THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAHLOTTK, N. . S.V'.T It DA Y KVKNINU. A I ' 1 . 1 1 . -. IM. , VOWMK VII. Nil 51 II Kit U14 Sciirk April 1 GRAND SPRING Begins Tuesday Next . -i t N I I lil'l. M S li l il r lit K I I I AI.K IMI MI I.Utvn ll.K I MIHUN" IN Nt I'ArtHlVh V Ml A I.I. M V 1 1 COCA-COLA now on Draught liliK." hTI in mi I. N I r r Ml III i " en. n s Aim Mn. ' PRING JACKETS u Mi A II N I IlK V l' mk ur 1 t 1 . 1 1 1 1 titI W mm mm .?V r kaa a a tat at) I TVa atMlltl wl aaa Km- crali ariU mHl mm lU llllllllKMkJll Tt, k4 laif alaJac.v It- omlf mm mm .ml lluui U. Wataa Uilaf ( a pi T IL IwUlUvk. Ili efialfataaa dU.r U.aa ( IU.lila. U.f a m not I laat.r 4tl, J ' i i i plarf-Jcl- la Tl l " b Uam hvetifa. I'Mll Mlll.iril WlliTi W"'"''"'111"""1'1'1 aaaf li.l n..l uj..ii.. Aim atu .IlKUHluk II Je-ljd II. l r..unl; tvtttliUuD I. I ld oo Tm day May 111 1 1. r I u. a r ! . wilt frlj ub Ih tmmluc Thursday, May v Th hour for I' pfltuarte In ll country mm l f-r .' bi . auj la Hi dir. I I' tu H-l-fl.o mm Inatrurl r.l in la a rail lu Ih oiaal until f. f all 1 1 t -r a I lu Id o.uBly loal land Hi prlmarlv au.l r-ouuly o-n t 1 1 . u Mr T J in a lle, nittnl r .'I II. r f irrullft co cti nj 1 1 last for Morn lug hlaf low nat.lp. lu plar of Ir J llell. ,lrraa,l and I " r . . f Inratit a lrtrl c ,m to 1 1 lr. m a n f r tin- l,oii 111 plar ! M r J I Moan. lli.1 r.1 I "- A. ft RKISE & (X)'S. hi. 5 JUT ' Vf,o - Win. "in a grip U I lr 'J r I y 1 r . r v 'I I" l li' I a -ample lii of lli fin I'rut- I U ra nd i-r i ii if ' pen I ng In. I lnrr I y m.ti I li . I. .1 th day mm receive. I til v 1 1 t" In . 1 1 1 1 r. L Seiglo & CO. Si II V I'r.t.U l. I s 1 s Tr yon t CM KMiri K, N. C. f r-( i r ' li A r I U- . Ijl.l.- I.i .1 lt ..rl. Kill ' ..I I . .1 ! ! ! i ! -..-.'llf.1 liHI-l ii I i r a .Irn't il i . j.ri j I.. If n- h I ' . I I ('" Direct Importition of Tooth juh! Hair Bruslii's. Just received. Burwell Duiifl V,o,i:s MjI''. AMI KKIAIli Druggists. Ti4r Miptj . i'. r v I A S. i J! Il No Sir, Wo Can't Fit You ! Home littl tinii uo wt .'Uinouncfil thut if von wonlil furnish tli fppt we would do the rent. V weriiot then alluding l woihIimi feet. Any other kind of f"t thut coMo in our way will lo excellently taken care of. Kor sniiill feetwehnve hiii n 1 1 shoes, for int-ditim sii'il fi'i't, mediiini ized m1ioi mid n to the end of the o.hapCfir. It is proper to say however, that we take special pride In our hIiohh hecalise they happen to he spo cially k()0,I !pi mens of footwear. More thoroughly comfortable, pre HHiitablo mid durable shoe never found their way into the Lands of a purchaMer. A. E. RANKIN A BKO Mr J II llarlr ill l"t rnlii; for I'll 1 1 .U I I'd .. Mr K V nuiif I aimllirr i f Ilia Krll' I r 1 1 iti in I lurl.'llr Mr J.pli I'atiin'ii Iffl for H-rlanlu rr . - in In xm, Mr Mi.. H I aiin ui I 'III III II III "li wli ! mill I I -1. 1 il llir Ivr.iiiil I'ff'ln Ir f 1 1 ii rl.urrlii I. .in..rr.i illuming , llll iUvliijl n.l ! l till Hill) l'altr.ii "' No III if Kil M iN'lial l llivrMiil Mr M ( Mijrr i j t r r In,- from a rvrr alln-k 1 1 rr iimllir r, M r i Irk. - lUv J M Tod. I l D , a I r .llier of Krv I '. V. T.H..I. ill prrarli at Hi V. Il I', i liiirrli . in,, ir r.i I'uhlir it'.l lUv i M A ut i ii. p.nlor ( tlr Tradr l r-l l(aplil rh iirch . of II I. ril v i. iill iiiil' ah k in Munr.ia Mr i. u tt.