THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAHLOTTK. N. . MONDAY K V KN I N(i. A IMtl I. Il.lhll.! MH.l'Mi: vii. Nl'MJtKI. 1 ll! I UK. I'KKAST AND LICENSE. .' km rv s Apr:. l KASTKK hXK DYKaS Nitin.-ix k Chf k Utr.f t ''I a 1 ? - 1.1 t m If. 1 J . f 9 I : ft . W Ml f o-j i Two full trnrth color ' " I -III . ttl I! li (swf tlctiaa iblllliuO tic (Itfi.tJ l it MltbuU villi Cists, r ... i k.i.lUim nn.ilki W c it l l.'.e bill O iul;l Uiblft.l ,1 uiifhla 1 11 J - f I II Isial I' I -. I a I. n ( I. I . - loui tuj - i 1 lifil Itittfeal. uol ..ult ( I f alh-lli lul f llil HltU IbJ ualloll II. C II , u I l( fT1. f I lelUlo I! a cult r'aai I' al an atlu. I I ai loan ma lo I.. .-ilia.:. II It. lie "I IK u h-li , I t II r -lir I ! . ! I l-cl. Lf tlililllleri Hie g i 1 W o ar a reips.uiihle u i ( I . .ur lea. I. in , ..( I tic rl". c lki IUJ uui cafe and Id rounUt f w I. b ' . ar lt rilllllil f f Hi a I in - J trti m r luake rif weal of Woe llr- I fr u I.,. U CI" I l(f It 1(11 I lli I t l IS ! r I Ir . . in i'f II. I n K . fl .' ! 1 . I ! - lii frlrfrluo 1-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a I for iV i tei i tor K-, lt rlpMllilllliJ I- fl. c taft J j I iJ . a; f I HpKl If Ika cliatrli l IU u-a W ll.(a II K ftau Ida ahoa ka J (a a I In la of ( llul Ililt la al W a U4i tt i l!.i l.littilaM fti'Ml'UtlJ' ( IJ'(.IJ' liltaata fv.U h.. caa fiiiai bul a Uil ( ;.l 1 jc I aaf f r 1ii f ulMif rllnn niaijii an J alb lean lu U (lU'.-fM, r'0 a. tuaaa HiJ ga4 . m I aaK.iiaf a fm .laj afaliial 1 1 r I a t.aia Vr n .te u-u ticl ai.J abuaaaV In ll.t eurl h.mie fuf j U.el f r u'ae t.'.r(. .ba .lJj f.f I Ir a ti a, a e f ) llili' lul In If a r- uf I aa aalula. u u lia.l iilonU nir.l Ifi.-uli'f I'i" ifan II. my i . I f air I .1 I. I ..laj f.f. hi l-.i I 'xkliif I ' I a r..iil. ftn I luililn C .ull II II f ' 11 II. I ( M I I I J f Iti I I r I ii 1 1 n a I .1 I. i l'ir a J' r a Hie a II 1 Ii rti .1 A. H. RKFiSK WS. A Ulrl I " f ... f ,. ll.r . i. ' I f in a i I al I' -a. : n t a j u r ) a u .1 In U r . bi 1 1, a ii I i f" .1 r .I iriirr fti ma.l I I -r ilrlir llil'.l 1 1 a a Ri r 1 1 I li f allll 1 I ' 1 1. ii III a j'cl f al ue S ! atr lfii r alio 1 a r. in 1 1 1 1 1 1. - In u I 1 1 r In h ' ' il n 1 1 fv- a U ao m r a. . u 1 1 ii I 1 1 r nr. ) .hi f i lit ..ill. I i't r-..iiila f Ire leaa a in e I . i ii a; Hip curt I I I llll-ll If I m t If r I 1 1 1 r II ..nn,. ii-l ..f l' - ..r r i Nribriirr tll tf.e .ill a ..rili all u I I ..1-1 r. L Soiiilo (X) I V Ir , I CIIAIlMU'li:. N I i - - IVTKvrrv B. ti prove lnlM'ri.ii tn n-lurniNl in m ! i arrll ! ui-lnl ni 'i:itilr l.i :iiiyllnii. II) r .il Uim.-IiI ,lh n-. a i.l hi MY I !, il .1 1 1 I 1 1 . 1 1 -1 a il J to In- rv- I I. !-:! . I.K .V CO. OUK FiHINTAIN IS NOW OIM.N RUt Til K SKASON, All The Latest ICED DRINKS. CA I.I. ANIMiKT TK'KKTS I'DIt SKASON ; Borwell & Dunn, WAOIjKKAI.K AND K IOTA I Ii Druggists. A Model Shoe. You begin to liml out what sort of a shoe vou have Dought when you've worn it a lit- "-fteivhile. The test of a shoe is the wear it will st'ind. ve can our i.anies J slioe a moJeJ: It is a hamlnoine looking shoe hut that is "fey no means all that can he said ahou it. Itisuotonly handsoine looking but it keepu its pood looks; If. you've ever seen anything cheaper in footwear you've had an experience thai we've never enjoyed the big in quality and the little in prirhas never been more happily combined. This same happv combination ia alto found in our Iji die9 12 and $2,5'J Buoes. A large stock of Hats and Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, and Handbags at lowest prices. A. E. RANKIN A BRO 1 I I ' . I k' I I r I i i - i 1 1.