vowmi: & i lur .ut li.- . I 1 I I f f ! mrii ( ft 'lln.ii- a I t I " II lt I I' I fc......f- . i I ll ft I" I'll .1.1 I'.m .... i.i. g, 1 1 1 1 I i . . n- i . ! .1 I II f I,. .1 If tfl-l I" I I i. i i r ..I I I I i . . ' , i - w . n I.."' " I I ii .' ! '. . fl-, I I -i-llx I . .nl I try ' ! l . i f I r - t Ii-ii I ir of mir I l-.t (.l.tftetl hi' . . .Ill I f. " lr t I. in I f l I .1 'I I n( nut ni'ir- itin u 'i ' s t ' in 111' ! 'It II I l .' t ' iii .in.. r I mi i t . i M . n I ' . ..I- I- if t'w -'..? k.-. . f li i I .1" '!' I t ,. .i...t I . .'I . II' ll' i v ' ' ink i. it ii t i- i - VI -ft. IV II.- I" it w r 1 1 1 v . L-f Iff a il I I ll. Iilf I- f'T f t Sllt-ni I v a i ' )!,..',. . f I I I . ..t f III'. I'- if.. I '.- i. i -I, I - . . I In' ,.. I- I vi . ir ill of I ' I 'I'll. 1,1 J . t ill ft I - ' tin. I . Mr l'v ( tun.- t i open ti" lift-n Hi" ft i 1 1 1 i lliMtn in! ' I in I- M t I th It i. mi! h.. iri i ."nit "ir i 1'inl ir jmr W i ii t r i' . t. r I r i i (j- h.-vii'l ii II r.i.i-l un it :nt.. ii h . t In irl( u flu. k'H 'ii in. r nf ni" i4 iilinirl'i-.l in!" Hi" liirl't - ii.. i i- il . ;i k'l v 1 1 in-. "H"i'll f.T r h ii. I in i ii ii n n i Ur ,.f ti... rl- Ink' ii n. Tln-r. I 'in !., rirmi: il.ivftii nf I in- i i..i"l-i nnvi'liy (hit c:iiui' in Kihr n ir i . 1'i.ri 1-n Inir-t nf lnrii'ii-i in. .rui iik' t'liit i- ii .. , in I.itt'riill v fnnii t!i" I". it thv h.'ftVt' I'.uni-tr.i"!''11. ii"l - I'vi-n ntr tlllTl'l" llik'tl '!ril I Vlll. Nl'VlT I'l' f . , r i- li;i" " iiiiirh tliil H Ih'.i n 1 1 f ii I in I iriwi itulT-' : ' i rl ln ri- in ,i uln lny. .ilVi' II" !l f" lliill"tlt may t 1 1 "ii tin " Unit W" The Ilr.-H-J (Jmiils new s nf ,i il.iy r iin'i-niH Silk, V i m I . Linen ami Cut to n ; ll tuiii'lii'" l-'.nnliinil, S.-otlaiiil, 1 t-el.-iiul. r'nitico. Tin a n v,Swit.lnii( .mil pvr il nf our Atm-ric in Stutes. And tiiil:l.V there ire ll" Iwi.'rf iil tnlii., tn'i'li thoiipli siiiiifi;! h itiK hero iC fore initli'eil have lint lieeti liulf ile m.rlieil -the Army nf tlin S.ixona for lii .-a n . J:irtici to Our Public Allil our i'il- ilematnl thilt at ontne ti'iit' they utiil others must he ijencrl e l u!ilii. In a Ketiertil seiife thf world in weiirinK''ra' 'rl1i,e is "'nnHpnS ed no longer limlteil to the sombre THE ?T. OPENING 1. 1 v 1 1. iik f vffil ...I. -ilk. 1 1 I I milk If. Bil l 'l.i. I ii i ' .ii r in ii if ft ! I r I A I ilk in.kl." a I i.f I al. II.. I I I 11 l If f f ft I ii r f in It I- i r I r iw I" ' 1 kf 1 I l I t fTffl I" ,1 l In . ft.lTlf.il 1 i ' i ' u t T - t I . 1 1 -it f Ti it, it in Ml t 'l l.fM-11 C fti t II ' i- I r S l - r iif r a I I Kr ii. 'i I. f i f i ' J W....I, an I - .U t..ii li.. r . I,:. ni n T yi in i " 1 r 1 W . II' i: I i in r i . r I u.,.,f. rl 111 fill' I VV r , ... s.-. like III, ,1. Ill ll. t 1 , i . i I i ft r I -r : .. if Ml III .in. 1 1 b-niii r.l. r .Inn 1 1 I i in, tl,. r ( li. I . ititnl K n i . i I i in r - . I 1 1 1 1 v I 1 1 .- 1 1 r -iik r - n -ft i I ' . I hr.-i-i. ii I n v .- : in i I lii'.-. t ' 1 1 1 M r i 1 1 r . -t'll. 1 1 1 -1 1 I'l" t nil- -I r 1 1" . ii I ii i-ln- - ' i r 1 1 I f I tl ry 'f tin- -ti ! ii. .1 1 .