CHARLOTTE NEWS. THE ('IIAHU)TTK N C, HAT I' 111) AY KV KS I SO. SI A KCII INI. I8i2 VOM'MK VII. NT.MIJKIt 110m T March 26 I'tjjnt tii Irvland. Polllt ilr Odin Th ar ih t p. to i .1 I lhat all New . . Ik .1 It .1 i. wild OVor ll.n nmkr J . I - i .1 Ihwtl), thry mm M. lint. itl. thtll.hcy u' ii. T'" K ! Iliy trim 1 1 1 1. if " I ' I ii. Our al .. k i f u : I H M 1 1 t- I llll tll I I I "I til. I Hi .'. 'r j liable luft k ii. ii i iiii n i. v i lti l-a-- Ii i ere i i .u. rraam, cm and link. I k tii ' ! C.ll. hi I Now Chiilli.-.M. ! Th BM pi ll.'rf. I' the gieida !.' ii- tlBVD lion Ihrlj I t -I f loVillrf .1 .1 ff u . rl.l 1 i.l a 1 1 I II. will lirl Tim Kl-l'uio ih tlir h'tui- 111 Cigar Eat. , Tim El-luro in tht hvul ! intf Cigar in Caarlotto. Tho E'-l'uro in a Havana and Sumatra Ciar for f All ol'our Ciiar an jHp ular and wtll known brands. - Moa- Now India Silks. Th cream of New , or k . he a u lie ar In ilm . Picked from the whole nt.M-k of choicest yloni. al I llipjf are now her (.f your pli kliit; I a irrylow price Now Crepons. Crep m and crapy luf! i a very MR III Now I W N I -ie II. -Ill now; !on t I-. l-el, I ii. I IU .H'.r.l and Vabla Cord are a. 1 1 . Ml l :l - In lhri the f ii . . I . 1 i r 1 1 . . ..f f- r i n g IrM Fabric Sample- ..r anl l. mall. A. B. REESE & CO'S. ikl M r J A l-k "I '" if .ii. 1 u u I Bmudili of l'il rll. .lie 1 al Mi lo VJsiUro. loal ulg'.l Mf lak waUul '0 )HII of ( end tli. 1 1 1 u thai Ufttil Uald 111 lilt .tealh I I UmH lob( .u Ho ..u ( It UmI kbuaa tluaneUr f il fil. I lo I a cb.l lu I' tabklb tulD fur ill ati v inn i ! Al II llai of M Jvalfi l I rl JmI of ll S loU.r.' I f url. ..( Hi lluk Stf Hn..f It vat formerly rKlul ..( Hi ulJ Haul uf N aJ l-.f ... it. at w a lu t lilaur l-ff II. la'.e f Mr leak tia.t majf ar . I ua l ii tancr In IMi rll.D of lh Hlalo. !.. Mill 1. .lli 1 I.) 'ru of .1tli Mr I' M Marnliar Jl. of Hll.t,ufy, wlm itiarrUJ a ilurlilr t.f k( r Ixak. m il lli l aiilral U'.Ut Willi hi llllljr, rtl InuU li S'aJlinrii, lii attrtulMr 1 ak ' f unral I ii nipfiM. 1 Mr in. I Mil I 'mini, lm lnvr l.rrii HvIiik lii Mr. Jrk..n' ti.iili-. Ii.nvr in...t I. llirlr nw In. I n i. mi Nnftli ( Ii il Ti ll oircr I. 'I'lif frine.r lmr Im.l i r.-l from mr ti lniil: tig li'i'" lli rainy rll rl In lhi wi.rk 'I'lify will rfKUiiici lnorrnl partlo I liav (. n irral Am t imIImI Kiklkll. Mr 1 1 r lot I lar k nu alf n uf J. rlianninliiiu A Co.. wlm fallJ in inoiiiri ao ria iui iicriartHi Hi final (lit I Ion. 1 Ttiv u nnrrfarraJ rrnl l lor jr"i " I . ' r ronl I n par hiK off ilir rliial 1I l.loii.l. Mr Clark on to tli al(iir ' I 1 1 a rr rolr. lll un :i The total amount ..f J (i Hh a ii nmi liou A I'ii'i llalol ItU I have naturally Ikh-ii ruiupelled to irrlflci' a 'xirtlmi of Die utiM-k. an I l.l ali il l.i"i on T. L Soialo & CO. ti. i .. 'O III O rrouiul No. II vV. I'r i. " 'I'r v on "I CIIAKI.i H'l K. N c - - I - - t XTKTery urn. I.- Um n4 provi' to l. st-f i V .i i rvturniM to nl u. e "II lie inhe. on ii.-lit i auytlmik' '"' Hyonlrrol ' i .1 n I .. ri-po-M iii.-l iiimhi mi. I likr a .trull it W. ,r. t. j to I..