll.loa of tHtn.W ! Ihl. dltMI lh r llr than A.rIUa Hchftll aaj IL lu 1 Moray, t w n of h a.ol rl bral-1 4a.lll.la ta V'r.ar. .N.v.r I'i.I.m, Ir.n ha. al hxll.krd. Intt( bl. frUaxla. altr1hil Hot n.t'i r4.rl - oarJl. llof i ulr.4.tl la frl.nd. Il A me fir. cn. liaa. aro thai b. w o 1 4 ai if1ajr lh M.)tU. A rtk ifn h. polnl hi dfartar. f..r a w.k, .o I h. Iara1 ooljr y terd.y. aflr lb. iai.hlp bad alld. Ibal Irayl a wa. on board Krarlev Ibal lh rlrcom.taor Ibal h ha1 tnnnqnrwl h'. own dprlur. by lh M .(rttle aod bad not aallrd ion bar. whll. Ii'el"n had anlfhl lend rolt.r to I'rayt -n'. rhtg thai H arrow, wa. afr.iil of him. Mr. ttor row darted for ljie.ru n al aa hour. Dolio . a ltd there lardd lh. Maje.tlr. Tte illftlrollr la all ahool .Iten ii in paid Mr. I frinan ly Morrow. . a. ait awM n a ( w ta. A. will I- -r-r bl o.f l.l4lWl( 'M J i,iwui i- J... ewaui .U IWH I ii , . . . 'I II ' ' i I b.lUti. bl. ll wa aHtU. tb.i .ab ( il. j H '" '"" Ui. .(ak.. la U. bo.. "J I'ala l-.i wa.4rw ..c-Kadiafl. 44.lal '" ' " "'' -J M'UI).f .JlltiMi f lb. fara.ra. ,f ' ''- al lb. Cwi rvik. Mr . rtllaa.r aad Mr Hal lb i. .iliutbu Ul Mh Ultkl MUiallr A lt...i ' " 1 ' ,'". "J l"l li.wal. to Ib.a w U ha, f j I' . ',"-'" i. .ilit I4.a ir.al lb. a-adulta l aftalr. ob ' " l i-f hi JhI Mat . jcli lu aJ.or fr ll'.il.v.i I it li ' tut. K l. nph of th. lair Itratlntt. of Charlotte. Thr ttmtm ! ttrx It tia. been nv.i I Vn jrr. .lore the rut wa. a d wt lrh ni.kr. Ka.lrr thr flr.t rumlay aflrr tSr flr.t full moon after thr aun rre th. line Ht tfil arrangement of thin.. Ka.trr may com. a early a March ?: r a. lair a April IT. A. all th. r dfr of Tit a N . forrlun born or natlre. bvr omr .unrr.tltlon. con- j crrrilii till. fa-t day, we have com- pilr thr follow loir fart, concerning the dv of the month opn which It ha fallen front Wii to Inclu- !lre In looking over th. date, we have Iwen "truck l thr varlrty of I day rrprr.rntrd. which Inrlndr I rrrrv on- In th- month of April n l c -pt the la.t flrr. w blrh. aa thorn ! ate.Te, arr "not In It" Mnee thr ' date mentl ti'-d Isl'.t It h occurred ! t rre llin on ihe lv:h, I've tlm j on ti e b.ih. five lime on tfie lt, four time each on the l' "d . 1 1 1 h and ' l.'ih. four lime, on March SI. four I time on April three time on ti e j 4!h, Sth, Till, sth. Kith. 13th, I I'd and 'JJJnd of Arrll and STth and sth of March March .vJnd, iHls, wa the earlle.t date uxn which it ha oc curred. Nine day In March are rep aented, vj: J2nd. '.Ttrd, 2Mh, Shth. -T'b, Xh. :Mth, .TOtli and .11. t The rw .rhrrfale ea Ihe A. T. A . It V the chiilii(e of acliettule to jro In to tTect on the Atlantic, Tenneee A Ohio divialon of the Houthem Railroad Company. Mondar. the train will leavo Charlotte at 8::"p. ni ; leave Hun ler.rl 1 1 leave Dtvid'ou flT. leave Moore.vllle 9:iH ; arrive Hlateaville 0:.V. Keturnitur I"hvo Ht iteaville 10:-I.Sa. m., and ar rive in CharloMr 1 p. m No. ii4, the mixed freight will le.tve Charlotte at 7 : JS a. in , on Tiieiidvw. Thursday and Saturday for State.ville. No. I- leavos Stateavllle for Taylorvil e