-r v ir I it i f : l.i rr.npr inn- 1 1 f I-. a ir 1 1, k If 'I i.urk.r -trijir V 1 1 Ii -I I v r 1 1 .ii r 1 1 ii" ?1' ii ri' r u n 'i 1 1 ilh want. ni f r I "in all over niirface. The yrmniil i-nliir" irravs. hrowna ami ImiN pink. riiei'ie "iiitli i-i r :t i 1 1 I Hi :ir.- nf in xtripeil fahrle that i Iml.-n-i il. ihle I'n the eye xnli.l. to til" touch 11 ep hvr. Ill wool principally, hut it nliininii'M ami irliaifti- uml ii enilii l lixheil with il.-enrati ve Hi ri pe-. After nl I that . vmi k now little or nothiiii; almiit It. 'r.iy ( 'i ei.mi from the nuaint 'mcoil ile to t he well.il I'lisse ill.) ('linkly runh Ilk e t it hired lied fords. liedfords are niniin destlnpd to have an unprecedented nale. Slylisli and fresh in their new spring colors. 1 1 ley trf most teinptin. All the liijlit'.iiid popular shades are here for your picking in three iialities and a ililTcreiit sl vleofeacli (rr.ide Tans, rays, Pearls, Navy, Ashes of Hoses and lilac k. ( II A1.I.IS. The soft, filmy lightness of a Chal lis Ureas Is do' itrht f til of a lut nf ternooti The crisp coolne-'s of li i ttsteand of l.iuen I. awn. Tim airy not hi lioness of Oriramlie and r e na il i no l.ovo charms peculiar to themselves, hut (hallis, billowy Cliallls, rem iin unrivalled in Its own domain. Do ynu rememher the 2octs Clial lies of last season. Lovely jroods and wonderfully like the very best. Krencb. Well here, they are airain, CHARLOTTE NEWS.: ( 'II A 11LOTTK N. SEIGLE i f .tn y 1 1 I n I 1 if r than nrf ll.. rl. ih I flu" i r fl nrf - muinii I , ririi. dainty. Kilt Ilia r i ii 1 1 1 fc- I In t-f t'lr lf . ahead la I ' I a l ii 1 I a ankrf printer In. ael mark that . Ii.ill I ll i a k a ft ttir irli In M ii I Ii. hi . . curat a a picture, rm I ll nature Iftl.t tlia tlllta. hlnra all. I I n I an. I irv. delicate lfii i lli l itraMiii) iflfll that Irafte ft.n.1 wi'ii.l.-ruikr tin it i ilmt can Iniy ii ;ir. nf mil-ft -till! (!i! Ii" I -.in 1 1 f ii I ' f t tin- V T 1 1-li Wh run lnar ymir (', nf H(l III I mt Intl. NotlCH tlll'M- -iwe.'t l.rlura natural if it r:ireli'H IkiiiiI Ii.iiI i!r.i'peil them. S' th.m .'il'l.'i.. with liliiKKim. hi If Tltanl t titl hnritrtiu h-iil h.-lil n f"i.at nf fllowiTM tli.T. (Inly in imttfTn mill in i two nli kf. words mean Chinese and .lapane-e Silks either p'ain or printed. They are often stretched I" cover Silks of similar style of Fri iic!', HwUs an, American ntitken. The prinlinir of th" ri al toods is never done in their native country Krai , Knirl and and A nn rica attend to that. Our sIoch, ,,f t,.s js yieati Veei less. The writer shrinks from description. H is de-eri pt i ve voe.-ib- j ulary is too limit. .. j Think of -ill the ad ject i ves that stand for beauty, loveliness, ir.iod j nsss mid perfection and ll i nr them1 nil at these shiny shimmery snills ami you may in some measure do i t hem justice. i Next ill line come (he Cottons, j The cotton manufacturers are tread- I tnir on the very heels of the silk and wool men. Whatever appears in the silk or wool is ipiickly followed in cotton hpnee t lie cotton crepeu, the cotton liedfords, t he cotton Henriet tas, the cotton 'l'i j i no closely resem- India Silk The C. Wi:iM:l)A V KVKNINt.. I'ltl I. . GRMND I'hli,- l' - I li. I l i l k - rl,fl .1 'li ft t .1 i - t in I ' f It . 