- -i ) ir . .f n..r t li. r ii 1 . r . r . k' i 1. 'r.l il t ' r I ii Ir a Ir.Irf Ul II I' rlf 'll I L.ri.U Mr u I Mr -mitl. . . f h al i I u r y r j;. 1 1 1 ar ( II aim ! .1 . Mr. - in 1 1 h la a .1 iiiur l"T . .f r Win I ip I r . nf ( Ii r I.. 1 1 Mr an. I Mr. V I' IIi.him., of ' I I I'll t, I . f" it Hi- (inlrnl Mr, I't... iii. ii i. i .1.1. r ..f Mr W II I v 1 1 1 v of I loiin Mr J W M M irr iv f .rni. r cltir"uofl'liirotlr l.iit u. . in tli.. i cotton li'i-in. ". in I r! -iihiIi, Ark., i In 1 1 1 - I : v v ! ft I i y ' - Ml I. I. -(. nil Ml.- i, I Ml. I I 'll ir .1. u 1 1 I In- in. 'i r r I. ..I n 1 1 n u ! . r . villi at s .'rloi-k tl.i i- r ii I lib'. Ki'V J. K. M A 1 1 i ii . will 'i-rfi.Mii if-.- nr I'lniiiiy. M fi'k I.' n Lu r k' roiinlv .Alli.'ince ill in. t ni 1 1 ii 1 1 1. r v 1 1 Ii . iiivt Piiir-iil i l'r..f ' i ni'. nl. i if M iviil noii, will ill-liver a 1 1 mlilri'x on the. , "reform iiiovrnii'iil." i - I ll K N i.u una K'l.l'l t'i Hurt Mr. J. H. Myrovcr. of K lyettev ille. ho nrrlvi'il lure S.iturilay night :itid will t.ikn po.ltloii on t h.. -lull of the Olmr rvi-r to il.i v At the I.ul'i' r in I'hiirch to nighl, I r. I to III l II Mill ire ii It the H'l'iill ll -riiinii for Holv Ww, hi" -uhjiTt In. lug t.tki-ii from M a 1 1 lie L'l, ii'in. in : "J it ti mi I ni .'iirit it"il ." j - Tin- Jew i-h I'.innvi r, a holi.l.iv coin in.'Miorii 1 1 n g tin. fr loni of tho Jnwa from Kg v pi i 'l II lio.ol.ign, Iki g i ii 4 il t in n -i" l I hi afternoon ii n I lux I for eight ilnyi. Thli fi'.int will he generiilly nlnerve-d hy the Jew in "iiirlutte. The report of the New OrlnHM ( 'ot ton Kxch inge of tho cul ton move ment f the I'niteil States from Sept. I to April Mh, iiicluii v, shown to- tul in night of S, l;i,MH) Imli'H, agulnst S,0I0.14 I lui'.es for thn Hume period lust your, and " l,;tL'2 Imlnn for the year liefore I lint. Mrs. Dr. A. V. Miller will leave this week for li t 1 1 i morn, where she Is to reside in the future Willi her sister. The depart ure of ,M rs. Miller from Charlotte will bo exceedingly regretted by our people, among w hom she lias lived so many years, and among- whom she has so many ardent friends. An Invitation unil an An. wit. All Alliance friend and subscriber, writes us from U iintersville to-day: "Brother HarrU Wo would be glad to have you come up Thursday and attend the meeting of the county al liance, hear the speeches and be con verted. I think we can con vert you if ynu will only come up and be con verted. Thee is hope lor you yot,for we are told that 'while the lamp holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return.' " As to our going to Huntersville on the occasion named, it Is possible ;but as to the "conversion," if