- rv I. K 1 1 I . K V Cll. Direct Importation of ' Tooth and Hair Brushes. Just received. Bora Dunn WAOIiKHALK AND KKTAII, Druggists. r ti Hf -3 Didn't Make Pair. For a good shoe ymi can say noth ing too good ; for a had mIioo not hi nir too bad. Willi a had slum you c.m't do anything; it's a hopnloHH cano and the eooner you gnt rid of it the hut f ter yorisbe oil. We would just as soon thinkBif trying to give a bad shoe a good dtaractej as we would of trying to give a"X0O(' a'He a bad char acter Our $3 00 shoe speaks for it self the minute it is on the foot. It is unreliable in absolutely no res pect It is just what economical buy era arelookini? for it gives economy chance without sacrificing either quality or comfort. A. E. RANKIN A .1 work a noon a ll n. I iti hi for I'limil nir ipl U A. Torr.iure, tax rollec- l .r. Iiiix made ii til- 1 1 t . . f .1 r I in .". and III" llt will I In next lurd:i)' iiie of Tiii Nru- ('apt ( oodliif'i n(, ditto. ( n tb- voti. to table the "liver bill, ri.preKi-ntatlve Alexander voted Nay " So U did Mr. John H. Men derVon, Mr William Mr Mower, Mr ( t w and Mili rdy. Mr Chan A Itland ba returned from Baltimore when, lie Iiiih heen for the 1 1 -1 i p 1 1 1 month Mtudylnif ilentHtry. Mr Hlamk ha compb'ted lm i-.iii'i. :uii n ii"W a full Hedged tooth drawer. Anions the tranfrs of Jersey rati le, reported by the A merit' an J er Mey Cattle Club, No I ItmaiU iiv New York, it "It uieiia, of Va , II Itm J H li llarrl-. lo D. (1 Maxwell, Char lotto. N. C." -The Lutheran congregation this city lias nilfered heavily In lon of iii prominent inniiliers by death, In the past year or so, among tlm-M being Capt. T. I.. Heigle, ('apt. V. A Harrier and Mr. Jacob Duls. Dr. W. H. llowman having been pro v ident ial ly detained from filling an engagement at Mt Pleasant to morrow, will hold service In Ht. Mark's Kvauglkal Lutheran church tomorrow morning and night as u-uial Tim Men's Rally, at the V. M. C. A., will be held at ft o'clock to-morrow afternoon, as usual. Mr. I.W. I iirham w i 1 1 speak iip.oi "Drawing the Line." The boy's meeting at'J:.') p. in., will lie lead by Mr. A. II. Wear n. The largest audience of the theatre senson now drawing to a close, was that which greetetl Mr Robert Downing at the Charlotte opera house last night. The play, Damon and Pythias, was presented in a superb manner. Til k Nkwh desires to suggest in ii mild way that is, or should be, some work ahead of I)r Hrevard's commit tee of ten, on the L'Oth May celebra tion. Not a day should be'lost. The advertising committee should espe cially be awake. The greatest mask carnival of the season will take place at the skating rink next Monday night. A great many entries have been made and some of the costumes will be worth seeing. Manager Oray insures a line evening to all who attend. The congregations of the First Presbyterian church and the Associ ate Reformed church will worship together tomorrow, at the Associate Reformed church in the forenoon and at the Firstchurch at night. The services will be conducted by Rev V : Todd. Dick Mor e says that the Polk brunch of Uio Alliance had no right to steal the name of Third Party. That is the original prohibition par- I ty's name. Polk's crowd belongs to the Fourth party and the prohibi tionists intend to resent this in fringement of their rights. ly alte,l hy Mr J (i Hhannoiihou. who ha done all In hit power U aid lu rralwiuir all that w at p..Klbl out of the note and account In derUrlng lhl final dividend I can not refrain tatliiKtlial I never knew any iiliriiui..nt which a morn hoiiet and upright " or lnlral to lh kalfkli ml llaaur. The Charlotte uiHiiUri of th Knight of Honor will lx I ntreid to learn that :1m tnlh of Mav will mark the occasion of the grand! gathering of K night of Honor evi r ail t mm Halt. l m4 1 avwkal Ma iaif an i i I axa r aw at w Mmmmm lm 14 Wi Jao Dlt Jl J al I.I rtu (u4Ml of Tryo