11 H" r --.alA NiiHA M v.r" pi-. i - i r. I .i li . - i- r. -ii - .i.."it 1 1" i . t IU I . II , k' I HII' -'". k . th. i r , i in i n ' 1 1 im-rittlKii nf ' Tl ' V :t -1 1 1 . "-iiii: liin- ; nf t )", t' 1 .1 . : tl I" f i ; ii"- r, l, ,1,. 1 1 1 1 . r I i , ; I.. M .-It-' III i" nf cnl.ir tl! C'lll I, I li " ln. it;il Otitlfili-.l-.il- I ,ii k hIiiIi' the 1 1 in- I . the filk tri' aiul l u.!-. ' IV" . . ii fi'M cnriN .iinl nil I In- r heailtlflll that mi , i if i v rn lit-r r. -u 1 1 : h. r.iiii.'"- k.i ii !n i-1 1 .11 ..r Hi" " nriL'IH.tl rurimn .' ( ii 1 1- .ilmik' !' t' l i i i if 1 1 1 1 1 -i nf th" i"-ri",l. The :iri"tirrnt-ft f r mn ' I i '.I', f T.tkl mi'l Mlil il l. i li nt y.n:. I iVf Tlu from maun ilicent colonial swells Massachusetts llav and the 1'rovi lence Plantations- JS v. s. Ipso the Scotch-I Miirh t votl an .1 tl en the wonder of the day, the 3'J inch (Jiiiifhams a' lo cents, break into cheers, such bargain cheers as you never heard before. To exatTer ate the attraction of our Cotton Dresa St MEEK I- M .i.l r. i; -i 1 1 a N i l v n- r.-:imv '.iv. 1 1 I n :i n . 'i i i irrace. p. rf.-i-ti il I., -tut v. Th" I'-iri wi I rmik'"-1 f r i ii i.-. tit-tn n. nil ..very nrt Li t n A ir r iml . v I , t it i 11 liiiftV. Nil" I'T ; . I -' r 1 1 1 1 II. "' , looks, for beatitv. f.-r I in i lr ll irtinir. A 1 1 :i in in -.eml'le at f run t en! ra tic i i rr i 'ii'. .-rin.l "ii .11 H I Vft 1 1 1 ,ows. All, did we s..ty' Pir l - ..lily a hint -oiilv a sample of h r -111 the -helves Price r.-lllfes I- c!- in Ci i. hki-: ruiMMiNt.s. The Miirenuii v "f man know s n hounds. In lr.'ss Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in.' th'' stock abounds In all km. Is. if fmcies Jet holds the leader-hip. and tightly too, for lint Ii i lit: is hand-otner. Silk (Itilnips tind much favor, especially the narrow oiitliiiiiii'-'. Kvery shade in the color list is matched lu-re. They are very stylish, durable and inexpensive, ns we show them at ' ;, cts., 10 cts. and 1 "i cts per yard. In Jet we show headings, fringe, kilts, plastrons and all the new elfects. I n Muttons we have a very exiinsiie line, and they are once more in favor, especially the larye handsome pearls. Moss and feather iriiniiiin;' is a!o very popular. In New York and lios ton the r.i'-e is for Point dene and Point Ireland I.ac'-'. They have c uiht this infection from Puis and liei lin They trim all sorts of fabrics, even the heavy wraps and cloth ,r,-sses ur patterns of these Paces ire ex ee.liniiU hand nine I hil foi.s at :l cts in l.i coh.rs Others at "ni. T'i and 1 i' I mported in color- f enihrmd. red ll 'ier ira.-ci v at fl l2"i A'sn spaii;;-'ed The.- an pel (ect d'eanis nf -pub .-. At-I'i', li in t r i in in i ti ir stutTs. WIU TK C.OOOS, LAM'S Ai KU HKOl n l-'li IKS This stock is par'ii ul ti ly uiUrc- inir We have never had as many ... . . Noveltv Laces and Knihronteries as ,,oft- All the while stutTs in plains . and fancies are here in wondrous ; CO ft ' I ' 1 1 1 1 -1 . . at . 1 r ft t '. . ' ' I 111 .If ,,' l .1 I I ' i ;.. . I'll I I ft.k i . i r f a. I .. ' ' -. l ,,f lUVI'KKI; I I f ril fill - ft I I w I I'll I . I . l I - ( 1 1 I I I - . ii. i . r. i i. -:. i H - "V nr. - 1 r f I'. ,rl . 1 ...ft ii .- I I . i ! . I .. .- i rr . I .. ft ' .lill.l'fi, r ft ... . 