our friend means to weau us from Democracy, then may our right ear wither and and our left foot cleave to the roof of our mouth liefore it can be did. New AHvrn-t lament To-Iay. Racket Hlore V .1 Davis A X. What do you think T T Oiliner. A model shoe A K Rankin At Hro. Kaster Egg Dy. s A 15 Ueese A Co. Notice of lax stiles K A Torrance, T ('. (tottonsetd IiuIIb and meal Qliver Oil Co. noney cured minis J (J tshannoiihouse, Agent, A Rambler ride over the Rockies I O Gardiner. .1 a. in 1 1, 1 1. I I al aiul.l r. nl 11 rlr .blaliiliiK It. ou, ." I .1 ' i...l . ' arK-e III Hi llh willful llllafo;.r.' rti lall. li l ul tie rlttirr dl 1 Uol lirtir r I r. v or iulainf.iruir.1. We ; r.i mI If there aa anyttiliir Diet had done to prevent II. that II uila'ht l-r .ruk'fil to Iik'-I- Ihrre any t Ii 1 u f r . In l !i at ' Another lawyer .al l. "Of rurar ti e irirln'ii are on thai ilde. Inn -eri re aide rrylsdy riprrla them to Ik." Why la thla a.i. Are the prrarhen to tie mi a certain aide, bocatiae of their profeaaloii, or la It Lrcauar they are aa far aa poaaltile llir guardlana of uiorailly and rill r I i I lake It the I .il tr r la t r ur. And with avirylwidy ripectlng them to I" on that aid.. a prean m pi I ve evl d' lit tli.kt It la the aide of moral' and religion. ; I y when they are not on that all" for gold, which in- lo be ihe chief factor III thla Whole till I Hi' a. . A in ! her law y er .rolled at Ihe Idea of ;l "higher I.IW of morula"; a.lld III- w i n k ami tireil ot aiich . ant I Very l'l I- aiippoaeil to be based o tie higher I l w nl ( . d a. A II. I I . Iio il-ml't, when he ha. u eaee liefore the ju ry , 1 1, i n I i tnsel f foriiuiale when he call .llote Ihe Itll'le, or the higher lii w In In. f ii It Is .aid that, "Thern i" more II ijii .r sold without license, than with them" ii. sfv There was more d r ll II ken n ess on Ihe a t r ee I Sa 1 1 rd ay Ihe fir-t since license was granted than any proceeding since the Jst of Junii.'iry. Seven drunks, according to the press, were ril ll I ll to thu lock up. Today, iod's day , lias been the most disgraceful ill drunkei con liili't, nit the streets, since the ls of January, The conclusion I Inevita tile. There bus been inure drinking since the license, or the ot.lcers have been mure vigilant in bringing of fender to justice and where they drank on back streets and lots, they now drink ni the front, ami are an open free exhih Ion to ladies, chil dren and others, who are shocked and pained at the sight. Again it is said, "wo must have this license tax to educate the chil dren in the free school." I say that it is a shame for a city like Charlotte or any other city or place, (o sell the right to dispense this fiery liquid, for the purpose of educating the chil dren. If mine had to be educated at the expense of the poverty and mis cry and Ignorance en tailed upon htin dreds of others by this trafllc I would rather they never knew A from rA. Let the people pay a tax upon honorable and honest business, or give the money to educate the poor children, and not prostitute this sacred work, with such foul and unholy money. If the town commissioners would allow a suggestion, it would be this: That