aoj M lalii 1 1 i a u'clck lal bljt.l, after a '.aug ill u4 Mr Pali w il im ui 4 aaJ wa ob ul ll aui tlgbly Utu4 rUlnu of ( r. artoii. II bad bu la Jllului' bltli fur xu toobli. fl J baJ bD bJ flj Jeb line lal 1 1 m lf II lav a wlf auJ At chllJro VI f Chaa II !ula. of Ifi law flraj of Clarkaou A Dal. Mr Julia r. Dul who I lu l atlu al rvaalll. W ahlti(.u ; Mr A uft I u I'ul. liu I lu 1uIum In A lltulA, and M I rila and Win ol I ala Mr. Dul wa l-ru al WutUn. I ief maur and ram lo 1 1 I rooutry lu IMT II flrl (opd al I fiarlcwlou but ram U t hrb ti In Inv.. II al our ldullf1J hltulf with our kilt aud (opl. and lived an Irreproach able llf. uprljhl In all hi way an4 vr buldlDf lh bl(hrl rct of hi fellow tueu Mr. I u I e wa au elder luHi Mirki l.ulbvran cl.ufrh, and w a on of lie mot I roiillnl and valued meiuber Mr Dul wa not only au rider In fl Mark' l.ulfieran rtiurrb but wa a rhurrfi traater aad on of in foun dr of I lie prrevnl rliurrh In InO Ii rlecte.l a llf nirnilf of II. Amrrlrau ItiLle A ... I at lo Mr Dul wa coiifline.t Inlolhe lulbrr au Churrh In iiermany. when he vail til I.' year of age The funeral rv c will l r..n ducted fr. iii mt Mark l.u'heran church al i hi o'clock tomorrow af tern. . mi The pall larer will l Mer K. K I.ltilon, K. W. Atiretia, K Ny II ut.hl..ii, II A Kluppl I.erg.U I. Krueger.W s M I ii a" Ii A t. Ilrrnlrer and D h'. Dlion r(al Jrlle na)ala rr. Joh II Trr I ler, "lie of the I iihurru and Howau cotton thieve who capd from the Slll,ury Jail. onie time ago. waa captured at Fort Mill t'lla niornlii(, by rrrg-ranl Jetton, of the ' harlolt police force. Th er geant had located Trexb.r al Fort held In Char lea ton. I n that d al t he j M 1 1 1, and w c u t there la t n Igh t to rap- Supreme Lodge, Klilghtaof Honor, of the I'nlted Htntei and Canada will aeinble here in annual aeeeioti, and theseion will continue here about ten days. Iti expected lhat all told (hero w ill be upward of one thousand delegates frnm all part of the I'iiIoh present at thl ae-niou, which promises lobe a 'memorable one The local branches are inn Ing active preparation to entertain their brother Knights from the North, Fast, Mouth and West, and a right royal reception I in contemplation The K nights of Honor have a total memharshlp of over Ifttt.UlO. - The Slate Similar Hrhaol ratrnlla. The Slate Sunday School Conven tion will meet in New heme, next Tuesday. Three of ths most promi nent Sunday school workers that will be present are Mr. William Rey nolds, of Pooria, Illinois; Pr..f. 11. M. llamill, of Illinois; and the well- known evangelist. W. P. Fife, who will attend the convention and con duct the Rible rending at the open ing of the session. Mr. Reynolds was president of the Fifth International Sunday School Convention and is superintendent of Organization of the International Sunday School As sociatmn. He is considered the best Sunday School Convention worker In the country. Prof. Hamill is su perintendent of the Normal Depart ment of the I llinois Sunday School Association and he is counted the most prominent Sunday School In stitute conductor In the country. New Advertlaiiienta To-Day. Money lost. The Kl I'uro A H Reese ,fc Co. Ilaeket Store V .1 Davis ,t Co. l is now oien W Kaufman .V Co. A lired and thirsty cycler T T tiilnier. Tooth and Hair Hurwell.Uhinn, Thing Nol (iriierally Known. I'hat the first day of public fasting and prayer in America was orderetl in North Carolina by the Committee of Public Safety of Rowan county on