1 1 1 1 I . i.hf -- ii ainl ml I.l- K ii M r.n ' in i r .- n t y n tf M . f Iv i-. 1 1 ,. I' I' :l I; ' I: i"i - i , i l. r - ' l ;. 1 ' i - f , 1 1 ! v 1 1 -'. it 1 1 1 . 1 . a -1 1 " i hi in-- that are I .ti i, i v , rl I in v, em 11 Ik i v. f- ;l t'i. i n i r k t . r,,i I, r, , c! it!. ms, while iinl.roi.l r.-.l. f an c i ir i n t-d and t'NI ii white 1 I II in r.' U. r.-l iff -l. f th. State i- I CO HSU IS. On I v a n en t ion of t hem. the celehr it. ,1 1 1 r Warner's Ml 0f jroods and the "J. P." and the French hand made "P. l" Co-sets. We are headquarter- for orsets, carryini; twenty a! vies. HOl'SK H'UNIsilINt; I We moan Carpets, Kiii:, M attiiu-s. Curtiiins, Ilrapenes, Linens, Sheet-, tiiirs, and whatever is in that line i Our I. iv Cut tain stock is brnu full of the very choicest Ceations. The Ch.niPe li"e has j l-t received new ad. Iilions and ymi will -ee the very tin. st line on display today. Our oiii.uiit fT Oi) Chenille curtain arriv ed y.str. iy and they ar the very be-t value yet shown. Miiiette Car pet made and laid at $1 1 "i a yard. Cain Mattm.'s in all grades. Anoth er new lot c, ime in Saturday. In table Linens you will never find a lwtter .- . ll.a I -i r I I ..d llal.tala line e u. -n- 1,11 ...s.. m -" made to ordei Designs and esti- males sent on application NUMliKU 1117 M Ml Ull'l K 1 1 V.V A KTM I1. NT. r !' ..f ll loc iii th ailj'iinlof alil n'ftrt aujmhwtr III ihm . ,i '. ' f ..! 1 ak thai T . il w r 1 1 lift i. f r ' iit 1 1 1 f a : . i k. :i . i ilnrr K to U-al t I ' i v. i' l'i k noli cmimon ',iir-, 1 1 ii k- i ti ft t rmi k now tha rrl i i ft 1 1 1 l ri, . f N fiat of tho uIIOaa f iy. ii.. " Vht of ( in ' i y .. Ih. IU 1 ,k I iiil'e -in.l jury. N'i ll-ei nf (roltljf fmii hsaril. If ynur hmii atore ilnean't iln rurh t hy you, thr r I'leiily thai will. Soma nlor extra car to be fair and prompt with distant traders. They try to think i as well as to buy mid send for them, ! I t's money In po, kt and Hace Of 1 mind for you to it- with that sort 1 of a store. That's the Si:iC I.K .V CO., way of (loillfT it. The customer's interest In our lu- j terest. We mean that It shall profit i you to do so. No matter how far ' from the store you may lie, you have j hut to writ for what you want, and J that letter or stal sets, niayb, a dozen people on the tfo and all for you There art picking, and coru parinc. and milium' hera and there f ! and after the choice comes tli writ ; illy; .1 iw n and tiii-ti ri ntf up and pack inir and i send i ni; . And when the iiick packaire comes to you In Call fornia, or Maine, or Texas, or where not, all this extra work donan't take one more cut rrum your pocket, ' Suppose you take Ilrea-i Wood. T i.afs a fair try. Odr stock is very comnleteand none better the moat attractive to look at and the moat considerate of your pocket-book ! Sounds liKe a bitf vtatemeut, doeant if.1 Put us to the proof. Nothliitr easier than to send for samples or yards. -r: ! :; ( - IfEvery article bought of us tbal tla lot prove to tie exactly as reprwantd HI nut h returned to u at once, and like a draft, Hi ), jyrll If mslital on sight. , We preftM lobe . v 'utble to auytliiiifielae. Hy onlcr oi T L SEUi LK A CO, ) v

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