they build a hospital with this money in which to care for the poor fellows who ure beaten, bruised and wounded, an I the widows, orphans, starved, naked, victims of Ihe horrid business, they have let out at a thous and dollars per annum, of shame and ruin. A teacher said, I have been relia bly informed: "We don't care how the money comes, so we get it." That's tho trouble. The limior men crv, ail I I" li .l. Ihe llrrl iliellltitfit.aiei'reti r. and fat t. It al there I. not a' rate t- i t and rfa. It ai full ..f f oil ...(..n ) u I r" In I III II I r Ibrlittl t' r nll.'l f r anie I In,' .oil ant c .Tr. - I 1 n (f Ihe evil I hat I. Jual a! a! -a e tale Ic ll .lni!ir. thai w e ail I I 1 1 '1 1 1. g. ii i. : 1 1 thla rllt . ll! -eo. I .Oil to I! r ' 'r J.. f.i , ir lerf al ' 'd I l'J u. .r del. I ll It hndi were tied, our nnuilha ware .hot a.i mlnl'tera In Ihe r.oirl Il iUIp h-fore thn public. l.el Imt the a. I v in-.ile. ot li'i'.ior an lir nie lake a t v .i ti l.ige . ajM akliig hare, wr arpnii . ven footing in thai particular That waa their plare. thla I a o 1 1 r .a 11 . 1 In i . name and finr w . will ue It lr ( rea.ay to. k hl leit from Ihr 'llh t'aaltii. JH!i v. r.e Shall the thr'iieof 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y have fellowship a l.l. h fr.iiiielh iiilai hief hy a law l,et ti. lo ik for t in uiietit at t e legal a. peel of the Inpi ir trltK- j time w i. when It waa fre.. -men ma le It, dr ink It. wit i liceu.e .in,) without I aw hit t 1 1 waarvn, and grew III It. pe r iih'loiis elTecta until the law maker felt Ihey iniMt take It li.iud In hand. I,ek'llatlon begun. It haa gr.jwn, inliiora have been pro hibited, apodal Sunday laws, elec ti ni. In c.e of riots, schools and c.uir' liea In the country, li ive Ix eii ii r;iorat.'il, towns and cities have hat prohibition by law. Supreme courts, state and nation have tie claretl these prohibitory law tiilioual, prohlbltl'iii Is legal, and that old cry that It Is not, In" t i-1 1 downetlat every turn, (iod himself m i.Im prohibitory laws. A, I tin and Kve were prohibited from eating certain fruit in the garden W hen th-y dl-iobeyeil, they did not ali.ili.h his law, but made another, pro diluting them return to Ihe garden , and this tune I f t it not to (heir own I will to keep it. but placed an angel j al the gate Willi a s word of lire to ell- j force the law. Oh, for such n Ulcer a of the law now. 'IMiere on Sinai top I when He defended amid the thunder and lighleiiiiigs spread out in liquid sheets before 1 1 1 ill. He wrote w ith H is lingers mi tables of stone, laws (hat went ahsoliiti.v(prnl)ihitory. The cry from the thirsty people, to give us a law, that shall furnish us lliUor. They hoard this cry and this strange thing happens. The law says it is good for medicine, hence the druggist may sell it as such. We know that it Is a poison, hut we will not put the same restrictions nu It as on any other poisons We say that other numbering ill or more, 1 at I. I....J It. a l-salil ll. all I Wan. a ok a Itf ia.l l 1 1 waala II f i If I'.a dirt i aatl if I a man nUI I' . i j i II I. a I ll I la I f ' I ll l. l la Hit a.. I ii I a llilal M r lit Hal Ilia j rlftl tufi ia I !' ! an all tin a in t it I. mII aia !