af 10:4r p. ni.. and arriv.aat Tnylor- viiio at 12, uifht . lb. f ! f ibl. ntau ar. worwe t baa wb.a war .w.pl lb. taaJ arr ly m aw. a a twiib( f a I .on. b.r. wrMtbl .alrrlala ant farlli-i Idea la ibal dirxt'on Il I. all wroBf,"...!.wllkttwa farui.r aad al 1 1 . b oi . u t Tub Mt.l Ibl. HiiOil( In ll-wrlBtf lb prc ).. "T'.ro. fk.' h. ar Blllac lb. I. ail w lib Ih.lr howl, of aa Im.flar-cl p.rtjr ar doing mi Mlal jf.al d.mac Th.y rwrtaln'y v.ry jf rally t!lrprr.Bl lb Hi. I Oar faran.r '. an treirol Bf mil lloaalrw al aa' y rapid r.lr. hut a.llb.r .r. Ih.y harryla l lb. -r hoaw Mr "flnl'ii It Ibal lb. f.r- aa.r.. a. a rwa.r.l Ihlar, ar heiirr off than Ih.y ha. bra .Inc. lh. war Tt-.f b. Ivtlrr bnaaea, bol trf farming I nt plr ntr e la, tell.r i rharrlir. attd arhird. and all lb rlrraau.lanre. .urfooBitli f It rm ar frr.lly Iwiprov.d." Aoolh-r alll.orrnian U k lh Him tli. Ilrllvr nar Charloll and ha. f.-ufhl l.rar.'y throujh ad- r.r.lll. rniil'i which manv another man uull ii.vr .uccuuiImmI. iiur ' rveopl throw away luauy opportao- i lllr. Ktr lii-t.nrr l.p.k at lb. an- ' nual tile nl fruit. Thot.aod. of lollar. wortti o' nple tre evrrr rear i'inlllr I to rot on th rrouod I...I .nitimrr, rny wlfr . urr rrlnl a plan to work up our aplr Into Jelly. I triiilit hrr Vn Jolly tlar and hr filled thrill with a beaallfully clear an I D I n article of J.lly, aad aold the entire lot readily al in cnt. per viae Tfie gla.re. In which Ihe J-lly wa.put up coat only real, each, a ol were provide) Willi topr Ttil .iiinmrr my family eipcta to put U I Vi cl.a- of Jelly. Kvery farmer, ftmlly can reallir a food liltl. .uiu of pin money I. y pur.niinr thi. same plan " kit t.iltf mi lt tl t'rlrl Cathidtc rh arrli low at... auj holy euti.itiualou al " t a nt . bijh a ar. and trraiou al In aa . end jr rWb -.1 at 1 1 p m (' Mintua an I bvoctlrlloB al a o'cl rk la II;. Rinmiiif I'.. parlor prrli iu l.lll, Irklrif a. til. Iril ' lllrorrd ar It.ry whohr.r Hi word of li.w, and krp It ukt l. ks Tli taiilnf Miama w II t u "Th. M"llve to Co- v.r.l 0 " fril "Hrhold now I. lh. arplabl tirtit. bvbold now I. lh day of .alvatlnn " j tad Cr l.t Allourdully lo.lt.) . Uwaaa wl Bx'.rl mi f l.tf j Th f uo.ral r vtew. of M m Mjr- tl. Hmwn daarUr of Mr. and Mr. K A. Ilrown. of Coaeord. were coo j dart! from her late rv.ldear. on ! 7airday rnlo( al thr o'rl.K-k by j I ('. M I'ayn. al.trd by lUr T. Th K lor, daughter, of which h. w aa in honored member, bald a vr vlc, oonJucted by H. II, H, Mc Kemle. A larr roopoort. nf frl.nd. and relative, le.tlfled their ympalhy for lh Ureavd family and their Bor row for the death of 1Mb lovely roan a tr l Ti norai trlhure. wer ngni.rooi and beautiful. Th pall t-arer. war Mro.r. H I! Ilarrla, K I. Hmlih. Jo (iixnlman, M I. Htuart, Sim Krwln, J K York. SPKINCS 0VEI.C0ATS.. W l in a-.w in .'