-r i iif itli lli1 tr rip. I In- taril of a I.I rr in. !! will in. .ft ' hi riKiil r monthly Ion nril M.u , day. Therr I no huai or of an y par i tirular Inlreal to rmnr U-furf thrin at tin nin Um;. i - Hud Wnrrrn, a npr,i from ( rah ()r-lird t nh i p. a jm led today, on rlirk.e of rin lty l Mr almt a row , ii lid I I n j a 1 1 I n d f. in 1 1 of j. , hh, for appearance for trial he fore J inlr M ra r . -The Korkrt .iv Ilia 'the K. c k. -I nirliam ( i mi I I uh l" filed to nir-t at I. Ma A Stifle t"re nent Muml iy iiU'hL Step will he t.ihen to arrange for a inat li at Charlotte mi May Jiith, m hen our Cliih will w ipe up tin State." Mr. S. N . Keld, w ho "lulled the I'rolill.ltion electoral pledge by nit lake, wa one of the niot "lulling men in attendance upon the meeting of the I)einocrtlc-executive com mittee, today. Mr. Keld i alill a I lemocrnt. Meatrt C. V. Tillett. I".. M. An drews, V. C. lowd. Kdmoiid Itrown, I.. A. Coulter, I'rof. Manna and other will in live minute talk tell how the State convention at (ireeiinhoro liu preed them, at the Men's Kally at llie oiiuk Men's Christ ian Associa tion, tomorrow afternoon, at r o'clock. Men are always welcome at this Kalherlnir; the orchestra is expected to play tomorrow. The funeral services of Mrs. Amelia Koil were conducted yester day morning from her late residence in Concord, by Kev. W.ti. Campbell, assisted by Dr. C. M. Payne. A larfre concourse of friends and relatives were present to pay their tribute of sorrow and respect. The pall bearers were Messrs. Win. Smith, M. I,. Itrown, I). K. Hoover. M. I.. Ibst, V. I.. Hell and C. A. Correll. Klllr.1 liy an om'r. A deputy sheritT at Hpartanburi? , yesterday afternoon, attempted to arrost a while man and a neuro, sup posed to be Patterson and Pharr.two of the escaped prisoners. The nero resisted arrest, attacking the deputy with a knife. The ollieer drew a pis tol and shot him dead. The white man escaped. -a- sinl iiiiii.iuai i; Ik in. AshevilleCiticn: S. Wittkowsky, of Charlottfr, one of the largest anil most prominent tradsineii in the Htate, is here today. New Ailvrrtlamriil To DT. Kor rent C MoNolis. Hein now 0 t' Moore. Kor rent Mrs. I., lioeditrer. Coco Cola A 11 Reese A Co. Kibbon sale II Hanu ti Hro. How do you like it T T (iilmer. Hock lleer K Portlier HtvwiiiRCo. Sled proptwals A Hrady, 'iiskvlian. inr p)ixls stand llanlware Hrowu, Wed dington A Uo. A wrilrf III id I lr CI. r.'li Irlr to lai . i n airoii(l urirr ih rlalitit of Mr .rank I iial-rnr for atu-ruy (frnrral Hr l'laHot nir to aiiiioiiiicr to it r I 'riinK-racy of Itir "I ilr, ihroua-ti Id mrdluiii of yoor in in i trrllrnl pair, thai III namr ' I rank I. laUirnr, tli aid lawyer. Ilir r.Hiiml a lvocatr and lb rfTl Clrllt a-.lli llor of th Mill dlnWlrl. taill l prrorlilrd l" III I arlllocralir Stair ( onvrtilloii. which nierl In your city May l"lh, for Ihr notiilna lion for th position of atlruey