- iii I ' law itiikn .ait if -.'. Will lit lt.lll lie lo,..ii"lli. wJ It. a lUDa totliuiMl -I. ' I I'll II Ullili'li ll ll.a; kuil ll ll l'' f J-lii. I'll aia a ill til if fraudi ..i .Ii n jp !- It. a !. I .lc tl.e. t' r e la ii I i n ar i .fie ..(.ii .ii i i' o i H..1 ii Ubtit, al id I'm ni I 'i1 liM'll r tiaa It l.i riu l"ii It la.. I Wlllaaaisr., a umfal ct alac ll ii" tar tiul tnaiil .!ifi f-.' a'.l i and III I e It al ii I. If Isr Hue lal I l'ir m;- tit III. Ii real a ' .t, i Issloiiii. ant 'I I'a , - I I pul ill a ti tltrre ili.i fill 11, tit liai I l.r f ' all l-e ii i mlilaki al -.ut Tt.erllt . ii 1 1 1 . r siiii Hal Ii rrtiMii li.ju..rirticr ii.l r. .rluefll.l.wll'. Mm III 'II In I .1 1 1 1 . u a 1. u I ti r 1 1 U I le ui allllnlir I! r lug1 il ! iw lal rhrlilian l'e i I. lo-i rl -ir 1 . u,. niw.weta.t ..,er ll r Ibl t I til-- jo I l.r in ii.uf.. t i re' an. I ell II I I'.e.eli.i.g ll ia,.. llb'e I ! ' e in i , , , in ll I f .r i. . n ... a !, . U.l.r.. ail I .1 1 . led . f I I ll 11 (f . . u 1 1 1 r , . II . N I - I wiib ula fair re tt le III ai will I I I ii.- r. a u f i iii I. I lea 1. 1 1 I'Ulltl, be -It ll I II ll U 111 a lie i at a i a riu tiairt im IktiaJ.lM II I a m . . mi MaHaatas-am, rwllnta T' wai a !.(( a' llaai.ti Ilia hiial Ji) tail. I . I a I i ai. lllawiat 1H sl ?s A 1 1 -. I $ --J 1 1 w J v ai err I W J.. i.'l I i . 1 1 ai S,. la i a. I .. f ..aa .. itiH i't In. .1 " II Ii w I al I lit lal I tan f U i faint ' I ulm I. m.. a k Cfae a at,. I I f t a t Itii eaa-u Mat tat I i-ist t.' iiili ifir i.. I. ' u r f. ' r I I yl rl ll i. ll II 11 ll - lill.a lilt f till li'lll.f r III itrj Hill a a w I i I "I t la f rant iii a I. I If r- ri luf llell -ti ff .tli l.'WI.a' 1(- ..t:,l i Ida .. ff.i. In I f ... I I. -1 ..f a f --1 in.ral" ai d ' life i. l aV.j'l ll r l i.iIm . f I'r Orala i and Ml l..uit ; lilf.rnia ' I f in ll ia we ; l(t 1 1. a I all r a ti 1 1 -d ale (. inaT l-rf .fe - m u I fl ral I al: a refiiflrala "f - -t ti.. f al i ! afi. Id fr. m l.' o l-'ii I of c u n It r- Hi ti. I aa i neri ai r 1 . .lulr r'flint all. aralrd y a n. lift hr Pal I ff are ; le.lj.-e I .. i -r- I . a 1 W F.llll HITII fllHSELF AND I T Sec Our Spring Stovk. lilt r i , a, 1 1 ( UT t Mil Mill t t iiMiMH Al. MIA IMi f II T on. i N Ulnl;h in Vllrvi. Oul al lr t, l'li." 1 a aa l.i ,ii,, Ird wllh I'l - i, rural ..f I ' e n a lltlrl, aaleslnj I l.i Ul'il. (i - I liJtr at l.i It Iran I (rlirloui .f rill, ,i llfailljr Tht- RlL-ht i'liu-t. To tf.'t tli. I' ; ular alt'ra lata Imielllei 11 f -un I Iii al uijarica lutirfi u I oi. r I, a ( f it a I ' I t l-r . ug I ' r . a t 1 l' ir rial I I No l-r r , will he IK, Ilk , I t .' r a f t r We J r .st li r I I N . Ill eli thai I I Tl rratava. Ilia t.aaaVawi ia. ,a r.ll llic while P. 4 W.I.. I' r I lua lliati f Ir u t. le f I I III I I w t , ; I a 1 '1 l. t'rll.-nalllirii 1 1 u ' 1 I 1 tlfil, k l.r f I ' e gar I Ivitfht Gkh1h. At the Itiht Pnro. .In I fvlnii,uaiii allr artious are if 'uiriil ..f . ui rlealil line of MfiiN and lioyM CloUun, Hats ami Oont Furniyh- iriK OihxI.. N , lel'lon at-ul the aj... s. plrailn.' I Iim make no l-etler N .itail.oi als-ut 'f l.