..rk by f.r U.. I.i..i a4 mm a4 laaoal af Iraartaf 'lli.icu.li . hair ori 1 1 lr-1 All IL.. I.i. .1 aww. wrwa4 4 tal af . r p rwt u 1I lb all ll n.w r. h..lr a ! rlMa aaa WtMi (I. f l lit rWrl fl. .1 . al r-lr rt..l li.. t rll a a tkm ib urdlwary "UaJ M J. (tiiin.u t.t li.a ir.J i.at l taawNai Vrnllott Wo oar 1 1 nr. al 510. Siii and 6 hi, an t w all rail p' i Ir -i I . i ii l.r. rm nni lallor. t mtau r ani lu ll..J'. IB l.ilurr m l iu r I r lu lli. it Ttirv r nnl.bw1 lata ! t'tnUf. Umtut la .Jkapav raw y a. CktrlMla'l l.lw lb Itaat. Auother rvidnc of t':e fact that th Charh.tir trrrt railway waa built rliflit and I. operated lu the rlht way by capable men, waa patent yeterday, when the town waa Ice locked. The car. r.n on achetlule time will out a brea orau loterru; 1 1 in. Aahevllle ha il t been heard from, but in Wlnaton aa we aee bv the Kentinel, ther wa. irouhl. That paper aaya: " the electric .treet car had a hard tune lat nlrht. The trolley wlrea were covered with ice notw Ith.'andinjc the coi .taut run nlnir of the car., and the la.t trip were mide witli (rreat difficulty. Thia morning Hie wire had to ta Tap-d before the car came ooi.' The Charlotte car hum rlirlit alonp, through all aorta of wt-athfr. cvi- of a New Ail.ertl.nif nl Ti-it. For rent 0 M Riftlcr, Double Oaks V C Miain. 0rw.makinir 2115 K. 7th st, Curling Inns A B Kitxe A Co. TikIiI PiHama Si til. I uli P.lll Kind's Kmnl.ion Hurwcll A Dunn. Siiniin Overcoats W Kaufiiian A' Co. New (K)il 1' I. Alexander, Son .t t 'i S a $ 9 O h c o o 2 jfl o D H 2 2 (4 a d .S - t 1 s -tf crj 03 o .2 5 fl Q Hi lirlarerd I ri.rrwv. Mr Will Harrintrer, who wa en (? Hired la the recent alomt in ir atlray t Florence, K. C has returned to hi home there, after a vllt of a week among friend In Charlotte. The ympathir of our pt-ople em to nt decidedly with the It.arrlnger boy. In the unfortunate affair, aud the Indi cation are ;hat they will lie. acquit ted by (he court. It waa ahoot or b shot. Oar PtWmIIm .1 I'MIm. TU Mareh r.ort of th lUtl.li clan of lh Depart mD I of Agricult ure, laauml yr.trnlay, ihow that the production of cotton of the world ei- ceed th. con.umptlon mnr than 1 .SI 11,(1 ) bale. In lv. and further greatly enlarge, the exceM In KI, glutting th markets, Increaalng Ibla atocka during th past year more than 1.100,010 bale., and reducing the Liverpool price of middling upland from fl 1-lfl ence In January. IS90, to 4' ince In J annary, lsf2 It atate that In two r fba conntrT has produced an eicea abaye normal re (uirement of more than f.OCU.C m bale and indicate, a heavy reduc tlno Id l.readth aa the only (Kiaaible remenly ; otherwl th agriculture of the aouth will suffer worse than west era agriculture ever liaa. It declare. that the cotton H tales must be agri culturally self sustaining; that new crop must ha introduced, an the ag ricultural pouulatlon has outgrow o the capacity of cotton to support It. Boys Conlirmntion Suits! Now r..Jr fall linr.nl lloy i 'ob n rotation and r'lr.l t'utnmaaloal Halt. M r ar. air. i pulling rnoi tn .a. 1m.. -t Krtoui MIU la 4wrk dally. aU(all dr.igu. ,o, .ui-rrt ,'atlrrn. .1 j rirr. Ili.i r.naol fall lo plra. MENS FURNISHINGS rprcial .ale of Mra. Itrec H' Irt. . uotaoo 1rrd al a.arlv e-xl of aaaiw. rial M nl. nl .nl M o.llu , ail .I'r. from 1 4 lo I T afk wawaaara. Mad. In