Nov. 11th, 1775, as follows: "Inasmuch as the judgments of (lod are at their present,! nan extra ordinary manner impending over their province, therefore Resolved, That Monday, the 14th Instant, be and is hereby appointed a day of pub lie fasting. Humiliation and prayer in this country. And it is recommend ed thai the same be religiously ob served. North Carolina was also first to discourage the slave trade, us we see from the proceedings of this same Committee of Public Safety on Au gust nth, 177 1, wheu it was resolved, That the African trade is injurious to this colo jy, obstructs the popula tion of it by freemen, prevents manu facture anil other useful emigrants from from Europe from settling among us, and occasions an annual increase of the balance of trade against the colonies. No one ever tried Simmons Liver Regulator without being satisfied with effect. turn him. A telegram rgeant to Chief Police Mimiii thl aftermxin "I captured Trailer all rlr'it, hut In doing o, had to alux.t another negro." No further have been recel Veil. -.- Th V elarwne shoald llllr Thrmaalva. The Confederate Yet. ran Aao rlatbm of Mecklenburg ehonld lie taking ntep toward the proper ob servance of memorial day, May loth An orator should ! selected and ar rangement made for a parade . f the veteran. Th obrvance of thl day in Charlotte ha not been what it ahould bo since the ladle com-J pleted the monument and resigned the management into the hand of the Veteran's Association. It I suggested that one of the feature of the day should be an address upon the life of the late Calvin K. drier one of the youngest and bravest of all the solders. -- Col. J. T. Anthony, Col. A. L. Smith and Major S. V. Cratnet re turned today from Raleigh, where they have been attending (he meet ing of the State military board, to revise the regulations of the State Guard. The colored Sunday schools of Charloote an vicinity, are arranging for a grand union plc-nlc at Latta Park en Kaster Monday April Is. The new pavilion will be in full blast by that time, and with the other at tractions the crowds will lie simply Immense, olXa tM. mmmmm asv4 Mr mi fa . , mt a4 ll II ml ls - To day baa bu a t i day w uh ir, lwJ ittuclau ui M k libur f tvMtaijr. Mitral u'cUk thl auorhitif lb lujair ..f Mi r-.l .rv-J ufaii.ii h a tsastu rlBl0( f of I ti In I'.c r-ui-ly r-ouri houa auJ '.be ! bav lii hpl tig t.iiup n on aboil)!. Allt)o'rlok Iti liordou fallua nlrJ I'ta court Iiouh au llordon tiiao .u had hlln In Ilia Chair and a j --h .f Iwu li.'U'i a furili-euni ii ( I ijf ilou'a ll n f a r u meal wa mainly hia I .n Ida . r rupllou . a h aaw II Itial la'e 1 in lii ol orTlra of Ihla rlli H rhafg J l'ol Ol aato r llfaty rra.nllu( to ul aiana lu further hia prlvalr. and, and laklua; adtalila ll.e Drr.wi lllllafary ! . r I ti r at- ul Ilm purp-v fofahlch l.- Hfady a-i uiurh dir.l. Kordoii frouj I a( (r IDca had Ibarr.iad llhbliii. rvry polul b aiad wa lou.l y rli-e'e-1 i.y hi hrathrau After I .of. Ion came John Kchenc k who llkewlae l.,.k u ;i lb aarua line of ruuinit thai hi redeeetaor id a-i I hor oil ( ' I V gnu- urn rhnck rfiarr.! iii at l'i a n ra - ly alemeiil war not In fv .f of llif rlaon a ra-n uulna'l 'ii.bat Ihatlfii .r on n.ul.l .- oil I ar.l "Ul ..( 1 1. - i. mi n t hall maualilp and tf It' 1v f. Ii mi oold rl In th-lr loan II it than M ar k lei. hut r.mtity I t- fl ....