-i bring a 1 1 . f a. I-. r v None ran as-ll rheat-er . ..... .-... . . lrsiii uKit til lur I'lfliS'l a lion tli'li .111.1 lihlr .i )i. m W e Irltrtr jroilf trlr law. 11 ir t. uj iij Ii.iui il i" al lsp.1 r. Cine I., ui f.-r your . rlia CI . . i.... bii.' an I i nay. S.tiarei opis rlunlty Hie uul ahead. 'toll 1 1 I l a u, ii 1 II t ' r 11 en f II. air ' 11 I tl I I - take, ni i Ii e y Ul r II II e , I a luj ire hl c ii for trade II li Uul a arree u r rlol'etrarti f Ce gar lenera I jr y TT- JT f , ,::.;.:. :::';;v:-:i:.:. krtufl)l(Ul & C(). II. i' li 'I all I 'lit A olia I . taxes for the schools. The teachers are taught, we must have the license, or wo must quit or not get our pay And the children are taught indirect ly if not directly, that there must be liquor shops or they can have no schools. Hhameonsuch a system. Do you want your children taught that way A barber said, in reference to ehoos- A nw lot of clean spring Mosi and glace kids in the popular shades pearl gray, tan, mode, etc. Already tile fan tr.ide has opened and we opened with it st icksof them from ftc up; It seems that every conceivable color Is foi inl in the lot. Fancy decorative Jap fans of fun ny shapes; Dout be afraid to look into tne slock oi parasols, wo might match your dress with one, A lo k at our shirt waist counter will convince you that we expect to sell hundreds of them this season and so we do; last season they were worn. Well, that wan only w dim shadow of what will be soon; Their comfort, economy, etc, has been dis covered. Caps for the little ones. rn r a r in v t at rvTOn ci av d. ni 1. li. AUCi AAiN JLlJ2i.IV O Uii Oi UU, nun him i i 1 1 im. miiii II hi' ilurl n, In l,t Some one el le will i I e l. VI 1 1 la W f ll I . till t I a ll right' Hum. at " f-hjl .rk co.ild drinand the pound "f flrah l y laa Waa It humane or right " 1HK i I I M I - i hi n i I. I I. He kill, for llloiio V . "d ea. r I,- Ier. I would rather my l-'V waa kl'l e.l aa the bra . I 'nl io in an M or an . at tlie poat of duly and by the way lln rlty would do herailf and hoimr li rear a inoniiineiit over hi. grave ai a trlliiile to rldelily to duty evon iintn dralh than to tie ki I led by alarkeep er. K ll ad soul and holy, an I be bur led , ii n 1 1 . 1 1 . .red ii I ii ii ii ii g And I a ay farther Ilia' I hit rattier be in.t tiodklniwal would not le t : ' i a t 'and never Intend lo h. ' I e riu. I wlckrd. lit id 1 1 1 v: lit m 11 r .'o' .-1 , f Mor in, than a liquor a, il, r N.. nn - in til de rer k 1 1 b d "ii I y hit I I , and . cuild in l prevent his s ilvalnoi. Iml he 1 1 ii r si I er in k' . .1 r n n I, ar I -I and (hey cannot end t .In- kin. I "ti of l.o.l. He kills ...ui and i and helps (o shut lit lii up in hell W ho 'would not Iprefer anyt1 nig I ' love the soil of the I. ir, I . i: t I hale Ii is 1 1 k d Im-i u with .ill my ! heart. I I will stand up on this -,. if I , I knew ,li feat awaited me in in r y bit lie. Itilt It do a not The nn.f ullig Clllllelll li 'il ll'l-li'll III.' illV. A III "I The Criminal C'eiirl. The A prl 1 term of the Cnminil (lourt fur Meek but urg lonniv. c ot veiled this morning, Judge o. Meares presiding, and Col. John 1. '.row ii appearing as solicitor for the State. The gr.vid jury tlraw n fur this term consists of I,. M. M c. 1 1 i-ter, 'oreman: J A Houston. T W Neely, 1 T I'yruin, Kugeiin ( 'oghlll, J A Me I, ane, S N Kankin, W 11 Wearn, W M Houston, T.1 James, J WS Todd, RC Korbes, John A Newell, l I. Kl liott and K M Ross. a llli amiarl. f r - a I III fell III tie air k e. ii w I ttd w a a blowing lul I iryig the night ll .nb.l le t and ear Ii rl.era H.mda) ui.