yru rral. To Ih.Htr ho know Mr ( lru no word of Introduction or com mendation in iirceaaary. A icraduatr ofl'aTl.lmD colleffe, and aaturally f uiil of claaairal literature, h la cholarly In Ida mi terulnmriit and h a rlucatloii l rlnlalird and rnni- plrte I ii fieri tnif from hl father, t 11 e lair J udf r Janiea ' . (lalxirn, a I. ..rat n.l,..l f ll.. ...! auiMflot lln. .. ... -. . mJ I i d )froinded In the ffTan ta7l principle o the common law W a two year' course of wtudjr -Jndr that rreal North Carolina Jurlt, liichmond M. Pearaon, and with the heat of opHirtUlllllea otfered by a I trifr practice lu Ihr active and w l,lr aw akr city of Charlotte. It i ii o won that M r. ( Ul-oriir ha drv loped Into what lie i, KH'it lawyer, a fine speaker, th-- mot powerful procut in; oflicer I n the State, and a niater. In the broad meaning of the eipre- Slon. of the learned and abstruse pro fession of the law. It I rare to Mud in mie man so many strong points, and all In such a high slate of devel opment, as are found in him. - - - -aa- - Tkr Coiiiiiilaalunrra Monday. The regular monthly meeting of the loard of county commissioners will be held Monday, and the session will be of more than ordinary inter est. Ihe application of Mr. T.J. Wilson, for license to sell whiskey in Charlotte, will be brought to a finish, and the matter of the dis charge of Mr. Sossamon from the sueriiitendency of the county stock adt), will be heard. This matter promises to be one of very great in terest. M r. Soisamon has employed counsel and will have a full hearing. Application for license will be made by one or two parties whose names have not yet been mentioned in that connection. A POUC KM AS SHOT DOWN. aaoata imililll m,.i at. a f tkia I I at i I . a II..I nM.kl .ll.t t. 1st ! mmm r ll laaaaaiajtf .ail 1 1 Mf JmM'rm U.'fai. otic ..I I' r a I (Vet)) auaailft ..f II. p-.ll ' f,r oflLUrllt It Ij lu( at Mi I -t i . Jay la rt ciilifal rot J 1 1 i, Alval I . Iwk IMl tii.ilbU.f a ir In tU tn Irtluf l" luilr Willi a lol ( al.lcu ft .ui ..( I .. : lit rf hl- lui-i I' r l' I I fca.i ..f I ha . fTlrwr i r -I j l .f a w u n 1 alirl i II, l.aalclana I n Ii n, Ml i l'..IU.ii Mofaii t-rl 'iif I-, "n (elDl J. a l 'rf a-juatt I lila l i I fill mi dull al I.' "'el k 11 nl' I l'ullrnit" M -rati aii'l Kill ' lf WoIl lit t-ul l tie apiafr alirl . aJull up .North Irion iliori At, lhy r.l..l lli Kltr" al rl aft I, ' at Hi oftir c.f Trjpn and rrtrnir. lUnl lhy ..'krJ dot J al-l,l' irttl tad it ln nrir.i llpi inc i l.y. undr lli jlarr of Ihr rUriricj I i (C r . I The) mil ft'f up .N.-rih ( ollrj-r slrarl and r li our li. ta(f of rl.ti.r ma Ma nuil.lrr l i e- . . rtl c-rt ran Op rr)on airr-i I., r irhlh t ' i I i Ma ! a r v I., a! I in I II I li ! li l. I Mu, li. I TI H NOW Ol'KN i.g'.a Jr.. j - I i' ' li i. . U 1 ..f Hie il l' ,1 I' , " ul ail llloi . . l r ! i ' (.ii' If li i'.ifit, (la 'la; ll.c il Iti, " ..I an lltnliflcl I J I I .. , A I . fibril nil I all lllll lrl Hoi il ! I I Url. I l krh ll.l.'Jur i.K (' r t I?' '- Ili.l U.lre III ll of 11 ur II ilrn t!.r l iltlffl wrfe aVM ukahy iok vorn laVsi'KirriOaH WHAT? i i.i ul ll laiinl