- ed with money to l uy II e vote ol for Alg'ejaa Hie choice of the Uepul. I loan delejfa'l Ml from thl Slat While Mhan 'k aa .eking H e hur named bv the I '. r I y faction for (l ho), hag of It ir meeting arrived and the court room w ....n crow. I- 1 ed to over- (lm I llf With the r.ree n I alive of each f c( i I ( .rd. r reign e and It a a I - r ! fo-e the gavel In the hand of l. r l n hn I any e lfe-1. A t lat . ii i. t a ral or. d and Col Meyer a tale, I i ( I . ..r ..n w is lo remain chairman th tt th.- dele galea that Is the ll'ilv fiction would retire to the feerl cart room which llii.y .ll I a' -li.-ri notice W l tkmmm I mm mm t ..a 1 t. 1 1 f u II 1 N w !. iut liat. J an arruanl of Mr J T H Ilauawhuui auJ rlullii( I lm th kiiIb non. cy under fle fal-rl T It.- I H.o draoitMf f.f Helm I' irk I Coin u y and I kaowb all IMuujIi th rv-gll. f.Klay .-Iw A Hryau. .f lb Cu trl Molel, lecaU.d II. la .lpatrh All iMi.lit, March Hay ! Iti' frleo.1 thai ho cau l foonJ al our office, S l'arhlra irl, Al lanla. da W J Wiiwn Matiaef llraurh llouar, II J llrlm A ( o kta.Wtsw ala Ikl I la. . Iturglafa havr Ivan arelllug I u a-ui g.Mi I ..rk lu Ilia .al le day In lirreii.U.r... Rrldaillle and Danville. In lda!a nl fie tlo re a arfr brokli Into and r. I'Ik-.I he. I, lea older a 'li a 1 Ief rot t.fle. n on lllght. tirrall I - r . i and Danvill have ala.i aullernd from the aains gatif. II laaupp.iaed TIS NOW Oi'KN i:.nv von oiu inspkction WHAT? nl. II ll-r lai.l Hl,k ,.( si.fiu I mf tho',1 Ul-i. i'r j.ul lit . u . oly Ihlo. thai la mi au J laui:Cul a I 1 Hi 11 a I J fy r..u.plllloo I hilly alralna -UJ turnln ar ut auJ tnof c- u. f ... f t It dctuuJ-4 SriUNO WEIUHT OVKKCOATiS In many of the ui,i,a and -!. ii eaillifa air n- I .!. In at. I d ll.r nderfully I. ful l alleflit . flOjj- flr-1 II. ry id cHcriiit I ii r. i I If MI4lkl t lllr. Firry apriuf during a rainy apall. Ill ink f ta come up ffnlll l'ie ( reeka by the branrhea thriire hy the gul tera into Hi city and on occaalmia mike tl.rlr apearaiice lu largr nuui hert Thay are fierce and vlrloua anlmala and do not healtale to at lack a man The. ael.lorn a pp r on Ilia atrrrta until after midnight hell traffic haa cee, and nil a .iilel Tll"V lie e r lllol re t llll ..'Ir lll ra at licked then they Invarlshly aliow fight. I.ail night . 1 1 cr in ii llarn hardt killed a big specimen a lib In club, o Fifth atreet. prlraj lhr..U(h SEND US YOUR HOY n.J J.. ( tan i. r a t i .' I IU I lid In flflraii li.,n,io. wa ll frtiiru ' luoi ntiloc and vli lye you er aaa. our lu.y ru. , tu,,,,,,.f i. II iii.laotn. ami trilr-V Paul th fl nrl Hi. f 1 1. w . f II in a . n i . u l.l nil n f a I - - f ( f a . I u I I I-. IV I I I Shirt WUHtrt in IVre.ln or Flannel lif- 100 t ONE HUNDRED H" Up 1(X) Do.aii fine quality rll.l. Mlhrlau II ... uir.lium an. I lil.t tana, no-lea .Iti, ,h,1 , .. I , , r, uli , fl , world - r4.-fi Our pflra J. ..- IM It M I lirll'l HTM K N r no. re( rt, Hpring HmiUhi f..r the l..i n . ril-ir.i Hovel A k t. . rr 1 1 e In i er ' l I- ! ..Irl 1 III. II, a r !, a I 1 r I : Ii r t r I '. I . r I II :.l h this ...U. at after to the Curtains No room Is furnished without cur tains and never befoe have we shown such a variety of designs, such a range of prices, such marvels of beauty; a pair of curtains forfl and upward; Extra tall windows draped beauti fully; Very broad ones covered and fullness in abundance remains. Ecru cream white two tone; Some thing entirely new snown in this department in fancies; A visit to it alone will repay you many fold. Come and see what's new and nice; Hcrims in plain and fancy. A table scarf, do you