th atoal rar.ful m.an.r ti 1 .uprrlor workm.athlp K I aad ea.t.faa Uou gual aolraxl. lUgalar prle TV, S)xx:ial lrice 50 Cents. A limited a noun I of all .lira bow no baad. Th very latr.t lu ''Hrlug HaU' ara oow biof .bow a by IV. Kaufman & Co. I.KWUMI CIorillKllr4. KIKNIKIIKIW AND II ATTKR. MAM, )KDKR4 HOMCITKI). Cor. CKN'TKA I. HOTKI charuittf; X. C THERE 1 S S vTT yj v j ii u iu g. IN rotahaw. Apples, Oranges, Itnona, Cmi fruit. BONXKYA VAN NESS', The first week of our new goods sale a success. Tin- selection of Fancies, Robes Henriettas. IVdfords, t'heviota. Sublimes in black and all new shades never fail to suit, and niulti tu.le have cat here. I and taken unto lliem clv.n tenures in hue tnd weight worthy of HKKJHTKR DAYS. A stock never plete. so com- Shortly after the snow ceased falling yesterday afternoon It clear ed off cold. At ft p. m , the tempera ture was 34 degree. Hy eleven o' clock laat night, it had fallen to 24 degrees. The night waa clear and I there was a frost which undoubtedly did some damage to the fruit trees. THIS BOY WEAFS SCHOOL BOYS' PRIDE SHOES. GRAY 19 East Tradt Buying Them. ifr HAUNIIARDT. Street, URAKLOTIE. N. C- 'Prompt attention given to all Aajl Oni.ru. Mr. Thos. A. McKee, business manager for Robert Downing, is In the city. Mr. D iwniDg-'-i date for Charlotte is the 2Sth , and the play will be "Dman A Pytliia." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TRUNKS and BAGS. :o:- An assortment never so varied. SHAD FX NKVKK KKACHKl) BKni;K -O XKAK KKFKt'TIOX. No "twin dresses" go from our farcy goods couuter, Trltntnlntr so Important a match ft.r every piece of good. Oi o CP p o P a p o a q a- 5 CD p p CO o r- H O T CO o o CD P o 5" n 3 CD O CD CD P Pt 00 O -1 CO "NT Tew Buttons, etc. T. LALE XAjNDBE, s ON & CO. 0 p CD CO o a -t P. CD Q tr P CD 03 o p -- r-h or CD 03 tr P a CD CO o w I I. rV r O P c-r- CO We have a flae assortment of all sizi Trunks aud Traveling Bag, z tra size dock covered Trunks with metal and leather binding. Extra qui. ity Sole Leather Trunks and Portmautaus. The celebrated jaw-hlda flora . covered Steamer Trunk. Rras Iwund enameled State-room, thli la a rry popular style, just the thing for short trips and is somethingeveryon ahoatt have. We also show the largest assortment of Valises and Bags In the J city. Several popular styles not found elsewhere. Give us a call or wrlta for Prici . aiLRKATH 3c OO.' Open every evening till 8:00; Saturday till 11:00 ' . BABY OA KRl AGES. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. A very hanusome line now on exhibition at r B.URQESS NICHOLS' AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT CHEAP PRIBES. YOU CAN UKT WHAT YOU WANT IN THAT LINK ATA BARGAIN AT MY FURNITURKrVTORE. CALL END SEE M Y 8TCCK. Also a tine Lino of Furniture, Bedroom and Parlor Suits Dining Room ' , and Hall Furniture. Handsome. Htyliah and Cheap, - JO, - - Furniture Dealer.' F? 11 Han UNDERTAKER. Nizht call. 11 wiwa-a.ii. No., Bryan baBdlogOTarRogertACo, A. K. KAN KIN A HRO.

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