it. a of f ln. I w lol la. iu eirfj It . p I . I I 111; U ib ...I ( lafj lfu liv ttVAlMU ll .a uia m l liallfal al pf tSl 144 - tt.ii, an 1 in . r t- I to f ale oil ua ..1 o.ilj I' Ira I! rki fr -ll. II, a Krlic . t Cell J-1 fall, li I ru I! r ) rlc .lihi'irfr l I II.b ..i h Mr M nil Ii i - ul ii )tin el fm an I la "ii "f llic I inol aa arU h ,,nr ,'f I' e III al r ft: . Iclil p' 1 1 1 r It , r ti li I'.c f.'tcr Mr w aa c irclr'l I'.lrr ir(n a(" and I at a i -' r-r.,r I. I n I in .lit v i a i tin tuMt. If a lay WllJrr f l 1 l. '' ' ur . luri'ar J ,1 I ti llli, 1 1 , fc l' r lolllrl ll w aa aim "ll r.,,.l 1 llullkrl (all l-rlU a II , jll' Ir t . . ll a I rut out frotli l-lrrc !' r rl,(!li an I iiiiilh fit- on Cr ri.-i.i ilr I l lla apllir. Mr M ran . '. . Ill "I'rralloii wll'.i'ul flint In i.. ' a ll I UlCralllJ to g I I 111, anrallirllc. lr Wllilrf 111. Ilul I iii a i. y I. if. ri (vloUl U atna4t. SrHINCi WKICUIT OVKH COATS '. ' r u'.i . .1 ai, 1 lul;ful pal la I ti a i 0 trail lli al)lc I' rj ale r ! IllKl II ..u(li.ii I SKNI) UaS YOUR HOY f iap.'Md aad AmmmmmiSm Ilia la Aalsfi gtmMtot MMt l. l I. Ill l. -k III, Mir Ii I - in rn ttiliiulr w II rriurii '.I iii wlili flural tij, ribf Hwt of f tmmmimM -I - . i nl .1 ) Ir to u ml a a m r r II a an. all . aiunal of Ma tM f mm a -. Jll. lr mil l ll ul Uiull 'li II Ml e, ahlt 7) . an, I a-rU.lli Paul. all. . r I : , ai aa J oa a p ial Id, I I I li.., I in a :' , f.l ' r i Hi a. uin. I la riarlly alinMaf ! t1 l!Hl,lntf Ihlrh killed I' rral drill I i a I fi I I t! j mi I V dirfrrnir I I li r that tl . I ullri , blrli klllr.1 the 1'rr.i.lri.t t .... la Shirt WiumLm in lYrcl or Fhinnel li5c up. kx) one iiundkp:d 100 waif a aLaaula juahljr fil.l.) Hill fi(Ki'i h '. ruadlutu and llfhl waif kt, la) l..ra (uiIioUukI ataaulalaM i 11 in lloalea alalra, u Ii I ' r r I . r.1 an 1 lla.k. worth - ra. li tlur itlc -V I; IMl I'KI'AltlM KM' mu rrilri, will, il, I air I ooaoIU la Mr.arar for Ihr l"ti till rhll.lrrii aa hat nilhlaf arw aaJ ak !- rr II, nil I .,r. ...-u.M.b ..,,, -!., lr ,mrf r..,lf... M, M..f,! TTZ foj) S r;r,:;':,;:'::,7.r.v,,::-;r:,,;;' ---z:, IV . htlltmati & CO. reached ttiat po'nl. I' trur, tl,r , ' W I'liiiu'nt arr all animal In n , m n i IhlrTea tall ;ua liirnil..' ml Kl Mh i iff-1 aa 1 r rr oi uk-iii t!r li rc tlon of Iti e f u rn ll urr factory Al the aljrlil of t Ii ofth-rra, tliff ran I'ollrrmaii KillouijTh puraiir l the lar ir of lli It" and ran hln Into a lot M-rupled f Ii lltninil hoiir. I'o llcrlliall KIII'tU(h followed III aftrr h in OfTleer,, in the mean time, had run hi prlaotirr to the fence The ffr.i al".rd with hi. Lack lo the feiic. and ficeit I I flic r Moran a I he latter rani tin. lioii't you know mr, Mr Moran"'' the li fro nkd aa tfi ulTicrr a proac'ii d N..." a aa ) r re ply of the officer. W ell." aaid Ih negro, "my uamr . ( 'aldw rll," at the a a 111 r nionirnt, an I ijtllckrr thill It can be told, lie pre. lited a pistol at the n ill prr 'a breast and flrr-il Tli ixillcenian fell to m A aa rl4a llrtviia.! I'r,k,rtrt Th l'rrbytry of ilir A... Kr f or inn) C Ii u r c h will I. r.nivnir I In C h ar lol lr . M . .nday