need ouo? Marsha! I. M tl in l l the court houe meeting noon. Muck lllythe al--. delight of the croa d. I II K H K I I I M I I V... The llrady element moved to the court room In the pt..iTlre htilldlug and Col. M yer a aa made chairman They had big eerh a plenty, and were at il I or it I ng wfien I'm K Nkws went to pr. a I he Itrady meeting appointed delegate a follow: To Raleigh : C. S. U A. Taylor, W. It. Myera. h. I . Hag er. A. Itra f v, John (iamb e an I R. Ilryant. To Rockingham : M. It William son, A. Itrady , i . W. Maxwell, J. M. ( iiiii.Ii', I Jen. F. Steele, Will. McMul l.'ll. Th Mailer XVIII lie A ii.I.sI.It Sel I led. W ash t Mi I..N. I C. M irch Li, -A member of the Cabinet al.l today, t bat he saw no reason for supposing that the present complications with Great lirlt.iin lu regard to the seal (Uherles, will not be settled amicably. He added that It would be (lie height of folly for twocountries having so much in common, to uarrel over a matter they have agreeil to settle li arid trat Ion, ami be felt conlldenl thai G rent ltrl tain wll I either con sen I to a retiewelofthe Hindu Vivendi of las) year or that If she does notdo thlsshe will not Interfere with or resist the ef forts of thlsgoverumeiit to prescrx'e theseals, pending the arbitration pro ceedings. It Is said at the Stat Im parl incut that nothing ha been heard from Lord Salisbury I n repone to M r. Wharton's uate of the l2tid inet. It Is very evident, however, that the otllcials will be dlnappolnt' d i f 1 1 . ri ply Is not received In a few days. lldren Cry for Mtcher't Castorla. I aveal Waalk.f lleawrl , The follow Ing I a ay nop. la of the weather prevailing at s a in. in dav : The low pressure a filch w aa noticed In theeXtreme -.rtli ft yraterdiy s pursuing iille a rapid moil h east . ourae. and appeara on the ma. cen t r a I at K a ti i Illy. M.. . a hei e (he moa( cl.-ar I v dell ned cy i b nil c area of 1 the season prevail. Tin low pre lire w III affect the weather In thl section during the day. and result in more rain Ills pr-b able (hat the condition will rult In clearing weather during to-morrow forenoon ( teueral rain bav occurred over the entire country. hut have been heaviest Immediately to the . uth of (hi sec tion, from which 'harle(.in S ', re lirt . ti Inches ; Augusta, and veral more over au Inch. Orallnn hv ..I . W. Msal.lrll Hon. A. M Wad. loll will deliver an oration U-fore the I ' tnerl ty at the next online u cement on the" Life an I Character of C d Viilllam I, H. Hin der" The oratlo-i w ill bo delivered on Alumni d iy. rii.'sil.iy, May f ore th A I ii in n i A ssiM-iat I 1 1 . Rarely ha e speaker and nbject lee.n u hap pily united. - - -sio- - M r. Thom i McCor.l, otie of tl prominent fanners of Paw CreeV township, wa in the city today. 11 say thai when voting time mince, all the Mecklenburg Democrats will be found putting in the right sort of bnl lots. He says that he ha never known them to fall. IV. Kaufman & Co. I F . HI NG ( loril I FR.