-riiing .iw a .e r I de. w I, I le f r I Ig XI pe aa l.rin. I' I 4 lo and I. in t- plan ta were burn e l Idai k l y Ihe fro.!. lay night ia mi -ihrr nipper, and in .re dun- 1,'e W ll d -lie r ll e I ea . OI the tre.-a a.rilewt'at protctd t fruit, h ii fr in rep-.rt. Te. e v ed t" I IV. It l fl I den I that the pr. .perl, for a g d frail crop Una -'i iitiii-r were materially damaged I ' e r i w a g. m in an v f i r ti nr. in I.. it to I ay , fro in a r I. m a.-o t bma . . f ( the roil nty and all of l ieiii report more or leal d ail age to th" fruit Ifeea i k 1 1 1 . i ' i ,i i r n 1 1 u - i i i;mmii i; i n rrKK. M VII. i 1 1 ; I ' I I ; -ullt I I 'i i - r i IMIAI. llul'H. II Kl.o I I I . N C MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, With . i r . V'lf" e 1 per le nr tl'rlf "Mill. Ilia b to llle.lall Te . perfect lh til l sh .W a llil.' t I " r f.r tli- trade accu-1 . I 1 1 e 1 1 1 ., . , i ng pr Ice : 1 1 t t i 1 1 .' is Hi. -lip lr I o T . Ilied to I ave w .irrani lug Ttie damage, h. aa ml.-hi hale I It ii leaa allot h i r there will ti. a M re k lelt I. II rg. j"'acli, apple a w r f a . p rof i ..- II Vf la not . ii frert- r..iiea i i-f v fair fruit . till. eert s. ii . id cherry til th it ' h.- v great I. and along, r. . p ui t he .s . Ill -I W. II til 1 I 1 1 1 1 le I h I ,i i n lit llirsl While I'.lllni nu hi. ha John C a i n pin 1 1 . a well kn own ml 1 in in -f ' h irl -He, .1 r. .;.'. I dead while pilltl l( utl his a i i . .. .,, Ibis III. 'I- lilng lll'--'l in tin- v o s'orv fl line ho.. n, xt o !.- II ''el M- rk- I II I I ' g II e I el I r I'd I lt 11 l C h t I" I I ' b I, til ,M' b I "-1 W I- I II. II th ' . alt!. If. -lug, i r i 1 1 s . Th .a in, .r ii -In tun, lb-. I -- I- b. '. ed f t i. .h'.a'h I ... .1 W.alhrr l;e.,rt. f'.e h lloWltlg I- I -n .-l of the i ' I o r pt v 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 s today: I' : i e high pr i r. located in the i - rim t "I K a ii - as Ciiy. Saturday, a p P i r - t 'it . morning iron n I the lower lakes, an-l is pursuing a direct east, erly course to th" eoast. I ontinued c ild weather prevails throughout the area coveretl Ii v I Ins h igh, and kill ing frost is reported fi -in 1'ittsbnrg. A low pressure is forming in Texas, and is forcing i ii its front increasing cloudiness and light rains west of the Mississippi river, and cloudy weather to the eat of that body of n,;u li A h ti I I f( AiiO V ll n A n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 i ia r v ii 1 1 u I y ii k 1 i i it'ti emu ki, I I I A J ,,' i i rr. I.i .1-..! , .-. ' i X il'illiams if lliiylr J f In., a ', 'i !i i. ' a r. -. t a : . . . 1 1 I. -m e ) i .1,1 tori t Wea- a-i l -! 