iilKhl. u ha I. aril an imu Herd III Tli) Nl- I l m ll I be on of lie largeal galhrrlug of tfila druomlnalioti yrl held in ( hariolt, and th pr.H-rrding will h of 1 1 1 1 1 r e I hail u u. 1 1 nil. re-1 Chu - loll Will k'lVr 111. llrlr'alr l,. VI. lor a cordial melrom I . H! 1 1 1 N 1 1 i l.tirillKlts. Kl K.MHMKIt-M ASH 1 1 A IT K IC M Ml. iKIKlli Hdl.U ITKD r t I N ; a Mill Y I. I M AKI-lim; ,. C, rm nrarriior -o nit ...... win lw amply provided f..r i. k.t. I, la r..r,l..r ..,,1 ...I I .. -"i .... ...... - , ,,,,, ,,,, or lriB property a ihot al lit fleeing negri roller man Klllough, who was some di- j tance aw ay at the time, also fired al the negro and g'ata him chase, i but he got away. Sargeant Orr wa I Th Trvkrr'i alarlr. I The Iracher "f ihe graded cln'! ( have heeii paid Ihrir eal.irie for the ( .month of March, and the Lot ton, off ' the iraury h.i ! n craped. 1 1 ' committee of the ach.Mil hoard ap piinl.'il t sell oil a portion of the chiHil lot and tlill reimburse Ilia i treasury, w'.ll meet Monday. The aUaiarle of th IHrlir for the April hv MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, W ith our -i year eperienc, we cater for the trade accustomed to bats tli.-ir Suit made to men. ure, aasuritig thrin a saving In prlc, warrantlag perfect fit and lniw a line to eei-t from that ha no suparlnr. LADIES MKEBOOTS below the nipple, and had downward. The condition of the of- , fleer was such that no attempt to pmhe the wound could be made. !r. Wilder remained by his liedside un til s o'clock, at which hour it seemed that Mr. Moran had slightly rallied The doctor gave it as his opinion that the wound is a fatal one. Mr. Moran remained conscious and told of the occurtence in a clear way. lie did not see the negro even make a motion with hi hands, nor did he Tkr Hall iaadl trkmil C oo. ml Ion. The Sunday choo I Con ven lion h i ! hei n In aessloli during the week ll New be rti and ha- jut adjourned a I- , ter one of the uiot gratifying meet- , ing that It ever held. There were I 1'J deli irate in attendance and tl.ei people of e w lie r n at trinleil anil en Joyed the elercises. The largenl ! lllllllber of delegate ever hefere pre, en I w as on ly 111 All I h- Pro tei tan t denominations were represented. j Kvery county in the State is now well organ ied. rall lla Ih Conlrart, I The trustees of Charlotte towu-hip met today to open bids advertised i for, for a profile survey of the courses ' and tl itance of t he ni blic roads in .'this township, from Charlotte to the wnship line. The mrvey i to eni- of roads. Two hid by county ur- sjooii on the ai,l. The shooting oc curred by the reslJenceof Mr.Havin Me came out at the sound of the firing, and eelng that Mr Moran w a badly hurt, got a pillow and inadeth" oflicer a comfortable a positie until a can iage could I e procured. Then the wounded oflicer. sutTerlug intene pain, hut never once moaning, was tarried to his home in the southeastern ection of the city, and Ir. Wilder summoned The physician found Mr. Moran In a very weak and critical condition and it appeared that he cnild scarce ly survive an hour. I he bullet, evi