- y I llMslll II AND II I I I K M AIL nllhl ll "i il It I I FI er ( FN IRAI. Hi Mil. ) KLHT I N i MERCHANT TAILORINC DEPARTMENT. With our ''. vear ex-. rie'. their Suit made t perfect ht and alma a 'in-- to e. w e cater for the trade accut..m e. i. . l ave assuring them a aa vlng in price, warranting '- lect from Uiat ha no superior A SAFE I ii vessment makes one feel good and a pretty dress mane a lady comfort able and happy. All that see our stock of Dress Goods go from our house .t BLOWER Of their cheapnes and b-auty, so our blowers are now n tafew; i;o one was ever ARRESTED For this ollenco ; its our best adver tisement, therefore all arc rAIUK)NEI) And the whirl of atlmirat ion contiiir lies broadening as we contin tie open ing Spring Novelties in Sublimes, Herges, V Hair, Scotch Cheviots, Henriettas, Mixtures, etc., with the new Trimmings to match. Black Goods, Blue and Je Black Diagonals, Serges, Plains, Albatross, Nunsveiliug, Fancies, Rrilliantlne, every kind your kind if found at T. Ij. Alexander, Hon & Co s. Strength and Health. If you are tot f ellng strong and healthy, try F.loctrlc Bitters. If "La Grippe." ha left you weak and weary, us Electric Bitters. This remedv acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those oraus t i perform their functions. If you are afflicted with nick headache, you will And speed v and permanent re lief by taking F.lectric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 60c, V at Burwell A Dunu's, wholesale and retail, and at Jordan A Boott's, wholesale drugstores. T. L. ALE X AN DEE, S Ofl&CO. Just Now We find our kid glove depajtment overstocked and place on sale Fos ter's pHtent ft hook gloves, dark shade w"rth $l,ft() at f I ; now this is some thing you can't miss; all perfect. Full assortment of shades is Mnsii'ie undressed; New Veilings: Anoth er great lot of imported hosiery opened ; unprecedented sales in thl magnificent fast black regular made goods at 1ft and lloe. Something new for hoys waist, strong and good at 10c; Choice Per cales, etc. Blazers' ever popular and serviceal le ; New styles of them now shown and within pour reach. LADIES PINE BOOTS H I hue j '. ,. .... ,- ...... k,r! .. .:, a lj.i.- I : IL..- I,., . I -r 1 that .-).e-y- '' "i.r t;f. - ' '.-::. 1 I . -u. k ... .-. - r ! I. tw U. vt . t 1 - -- ' i r v i? - - W ..: 'mm ' : lo I k.r I .1 . : ' .,' ,, .. ! n. t v.1. :i- ,, f' ol n .., t,. -,,., II,.-, L t ' l..s a .- , . f-.-in I'le I I K f S" V I'. ft". - - .- in. .11 ' V. ' irr rriM-,- , . i;. ,:...- , 'i,.- k; J "r'' "I" l."if ' ' ci.o.1- r, r t'.HI:.- I 11,,-ln Notro.iMe t..-.h.. (.KAY & 10 Eaat Trade Street 'Prompt attention giren to all Mail Order. UAKNII Al.DT. , CHAKL0T1K N. C TWO F11TY. I. A HI KS here i : Iiih' i.-. made either hut siNSiKing all llu' .'. arry an iiunien.- st.i. k tl.rn UH' an.l heel. lhat si'ltli it . an.l arc llu1 mail JiV cxI ra. N cw M . . duv aitli a nvor.l, Z.-igler Urns .flehmusl Plnla. make, l lu ' "r Istitil. of (he l-cst goal ioiig..;( t-, a soli ils the tttiet ki.l. i wearing .pialilie i'iili.i' -lo the skin, of the elder animal. We : Ibis grade, all -ie I to, laud K w i.ltlis. thr.- styli- of la-t, a:id Ini-l. an.l tl ra t.s- with CS hivl. These ,ho-i hi. and slan.l.inl (if i Aivileniv tliroiigl.ntit the cm dry; pri.. tl ..x I.y new SlipT, and in trunks an ol wlm-li von shoul.l sir. QILREATH Open every evening till S:(ki; Saturday till 11:00. & oo. BABYCAKKIAGESr THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. A very handsome line now on exhibition at B.URQE S S N I O H O L S' AN I OKKKRKP K) T 1 1 K PUBLIC AT C H K A P IMS I HK.S. YOICAN GKT W H A P VOI' WANT IN THAT Ll X K AT A H.VRGA1X AT fMY Fl'RNI ll REHTORK. CALL KXDsKK MY STGCK. Also a line Line of Furniture, Bedroom and I'arlor Suits, Dining Room and Hall Furniture. Handsome. Stylish and Cheap. Furniture Dealer. R S Sloan, Room IINDICRTAKER. Night call, No. 6, Bryan building, over Rogers ACo,

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