1 i I', - .. .n - i ll.a r , a .1 sis it . I,, M " - " Vl'-sb I pill'. I ...i'l.. I. p- aii.l .pruik.' Ins . a. Vb -faiiv3aaiaw Jf ' . ."i I r I nfa il-. l '. ,.n"i M iss. . at I ! .... - 1 ' M . a . - . I a vi a ! i i.i- ! nr t liat m re r. . -1 w . i r ' rja. l ... . . ITS 1 ,ot .'le so i b. . 1',.,! ue '.. 1!"''' l ar. ra-tv- ,a..V I . i.l'l tip a s.. t ,a: tin K .7 i 'he a-rs.i.i All nl ., 1 1 !.. r p- .v- jgt&miSilijggf U HAY A IIAHNIIAHDT.. iH Kiimi Tr.i... Slnt (MIAHI.OTIK. V. C Prompt atteiiU'Hi given tn all ,s: i "r. i- . WHITEOPKK.A SLIPPKKS Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Spring Pleasures- water. -Moderating w ra f her will ob I t ilu over this section, a mi light rains i by the morning To (he west of the j high pressure, precipitation in the , form of snow is falling M e have a l.irirr -i.N-k of llu-sr g, (.- in ". Lilly L.rllir K.i-trr All sizes I I'll. el . ". hv m ill I'V- extra. Win trade upp, -I ot tiiaimfai t'.lre ;.in! hue colonal Ox fonts ami .'si 111 evening shads we are doing a smart trade, showing them in Hen riettas, (' Hair, Albatross, Cashmere and Mandarin. A special price has this week been put upon some all wool Albatross, garnet, blue and cardinal, elegant for tea gowns, M7'8c ; dial lies richer than ever and more to choose from: we dare not coniine your choicv to n few patterns; and tin- l ines they Are trimmed with will cause a Mutter of the heart. Black Organdies that are hlaek indeed; some entirely new kinds show n, as ( 'repoii, etc, Wo will only a Id one more now ll ,i.l It ...ii-.ird nf t'ur.1.3 of Don't think of closing the trade on ! Kr,lt m.,, pi(,j, stripes and solid , ( iinghaiiiH. That's what our stock thus far has proven; rounds of pleasure as from counter to counter you pass; It of ten seems to the customer that the force is fully engaged, hut al I at e r ap idly atitl pleasantly wailed u, on. Pretty and tasty goods aiwavs st 11 easily, so we never have to persu itle j a person ; the goods and prices are silent salesmen of no mean talent,! and the steady trade of another week makes hope eternal spring afresh. ippers w hicli every "tic should siv. Just revived a new lot red greeit'ii hulloii .lipjaTs, price I.' Handsome lines in ail departinrnls unil our st H-k is always roniplete. Kreiich gly.rriue for kid sh.ies. the "life nl ki.l." pri.a liV a box Open every evening till S IK); Saturday till 11 :00. Sc OO. your sprlug dress till our dress goods ttepartment lias revealed ts charms. I.pdies tell us we have thf best I ne of (limps, feather, passanientans.i ih - lion, trimming, ornaments, etc, ir. the city. A'fow capes ami blazers remain and have been marked deep down; Their service is u n quest ion aide, the prices curre 'l. MBY CARRIAGES. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MAKES. A very handsome line now on exhibition at BURGESS NICHOLS' AND OTKUKD TO THE Pl'ltl.IC ATCHKAI' I'l! I UK'S. YOU CAN (1KT WHAT YOU WANT IN THAT I. INK AT A I.AliOAIN AT MY KU UNI TURK STOUK. CAM. K.ND SKK MY STt.CK. Also a line Kin' of Furniture, I'.ci'-oom .and Parlor Suits. Dining Room and Hall Frrniture. Handsome, Slvlish ami Chenjv, BUKGKSS NIK - - - Furniture Dealer. RS Sl03.n UNDERTAKER. Night call, w w 1 VX'-A 1 ' No.6, Bryan building, over Rogers ACo,