dent! of o calibre, had entered 1 l" i r xi. ,ii,, i,,..., . i0i, brace ! inile nionle. and had ranged w ere recei ven. one veyor fspralt lor lisi, anil one ny .Mr. Mlltler, o( IMgetield, S. ('..for ,-. mall chil- larosals for dren, Parasols for Misses, Parasols for Ladies, Sun Umbrellas for Men and Ladies. Some are Mlk, others l.iec Some are Moiiriinr. others rainy, but all have ntiv Micks. Cataract Silk Fronts, New Chiffons, Choice Laces, Blezers, French Shawls. Id arr ' ''.' nnl II tint h Slut re . lofn. U WERE NEVER belter prepared to satisfy YOUR The work was awarded to Mr. Spratt. The trustees aNo instructed the committee appointed to work jointly with the committee of the board of commissioners in regard to the road work in Charlotte township, to make orders on the treasurer for funds at such times ami in such amounts as they see proper. W I liav pla-el on th market Uika i a I jipir Kmc Idas to vll for U thai aurpoma .ill our former rllorta. The .luck ran in thaaa -li,' i" thr aamr a. haa been llanl in a afaoa to r:i lor I '..'. vi ttiat thrrr isa direct aavha; ol i nr an. I clean, fnuli gianta, TtaSM .liia-. Ii.avr in all w i. It ft fnau C to ICS; Plain ,aor Pat lip. N uf ciHurutm ih-rK :tli Opera !-. itetn mail lit tlkt liiuil ale ni.ilo r in Ihe land, every pair I wirranteil. ami a larfirt til Kirrn. l!e sure that you n tliene, -'"'s . We are oa-iiing new goods everyday; Come 1111,1 Ihriii N'n Imiilila li. ahftar L'ials. " G HAY & HAHNIIAltDT. 19 Kfutt Trade Street, CHARLOTTE. N. O r 'Prompt attention given to all Mail Onltra. TWO FIFTY. -:o: Never had so many Goods of Such Rare BEAUTY. Never had so many custo mers who left our house satisfied. L L. ALEX AN DEE, SON&CO. Cane Mattings Cane Mattings, Cane Mattings, Rugs, Rugs, Rugs, Door Mats, Chanille Table Scarfs, Fancy Draperies, Sash Curtain Material l.AIHKS ben- isa shoe with a record, Zeigler Mros celebraleil Phila. make. Tbla -h.a' is made either button or Laced, of the best goat dongola stock, as sort as the finest kid,' but pori.s.-s-iiii; all the piod wearing .pialities peculiar to the skinsof the eliler animal. W carry an immense stock of this grade; all siiea I to ; 1 and K widths; throe styles Of laata; i ra toe ami Ini-I, ( S u- and luvl, and iiera toe with CSheel; Tliiwe shot fit, an4 tint s.'l t it. and are Ihe standard of excellence throughout thetxmitry; price 12.50, by mail Ate i-xira. New Shoes, new Slippers and new Trunks; all of which you should sew. C3-IIL.FtE3A.Tii Open every evening till 8:00; Hatnrday till 11:00. 8b OO. BABY CARRIAGES. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. A very handsome line now on exhibition at B URGE S S NICHOLS' . AN I) OfFKUKH TO TH K l'UHLIC AT CHEAP PKIRE8. Y0UCA, il KT WHAT Vor WANT IN THAT LINE ATA BARGAIN AT IM Y Kl' RN ITI' KK HTOKE. CALL END SEE MY STOCK. Also a line Line of Furniture, Bedroom ami Parlor Hoita, Dining Room i and Hall Furniture. Handsome, Stylish aud Cheap. BLrKGESS NICHOLS. taitore Dealer. - R S SlOSn UNDERTAKER. Night call, 11 vV,vu,li No. , Bryan building, ovafRogeri Boom JRogwrt4Co rm'

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